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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Jan 1938, p. 1

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Titrlat Attacks by Insurgents in Spain Repulsed P%eeetrt Fighting of War Going On in Winter Weather. WITH GOVERNMENT FORCES ON THE TERUEL FRONT. Jun. 6. Jule Spanish insurgent fumes “in: to recapture Teruel, faced (luau today Is Government arr Ellery cut their communications --9 And north of the mun wrth tiilery cut their commuNct""""' - and north of the town wrth severe barnges. Government forces today held wary of the strategic Mud. de Tune] Heights, dominating the city from the southwest. In the snow- 5unketed Sierra Corbalart, about tive miles north of the town, Gow ernment lines remained intact aftet violent insurgent which went shattered by otrtillery " Mum. A“ ths. mttereu I): gum“, Prom I vanuge point on the Corbnlan Heights this correspondent witnessed some of the deadliest fighting of the civil war. waged in knee-deep snow and fog at temper} tttres hovering near zero, Fighting comparable in scope and ferocity to Great War engagements raged without ceasing during the but 24 hours as General Franeo's troops fell upon Government forces in supreme efforts to recapture the "t mounted hundreds of insurgent. aghtimr men were cut down in storm: of shells and bullets. Insur- gent and Government aerial bomb- in; and strsfing operations added to violence of the combat w families Greet iilfl Resume} Men Turful But tor Quebl [new TWO nun-m. Pour months 32m sho said. Mark I Silverman vttsited his mnthnr’s hams. l burned furniture and Nothing. than. toreed the mother, Mrs vawrm Stl. vetmn. his twother. Joseph. 23. and l another slatvr-inhw, Mrs, rky l V Silverman, 19. to ancompanyyhim i into San Gabriel Canyon l . r~»---I- unnn'l‘v QUEBEC, Jan. t;.--Not fully re- cavered from effects of their ordeal. " members of a Quebec Govern- mnt survey party which spent 31! that foodless days in the Northern Quebec wilds. arrived here today. - - - " ALA-vs " was home- ‘-..-- __--" t rttrrtive of them it was home- coming. diGiv"ir---Urents and - brothers and sisiers--met the min which _the dozen pole and waned men boarded Inst night " Wik, neur Amos, Que. The other seven still have further; train journeys before they reach' their folk. Five were going to Mnria, little Bontwenture County cum on the bay of Chaleur, another to Bt. Alexandre. in Kamauraskn County. and the last to his Three Riven, Que., home. - ,_:.__,l n on-rful hut men, Hum, nun-w. The group received a tearful butl ’oyoul reception from 40 odd mem- iuu of the Guenet and LaFlamme families from Luann, just across it. St. Lawrence River, and the Dormer Ind Dorval families from Forces Family to Live Like Animals Btteritr'tr for '38 ”Mus l LOS ANGHLES. Jan 6,--tiearCrT tor a :ts-yearid mar. accused of making his family lirn liko animals In t cave for four months extended [my into say Guhriwl Canyon. 30 mile-c north of hen- Armed with an "15mm; warrant. nherlfn datum»: Hung)” ttork Silver nun, m whom his sistcv-irrlaw Mrs Dorothy SllrormmL :mrrihml hypnotic power pawn, She allePd in att "tttdavit that if she untlormnk lo 50ml hor tsrother-im law to an asylum ho would exam a hypnosis which might inducta her husband, Michael Silvr-v‘man. in km their two children _ AM .,.t'..1 Mrark into San Gabriel Canyon In the rugged mountain country.