574. Th.s mer :mmum is a uncrease u: SUE"! 1mm the pn-vious year. Thu ASM-is nr tho Company z-mnunt to 31.550572. and the Habi- lilir-< Elf-1:772. inning a surplus tor th" wan-Minn of [’nlicyholders of To the Policyholders of The Waterloo Mutual Fire lusm-ance Company:- Your hirrrlms have pleasure in 1‘:'--~'- Hum: l;l-.t~»\illl 1hr Annual Fin. mum} Sum "will of thr. Ctmrpany for thr )I'Jl" li;; will) thr. Auxlilnrs‘ Uets Curutr. fur tlt.. â€urn-runes: of same apporisN1 llv-t’blu. The t -'.l. n min-r u: pulling Issued tor Car. pm: 2‘34 :32 1,38 and the to tal num‘wr at prrl.cisus new in force is 41.247. Tltr. primium inrotne from Mer- t'onrtiv. “Alumina-Hing and Dwelling I..~'ks has shown a substantial 1n- Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of The Waterloo Mutual fire Insurance Company The first quarter century showed a surplus for the Protec- tion of Policyholders of $14,292.41, the half century a tsurplut of '419,692.32. This surplus has now increased to $1,487,299.75. c'1 “kw-Lu.- uhhh is nou known lhrnuuh ' " Canada as a great Insur- i1itt'e ttr.t."P, Tho rm ring- Dirvrmrs. viz. Messrs Fun] 8 Knrnpf w ft Hxll‘krl' Osmr mum-w} And P. t" Wrlsrm mm ttrt- ani-sly n --vad "jetrtors " the Utpmpuriy and Wawssrs J F' Bear iy and ll " UtfrAman as Auditors lnunvdidvniy fullnwin: tho Annual le'izx: 1hr Bum] of l):r--zw> my?! Tho, than! amount nf insurance “HIM n “as SNA'ITJ'NII and. has re- insuranr_ Iro, "st :nnnum in force i, $7251.83“ TIM not amount ot 1"r‘lnznm imam“ fur the year was 5303.373, and the total income trom all smumxs was $379 on. The total upt-mlxlurn um $2911)“. including Insws ill-lured amounting to $103.- $1.h7.2:tfv. In :uldilinn Hie Company holds 1.xn-mmm nun-s lo tho amount I): MEWL‘ZL ssirh a rcsiduo at ttig, IC'.H. whzrh urn ttrrt inrluded In the Assets. THE SEVENTY FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT SHOWS ANOTHER YEAR OF PROGRESS The Company has in this span of years been under the abk management of five experienced Insurance Executives, viz.-- the late C. M. Taylor for 35 years; the late Frank Haight fox 18 years; the late L W. Shuh for 9 years; the late Arthur Foster for 9 years, and the present Managing Director, F. ll Moser, for 4 years. The first Hurling of the Directors “J: held ou the evening or February l'hh. he?! a: the otrice of the Late John Shuh und those present were Mum-s Sprumu Jacob Butcher. John I. 5:â€de Nuhulus Killer, Hartman S.hu.m and Henry W, Schaeler. At tins \lm-Izn: “name Springer was dirk'wl I’ll‘llt‘ll! and C, M. Taylor. Mummy and General Agent. The tirst Alumni Report showed 4“; [mix vs issued. compared to 22.- 4314 m 1937 In In“ they Company trad I: .II:"!I!S mmpurml with 350 in The Annual Meeting of this three-quarter century old Insurance Company was held at the Head otrice, Waterloo, Ontario, on Saturday, January 29th, 1938, and the Financial Statement for the year 1937 showed the steady growth of Waterloo's pioneer Insurance Company. Organized in 1863, four years before Confederation, this Company, with only local and surrounding districts for support, has grown to be one of Ontario's leading Fire Insurance Com- panics. in; P" 41214 m had t", [503? As thr puuwer Fire Insurance Company in North Waterloo, it blar 'ul in" “4) mr other Inmrance Cotm mu t'N sin, - "sr_atrjshr-d m the Town c'1 “kw-Lu.