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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Sep 1937, p. 7

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Live weights: Hult, $915; madon, 39.15; Poter%orough, $165; Stratum. $9.75; Gunman. "drtr. I\Inml.u Surf 37t Prim-s quoted hy Kih'hfmrr ttrms or. tIto alum-o dam wt't'ty as follows: Eggs Selling Syn-1:3: grade Isl grade ._rrP__ 2nd Trad" .rr. ontario gram. approximate prices 'mrk shipping point~WheeL $1118 to 31 Itt, nuts Mi to 40c; barley, 52 to Produce Prtcetc-eullet egg: sold " 22 cents a dozen; others " to " Cents. Butter, 30 cents I pound. Yelrling chickens, 24 cents . pound. and two year old 22 cents {Emmi At Vegetable Stalls -Cnulitlower sold It 10 to 20 cents I head; pars- ley root, 5 cents s bunch; Chinese cabbage at 5 Ind 10 cents s head; corn at 15 cents s dozen; csbbeges st five and 10 cents each; beets runged from 15 to 35 cents for six quens; green tomatoes l0 and " cents tor six quarts; pumpkins at from fl to 15 cents; onions 25 cents for six quarts; red tomatoes 50 and 60 eertts a bushel; little corn for pickling tive cents s quart. Potatoes sold " 75‘snd Iii) cents , has: At Fruit Stalls-Peaches, 25 to " cents for six quarts; cantaloupe, M to 35 cents u melon basket; Bartlett pears sold at 20 cents for 6 quarts; cub apples. 25 cents for six quarts; grapes 20 cents for six quarts; prune plums 30 cents for six quarts; honey plums 25 cents for six quarts. - At Meat Stalls-Fresh pork saus- use. 28 cents n pound; smoked pork sausage " 30 cents; ribs 26 cents; bacon M cents; ham, 24 cents; backbone 18 cents, tenderloin M cents, sirloin 32 cents, head cheese 18 cents. jellied meat 22 cents, and lard 18 cents. [)rr-ssed woigtus-2Huil. $13.40; London. $12.70; Peterborough 312.15; Btratrord, $13; Kitchener. $13; Chat- ham. $13. Kitchener market vendor, and city tok, turned out In large num- hers on Saturday Pncea remaxned firm. Women vendors are petition mg the Muriel Committee for a comfortable and salutary comfort station uwuy from the market building. The present quarters in the building are not considered unitary. uBacon hogs declinod 25 and 3Se at Peterborough Saturday. while other markets hold steady, Ttc; turn 93. to (Mr; ryN. 80 to 85c; buckwheat, in to .'.o'..; "walling har- h y. .15 Hr Bur; mxihn: Hal's 1910 tlc. 1-H: pu :1 r [Imn'I-Iw‘. 'lrM.trirrrNl mum N, a“ llrn‘nuxk 7.30 r mrlul buds. and ”mum No l'rirr-s In whnb-mln "nulv -.r {in pnr Inn: hisrltst Eggs 42 Cents at Kitchener Market Butter Priced at 30 Cents, Fowl 22 to 2t Ceuta.--. Potatoes tCie a Bag. Kitchener Produce ML SeEmber If District Markets - Want Ads Grain Quotations “ml FO Farpos . .. anMs . _. medium Hog Quotations large PP-v mmJium will-14 . Potatoes Eggs Buying Buttertat ar l- mu; ‘iw following ”my Ilvlnu-rs-(l in To- w-~.\.‘k 730 pnr hae. Truck Dnllvered 28 29 27 28 " " I‘" IO it) 29c 37c 30c 29e 25 I "Owlml- an Your ”mix-4". hy Mar- jurin Minis. [Halvhsdlvrrill ('nmpnny, Ivuliuitupolisi. is " sort of sham-l to ‘l.|\'-~ Alan» and Liks- It", which /rty"i, >m h mull-sprI-ml inrm'rvsl last ir":"' Mist-c [mm now tells nxaclly ( how th- Sunni-inu‘ly innmssihl» run ho [naught all-mt, and how it ran hr- mudn rlmmuL-hly enjoyahln. The ”gumm- duo: um atlvisrs heinst stingy gr "rt-u "mlniy clamping; 9hr In» “NW-‘5 in "mummy but shows how Mr.» I an "um alone" very handsomely an a small mmmO. Naturally nne‘s ineottto manhunt tho details and " wuulvl 1w folly to oxporrt handsome fur/mn- vars .uul oxclusivo fur wants or: n luv-"Er“ inn-um). m" Miss illillh .chow.s how to be thorouzhly llama and unnl’nrlnhlv with small lung"; pruvirlvtl mm has the ability in; {Irrl-pl 'lv- mnpnr arotstments. 