Kâ€"W Squads Hand Brantford PAGE EJIGHT KITCHENER â€"Kitchenerâ€"WaWerâ€" ~po Canadiens will provide tw loo Collegiate scored decisive vicâ€" The Canadiens will provide tw« tories over Brantford Collegiate in teams for their own exhibition fix semior and junior Western Ontario * ______ Secondary Schools Association footâ€" § ball games here Saturday. The loca} seniors won 45â€"0 while the K.â€"W cam&n Fm&a“ jumiors trounced !.he invaders 41â€"1 Victory in the semior game clinched group honors for Kitchâ€" emerâ€"Waterloo squad for the third straight year and the eighth time in the last 14 years. Both local senior and junior teams finish out their up schedule at Guelph next &rd.y. A win for the unbeaten juniors there would give them the second group title in three years Pick Leaf Lines After ~Ex" Games GALT.â€"Not until after a preâ€" season series of exhibition games had been played will candidates for z; ?(:;;)nr;: ‘Ma(;le L;pf;: â€"profes sional hockey club know their fate Coach Dick Irvin said that a deâ€" finite choice of regulars will reâ€" main in abeyance until the games scheduled for Gait, London and Toâ€" ronto had been settled. ASSAULT CHARGE LEADS f TO SUIT FOR $10,000 WINDSOR.â€"Convicted last May of â€" assaulting â€" Simon _ Abraham, Windsor. and placed on suspended sentence for one year, Peter Carom, Windsor, now faces a $10,000 Suâ€" preme Court damage action instiâ€" tuted by Abraham, who claims to have suffered permanent injury as a result of a blow on the ear. It is alleged the plaintiff lost the hearing in his left ear when the drum was ruptured by Carom‘s blow. voubck ste|n : Choas J« Wilfe=d Rest h9) aid Blak. Guelph; Best crown, Robt. Rrown: Best finish Wm. Harrison. CJa«s 2 â€"20 poize, Gordon | Eydt, Milbank . Best crown and heet finish, Gordaon Eyxdt Wl Fiea® Rife Plass 101. Ward Shantz, Waterâ€" vas 5o Win. slaanneL Ayr; 3. Gerrard Cass=). . hinwood, Best_ erown and besi finish, Ward shantz In years and cander 1.) Murray Hainmond. Millbank: 2. Murray Mcâ€" Kay. Wallenstein: 2, Franklin Seignâ€" + Wellesley: Best erown Murray MeKavc Best finish_ Murray: Hamâ€" Tractesâ€" 1. George â€" Hostrawser, Malton; 9. Alex Black. Guelph; 3. €en â€" MeFaddin, Millbank; $. Wm "Thamey. Walton, Best crawin.. Alex Black\ Host finish, George Hostrawâ€" Twenty Five 6+ (Continued from Page 1) Specis\ prizes ~Best plowed land hr ‘racior George Haostrawser, Malâ€" ton: Best ‘low teams in fieldâ€"1, Sam «Marron _ Millbank; 2. Albert smith â€" Millhank; 3. Ed. Hammond, Cresshilis Oldest plowman. B G. Waed Linwood; Yenngest plowman, Framkiin | Refwines 110 seac< old; Yeuugest plowinan nsing a Massey thosis pluw Ne TB Fanklin Seignâ€" <io RBest team and equipment, Thos 0. Wiford. Crossthill. s Bist teams 1. Thos O Wilford, C eashill; & J.0 Albrecht. Crosshill; io t‘hert Smith, Millbank: 4) Sam mond cemit t Judges ofâ€" Morsesâ€"â€"Fred | Bonder, Listawel. George Fisher, Listowel. Jndges of Plow teamsâ€"John Hoimâ€" Luch. Linwood, â€" James Short, Linâ€" bink. There wood John L. Hammond supplied re f eshments at the