- uhhh is nou known lhrnuuh ' " Canada as a great Insur- Mm ttrt" P: " G tl Wat-rho. Ont. ’Illm (I) H) (o) th,. In) (5) It) Id) To W. G. WEICHEL. President. Compumvs Trqq Interest Accrued wUncolIm'uwl ' eqV F-.. T . Balance duo from Rc-insurance Book Value of Stocks: Owned V (lash on “and and m Banks. . Atttnts' Balanrc and Premiums Office Premises VVF ..r..rt. .. ttT T_tVVPt Mortgage Loans on Real Estate -rrv. Amortized Book Value nf Bonds and IJrbentureur-, Not in Default â€ In lit-fault ___. , PV 52.02059 ASSETS Book Value of Real Ectate-. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company .dum. and M C, Vice l'r 'x.s:deut CERTIFICATE OF AUDITORS thr Prrirgrrt and Pnlixvho'dvv- ol The anvloo Mull-ll Fire IIIIu'IM' Comp-:- . Gaul-mun -- 1Are llndrvmgn‘d. the AM Inn " the (amp-.1, HEREBV CERTIFY that 'er luv. â€um". vuun art! with": nun-mun and mama-"d the only." Ihunn with thr hool- Ind roam!- oF the 'rvrrrrrarty and thrt um! unru- tovvul. WW Iuvlhrv rrrtAr thott W. have and nd the book- at the Comp-n1 and In" wrritbrd the caste, hank hum-u and nrruriHe.; w. In". (hula-d the "new. at nut-nu] you. an. and [In " in (chm-ltd at "ourâ€! " the Illlllvlllr' Art; w. h-vo "uni-uni the pvovil‘on tor nay-d claim. and that In our â€in-m it In "rqrrtor: TM! thr Minna aha-o! _ no! uho' " In". _ “Io-coo ovum by - or othrr "nun" who» Ittoull'l luv- not be". vonrnd mum. It. a.“ punching - 4-"; The hlnnu In." do" noI uni-ul- " urn, mun prohihilt‘ by "no Inn-um. Art (mm hung .hovn In the anon-l nun-Invin- req"ere0 lo be titrd Ih-nund"; All" duo "union-hon. _.. In" Ion-d us ind punk-Q - " to m. tut-Niel! nl aw (on-puny and mu. III. our "le-do" opinion a. lav-Ir‘. I“ .eeorlio. n I). b.“ o! m" "dorm-hon Am! the ouplnnnhnnc . Il.',' u-. vo tovluly "in. In our â€An-on. the _ allâ€! "(a but “id, and truly the In". M .01.." of uh: (cu-play. a“ that All arc-Indian. " "I. Counts-y (In have cu.- Ivmhh - -tree have boo- mm» in pawn" DIRECTORS' REPORT 1lr iT G Wi.Vhet, Mr J. Howard Slum For The Year Ending December Slst, 1937 The Seventy-Fir h Annual Statement of THr, un-lurwriting results for tho _ a: y .u have new most encourag- ld. luv A-‘ss rum: being 35.35%. All .ljustud chums have been paid and ' d apnea ciniml are outstanding. Teeny continuing the Company‘- x»;murion for prompt settlement and Qumran of losses. T.je Investment Portfolio of the dummy is in exceilent c0nd.tion â€Id alter allowance tor depreciated value ot defaulted securities. your 'mvestrnent Reserve is greatly in ex, less of government requirement. The .urvstmr-ms comprise 28.35% Cam "iian Government Bonds; {88'}, anadian Municipals; 25.16% Public lullties; 29.93% Industrials; 2.15% .w'vurks and 9.53% First Mortgage Loans. The year Just closed again rrrnetsts mprm'nd business conditions and a nnhor improvement is atttitipated " 1938. $1,8 ' 33,000.00 105,951.70 Ths- [Dirt-(tors. anm- careful consid- -atiou, unaided to modernize the 01‘" uhilv our Farm Branch of lt Linn“: shows a material ITS I Hun Ill losses. The Directors ap- ..um- the loyal support of the Jill“ and the confidence express- V lc. 12m nubile by placing their in- Al. . nixh a pun-1y Canadian ttl 0.572.