Chronicle Classifieds Cost So Little â€" Use Them CHARTEREDV ACCOUNTANT Cars Washed, CHIROPRACTOR Office: 44 William St. â€" Waterlco *» &0 E97 4 CUC. v V REHAENCRCN UHC DSED CARS DR. W. R. WILKINSON BOUGHT . SOLD .â€" FINANCED Dental Surgeon See our Bargains first. Philadelphia and Toronto. es , ceer e hnd 9e W Knchener BENTON ST. MOTOR SALES (over Home Dairy Cafeteria) 15 Benton St. â€" KITCHENER Emphasizing malleted gold fillings ~=~~~~â€"=â€"â€"=â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" where indicated. Phones: Office 1927J; Res. 3568M Used Cars Telophone 2426 M. J. HOFFMAN, D.S.C. Chiropodist â€" Foot Specialist Graduate of fllinois College of Chiropody Office Hours: 10 â€" 12 a.m., 1 â€" 6 p.m â€" _ Evenings 7 to 8 p.m. _ D. S. BOWLBY, K.C., BI_\RHJSTER. T t e n e Solicitor, Notary Public and Conâ€" TWIN CITY AUTO PAINTERS DR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist, 6+ 110 Weber Chambers, King 3t mcï¬l;??kn?:chl;:?.g::" *** _ ‘The colour of your car matched l perfectly. ie GEORGE M. RUPPEL . BITZER & SMYTH, BARRISTERS, â€" 45 Gaukel St. â€" Kitchener BRAY & BRAY, Barristers, Solicitâ€" ors, etc.; George Bray, K.C., G. Murray Bray, B.A., George H. Lochead, B.A.; _ Royal Bank Chambers, 77 King St. West, BROCK & WEIR, G. R. Brock and CLEMENT, HATTIN & EASTMAN, Law offices, Bank of Toronto Bullding, 19 King Street East, Friday, November 19 WILLIAM CLARK iatrcrntilt d Ainlâ€"Sidnlianntie â€"Aniatindintivd ..l’hwn %ol(i:cmrs Notary Public 6 King and Water Sts. â€" Phone 4646 and Conveyancer Office at 10 Arthur St. KITCHENER JAMES C. HAIGHT, BARRISTER, EDWARD B. DOWDALL, Barriater, Bolicitor, Notary, etc.; Telephone 829; Office 108 King Street West, LEO G. LATCHFORD, BARRISTER and Solicitor, Notary Public; Bank of Commerce Bldg., 1 King St. East, Kitchener, Telephone 627, Residence 4400 Kitchener. SIMS, McINTOSH, 3CHOFIELD & HAROLD L. DAUFMAN _ _ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_oâ€"__ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public DEL‘S CYCLE SHOP ::d Couvsozlgz:‘t‘ Delton Brighton, Prop. Theus “olhg. *" hea 1186# NEw m:' Il:-spï¬â€˜ BICYCLES 49 King St. E. GORDON McK. HONSBERGER, WATERLOO CHRONICLE | â€"_â€"â€"_â€" â€"__â€"___ A%:a 117 B-? 1 â€"â€"WANT ADSs 209 Medics! Ar Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, R. 8. C. STALKER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc 60 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario Telephone 1574 T. H. R. BROCK _Phone 149. Res. §16 _ enartERED AcCOUNTANT AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS (Trustee in Bankruptcy) * Of _ All Kinds. 49 King Street East FISHER & CLEMER Phone 2670 â€" Kitchener GARAGE ener, Telephone 4080 PROFESSIONAL CARDS | _ aDEXANDER GARAGE xz www ® 0 }. W. Heinrich, Prop. W., Kitchener. Phone 1706. Kitchener, Phone 4474. H. B. Weir, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries; 49 King St. East, Kitchâ€" Kitchener, Phone 2410 DR. A. L CAMPBELL Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 1868 _ â€" Kitctener Diseases of Women and Surgery Kitchener, Ontario Bolicitor, Notary Public, Conveyâ€" ancer, etc. Money to loan. Office Bank of Montreal Bldg., Waterloo. SIMS, Barristers, Solicitors, etc.; Medical Arts Building, 47 King Street Wost, Telephone 4640, RATES HAROLD E. !