‘ Limo-l within ell-shot ot the 'rorrtl, of Amn. Mrs Sllvr-rman unermd her tsrottter-irt-law and hi: captive family "lived like animals". Bhe Mid Silverman proclaimed " v.1. sinful to wear clothm. forced hi: funny to go nude and 81009 on bare rocks. rennet! to In! thorn oat nourishing food and continually har- finned thli H10 and of thrs world vonid coma Fhriuimns It": Safety Pin Removde From lll But Joyous Reception Quebec Surveyors as They Reach Home. WINDSOR, .Inn r--When liar; Inc “one. lovrn months old, tried Wildly yesterday. her mother, In. Lawrence Hnmw. felt <uro she' bl "gnawed swomethintt. Today i” baby wls ”covering in n Dr - houpiul after an nprrltion for - animal of I “few pin from h throat Tho parents, nftrr <n hours of -htrte, toe.ted I Detroit phyni- ... Dr. William A, Had-on. who " - 'b-"-"" "". llvspnv " bright sun that ”one _-.--------" . Hum-r the storm clouds broke Wed- N Deputies leare.hi"ry.Cut' morning, tho "ntire day was . . l dd Th" znmnmatum never ruched 38-Year Old Callfornia shun,» tho 1Vd¢gron mark through- M-n, .le mu tray and “mind a rnpld de Sirr Latch Special?“ After "our. of Se-nhin. Jan S""5Nll'(‘h mar. accused oi lirn liko animals months extended it was hdme- Boy’s Bed Set Mire, Police Seek Maniac -Police sought I minim: My utter a six-year-old boy was found lying in a burning kerosene-outed bed last night. Mrs. George Wolf reported that her 15-ye.r-old daughter heard scream and ran upstairs: She found her brother, George, Jr., un- harmed in the "mitsq bed. and she extinguished the tire after it hnd burned I small hole in u spread. Kerosene Ind been poured on the) blankets and on the boy's hair, Mrs. Wolf said. Footprints were found in snow on a porch root outside the window and on the ground outside. Police said several other mys- terious tires had occurred in the vicinity l Billion Asked for " Defence LUNDUA. Jan " - I’m-smelt! Itoosevelt's demand before the! bnited States Congress today for a; $1,000,000.000 national defence budget was viewed with satisfaction 1m authoritative circles here tonight? as a powerful argument buttressiagl his expressed views on defence of uorld democracies. . British opinion was impressed by the budget announcement that the United States plans to construct two lnew battleships and 16 smaller war- (ships, and was likewise struck by the fact the United States might build more shins if international conditions wararnted President Roosevelt Presents Estimates for 1939 Defense Program. Throat of Windsor Baby NIAGARA FALLS. Billion-Dollar I’l-n WASHINGTON, Jan. .1. -- Alt' ti,000,0o0,000 fund for national“. defense formed a major part of the t 1939 budget President RooueveltL hammnted to the United Sutes'l Congress today. It will be the“ largest sum spent on the militaryn establishments in peace time. " Mr. Roosevelt called for army and _ navy appropriations 98 per cent. : higher than those of the budget five years removed-li. Moreover, he told Fongress. “I may find it neees- sary to request additional appro- priations for national defense." Declaring he was ingueneed by "world conditions over which this nation has no control," and “future events which today tonne! definitely be foretold." the president rt.eomil mended allotting to the national . defense $991,300,000. T The new was given $569,827,400, ' the army $418.479.000; total $988.- ; 623,400. Some more money in an r emergency fund brought the figure I to $991,300.000. The inereaae to e the navy was appreciaby more than that of the armyr Mercury Sinks Below Zero Mark m.» pt: Mann: day"; snnwsmrm mu: \".-~z~-In (mum- xvodnosday and Thursday Tlt, mmrury had dipped 1' Inw th" zeta mark late last night an! Inn possibility of a new low re- , ml Hr?" thr “inn-r momrset early to- maik lwl'nrr- midnight. [ Th woathrrman indicated that the cold spl, Imam last a day or two n-th possihly Light Show again later. 