}! 4.05840 7,936.47 £40.38 I†402 W. G. W EiCHEL Ill The Waterloo Mutual insurunw Company 09 50 50 Surplus Taxes Arum-d. Dominion and rro viurml 'P-F-.. --_» K. VVV ,. Agents' Credit Btalarurcyt,, _ Re-Insurance Companies' Credit Balances 'rv ' Investment Hmrrvv Hewlvc for Uttcarnerl Premiums at Rvservo for l'nhcrmt-d [lo-Immature at 100'f. .tr.t..tr_.. H _.. P-r.. V . Provision for Unpaid Claims J. F, SCULLV. C A & r UFFSLMAN. C A, Avian" F. H. MOSER, Managing Director, LIABILITIES ‘lll pl ov ln in» I}; Inn-wing the year's bu- m~>~ tlt,- nun-12mg director noted .0 ciatary'.np, increase in‘volume ot us "vs" mum-n. increase ot prem- ‘m m. Inn-x xmluctlnu in ttre losses. I: m‘ uh'vh is reilocted in the In- »:w- in rlu- assets ot the Company "l m thr. surplus tor the protection Ix lum- yholders. HM} :‘I-nrn was made to the favor- 'ls. "sii:irmve as regards claims. m [ms 1min showing a substantial du- rinn in tho, past low years. i, --- was also a favorable exper- n '. n»: mlin: farm husiness. Their “pun-mun. slur-d Mr. Maser. Is .- "o impmwd husinrss conditions. cpl-Hun and rarefn] underwriting. ll ‘I'Iw huwwluls rer.'et to report the ME. nu varuary lst last ot Mr, E. SukIL‘IJIIL who was appointed a 1-H“: m the (Autumn): on Mar 21. 2.; ~mn-NLIIg the late Joseph E. l. tttrr; lawn though his term " r") Ap', ot the Head otrteo. and this mantle“! was completed the tat- part or the year Our Agents and nqhuldms can feel justly proud uhv wimralmns made ll F. H. MOIER Hummus Director, The Water .1 Huh“! IPtre Insurance Com- MANAGE R's COMMENTS W od Wi MI] be alum In J' h, 1938. Mas mi short duration his "' and stvrlntr, qualities made ' .uvd mrmber of the Board. 3" " “an eagerly sought and d my “as “Luod most high- 11 be m sud not only by his _ mints. but by all with s' Ind Men Jsswfazcd. Mr. "t um Martine Director of T hm T'Ih' K Suvings Com- _' .n;n;v~.n'wl to fil'. the vac- i. an we hr: lo draw your ' Vim mum ohrct ot the 1.. the dtilr3sa'. ot the lu-JIN‘ you, m: aecliun .--IT-):‘S fur the term ot ", .md the election or one lhv hum ot One Year. c.. r. u: 1.0 Auditors fur (Inn Tear, U w. u, WIs'li'iHu'L, Presideut No, " uhmillrvd V _ w t tio s are. Messrs I u' Hump-i. W. R fu 1,487 IO “0â€)... 2.38.4..- I " ' lection 2,06K,87 90,000.00 G,000.00 133.60 299.75 G00At0 117.80 all 'il mu'r‘m. FRANCE f AND RI'SSM TO STICK o WITH LEAGUE (H'RIJ‘H. Ontario -- $i'tMutttttntt nun'v‘: road amplnyww had their Act-s: inrrnnsod ar thrs (main! Rt “inn of tho inaugural mnolink , tho 19291 rmmh- munri’ how- Tho M rain of 20 rt‘ms nor hour fnr man My: hown inrrvawd to " canâ€, while or man and Mum ot hora†tho new ark-a is 50 ran†par hour Inntond of .1 nuts u heretofnra Thu lclInn had harm Mine-ted ml ymr by Enunbor W " Kollh. and "commanded " the road com- Wellington County Increases Pay of Civic Workmen to 25 Cents NHAGAitA FALLS. ottt.