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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Sep 1937, p. 1

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> Workers‘ Six Demands Are Impossiblé, Says Company Kight Pages Ontario _ Labor _ Department Official in City to Act as Mediator. were completed over the week end 11UUI lll."l UVTVTU for a "peace conference" aimed at the settlement ef the strike of 650 employees of the haufman Kubber Ulll) 2. Gallons Milk K(‘jt’(‘l(’d Company in 3 Months.â€"Dr. Mader William Burns, of the Unlmlm Comments Farmers. William | Burns, of the Ontanio Department of Labor, came on the sceene Satuiday, but as yet has not called a mecting at which he would likely act in the role of mediator. Mr. Burns is expected back in Kitchener Monday, when he is exâ€" pected to attempt to bring repreâ€" sentatives of the company and the strikers together The company refused to accede to any of is wage demands served upen it by the strikers‘ committee Its refusal was communcated to workers Wednesday, the strike folâ€" lowing Thursday mormng. The strike occurred after the company refused to accede to six demands framed by the strikers. The demands hae to de with wages for the most part ant picket gave thel cempany â€" to the unt Only one case of curred. and that strikers. â€" Eight â€"f Vol. 81, No. 78 Since then no conferences have been held between the two camps. ing te capitalize con the <atuatron. . Lloyid | Brown. c gmnore for the United Rubber Workers. the €.1.0, affiliate to which the Kautmian loeal Three Criminal Cases and Some Divorce Actions.â€"One Jury Civil Case. Heavy Docket for Waterloo Man Gets The Fall Assizes Jail Sentence One of the largest dockets in years is ~lated for the Waterloo County Fall Assizes at the court house, Kitchener, commencing Monâ€" day of this week. Mr. Justice Mcâ€" Evoy is presiding. NO PROCRESS IN KAUFMAN STRIKE There are thirteen cases, of which three are criminal charges. Of the ten civilian actions, only one is a jury case, the claim arising uut of a motor car accident. There are four diverce suits. one motion for judgment absolute in a previous civorce action. The â€" criminal â€" charges â€" to â€" be brought before a grand jury by the Crown through Crown Attorney W. P. Clement are as follows: Rex vs. Aivin Eâ€"baugh, Bamberg, ebarged | with motor manslaugfer. The charge iâ€" a sequel to a fatal accident at Warner‘~ Corners, north cf Waterlon, in which Ernest Mertz, vf St. Clements, a passenger in the Esbaugh ear. leet his fife. Rex ovs. Victe Crawford and Ed ward | Mersan hoth of Guelph. charged with saps Order for Shells Received Locally RKITCHENEK entinned yoal with saps .o Auem: pit 1 elence has ow did onot involve actory â€" windows tones. and vigit yothe offender helvens inman, charged to §â€"â€"No. 11 n nainpnerrietits the week end ce" aimed at strike ef 650 police. ot befer indurstrs imarda and U hewes is heen pripst Tl Town Milk Supply Much Improved While three mouths ago 120 gak leus of milk were rejected in one month as being unfit. during the sutmâ€" mer montbs of Jupe, July and August only 2 gallons of milk were refused hy Waterioo daimies ‘Dairy couditions on all farms are the hest since | accepted my position i6 the Twin Cits said Dr. Mader e Jdded that heids are in excellent cendrien ue co hreayy crops and rood basturage. and that the income he Jdéed that heids are in excellent cendrien ue co hreayy crops and good pasturage. and that the income em The cood ecops this year has en abled dairymen to make necded on puexenmec is on s premises D | Weboos > ope t presentelo e the 1 he‘ceablve improvement ;n the qoulity of the mok supply for the poiw d o; Waterleo has been very proâ€" nonmest in the past few months, Twin €ity Food aud Milk Inspector Dr & Ko Mader told the Waterl0o Board of Health on Thursday Alfred Schefter, Horseman and Blacksmith, Guilty of Possession of PLEADS ONLY A HEART STIMULANT GoDRIICH. Sept. 27. â€" Alfred schefter. Waterloo horseman, was found guilty of being in possession of drucs