Vol. 82. No. 10 at, Kitchener Refuse to Pay For New Refuge Home Farm and Barn Hoht Sandal Meeting at tialt.- (thrusts KIDNAPPING Tllk Possibilil) of New, --------------- r Slmngvr Agreemenl. I A l GORDON SAYS col NT't PULLE0 "FAST ONE" “ALT Feb 4 At a .mnbmnl â€we-1mg 0: Gail and Kitchetter cur qt my A: 11cm- TIArMIJ) ' \t-mu: 15w Luv 1"qu â€ulnar“ "_atttrtatst their smut! ulna: _ \v c', tltat tlte ‘ouu- u-rul m 14:41:] to :vtau'atgeurtrul m th, Wtr_s_ nu {mum Auk-pin! membvn 3-..." ulmmmuu» " “it no! Itay All} p bx "te human-4 I ' I..~ltu-|xun ot IL, wujetla " “as: a! ou'vaucrrd by the- l)) .-u' 1hr “an?†m ' unrated (‘unwnmla u: up. .mll KKKhuIA-w ~h< "1.4- m~‘lxlulm1. v..w "Pulling Fast One‘ in ZD‘IX'HXL: to ti. by Itat v'lvd 1hr Itri-e'ul â€LIN-“NJ 4.01.1911 ol K:r,rtrr.t up i, 11m Aouut} u-utu I. L n! my â€Ind and “up: lt, H A "L l 79w prurlzu- Ir Hf Hn- .uH-“ s'dered Um u “4* A , As -l . fast one luv: m. (ht: . , "-1" and that [hr _ ' I W“ «H itnmedyate t't.ttriir"rit:ora This op:v.ion "Cs vim man the trrvss"ut _ â€mane" trl Ihr. u-unl} Lnnu-sl u Ilcnus‘r m Ile".tte. "lt. had no nur- 't cuprrzl vuuml M"- urthout tlt- :he pt'unsu tiu H:' m»- .unv s'dered Um ll “an A 1'as A . (as! one uvu: or. (hi: , urn" and that tht- _ "I "H 1-H unmedmm Nurxnuauuu This annular: 'sN'.s, F"'., 1.Vror Seruss a; a " tr.' mums Hull) ths. lr-m‘v " H'Y-‘qu nun-min": I4-I Ric‘s and ninth on: The minution W'.: ' hummus: yt Tlte {Him m the um â€nun-.125 I: was mum-I1 tictt 0: .-udnr.~u~ and {m war" 'Irs. hunk ot" thi. tt,C , "w a 'unry (mum i} Ontario Plans to Prevent Shortage (r, of Hydro Power Possibility of Queenslun Plant Being Disabled Has Been Considered. thr my 44mm :4 " gun as a Insulin m "A "leps, In l-r- 1.1ka rui.eory push-m (a ratio. wpyfr Z'Im' tui.eory push-:1) 141m" u: trsr'r in UN t3rio, wc"."" fin-Hum! hy I':--:ni»l “when Ill-mmâ€) in 4:1 avid-nu: in tho Engintrinz lusvmm: of Canada at a dump-r ttl t.',t. Hiri ' " .. Thu premier mtlmaied that we Gown-amen! and hydro .m'h .'I' .- urv cons'.deyina an.» “vim t't F, .he "ntirra prrwPr 5.x: WET“. :tt Xuzn‘n Tails lu'thm: :l'rlw: "-') I ', w Cir. Lu-jann now 1m.|nl|l:m In Mu Ni I.'.'l " P.irer, nkh Ill In H Ihv- Srwic" I'nn \‘mmIn on " l, 'onmirtirrt. 11m mun“; rs. In tirtp, aid l'hinJ in ha Jul)?" mummy: HOLLYW'UUD. Fr h I _ f tam-e Bennett, “ha iaat Ttrts m , her-lune she damn†an any! made hcr look hkr u ~m‘L or ttl with ll Iupn tied mom " It, trtn to the halls of Justtrur lk dud 'lirecover that the (mm 111Mâ€) pllce for .3" who“ to an Judge Charles' S "mm " t, , A, He said she was nn Prrttr'r to him; thal she “ad cud :u nml Klrvlm'l varrrtr Hf “Mr , LOVIIUN fudge Rebukes Movie Star Says Che's Wo Slay to Him "So just u! lhvu and fol." he knnp‘n d, "firt -l him wrth hm hump"). tion with a â€bum. _, Med nulimt Gunman! tun Corportht"m. Lt" . of Contact change (MINI-IVA tit" The It-rtlml Mv- Hrtrrrt, menus in I full Irmglh mick l am I veil which half luv! hm f tub-idvrl in her rhnir and mnt the judge- that shid ttt. n. f, his instruction: y', mum] m Ik Min Bennetttrotifte" that m lit _ Mgtt d mu I'H L; w H:- tr-r" Want Proper Audn LEAGUE OF NATIONS “w .azv "Ink L: mil din ’l HUT“ " Ili<.w7w. " " have. In irersrl ou In» d th ntl'? m mammlm Mulls in JU.' I .icis In 1):." s' ' h Nuxuum intr.