'lhc- tvcord of S 9 below zero set in t-mly npn-mber. was followed by an- ”an nigh! of lwow zvro tempm'n- jun: Slum“ the. TtHur mark had not l m l' mlwl until last night. l t'r-ssallon at the snowfall Ilded 'I'rsauvn .r. -..‘ 7, thr highway rrvws that Wednesday cleared all tho London district tarts- tsittR Sum:- of Ihr- main roads to m “an wt-r" hoavy in places hut pasasrable throughout. highways otn- male: rpportod. boss lraveled road: AMT vu' hnn'y going for motor 1tft Below Zero ( at Hornepayne PJTF 1n- NORTH BAY, Jan rs--cotdert'; waathm‘ ot' me winter snapped down l m Nnxxhn'n Ontario today, inking the mA-rcury lo " below zero at" Hornepayna At Schrelber. south of lInrnnpaynt‘. temporalure was " be low ‘ lrw mvurrhertt tnmparamroc Includ- ed 25 below at Moo-0mm, Iroquots Falls and Frusrdnlo; " be‘ow " t orhranm lft below at Tlmmlns and 1hr hnlnw at Tlmntaml specializes in removing foreign‘ ‘ohjects from the throat An X-ny verified the mother's suspicions the lrhild had nwnllnwed mmelhing. and six minutes Inter Dr, “when had removed the pin, i ; There was delay while Mrs. ‘llogue Inc-ted her husband, and 'funher del-ys when the couple. _ motoring to the hospital, lost them- . selves several times. When ther t Ielrhed Detroit Receiving. Hosp“: ' ”mum. .eq.r' .. -ee Dr. Hudson hurl been tuned ti, In- other hospital for two Mrrtllnr (pentlom. But he goon returned to ti" tray uud tstarter' a mum ur- ar, Nahuatl. reading ttw mm :z';;:;;in;'amm m cold in: day N.Y.. Jan. 5 weather followod' " snowstorm into) Wrudnossday and army had dipped' trli late last night sun that “long Prtvudeut Council to l (lasdiila!e l‘ Jluml Bylaws Over 1200 By-Loo Now Foree.--Mnny Will Be Re- -d.---Work to Take Most of Year and Cost about $1000. \\.1lt'llu-Ih no: 13155 mum council " us than result"' meeting of the year on Mouday mghl voted to con- sulldale and publish the town's by laws m hook tonn tor a matter ot l, cord and umn-nience The rust is o xperted In approach the MAN)" " ark and the work wlll be uoue by ( lvrk Norman Buldur and Town so- I vHItl. w J \lrlnlnmu who will rt'- 1-ul [w lmlual'} In " mum-ll your pawl m. \lal Slum: Gould :mll Hour ' r"' F"' 'llm Llhl'h‘i “huh "a.s Iwmn ms-l cu,.red 1m mum yectrs 'tMe human! ”rial? couuctt Ity Mr McGilrlrou. who puma] on! that the last rousiun ot l ‘\\II byuas was Inauh- m 1904 The l-‘\L~'n:h [nun 1-; that was In 15M. Hl‘ly ti'. grew! as runwared lu 1:5 yrAl-s m tits. Ia-ul wriod, Mr MEG“) lmn posted oat that mum bylaws on tbe town's rem-rm: are out ot date. many have Inn-n "tttended. and h Ina» dimruil men ior the clerk to '1le on shun nouri- just what old Ihyluws mum . e..___sqTs. Innihn uu‘... All momhe-rs ul “tum-Al grvutly tavored the plan. The solicitor and dork estimated u would take the twitter part m 1938 to wrist) and consolidate the bylaws, and will be Hid for their exlra work. After council passes on the consolidation about 300 copies ot probuh'y a _ _ . _ . "*4, M i 1 ----" a: Long List of Arrests, Accidents 'J,','; l etc. in December Reported I at Council Meeting. '..m number (my night. mm... ..V.. '"Mee'" _ _ lag:- hunk will be printed Tm liritor a-snmau-d "In! rm“; shuum be made every 15 years ttTI'.' lit-cumin: minus ot' ulttilt ere are many on the toaar's r9 Lords. probably M) will be cansolidal-1 cl into one bylaw, and as well as Ming published with the rest o'. the bylaws will probah'y be printed in a scpuyat" book for distribution to in- terested parties. Among tttose to rs» “in. copies oi the printed bylaws will be all lawyers in the Twin City. Inc'uded in the book will he a re cord at the personnel of mu] mun- rtl since Waterloo was founded, lirat with village status In 1865. and with LTi, Q51?” in 137s Clerk's Vote Decides Reeve ( in Bosanquet SARNIA, Jan. s.