booth. fudie kh. 20 Macâ€" MeKay, Wallen: : Rd. HMammond Crosshill; 4, Jan‘zi Millbhank: 5. Thos. O. wl. (mosshill; Best crown and hai<h Wilbert MeFaddin â€"s 41. Amod Rife, Gat; 2, Viner, Millbank: 3. Keith Meâ€" Wallenst«in: 4. Clayion Seigner, clev: L0 Ernie Rhody. Gait; rewn and hest fixish, Arnold Milbank yere amnly 95 eniivies and spectators. kas (Clarke Young, Aginâ€" Bad Beating W.lher George ydt. Millâ€" \eFaddin. ind Canadiens Play at Stratford Nov. 6 STRATFORD. â€" Montreal Caneâ€" diens are coming here for an exbiâ€" bition game Nov. 6, it was anâ€" nounced Saturday by M. J Roche, manager of the Stratford Arena. Proceeds of the game will go to the Howie Morenz Memorial Fund. miicalt Fu dn n bxtiop tR UR c L DL Ts j Timeime»ss assessment by wirrds . fol aws ;. north. £50,500f east. $86.410; soan h $799,620; . wegh. $143.755 Total v»\va'mpany by wards 'l'flflrnv\.‘l nor $14,220; east. $232. 270 sonth. $98.445; west. $164.200, Toronto Argos Hamilton O la Wa Mantreal Western Toronto MeGil Queen‘s \i+ Master aieiph O Ac€ Weshert T eonte "V" Population x 21 .068 The i A9%5.1 4 cen t ) bhar wards as n T1 han ! )n (Continued from Page 1) SATURDAY‘$ RESULTS Senior Iintercolleglate Western 4. Toronto "U" 4. Queen‘s 6, MoGih 4 intermediate O.R.F.U Sarmia 16, St. Thomas 4 Chatham 8, Stratford 5 Cohourg 13. Lindsay 7. Dundas 6. Fort Brie & â€" s.ni&r interprovincial Hamilion 14, Montreal 1 Toronto ArgOs 10. Otlawa 4 intermediate College Gueiph O.AX. 26. Western C, 4. \o Master 16. Toronto "U" 2nds 7 Senior O.R.F.U. Sarnia 13. Balmy Beach 0 Junior O.RF.U Wiudsor 8. Sarnia 4. Queen‘s 12. RM.C. 0. \Weâ€"lland 9. Thorold 0. Wossa League Kirchener Srs. 45. Brantford 0 Kiichener Jré. 41. Brantford 1. Western Canada RKezina 26. Calargy 1 Vancouver Bif Four Meralomas 8. Knights of C., 6 Exhibition 0 Ma aimy Beach amilton Winmpeg 16 U tinelph 0.A C. at Western Teronto at MeMaster NEXT SATURDAY‘s GAMES ‘Senior Intercollegiate Westerm at Toronte °C" Motlil at Queen‘s Senior Interprovincial Hamuiibon at. Menit read Tocomte at Offa wa main The seal oldingsi I cassp ce in Intermediate O.R.F.U Srutfend at Sartis. Stâ€" Thomas at Chatham Niagara Falls at Dunda®., aftovd ahaam Thomurs hntsttes~ $42 % Lind assessment of the town is 5 and hmilding aséessment $1 2o sirewirce the tetal real priv issessment as $5.000,.9850,. Rusi« Senior Interprovincial Ww L 1 qs 86 SSID auhle STANDINGS Senior Intercollegiate 8. 1. F3 Intermediate O.R.F.U XY . 3. Womdezere Intermediate College W . L. Senior Q.R.F.U. o at Hamilien Panthers Intermediate College Rhho mess 31 #1%.814 Land and Buildings Senior O.R.F.V. wb d ho Acoduect, are shown hy follows morth, $27.115. #>â€" gouth . £195 447 ;. west. propecrs c oclend | sand wards. anmonmnlime 11 showi oas . follows nt tetals nseesirent of N. Daketa S THE WATERLOO e , 3 $970 9 by wards fol 1 ¢ L P. a 9. no4l 20 6 2 30 26 2 2 20 6 * 2 IT 3B : $1,201,410; £1.hxt,ifhh Last year : * Diplomas, Prizes *‘ for Students at i2 : â€" K.