- .IX.-‘| " In IIY'IHE (Hr-41' l nu. any" u: mr'k in In. m'm‘r-d hy Prr.mirt trtt in znl .uili“----t in th plum nu upud! on and House o: Refuge, In IIY'IHE " Itat si91 no“ of the 'rtst lp"l'_\' n! uf lhe Lea' barn. both “I hum.- luv!) tcrrint.olt -\l-'- _ Le "rut" n! Nu. ind vrlutiH, H' V tiput a:ra'ruct Tt :.r â€1.141! and (“H mul Ald B h' both hr t dun d dun“ s! but!) tt al 'tvo ts a con " n d H II \l tls In tlg "tter' on J,ip Leader Bennett Says Corruption ls Rampant Lu ic, Hath: on Contractors Up m Itt Per Cent. for Cam- paign Funds. “mum: I1eld, Pusscd Counterfeit tl EYCHT PERSONS BROWN tr,) al Santa Anita "ice, ttet Anders (above). has 1 l."\ Minapping of Charles 1mm lr~uhtllt of Chicngo.‘ : Kw an announcement tty; Hum“. chief of the u.s. w: n1 t , mmml mveshgnw [ \su- nMnapped while cl ', r: xdsclt. near Chicago.i tlc". " Lwl. could they “at _ l'h, Hawk" In Engllnd if " .u' my a movie in Holly- Irrr, "ol-srl that if uny- l 1 M dung any suing it "a hn'uunn' instead of its um Iva-yd to a par":- 3.- mun, the Conserva- J', In: to "lh'ush it , "mniuee. giving do. Tm 'ontractora' le ' l i t,U tho Caaaman ‘t' ‘Iv said tl, [ tt"sr l'uzvml State I 's"] .: Ivy Hurd, Mrs, "r, '; Jul wail pl’Im-vd ' mun: grand jury w str l 'vfl against hor 't " p, u: w.- nuIrnmn of 1h v.13 ( or Hu- fact . lo p-nliltval parties rF in any sense." he Iv .4. Mn make con- _ 'II parties as they _ "w Hut a levy is w 111.11», When an tr t .ummctOx' and ls' 1 or 10 Wrr cenl.. I NH " retntrihutiott. " u it threatans the Hsrr.titr. in a speech) l‘n'..~ox‘\'a!i\’8 lead- it krmzio King der; ‘I.'n- m would web ..n< that could he . in 'IH :nl rorruption _ .VH‘ZI. But. at the 2tr a. d Mr. Bennett 1 _' mvu who should _ n: “In s-lm'lm‘nlunc 'syt wand. l \. Trurry would lurn n.1'v~l~llL’h‘ rampart- Vr uni. pxpm'imenls my! "lwtween the! M mm- new allies; ', Pape sum. 2) I C, ('anadiau Mnunb A' mLur detachment . _ sour-t servlce _ art " m arms! Mrs. t' m I“: eh, Detroit, ',id 1ountnrm,'sslt $10 rt 1 “Mann border I-hd, ",. E'evon per- , nun intervention 2hr uhip‘s captain " vhu- chief engineer "wv ‘1 â€In $374011 Bri- .n1:miun was torn» lr l tam-sums by an L~"I unhnmrlne. lhe ‘:- 's' “mo-meet! hp my]. was $3r1,0ntt; -nruythtnR bs Pep) , In w r did make the ( "Thr' Hauk'? Shun n oh mmd the low tundwr.†but that she Imuhl an! '65,00tl, 5M have gotten Ind "Hawk." \muux rctortvd that hr‘alrtl herself out of , hnuM have earned. “M: a job with Mth â€Spun In the mu has corrup- m ' " 1 torally as ova-ati), Leader wm- oi Commons l'vnnart with the to star in two " nf which she wan munnm of $35,000 ah oi' HI‘L'PS h-s we l. be Human! P0tt- of the Luv-INN Iteit $531; NURSE WHO ASSISTED Sur'"' DOCTOR COLLAPSES WATERLOO CHRONICLE fr'li'iisill l'nIIq-rl l BRANTW, Feb I --mrmasMtina ‘hidun It'Ginnen, held ttore, on a nurse of vagrucy over tho my» immu- death of his wife In! Friday night Magistrate Jon“ reverted to mun-iii tradition ot luring no mun deprived ot an opportunity to present hi: use luiriy McGlnnen Ind told rim can“ he was without money tor r "uttsel, J A. D tueatirt, K C uncured mm " A member of the bur he would [ml uhlrk tltrt responsibility, Brandon! Man Facing Murder Given Lawyer "II no British trisdition", Hui-true Jones satd, "lo give everyone a tair opporuusity I would call upon Mr, Slemin to an in this use tt such In agreeable." saVi '01: bring .ALL'e-pled. l u“) unann- wr to do my mum-l“ Mr Slocum Murder Charge Against Doctor Fate of London Man May Rest on Tiny Thread of Woman's Coat. LONDON, Feb. t,---The fate of Dr. Charles A. Cline, Sr., may rest largely on I little wine-colored thread of woolen tlbre only an eighth of In inch long. In one of the most dramatic mu- ments of the 21-yenr-old physician's murder trial at the Middlesex assizes late yesterday afternoon, evidence of the tiny thread was brought out by the prosecution " it tried to link the accused man with the body of Mary Wilkinson. M-year-old Lon- don school teacher. The crown contends the little thread. similar to the material from Mary Wilkinson's coat. was found in the rent compartment of Ur. Cline's car after the school tencher's body had been found in the north branch ot the Thames River last fall. This tiny piece of fibre is an im- portant link in the crown's chain of evidence. With it the prosecution hopes to strengthen its contention that Dr. Cline killed Mary Wilkin- son with chloroform after he had injured her during an illegal opera- tion last September, then put her body in the rear compartment o' his coupe, took it out to the Asylum side road bridge and threw it in the river. LONDON -Hareiy tout' hours tun-r ho had stood in the Middieaex l'oumy courtroom and received a sentence of seven yarn m peniten- tury tor an illegal operation on Mlsg Mary Wilkinlon. London teacher. Lauchlln J. Robertson went onto the ..;uvou: stand at the fall maize court Mummy. as one of the chief wit. masses against Dr, Charles A. Cline. Sh., aged T]. at his trial on an accu- suziml of murdering Miss Wilkinson. All-llday. as on" of tho chief wiv'qaUNTER SHOT m ARM masses against Dr. Charles A. Cline. WHILE cumamc FENCE Si, aged Tl. at his trial on an uccu- AS GUN DISCHARGES satin“ of murdering Miss Wilkinson. ,_ After collapsing trom tho shock of 0R1LLIA, Feb. 4. ---Jaek Boyd, " four-your prison term. Robertson's 22, of Orillia, while out hunting wire could not be milled as a witness. ijack rabbits near here yesterday, re- She was sutricimttly rucowrod at ‘ceived injuries to his left arm when Light In malt" her apvearancl" in the his double-barrelled shot gun was mun room the next day. tacoidentnlly discharged. In a calm voice Rolwrlsnn GO-l The accident occurred at Pine Manna mam wan-hman rharteed ‘Grove. three miles nN'h 'f “"3"?" I Than he accuse-ll tho docmr or tell, l ‘ing him that he had driven around b who awning hernre the doath and; (rt,".?,"',' out that mam". where he at “I. and thr, body was thrown. It was " [mar that same bride" um tho "'ach-, _ .. 