‘LUNG sente word; discoumt o To ie e tork m apame""" 40 King St. m Wookworth‘s -iâ€"nm Hach initial, sign or group of Agures count as one word. 23 Queen St. S., Kitchener Phone 528 Phone 104 Office at 97 Frederick woeet 000 _ New and Used Payments must accompany adverâ€" PARTS FOR YOUR CAR Write plainly oo ome side of pepe: WATERLOO AUTO PARTS saly. 134 King St. $. _ â€" _ Phone 834M mm Waterloo _ wE BUY USED CARS FOOT SPECIALIST A. W. BOOS, M.A. Barrister, Solicitor, etc _ Zeller Building CHIROPRACTIC Solicitora, Notaries MEDICINAL Telephone 88 DENTAL Kitchener Kitchener _.:53,5_5-:' sE _ Dobbin Garage 766w Phone 1367 ____â€"â€"â€" AUTO PAINTERS St s AUTOS FOR SALE Cars Washed, Greased and Stored. 8 William St. E. . Waterioo (Rear Dunker Bldg.) Can handle your most perplexing motor car problem. After one treat. ment your car will run like new. New and Used Parts. 12 Frederick St., Opposite City Hall (At King St.) Welding â€" Radiator â€" Body Repairs __ Rates reasonable. 121 Hall‘s Lane â€" KITCHENER Phone 3127j â€" Res. 3712 Lawn Mowers, Baby Buggies, Tricycles, etc. Expert Repairing om Washing Machines, Bicyles Rented by Hour or Day 159 King St. E. . Phone 3328w GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY 1936 Terraplane coach, very low mileage. 1936 Piymouth sedan with trunk. 1935 Terraplan sedan. 1934 Chevrolet coach. 1934 Hudson sedan 1934 Terraplane coach 1933 DeSoto sedan 1930 Buick coupe 1929 Chevrolet sedan New and Used Bicycle / AAILARDRALELOOLLUF $8.50 and up. mm smmammmmumrentis mt incrmmmmms Accessories, Parts and Repairing r JONES BEAUTY PARLOR eo. C. Krueger Bicycle Shop _ Ogilvie Sisters Hair and Scalp 32 John St. E. â€" Waterloo | Preparations and Treatments. 8 Water St. S. Phone 3650 Goodrich Silvertown Stores BOOKBINDER 17 Queen St. N. â€" Pb Repairs on All Makes of Cars. Add more books to your home library by having ioï¬t favorite magazine bound into books. Initialing Club Bags, Suitcases, Prices reasonable. Gooda called for and delivered. Rebinding Books, | ment, Manicuring Bibles, Hyma and Prayerbooks ; Absciute Sanitation, Quality and Service Whatever it is among the thousand one one services a wanâ€"ad doesâ€"you‘ll find as people have always found that The Chronicle can do it better at leas cost. Out of the high rent district. ‘;‘1 King St. W. G 0 Od.riCh __ Agents for PEASE Furnaces. B + E. pll,' L(IE.S.‘WHE'I'TER attene‘ Phone ;l;. ~ i::l.-;lw As Low as 500 Weekly _ 323 King St. W. â€" Kitchener, Ont. BOOKBINDING AUTOMOTIVE FREE ROAD SERVICE Anywhere in Twin Cities Everything For Your Car SEIGEL‘S GARAGE Phone 274 â€" Kitchener Phone Kitchener 4646 BATTERIES BICYCLES RECHARGING RENTALS OSTEOPATHY Battery Service Keys Made Kitcheoner â€" Office 406 Keep Comfortable This Winter. ! LOW PRICES â€" EASY TERMS For further particulars see Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers 90 Queen 3t. S. Phone 4100 KITCHENER At Geiger‘s Drug Store, 408 King St. East, Kitchener, Phone 571. Our Cough Mixture Pinement Chest Rub . Laxative Cold Tablets Electric motors, %4% h.p. to 6 h.p. $10.00 and up; also a Woods 6" chopper. Dobbin Garage, Kitchener. bor, 5450 Only ALL WORK GUARANTEED Four years ago we started this service mt this very attractive price, and so many people have taken advantage of it that we have decided to carry on at this special price. We have also an additional service of vacuum cleaning hot air pipes with every rebuild job. Agents for PEASE Furnaces. LADIES‘ & GENTS‘ CLOTHING CURTAINS, DRAPES, Ete. _ $8.00 and up â€" Guaranteed Repairs to all Makes. Waterloo Sewing Macnine Shop 74 King S5., Waterloco