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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 1937, p. 5

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PRAISE FOR C. H. JANSEN The ‘beamiful Jighting at the City Hall, ‘Kitchener and King St., has ocâ€" casioned â€" much | fayorable comment by the public. The city counc!l voiced its appreciation at the last meeting giving Mr. Jansen much merited praise for the cfvic heantiâ€" fication. o £ 1107 "‘" asner gIPTs FOR_MOToRISTS 369.50 up SPORTING GOODs Sz NO XMAS TREE LIGHTS VACUUM CLEANERS | RADIO ACCESSORIES W é / U P AAD1TIOG EALUTO:SuPLLYy €o, 11»ire Do 155 Ning West â€" KITCHENER _ Phone 4280 $ ALDERMAN RESIGNED The report that Aiderman elect E. A. Berges would resign in favor of the next runnerâ€"up in the recent elecâ€" tion, Mr. Boos, lawyer, today was ©onfirmed by Mr. Rerges. Pressure ef business is given as the reason for resignation. Only the kidneys can purify the blood and rid the system of poisonous impurities which cause serious and painful ailments such as rheumatism and lumbago. The kidneis are quickly aroused to action y the use of this timeâ€"tested prescription Kidrnerâ€"Liver Pills Murray S. Munn, oploneivill 14 King S. . WATERLOO â€" Phone 58 EYES EXAMINED FRANK‘S Jewellery Store ‘The Perfect Specimen‘ See Us for LAST MINUTE GIFTS H.-Jn!_- Tuesday . Wednesday Errol Fiynn â€" Joan Blondell â€"â€" ADDED ATTRACTION s~â€" â€" ADDED ATTRACTION â€"â€" Lew Ayres â€" Mary Carlisle ZANE GREY‘S Tyrone Power â€" Loretta Young REVIVAL TUESDAY NIGHT _ At 1048 THE KIDNEYS Lyric and Capitol Theatres. Kitchener. wish our many {riends "Gorgeous Hussy" ili-né-_y_. Friday â€" Saturday wit h John Howard â€" Benny Baker Stuart Erwin â€" Claire Trevor SANDWICH TOASTERsS Robert 'I'nylovr J. D. NALON *"Second Honeymoon" Watches Clocks Jewellery Repaired! "Hold ‘Em Navy" A Merry v Christmas from Wentworth Radio Hugh Herbert _ â€" _ Dick Foran Edward Everett Morton May Robson _ â€" Allan Jenkins ELECTRIC CLOCKS ELECTRIC IRONS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HEATING PADS 50 Ontario South DEC. 23 â€" 24 «. 28 DEC. 27 â€" 28 â€" 29 PERCOLATORS KITCHENER W atchmaker und patrons a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 7 077 °VC TV OVE 1 7 EALUTOSS UPLLY €6,. 1 1»MiTE D : ig West KITCHENER â€" Phone 4280 § InBuk® t P DP TPB : NP : Irh. or wath with Joan Crawford KITCHEXER THEEATRES The holiday gives every promise of ling a white one this year. which vredicts a bountiful harvest. Ou: nimtods are bringing in the rabhits these days. Muttsstice members of the veterâ€" Inaty profession mel at the Hotel Wuter‘oo, Monday night. Following a inrkey dinner. Dr. J. E. Johnson ited as chairman of a meeting that tollowed.Dr. J. R. Fowler spoke on the early detection of new growths, vhile Dr. R. A. Melntosh spoke on digestive ailments in cattle. An open d sonsslon followed. Members came from Galt, Tavisâ€" tuck. Hamilton. Guelph and other «istricts. The meeting preceded the »nnuai meeting of the Ontario Assoâ€" v.ation called for the Royal York Hoâ€" ie‘ Toronto in January. Mrs. Adelia Rupert, Wife White, Well Known This Village. PLATTSVILLE Former Resident Dies at Toronto Mrs. Adclia May Rupert died at her home, 132 Montgomery Ave., Toâ€" ronto, on Thursday, Dec. 16th, Deâ€" ceused was raised in Plattsville and wis married to John White, also of this pace. There are two children Mrs. G. H. Nelson (Blanch) and Clarâ€" ence White and Mr. Rupert of Toâ€" rento The Sunday School of United (hurch are holding their Christmas voncort in the town hall on Thuraday 2201A geod program is being preâ€" paed Mis. . Hamilton (Queenie Smart) cf Stratford visited in Plattsville on Sunday .