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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Nov 1937, p. 6

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The funeral was held on Monday! :leH damage _ from the residence to New Hamburg um hml Tr, mil:- R.C. church at 10..30 o'eock. lnter- mined "VI-r 25 ment took place in the KC. cememnzun hum-s Li tery. Rev. Mr. Winters ofticiated. {pour-r lines on tl on”, Drowning). . London Townshi " is the first death in the Nith '"rtr or? Wellingte River since April, 1934, when Harry tnerra WW” with' and Earl HImel were Ieretill'""1r- when their boat WIS swept over the! Fear You dam. On New Year's Day in tjiiii) IIAMIL'I‘OX.~ two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ramona l and Jack Wills 1 English and I son of Mr. Ind Mrs. “we believed in Henry Goertz were drowned when'dM when a boa their sleigh went through the ice. which they had Other tragedies at the Nith River “at wag reports included the double drowning in an'oat ii sldeda 33:), glue; Aludrew Eiehler Ind "r",'.": Kill re ue n slipped oft the I run of the dam while playing; Th". 'ly.yPs98c-a Brown, who was seized with camps A. Gibb, ot Detro while hIthing in 1929; James‘wr Cananl, 12 ' Sterling. drowned in 1886; iur-l'Py!ty night wh mend Sehl, John Holland, Alfred driv4stt try ("W Brittlebank; two Schneider tdhWftF'r.',iii' a tree. one drowned near the islInd Ind Tttss r-nunle the other some years later at J. ii'.ltrienac, in Amh Roth's farm; two Engelland chile'm'h ot' hero, It dren, drowned while sitting in I‘HVNL and WPt'Pl wagon box and the horse 'tdu'lli,)'tc'1t7',2i"c'd into the river; I Mr. Schweitzer and l " In" an? of his I 1igi,fe,'ih boy who were drowned The bodies are a at Be mer's bridge while bathing. tohlishment here. Boy Drowned out: an}! one.infant Iitster hanetr. KI'I‘UHENER. Nov. Eka‘Fl'ed. w. Snyder, Queen St. North. Kitchener, driving on the highway tour miles from Gall Wednesday night was alde- swiped hy a can Ihelieved to have been ‘stnlen at Bunion! a week ago. The swim: car was ditched and two men one bleeding trom face and head wounds were spun running arross the 'ir-los. Tlo. ten#ssrs uf tlte Snyder war were badly damaprvd It Kitchener Car Is Sideswiped by Stolen Machine 'nnvinul'd irom Part ly 20 -- luke 22-Smal! elevation of sand on which to stand I l9 t3- To bow ti, head m saluulxon " - A kind ot terrier 15- -Tou an) MV-To look askance 18- A pretis rm amnf: the south lormerly PPR” Paeitic knhnhiung mediums ocean Utah ugh! "--Diminuttve 28 -Ctgttic cenll~ 9--A bell oe of Abraham "--rucau is: 16 ',s',jtC'ii'i(; " T-Brave a-Land 2-A Mutiny measure. .-Arteid Ib--An latrin- Am gen: I‘Vnnely at gotf an Q FIRM o! Pt txWee "--opinumatm, verb "to be S--AI, um ta 27-An Ina-m T-Pae upv-n i cm; m 1 ar the MINE meld: labbr t lin, - 01mm 32 T Juan! xsuor I " - The curved end ot I crescent 37 Symbol for radium 3b Cease 40--A strong " agon tor transport- mg goods 'r--Prszes 43 -- Wrath 44-- Guide 45-The tore, ttoger Ta- r'jjiii's'iil El ':-;|tl0 and in the district surround- iile sinteoe. manv telephonp and hy- dw- lim-e were disrupted. r In thrs Lundnn distrhl, Hun: was Em!