â€"W. Collegiate 11 204 23 34 Teachers Conclude \ Annual Conference Seibert Remains | Canadien Holdout The tiny left winger‘s signing left beetv Babe Siebrt as the Habitants‘ onl\ regular who hasa‘t stuck his signature to a contract. The rugged earguard. an alletar selection last winter. is bolding out for a raise un the basie of bis powerfu) play on the defense during bis Irst season with the Canucks. MONTREAL. _ FMifMy per cest . of von‘real Canadiens‘ boldost worries vusisned over the weekâ€"ond as aging Aurei Juliat signed a contract for bis loth straigh! season wMb National Hocke; League‘s Fiying Frenchmen Addressed by Stanley Watson, Who Outlined New System of Teachâ€" ing in Countp Schools. Teachers and other educationalâ€" ists crowded the Suddaby School auditorium at Kitchener on Friday and heard Stanley Watson of Toâ€" ronto address the final session of the Teachers‘ Institutes of Kitchener and North and South Waterloo. He outlined the new system of teachâ€" ing, saying: "If a child thinks in terms of activities and experience then teaching him to memorize facts is not enough. But under the old course of study that was what we were trying to do. Under the new curriculum we teach just as he thinks." In! sindents receiving diplomas and prizes. Principa] Merriftts prize, one ofâ€" the omost coveted by. students, conld not he presented as the winner. Wm. Needles is attending sehool at Chicazo â€" The: presentation | will be made in the assenddy wlhen lror Irrns 10 Kitchener Anoenjeyadble jaicst of Oe prowrain was a play, "The stolen Privee®, preâ€" sented by the Dramatic Cluh under the direction of Miss Patricke Deten Leek. The cost of the Chinese playâ€" let _ follows Pred â€" strade | danet Stiles. Kenueth Johnstone. Jane Call wood, Elva Widdfong. Donald | Mire: Kays. . Elizabeth Erbâ€" Bruce: Underâ€" wood Donald Harlow. Douslas San der. Mitton Zimmerman, Jack Wrias William Kihl, Harold Lidkes. Domild Jacobhi ind James Rantman Scholarship Awarded Miss | Nora: Eagzar| was presented with She Vniversiiy Wonien‘s Cluh Seholarship hy Mrs A 40 MiaeGanits presifent of that eluh Th presentalion n wthierin mwaeds was maile hx T ML frowi The eups, denated by the eaftfeciate peard were awarded asoreilows o tre atiletes seoving The hiehest num ber of pobnte it t immical brrck onl freld omeets o senier hexs, John Miau Donell: intermediate hoys. Wenterti Zimken ; jmwmor beys, William Artin dale; jnvenile hoys. William Hainsâ€" worth; senior girls, Alice Janes: in termediate girls, Lillian Webb; and jnnior girls. Reaina Roldwe. Presentations, _ Address _ and Play "The Stolen Prince" Please Capacity Audience. the larze . andiormim ln capat Cohier reatnipes were tie selections se school etehestra, Gice Club Poamaitic Clud» Tribute was paid hy Chirirman Cilfivray bu HL W frown, fox his work in preparing pacchments to erchestra. members and the sitee In! sindents receiving. diplomas prizes. Principa] Mernitts prize., Features ar the sanual Commence nvent Exiseises held at the Ritchenâ€" es and Waterloo Coletiate and Techâ€" weal school on Friday night were the presentation . of diplemas and paizes to 230 