Those irrtcrtdittg from a distance mm- Mr, and Mrs Dyer or Toronto. 1r. Wright. tur0lisltor of Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Hth Templin or For- gu< Incl Mz-ssrs R. s. Bean and Wm. M Dean of Waterloo. T w late Mr. vaes was born In Eganvlllo. He published newspapers .1! Hazlm'mv. Cayuga and Realm. and Sattlt Ste. Mario before coming tty Elmira, Surviving are a wife. one son, Dr. Herbert Reeves ot Fort F.3nres_ one daughter. Mrs. John naming. Paris, one brother. Dr. D. A. Reeves, Fort Frances. and two nia- hrs. Mrs. J. A. Haring ot Blair, and Mrs Allingbam of Belfast, henna. IH'KLPH. Oct. 15.-9ohn McYague, rcthiv. of Justice Charles P. MeTagmr, n5 tho ()murin Supreme Court, was injured tonight when struck by an alllnmnhiln allegedly driven by Oscar Strome. Jr Mr. McT'ague, who Is sumo olderly, is in hospital sultan-lug from a fractured leg and other hurts. Shame. arrested on a charge ot rock- less, driving, was released later on bail. Tho rum-m: oi ttto late publisher or llm “Unix: wtiisly newspaper. "0tutiiur,twl. \wru held from his late rrsid-Allru mu Park street. Pallbear- tls were Messrs Harry “Michel, "sc.ty ur-smut/su. William Auman. "d “mm; Sum of Erwin; and Charles Hurt-q; and Wiuium Hnrmp or Blair. r term-mt was ttrad- in Paris cemo ELMIRA. Oct. 18.-Death cull. wnh starttiag suddonnesl on Thurs- day evening whoa George Reeve. pro priolor and odllor or tho Elwin weekly Signet tor the past eight years {all dead when he arose from the supper table at his home. Ho In all years of age and had been Ill lll~ clifforvnl health tor some time. H. left his (mire about six o'clock alter conversing with friends and walked to his home tor supper. An hour hr ter ho was dead. t,.tst rites wen- beld tor the lato George Reeves here on Saturday with now A w, Kosburary, pastor n: the l-Ilmim Uniwd church otticiat- hug. Simple Funeral Service Largely Atteaded.--FeNw Pub- lishers Present. FATHER OF COURT Kitchener and Gull. city council A re aunt-tin:- " . joint meeting " heft; Friday St', decided that n neither municipoity will ugh on T agreement with the County ouncil' u that does not provide for joint’Ill Mouse of Refuge operation undcriu the House of Refuge Act. " ml pointed out that the two cities [nil " per cent, of the costs of the“l intimation. As it 'stands now. l stated Mayor K. Senna of Gait, the t city "it2rthtr are nothing f more t n rubber stamps. The it' meeting did not decide what course in of action would be taken if the l, County Council refuses to agree or cl, the proposal mule. The County†Council will consider the matter " ir their sessions on Tuesday and Wed, lt neon-y of_thia week. " _ l, City solicitor Murray Bray for Kitchener 1nd when»! Stewart of Cult drafted a resolution calling for five members of the House of Re- fuge management hard to comprise the warden, a member of the county council, the Mayors of Gilt and Kitchener, and a fifth member to be mutually agreed upon. No capital expenditure. it WM asserted, could be made without the approval of the majority of the Board. last Rites Held 22hr Publisher . . 