--A man “ho saw Niagara's Honeymoon “Map In] It saw it null. " yr-ars 'trt ltrs “u " SI Chair Fishpr. nf Ni- Itu Falls. who stood in an ailing .nvhm Irv-nimnkinu the gorze when ',rrr «mu 'ollapswd under the prossurn " " SAW ILL-FATED BRIDGE BUILT AND COLLAPSE _ erulhl' d-is-r, h) Srh’xllinz. left ‘I h t'lnhn' Mn m In! .md landed _ s) "u"! Thr, "run†nmfpmcnl Was w! man"! and tht. [hivwr suttered r, tti--; and str".""' -l h'nlwn ribs firm tpst'lic-d that owing to a r upprrnrhin: an the wrong side . th.. orad he had In 2n to the right :dzr " tho highway and that some- "viv: went wrong with (he rear v.hct.lc of the Purwx' He d mind lu, _ 's. intoxit-ntrxd as 3110:1911 by the ('dvnrlnnt cnmxrmx whlr-h carried Hie mnmr insuranm- Fnreizn Secretary Eden. ot Great lzlealn. gtatine the league‘s ttNd of action had boon restricted luevltahly 'y 1sitttdrawat of "some of tho mum‘s most important mnmbers". Germany, Japan and Italy-de- clared His Majesty's Government's "with in tho aim of ideals that In wired it remains unshakcn." Thirtcon of the " council mem- hws p'sdged their faith in the basic [aim-lulu or tho league covenant. Tho, Nth was Poland, whose foreign mintslorl Joseph Beck. made no maize to uphold the covenant lull mid his trountry remained faithful "in the rm] sensn or international t'ot1aboratiom" 510.000 LOSS WHEN BARN AND LIVESTOCK BURN STAYXHR. Ont _ Marty head of I umtnrk wn-rn killod by tire ‘3th 1th hunk barns on Archie Pliers farm nnar here burned. Loss was ostimul-d at mnre than $10000 I'iror “as awakcned by the tlameti. Yelzhhnrs “we summoned to and nun: the livestock. Filer aid on. of the barn doors was open and " ‘m‘ivvmi an intruder may have Dwell rnspnnsihla. TORONTO " when» child loud no $20 In In b'unln; about on mou- d Jun on the my to “tool want. .1, and w and than over w Cow »aMe urn-hard Poul. Mar ngrtttor tilt.“ the wnnlnhlz plclad up new. al more hm: lulu In; “20. Police no not heard at anyone losing ttttt tune) or received request: tor lt, LOYDOX A new operation which mucus the heart and part ot the abdomen by use ot plant: nursery I: Inscribed in Lancet. the Brutal me- tcal juumul. The operation I. to relieve the pain ot anginl pecwnl. The abdumtnu' pan tied to the mar! In the omenlum. which I- an "apron" or told of the perineum Berk. ‘ng to cover the abdomen Normally ttre omenlum and heart are in ailer- nl pun ot the body. hem; unant- et by the dhphngm. T: an†and Ruscia. the three major , mums '.vmrtrtt'rr,r In tho humane ot m" e', m rerlmlfv-qtqd thomse.'vea to 11m primeaples of International co- nperatlort on which " waB rounded. Lost in thr- ftrr. wu-re tive human. rm- mum- .znrln. " thorouehtrrod Yn'kuhirn hoes, 1| sheep and 90 tat. v-nnu ttons Stavtter is 10 miles when! or Collingwood. 8620 Is Found Blowing About In Snowdrifu Link Heart and Abdomen by Operation To Relieve Pain of Angina Peetoris In tho aew' open-Hon, I “mm. flap". which means a roll of nuns like the handle ot a trunk. II liken m the omenlum. One end of this lulu-shaped ro't ot the omemum ls pustsed "rough an opening made In the diaphragm, The upper and ot the omenlum tissue is stitched to "he heart, The result is a pnrmen- 1:! tube connecting omeutum and wart, The reason {or this is that the InHllum is rich in blood vessels. The tube gives an rxlra source of Mood supply to lhr muscles of tho hr-art The new opt-ration says Lancet. H *5 hwn d me on c, persons. Ten of tutt'ta “we alive six