Phone 781 DYERSâ€"CLEANERS Keep It New Withâ€" A. STRASSBURGER 16 Menno St., Waterloo, Phone 447J Repairs on All Makes of Furnaces. LUXURY l e UPHOLSTERING CO. _‘ _ sayg moNEY _ ___ 108 Breithaupt St. _ â€" lmeb‘ncr’o- Your PAINT and WALLPAPER Requirements at M Hirtitve ane en 0| orenenn nA * Phome 3504 _ â€"_ _ Res. 3987J 205 King ‘:.n . Kitchener â€" Phone 708 KNAPP‘S BEAUTY PARLOR 18 King Street West, Kitchener Sewing Machines, Drop Heads Per. Waves, F. Waves, Hair Cutting, Facials, Marcelling, Scalp Treatâ€" ment, Manicuring Walter Hinaperyer, Prop. Pw-n’-o:‘t.'-m (Natural, &‘og't 'l‘-ut. ’-v' \or ‘-n-l. 38e ; Shampoo, :: 282 King E.. Kitchoner, Phone 511 DECORATORS PAINTING AND DECORATING harp Riley A Raddats _ R. Knorr Wat. 895 Kit. 3520 Kit 2778M ARREST JEW AND ARABS JERUSALEM, Nov. 15. â€" Fortyâ€" five Jewish Revisioniata were ar reated toni{ht as British authorities eurbed both Jews and Arabs after the bloodiest 24 hours in recent B;lx Land bhtor{ and left eight d and 12 gravely injured. Pearl Laundry Co. SUTHERLAND â€" SCHULTZ Kitchener â€" _ Gueiph "A Mother‘s Care io all You Â¥ ear" Clare Diebold, Prop. 200 King West â€" Phone 1410 CLARE‘S FLOWER SHOP 47 Queen St. S. . Phone 808 Kitchener, Ont. NEW GILSON FURNACE Smoky Furnaces! REBUILT COMPLETELY _ Kitchener â€" flwgrg telegraphed anywhere. Artistic Floral Designs for all Occasions HAIRDRESSING Burtol Cleaning Phone 3378 for Appointment. DECORATORS ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS DRUGGISTS MOTORS FOR SALE WALTER‘S BEAUTY PARLOR FURNACES Kitchener Dye Works For Free Estimate. Specializing in COLDs Instal a Reâ€"winding THE WATERLOO (Ontario) CHRONICLE SALE Dominion Life Assuransce Coi Head Office: Waterioo, Out 259 King St. W. â€" Kitchener j ie * ue 1 Pay More for Your Old Gold To wind up Joseph K. Shinn and |Estate â€"House No. 49 Menno Do Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelâ€" € r . a 2C lery Rl::ruirin. at moderate prices. ?:::e;i w ?:f?;iloo' ll‘si offered for ‘ery Repmiring at moCeret® PUOC®* gale at sacrifice price. Community Auction Sale 10 a.m. every Saturday. Livestock, implements, or what have you. â€" Sell your surplus for cash. F. J. Steffler, Prop. â€" Phone 1714w Fire Horses, Cows, Young Cattle Pigs Bought â€" Sold â€" Exchanged. Borovoy‘s Livestock Exchange CHICOPEE HEIGHTS FARM H. K. WILHELM HARDWARE D. A. Bean Insurance Agencies The Swiss Jeweller clocks and jewellery. Also a complete line of Watches, Clocks, etc. 24 Benton Street + Kitchener (Opp. Weber Feed Store) For Cuts, Galls, Bruises, Kicks, Puffs, Scratches, Thrush, etc. Also good for Humans. Exclusive Agent 39 King St. S., Waterloo, Phone 408 (Manufactured in Kitchener) SV DEwOInutt For th:nlzit(cll;en Stove or Heater TYPEWRITERS Superior Oil Burnera and Hamco SUPPLIES and REPAIRS _ Stoker for the Furnace. ___ Duplicating and Adding Machines, 6â€"9 a.m. â€" 4â€"7 p.m. 1232 King E., Kitchener, Ph. 2381w KITCHENER BURNER CO. Filing Cabinets, Desks, Safes, ete. Phone 4310 â€" â€" Res. 4359 Ontario Office Outfitters Ltd. 26 Benton St. > KITCHENER 58 Queen St. S. â€" Phone 979 SCIENTIFIC _ Swedish _ Massage. | Health Therapist. | ASSETS OVER $1,500,000 Government Deposit â€" $100,000. DIRECTORS J. Howard Simpson â€" â€" _ Guelpb N O TICE ! IRWIN‘S CREDIT JEWELLERS Oscar Rumpel Ford S. Kumpf W. R. Bricker Win. Honderson Fo H. Moser P. V. Wilson Sell your Car Rent your Flat Hire a Maid or Find your Cat THEY JUST NATURALLY TURN TO THE