“ damn-1n although tho wind xt-mhml 35 nlilt-s an hour and con- l‘nnnd UVPI’ 23 milos an luInr ior ”an, hours Limbs broke through pom-r lines on tho 2rd concession of Lnndnn Township and south ot the I ity on Wellington road and sections 11mm wvro- without "EMS tor a half hour, Fear Youths Drowned "AMtL'P0N_--A1oortro Hansen. 18. and Jack Wills. 17. Hamilton youlha, 1'.t'rr' hotievert to have drowned Sum day when a boat similar to one in which they had not out In Hamilton Bay was reported to have been nae!) afloat upside down. Two Killed In Emit ThHNDsoR.--aer and Mrs. James A. Gibb. ot Detroit, were killed at Ri- Per Cananl, 12 miles south ot here, Sunday night when their automobile, drivo‘n try Gthh, missed a curve and struck a tree. 'zasoruu. lug tuittitur out at Port Bun well were safe as the battered boat rrawled into port. five hours ovorduo. ‘mst as prayers for their safety were Ibring altered in Port Bun-well “hurt-hrs and hope gone (but may u-uld survive the mountainous seas. ', Eight other thshing crafts at Port But-well and several tugs trom Port 'Stanley were caught in the sudden |mules, but were able to beat their Vay to their home ports. ' "an, Accident: (in tlurhttrhwars and city streets. your visibility as the gals whipped snow and rain about, resulted in nu- nwmus accidents. Thn mums- had been visiting friends in Arrthersrtbart " miles south or hero. when they formerly Iivpd. and were returning to Detroit tvtwn thrs :wridanl nrcurred. Gibb was " hm age of his, wife was unknown. The bodies are at a undertaking es- The high winds that at times were teom " to " miles an hour ripped Hwough the wire swim-Is and sov- c~val sections warp without power Lrst night, “Tum " 36.000401! feeder line wt: Im-knn by " falling nee limb, a large ""tm mum at Walt-Hard was rut of! I‘IIIII power and light for the hours Sunday nighl hefore rr-pairs could be Four Death; ,, B'""""" __.. a...“- "TV., Waterloo, and belnnging to Ed it.tttl 1itrehrwu-t_ took tire The Wu- 'tio,, Innluvu um. unlit-d and um 'tttr Illv l-luw- hu-rmv ~mluus dzunmzr \~.-2A done (Comm-ma from coral reel surrounding I central lagoon um Piece out I 7 - Scold t ty - The dio- cesan cen t er mum: cat luaukul "" Mary St MOTOR CAR ABLAZE Page U mtenor 86- Hymnal monsters Mr-Attach 32--The Orient 33-A male at 3G-Roman poet 36--Underu, m- 38 'Ne Obsert _. 39, Greek i vtcr ", Symbol for tellunum caverns" gs-Jhgrnve at-trtan the N-stan ot I Ltar. WAIIRLOO (“my CBQEICLE l In the Supreme Court Sittings (held at Kitchener on Friday, the divorce uction brought by John Loner, Kitchener, against Louisa Loner failed. Justice Roach said he ‘did not believe evidence of co- respondent and brother Nick. Loner. Two detectives who were to give evidence for the plaintiff, failed to ’appear, He said he believed the evi- dence of the defendant and the suit failed. S. A. German acted for the ‘plaintilf and A. w. Boos for the idefendant. 50m: Divorce Action ', Fails at Kitchener; Harold G. Morrow, Preston, was south ward-Myrtle c. M granted a divorce against Mary Walter V. Slasher, Harry Elizabeth Morrow after evidence of Wrmst ward-Wiliam S. Flu Dan Murphy of Toronto was heard. 