--George w. Codling was elected reeve of Bosan- quet Townshi today when Victor Fuller, township clerk, in accord- ance with the Municipal Act, cast the deciding vote in Reeve Codling's. favor. Codling and John L. Camp-' bell, deputy-ree1re last year, tied (IPI'; 490 votes in the election for the reeveship last Monday. l A further checkup on council re- turns shows George Ballantyne was! elected to council and not Hugh Johnson as first announced. An error in one poll brought the ‘chamze. Other councillors are David Stewart and Clifford Walden. Roy Elliott was named deputy-reeve ‘by acclamation. Waterloo Police ', Ed Busy Month Waterloo police had a busy momh l in [Ipremher with no fewer than 31 local summonses being Mam-IL a high hymn romparr'd In nthor nomads in1 1337 I - A~A-----ul In I113! The police report presented to' " '.rrsr'. 'rv _. ve mum“ Monday night try Deputy /it1,,1'e,'r"',',' and (one: tardul Prowl- H. E, Rail. PONCF Committee“ {nus of P'..'?.?, "I; P 2l'lt, uhairman, included: Arrosis 7: it” Threy report" no am drunk m a public p'ace c. ennui“ y "3599 2: failure to stop at through APPENDIX OPERATII lures-t, 1, wpcodirttr. I; accidents in-i FOR TRAN Haunted, 12; rockless driving, 1:l ----" drunk in charge ot a car. 1; bicycle: l KiTI HFiNFUt Dec 30 \svoien 2 with 1 recovered; leaving Martin. iirauerh. “my, l"' arena ot In accldm. l; iilegnl‘manm, home was in Port marking. 1; out of town summonses Emma In prie headquarte urved. g; comp'unu received and l ior a bed and complained ' iinwutizamd. If); summonses issued in“ the M: nut to hoaplui Hm failure to pay poll lax, 10; tor “WWW“! rn f", 9mm an failure to pay don tax. IC, car Oil-“h... following day, inn-“ding hydrant. l; ohtstruet'mf; Condition of the young _1drivoway l: disorderly mnduct‘ c. rrportM by Dr " J Str r mentaliy'iil. 1; than. 1: two persons satysfactory Martin has i an trtere e. l: Bray can: anemic-1, I; "r'rrtttt _'.nr'tx h's pawn?! n. I tet' and cons collected for month, ‘nonmark after living in Pt "r" 20 and tax! bills. 83% ‘Mr tive your: WIFE-HEATER GETS 1 JAIL WITH LASHES! (MATHAM. "tt, 6411:1110: Skin- Per. 35,. pleaded guilty tn a chargu of ”sunning and doing bodily hum In M: wwe Jnlla mm was "nuanced In It: “MW! in IAN with unvnn lathe: Thes In nooks, the rourl unplanned tn the dofondanl would provido tor ample limo tor an appeal " not” nary. and also m gal nwr Ihe lnnhlnp vhirh ho salt] would bo undnr thr unwary-Islam of tho jail turn-rm "“‘hcxn a man not! drunk and bean: hl- wlln no la going to gut mm! lawn,“ and Mnglulralp Arnold thou _ . "-- _..._ new", ....... ....._. ,, _ I ft (mm, who nppmrnd tor uln- Ttte. m-tod tttrt IFIHQI'H‘. h. “F “vandal mated thzol ru’ijxunr Hide every 1.5 years By- 1Sul was passed nu Mom 5 .--Geote Now ill ot' u hitch riu, mo of Canadian federal cabinet. ministers are caught by the camera in Miami. Flt. fur from the chill of Ottawa's winter or the buy desks of their parliament bullumg ounces. They are Hon. W. D. Euler tleftt. minister of trade and commerce; Hon, C. D. Howe (centre), "tinister of transport. and Hon. T. A. Crernr (right) minister of mines. The occasion was the first meeting of the senson for the Committee of G'i. Hundred. of which the three politicians are members. Prizes Awarded AFaterloo Asks First I938 Bahr More Co-operation To baby anory. non of Mr. And Mrs. [In Livery. WAoe Street West. Kitchener. - the honour and distinction of being the first baby " 1.38 born in Waterloo County. Tho winner of the content _ announced by merchant. in the Chronicle n week Ago. any have the prize- " cont-din. the [allowing “are. to pick up the prilel. Baby Laval-y wan born " St. Mary's Hospital at LIE p.In. January In. while at ' mm. I «an In: born to Ml: Ind (him/s New hir ii, Force in Acting?7 Desi rays ,.