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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Nov 1937, p. 2

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l Tue WA'rl-uoo Cumulus ' _Pt'"""-oPT-"-s-mo----. One switchboard panel. 60" wide hr 90" high. complete with ' switch handles and mountings. The Board completely wired for relays and equipped with ten links; Ten to- Iays: One master relay; Tel) 506 amp current transforms“; Ttwo " hell cranks and accessories; Three 5-TIr00 volt circuit breakers with 35.000 kllowat! rupture Br dowu CF paeity. (These breakers to he pur- chased from our Electric department With this arrangement it will he necessary to purchase the following aquimnent: To aceompiistt"this tho t'ollowirtrt "rTattRe65 would have to be made, peak load tor the month of Octo- ber was on the mm, at 11.36 ‘11., 3539.2 h.p., at 94% WWBI‘ tutor, com- pared with September of 3012.6 tcp, a decrease of 18.4 ttar. Reterrimt Io Oe rec-8m accident at the plant. at which time Mr. Hellman was seriously humt by an oil mario. aion. This 'was due to a short circuit in the motor starter, probably caused my the n-wm lightning storm. which created a condition in said starter, twhich did not show immediately, Flare tho motor swrlvrs, and oil vircuit breakers to the roar of tho presem Diesel enzinp switching panel. and ventral the same by hand omted "amok control from the front or a new panel, which would be p aced to the left of tho present Blo- 591 panel, and toward the outside wall. Owing to tlte increased rupturing unpacity at Hydro during the last 13v» yuars. practically makes our mot Iur Rtarlet's unsafe to manually oper- nm at a rlosr- dislanro to starter. and I would thrwetore strongly recum- mend lo npomt» thes" starters. re» mote control. at a sate distance trom mom- hazardous points. 28118.50. The average daily pumping tor October was 580,000 Bltt. Pumps were operated 248.75 ha. Current (301131.1de for pumping ST., 900 KIWI“. There were no ttre alarms in Octo- her and no power interruption; can purchased for the month ot October was 1.919.500 on. 11.. com. pared with Somali-her ot em cu. n., a dam ot 346.100 cu. a. I Coat of gas rHrVéEt'Q-bg':u $1.351.” gia. of water, this 1% asfuscreaLr" over $934. of 50.000 all Chairmnn Henderson said the commission regretted injury suffer- ed by George Hoffman by the 6tE- plosion. While the estimates on the new system seemed high, Mr. Hen- derson said the members would a?” "pit" money against human e. Chairman Henderson concurred in the suggestion of Commissioner W. P. Kress that the Hydro engineer submit a report on the proposed system. Following a report and recom- mendation by Hunger George Grout, the Waterloo Public Utilities Commiuion at its meeting on Pri- day decided in favor of the prawn] to instal I system of remote control to operate motor starters It the waterworks. The explosion at the plum. stated Mr, Grmsa, wns due to t short circuit. in the motor ind caged by ligh_ming, To luau]! Sync.- of Ion-ole Control W; £25711: mama sand: in to PM... Further Actido-u ot - “Hare. n Nun-uh Plant. , Total material um mum he! Coat of power for October was will... Bu-os..-.-.-'...-.-..;.-.; Waterloo Public Utilities Report Surpluses for Depts. no Chronicl- . on .10 Iss?; “William Ct' on. and inc-(loo (( ”a im- "lee “W 4 b: V'. _ loudly- and r"c',s.,.v1)i.C2.sPs'c 10-min“ Um"; PAGE TWO In October we pumped 17,350.00!) DAVID BEAM I sous LIIITID. W ROY B. BEAN, Editor. WILIJAI I. BEAN, Anetta um: sol-curricu- - m ADV” "...--u__ "-a.-resehru-at.eo..adet.. TUESDAY, NOVEIBER 30. 1987 Mun-1M. kWhgmd u-mml to 2t volt DA".. this win rre quire 4 storage batteries of 6 volts 1mm and a trickle charger. TM: Mun-go wnuid cost $800. Surplm- Banned. , The electric department reported a net surplus of $7,430 for the ten 'months this year, the m depart- ment 8836, and the water depart- ment for a nine months period 52313. A After listening to a classics] or two. the great actor went up to the young aspirant for blah-ionic honors and placed his hand on her head. as in benediction. NM. For The shoe Through the good emcee of an In- tmrmtiat American residing in Paris, an ambitious young girl from New York obtained an audience with Sacha Gultry. the famous actor. who grarionst consented to hear bar re- rile. _ The purclnse of 81.450 of sun- plies for trunnformers, chm, ms M- proved. t "My dear child," he saw. “marry soon Goodbye!" Also install Bight current wank; tnrmprss. two for each three phase tvamrrormm- and one special type rclast manor“ my hand opnratod 16 s. ts with panels to a mare suitable' .