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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Nov 1937, p. 3

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40 ARRESTED. 20 HURT m NAZI-ROYALIST mor schools 'rt-rt-rr.......-.. K.-W. Collegiate-.., K.-W. Hospital "PV.VPP_...e Public Health..,.......,.... Fire Protection W".F.retee.Ft gulgliALLibglry -t'-..re.te..FP, Public Library --ee..re.te.r_eme. 1.7 Park Fund _....................... 2.1 Street. Lighting ...m.-....ttm.. 8.t Debentures and interest...ll.8 Genet-l purposes ............161 Park F%d ..-.C../...r.r. Oat of every dollar of taxes re- ceiVud by Waterloo in 1937, 42.2 cents went for education. figures quoted by Mayor McKersie at town nomination meeting Friday night showed. The breakdown of Water- loo taxes, for 1937 follows, figures being for cents of dollars taxes col- lected: County rate '._rrP--r...tr.tm... 14.8 cents Public am! Separate Dr. Thomson stated that the health of teeth It, very Important to the general health of the individual. Decayed teeth set otf poisonous liquids into the blood stream, under. mining health. " is a Get, and the weaker. that " per cent of the people of l‘allatla han- "ecaycd teeth Education " the olirulual la the only ma) to )mprme the health at" teeth. anti this well take yeais lh. Thuru,on >talul that tht Canadian Dental ll_\ulellr t'i-um-il. a lay organization, “a: formed In 1925 for educational purposes. " '.s spending dollar for dollar with the Ontario Government in promoting better dental habits. Education, however, will not probably have re- sults for probably two generations. it taking that length of time to store up sufficient calcium for teeth de- velopment to form perfectly ennm- elled crown. Diet, the speaker said, has much to do with better teeth. He referred to a southern tribe of uncivilized iolk which has Ilmost perfect teeth, yet never heard of a tooth brush, paste or dentist. This tribe ate mostly row vegetables and fruits. Simillrly a tribe of eskimos had a high percentage of perfect teeth. and the northerners' diet was found to consist of ehiefly raw meats. The conclusion drawn from the research was that raw fruits, vegetables, Ind meats, aided greatly development of calcium and better teeth. In the course of his Iddress the speaker referred to the work of all health branches, including the Men- tal, Dental, Red Cross and Tuber- culosis branches. and their wars on disease. m. Thomson of Toronto Gives "narrating Address to Waterloo Service Clubs. SPEAKS m CHILDREN The Importance of teeth in o- motint good ham: was stream!” by Dr. T omwn, field secretary of the COMM Dental 'teu', council, to members " the nation Board of Trade and the Waterloo Young Men's Club, meeting in joint session at the Hotel Waterloo on Friday night. Dr. Thomson was Introduced by It. Ford S. Kumpf. President of the Dominion Life. Mr. kumpf cited ways in which Life Insurance com- panies are co-operating with Cm- dian Hygiene councils in promoting better health throughout the Do- minion. The Life insurance otrieers of Canada, a Canadian organization, donates heavily to the work of the Dental Hygiene Council. Waterloo Spends ~12 Cents on Dollar For Education Dental Health Stressed by Head Waterloo No extra charge for use of our home-like Funeral Chapel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. S. - Phone MT Mosul, Novembgr M, I987 m AUSTRIA LINTZ. Austria. â€" Forty persons Total P...' Hygiene Council '__.... 100 cents 33.6 I The free-for-an broke out at a meeting of supporters of the Pre, tender to the Austrian throne, Archduke Otto, when a group of Nazis first began singing the Gen man National Hymn, and then, when the Monarehisti, protested, started hurling chairs and beer stains. '/toitrc,At the K.-W. Hospital. Nov. M, to Mr. and Mm. 8. Reiko, I Ontario St. s.. Kitchener, a I daughter. Uheie-At Bridgeport. Nov. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Uhrig. I , son. 1EKhhotts-At Wlterloo, Nov. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eichholtz, 25 l Church Street. Waterloo, a son. ('"pa,t',,a,1,t the K.-W. Hospital, Nov. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert l Dorscht. Waterloo. I son. 