‘ The holiday rives every nromise of Addresses by Dr. Fowler and Dr Mcintosh Follow Banquet. M~s. Win. Thibideay is spending the week aud holiday with her som, Wallace and family and Mrs. Habel b Miss Mabe] Fenn of Guelph visited vish he?s mother over the weekâ€"end. Miss Nellie EUis who has been vislting with her sister in Tavistock, t« turned home on Friday evening. My_ and Mrs. Win. Quant of Ayr visited at Platisville on Sunday, Vallace and tamiy and Mrs. Habel in Witmot Mis. Delton Coxson and family and Wilson Thihideau expect to leave for yoints in Michigan around Alma on Tn â€"day for a few weeks, \r. John Fenn, teacher, near Kitâ€" chewer . spent Sunday at his home Veterinary Surgeons Meet at Waterloo Always Acceptableâ€" A new Radio with Chas. Bickford â€" Marsha Hunt Monday . Tuesday â€" Wednesday DEC. 27 . 28 â€" 29 Barton _ Aun MacLANE _ SHERIDAN "Wine Women and Horses" Thursday â€" Friday â€" Saturday DEC. 23 â€" 24 . 28 "Thank You Mr. Motto" Patric Beverly KNOWLES _ ROBERTS "Expensive Husbands" ‘THUNDERTRAIL‘ 8 Makes to Choose From Or a NEW T hor Washer â€"â€" ADDED ATTRACTION â€"â€" PETER LORRE in of John : A Chilsimas musica) comprising vrgan atd chooral renditions, individâ€" wal and by the combined choirs and solos interspersed with hymns for rongregational | singing, comprised the bro@ram at St. John‘s Lutheran church, Waterloo, Sunday night. Rev. v.S. Itoberts, paster, was in charge. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM A program appropriate to the Christmas season was given at the meeting of the Junior League of the Waterloo â€" Evangeical Church on Monday night. It was in charge of the girls‘ class and Miss Lillian Ferschbacher, and comprised recitaâ€" tions, vocal duets and piano numâ€" bers. The final meeling of the year ol’ the Christian Mothers Society of 8t Louis church, Waterloo, was held in the parish _ hall Tuesday night Christmas gifts were presented, the cergy of the church from the organt . rmtion and Christmas gréetings exâ€"| tended to the membership ‘ Mr. Ray Dedels arrived in Kitchâ€" ener on Monday from Westminster Choir school, Princeton, N.J., to spent the Christmas vacation at the home of his father, Mr. A. Dedels, Chestnut street Mr. Gaidbain and Miss Joyce Gardâ€" ham of England, who are spending this year in Kicthener, left Wednes day for Detroit, Mich., to Join a party b mENNONITES ELECT to spend the Christmas holidays in Florida Miss Jean Curtis of Waterio, will be the guest of her father, Mr. H. Curtis and of her brother, Mr. Kenâ€" ueth Curtis and Vrs Curtis. for the poliday season Misses Many and Gloria Zuber. stuâ€" «entsâ€"inâ€"residence at Loreito Abbey. Toronto, ave spending the Christmas bolidays in Kitchener, the guests of their parents, MrQ and Mrs Joseph Zuber Jr / Queen street north, Kitch eBes Mr. Arthur Seabrook will be souty i9 learn that he is 111 in St. Mary‘s Mospital. where he underwent &n uperalbon Miss Elaine Pequeguat of the Un versity of Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr.â€" and â€" Mrs. _ Eugene | Pequegnat Foederick street, Kitchener Miss Mtary Galbraith of the Central) Bchoo! teaching staff, of Waterlipo, is a guest of relatives in Forrest for the boliday season. Misses Geraldine Hay and Sylvia Tay‘or of Waterloo are in Guelph, where they will spend the holidays at neir respective homes Mrs. Frank Hodgins and Mrs. Tom Seagram of Waterloo were in Torâ€" ette this week Z ~ 20 oo ts t tmeegre t t o s e t arrel I Social = Personal fl Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Ind . is spending the Christmas holiâ€" days in Waterioo, the guest of his parents.(Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Kunts, King south, Wateroo * "HURRICANE EXPRESS" Coming Monday & Tuesday Matinee Monday 2 p.m. "Wild and Woolly" Mroâ€" William â€" Kunts, .lufleljl at j CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS AT ffic yOE / $A s Nee‘ s "ifs EXTRA â€" John Wavne In a Mile a Minute Thriller BARBARA STANWYCK JOHN BOLES . ANNE SHIRLEY STELLA CHRISTMAS MUSICALE 2 FEATURES â€" Also JANE WITHERS in w n 9 tb THE WATERLOO (Ontwio) CHRONICLE ‘|.h\q were given by the young peoâ€" |ple In the section, "TUncle Dick‘s ‘\hflukl* and ‘"In May with .nn« Wiss Ruthy: Wand‘s Splece orchestra ‘“!u\p]:“d the mnaic. which was very much enjoved by all Santa Claus ‘inade his appearance presanting the | chtldren with gifte. candies and nuta , \ir Henry Schmidt wae chatrman Officers Reâ€"elected