1rw Trmdoll, Dr. C. E0301". I The can came to the Royal with lit lug string or western show victor- 'es In its credit " was bred by the exhilnlnr ut .qtrathmore Alberta. Aru uurding to the manager. Art Hay. it will be shipped down to the Premier's Elgin County farm Immediately after tho Fair's Mose. Premier vllephurn, it is stated also. has hum: admitted to membership in the Hohrttsirttriesian Association ut a meeting of [ha PXN'UHV‘G new sinu- tho Fair was opened. " was .IIIIquIH-I-ll also that tho Premier had purchased a tttrev-year- old I'I-an-run stallion trom Hans Broth-4's "1‘ Paris. Tht. smllimL " sitminn. mum sm'nnd in his class to . Ikmvs llnmsvry entry. Anothru .crtl" of interest was the MIMI Cutllrs Company or Colorado Sprinus, [nun-haw for 51.500 ot the swninr hull shurlhm’ll In" and re snz'vv grand champion. Duke of Km- earn. from Claude Galliuger. of To. titrhi. Amer-w. _ Premier Hepburn, it was aB- nuunrml ttt the Royal winter Fair, has purchased the C.P.R. arm Hol- stein hull calf. “Strathmnro Kdlm Maggi» Lad." ‘ Slippery ”Venn-nu and pom nu ‘bility unused by driuling rum were {Named for the high tull which be"! JLhe number of pedestrian, killed in _the city this year warm: to any "our, just three oshort of the total iror 1986 Water-I Print-winner to be skirted to Eteim Farm. Hepburn Buys i"; Champion Calf 5 I: 22, of Euclid Avenue, was not charged. He told the police he WBs following another car along College Street when the driver swerved suddenly. He said he did not see the woman. Mr, Sathr Smnlack, .3", of " 1itrjot Street. tra, almost "bluntly killcd when ~t|urk In a cat as stu. was Maritime m the devil strip on ("allege Street. "var Augusta Ave- nue. The drives, Nathan Hurwitz, Week End Cars 5 Kill 3 in Toronto George Herder, 24. of 3ttti Silva- thorn Avenue, with fatally Injured when he was struck by an nutumw bile 'ts he walked along Eglinton Avenue on the shoulder of the road near Blnckthorn Avenue un Sthtur- day night. HI: companion, Lena Morris, 27, 32t Kane Avenue. received head in- juries, Walter Greenwood of De- troit, aged IR, driver of thr an, “an changed with mtutMautshter. Edward I Ryan. Bleevker Street driver of the Kuo, Wats arrested on a th-rge of manslaughter Two Pedestrian Slnul. In Alice Gravenon. (If), I Vic torinn Order nurse. who lived at 65 Millbrook Crescent, died at 6 u'clock Sunday night in St. Michael',, Hour pital of injuries received at 520 p.m., when run down by in auto- mobile while crossing Jun» street at (”urlton Street chat-fa of aasuGisTiiurone",',i' nukes. driving. TORONTO Thur peanut-u; were killed an! tseven more Were injured m may memento our the week-end that resulted m two f [ ‘n Manon) lir‘elubt VOA. Surat and Two Other u h “an... 'seek) Pedestrians KiBed.-tvo Car WWW” by Am A W "rivers C'Urtrert with mmlmxalmnn \Iunrd Manslaughter. f. oti".'