81,!!!) Barn F ire It,'g'f:',/r. i __~w Hetrpeier Il'i'rachtT:W.t"rfut'r Old Peoples’ Home ""°‘°"“ Wnttao" Cities of Gala and Kitchener Clai- 62 Per Cent Interest in County Institution. PAGE SIX of Elmira Signet JUDGE INJURED ' Miss. Evelyn Pinke. who was badly hurt a week ago when a on- she was driving was ditched, is re- ported to he improving It. the Lord Dutrerin Hospital It Onngeville. Miss Pinke’s mother, who tmttered ‘leg injuries, was able to lave the Ihospital for her home in Kitchener tinny night. U‘CCIDENT VICTIMS , ARE MUCH IMPROVED NEW HAMBURG, on. 17 --lm, pressive 85th anniversary services were conducted by Rev. Perry G. Buck, missionary in Bolivia, at the church founded at Irictoriaburg. The speaker, who spent his boyhood ‘uhya at this village, delivered IO- spiring messqges " both services. JRev. E. G. Dale, the pastor ut Victoriaburg for ten yeurs, intro- duced the speaker. Thirteen pas.- Hora have served the church since it {was ttrat uranium: -- _ - , " was in 1853 that A small band :of Baptists organized the church. “In 1880 the church was moved to New Hamburg, and My members of the first congregation were on rhnnd to commemorate the artetiver- ’sary. Rev. Henry Schneider. 3 for, mer pastor of the Benton Street ~Bnplist Church at Kitchener. run the first pastor It Victoriaburg. Be was tollowed nine you: Inter by "tev. Ed. Gruetzner, who served for eight years. He served later for a longer period. I IIJlubrlb three miles morut of He- i!'""? aulrneu on†51,000 In“ when Hun bank bun all a 50 tcle turn our Phased recently new dulroyed try ttie A gum") ot anal cu banal A'ir,.. Luna was \uveled by "I‘m-1:0 A mow! an "'. and when will in; work-ecu manor! " out of tho burn. Wr‘n sun-u and Inn“! Tioutaser unwed In “Hall“ the ',car an annealing the In trom Jpn-Mung to the lull new the root low which In soaked with In“: t The are I“ noticed than! u l" k lurk a mum "on In Cid-on Hh-AHII: an envision: looked out ot Other oitieers elected an _ TTaro! ! Gimble. vice-pres; Lloyd Huxley. secretary-treasurer; Mrs. In Zeller, pianist; Orville Groh, chorister. The directors are: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dessler, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cook guilt 2nd Mrs, Lloyd Mpdet. In Kimhener police court. on Fri- day. Stanley Schweitzer. R.R. No. 2, Waterloo. was charged with erim- inal negligence. Bis motorcycle knocked down Mrs. Annie Siroki, 66, Is she was crossing Victoria St. intersection at seven o'clock on the evening of August 26. She suttered concussion and bruises. Accused pleaded not guilty and the case was adjourned until Oct. 22 to permit of n surveyor's map of scene of accident to be placed m court as. evidence showing place of mishap. MAPLE GROVE, Oct. Is-oliver Snyder was elected president. of the Maple Grove Farmer's Club at their annual meeting held at the home of Oscar Dessler last evening. He will succeed Garfield Mader. the retiring prtsifent. __ - - - The officers of the Junior Farm- era' Club. elected at the same meeting, are as follows: president, Cecil Cream-m secretary, Ross Shunt; president of Junior Girls, Luella Schultz; secretory. Fiorence Dealer; auditors, Emu Honsberger, Laverne Cook; Honorary president, Gnrfield Mad". NEW OFFICERS FOR MAPLE GROVE CLUB