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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Nov 1937, p. 1

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lish Pu- laps Bitter as British uu hid to Chinese Troops tel tit, No. as British Casoauty List is Five Dead. Five Wounded has! Week by Jan Hamlin. SHANUHAI. Nos t, Jarsarrte.se brttrruess animal (in-at Britan- which led to a threat at Tokyo on Saturday of a lut>>|blr wu-vamv of Anglo-.lupanrw minnow. was further trrtert,utiel dmmg the “rely rm! when lapanrw army [Hulk-h nharm-nl the British wrth hvltuus,r the valiant “I...” liatlalmn“ to rsrapr from Hu- Japattere ncl Ill Chapel, On the Britcsh adv thr clown”; feeling: of hmnmy agaumt the up vaOers "ar ugmavatm! It) ”or wrimb moundmg on Sunday of three “Illhh soldirs J,s .lavam-w shells falling rhort Tlu, brought the total of “Illk‘h army Irrsse,s hmr to lo, nmlmhuu tive deaths anau- ihtbe-rt Delaney. one of threw "tembers of the Royal Ulster Rides, uuulnh-d nu Friday when three of the Mime unit were killed -drest un Sunday The Rrrtish have Mann-d all thvsr. ln~1~ m: .lapanew tire _ Five lives Lost in Heavy Week End Fin- ;wnmh “Mr killed and many pawn.» “Hr "min-ll. at lab! three ot [hum “win".xlx, in tramc accidents m ()ntann "VPt' the week, end. Traffic on thr. wads was at high peak MN medalists took :Idvam hug..- of the, tins. wcathtu. Milton cMiHieyt l'otater. 12. of Petvolia, was instamly killed in a highway inh-rwctiun twash near Dresden on Saturday night that brought injuries to It of I.?. other oecuparus of two colliding cars. oecutrarus' of two rollicling cars. A Gait woman received serious head injnrivs when she was struck by a car 'ar she 'wossvd the road with a milk pail and a lantgrn. _ Latest ru~ualtuw wru- two chells striking a hut held Park (wrung-uni I troops Matty Injured trrordine lo Sunday Tmmr Reports 'l'hrnughout "Marin. Thrm- "whitish won- injured ar they crashed into a pile of steel at a brides. at Vienna, Threw others eseaped plunging into a lake when a guard rail held their car in a arrival of ilupurl‘dnl sigma! "nuip- ment. omeials of the (irawi River Railway wvrv unablo to rotttrrlett the Human. ul’rl‘ "f the trains Ru the new right-of-way between Prrvcton and “all _\o~lrrrla_\' as st-hmlulr‘l. " is aqua-[ml that all dotail~ will he completed m allnu the rhanu‘r uvvr this wevk and permit removal oF the old luw and work on thc rm!- strurtiuu of the vlnuhlv highway, along its prvsvnt site on the three! mile stretch hetwm-n Galt and) Preston, The change over will bel effected without disrupting any regular train schedule. HOLD STRIKE MEETING MONDAY; EXPECT TO END 6-WEEK DISPUTE Delay Switch to _ New Radial Tracks PRESTON. Nun Valium-d ol Paz" q--.No. 3) Await my: thc in l'nriHJI caused by near Jes,, _ Fm in; In any itt Nu- Kim: .1114! f Er!» sun-w! inll‘rsm'lion Saturday cost " local motorist " and was m- 'dny. "racr ant-uh Ihlnughnul the United Slam: are carrying an a mun-n- wid, :rurrh for nn-n- than 700 bottles of medicine runtaming dicthylene L'lyn.‘ “huh. acnuchng‘ tn tlre Arm-rival) Medical .\~nmiulinvL i, a ‘n‘uc ileum? “Ich has rum-cl :11: sinh":." draih~ The. nn-dirim- "amt-u .ilxn of suliuuilatnidv, tra- tbouurht ttr hast. bven a jumu-rful awn! alumna inv (“mun and h " Yum of tht, moct ,crtsatiorial and valuable new rucdiorte din-unwed in many yt1tt'.s. 01' NW paticnts givvn thc nu-ulirim» lo [ha A. y, ('alhmm min“ I, Mount olive. Miss, physician, slh' haw arisatiy died Nun“ FRI-Mn Mauln-nugh. shown “ith the doctor, har rvvsralcel she was {hr It“): m tht. nah-ms In whom 1v rlixi: “as aahmnidme-m bu! “4'qu to lwln-n that she will die Rebel Aircraft Sinks Freighter 1'1“me coul Inn ruml'n‘ Ayn-ms In H... Lulu-Inn ?ortriut-tttiort (‘nnr millm- who \n r:- "hoard the rr-iso'.. . [ .Iml “ink to liI'v-honts with the , 'A "t :!