and Reports of Gratifying Nature Presented at Annual Meeting. The many friends here of Gavin Pachonr, 60 years, were shocked to hoar of his death, Monday evening at his home in Edmonton, Alta.. having fosel a streke while ar Church whout a week ago. Mr. Rarhour spent the greater part of his life here, hiaving gone West about 12 years ago, Heâ€" was faithful member of Boyd Church, having heen choir leader wnd «‘der in the ehirch. He leayes to â€" mourn his Joss his wife, one CROSSHILL Lorne Rennie Heads Wellesley Plowmen GAYVIN BARBOUR Tes Mi~ Mather also gave an ad dress on o the Prophet| Isatah â€" The Anamoal statement was read by the secretary, Miss: Mary Bell which was vi9s satisfactory, $16 was contribut +4 to the Missionary Fund. Officers foc the new year. were reâ€"elected After a Christmas hymn was sune Rev \fr. Mather pronounced the be nodiction The â€" social committe« Maryâ€" Beli and Firman Ward fook charge condncting a peture contest ind a game followed by refresh ments in form of a box social School Concert a Success. â€" ‘The annnal school concert was a i1 and snecess the sehool heing filled to eapacity. School was beantifully decorated with evergreen and stream erac in. Chriatmas colore â€" Miniat ite \Christmas trees dccorated the walls | Th cantata "Trouble in Toyland"~ irected by J MacFarlane wae well qplayed by the children Two other Following â€"the regular Waterloo Band rehearsal on Monday night a socal hour was held for the families of the members, over 100 attending. Moving pictures were shown and carols sung. Rev. Paul Ecb presided at the piano. Candy, nuts and oranges | were | prosented | to . the young folk. The Wellesley Township Plowmen Assocviation held their annual meetâ€" ins in the Township Hall. Monday icrermoon | with . szood attendance. The | president. borne Rennie, preâ€" sided â€" The secretary, Firman Ward. presented | the finaneial . statement wluch was very satisfactory. Showâ€" ine a longthy discussion of ways and means . ofâ€" improving . the . plowing match, the. officers and | directors wils reelected. With an additional cm sdded to the directors, Thos. 0. Wilhod. Former Crosshill Resident Suffers Stroke in Church at Edmonton, Alberta. A most delightful evening was spent by the members of the Walâ€" ther _ League of _ the Redeemer Lutheran Chuch Monday night at the home of â€" Miss E. Schendel. Games, music and readings in keepâ€" ing with Christmas were enjoyed. Rev. K. A. Kreisel gave an address at the close. CHRISTMAS SOCIAL iiving gone West about 12 years ago. Heâ€" was faithful member of Boyd Chnreh, having heen choir leader snd e‘or in the ehmirch. He leayes to â€" mowrn his Joss his wife, one @anghter, Helen, at home and Cecll BPiuxhoue. . Wellesley: Township treas ue l, Wellestey. Mr. and Mrs. Har beur lef for the Wost Tuesday evenâ€" inz, when they will attond the funâ€" +/al on Friday. Lorne Rennie received the sad niws on Sunday of the death of his cnsin. Gerald Bode. being killed on Lekke. Barbara Uffelman, Jack Rae bDouglas Aarvey, Mary Irwin, Mary tC@ozier. Donglus Watson, Jack Boehâ€" mer. Clayton Joyce, Bobby Boyer Kenuth Sutherland, David Alexander Jimmy Devenney, Joan Peters. Mari Iyn Hunter, Eric Suyder. Joyce Rae, Corrine Hwiit, Marjory Snider, Ruth Curruthers, Vera Legge, Ann Simpâ€" sum, Dorothy Holland, Sheila Spider, Joan â€" Chalmers, Phyllis Uffelman. F.ancis Watson, Naney Tweed. Janet flepburn. Virginia Heppler. Carolyn Sayder. (Margaret: Carruthers, Jean irzer, John Boyer, John Van Every iDen Pearce Condy was distributed to the chilâ€" ilben following th program while a sovial hour also was arranged for Hee mothers The entertainment Saturday after noun was given by primary departâ€" ment scholars and consisted of reciâ€" t.tions and songs. The program was in charge of Hilda Devitt. Those as sisting were Mrs. E. Val Tilton, plaâ€" n‘st, Miss Frances, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs Heppler, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs: Peâ€" teis. Mrs. Hewitt. Miss Moogk and Mrs Bean Orval Clarke, superintendont . of the Sunday school. was in charke of tie prograim Sunday morning, dur ing which candy was distributed The church service was in charge of kev E. Val. Tilton, pastor The recitations were by the followâ€" ing â€" children: Helen Geiger, Julia ali hi ia d accd WBishdisatdhiddind difeadd ;.