'N body was found the altemnun or! 5'4 mmnhor H. I l Ott "ach or thr' two days Iti "m0 VIM Walkman“ died whiln Rho _ (Hams in the Ruhorlson home, Dr, cums) ,‘vamo to thr, homo. Robe-13011 Inn-Y [In-1|, and on "art, rwrasinn ho "hp I!Hr-<~'I l'a-li's-d into " bedroom I LOVDOV An attempt to tink up . the disposal of the hodr of Vii-=9: ltiary Wilkinson. London schnOI-‘ inn-hm: and the mango romMrt-{ "wt-m at tho rear nf the amrmm'uln: I ’4~f l)r (‘harlps A, Cline. Sr . was made‘ , hv nnt'rf‘ and wr'nnlium N1 anaivn‘ r court jury was told at tho phyvirhn's I' Viv] on a charge or murdm'lng “in In a calm voice Rnlwrlsnn 30-! The accident occurred at Brno year-old night watchman. charged ,Grove, three miles I'llW'h N tn-3"=~_ that Dr. Cline had sat in a mom inllioyd was climbing through . who his hrmn- at 1223 F"lorvave stroet. fence and had placed his trutT on ttttt where Mary Wilkinson lay on a bed. loppnsitc side. The bunt-L llcllvuuuu trtut he had shaken som" unidenti his forearm near the elbow. Asmsll tied substance from aelx-ounce battle part of the load struck him in the onto a mask on the schoolteacher's Nee. t face. and that a few minutes lateral -----------' ishe wa'., dead. _ BV-ELECTION MARCH 21 Hmhwleon etairttrsd that no and the d-rmr dmvn mirth on the Asylum sid road, an 2 o'clock in the mom. u‘4 or St-p'mnbpr 9, with the teach- "r'.u body in a lunar!» compartment in tho back of Dr. Clme's car, and than dumped the body into tho North Thamm P'ver, about " minutes wrwr she died. A (mutt fury t"irrl on a “'ilkfnqnn I um. (Wm-rah!!- HM: mum-m mu. hm: that m cum“ rar had horn l‘l“'vt' thr 41m, after Mu arm-wt and ,,.,, n hwl boon r.vvrrrrret ‘u- h‘m- ."f and by Ty' E R 13*"!ch mn- â€:n'noa‘ ovum-v of Ihrs :nmrnoy-xrn ' ""1" dnmr'mnm TW- h'rh ran-dawn salt! mouth": .huv "ttut had hum] fnnnll in Ihn ruin {hm 'mm h" and ho had attached no lr'"i!"_t': lo anvlmng that was .rmmd um" " raw days no" Thar umnmnnv came n day after Lnuchlln I Robertson. night watrh l 'ttt PM! reHtrsd n talo ar a ride rmrlh out ot Lnndntt at 2 o'cloek m FFP mnrninz. along Inn roxury Asylum ' an v-rvld srtrtt a woman?! bod; RP crowd in the luggage mmparlmonl of t'ro rim-er car Hoar. Hero! An eleetrfcat device (Julianna to NM»! "ter-dimmer apenhlnq to ten mmnln has been inn-"ed In Kent Enqland. " con-Inn ot I lame "we with . annual». lonaue whreh, when the another beam. and. moving. Atter OHM mum". on. of he even wink. I wnrnlnu: and " Nu nonhu- ovonunu [an mlnmou the nap-n. F.-- thaw-n We _ room Into divine-0, olvlng "than. In or por'urtity to Inc-i on! qululy wm‘oul ommman. Wunwo. Dunno. Flu)". FIRED“! B, 1938 l “mam was reported to be likely ( ~ugges| ttot only strengthening of um- "isutiotrtscy' patrol but strict .umrmmenl of orders to sink any ’mrnr" mm at sight " was re Harlin-1| as likely that an airplane pa- ‘x‘nl wilhtlravn , er weeks ago. â€Mum be tviarabllsstted. I LUSUUX Feb 4 The Carma.“ a nlerltug testtrrday was expected to order immediate reintorcumem ot the lhledne‘rruncan "tOtt-pirate" patrol. Sinking of British Vessel with 10 Men Drowned Atoms Powers Talk War on Pirate Craft Th swung at the Bunch unam- nmp Endymion " m when can†of Spain wu'lhe principal topic " I ('ume meeting Human French And Italian author l'ra coutet red I†the princlpal II.- uwnes to ttt Nyon Ami-Piracy Trou- u on Jolul measure. to gunmen .