'Doherer-At the K.-W. Hospital. ( Nov. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. J. _ Doherty, Ezra Ava. Waterloo, a daughter. Main‘At the K.-W. Hospital, Nov. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Main, Kitchener, a son. mAEeH---At the KAN. Hospital. Nov. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. I Duffield, Kitchener, a daughter. YHcy At St liary's Hospital. Nor, 25, i to MI: and Mrs. tmarks Hey. Pinko _ sjtutt. Kinhmwr. " daughter, ’Amold A! Ness [Lunburu Nov. 23. j 'tF Mr .md Urs Human» Arnold, I " Null |Bews Ar K-W Huspitnl. Not 26. ‘ to Mr. and Mrs, Gama: "rsws. Wa- l ts-thrs, a daughter were under arrest and about twenty nursed wounds, some of them seri- ous, folloying a riot between Aus- trian Nazis and Monarchists Satur- J-" ae, chatmera-Witter-Nor. 20, Byron Brown (‘halmers to Byrneco Audrey Witter. both of Guelph? Waeethter-Westerrhaeter--uNov, 25, El- don Waecitter' to Regina Verna \\'vmonhaeter. both of Kitchener. F'atet-tttetrter-wNov. 22, Lawrence Pattett or Kitchener to Mildred Stealer of Formosa. ' Forbes-Hope --- Nov. 20, Norman Forbes or Hattttitom to Marietta Ham at Kitchener. \an ill-Rump ‘hlh‘d the mum 'rtrils 1 " tt. ..u 'tt" le, all) .up’nal eh- 1.. ml up.» mn- l,, Imuy sinkinu mm!» "ttr .\ .Ithuu having to tto an up In mp mm mm years. Ex-May- ,', Willirtm Hun-1.4mm repliml that ir tl,e palm.» upmmn favored a rink built by the municipality. it should he suittuitted In the Mm'lurs fur " vote schiol--At the K.-W. Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Schiel, 79 WiL linm St., Waterloo, Nov. M, a A auggmtwu ttrat Wuerlw pro- ..».4 mm mp ' m “be: a nut.- "stt ‘ud hockey rink hero III mule by ctartors Dolmen a the totrtt Band ot 'rtuMttryoutur Moog Chm meeting Thursday nigh! tsell a» summer awn. The large park, he and, In aged only three months s' ytir, whue a rlnl would hr? an nu; lor 5 to 6 month. mm Hm; mould be provided In um um! tor any“ who us denote. of win- lt r and no! gunner Ivor“, The awake: cited the Gal! arm, owned by tho city, whlch lull Vuln- let alluurd an operating Irroat ot $3 in" Mr VDouul unsound that the Puck Hoard tetlartre nu wow, Ind pun ide rumm- tor winter upon. an s,iHtrttittee'ts, work sin-led on I“! w.“ due. to l‘nk or “unable tund- uu mp Humauuiuu of a rink. Mr. Rump: stated that the time would be “an. opportune In sotother year tor \l‘l I. " ploy-ll Mr Benton held that a rink muld he huill unh as a maui, up... puny-u On suggwstiou of he wl- m ”Ann; beak-r or the WM cue tite mailer will ha l. fvrrd to its 07W- unno- tor action. Mum quuvM. 4mm! the mun Fun! 5 Kumpt‘, wuet‘halrmun ot Ire rmk commute” appointed In! h an and Prvsndom J R Benton ot um Ihmrd ot Trade stated that (he Revive Move for Waterloo Rink Young Men’s Club Witt Discus ‘Cyrus Possibilities. - Suggest ', Phil. Municipal Rink. Marriages Births THE WATIBLOO (Ontario) -=e-!---G.a-Aa.Tar,=u=e. I Waterloo police yesterday were .informed that the car of A. M. ,Snider, stolen from his driveway on Friday evening, had been found near Elam. One fender was dam- aged and the battery run down. f At midnight on Wednesday Iltree hwuiln were injurvd win-u two auto, ’Im-hi'e-s collided at the main highwa) ‘i~u~-r:=v~t-0i0n at Bridgeport. 'I‘husr' who sutrrurou injlll'ic-S um Ja-rom.. “Rub-r "s. of Urn-slaw Eil- 'cur. St'llulllL 55, of Elmira, and Louis lhwrx'lm‘, also of Elmira Dom-Her Faun] “Tiler suffered painful gasket; in” limir hauls while Srhaub mscaped uith shock. bruises and injuries to ‘his ln-rl side. Alt were given treat- :mom at tho K.~W. Hospital. Police sny mm car, driven by Andrew Bon- nigPr ELK. l. Breslnu. came across the iutersoetion when its bulk“ failed to work as Benninzer was ap- proaching the stop sign at the and of the village main street. As his machine crossed tho high- way, it crashed into the loll. side ot J sr-mnd machine. driven by Lorna Sclmuh, Elmira. Edgar Schaub's son. Both machines were badly damaged. Edgar Schaub and Louis Doerner were sitting In the rear ot tho Schnuh var, Cyrus Dolph, Financier and ', Phih-tllmpht, “any! Heart Attack in Hon-ids. Thursday. Dec, 23 and Dec. " hnw- ham tixed days for the Chrisl- mas and New Year's markets in Kit- rha-nu-r and Waterloo. _ Politically the deceased was a Con- son‘atlve and a slum: temperament vacate, Surviving are his widow. formerly Miss Eleanor Branch! ot Gall, one sun James, at home, two daughters. Mrs. Gordon Colvln of Preston. and Mrs. 1 D. Buchanan of Brantford. A hrother, John Dolph. Washington. Thc., also aurvlves. Twice married, Mr. Dolph's tirnt wife formerly Jennie Murdock, died in 1930. mlum» “UH us the Irndrrs u; Hm buddy"; stop industry "specially ‘Hllhp's .nul Mutual» of metal "a . tlrt sold eontro: to the Western Steel Products Limited, which in lu'l: amalgamalml with tho Eastern Stool I‘m-ducts of Montreal. It was in 1931 algal MI lmlph. retirvU from active wrvlve with the company. which has its local attire next door lo his beau- mul home on Guelph street, Pro-ton. Cyrus Dolph did not smoke or (Link He was a leading churchmnn. bring a cortttrmed Anglican. a mom- ber on St. John's Church. To its many emulation: he was a generou- donor. Breslau, Elmira Men Hurt in Crash 1 PRESTON Noe 29 Uut at ttttr county's out-mama; men thru- Dolpb, phllnulhropI-t uud nut-nae: died Inddanly at Wt! Place, Flown, on Mammal.) Nov 24 Death VII duo to noun (allure. He left Preston on Sunday tor Khan. Florida, to at (and to [maintain an! spend [he um- ter He was 'ccommutttsd only by In; chauleur HU .110 and non, lumen, who to leave the foliowtns do, tur the south to toiu Mr Doits when a brief telegram Announcing m. waning was received Sketch of Busy LN. _ The lale I! Dolph, who shafted II " son of a Dre-slam farmer and later a buoltkeepun rose trom a model! young man to one of Canada! lead- butt 'uaoutacturerus A2s in lending clu- Be" ot Preston he did publlc eervlrr and aided many civic movements (‘uus Dolph was lbortt nviu‘ Bras " u, a son of the late Muses Dolph He attended Riverbank school new In: home and later Gall ContNgiatsy itistttute. then known as Tangle Hall. He also took a hummus course and fr'nlll this pulIIl thlblule nun-5.41 .-~mmrulull)y starting his business (An-m with l'larr Brothers of Pres In” As " lmnHu-vpm Allow a (an. kt A.” iliie he unsigned to found hls nun lumpun} known many pars ago an the Metal Shingle All“ Skill”: t‘um lulu This xlulusln developed to trerrrrrtir_ mm m thv ll-lulvrs tFT tho Preston’s heading Citizen is Called RECOVER STOLEN CAR CHRISTMAS MARKETS at Bridgeport nu Hm canoglcuc , A minim ofrive for the Mayor was [advocated by Ald. Herman Sturm at the nomination meeting Friday night. .“r, Slur": rc-markwl that it is the lowly town in Ontario with close to 1000 populalion that has not a May- ', FR private office Tho post he es- ‘umated, would be about 3300. _ James Ghrok l James Gigott, 15 Moore Avenue. )Waterloo, died at St. Mary's Hos- ‘pital on Saturday in his 44th year“ The deceased was a salesman, and. was a member of St. Louis R.C.l _chureh. ', Surviving Are three sons, George of Kitchener. Edward of Elmira, Clarence of Odessa, and one dingh- ter, mum, of Elmira. Mr. Lewis an.f., _one_ daughter Prtdeeaed her. The brig-i ~{my Tiii -iriaiif afternoon from Dreisinger's Funeral Chapel, Elmira. , Funeral services will be held on Tuesday morning at 8.30 o'eloek from the Ratz-Bechtel Funeral Jlome. Kitchener, to St. Louis ILC. church in Waterloo for requiem mass at 9 a.m. Interment will he made in Mount Hope R.C. cemetery, Waterloo. Mrs. Viola Lewis, formerly of Elmira, who has been residing in Kitchener for about a year, died at the K.-W. Hospital on Friday night as I result of a stroke. She was in her 52nd year. Deceased, who lived in Elmira for about 20 years, was born in Mooretieid. Remains will rest at the funeral home until the funeral. Mr. Krotr was born at Tavistock, mm of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krug. In 1888, he married Annie Wenze], dnughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Nichol-s Wenzel, Tavi. stock. She survives, together with . son, Wellington. of T-vistock. and three brothers. Christian. William and George, gll of this town. A private funeral will be held an the residence on Tuesday at one o'clock, followed by I public service at St. John's United Church at two o'clock. Rev. F. M. Faist will of- fieinte at both services. Interment will be in Trinity Cemetery. Surviving an: his wife and one dalmhter._L0rrame. at home. CHESLEY.