CHRONICLE To DISPOSE OF THEIR USED GOODS, AND TO FTLL THEIR FUTURE NEEDS. MINERAL VAPOR BATHS W. G. Weichel W. G. Weichel _ â€" J. Howard Simpson F. H. Moser J. A. Fischer C. H. Ruppel â€" Phone 846 1 King Street East â€" MARVEL OIL BURNERS Teacher of Piano, Singing and Theory. Private and Class Instruction. Studioe: 48 Roy St., Kitchener. Phone 1171M. Waterloo Mutual «Fire Insurance Company by our moderm »ectrolysis method, Joo moles and warts. No need to be disfigured by these ugly blemishes Consultation free L. HUMMEL, Reg. Nurse Graduate Masseuse Registered D.P.A. Phone 4429 144 King W., Kitchener. C. A. BOEKHM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED KITCHENER â€" _ ONT. Agents Greatâ€"West Life assce. Co . _ Automobile =â€" â€" Acen E. Rotharmel J. Moogh OIL BURNERS TYPEWRITERS Kitchener Sales Stables M. Hoffman SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Does an expert repair job on any kind of watches. Permanently Removed HANFORD‘S BALSAM OF MYRRH JEWELLERS MISS ANNA R. BEAN INSURANCE LIVESTOCK PERSONAL ROSA BROWN, N.C our Doors from Dr. Hett‘s MUSIC District Agents Established 1863 PALINT Earl Putnam OFFICERS The Associates â€" â€" President â€" _ Viceâ€"President Manager Secretary â€" Treasurer Supt. of Agencies 530 Kitchener Inspectors Gueciph Waterioo Waterloo Kitchener Waterioo Waterloo Waterloo Waterioo Waterloo Acceident ;Hessem;us; & Shantz ‘The A. M. Wilson Co. Whetber BUYING or SELLING a Have :u-m.\. ‘:-0- in your house, and Autematis Pressurt Pump on Four Turm Sf summer home. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDEY 983 King St. E., Kitchomer Repairs on all makes of Pumpe. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY Near Waterloo. Frame house and barn. Hydro throughout. A bargain! AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE Phone 704 â€" _ 59 Frederick St. KITCHENER REAL ESTATE â€" INSURANCE â€" LOANS 30 Ontarico Street S. â€" Phone 796 KITCHENER ED. HOUSE‘S SHOE STORE and REPAIR SHOP King St. S. â€" _ Phone 941 WATERLOO, ONT. 207 King St. E. Closing ShinnEstate Miss Kay Hanley of Gueliph spent sundar at her home here. Miss Antonetfa Stemmler of Kitch 6e as home for 1 few days Miss Mary Hanley is spending a siorl time at Kitchenet Miss Helen MeDonald of Macton a id Miss Gladys MeDonald of Kitch »lor spent the weekend at their ie in hreve SHOE REPAIRING Mn Heqm Rpoï¬pg Co. New and Used Tires, Reliners, All sizes in stock. L We Fix Flats â€" Vulcanizing is 2 tw . 7 I t j HIGH â€"GRADE L RupJ U pholstered | m ># FURNITURE | ki '__,/,:' wanr To orner Repatving Refinishing =*â€" â€"( *HB $ E:: New Address J 211 King St. E. | Phone 813 â€" &lTC““ll TIRES & TUBES if it‘s Anything in Roofing "We Do It" E. L. Hearn, Manager 305 King St. W. â€" Kitchener Phones: 1775, Res. 255 Limited Phone 925 â€" _ 258 King W. KITCHENER 74 King S. Mi oadâ€" Mis: Ed Noll and ehilâ€" sn ut mear Linwood called on Mra alter (oh] on Sunday. U> and Mre: Isador Moser spent mday evenine with Mr. and Mre. orge Voll Local Tire Shop RXPERT Radio Repairing Farms For Sale REAL ESTATE A. K. Cressman Real Estate and Insura 102 KING SOUTH Waterloo For Sale and Exch-i;.