months atter- “unis Nine ot' the 10 lost their :u-zinu pains, Sun). who previously 11ere unah'o to work dues to palm ‘ncl gum- back In mmr jobs. $2.173 SUIT FAILS AGAINST INSURANCE CO. IN SUPREME COURT In the lst Hf hurtto improvement am the to1n of Wat'srlno stands Th with 312011 and Prawn 40th 1h trail of [dawn at 5000 to IO,. w [mpnhllnn Among chins ot 20,. mi trt Ht mo Kilrht‘nnr Manda Ill] ith ".T.t31 invrrcraratiort in brine mad» nt HIM m-‘r ot 3300 in tlnlhlnx trom mm vnm or new S W. Hahn. Unlon‘ :oulovttrd, I HOPE IMPROVEMENT LOANS 1,'riNFiVA. PH) I an it an “with! down." ho t “I! w w n! h-nnpml up in tho tll, Am] An‘Izanr-d _. STEAL 3300 IN CLOTHING -G'tuuat Britain mirrors thy, vrnn tnn-mkr-r J lwn wr had his cahry inrrmuwl m ttoo Thrs ('nlll‘llv .nmxilvvml I'll? with a nurplm of SI ttil w Tru-ncurvr Gro M Fox rnp-urvml Itrr_rst mmllr‘d MIN; y1q't " whilst 'cxer"Uitat'rs worn 9102.42'326 Otto hf [hr mullim‘o in nlllrvulnz rourtri' rlm‘hrml tho rr-nniv wa. in unndm‘rul finnttr'lrtl (‘untllvinn tor drapiin tho tact $30,178 nddilinnnl had hN-n I-lnnndad on "v‘ndl in." your "an bank d¢hl had lu-on lnworod by 820.000 I Mr. J J: Hum sprint it fur days "Ns “'va a! ths. Totvuship hail undil- iim: th" Township boolis atul arrmmts and "Hr-1' 'lo-tts and mutton; por- lzlinim: to Tmunhiu husimsc in rum- -r-n_v whh \lr III-um Hum-Ht. tlie other auditor' and Mr A. J Steiss. the Jw-naIIrI-r and Mr N%ah Stroll, llll‘ clerk. I" J I Irrrirmdiutlra V A, of \Vel- Inlay mm a p"-v"v"< mm? visitor 1 run: the linr.iast 'rmrstrrry. Mr M G Lon! Iran! hm week in Toronto and lhmi'Mn III ville Suicide Shocks Vin-go. l The “111120 was shvrked on Tues-) 'Irv mnrnilm lo 1mm]: um Mr. Cocll "H'mmm In Ki‘vhvm-r hm! 0|]dt'll [1121* Iirc hr punk-nu tl'd. Mr. Clemmttl, -hcv~'-~ mulhvr Kim-x III-r» in the ril- Ilia was mummy-d as " nu-miu-r of "d "n'Id can: workin: huhn-Pn Elmira and “fun-rim). IInIIv-r thr. Inn-In.u|.~hipl "f Mr John L. Hmst f Y. P. At Kitchener. . The Erunuolirzll Ynunu I'r-omo w".thdrew Hwir lulu-ling an Manda)“ and autumn-t! in n hurl)- ths. t,rihrus Hm. in the Y M "A. building. [{ih'h-l u-nm- :uul vnjm’ml lhrir pro-1mm. f Mrs, Wiiiittrn thinhwiu ot Canva- tnsyo mam with Mrs J 0, Hum last Prim-1 Mr. and Mr, Wttlourt Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith motorrd m magma. on Saturvlgn In so» tho s.ehts Tho pmm‘ivlm of thr. Riversidn "airy Mr, D’HL Kmr‘mvl'. attended the Milk l’rmluwrs' t'onvontion in â€:0 Twin City last “Mk. MINA. Sui Jucub Dim. o‘qearold Sumner But, [Inna I.“ wanna! In two year: “A on MIND. In Prince Albert pennanlury _ur mnnnlnughlw Tit lmI‘e new from the "ak 1. lee“ death ot Gordon Audubon 33'. at Dunn“: nun [Mum pleaded he ncted In neltdelence than be r. " I Iholgull hum the doorway of h a home ttt) yuan:- [untamed in Hul- 'wwe rll maul“ “mild In» In“ â€Mr-- s-t. wh', trr. dmu- _ r n. wall TOKYO, Japan Janna: lighting tuna haw prepare" it budget esllur “ed a» nun: 41 " waowooo to car» ty an the mutter bulb Chuta tor an other you. Storm Damages Service. The Sinful nu 5mm ty s ~mr " “"2151†in thr 'ml " u-uvll (Ix II m I . -- nu all tlv. c"oscrul 1utsittr, By " ;.x‘man-n "r.? ol :huw m l p‘uun- votvirt. nu» Ah: " “null on Mum] n' Eura'ary Attempt Fails, An -T[r.