Wellâ€"known designers of New Tork and Hollywood have included im their showings of cotton dresses and suits, cotton petticoats and An evening dress is pictured here. Te frock is by Elizabeth Hawes, and she called it "Liebestraum". It is made of sheer crinkled organdie printed in floral stripes in muted tones of rose and blue. The dress is in princess styling, with a wide, fared skirt and low cut back decolâ€" letage. The upstanding collar sugâ€" gests the petails of a halfâ€"blown flower. Suits, dresses, both daytime and formal frocks, play clothes and a bridal outfit were displayed, all in cotton materials. Cotton was king of a midâ€"Decem ber fashion show held in New York Chronicle and London Free Press............c..ccccllnl. Chronicle and Family Herald and Weekly Star............. Chronicle and Farmers‘ Advocate..................... Chronicle and Toronto Globe and Mail.................... Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star ... Chronicle and Toronto Evening Telegram.................... Take Advantage of These Clubbing Offers Now ! Sheer a 5.50 a.m. 2.55 p.m. 11.10 a.m. 8.20 p.m. 8.05 a.m. 5.25 p.m. 3.30 p.m. b 10.20 p.m. 11.05 a.m. 7.55 p.m. aâ€" Daily except Sun. & Hol.; b â€"Sun. & Hol!. only. Coach connections at Toronto for North Bay, Ottawa, Montreal GRAY COACH LINES TIME TABLE Rising costs of newsprint have forced the increases noted above. crinkled organdie evening dress in rose, blue floral pattern By LISBETH TO TORONTO FRED WESSON â€" Phone 3679, Kitchener and intermediate points. . Tickets and Information at LEAVE KITCHENER (Eastern Standard Time} Among the evening gowns shown were a frock of striped, red. navy {and white dotted swiss over a dust ruffle petticoat of white longeloth; an evening ensemble of green cotton upholstery satin with Persian embroidered yellow jacket. Cotton fabrics are numerous and more than 170 cuts of vrepresentaâ€" tive fabrics are in the market. Prints "Primitive" Such fabrics include "primitive" prints, mannish cottons, decorative fabrics, new this season for woâ€" men‘s wear; formale, stripes, interâ€" national prints, surf and sun fabrics, slub weaves, sheer cottons, and ribs and cords. petticoatâ€"slips of organdie, cambric, iongeloth and even of percale sheetâ€" ing. 0_ TO LONDON ssine $7.75 Per Year 215 B.75 6.75 8.75 _ The Sunday School reported 45 children on the roll who are being !â€" Mis. George Beges spent a few loxs in Tralee ; _, Miss Kathleen Hayes i8 spending the weekâ€"end in Toronto. |Present Gratifying Reports. i The annual meeting of the Unitâ€" »«d Church was held in the church During the year the Women‘s Asâ€" sociation in conjunction with the hourd of managers had a new floor and â€" wainscoting â€" installed in the hasement of the charch. i~ spetid! Vrs. J R L Ee db XMr. lvh-- 1%th Messis uy with C s basement. (Rev. W. O. Mather pre s ded. J. W. Burnett acted as secreâ€" tiry. The session report schowed a membership of 168. Baptisme ten, Imrials two. The sym of $230 was icised for missions of that amount the Sunday Schoo} raised $111. The W.M.S. report showed $68 had been donated for missions. An exciting game of hockey was played here ‘Thursday evening be tween the St. Clements Maple Leafs and Linwood Union Jacks. The |same ended in favor of the visitors. score was 63. [\usimu Here and There. | _ Mr. Frank H. Schummer was a "lulsiné‘:“ visitor in Toronto | _ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Foeter spent ‘l-‘; iday in Palmerston ,_ Miss Lorraine Wright of Dorking (i< spending a few days with \Mr. and Mirs. J. Rosger. Mrs. John Voll spent a few lays