-1 ouce what was funded hero " bk tgtyrtoti. thretst ot u now “pinto" campaign against “sultan-nun shlpptus u Mist: destroyer: Ruched the Western Mediternnun tor true- or the submarine which sank the Eu- dymoon, with the Iona ot 10 lives. as the (‘amnel and the Nyon Powers Hammered new manure. to strong- mm the “anuplracy†patrol, The [wrmanamly injured were es- timated at30,00tt temporarily injured PUNCH“). PM). 4 -Aecidettta1 dullh~ we: ths. l'nllml States 106 000 :n 1143?. [hr Karol-41 Safety Council rnmpu'vd. .urlml‘ng an annual all- vme high or 39 "ion :n the manic fteld. Tht, "gruesome Jamborao or uro- 'r.sirytr_cii'" tN, v _ "ml said ran up a m: of $3 700 000 BOO, An “a-nmnmging phase" was a ~u¢ I. tlrilirts. m the child accident d, 41h I-tr lt [durum-d 13 per com. 1111' rhildruu untlvr 13, [rum 16 200 ttoath in IT“; lo 15.000. Adult accl- $me "r-uric,' ulwnrasvd three per an! Mh000 Dead in U. S. Accidents Dewan Compliments Plowman on Truly Agricultural Competitions OTTAWA. Jam 3L Prime Minis- w-r Murkvnziv King announced a by- r‘rwliun would bu hold on March 21 in tho fedora! constittt'mcy of Edmnn- Inn that tn vamp a succossor to the late Dr, William S. Hall. Soclnl Cr. Mum: who died In: wax. Idea A western Idealist suggests giving badges to taxpayerB. But wouldn‘t red caps be more ap- propriate? says a victim. They've been homing the mas go long! Montreal Guano Giant ihue he must no. want? I1 suspiciously like adding insult to injury in thin stunt of Jock Seoul lie is shown drawing himsolf (mum-1 . New York harbor shop with In electric "Tor, powered by I Murry in his lump-ark Jock in" hiked from his nuivo Sentlnnd "Iron h the entire continent of Africa, a 25,000. , mile stroll. and in in New Yor‘lt to make I grand walking tour of North', America, including Canada. No hiybing. “than Jock does it Ill on foot - - l BY-ELECTION MARCH 21 .II' â€with; Quilt): My wife mm of ynungm‘ p!owmon. Mr Mae. mn out. ymlr honor, and I I. m oointod out the need ot keeping into th" urn": Imusn "mntinued on Page 3. No. tt A SCOTTISH PILGRIM‘S PROGRESS l Huddled m the front seat ot WiV laum' “my car, the youngsters were {hund (load. victims ot carbon mono- 'cste fumes in the closed garage and _ youngsters went in to try the “new car radio. They turned the Huang awitcHt. throwing the autumn- lxtt aurxer into place and setting the motor in action. it was believed. {Tm , Zhwu lnroased the radio button mm In“ to turn on the motor. _ Thu :‘IrnL'v: was ttlted with fumes _ the boys snugg'ed down In the ‘z'vmn scat. listening and they tell 1+." and deed. said Dr. P. I. Cu- _ coroner. l Luvwnoe. as he dropped " to sy pp .p'armi an arm around Jackie Mrs Jenkins. who.» left aide In vaunted, in [tanned In her bed mile" " win united by I In bo- Lu ved to have been cauad try I burn- 1mg match thrown Into a whale paw Laue! Uaattle to more. no In obliged to remain on the bunk]; bed Lulu tirtunegt arrived, and when It. was found her body In covered from head to foot with burns Totu9.NTt9 "5uraq that In. pw [Hula Jeuklnl. not! " reached while lying helplm “I her bod, â€and bu death ta Town» We“- urn Hotspitai. Try Daddy’s Radio Three Tots Die Paralyzed Woman Dies After Fire Turn Wrong Car Switch, Over- come by Monoxide in Garage. I l t'LARtro'HOLM, Alta, Feb '.---m- \esllgalom said today a denim to play “daddy's new radio" brought math to Lawrence Willhml. 