|l;nl m Irure t'tomtuy' 1\ tm m Ill“ 5: Sumluv U, tiuiue Mixin- PARKER GOES TO PRISON AS RESULT or HALLOWEEN DEATH SPEND $300,000,000 1: ON up ARMAMENT U Tins, nun previous appropriations, mould bung to uppruxllnulely $3.- 000,000A000 the turn to Japan at the llrsl " mouths ot the war which started lusl July and ttttve noun tr. llalIh'a .ahm to lllv I'A-srutn b In! le Iu-raun- t I‘lulh heatinay Ytat. â€Ivy but: dam. Inn “.1: , , 'uas spending last week " the home "A'%'%i1l'i'g1h'fh'iil', ol Mr and Mrs. James Goran. 1 Mr and Mrs. James Conan. daughr - u. 1 Sunny and their house guest, tHIryrNA, Mun - Lulu: Trembeth, tlttsy Watson. were the guests uf War At his wife and [bur tour year old rarloo n-lrnds last Sunday GRI-D'I‘XA. Mai-les/e Trembeth, o, his wife and their fouryear old tum, Tom. werv tre'ieved to havedled in names which destroyed their tarm home near um tow" on the iuterarattottal boundary, an miles suullmnsx of Winnipeg J Hospâ€; " nnmhlmliug (armm. and Hum» '"rttHbi1utoris my“ the lmusr IL Hallh‘a altout N am and ulshod to llw rvsnnn hul Hm: nth-uh pruved In! In hm .mm- tht. In“ ind gamed too mm!) heatinay, “spin [hr mwust~ yrat, Hwy burs! m thi. 1m kid front (him lull “an nun-In to 0mm In» Lnlsv n! tho Hum-w No Iran- "f the l-Atlli-‘a Huts l’muul [lt my smuuldq-"iug Agusu tsi' th" l-ndira was th ruins. lull it I'It'nlln-‘\ "I [ ‘llll ' ul‘l hm hm M I-ann 'R9 viq‘lm‘ In ttrs I E Hymn IR he! w, d‘ll'd' n- Mr' S J M F* AUou nu th,. [inn am A drs, Ill-I " imluu mun-l mu: [chi-hulls “A "ttrind 2...â€. tit ST. JACOBS N':I'-\rll "tt h lllI‘Arr- and $4. his .litlt'd I. , ' hll DORKING tlt h I o: haul“) at ths. a II)I-l-' smm- 'ime on " -'mxluu- [mouth a .\hn " hr. lulu-uni Thr. ,'ui- m tlc~ ltic ugly into ml an 1hr IIIIIL'v~ ot the. larv- '. dill nut Imman- C4t his 'sit'rut xiiilml Tho I I. , lllsll ur III-gnliublo’ (h II lun n‘n nll'n l,' Th _ but In tim:"h lt "Riv-k lullâ€: str- n'ul. tltouks to the limo m chum. Tn]:- 11sts "ls" fumtinnin: & .isved all three " “up hnuw at 1rrlti"to" WW L F'rlri:tv in in ntl l Tho wltit ,quv at Th,. Pam Squaw “500" club met l.†[m Iu-uw of Mrs Usmr Huehn l"". "utly , Township auditors, J. G. Hurst of ‘51 Jacobs and Henry Burnett at Wmterhourmy attended a; the Town a,v.tp Hall. on Monday auditing the Iallsnd "msm‘er's books of account and “1:33.- uvuvhv-rs fur 1932, .mwn l ' hum: number of district friends mp al- (" min! the funeral of Mrs. Roy :lvtl to Smut-- It". the Victoria School srv- Hm nus 1"tti, hum on Tuesday afternoon it h " nut of 11 In I 'uns tyom fell 'Believe Diamond Loan friaarad I Forsytll in Bomb Plot, Say Police Miss; Hva Swartz of "aminnn Spun! thi. \wok and at her homr- hrure Mr .uul Mrs. Austin llrlrkm'. Mr. m-l Mrs \h-rlv (‘olnmzm and (Much- I-I' "um. worn Sunday visitors in Kin htmtu'. l f' llrwknr visited at tho homes tl ttrr and “tn G, A. Shopherdson :va Mrs f'hzurh-s \Vamklyn on Thurs" A C. Hooker attended the annual, " luplwnu meeting at Now Dunden on I Monday afternoon. I The monthly meeting of the local W.t'.TAf was held at the home ot Mrs, A Shelby last Wednesday after- 1.