irh Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Moser on the 13th line Mrâ€" and Mrs. Bdgar Wilker and chidsea otâ€" Prestou spent Sunday «ith Mr and Mrs. Con Wilker Mis. George Begegs spent a few ilays in Tralee. On their return they will reside near Wellesley. Visitors Win 63. The bride was gowned in grey blue aud wore a navy blue hat with accesâ€" sories to match. Miss Gladys Mcâ€" Tavish, as bridesmaid, wore a green dress with green hat and accessories te inatch. Mr. Joseph Wa‘ter. bro tner of the bride was best man The wedding dinner was served at the bride‘s home. The newly wedded couple left on a short honeymoon Buffalo Protty Wedding. Oun Tuesday morning, Jan. 18, a pretly wodding was solomaized at 3t Joseph‘s Church, Macton, â€" when Miss Mary ‘Walter, cldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Walter of near Linwood, became the bride of Mr. EKdgar Fuu‘hafer, ouly son of Mr. and Mre. John Faulhafer of the 3rd line of Wollesiey. Revy V J. Morgan sang the nuptial mass Hamilton, Niagara Falls and Alfred and Voll spent Sun Mr. and Mrs Thomas Baes LINWOOD if you see a man and woman. both under the steering wheel, they are in love. If the woman is sitting on her side of the car, they are married. If th woman is sitting on the back seat they are mad. Officers were reâ€"elected as folâ€" lows: Hon. president, Mrs. Charles Ruby: past president. Mrs. H. M. Cook; president, Mrs. W. H. Breitâ€" huupt: _ first â€" viceâ€"president. | Miss Alice Moyer: second viceâ€"president, Mrs. J. C. Breithaupt; third viceâ€" president. Mrs. George Bray: fourth viceâ€"president. Mrs. Harry Lobsingâ€" e~: recording secretary, Mrs. Kenâ€" neth Sims; corresponding secretary, Xrs. H. P. Hamilton; treasurer, Mrs. A. R. Kaufman; assistant treasurer, Miss Agnes Moore: executive counâ€". cli. Mrs. D. A. Bean and Mrs. G. A. Heather; publicity committee, .Vlrs,x‘ H. P. Hamiiton, Mrs. R. G. Ratz. Mrs.. A. W. Augnstine, Miss Agnes Moore: ond Miss Winnifred Ashplant; ï¬n~.’ ancial committee, Mrs. W. H. Breit banpt. Mrs. A. R. Kaufman, Mrs. E! D. Ling and His Worship. Mayor Georze Gordon. Victorian Order expenditures were $6.522 for 1937, during which period care for 1.089 patients in Kitchener. The annual meeting of the Board ~as â€" featured â€" by â€" the â€" presentaâ€" tion of reports and the reâ€"election of \rs. W.0H. Breithaupt to the presiâ€" deney. Kitchener Victorian Order Presents Reports and Elects Officers $6,522 Spent Caring for 1089 Patients Mr. and Mre. Christ Gerber and sons attended the LichtiGerber wedâ€" ding in Wellesley on Thursday. _ This being the year in October ofl the 50th anniversary. mention was | made of it. but a congregational! metting will be held later on to make further arrangements. The official| board for the ensuing year are secâ€" vetaryâ€"treasurer, James Hammond; Board of Management, George Glaisâ€" ter( chairman), Firman Ward, Ed.. Hammond. A. Mundeli, Campbeli Shantz and Lorne Rennie. y Mr. and Mrs. John Dechert of Linâ€" wood spent Sunday at the home of Wm. Voil. ( The annoual | meeting of Boyd j Church was held in the church on | Wednesday itey. W O. Mather preâ€"} sided The rreasurer‘s | statement presented _ by _ James _ Hammond | showed a balance on hand. The misâ€" } sionary budget of the church reach-’ ed their allocation which was ‘5"-"“-1 $16.00 of which was contributed by , the Y.P.U. The W.M.S. did not reach their allocation, although the contriâ€" butions amonied to $61.70. It was decided to hold service every alter ; nate Sunday during the month of | February. There will be no service | January 30. : Boyd Church Enjoys Good Year The members of