students. ind aeddreeses in Chairman MeGiliiveay and others. Pucem‘s â€" frieud and smadents Blled the Jarge andiforbun bo eapacity Gher heaire® were the selections hy I"'ui'nli:: si)u;:iking awards, donated by the Students‘ Council were preâ€" CHRONIC L and Mc time the The Mofdie schoo, Profficiemcy M+e~ dal awuended by KW Kiwanis Club was presemied to Gram Huber. The presentathon | was . made . by H. A Schondelmayer. club president. Jack â€"Hemphill. noted Twin City sportsman present ed the rughy cups to the eaptains of the: junior wnd se mior squads | The setior asw ard The KoS. Mamilton® cup was at cepted by Doncelas Kennedy, team eaptain. This team was eoached by Mr. F.o W.oR Dickson and H.o1) Wallsce "The H W. E. MeFudden® cup for the junior cham pionship was wceepted hy Harâ€" old sSteche, ceam ooaptinm, . The j miors were conched by. George OF sehinidt Presemation o commercial dijic mas wie ale by €. Wo o Cressman mx o+ Rotal sidker mearl w lhik honors Presemation o commercial dijic mas wire marle ds 6. Wo Cressman Drincgpal K. N Mervith, . was . in charge ot The qpmesentation of enlle state dpdemag with the technical «hi plonas besing. donated by C. H. Har iing. a aingmber of the advisory voca Neng] committee Students reeeiving ddiphenias webe Coane s o Baek 0 Mirvine | Bechtes Wilheod Rechte Claude Rerges, Wil omm Rudide! Manx Cater, John Chiâ€" vers.â€" Mary : Dabec.. Williamâ€" Deterâ€" Leek, Eid ward Donotioe, Nowa . Eigiu sebastin Emelort. _ David â€" EtnSt, Yheane Past, Reohert GaNoway, Adella Glaishe Falish _ fJenderson, . Janed Hogman. David Howard, Jean Kel lerman. Douglus Kenn@dy, Armand Klinck, Esther Kolb. Gordon Lafferty, Esie Lemgy . Jobin: MaeDoneT, Sean Metityre, Dorothy Matthews, Winniâ€" freal Moser, Elaine Meotchman, Geral done Aater) 600 William Needlee, E. Ebrine Penesnat, Gordon Prueter, Cliffend Reberts K. Ethna. Robinson, Uenry â€" Schnueder, . Auna S. Shantz, Exelyn o smider. Audrey: Stadtlander] Exelyn smider, . Audrsey: Stadtlander, Hita: Tinder, Join Thompson, Eimev (inbach and Helen Weber Junior Matriculation Earlâ€" Bach, Harold: Beaupre, Mark Lonis Bidwell, John E. Rochmet, Gla drs Rowman.. Keith Butler, Lorna Camplesl]. Wilhns: Daley. Eail Dakiâ€" mer.. Edna Franks, Sheldon Groe Margarel | Hofstefter.â€" Abert: Hollin: Lvl‘.l.lu\‘vp]\ Huck, JJ. Norbert Jeffers Aifris Kingsley, Katherine Lnekiuet Helen | Marchand E. Demise: MePleer son. Katherine Miller, Robert Mills Fra â€" Potch.. Frances Reiner. (uth Sehmitt. Verna Sehmidt, Helen spae tz6). Ruth Stevens, Donald Swarlz. Evelyn Thorne, Reta Voelsing, Howâ€" ard Weber, Ross Webr, Robert Wert laufer, _ Margaret | Wilkins. Lloyd Winkier. Medals pea hi oseh ro eedppet hm ut 8 mars Olabs werr p? bent WO OR Bodrom is proesented with semer octanmpen ynectiig â€"a sï¬ on GOUDIES Kitchoner‘s Modern Department Store Td-!hc-om q4 reeeiving dipiena Upper School Buelz)~ Maxine medal bor hoys‘ spreak wvded by KW esxented by Préeâ€" Robert Smith the gold medal and Pau} Kaut for second ! vYama Cloth 29¢ Wrapperettes 25c Woolette 2%¢ Check:, dots and small floral patterns â€" for â€" making . kiddies‘ dresses. 