-ml “for place and operate them', r: mots- tuttttrol This will safeguard] II.“ (murmurs in ms“ ot transformer l Unable reverting bark to on break-I " the latter arrangement in com slderod the elecmc department would lave to purchase ton luxo brackets of 100.000 kllowatt rupture capacity. This would coat 61200.00 loss $1800.00 tor the old brother. leaving a balance at 8540000. The breakers which we have at the prone em are undonted tor tho mt load and wlll have to he clawed ‘within the neu future. Ming thin matter up with the MIMIC. en- ginm ,they are or the oplnlan tty", now would he the time to make the change, being that we have a market tor tttery or ton at the old breakers. I I also recommend to make the tor , lnwing changes In the 13,200 volt) substation ‘Dlsconnnuo the use or the electrolytic lightning arretttorts.; which are on immersed. and install cu outdoor type arresters. 1 ttuc substation. it would be more ult- able than the tormer maximum tion. also this arrangement would have a usher rupture eatpaettr. This arrangement would cost ma- Ivrinl only 83075.00. Thir, arrangement would legume tr-U circuit breakers. and a dual over- Mud thus ,itt'ut'ture run“): 1400 starting voltage and 2200 running udlage. As the oil immersed auto starter would always more or 1935 he hazardous on 2200 volts. bolus that the equipment Is so near to the elec- As an alternatin- aurangemanl. ab lhlbuxh more costly. but being rev rmmwndwl by the H.ECPC. would be In discontinue the use of the oil H,.uttertuNi auto starter The ten relay» and ion cumm t'aatstormers are to autumnal!) Irttr breakers m cm of motor trou- Mo. My this arrangement an motor starting equiplnenl would be wu- troued trom one point, Partner by tum arrangement me openlon would be clear of any future on ex- plosion or short circuit condition In rumor starting equipment. as the switch board ot 90" In height would running we maul} no: breaker. m our Blu'lrk' smudon.) nl as a protection Ttre master relay is to automatic Total maternal can would be $500 Atso rhangl- the 110 volt AC any tr, 1866 An [Mono-dual Till WATIILOO (0‘:th fltitkONtCLE t Prom the mimic standpoint the {most interesting feature of the states I.'?,',','.',!, is the demonstration that it gives of the expanding scale of the 'country's industrial and commmia! r'oraerathons, rdllected partleu1arly in an» improvement in current loans in Canada. whieh. at 32(54360312. shuw ran increase as compared with last Tx-nal' of more than 830.000.0110. _ On titc umpr hand, due no doubt m the warn-ted operations in the sum“) mummy HI" Imus in Can- ada urn down from 28.169338 lam vy--.n~ to $1357.70“ at thu- prawn! innit» A similar mun-mun! is "DUFF: ahln- in roll mans abroad, tin-so ttow Iemndin; at $1.9.SPi.'.t44. as mummwll 'with $234!)»,165F , , Total deposits amount lo 3717;, 7910.105» an inrrease ot 825337.000! Ms "omparod with last yoar’s "state-l. Imam. to so! warped. must twrGGodon, headed. Fire at the Consolidated Felt Co., Kitchener, which Marted on I under machine, was extinguished by the plant sprinkler system before the ttrrirrat of the firemen. I An analysts oi the assets reveals itho remarkable strength of the mut- .tutlon. the proportion ot quickly available resources standing at 8liMr.. 051.153. as compared with liahllltlu to the pohitc ot $163,106,753. being 29.58% of these utilities. lmmvmnt in Cum! Loans The Bank has again followed its custom or some year's standing by issuing the statement in an easily 1trttderstattdatrte tam. grouping the insures with annotations that explain I their purport. Moderate Increase in mm: in keeping with the larger scale m the "ank's trmriness. the Iproms show a moderate increase. The net [mat after deduction of Dominion and Provincial Government taxes of $902,967, amount: to 33.403323. hing at the rats ot 4.47% on the enmbined capital. reserves and undis- tributed proWts. After payment of the usual dividends and an awn-(r prism-n of 3400.000 for bank prem- ises. the sum ot ”28.328 was carried rurward to mom and loss account. The assets at the Bank, now stand- ing at $8S9,6tsgmt.9tL show an in l ' was? of $24,562,000, as compared {with a yet! ago. , yr.