__., - _, Mrs. Melvin Martin, Elmira. - ‘..-.-. ...‘. FFVT .WV. V I IA Iiip'.uz dispatch reported Tues- "clay that Kutut Ten Chang might tagain be altered tho Chlnnse thronP. "ir, w“ said to have refused an Inl- Hiaz otter nude Iasl August by we» _-E:d?ord'u Dru. Sto-, 1oer--6 Inlay by"tyts. w. PT'FLJIIIGQQmer, w... ertoo--Babr spoon. fork And "AKRON. F'hmuz. 731" unfurfni. il- thy m liuty plate. Twin-City Lnuner - First week's washing, conp‘etely washed tad ironed. L. J. Klopp. Whistler-Baby Illennou pllte. Old Milt Service Station. Waterhrc. -- Car asussod. ‘in clan-god. motor than? (is! Japanese envoy-1. Ch'lta's rnsolva to tight Japan to ‘va "In "mam was rxomplltied today I". the Governmeut's decision to Iwronzlhun tho national military w: ”turn and by rmwwt-d activity c' man-m .----_ V, Capitol The-Ira. Kitu-or-- 6 double net to that". 'til'.',',',','! Press, watorioo-- 50 baby announcement comb. .. 'qe.Fe-mVr.'". Wee H mm! and by rmwwod activity " .d1mn- ('h'mng Kaisttek"s worm and air [our Thn- GovPrmrsr'ut unnuum-wl C lip“ ii” IIIIIK Thu (:m-r'nunom announced Chi- w :4 humbl-TS sunk two Japanese cuutrou' in nu- Yunglso Itivrur near Wtthu, January 3 and dvslmyed the ....r-nu| and six .Iawmosn pianos at Wuhu today. . *7 ~,.X.l niv "I Wuuu lwn’. tilt hilalallui. .lapunvsr- said nix "ninwv luumhm's wt".'" ianrchled n Wuhu by a flu-l of Japanme pur- emn planes and torced to dump their lands ot bombs m the Ynngtse and C.po They ropnrlnd no darnaetl APPENDIX OPERATION FOR TRANSIENT Martin. 26, transient. whnsv In!" I"Tl manmt home was in Port Arthur, came tn poll“; headquarte’s. asked‘ [or a bed and complained or feeling Ht He wns sent to hoaplul Ind Inn /prrrotrH rn rm 9mm appendlcum‘ thr, follnwlng day. l Condition of the young man val rrpnrlnd by Dr " J Shonikor an satisfaviory Martin has roamed ~‘mm :Inm h's part-ms rmurned to ‘nonmark after living In Port Arthur "or tive your! CANADIAN CABINET 11110 GOES To Form LionU _ Club in Waterloo rug]; Air Field and Six manes.--To Fight to Finish. VKUW, Jan. 6. Kung, Teh :. 7.1m div-wt descendant of rim. find churn thm' that n ("antral Shmlnug Province ylom by tlt, .lnuznmsu and is on Ttt Hunknw. it was harm-ll to- IM-m‘xvr H. H. Run: is prepar- n --'~uh.vx~nv van-Trump. Organization com-honed in Waterloo yeularday for tho form-{ion of . Waterloo Lions Cub, when Mr. Irvin com- menced signing application. tor membership. The newly to b. form-d cl-H will bo Wok-1400'. first Ionic. club with an inlnrn-tion-l scope. Waterloo hi. foil! "arters with Kitehooor for I number of other clubs, includ- ing Rotary. Kl'lnli and Gyro. the new club boro will bo tho town's Sr.t club “II only a “In. the -'. Water- commune-II jo 30_--NtmtN' mum cooperation by tho county v:itls Waterloo was urged by town rouncn Moudny night when a resolu- non was passed asking the county In furnish Waterloo with Ila estim- Ple for the year before February 131. euch year. Waterloo being the lar- ust taxrrayert5 in the county system. is deserving ot more consideration, ammo“ members pointed out. un- Cali Vote Recountl by hike Clement Defeated Candidate Makes Suh- stantial Gain of 57 Votes. .--May Be Declared _ Elected. K'ITL RENEE, Jan. 674R Land-l mm, whose vote total was highest] of defeated candidates for the Gait) Board of Education in the macaw} imr mumrlpal elections. made a net hm or 51 votes today In the recount _titat is being conducted by Judge E. 