â€" Ts CGal Câ€" In Business Over 30 Years Seiberling Tire Depot Patrick Doherty is apending ivs with friends at Waterloo. For Cisterns and Wells New and Used TYPEWRITERS Bender‘s ROOFING Tubes tested free E. K. HEARTH 3 ACRES Listings Invited RADIOS WATERLOO HESSON Kitchener Kitchener 181 Mr. George Smith, East Zorra, was acmitted to the Woodstock General Hospital on Friday, with a gunshot wound in the chest as the result of a hunting | trip accident near Now Hamburg. Smith is said to have shot himself when he tripped getting ont of his car with the gun in his hand. The bullet passed through his lung Personale. Mr. and Mrs: Henry Weil spout Sunday at the home of Messre. Win and ‘Henry Lingelbach, 17th line. The United Brethren W.M.A. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. George Hodgins in Preston last _ Wednesday â€" afternoon. _ Mrs. Clayton Swartz, the Thankoffering secretary, was in charge of the proâ€" gram, during which the following readings were given, ‘"Playing at Missions", by Mrs. Harvey Hallman; "A Day with Dr. Huntley", by Mrs. J. Bricker; a poem, "Surrender", by Mrs. Win. Déetweller; "Two Thankâ€" offerings.start a Missionary Society". by Mre. J. Hope. Mrs. Hodgins conâ€" tributed a vocal sol, "God‘s Tomorâ€" row." Following the business session dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Kipfer were Sunday | visitors with Mrs. Moses Steinman. Hunter Wounded. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth and Mr. and Mrs. John Bast spent Sunâ€" day at Woodstock with the former‘s mother, Mrs. Annie Helmuth, who is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schmidt and family and Mrs. Conrad Schmidt of near Lishon spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weil Present Excelient Program Mr. and Mrs.â€"Clarence Hilborn and sun Eden, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snyder of Waterloo were Sunday visitors at Lisbon. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hilborn were: Rev. and Mrs. F. Gingerich and daughter, Dorothea Anne. and Mrs. J W. Burton of New Dundee, and Mr. and Mrs. Meivin Snyder and children of Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoltz were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Shelby at Eastwood. Miss (Cora Stager of Woodstock visited at her home here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Knarr and Mr. and Mrs. Elyin Knarr and son Maynâ€" ard of Kitchener were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. Fried. Miss Eva Becker attended the Training School for Junior Farmer Girls held at Kitchener last Tuesâ€" day and Wednesday. Mr. Astor B. Detweiler of Rochesâ€" ter, N.Y., called at the homes of Mrs. J Bricker and Mr. and Mra: Menno Bricker last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilborn and son Eden, were Saturday visitors in London. Miss Verna and Messrs. Jacoh and Laverne Hallman of Mannheim visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J Hope last Saturday evoning. Mr. and Mrs. Bimer stoltz and Mr Hoy Stoltz were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrel} at Hamilion on Thursday Mrs. C. Swarzt and the Misses Myrle Bricker and Beasie Hope visitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coleman at Perry‘s Cornera on Sunday Mies Suzanne Lang of Galt spent the past week at the home of Mr and Mra. Wm. Detwefier Sunday gneats of Mro and Mra Clayton Swartz were Mrs. Heimbeckâ€" er, _ Mr. and Mre. Clifford Swartz Miss Ruth â€" Morrish and | Mr.. Roy &wartz of Kitchener. Howard Fried and Robert Veitch, who â€" won ntmerous prizes al the Fa‘l Pairs. are exhthiting their colts »t the Royal Winter Fair. Torento. this week Mr and Mrs. Rdgar Chapman of Barryton. Michigan, and Mr. Ervin Chapman of Petosky Mich., were