and sentenced to six months in jail and $200 or additional three months im eas) of nonâ€"payment of fine. "I must find Schefter guilty," said Masistrate J. A Makins, after hearâ€" ing counsel argument and summing up at some length His Worship said the concoction 6 morphine. cocaine, efC.. was a ropC e kiz up a horseâ€"to make hin e faster net aâ€" sedative. as Sofence ‘tris~l *« make out. \OF.G; Bolshs car the crown, asked Drat a sentence of six months in jiil gna 2 ts of #1 054 be imposed. Police Testify Pai o the maiostrate made it $200 stid cests aaed «is menths on jack o iufifie c Chcee cuenths in defonit am .n M WATERLOO CHRONICLE A HOME NEWSPAPER FOR WATERLOO, AND WATERLOO COUNTY PEOPLE in \D+ ne the Wi us a lengthy one in } n etin tnunesoe en Rroill. . cunt ce > aconsed until the the corporal, who hy Constable Dawâ€" iti=. hoth in plain hige &0 No 41 um. Sarnia, was Di Boont stahles The 11 1TaDMS aTO i f . Afadcr Waterloo Pas[or iA ”fh,'..‘]il..l’“.f.'.fi} a 0 o e *"=«â€"â€" New Principal of / No irth races epe fomnd RC un pro the Waremcoo, Ontamio, Tuespary, Serremper 28, 1937 milk ito Provincial Secretary in the Hepburn Government who has, been nominâ€" ated by the Liberal party in Oxford County ‘Health Department Commends Waterloo Board for Preâ€" School Clinics. jascer of is Sto Muttiiew‘s Laâ€"| or Clurch. Kitchener.. who r-.»' afoowins tao dll health j Officers elecred at the reorisanizaâ€" cor meeling held on Friday are as follows â€" Viceâ€"president. Rev. W. H Kmanff â€" Preston: secretary, Rey. H Goelthaar. Listowel; treagurer, Herb Schaus, â€" Waterloo, _ Alxin â€" Metzger Mayor of Hanover, was elected to the board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Rev. L. Zimmerâ€" k man of Hamilton. Rev. A. G. Jacobi ippointed to the board at the last mecting was welcomed. Increased facilities will be providâ€" ) «l to adult students taking part time ! work. People will be given an opporâ€" tunity to subscribe to the College and | xeminary fund through the annual Reformation offering throughout the Salary Raise for Food Inspector Canada Synod tue inerease heing $19 This Roard feeis more than satisâ€" ©ol with Dr. Mader‘s work. and we hrow he has not heen everpaid". said Dr.Câ€"To Noecker: Medical Officer of Hea‘th. "He is the right man for iContinnued on Page 2) \n increase of $200 in the salary Pr. C. K. Muder, Twin City Food inl Milk Puspertor, was approved by .e Waterloo Board of Health at its soetins at tire Town Hall on Thursâ€" Collese Seminary > vouaifen tmeen. Pho anerease HON. HARRY C. NIXON Is Nominated e lume 1. 19 nothe fan cfi Widerloa‘s sindd 4 MWd Jolins Lutheran H+ miube veâ€" and will im sthont share of Senmit New Deal For Ontario Promise of Hon. Earl Rowe at Galt |\Communist â€" Candidate Withâ€" | draws.â€"Spirited Campaign and Many Meetings Billed for Week. Ontario Conservative Leader Raps Political Patronazge System of Hepburn Government, Promises British Civil Service Legislation.â€"Heckler Interrupts Chairman Karl Homuth‘s Address. â€" Candidate F. Stewart Scott says "Hepburn Temperamentally Unfit to be Premier." Four Candidates in North Waterloo There will be only four candidates the coming . provincial election, Win G Walsh. the Communist canâ€" d date. naving anwounced his with dcawal Maryor J. Albert Smith will e the Lobera) standard bearer, O. W. | rompson Conservative, Jack Wal nsA p and _ Alfred _ Mustin. |_ ALEXANDRIA. Egypt.â€" Twentyâ€" \two persons were trampled to death ‘and fortyâ€"six injured on Saturday |when panic spread through a proâ€" 'cessinn of 100,000 workmen at the gate of Ras el Tin Palace. condidates use wel) kKnewn dn Gal Preston atid Hespeier and throughâ€" cat che rural sections Phe C.CF candidate is not expectâ€" ed to poll . strong yvohe Bix raliy meetings will be held the last few days of the campaizsn and the organization whipped into shapo tor election day, October 6th. Offiâ€" «ial nominations will be held on Wednesday. Elmira Man‘s Left â€" Arm is Tom M1 Elmira | sept. 27. Fred Siegner. 