‘;.7 UNIT!D- cnuncn' He had been bothered with rheuâ€" matism for years. The pain in wet Christmas programs were given by weatherâ€"to us his own expression the Sunday School of the First Unit: â€"was "indescribable." But all that +d church, Waterloo, Saturday afterâ€" is gone nowâ€"thanks to Kruschen. mwou and during the regular Sunday Read the letter :â€" school hour Sunday morning 10 "I suffered with rheumatism for The entertainment Saturday afterâ€" YCATS. 1 dl'udod_ wet weather, for noun wus given by primary departâ€" during such periods the pain was mment scholars and consisted of reci CODtinuous and indescribable. To t.tions and songs. The program was begin with, it was confined to my in charge of Hilda Devitt. Those as limbs, but in time I began to suffer wistine were Mrs Eo Val Tilten nia. 48 much agony in my body as I did ENJOY CHRISTMAS SOCIAL 0 dia in Bod: Rennie â€" received theâ€" sad Sunday of the death of his ierald Bode. being kiled on aving â€" heen on Te police Cleveland, Ohio. The late i0 was a somâ€"inâ€"daw of Alex DIES SUDDENIL\Y FOR BANDSMEN A public health service is con tinuous, where possible, beginning with the expectant mother, followâ€" ing with birth degistration to disâ€" cuss â€" feedity â€" and _ immunization against diphtheria, small pox, and other diseases and medical superâ€" vision. Then comes infant welfare visits through the most critical time of a child‘s life, it‘s first year. From infant welfare visits the calls beâ€" come preâ€"school, and periodic visits The combined municipalities North and South Dumfries and the village of Ayr, have the service of a public health nurse. This service under _ the â€" supervision _ of _ the Medical Officer of Health has been in operation for ten years. This year the salary of the nurse was inâ€" creased. The dutics of the nurse include a full general programme.‘ The main object of the service is to | improve the general health of the| community by prevention. We, a committee, appointed at a special meeting held in the Townâ€" shil Hall, Baden, on Wednesday. December 8th, to consider the adâ€" visability â€" of â€" engaging & â€" public health nurse by the two municipaliâ€" ties, beg leave to submit the folâ€" lowing reports of data for the conâ€" sideration of the ratepayers at the annual meetings of each Wilmot Township school sectionâ€"1937. C as much agony in my body as l did ir my limbs. ahen I began to take Kruschen Salts, I found it did me more good than all the other mediâ€" cine 1 had taken put together. Toâ€" day, I have J;e‘ce and freedom from pain, even during wet weather, and can heartily recommend Kruschen Salts to anyone who suffers from rheumatism.""â€"N.M. Rheumatic conditions are often the result of an excess of uric acid in the body. Two of the ingredients in Kruschen Salts have the power of dissolving uric acid crystals. Other ingredients in these Salts assist Naâ€" ture to expel the dissolved crystals through the natural channels. Cost Estimated at $1,650 and Includes Car Allowance.â€" Boards Asked for Decision. A letter sent to Wilmot Town ship schools will be read at the an rual meetings of these schools, T reads as follows: To the Reeves and Councils uf the Township of Wilmot and New Hamburg Gentlemen: Urge School Nurse for Wilmot Pupils He Suffered Agony In Wet Weather Rheumatism Attacked Limbs and Body. Â¥{ 8( y{ Silver or Colored Cake i CANDIES tose 10c Liberty Red if CHERRIES ‘¥Z 10â€" A New Pitted Â¥{ DATES 2 Lt 23c g RICE 3 Lb 17¢ Brownie or Animal BISCUITS _ Pis 5c w Cluisimer Treets s STOCKINGS E.«» 10c Te "="2"~"ang: ?