'A' Clement at the court house here. L Landroth had been declared as having received 1.746 votes in the hundreth had been declared an] having received 1.746 rules in the]. lM-romlmr 6 balloting. L. Smith and t I ‘K. Martin. who preceded him. " ywi'ed 1.769 and 1.762. '2l'i'l','hs"ii7.l/ Lundreth lost one vote in today's to (i, mum in poll I gained 52 in poll 12A. l mn-irh tttadrs a up! gain of nine and I tiartitr a net main of 23, 1 Winn procoedimsrs adjourned Wed-I i'vmlny night until Thursday morn-i ling there was no material change in the volts fur mayor and alulormon Initlmngh a number of errors in r0: turning ottieers' rpturns were dis-f ("min-d l Mayor R. K Svrviss, who had been I "iu-1cid reoiractvd by 277 ','ll1,"/il','y l\'\rx‘u‘ Mum I K, Serviss, who had been "iu-'art st rurtxiswtvd by 277 majority. End " mm of 252% Wpclm-sdznr aiter magma} rotnms oi tire pulls had "um-n scrutinized, At poll 12A. "no of hu- lumths at a dnnhll- poll. A, AV, .‘lt-rm-r, unsuccr-ssm‘. mayorahy can. d'dato. Inst -123 and Serviss " The - A _ .__q_rt--. u "rVbT'r arAmrB ._v a..- __ n~fatakc is thought due to doubling‘ up in returns, at the poll. , At poll IO, returns examined It request of Mercer particularly. the] Taller was found to have received " moles. a gain of 49 over the 25 he had hum reported previously as having rm'r-hmi. Serviss received 1M vows. " loss of six. at this poll. He gained tive in lhreo other polls l The rnmuni is not brain: made on mnplicnllon of any deteated candr (Into hul on rvquest ot A. E. Willard ‘\\hn al'egos lhorn worn irregulari- ‘lioa in returns of certain deputy re- lurninz animal's warranting a re- haunt. Willard pointed out the rovottttt slowed 105 people had voted tor Muym- Sorvlss at poll 10A but the poll book showed only 102 Town To Operate i Scraper in Winter Waterloo has procured lhe scr- true! of a grader and scarmer to dear snow and break down rats on stratus during the wxnler, Aid. Jacob “when Board of Works chairman. oworted to roam“ Monday night. - A . .--- - . n- .. pm“. w Hr”, The and" remind from E. k E "a: rm on tttrs nmmn man: man. a! _ Srogmillor wi'l hp Muted in a Toral no" 31." wore 341200 " eompared, “raga nt 3 coal to the Inn ot tto “am gm 500 a ynar no. _ -, month. and when In nnw‘m wnu --- ho charzod at the rate of $150 gttt' RABBIT FORTUNE I hour, mo town ttitro to pay 2t costs 1 REGINA Some ready and! was and sharpening ot the zra or, 1 f ' . .--. l On mineral aver-mom ot council 2,t,','ih',"i.',, tg,,,)'":';,',),' os'.,,,;?,',';',','"','.",; tho now rnnlmrl holvwr-n the lawn rabbits 'U?r"l, killed Iii" ir". ”:d and thm contracting firm will tre Polts arc worth Irur such 'Jt'Ti'i'; Nndlng tor at In"! throt- monthet Giii to make felt hat: ' Th Ind" run he put into nerviro on 1't1.'-"l"t1'f-"-'-1Cr=----------- anon nonm- ( ' WI_I_..\- Tt..t-, nohlm; UNIQUE BROADCAST BY CHINESE EDITOR AND SIR R. FALCONER lo: TOROVTU Jan 6 A Mum-co om.) 'a" 3."!qu Thu Yeor. Ir.'""'." """ .. ., .pwr.T Ttw. tretet_ ,, Irv: an Indian protestant \Ialhnmallrn l ' S F Aha bush betwoon rnnrvnninn! 2 and a nm‘lhnrn Ontario layman, a rnwo- --- ...rmer n" o" 4 have driven rnhhitse from tho dis- stnmllvr‘ from tho drlwhun monk ot Wolvu " oor Time. trick. Snnlhrwn Snuknlrhownn and Pir Ro- ----- --e One flrnwr "moth sowing four In! F'nlrnnwr ot-prmldnm ot tho) KlNCARDINE. Jan. 5,#An lone wolves in that Iron nt one time. Bo Urivrrtriry of ToronIo, will Irs' ,rponh in Huron Township firmer: hive to far only one hunter has heen .RUC- r‘u on a nnlqlm vroxrnm tn ho broad. put up with wow" thry up 'll'li7d'iyt'd.i'u'l in hugging n wolf So long PM! tMt Jam”? 