“ of slag-d) wumunmn m tts uumnr» oirrsratioiits, m Rummy with the gun-ILA! business activity 01 [hr mun”), ls J’n'flvcled in ttte annual statement tor the year ending Octtr her Both. now being forwarded to its shareholders Icy the Bani. of Mon ,r ,W ww -_V.._, _--. .....-.. - ”um". ”at, -u lemfileted in 19t,5 at a coal to the province of Ontario ‘of I out $1,000,000. A complete inventory of its con- itenta bu been made by I firm of Toronto Auctioneer» hind they will be placed "under the hammer," Putnam" The man who permits his Judgment I I (no warned mun! M nan-Ian. Totul And. Stamd at “29.633350. In:rea.ed from ttMrs,0t5tgrtbtb.--, Liquid Aueh Total $5”.05l.153 Elan-I to 79.58% of Liabililie. to Pltic.-st- and Liquidity Continue Outstanding Features of Sate-neat, With the resignation of Hon. Dr H. A, Bruce a., lieutenant-governor of Ontario, Charley Park, "iN-ia, residence of the King's representative in Ontario, goes up for sale. Charley Park, wimp is pictured here, vu Bank of Montreal Report Reflects Canada':, Trade Expansion SMALL BLAZE ONTARIO’S VICE-REGAL BESIDINCE TO " SOLD SAYS HEI'BURN In lieu of what he hinted should have been n horse-whipping. Lord Chief Justice “and administered I blistering torttrue-tastsintr to Geof- frey Dennis because of "foul Ind cruel" libel against the Duke of Windsor contained in Dennis' "Coronation Commentary." The judge‘s outburst came utter the Duke was mauled I “hnndsome sum" estimated " about $6,000. which. attthoritative sources ellim, will be given to seamen's eharities. Sluts and innuendos contained in the book were br:nded us {Ilse not only by the puintitr's attorneys, but else by the do uni-a defence. The list or director: elected tor the year is asstryttows: 'waster1oer--w. " Somewine. 'H. M. Snyder. Dr. J. M. Livingstnn, T. w. Smnam, ti', S. Knmpt and W. Henderson Sm; 'titch- ouer~~1 A. Martin. or. It. L shields, H, Shoemaker/H. IKrng. J. L. Thump- san, Rev J}. M. 'Haller. August Lang, w. E Wnelflv. J. D. C. Porsyth; Gan -HL. L. Lang, t qt. RiNtamtson. A, M. Edwards. MW, H. McCullouh. Dr, The entire slate of ollcm was r6 "al, elected including W. at Samar-ville, hear Waterloo. nmldent, P. It mrtttorrt, there Preston, vue-president. t R, Rich- 0n artisan, Galt. treasurer and chain tors man or the tinane. committee. a.“ The report also showed that the Iadioo‘ aaxniartete, of the county not! contributed $3,056.80 In linen, dunes, etc.. as well u clothing and truth. Ttttr treasurers report Indicated that several bequests had been to u-ived during the past Fear, the mom recent bolus 81.000 from the enable or the late Jonallnn Salazar Bow- out-rage ' per Patient per day was £3.13. Including depreciation cools. Operating Profit (Continued from Page n GEOFFREY DENNIS ”BEL ON DUKE MERITS wmPPrNG--JU0GE Rudy by and». Mitchell Hepburn contirmed reports mt white lk, Wt)', was retained, the Ontario Government would continue the maintenance of the residence. but that following the lieutenant-governor's regime it would be closed up and put for sale, The new lieueelunt- governor, Hon. Albert Mntthews, will be compelled ltherefore to maintain his own vicewegul residence. R. J. L. Thmnp- "Ay." said one of the porters. In} '. August Lang, jug his parapiring brow. "Being a .Fhtrsyth; Gan person, Fraps you can tell us '0' Rivhardson. A, Noah managed to get two of that McCullogIL Dr. t:rutes into the Ark?" 1Ah. my good renown." hid the clergyman. relating. "I lee you at. having a hard task can I be ot any assistance?" 0n investigating, he saw two Dov tors ortdoaroring to force a mule in- side the truck. The mule, however. was determlned not to enter without a struggle. Twice A: Hard A clergyman who was pulling I runny goods rard In: shocked in hear a strong ot Abuse coming (to. the other side of a cattle truck. The doctor reported that 3.8.. pneumothorax traumat- lud been given to 104 patients and 918 X-mr pictures had been at». J R me. Geo Hancock, u Sroaaer. u " Todd A J (”Nannie War nlu'k . p, vs! ”1) CHIEF JUSTICE HEWART Mg, t9ytqyhttrlht,, gag;

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