|\.u]“ m ilh'llll‘f} Ihehomtr or "although (“Pry ulls' 'raw tho “hm. and Mark akrCl and _ nu<~h4m~< ttaint- a! llllllPl' the wi"us 'm Crew Given Five Minutes Th, l-nmlwv, tlte. (tn-Iain said, an") l'l~- In“ tFr "In flu-thlyr only ttrt, IIIiXI‘III-~ lit .I»-.ur schip .nul Ilu~n hmnh Id and mm him atunn.sd Htts nmtsisgtttor milking it. "AI,ir'rti't'Hu'ld.. Spam, (jrt 1:1 (hpkull Ttsom-as lawn-IL welsh" \lus'l- up 1hr- Hri‘ish p‘rviL-lm-r. .lt=ani {mums That arts' mum-ml and sunk m " "lr I IN“ Mummy- "ff "lt.. (‘nlulun "tr h! \">ll~l'tl.l_\, mull that thr- plum-'5 ‘.\IIN.!\ hars- skuy, and cro.qsuoottes in- _ L'Hi.1 Amulhm nu-mhm‘ or tho crew British Ire Amused Again as Vessel Sunk Off Spanish (‘UNINI‘T WIDE SEARCH FOR POISONOI'S MEDICINE till U1- :nlmu' I uu‘ Immh» WATERLOO CHRONICLE A “our; EW§PAP§R my “mum. AND wnmno comm mom; plat" mmlnrn Warou.oo, (Mu-rum. 'NuuLvLMoguu-n 2. I937 In.“ (If flu- outstu1tuinc: mama-lists rf. rhu usmuottite. t'hurctt of Ontario, Blwhop C P. (Ermine, has arranged " “Hum "r mm-lin2< to her h-~ld in .hmw-hm in Kitehoner' and district. Thr. first "IN-tint: was bald in the [Iranian \Ionnnnitu rhurch on Wed- Imsulay night. In addition to meet- ‘I.:s in his awn chureh an Kitchkner. liishup Itcvstinrs will mmduv" Innat- hrs at “rnnlfulll and Elmira In ttis "mir.wssvs Ite has than”! as sub, jvrm "Modern Prohlotttse in the Lizh' ny' Fivst t'orinthiitrts". and -'.hririttctl “Maniac rrmn Hm yuan thv‘vw ”an: Psalm," “Wilma [rum Harlin). luau. wttero h,. rnrunlly ~Iumriutx-mlu-d tho t1r'-1) t-ltiirrtietrt from Waterloo county or m :Ahrw! "alsmin can!!!) in tttat " Mo, Allrliuum-r Addis-ou S Snider' of liridtnpnrv "ttttttttttttts vary favor- ohlv un tho tiu" u~nrn yrnpc thor" thlsl ”I "(w-w hall driven hnms- to nw so fol-rib!) Hm valurs ol' the ('hrunirle vmil t r0341 it war out hero", said Ur snide-r. Mr. Snider procured a ”my trom " allhsrrihnr in Hartley, n-anlimz news of his home district. Mennonites Holding Evaruwlistie Meets CHRONICLE A LETTER FROM HOME Next Two Months Hydro Engineer I 1 is New Chairman; Strike Committee, Company ilillidals, Lawyers Attend Winners in Plow , Match Held Near X ty-, A uh t m'rel .lhd Intmr sl m: t'ar-lt ”up ix. ‘u- various classes ' ls My -.ru H Al th,. Wrtt..rloo ; -'uip PM“... u m" Aastsociatioa'tt ,I:.h’. u in ot Thursday nu the tarm ot Jacob Karrhhr. north or Waterloo. EU, 1mm ltihxs.ts Hal-er! Brown of Gall l tr -.;»~n~nmll»r)asa Tss, ,“an Gull pluwmen. William HA ls$t'.i oud Alm Harrison were ‘n‘tUllll Jud mml winners reatresctie l T." ".Nirrtou M New Dunde- Huber! Brown Finishes First and Ted Decimal! Gets Fourth Place. Tm. n.“ ...-~ .msulnhied in TVaterr- .un In W.ttsu nu Marraracturihv, Cour [wily l.td. Mire on the ermlmlx nun of which Wits lnunnd In a orntetuartt It‘nnzmuwl an lua- t. N" lt ToitttNTtt. No, 1: Tho 1onps-her- a'.drut shake-up in the Ontario Hydro Commission was launched on Satur- day when Premier prhurn accept- ed tho rc-siurmlion uH'huirnmn Stnw. art Lyon. and announced that a spe- cla] r‘ahine-t Chum-i] meeting Mon- "ttr “mm formally ratify the ap- poinlnv-nl oi hr Thomas H, "on: Phinf Fytqirroet' its' sm-mssor to Mr, Luv! "Mum; m. {in whole was good In