11 bx th 1'nitod with the nhuonro of rabbits. Of 1.191: livestock is not Ilnughtered by ‘t‘hurrh of Canada over thr (‘anaman you" rabbits h-ve done much diF-lttte Inlmals the farmers no (‘qu ir,e2, Corporation" now nownrfnl no to traps and shrubs, but thU content to have rnndlliom oont nun 500M wll union. CBL. In Toronto l”: they In unwnehod. ‘u they as”. SOUTH 6.-HP. Land- Man Killed Near New Hamburg; Said "ro be Transient Kidnapping is l 1 Suggested When W Ld Disappears Face wok mtgerprittus ot the man There was 31.10 in In- pock- , ts but nothing to identity him. Belief the man I'll trom outside tire district was held by police atter 'd. day-long mvesllgatlon tilled to establish his identity. No charge has been ma Sn-udmun. and it is thought that an mum-M will be held Lost lZ-Year-bld Boy Found in Toronto About Midnight. Oc Then- mus great apprehension on Tuesday ailemoon and evening by the fami'y and "tends ot twelve- year-old Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. year-oi" (\uurll. an" v. ..... --- H Hd Stahlbaum. R.R. I, Preston, who did not return home alter the Pine urou- School closed tor the a”. A search party scoured the district for hours in charge ot school princi- pal David Litwilier. without result. About 11150 at night a te‘ephone mes- sage came through from Toronto 1mm an uncle of the boy stating tho Lil had turned up about 8A0. He lnltl a story of Itarig been picked up madman his will. bicycle and all by (I 1937 Tax Funds d Exceeded Levies Arrears Collected Greater Than Unpaid Current Taxes.--- Town Finances in Splen- did Condition. Waterirto had the distinction it” ly37 or rnlluctiu: more taxes than xhe cayhtet years levy. through the receipt of tax arrears from previous ysnrs. it “as revealed In Co‘lector Wm. I'trelmitrN ropnrl tor the your nmsvnled In council Monday night ,‘m Ald. ll, H. Gnuld, otriee commit- 'ee chairman ct' Full“ Ill-Ill Current 1931 tax levy amounted‘ lo swan-n1 “hiiv Iota] taxes col- lerled were t:yn,601i.62, The latter amount inrludetl $263 55633 currcnt new»: ':t.'t.'7o'2.'25 arrears. $1523.50 poll in. and $2,795!” Imam-HI and )wnallirs A rain ttt 1,71 per rant in collec- (tsons, of current laxPS was recorded in 1937 (WW 1926 the "ures being " rau- TFE .,.. .74, 1.0m of rurrvnl laxPs was recorded hm], in Hui: uwr 1926 the "ures being KAN. Airport Commission-Mayor '.r067 1wr ran! and RR 96 per cent 'rl5l.v,ltCid. Aid ttrm. Deputy Reeve s-wrlivcly ‘H. E. Rah. 1937 “nu-m laxw unpaid amouni- County Counciiu Roevv A. Henri ml 10 537123129. while total tax ar- Deputy Reeve H. E. Rau. roars outstanding are “6.33631. __ _----" An inrrmse of 60!! per cent in the PUTTING HEAD IN LION's ulnnunl of arm-um rniirmled iasl year MOUTH IS EASY m1» rmnrdmi (WM 1936. the turtwm, bs-ing r.t,10 PM rrattt tor 1917 and l'nliim: your head into a lion'! ”WM pnr mm tor the previous Fear. tuouth isn't so drtt1tsrort'3 as it looks Treasurer" Statement providod you know how to do it. 1 TV """‘"““” "I TI‘Pasnror Nor- "pros hos "'s dourt m'lnrdlng to 'tTran [undue presenind try Aid. Gouldhuzn Coir-sir. traintsr for tho Cali- tt?trCrrrrm?ff; 1937; receipts as hum” Zonlnzirni sorir'ty, who won cr""'"'-" 16 .11 zizaluvi $0,488.53 di-- Inning her " jungle “cats" through humomnnig "savlrttt il balancn ot 'Imir pauq for thrs nirrnnt Bing "37 "3 on thr. monrh Bank Young ttt I(‘vmhy-Bnatriro Lulirs pirture. "Don Ttor, 3tat wore “1-200 " computed it'"' Rhythm". which Emanuel Cohan t'"h t69 500 n yvar "0. is, prnduring tor Paramount 'l, --- Hun an mqnu mod with your [ 1 RABBIT FORTUNE lion Than. whon )1le upon his lawn. I REGINA-some ready can was (“amp them slightly htrforo you in. l‘obtuinod by hunters of Sasklichc-N 4‘" tho .crarrirtm " W" hold one wan this your when 579,803 "ck jaw with bath hand firmly iho lion l Eh"a, --.