reâ€" cont guets of their mother, Mra. M Chapman. Miss frene Chapman o1 Toronto spent the past week at her home here To C. N. R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCES Prov. of Quebec; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island; Nova Seotin NOV. 26â€"27 â€" To OTTAWA $6.20;, MONTREAL $7.25; qQUEBEC CITY $10.50; STE. ANNE DE BEAUPRE $11.10 ROUND TRIP FARES Bargain Excursions NOV. 25 From Kitchener Tickets, FPares, Tramsit Limits and Information from Agent* at Kitchener, Galt, Heapoler, Preston, Elmira or Waterioo. Ark for Handbill T 4A6R C A NA DIAN NATlONAL 11.06 a.m. 7.56 p.m. e s a â€" Daily except Sun. & Hol.; b â€"Sus. & Hol. only EAST ZORRA ROSEVILLE Tickets and Information at FRED WESSON â€" Phone 3679, Kitchener Comch Connections at Toronto for North Bay â€" Ottawa â€" Montreal and intermediate points. (Tiekets also sold at all adjacent C.N R. Stations) 5.25 p.m. LEAVE KITCHENER 1 3.00 a.m. Nov. 30 |From Chicago Last train leaves 5 11.59 p.m. Nov. 30 | Conault Agents â€" Ask for Handbill and daughter.. Audrey of Waterloo were Wednesday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lonie Gooding. Miss Lila Musser returned to her dities at the Kâ€"W. Hospital. Kitchâ€" c«er on Monday evening. Woliealey Township council made an inspection tour of the roads on Tnesday afternoon Mrs. Willing and son ‘Theodore of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of Mr. C. Matthews. Mr. Enos B. Martin and Mré. Menâ€" no F. Martin jwere Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. sidnoy Martin near Waterloo Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bowman accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Heary Bowman of Waterloo are leaving shortly for a threeâ€"weeks visit with friends and relatives in Idianna. Mr._ and \Mrs_ Enoch F. Martio spent Tnesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Weber of Lexipgton, Mr. and Mrs. Eli M. Martin and iamily of Elmira spent Sunday with Â¥i9. ind Mrs_J. F. Martin. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mre. Kjjas W. Martin were: Mr. and Mrs. Aaron B. Martin and family of E+k mira | Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brubacher and \[rs. David Frey of Hawkesville vicinity, and Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Rowman and family. Mis.â€"John Maier and daughter Catherine and Mrs. W. Redmonds Mr. Isaac Brubacker of Elmira was a sunday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham M. ‘Brubacher. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Martin arnd family of Red Hill were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Bli B. Frev. Mr. and \Mrs. Harold Williams spent The weekâ€"end with relatives in Kitchener Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Urias G. Martin were: Mr. and Mrs. Israc! Hoffman and Miss Katie Hoffâ€" man of Heidelberg. Going : From Galt. first train to Chicago 10.20 a.m., to Detroit 6.53 p.m. Nov. 26, thence al Itrains Now 26â€"27 and 10.20 a.m. Nov. 28 Bargain Fares From Detroit Canadian Pacific City Passenger Agent. 120 King St. W. â€" _ Phon KITCHENER, ONT. WINDSOR DETROIT CHICAGO 11.10 a.m. 8.20 p.m. $.30 p.m. b 10.20 p.m. A QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, cowNvENIENT, MODERN 100 ROOM HOTELâ€"B85 WITH BATH wRITE FOR FOLDER TAKE A OE LUXE TAX) FROM DEPOT OR WHARFâ€"280 WALLENSTEIN NOV. 26 â€" 27 â€" 28 KITCHENER Returning to PAGE SEVIRN Last train leaves $3.65 $3.170 $7.00