~unL Mrs. Grenzebaeh had charge or the nh-vulional period on the Sull- jmt ot" "Prayer". after which Mrs. SIu-lhg Inn-sialml durlng tho hllsinoss session. A numIn-x m young people attend- rd lln- delmtta held in New Dundoo St hool last Wodnesdsy evening when nmmhors of the Continuation School ti.4r:atssrl with tho local Short Course sludvnts on the subject. “Resolved that ttte prosperity of Canada mats nun-n lwr mines tother than on agri- uuhurv-"_ Tho judzos decision was in favor ol' the ran-mar. upholding tho .umnnalivm Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hodglns of l'wslon wr'rn Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs FUmor Sloltz. ui' and Mrs Transttn Hallman and t 'ri, Gerald of P',attsvi1ie wow Thurs, 'l.,v visitors with “In and Mrs. A. " lt, I kvr “v "r" mn‘l'y to report that Miss t,ryl. "rinks-r in a patient at St “In s' Hmpxml in Kllrhonnr. Mr. .nnI Mrs Ervin Perrin loft on "r-ctlrty to Hit-ml rwrpral wrong in Corida. Miss'J. Scott and Min L. Howell wen week-and visitor: at the lut- ur's homo In Calnsvillo. uhnel‘ will race a police court charge, I mun Attorney W. T', Clement “use mat the Attorney General ot Ontarlo lrcs made no move to ban the a» ot slot luau-nines in the various multid- i pallllrs In Preston owner. of .iot machine. have been ordered lo capo“ ot Thea: or have them “sud by police. I Kilrhener tuid Wilerho no he mm has been taken In the count“: al» not favorable to having a bun put w them. In Wilmot luwnahlp one “A Harry Garner of St Jacobs I] MAN Ilu- :ul‘sl speaker at tho senior }---'d in tho United Brethren Church my. ( tt' Sunday evenlng under tho aus- lm “mp. {Wes ot the Christian Endeavor. Watrxrl, Miss Basslo Hope presided duringgnw†I lln- owning and Miss Marion Bow-lug mu m In was in charge or the devotional ,mdimx, ptuiur Special music was provided 1,ii.,,r , Ir., " mile quartette from Nttcars “y. hunch-1- and a duet by Mrs. I' Imp†k†Swan: and Mrs. S. Hilborn. 41m. m l, Mt And In, N mun Dunner 'vsesr- vmung friend}; III the Twin (my on Sumtar. 1 Utr5ty Margaret Wat-on of London \lm:l1~x's and friends or the Sun- " .y S. hoof of Ihe Evangliral (‘hurrh I. ol tlt n-I‘juynhle social vveuincr at :h, lmznv 0: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey I. t'.lrir.rn Int Thursday evening. Mr. Hun-3 Mailman presided during a ,iropt “Ingram which was followed by ' 'itit in hour. Ctttiire an number from this district nun-pm] Hu- Waterloo County Chris- I‘m lin-l-wvnr Ilinhday party lu-ld ist In.- Y MA'.A, Kitrhonm'. on Mon, IL!) "voting. Slot Machines are Will Continue to Opt-u in Kind out ' Wuutloo, 3n, ll l.ess' M: and Mrs. Robert Brydon of Mush-y Block were visiting at the 12mm- of their son William and Mrs I udun on Sunday, HM S g Wiltig and daughtur Jmn mu “Hauling a short tuna with mu lot mn-r's pdl‘l'llls in Kitchen“ “A Addison Hr!) ot' Waterloo A5 .A.<I.~.tmu 2n Httelttt Bros stort. fun mun lune M; Ruin-rt Mecracken of Guo-lph u.