11. tUtd his [no young companions, Tommy Foxcrott. eixht, and Jackie Yokom. tire. In mu garag» or S I' Williams here. Yokutn's shoulder. Young Foxcro?t !1.-l sltprid from the rushioned seat Its bis b.nrses on the floor of the) car. Tirc". Hwy wHre [mind when Wit- t mm wvnl to rull his son to suppâ€, Ontario Plowmen's Association Holds Annual Meeting at Toronto. ps,tciatiott Is that you can canduct matches without any or the amino nu-HN that are fauna at agricultural rain; such as mldwaya and horse LUN". mum-1d "on. P, M. Devan. (‘mmrm minlslor of agriculture. in addressing the annual luncheon or the 1tutario l'luwmvn's Association here ml Tuesday. warn-E of tho Ontario Plowmen's "You are doing a work that " the very basis of good farming." said Mr. liq-wan. He expressed hope the agri- (112mm! societies whose main work sr.errwd to no Hm conducting or talt him mum (-nndllr'i thom amnst puro- Za wrivuliural littos. Irtvittrr had some run-Hence in fall tair sorroiarial work, Mr. "ewan said 2w “me wanna! to admit there mum! ho snmo ditricultr In carrying ‘0“ without those additional attrac- I Imus. “l do commend." he said. "the. s,rsratt".et truly agricultural educatlon- T 1 hump wp have. tho international pit-“in: match. " can draw larger mule tlou any of our tall fairs. IV run uim at having them purely or n azrir-ullnral nature and gradually , "mum-m amasemontm" Press!rlont J. W MarRae told mem- m~r~ or the association they Ihould ‘l-sw-z' more home plnwlng compati- "tutitoNTO. Feb. L--"Ono or up “GNP-a- Salvage Company Men Risk Lives j Working on Niagara falls Bridge Abandoned more than threeoreeks ago by native guides in the wilds of British Guiana, Dr. Frederick J. Pox (above). born in London, Unt., and three other members of the Waldeck expedition which has been searching for Paul Redfern. us. aviator who crashed on I thdht to South America, are reported res cued. The party of searchers were barely alive when discovered by a Georgetown gold miner. Their sup- plies had been depleted by red ants until they were nearly starving, and they hid been virtually eaten alive by hordes of mosquitoes. Demand Company _,: Remove Bridge If Falls View Bridge Sinks Into River. Annual Danger Would Be Cawed. NIAGARA FALLS, Ftarr, '--Hott. w. L. Huuck, run-chairman ot the Ontario Hyd u lib-urn l'umx' rum- Inissfum said WvUnesday he had re- qnvstvd Hun, C " Home. tvsteral minister of ttuutHucrl, to mnpornlo u.th tho Ontario Govrttmtrsnt in re- run-sting imnwllgun fr moral of the "rerkasom “I this l-‘.11l~' View hridazv [mm tho 11-01110ka Niagara River, l Mr. Ibmck last sseriiustid 1"reetuest- ml ttw llnomJtiwnJl lhiluay rum- }.my. mun-r "t lbw 1.260 foot span .vhirh unnamed In! Thursday. to armou- tho clrhri< iuunrstCately. Th0 Lulu! tit-i-', "or. In» sunk into tht' hlnw iruhm Murkin: the river he- low Xingu†Falls and Mr. "out-k said "it' the hrirlqc sinks. it will erpate a mm! hazard every winter. RESCUED FROM JUNGLE cu. Useless, Says Town Council Gananoque Passes Resulvlion Condemning Higher Radio License Fee. ':\\'\\Tl)l:1‘l-I PM) 1 Th) l‘ull- adlan Radio Commissinn renders no usm’nl sorvirv. and 1|") Helm [Hume tee Is unjust-stir-ti, lot alone tho I'm-em, 50 cents lucreas--. in thp opinion of the Ganunnqun town tvounvil. ("W-“ll tltrr Huh any eontributiou ltm- 1 VA', try tho I-uhr â€rill-“RN in ttts pm‘ lirvnsn l Tlor <uhim-r The ctumnru"', l‘lllh- WWI a rnsnlu‘inn nf mum-51 incrt-usml f0â€. utirl tls.. .. forwarrlml to Hun. I' " F†.