MAN CHARGED WITH CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE mu aux-mm w and the mm ID Lynw she nuke-nod new husband and the, united to the bun but the tire had gained too put head-n fo -stiugususts Mr Chum nud our Mum] (In: (arm a chart ttme no am! hm] nut purcltaasod Watt and Im- ir'rrstttritt. or "is.. In» [one mum lute Hr r-n :rr-dlwr BAPTIST CHURCH AT NEW HAMBURG ENTERS MGH'rY.Fth"T'H YEAR Refreshments were served, FTc9HtUt HILLS Oct " W'Uhlm Till WATIILOO (Ontario) Ten local men were given work at pulpwood cutting at Sault Ste. Marie recently. M, H. Philips of the employment oftice however states that he is. not certain if more men can be found position, in the north. Prof. Carl Klinck addressed members of the Athenaeum Society at the Waterloo College, giving an interesting talk on his European trip. accompanied by lantern slides. He showed English scenes including the birthplaces and homes of fam- ous poets. Shakespeare and others. Interesting degree team work captained by Wm. Hamel was given at the meeting of the 1.0.O.F'. on Thursday night. Three new candi- dates were initiated. tnr,tallation of otheers will take place next Thurs- day night. October 21. The '10,000 damage suit by John B. Weber against the Town of El, mira has been settled, according to lawyer Leo G. Latchford. The terms were not made known. Plain- tiff aofrered injuries in a fall on an icy_ sidewalk and a damage claim fo'lloied. "Whs doesn't a married man run after id wile like he did before marriage?" On Thursday lust former mayul John R. Eden of Kitchener received the eottgrntuUtions of friends on the occasion of his '7 ttth birthday. When trying to avoid Mung a bt cu driven by N. Thoman. on Chest, nut street. David Bell lort control of a- his car which hit I Hydro pole and‘ kroke the light bulbs. l M “Wall, you know, a mouse in a "up lumen In; Make tor cheese." James Murphy, Preston, was ad, mitted to the St. Mary', Hospital for treatment for injuries from a full down a flight of statt, an tu, home HON. P. M. DEWAN’S CAB FORCED IN HITCH wouus'rutm on " mintgi 'oda, to: than. no nuke In. an†publh Amp-aunt: unu- nywmlud, ttgtaubter ot ‘gnrullure. Hon P I INK.“ ‘4: Inn-lard m a mum! u I Odeo: Hit, .4: um. Honda-l tutol the uttrts ur 41101th l In Dena: swayed tututy mount ttte, Al II: bull) damaged Faces Murder After Beer Room Fravas THREE 1.0.o.r. CANDIDATES i HURT IN FALL DOWN STAINS EX-MAYOR " YEARS OLD TALK ON EUROPEAN TRIP SHOES FOR THE FAMILY ISO Kin. W. - Kim MIRA SUIT SETTLED For your next pair of Hartt - Chums Richardson Shoe Store LOCAL mum BRIEFS TEN GIVEN WORK MOTOR ACCIDENT CHRONICLE I Mr Ruin-r! Alarm and Mr Carl Allotrratttt mnturwi tat Duran over ttst. wwek-oud Mrs N Snluuhh‘: ami ttttr Misses Juan and Mary Kelly eyt Belmore str-ttr rhr \u'vk-vnd atâ€): Mr and Urs' Bdum Horaou Mi' (‘Iullh Vivisnh at iVatrrrloo \.