..1"y.1""t1, '.' Another Granted Mayor ~Alnx s, 1mm. Gnome w nomad. Irvin nun-man. “avid Grass, .74.? Mninzinumg A. J. Cundick. Chas, M .luuzvn, H A. Burp-s. J. A. Smith. M, w. Sturm, C. G, Lips. Ivan Shantz. Aid-ruin III! to ho err-Med): John Walter. (‘lurnnn- Sr-iborl. Harry WurttltoVi, Arthur " Plummet Wil- liam Schaefm: Henry “when William l‘rulh, Dr Slunll‘} It Leaving A. w, Hams. Marshall liingeman. James E. hruntnn, I“) G. Latchtord. John "2'..va Henry W Sturm, Allan A. El»); Mervin stroh, George A. Mal- lu-k. Joseph Meinzineer, A, J. CHIP nick. Al'ln-rl Hruhachor. Ivan Shaun. Irvin Bowman. Louis Dahmor, E, A. Borges. Gordon Mok Homrttorgtrr, Emil Dnrsrll. William Karttychtmt, William Walsh. J. Uttley, Otto H. Togetsant Mervin C. Gross. Water wminlulon (two to be elect- "lt---Attrert a Bunker, John Hun:- worth. Louis Mutschlor. Puhmr l'li'hies (two to he elect- edt--a.Mward E. Rats, Armand Bit:- Pr, Arthur w, Nlergarth. David Gross. James C. Jaimet, Fred P. Mul- lins. J. Uttley. Public school board (one In each w a rd t --North ward-L- cook. Fred H. Schneider; centre ward-A. A Augustine. Arthur P. mum-n: msl ward-Dr. cllltord S. Wilson. anlvin P. runner, Emil C. Schultz; south ward-Mrrue c. MeTamart; Walter V. Slegner, Harry Wolfhard: Wm: ward-Wiliam S. “nanny, war. Water commission-Vert E. Bunker. John Hainnworth. Louis MttteMer, ' school Imam] Arthur F. Klugmn Inn-NJ; Prod dl, Schneider. mile Cook, nr I' S. Wilson. Em“ C. Srhultz, Mrs. Myrtle o, McTagnn. Walter V. snireter, wattor Trends". " E, Stoltz. l'llhlh Utilities-Edward Ib mu, Armin M. Bitter, Arthur W. Nlegmh. ('arl Kama. James C JaImat. Min-dun ttHe F l. Freodemau, F. A it,vuss,r, I‘hHrp‘Iiellnel‘ Matthe. J limb-ll Matt I' “account Harry Maho"ey. Hurry Woods. John ttyr Mill, t%arlem r.' Fulton Ernest A "rrcstrtt ti: Inn-l lamina: ttive to be elected) \winzingrr. Albert Brubncher. A. ' l‘undirll. Iran A Sham! B, A Borges. Gordon Mck Hotttthtrrtter. Fynit liorsoh, William “'alsh, M. C Gross c: "utchtord. John G Brown. vigour! St Sturnl,_ Allan R. my. Marvin H. Such George A Malia-IF, Jonah H [mm [run Bowman \Mmmwn John \Vuhvr Clarence Pam-3L ”any “'aumnld Arthur P, I“ulnmm Htutrv Weil", Dr. Stan- lr: H Lamina A W “mm. Marshall Hummus“) Jamms B. "match, Loo 1: I‘llrhronL John G Brovos.rHesetry In "I Matiso" John " Moon. Ruben I . ul‘hnll, tren Irtew J " MacKuuton UHDIE“ T Burke-r Angus [lunhal Squid!“ m Inml I: "slum cull atria, n "tl4tttt ~lhmmm Yunnan Wiitred t .mlt \I'Iilum V ”.11an (Jun! “PULP" Quahlhanuln here um» as tollowt, Ham: “and K ktNttteds “‘llllam " Taylot hug-amen ttt m he Hm'ttd! A Phillis. A J nudge.“ W P Smith. I w Iklllpu') “when u Grundy toll, U (hum-ell unnumnumm .luord Sutuldn) night it nan found mum at those wmlll‘lvd Had qualthtM all eight tot tho 'Her Mammal": sun-Ia nine 01 the " tor m.- ttte Board ol 1-11qu mu. and mice tot the luo Puhlh: l'lllllleo u nun-msmurm The qthalrNuusorus “mm " K tiervtat, A W “or \Idmmru L 1 Pie-nuns In It. F. I-‘mnlrl A HIIIIIAIH, R F Skelly. " Anderson ti I’lall " M Turn, Elections in Call and Guelph GAI/r Ao a a eapewttmt ou" am 11.n- " (‘ulu‘u unnoldll) routes! uh “albda) lieu-when 6, will) Hiya! " K ‘a'r‘vI-b awkllt‘ 4 mm: term, Greta M shun u P mitten. Ro. “an" GALT Kitchener 1htaalificatiotts Kitchener Nominations G, "I :r w [run Bowman bt Guelph V Hal-mm Lloyd rmsssr'.1 J Hum)!" Go (lull Alex New" When landlady "I see your cup ot tea (on a chair. Mr. Boarder. A peculiar “.1ch to put it." I Mr. John strelchor and Mr. and ‘Mra. Bern Stretcher ot SrRraatopot, spent Wednesday or last week with Him farmer's nieces. Mrs Noah Leis lad Mrs. J. Yum. Mrs. Moses Llchti and two sons ot near Buffalo. visited but week among relatives here. [ the company 74 years ago there have been but live managers. as follows: lc M. Taylor. Frank Height, Levi W. shun. Arthur Foster and the pres- ont manager. Fred H. Maser, who [succeeded the late Mr, Foster In 1933. J Prenidcnu since Founding of co. Prominent men of Waterloo (mm " haw mm the otneets or pro-l- dent since 1863. They are as follows: Moses Springer, tMr3-69: J. TIIC WIL den. 1870 M: Char‘os Hendry, 188% 94; Georeo Randall. 