m) . human riiis-e, half of the com '-~‘I;.n;\ haw)»: Hakim part In the mums 'rpotiri. m1 plowing match SI 'ifi.ius :Z.nziv~ North "umrrie was mp "ng Th, ro- WI’TP 20 Murine In tt mm: prupurulimls for tho vu-ll‘ Wattsr".rso I'M-wnmu‘s Ay-oct"," "',rH h.i,1 'hp "rr-rrp-ration of winners , _ tlr,. nrim". who ear» rho use of ‘hmr may": “rm-n was much ”mire I‘Zatf’d In ' [647" w; wsignaiinn lamina-4 ' d "r Mt', Lynn mu Grreer'rttttertr. aas ‘01“:de to "dim-r- him of his dunes, t, day Ill'. "ouu gill "urtoliat4vlv tako "\n-r his umv nutivs, whitp mt the mum timo rpmininz the post ot, Cttior Enzinm-r Hott Wi'.liam ( Hourk. memher of the Legislamre lot' Niaeara F'aller. ml; Go Vir'tl'hairf man of tho Commission. Thu thirdI mr-mlu-r is Mayor J A'Jwri Smirk? of Kitehrmor, M la.‘ fur Km”! “in i u-rlnn A Ihnuvn-yr-urnltl stir', r0=idin2 on Herb“ Ava. Kin-humor. and a Shh do! ot St. Marry High School las ennui-Mod infantile paralysis, She complained ot 'ttBhtess in the has to Iu-r physician and he diagnoses It an poliomyelitis. Dr. T. H. Hogg Replaces T. Stewart Lyon on Ontario Hydro Commission. an . h GIRL CONTRACTS PARALYSIS Waterloo Oct. 28 'suieitot. T.» 03:35.- Depart- ment of labour Acts as Chairman of Meet- KITCHENER, Nov 1 What in hoped to be the tinal meeting in tho six weeks old strike at the Kaufman Rubber Company plant here was scheduled to get under way at ).30 o'clock thi.» afternoon at the City Hall. Attending the meeting is the negotiating committee of the Kauf- man local, their solicitor, Mr. Cohen of Toronto, Mr. A R. Kaufman, company president. and rampant omeials, and Mr. Adan», solicitor of the Ontario Department of Labour. Just exactly what the Union Committee would demand and agree to at the meeting, Chum-mm Munr- ice Wanamaker would not state when in conversation with the Chronicle just before the meeting commenced KITLHHNF.“ Nan l -Woyk in 'ue vumplunun mi uiclrninu and re- mulmirl: w; -.lr, I'I‘TXJF' Jacobs, 1m.ul is hm”: wen-11ml up This was Hm SlzllPlIn-Hl undo to the (‘hromcle ‘34 Wayor J All"wt smith. North Wa- ‘torlon‘s new "'presorttatJve in the Ontario House. Owing to the corttrae- bur having nlhm- "orttracts at other "roints tho work was (inland To Speed Work oi Resurfacing of Elmira Highway Ulllul‘lo Lulu-x M uiwvr M M Mac- lflido Raid .nvvr lone Ihst‘dnco (BIO Mann- irttut [Us hum-- in “manifold um Sundu, thut until " Inwuvimz had Law-n arranged in att mtm'vww witlt \ tt Kaufman head of the mummy, and ur a later caulk-renu- with mom- hers of the Kaufman strike Misc“- H'nulinlmi an Pas, 6-Vo 1?.i North Waterloo Member States Contractor Promises to Make Better Progress. “I took the. manor up with tho deputy minister of highways and he assured me that operations will be Spiu'llwd, Th» mum-mun 1 under- szulul. has also gin-n usurunce that the wnrk will [mu-nu] faster, Just how murh rrs'art'srrittc run he done trofore will!” mnnhw «as In I do um know. Ot mmrc- :u-snrtadnz is not ntwisssary r": “imm' 'Pattie," Kitchener Men In Spanish Loyalist Jr’lu' wrvin: fiftvu-n months with HHS Spanish Lawns! army in Spain JUN, Slut-l» has rmmnwl to Kitch- vnrn In adrirrersittu. " rum-ling. he summl 1'00 Canadians were aiding the Lumlisvs. He told ot his interni- tronaf zruup snoomiully holding a hm- ..gm'ns! tho flowet or Muw.rotittrtg army. The Blaep Arrow Battalion. or Virnn Kitchennr man known to he lighting with the Loyalists, two luv. hv-txn killed. l rmv: Tse, and Fri-x ing. Two Killed M2“

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