-r ll‘zllhqlur SII‘WJ'I. Mt'.. " stated “Wham.“ the , liisttu m It In: llltH‘Jw'd tlot Dyna-n [n Fungal to the mm of $2: when“: the 1mm. ' I c. C, "sod he tho cm". and whrarr used be the CRC, and whrttnues this (Rum-ll Cay.s In sum :nu' uSI-fu' wr- V'rn ivtHtruvrrut h) tho cm". Ito it r0 mum] tltrr Huh v-nluril ulujm-ls In any eontributiou hum: mam» mum/ls tue l VA', try tlt" tumlu-. and in par I-uhr Ilvul-W-N Uh- itictiotto o'l In l Inmmcms Asked 1 To Disalluw “ill ("'II"|"X'IIX‘ F. " “nth ".",. xshrt ce- nmrkv-d n-gm'llfnz the l' " 1' : "ll " tmo-ly' .1an " mph " 'i-aiu ml Ihl- puhih. mini-win: m' usn what. w-r-ynr u'xt'n‘pl NV": te SID mu “I ' rr-ople's tpochous." ('nuur‘liur Hours" r: m'n‘ks “mm Member Fights Buns! OTTAWA. FM: t \Imminu of '1. m-lh Iiuw‘.‘ rm unhw uhm in " I "wuw chun'vl v... 'rrucitletusrl luv tho Onrornmont Gordon ()leuluu. tt'onu ' li' .h lid tltr. ‘l‘ilkl' mi (‘nmmmw " h. I".'I~‘V- oil “w tirsr rump'nm m. Ihv ti ttr tr' 'lr ft, ttcr _,'.' .71I~l tho whom In knrw in thc tUrsrt WWW ."VH In " umiul murknr. dreorituttR ' mid on hvr lrv'w in Um'hv pour" Hum nin' ttrods., Ihr- pmlhurk law sup t'iso'rrrvd â€nth: pulm- ran muting trrr I-huxn and r'rrryinc away a bimrriurttr an bt, Woodr 1.orth. sorial Itwv‘wnh panmhh‘ln a hunk on thr, huh†phihunph-‘r 91W nun a wm‘kh nnuumazanlnn with ; pIIVnrv "t TIrWszky un tho hurt raw-r hm 1m “0th n! Marx In Lon!» l a tce 3"!“ 'n H‘MVH‘ n hunk on tho anh Slnl- m "whw1 hunk K'Vrvr‘n son “can nun-1 by IMHmnvakV“, We 'wnmln - Mr Woodnworth, :un-wllw'v-Il hy Ink tittt you h. 711- bit or ("W‘I‘H 4. slt " slut Member I OTTAWA. FN. ll. I".'I\'!t H " "n- tits" m 1hr ti tsr I‘f 'lr H-rec, “1': will; :mnmmvrd inrrn run HI Fwd-u " "tl fttt knrw tottriHl th H um“ r: m'n‘ks “mm y tlu, \T:n‘ul, "T?“- tvotuli_tto far " m is!†“anh it FM His " ml 'Ul , Inmnh- I ttttr-tu" int .ulm "d cvsA xshrt its vi-ws in aaza'.nsr tttn culminn Wiru' â€unv'. min Hun. ll A vls41youvrli "t Ilnllspmt n- fur radio , " It, and .1an I’ll In»: " (""an q! Hwy": {g‘jga‘i‘Private Carrier (y, J), Says Wages of _'r'iili, Truck Drivers Low nu ml I] in f um hy Ce'- Hydro Commission Announces Sullicienl Precautions Ne- to Ensure Power Supply. NIAGARA FALLS. DBL, M. q.---' A lug thunk ot ma Aluel‘lcln and at ttse Pull: he» nudged 110i lying In “Dr â€manna gorge u spanned for 40 years. disappeared into the um- uel steam on Wednesday and the nulre nu {all-an out or the m Midge, a distance ot 300 teet south u' the Maud of tttts Mist uuuttutt, on lur Canadian show Thu (‘axnadun section of the v 'or-u nuulgn has sunk on the upmnillrum mic, but has not moved um dsstatue, Willmm Hill. non of ll'r veteran rhwuuan “Rt-d" Hill. and "w Ice brldxn- was still strong And tr-re In no. anw-r ot its moving out, nub-us " “lung west wind do ‘xumps _ Ttte mum“: at the bridge section ‘II1‘|IX'\"d as workm,m tor a Bum-Jo ttrut mammal m nil: their lives Ill 'itt' huh-nun to .waltirsre 100,000 ttNA '0; valu,ttti" lrh-ul‘aph u-lephone and rum. ' an†trout beneath the " t (wk lz‘ruu ulm» l "1le tron. . A, than :n'm -w" don't u]. umn' the l" ull1uns .It'v "tVt" lhn- iuwutiun Irip which was .mnduvtml in A S Robertson, Niag- ara "istrirt mauzuwt'. "After looking "V oc situation you run we how im- ]A\~ih]|* it would he to new dynamite lt. ~l: I" the ico jam." "' . . hymn“ it mould appear that H:- Im~x':~ LIL u no adequate to put ‘7 Thr. :Mmmtim: station itcitit. 