-conrad Krug, vice, president of Krutt Brothers, Limited, furniture manufacturers, died It his home lute Saturday in his 74th yenr. following a brief illness with I heart ailment. A brother, John, TS 77, president of the company, ied on Noyember 9. Conrad Krug Dies at Chcslev Put, Mallmu Carving 00mm: rulp}0)lllg A goodly numbers at hand- lr the, latest “quinitwu u, Wuterioo mung "trd gruwlug Industries. The mm started try Harry Hallmu In “a: Ill the De Luna “phantom. building (huh-l St, Kitchener, has mum» Drunrmnd ARC-um I'm-“'- Garfield Gooding, Kitchener, who the ditch, wa: drove a car onto the highway near I.” drum: in Shanta Station, forcing a truck into rttrtanded until hulllluu: (iaukel St, Kitchener, has sky-lull) prugrmed. Since norm Into the building ot the old furniture wmpany along wlth the De blue tunnmuy the number m min-blues _ twin; it“ teased lo eight The bus!- unupauy we number ot machines ,\ In-lng iurrtssseat to eight. ThoIDIIBL up» ttb one at three- ot Its kind in New Industry for Town of Waterloo (‘uuadd and apt-dalitms m ruslom "ood-carving for the furnilufn trade RECKLESS DRIVING CHARGE NEED PRIVATE OFFICE GRAY COACH LINES TIME TABLE I 6.60 n... 8.06 a... 11.06 I.IIL (out; connections in _Mey. Viol. Levi- To TORONTO connections at Toronto fur North Bar oluui,TL and intermediate point. Tick“- AM Information u. FRED WESSON - PM: 3679, Kitchen! OBITUARY I at 'Pvittofk,lsots received here yesterday of the nd Mrs. Peter passing of n former resident of the narried Annie Vin-g2, Mrs. Mary Ann Rancher. the late Mr..'.l'he deceased was born in New Wenzel. Tayi-Vhosttrurtr about " yenrs ago. I ,teetttr,. with daughter of the late Rev. an! In. -Iviabnn -nJ I .. I u . -- - - 2.55 sun. 6.26 pa. [if p.19. "if " WERNER _ maua - ‘71:." ___n..--. v. an. u-u: “:1. unit In J. Umhnch. and lived here until four years Mo when she moved tn COL liTGiUi?, to live with her daughtet, 'it? Linda Knercher. i Dr. W. W. Cnrrotlnen _ CrALT.--Dr. W. w. Carrothers, man ear and nose specialist. died Saturday from an attack of pneu- monia. Fond of the outdoors. hunt- ine and fishing, he caught a cold . week ago on one of his iaunts in the countryside and this developed into pneumonia. Dr. Carrothers was . native of London and a graduate of Western University. His widow and a son, Del, reside here. His pnrents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Carrothen. Lon- don, also survive. The funeral will make place blond-y afternoon with [interment at Dorchester. YOU KNOW THAT The funeral was held here on Sunday afternoon with services " the Evangelical church followed by burial in Riverside cemetery. She is survived by two dluxhtera, Mrs. Bonser of Detroit. and “in Linda of Collingwood; and one son, Clarence of Toronto; also one sister. Mrs. Becker of Crediton, and one brerhercotto, pt Waterloo. s. J. McLeod "ltKsToN Nov 26 s J ’erh” vel-od. G9, {or 22 y-ars employed lry [ha troard ot works. IN or which M acted as toreitiau. died at St. " u's Hospilal. Kitchener, yesterday. Mr McLeod is survived by his wife, who before her marrlage "3 Miss Ellie Htxssom three sons and four daughters. 1 "urty loans undm the Domlnloll Home Improvement Act “V. In. made in Waterloo up to 51010an gum the amount hung over 311.000. Jausturtt Bunigau organizer tor tho i' nun-muse tor Western Ontario, told a tutut meeting of the Waterloo board of Trade and Young Men's Club at the Hotel Waterloo Thur-day mghl l 14mm tor all of (land: mulled $11,72L000 and lor "Mario alone ts,- 527.000. Mr. Bamguu and " is oistiat, Aura that 1x000 men have been taken on reliet and put to work br the HIP No bulldlng tradesmen are "ueuttploytNi he said the ditch, we: _chartred with rech, 30 Waterloo H.I.P. Loans $11,000 Mrs. Marv Khartlicr NEW HA!BURG Nov. ST.. v . - . .. qr“ Sehreiter - Sandrock Limited FUNERAL HOME St Bolton St., Phon. 11.10 LII. - - if Eio p... 8.10 p... b 10.80 p... "'"'-"eP-" M... .-.-~ driving in Kilrht'nm "nun and vice In appreci- IIIJ. W. have III obligation, as in“. I o w a r a than who ro- Illil. uui-bnco and J. [Ollllll'mw HE comic-Ii- o-Inuu of our PAGE was; 'r Mutated

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