36 inches wide. 25¢ yard Floral patterns and | special kiddres‘ designs in pastel colors 36 inches wide. 2%¢ yard â€"Stripe> and bias plard pattern> for â€" making â€" night | weas 36 inches wide. 29c yard Middle School |â€" Belty Beaman. Edward Bean. Pat ‘l’l(k Beese, Robert Cressman. Johu Friesen, A. shirley Hawkins Kathâ€" arine Hagmerer. William Hopp. Clay ton Knipfel. Raiph Kopperson, Maude Longstreet, â€" Stephania â€" Michalosky, ‘Florence Mistele, Donald | Playford | Mary Elizabeth Reiner. Allen Ritze: Arthur Wabl. Marguerite . Wald |schimid1. _ Norma _ Woolner Huah ‘Warn. > ) COMMERCIAL : Threeâ€"year Accounting Courst With honors. Jack Ernst and Hugh Shantz; Without honors. Donald Brisâ€" [ tol. Harvey Durst. Edward Kalb ifleisch, _ Harold _ Knipfel. _ Jerome Koehler. Leonard Koepke, Isracl Sidâ€" erson. Donald Weicker and Marold | White. ‘I Threeâ€"year Commercial |_ Dorothy â€" Bock, | Betty Gerbrsacin Dorothy â€" Heer. Mildred Heer. Doris {Kuntz_ Mary â€" Tiessen | and | Kil<= Uhrig. ‘ Threeâ€"year Secretarial With honors,. Wauda Borys: Viole Baurkhold»r, â€" Mildred Chapman, Glâ€" dys Guillett. Delilah Hahn Maria Hauser. Gortrude Herzog. Stephani. Kreutzweiser, . Rita | MeCarthy. Ma garet Schmidt and Plorence steffle: Without â€" honors.. Grace | Asniussen, Pearl Rallioiyne. Nelda Beam. Hele: Binkle. Helen â€" Heeneman. | Marian Brown. Shisley Brown,. Bette Burk hoad, steila Cosky, Mary: Dietrich. Betty: Drummond, Hilda Durst. Shi Jdey â€" Edwards, Evaline Fleischau Dorathy Gaiser. Marjorie Gillesme Grace Gough, pelphine fagen. Adelle Uadin. Mane Aakn. Ruth Harper Constonce. Hartman, Norma Kelle Ph3yjJis _ Koebe), _ Marie Lawrence , Averil Lohner, Thelma Ludwig. N lie Macknicky, LiNian Meagher, Gloâ€" [ria Reinhart. . Verna Riley, Deunis |Smith, Helen Wahl, Itta Wahl!, Lorne | Wettlunter and Florence Yaeck | Oneâ€"year Secretarial With honors. Reta Bearinger, Ma ,Dflninlfl. Marguerite Eby, Eleen Rav del, Grace Salzman, Edna Stanffer i‘Esthvr Weber; without honors, Berâ€" {nice Anstett, Dorothy Becker, Veraâ€" 'm:m Becker. _ Olive Bruce. | Phyllis Dickson, Lillian Gill, LiNlian Helm Anne Kirkland. Mary Learb. Eileen MMittle, Patricia | MeConth, Margaret '\HKt-nzin. Dagmar â€" Neufeld, Grace Oheiser, â€" Moreen Opperhonser, Li%â€" (lian Perschbacher., Kathleen Witze! | Oneâ€"year Accounting With honors. Jack Crawfond. Jack | Donglas, Mnrray Shater, Rohert Sits ‘ger:; withont honors, Nile Bier, Harvy |Filsinger.â€" William Kaufman, Frank | Krarmer. Aberd Lontensehlager, Lpowis Mank, John sSevler, Jack StoX \Raiph Westrall. Threeâ€"year Technical Dourlas | Anderson, â€" Paul â€" Avnold John â€" Rieman. Bar] Beeckner. SJofn Brenmer, Janmies Catentfic folin Chige man, | Eric Enns,| Lawrenee: Finne gan. â€" Charles | Grmenewald. _ Donald Kehn. Leroy Kempel, Ronald Krist, Edward Kunkel, Lloyd Lantensehlaâ€" ger. Rdwin â€" Norris, Ernest _ North, Milner Seibert. Eldon Sippel. Walton Stider, William Starke, Clare Swarâ€" tzentruber. Tuesday. October 26,