1Itiur.s, .chow.s how to be thorouzhly “mm” and :mnfnrmhlv with small 1yin-ans |)"u\’illvtl mm has the ability ‘rn {Irrl-pl 'lv- mnpnr arotstments. 'Ivuplml "ith 'shtrrflssnt. advice thoo. tic u L’rm‘ll vim] or rm! humor, and a ly.ortmzh "t"bsrstamtine of human lining-.3 r-sp--c~i;»ll_r that or the fair Is- x ws. In-livw- this hook will he a Inns-I svlior and dmorvedly so. Province o' Ontario Frost has been reported from many section, but no serious dun- age has occurred. An abundance of .rodder and feed grain has been stored Frequent showers have bene- tited root crops and pastures. 'Bowtrsg or tall wheat nears completion and satisfactory germination is evident. Spring grants were adversely ale-ct- ed during the harvest by excessive moisture and early anticipated yields “ere curtailed. Fodder corn is a heavy crop and harvestlug is general. "asking corn in southwestern coun- ties was damaged by excessive rain- fall and yields are expected to be below average, Fruits of all kinds ars- gmwrally a good crop Harvest- ing of the largo-st crop to date ot 'gmul quality {lur‘fured tobacco is Hum-timing completed. Hurley and ‘lulzuk toharro on Ito-avinr land were 5.!. "mm-d by excossivrs moisture and H unis xvii; E.» “on lmlow normal. in ttte Praltle valncoo tavurable lavdllll‘i in: beru nclptui In thresh- illig trVeriMkoat, which an: rapidly inviting mmpietiun except in Nor- lttmrn Aibr‘lld where tunneling has i been delayed The Dominion Govern» uan tr prviinimar) estimate gives tn..- yieid at line.“ at 164.000.0130 imam-ls dlvldt'd a toltows Alberta Tc; mm ooo bushel; Saskatchewan 35; ‘wmum bushels and Mauituba 53,000.- vitm bushels in Manitoba wheat gin-Id: .tre abuts the average, but giadab “ll be lower than last year Juneau yields in Saskatchewan are _exct'puorratly light, with the grain winning a high grade Alberta, ox- cept m the trottttHsatsttrr" portion of in“. Province. the‘uheat crop is gen- ‘rrully satisfactory in yield and (my Irtr in Quebec Province [hrs-hing ot grains is well advanced and anth- (at-tory return: are indicated Apples are a good average crop. Pro-poet. 'ior root K‘TUPS continue (avornblo and [tobacco is above average in yield land quality In Ontario spring grain- l were alocted by excessive molsluro 'and yields were below those antici- pated Fodder crops have been abun- 'dant. crops of fruit good, and the yield or “natured tobacco the lar- gest to date In 'British Columbia. , rops of hay tomatoes. pontoon, Imps. mots, corn. fodder and ot all tvuits except peaches, are highly BB- tislfactory, while grain yields are slightly below average. In the Marl- time Provinces grain crops on the “hole are fairly satisfactory and good average yields are expected from potatoes and other roots. (luring to losses from heavy Bates, It ll doabthn it tho Annapolis Valley ap- pze amp will equal that ot 1.500.000 barrels produced but year. FARM FOR SALE sum!“ 168 sure tum, better known 0 tieubtru the lit-boon tum. Apply to Walter In Brydon, KB. 2, Blesllu. 77-8 .," _ A CROP RE POR T" Literary Notes FADE THE WATIBLOO (Ontario) CHRONICLE "-u-.-L-.