~'i"-d will! his rumba" an mind†ist. Clements school 1 Grade 6--Talovd Kieswettor, Ar- thur Busch, Bernetta Ertel, Leroy 'Goodwin, Anthony Hergott. Carl Voisin. Mildred Kumm, Elmer ‘Voisin, Edwin Hergott. Alex Mertz. Rose Reine]. Grade Z‘. inurmhy twhiottel. Mil- drwl llinslmrgvr. Gertrude Git-m, Ger- ald Iaorrsutr.. Mariorio Spanner, Wil- lard “mason; Dorothy Dietrich. Made. }.nu Km‘hol, John Koahel. Jacob t'stttka. Georgo Brenner. Norman Spevttver. Willard Koohel. Grade t-umtosetia Eaton. Ciara- lmlla Kuntz, t'iaude Eris]. Billy "art- man. “and Mayer. Jerome Dietrich, Jusnlm woher. Carl Meyer, Report for September Umdn I erhan Voisiu. Joromo l-Zuwvlir. liuivln Kuhn Hunt, Koottel Js-ut, Sdumnnrr Hun-mm Klmhvl. mm IDIHQIH‘}. “nun Haw Hmnriun Kh-qn-Ilur Kunnulh uranium» Itit" “Hull. Vai. HIM-l, Rusnmmy Mar!- m.mn_ Mary sp-‘nn-r. Damn-l Lor- ' I tr.. Jennin- Psutxa. Mildred Bren- "Fr. Urn)" :.'--Hr_s “MUM. Laur'me “I: "rr/C-LLCs-LLL-LL.-..--.., Frn-I. Mari" F'.ckert, Rita BrlPI. Jo- hanna Hint-is, Audrny Meyor. Harold NURSE FACES MURDER Six-"mas, shir"tr Goodwin. Borniee ----_---_ lit-run" Thor-~53 Psutka. Keith Moy- LONDON. Crown Attorney Nor- "' man anmn said Saturday that Mrs. Grade 3'- -0orothy twhiottel. Mil- EmiYy Rrstrertson, 36ouyar-old former dred Hiusbtsr,'.etsc. Gertrude Gimr. GM" nursu now hNd as a material wit- alU lnrmnz, Mariorio spanner, WII- up†in the death of Miss Mary “m. l.toi Mossrut Dorothy Dietrich. Made. kinsnn, win bo charged with murder. “I" Koetml, John RWY-cl. Jacob shrs will in- the third person to he "Milka Georgo Brennan Norman Hanged with killing the 31-year-old Sptvttver. Willard Know, A London srhool-teaeher. Grade 7-Teresa Jordan, Virginia Luna Dora returned from her itrtrt Koebel. Gertrude Bladder, Janet xisit io Strnday school Lorentz, Rita Hergott, Maria Joy. Father: "What did my little daugh- dan, Virginia Brenner. Helen Ben- in 1mm this afternoon." der, Agnes Voisin, Victoria Psutlm,‘ Little Dora: "That I am a child of Eileen Spencer. Pettrl Dietrieh,Satam" . Born 0n oe ti. w l‘hrhu Strauss, n "on. Personal; Grade 5--Jack Eckort, Dorothy Jordan. Theodor" Kumm. Carl Ben, dPr. Kpnnoth Knolwl. Joseph Ruitzel. Rvuhr‘n srhnar'r. GET THEM FROM YOUR NEAREST DEALER 5-! ONTARIO SEED COMPANY - Waterloo, 0m. Thin coupon eotities you to 20% reduction on the regular price of any ot that lines: . ( )muou'suoem Mtneth-raneeMthtsat 600' WI " I": 'liklt a and Mr Carl Gt Dutch over Mrs 'rtetty Schleggl, Eley Wrer, Helen Miss E. B. Roos, librarian at the Waterloo Library. reports that the reading uf books by children is on the increase. The increase is auri- buted to the teachers in schools urging reading in the new element- ary school curriculum. SYDNKY, N.S. «4 Seven seamen from we 1,13rton Montreal freighter Tmnnra were recovering in hospital Sunday from burns and lacerations 1ireived whon an oxplnsion ripped tuotuch Hu- manden vesseL near ",lu. Uaudaio Istandes Saturday. Grade tr-Gerald Selma". Helen Bumble); Catharine Koehel, Arthur Dietrich, Rita Beechler, Caroline Ptmtha, Evelyn Dietrich, Cletus Lorentz, Carl Psutkl, Florence Spencer, Ruth Goodwin, Billy voisw m. Grade Busch, Kroetsch Grade Fumeâ€, Schnarr, MORE JUVENILE BOOKS NOW IN CIRCULATION Then Dad Got Mad Lune Dora returned from not itrart xisit In Sunday 501190). N _ __ A car," Anna life Ittitrtl. SEVEN SEAMEN INJURED /PeA8eBqtH.-moeqPo+ )mmmmrn )P%AMBqh'BLaMmE- 10.-Loretta Reitzel. Della Virginia Koebel. Beatrice Howard Huehn. 9--Graee Busch, Anna Gloria Hartman, Marie It