1895-1908: wit, lmm snidnr. 1909-1914: George Blob- tA. 19154922; Allan Bowman, Pren- Inn, 192124; L w. Shun, 1925431: M 0. “Virtual. former MP. and " L.A, 1932-37. Rot and Mrs. George Ham: and ramlly of Btraitordrine. visitors last Wednesday at Mr. Hammond's. Kitchimrw. and one hrother. Wm. Leighton. Crosshill, and one sister. Mrs. J J ('mrknn”. Kitchener. " p:'artdchildron and 5 gram grandchil' dren. She is in good health tor her age and is able to be about and enjoys (him: a liltle sewing and reading. Sim is from a family of T girl! and J boys. most of them born in Seot- land, During the day Mrs. Patch val showered with congratulations and was of ftowerB. Mr. mGr,rdr) "Not at all; It's so wr'ak I put It more to real." Celebrates 90th Il‘nnl immd from Page Th" hmnrd nmm ls titted with gram Imllwr upholstered chairs and at [area solid walnut tattle whim the executivtb otnees are fitted with brown leather upholstered chairs. Large on portraits of the found": or the company face tho main orb trance as you outer They inc‘uda Moses ‘Sprlnger, the ttrat president, John shun, the ttrat treasure]: and C M, Taylor, tho tirtst manager and secretary. Since tho founding ot The {ulnnul‘r Ill the otrices ot tho Henna! nmnugm Mr, F H Moses .11ch Inqnm-Im M, 4trrthiouil, In ot “aim“ and ' otricrs M J A F'istdt H 50:19:1me and the ue-nrral “like. m up} “at. Nr u minimum-m includes cloaks, Mann .uhlurls and mhnr tis, tures Imam in on witiNe,. Fur, _ nilure and Lighting System. ook ullh r-rstlotsurrar, tot radiators, Kloors m mu exertttwt, "lice: and loan] mum itrtm “were-d with ml! bluadloom .arpel linoleumr Walla one dwaraled m pale green .and cell- xnga In nun VMmliau blindb add to tho beam, of the inlerior The: thun- is a new Ind-[mg as well as lwanug and sexual systems The Itptttinu. " at (he most modern with rhrunuum aluminum 'atxtyray tix news bt-trn uninformed mm one ot the "to“ umdwu m Western Ontario Ttw um.“ ot the “nuns day-rt lttettt had: and tgeuerul "tttco have man mlumelels renovated with no. Lunnmr and nun-e equipment It Mailed A llvl Inghliux Nytstern with .ihe um. ntsrtttrtuattts makes tor tr"tttttttrr and Mann: surroundxn‘ and "etablem the mnmbers a! the an! '0 aork nub more Miriam)! The ”sum euteritut the general "tttte .3 lulu-rum mm the modern tie mun aud appulullllvnlb‘ with new wan! nu-k panelling itt quarter cm Waterloo,. oldest maul-nu: coll “my the "itorioo Mutual T'trts. this "mull: ”unmet-ed eutsoestve tttant- to ttt, nun-ml mine» which no"; for the Waterloo Mutual fire ks, Co. Tum-z, November 30, 1f1t KINGWOOD ' otricrs M J A Fisvh and the annual office. Nr n tiiiritttunt includes .U’IlllrlS and mhnr tis, George Hammond I)

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