2 All} "main!†"nt-nes." lion ll ' Nrim Irtittg l'rmnim', gull In:> I’ll-"I15“ u-Jkr th lion ll l stm"ruontrNt n "rr. wil', brunt all the American "ts and "" Intro to complete the A. minim â€an thus .. Louis “Olen. m-Lra‘umu tot tity. "ufralo salvnge m and “Pm mull}! all the car ‘ 5 et'., iv “th un- wrecked bridge ml ihv H‘k ls t:inw', to be extreme Natinnul Grocers' Official Testi- lied Monthly Wage Mr, hrul In ltr, lb ‘IH.Ill,l ti" :v I’vnsiun tttcrease For “hunch-(I War Tctcvattri In Effect that 'tair, (inn Add juns I'tt â€\I'H r tr um Futht mar) I tl 2?": nm hislt " any m1 M In: " .IHI‘I‘, Hydro Punt Safe t 'tl III“ ln\\m’ Niagara can " Inn-I uhm'u normal level be ny dun 22v nil! ho done to the srer'st ll)-|m plant. “on. W. u will [nlumiuu am itvspertiott fr tis'; um: station. "m. It .z“v~ pl It in: heavy timber s:~ mm â€Kuhn outside the .~x-n Hun" lit an M1011 to th- .xu c.tririr, alums, tho watt ,. t.'.r, "r " ah ttUla, and tha uluv " .1: trrttr' "ill ho boarded (PM. Thr. Inuit-r IA 19 [Pet hipett- m :n'nmm- mm. A dott't run-ll tho water to gel ttr' tin-2w hm wt. think the Pre- ms stl'tr 1 \rleI-lll", l'nmmlssion- A. Smuh of Kitchrmer stated ths. ilmlutiml ll'ip which was (1ch in A S Rnlwrtsnn, Niag- (“In “an 'rtrrcsiisiHry of tour 1191: hm: "',.wt,Nt urmss the ii Inâ€. Hu- l'ullml States and dam _ Tumough Inspection HUI he and other company m-uld nle-- " Ihnnmgh trt, ot the w:wliatte tr possible. .d I'm sulvage operations wan an <mn as the iasper- um plated min tlt In r HIV]! l" 'ar, muc't «m» completed tor re» i'ies pawn-r rubles. the Hum-d M smith) deeper into " Sun)“ authorities reared d Hum or steel might sink " "ot dawns of the river uni-l lu- salvaged. tid hi< rtrltHtatty was nego- r U).- 'ask of cutting the in“; tlcrr. Ur more sectlnns l" p'.urret-s mm the turttw . )wluu ltr.. ice, it will not Ir L'tt,'2q zallll runs? future h "In“; TUESDAY AND FRIDAY rh Hm! “I hulk ll! H m T " to sl M. "ll l.,ruitsui, told the I l‘mmuiswinn on “up“: “Hill try hi! II! 'vt'rs' mute-l trom mm “i111 smno get- o". un F driwr hurl Ax Te hauls " avvk. tll lr V uillwss hoard m Mr Kinnmu'sald. lr Mr» llwm all get ilr. «Jul ho woatd m lit buviuur private ‘II My mum classm- t,tt t'te 'A wuarding mu! hum-Flinn of mun“ words of IN!- It', -"llv‘1l Him I' the -.| In wcittiugs More 't, l [V hlwu fill-II and u " Ami“: tho Itt ttt at “10.8w t T N Kinnear, m Nzninnal Gro- u'lu hivnllinl mm. mm Lucian Mort f flI‘Illl .mrrrl» 1.x Pvlnmnn Mln- H.- pun-dun rom- 'ttr ml'nvnlu In "trs “Uh u virw to tr Myâ€: handicap tlst Irma Io mph n Hn- Grruat War tl mm] that POR- lo pr HH-ir y“: I In‘ " "tss h cl J'va V4» â€Hummus- vtlto havr- unf- " r v- ONO! HY. ul Hull pon- f omt mn- anlllallmus .110 a! " 17 and 10 Id!“