--_--Aa.a"--=r-'.'2==ii' Muss Ruby Scum“! of Kitchener spent the week-9nd at her home here In: Henry Becker upon! a day at Howard Bot-hare ll Kitchener Sunday vulture at Win, Raul: new Mr and In. nun Grail, (Ken neth and Blake": Grutt and Mr and Mrs Dough: Selbon ol Kitch- ener Miss than. and In. Ruth Erb or Elmira, In. Buckridge of Chicago and Mr Fred Howlou ot Claudia: Mr Lori, Fried and non Orville w Imam-n» "t'eot In (our day: mr 15.. “one of the (mar: “Irwin, Mr And In: Etta Becker Mr and Mr; S. Meyers ot Now Hamburg called on the Inner: ulnar, Mrs, Henry Becker and Mr, Becker on ‘Sllmy, Mr and Mrs Isaiah Etry and tan» ily were Visitors at Wm. Harlocl'a an ‘Hespolor on Bunch}, Mr Jud In: Gordon Dubrlck and son Mareru “and wllh mom- at at Catharine: on sunny Mr and Mrs, Henry Becker ac- (ompanled an and Mn. ' Rudy of Waterloo to Toronto on Saturday. Nathan Weber tgt Kitchener Mrs "oe sdunlu upon: the wool ("a mm her mother, INT I Israel, hunk-net Mrs Ephraim Weber and Mr and In, mywn Weber of German Mill- nuhed at John Steekley on Sunday MI atut Mrs In. Bethe: note baud.” gamut: nub Mr wad Mrs Mrs. Reuben Weber of Kitchener WILLIAMS-UN Regularity ! "But how about the biggest job of all-contacting the people and telling them repeatedly that you are in business and have the goods they need. Do you do that REGULARLY? Do you figure you are going to get your share of the available business if you don't tell folks about your merchandise or your service at REGULAR intervals instead of doing the job spas- modically or not at all? "By all known tests. experience and thousands of records. the acknowledged best-of-all medium for REGULARITY is advertising in the local newspaper. A newspaper going REGU, LARLY into the homes of your possible customers. not only in your city but the surrounding territory as well, makes it easy enough for anyone to see how your local newspaper offers you the finest kind of a vehicl for carrying Four business message REGULARLY to the 1203‘ "And don’t think thesi folks won't miss your REGU- LARITY of advertising. hey look for their newspaper REGULARLY, READ IT REGULARLY. study its advertising (yours. if it's there) REGULARLY. "And what's more, you’ll find they are buying fairly RECULARIN. too, if you'll just check up, especially with the advertisers who do use space REGULARLY. "You sweep out, you trim the windows, you dust off the counters, you make up new price cards, you unpack and arrange new stock, you plan your merchandise showings, you do these and a hundred other necessary jobs REGULARLY in the normal conduct of your business. TO MERCHA NDISERS:- "YOURS FOR MORE REGULARITY IN ADVERTISING." TIE 1llh'l'lillU)0 CHRONICLE tlr and Mrs. Jacob Cranium ho name tho bride of Gordon Lichtr. son at Mr and Mrtt. mm Unity ot Many attended 11:60.1: hi: on Saturday afternoon. LichtyCmun-n Monti-It. A quiet wedding I" 101‘:th “I 3 " o'vlock on Saturday afternoon at the Mennonite mraome. when Miss Verdi: Cream-an. daughter ot spout Thursday afternoon um. he: “slur, Mrs. Dame Sch-1m. Mr and Mrs. Ch“. Kata” "attad than sou, Mr, Hound Knbko and M?', Kufsko on Sunday at Kitchnor SHAH“ STATION EVERY EVENING at EK alum“ Radio Station CKCR North WMloo Liam-Conservative North Waterloo Giannini“ Candidate over Kitchener H E AR . Thompson villi-cu. Ind-y. sert, to and I The bride wu lovely m white crepe with matching nets-node. and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses Her attendant, Mia. Irene Merlin wore blue triple sheer crepe witty matching ace-lone- and car. [red yellow rouse, Oscar men, was his brother‘s but mm After the ceremony a wedding on» lper was served to, only immediate [ii',))."':',')':"',", Later let the evening Mr, ard Mrs Lichty left to lpend their honeymoon In Toronto and point- m5! BrtrtrUu Rev o ated 'houo-otth.uo.tio.. Aaroei.tioa Burkholdar 01ml. PAGE SEVEN

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