the Luther League of St. Peter‘s Church spent Wodnesday ovening at St. Jacobs where they were entrtaind at a skat lug party Miss Mildred Cook of Kitchener is spending a lew days with Mr. and Mrs F C Schummer. Jr g’:e improvement of finances of the Church were discussed. It was deâ€" cided to hoid an "Every Member Canvass" in the uear future. The C.Y.0. of St. Mary‘s Church spent Tuesday evening at Macton when they were the guests of the C Y O. members of St. Joseph‘s paâ€" rish there Augus Voil and Aifred Hahn wore elecied trustees for three years to replace August Holzschuh and Menno Schluetter, whose term had expired Ed. Holzehub was chosen as deleâ€" gute to the Synod. Before the close uf the meeting ways and means for the most successful years in its bisâ€" tory, showing comsiderable activity in misison work. Among other things they sent three bales of bedding and clothing to the érought sufferers in the Wost year, showing & substantial gain in membership as weB as in interest and coâ€"perative work. laught by six techore. CROSSHILL ‘"No, but I‘ve heen herring thiuge about you." |__Mr. Morgan Hallman accompantof ;ma Edgar Seegmiller of Kitchener on a motor trip to Cleveland, Ohie, ‘last week. on Sunday with the Presiding Eider, Rev. S. S. Shantr, of Kitchener I® , charge. !Pemnals. I Miss Helen Hallman was the eueat Of Miss Betty Ottman at Kitchener over the weekâ€"end. "Is the fish man here today * "How shad T know? Am 1 brother‘s kipper ?" Mr. Charles Gingerich of Blak spont a few days of last week with his hbrother. Rev. E. Gingerich and Mrs. Gingerich. The Quarterly Communion se vices were held at the M.Bâ€"C. Churck _ ‘The regular meeting of the M.B.C. Young People‘s Society was held at the church on Friday evening. Mr. Lorne Rosenberger occupied the chair and the following topics were presented: "The Spirit of Goodwili ; Toward Men", by Miss Ruth Pipher; "The Spirit of Great Joy", by Miss Miriam Coleman; ‘"The Spirit of ,Peace", by Rev. S. S. Shantz of Kitâ€" chener; ‘The Spirit of Love", by Miss Laurene Stoltz; and ‘"The Spirit {of Forgiveness and Mercy", by Rev. ’LA R. Pipher. A vocal duet was ronâ€" |dered by Mr and Mrs. E. T. Coleâ€" Jnan and a reading entitled, "What J a Young Man Said", was given by the president, Mr. Nyle Shantz | Lively Debate Promised. the pupils in the Spring for the par pose of interesting children in the subject of reforestation. The giff was accompanied by a calendar is sued by the "Men Of The Trees". Communion Service. A box of Canadian walnuts has been received at the local school from Mr. A. R. G. Smith of New Hamburg, to be distributed among An evening‘s program which wil prove of great interest to the peoâ€" ple of the village and community will be held at the local Continus tion School on Wednsday, Jan. 26th, coummencing at 8 o‘clock. The mair feature will be the debate betweer students of the N.D.C.S. and the Rosevilie Short Course. To Encourage Reforestation. Topic "The Spirit of Good Wit!". “Asplnm " * ~ MA Canada. "Aspirin‘‘ is the registered tradeâ€"mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Onhlb.t:;l for the neme Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. =« COLDS Given Fast Relief on e e es almost like a local anesthetic on the sore, irritated membrane of your throat. Pain eases promptly ; rawness is relieved. NS vâ€"'-E:‘â€" en -â€"-.‘ 2 90 ing your head well back. . SORE THROAT tablets act in relieving the distrcssing h.'mdolï¬h-ln-pqy- sore throat is utterly _-nd“v'u.-“qu‘:’-"uNeh The speed with which "Aspirin‘ lots with a full glass of water. NEW DUNDEE Take 2 Tublets in Y4 glass MADE 1N CANADA