&%&KW%&KWW&M&‘WK&‘&K&‘&%&&% > J e F2 KISSES 2 Lbs 25¢ Laing‘s Cut Laing‘s ROCK Gum Drops or Jelly Victory Sweet PICKLES 27 or Jar 23¢ BEANS _ Lb 15¢ CATARAC DRY GINGER ALE CALIFORNIA DIAMOND BUDDED THE VERY BEST MINCEMEAT WALNUTS 10 Kingc St. S. WATERLOO _ Phone 894 Lb. 15¢ f n UTs 1 % *~ ‘9:}' Chase and Sanborn‘s Dated COFFEE PEA S Sitver Ribbon Green Velley TOMATOES‘" CORN PUMPKIN 3"; Green Valley Sieve 4 Ayimer Whole Kemet CANDYâ€"OUR SPECIAL HARD CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES : MIXTURE the Et M d In either case with either form of nursing . service | the M.O.H. has direct supervigion. Respectfully submitted, Chairman. Elmer A. Poth Harry Hostetler A. R. G. Smith. 1+ _ The estimated probable cost of service in Wilmot and New Hamâ€" burg with a school population of 1,000 and a combined population of 5,400 is: Salary $1,250.00; car al lowance, $350.00; equipment for for nurse $50.00; total of $1,650.00. Individual school equipment, conâ€" sisting of scales, etc., about $35.00. No government grants are availâ€" able for this service. The cost of this service would amount to ‘> mill on the dollar of assessment. There is another type of service available known as school nursing service. This pertains to public school nurses only. The nur~e is enâ€" gaged for part time only. All Public School Boards are reâ€" spectfully requested to forward a resolution for or against the proâ€" posed service to the Wilmot Townâ€" ship Council fellowing the presentaâ€" tion of this report at their annual school meeting to be held an Decemâ€" ber 20th. are made to see that no defects ure developing that may hinder a child‘s school work in later years When a child reaches the class room age the nurse visits regularly Each school is visited about once every six weeks except in cases of outbreaks of communicable disease, when the nurse is on immediate call. Annual vision tests are made but any existing defects are reâ€"inspectâ€" ed, noted on the child‘s individual school card and are closely followed up. In no case does the nurse reâ€" port to the child but to the parents, and in all cases receiving attention advises consultation with the family doctor. Ki s. 8 oc hi ud M MJs on ta . aubub Pube nd im hnorir. Bridgeport, Mr. and s. Menmo : Horst and daughters uthac ind Verua, St. Jacobs, Mr. «1/ Mos. Mahlon snider, Elmira, is Seramns Martin and daughter ‘lina. Wakaruasa, Ind.. Miss Lena ariin,. Floradale and Mr. John Sniâ€" v. Bloomingdale, Mr. sout Afrs. Edwin Feick and mily visited at the home of Vernon sns ©oof Rosehank. Sunday, tb and Mrs. Simon Martin enter mwed t their home on Sunday: Mr. i Mrsâ€" Menvo Bamnan and son s2d .. Hawkesyille, Mr. and Mrs 10 Frederick St That you may have a MERRY CHRISTMAS Jansen Eyesight Service HAPPY NEW YEAR â€" CARROLL‘S LIMITED Nz*NZ*®zN~z*NENE*®zÂ¥z STRASBURG is the wish of 12â€"0r. Tin 10c it 12¢ 1â€"Lb. Prs. 36c No. 2 Tis Oc No. 134 No, 919 Dedicated to Better k ision KITCHENER snn tmmmmntnee s ELECTRICAL § s FIXTURES & SCOUT CHRISTMAS PARTY Thirty seven _ members _ of _ the Waterloo Boy Scouts on Monday evening enjoyed a Christmas party at St. Louis R.C. Church. Bingo games were playedl followed by reâ€" freshments. Fighteen homes were visited by members of the Scnior League of the Waterioo Evangelical Church Monday _ night _ when _ Christmas carols were sung to the enjoyment ui shutâ€"ins. -_;_:ulmmmumuuumnnnunulmlTl& Old Burcaus, Poster Beds, Chairs, etc., bought and sold. Furniture and Reproductions. _ 48 King S.. Phone 477, Waterloo FRED BARANSKI Designer and Bui‘Jer of High Grade A perfectel mehod No elmetle Na leg | strims | 1LiIT. _ INEXPENBIN & GUARANTEELD _ livestigate. . Wrise 90 rall Smith Manufacturing Company Dept. B. 536 King $« PRESTON, ONTARIG G. C. Crompton, Prop. Above Doerr Electric Opp. Lyric Theatre, Kitchener DOWNING, STEEN and Co & on Ibe R, W. Bierwagen ELECTRIC CO. 204 King Street West KITCHENER SING CAROLS TO SHUTâ€"INS YOSTS FRAMING DEPT. 86 King St. W. Phone 1800 Picture Framing Pictures and Artistic Frames ANTIQUE FURNITURE es «. pâ€"â€"= s Pe Jcam io t _ " + El ‘.L =â€" & â€"< > 4 > """."'tn» E ‘E_ .â€"gâ€": RUPTURED? Reasonable Prices FLORISTS Eâ€"tablished 14#8 KITCHENER Phone 85

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