†" Imam-as visitor here on Tue- lay 3h III'I†Toronto Sun. Etch-I†Montreal Slat. Etch-I'- Montreal Curl) Market Can-din. Coo-OJ", Eseh- Bran-duo: _ H-Iillol . W BONGARD dk COMPANY Banned at Preston Knrhrnn __, TA. iaos KITCHENER BRANCH 107 King St. Who. Phone! "s. at" I. P. VII do Wltov. Mee. Mun“: Am_l'l_ldg. J McLellaud ot Mount Korest Turwsday in the village on Utgsi CONESTOGO ROSEVILLE In tioid cal larynx-bun"! Sevvico so King St. w. - TORONTU STOCK nouns AND BOND DEALERS COMMODITIES. GRAIN Seagram, Harris 81 Bricker THE BOND DEPA RTMENT “amber. Wind-or Fimocial Servtce Limited. with its extensive Statistical amortization Ind its fifteen years' experience in the finanrinl advisory field, is in the best position to give you the neces- sary information to help form your mvwlmvn! lil'llt‘y. WE HAVE NOTHING TO SELL EXCEPT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Write for particulars about on! Service today to I Scamp had Pin.“ Cm: an» {and " " . . . BEFORE . . . You. Invest Investigate VANI m N Hit Dem-mo w, M. on tttr Vanumn-r pone» force, all “emu-mm, n. ma unmanned no my “my!†Maw"), former Mu Ramon lunhvr ttr-raged to can: all his allrmphd numbing at Sell“. ot Um Japan-2w summarily Hire In"! L“ hul aupmnd Uy any foreign " mu) but Aart “and try (In: young \wwuvn '" hold: adventurer on "ro mallow! rttttts hulirzllu II nah-H I.“ Hunting "Higher Up†Poll†Find Former Teacher ol Dun 'tbr" Phi: mu} examination u: H‘pan 1mm dlalnuud broken in mm (ll) “mum: F'orsyttt'ts ma Funk and 4m Juana-3 Js, Korsyth and hm “mum ssciesl a broker whose name max mum. ol aud negotiated a Iran u! LL?" tllg a aulilaire diamond run: and a Mitri-rtotirs diamond Mu. Tlo. mun. l qua sttoueU Forsyth and tus mun» {mu this)â€: tanned he mpnu-d lr, “or Huuugh n. his deal" Orton vln- mnl w: tlie, uwnlh Thu mun» [ mm u, Ann-attuned Mrs PLAN Ttt MK tl' SIX K. & W. .sTRF,'ET CARS; 0LitF..s"l' ON THE LINE hisâ€! in leiu; 34“]: Thu but» l-‘orsuh n she Wirs q purpunr in l-orruwml lashluu _ on “Inn “Jill thr ' .ulu and Inn Iius- :thlle _ 3:,20IHnn hum: , I! Mussolini",,, Son Ends Long Flight unis The. t Hum ml :umt ' I KIT, HI'I\'I S. R. Mackellar ' Co. S F.' I)! .mh “I in†1Frif [mhlnr ", GUELPH BRANCH FINANCI li, SERVICE LIMITED New York Cork (Anon) Winnipo' (Zr-in Exchange Chicago Board of Troo Commodity Euthango Inc. _ FGtchertr. - Cuolp‘ 'uin Canada's larrest Financial Slanehvnl Orettrtir.ation 604 Notre nnmt St. woo MONTRFAI. Kyla Building Phono: 7sa, 755 C. E. anlo. M.. 1'0on Stock Etch... Win-in. Gull Etch... a ll" St. 'lr, KIM Yul-pl... M Quotations Broadcast Dolly over CKCR Tiltr ~n “mung mu tol th.. rxlllnhnb MW Guard Companion .\I"l‘l.ff Wpsil Hun Fergus Raised PM ll " " mm, and [00 um tl In! C. " HARPER Inc-hur- Mann" li mu' WIS tratUMied Human ot the real r') th, mane} was m Runny: repri- ‘ run o.tt' Agaiusl dsr, L'L', Vuttcoueer A! .. .nnl rank-used it.tl rtlonest' bomb humml " veil of st‘ ' nun Hulhilllh and It. nm. Ir . Wltile on tr" 1m Harbour . 3mm "nridqoport tlr, 'Iv~, mambo“ ‘vw I'nmmlsslou .1; [ :..1- six at the 1.xv- , Whilo the _ mdwg Hwy havr m Vmm: In their , any“ Yiann of [mutual Fursyth nu ml his bomb. l mAs found he A ot dynamite to l, For .9111 drown, Iu mh , 3" bur-01d tron NIH VIII. Attilio I Hun-lured craft In i'tt ill 4.39 pan. 2-; "mum-s after In Tht.ip total ll, G.ts 24 hours. , "N “Ah Bruno umm'~’ m one. ALIâ€: " nun-slop rss" thes South At- I“r--m‘ll West ‘ml lug ot a .qul propu- ~ said tt' an and Delec- ratrord said mugm here u it might , osprisals the vase-I