-.._. billed m- tranord. catt't rim;- hls mouth unlii you let WOW-s Drive Rabbits Trees, p--- a". at LL" lite!) laid mint I " n; thought unlikely 2--- .[ed in Paul Sol-on. by "V "ehed This Year. _..- haw-or SM. Four woters It ore Time. Proposes Plan to l Have Municipal Aid. lieu-short?» Would Have _ Town Undertake to K009 Stimuli! Chat " A ”Item ot municipal clearing or snow from side-Illa in Watu'loo was advocated by Aid. Honoborgor I',', Monday night's council meeting. and a committee ot Engineer Nectar, board ot Work: (‘hnirman Ald. Wel- lier and Aid, Hontsbergor was up painted to look into tho matter. Aid. Hunaberger proposed that tour horses with snow plow: be put ‘inlu sex-nee immediately utter a snow tall, the cool or which would he labor)! $200 a year. 25 cents to etch taxpayer. The horses and men (li');'?, start work as early as 5 aan, and have the sidewalks cloned by l; a Ill. Ald Sturm opposed the not a- hung impractical, although he agreed with Mr Hamburger some- thing or the nature of his proponl might be of benefit to Waterloo. It was working, it was pointed out, in [region and Stratford “a“... ..__ WWW Aid. Brill. Welker and Weill awn txpressed themselves in favor ot such a proposal. Reeve Hear or posed it on the grounds that mmy families already had conlrucu tor men to do the snow clearing. and such in system wou'd cut " tho revenue to those men as well as cul~ ling out "pin~money" earned by ener- colic boys about town who above] their neighbor’s snow. Mr. Hear I'l- iored using relief labor "instead of machines." The committee will investigate tho svstem Personnel 1937 ; Bodies Complete Away; Farmers Pleased Council Names Citizens b Vacancies on Public Bodies. The personnel of Waterloo‘s [hands and Committees for 1938 In as follows. 'Names m tstack type no thogty newly elected or those re-ap- pointed tor further terms: Board of Health-or. P. D. Swim. K, A. Strasser. Geo. Diem. Dr. C. t sneaker 51,011.. Dr. C. K. Mader. ‘Mllk and Food Inspector. R. Clarke. {Sanitary "urpeetor. Norman G. Bob due, secretary. 7* 7 _ . A ._, " u um, “new”. Park Board-W. C. Tololzki, E. M. Devin. w. P. Frank, Rom. Hackney. E G. Seyler. Chris. seturnde!meyer. Geo. ColtarL Park Supt, Norman Balduc. secretary. Public Utilities commtstsioer-Nrm, Henderson. C. R. Gies, W, P. Krona w. H. Gleiser, Goa. Gran. manager J F'. llerlel. secretary, Charity and Relief (council repre- sentativest- Mayor “(Kerstin Reeve Albert Beer, Deputy Reeve H.' E. Rat. School Board-Fred “Hotter. J. H. nglmz A H. Lowe. H. W. Wagner. II”. F. F. Zwirk. Dr. Grant Harper, ‘Kenneth S Rabb. M E. liraendle. !tseeretary. __ . . mt u..- Public Library Board-A. C. Hotl- man. C. Huehnergard. Gen. Becker. Geo. Lackenhaut'r. Ira Snyder, J. A. Mocorkindale. J. M. Sehl, J. C. Cum ningham. Miss E. ll. Roos. secretary ' - _,t--L-- n-.., ningham. Miss E. ll. Roos. secretary Town Planning comrniBsiort---4hrr- tteld Pressman. (Th-mun: Reine]. Louis HOMO, P. G. “summer. secro tary. Cl Clarke. iiLG, of Tradng R. Boaton. we. s:dcm; J A MeCorkindale. sec": tory Mayor' “climate. E. A, Strassm’. St. Mary's Hospital Advisory Board -Reevo Albert "PM. K.-W. High School Board- <AIPX “r-lknr, A. M. Snider, Clemens Rer tzel. K-.w Airport Commission -Mayor ."mKersie. AM Itrm, Deputy Reeve H. E. Ratt Snow- m» _ Ruhr dun'l lot an till ynu got Four hoad out one farmer raw a wolf chasing I rabbit and it is hohvvod wolves in Inuuu -.... .. . ______ ,, the bush botwvon rnnrmninns 2 Ind 4 have driven rabbit: from the dis- trim. In use in other towns ciiiiG%atersrer. and Orval Hospital Representatives-- to Fill

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