74. who had his left arm torn off he low the elbow. is reported as resting n‘cely at the K.â€"W. Hospital and his condition _ slightly _ improved. _ Dr. Praunk Harvey amputated the arm teur inches below the shoulder The victin of the accident was belping to operate a gravel srusher on Fuday afternoon and in attemptâ€" mz to l6oosen a belt on the machine it the Hoffer sravel pit. had his left iom eancht. He was thrown through the air severs) Umes hbefore the maâ€" chine conld he stopped â€" When fel low â€" workers rushed to his aid his U ft arim was found torn off and they ished him to the office of Dr. uL Jt Simumens Affer the wound was temâ€" roratily olressed Mr. Siegner was aslesl hy amimlance to the hospital. Mr. suenzer e siffered from loss a< Woed rema.cod @wnscious _ The procession was in the nature of a demonstration of loyalty for Egypt‘s new King, Farouk I. 1 O ~Lucbe 22 TRAMPLED TO DEATH tal F South Waterloo W u ion that one candidate CCF. C1.0. and Comâ€" uot considered | favorâ€" Poalsclaring it would »do with Communism. s laut . Conservatives trlow ul bathie roya ic Hen S00) Hipe Seoth. Conseiyativs «rmdueted in varigu aitothecrading. Reâ€" on the machine pit. bad his left | thrown through chefore the maâ€" ped _ When felâ€" to his aid his orn off and they : strennous The one his they Lot. temâ€" "Never in my 15 years experiâ€" ence in parliament." said Mr. Rowe, "Mave 1 recommended dismissal of an efficient civil ~ervant merely beâ€" {cause he was a Grit. |_ "If we are returned to power on October 6," he continued, "we will 4put into effect an efficient system of ’civil service whereby men of ability will be put into these government jobs regardless of their political alâ€" |legiance." (By Staff Reporter) GALT _ Close to 2000 South Waâ€" e Conservalnce supporters janmed the Armories bere on Thurs way mnizhl to hear Hon: Earl Rowe, Conservative party leader, F. S. seoit south Watrrloo candfdate and Karl ko Homuth exâ€"M.L_A . and Préeâ€" s«dent of the sSouth Wauterloo Assoâ€" ciation Elimination forever of the "vigious patronage sistems of the Hepburn Government‘ was promised by Mr. Rowe through new legislation deâ€" sizned on the British Civil Service Actâ€" Both Mr Rowe and Mr. Scott told the large audieuce that never had they been asked by a Conservaâ€" tive to remove a man from office "just because he was a Liberal". Nor had they ever known such tactics by Laberalism, . which could _ not . be biamed for the ~Hepburnism of the Jast three years Chairman _ Karl Homuth asked Mrs. J. A. Gibson to introduce Mr. Rowe. "We have here," she said, "a young leader, one who is imbued with the spint of loyalty. and who will gather around him s«ch men as will bring back to the zovermment of Ontario that deceruin. dignity and leadershin that we are Jooking Rowe as he rose to speak. At the outset Mr. Rowe expressed approval of Mr. Scott‘s strong attiâ€" tude against the dismissal of governâ€" ment employees for party reasons. Promises Not Kept. Mr. Rowe charged Premier Hepâ€" burn with failing to live up to a long list of reckless and impossible promises. He charged that only those who voted Liberal in the past or promised to vote that way in the future were being engaged in construction work now under way. He asserted that laboring men who were fired three days after the last election were taken on again a few months before the coming election. Despite the crowded condition of the hospitals in this province the Hepburn government had spent only oneâ€"tenth as much as previous govâ€" erments on hospitals. Now with an election approaching the governâ€" ment. he said, was building mental hospitals in the ridings of every eabinet minister left. "We propose to build roads," Mr. Rowe declared. _ "The roads that Hepburn has started for election purposes we will complete for conâ€" struction purposes. We will carry on the hospital construction that is under way. But there will be one change. You who are looking for jobs will not be asked for_ your yellow â€" membership â€" ticket. â€" You‘ll eContinned on are 1 September 29, 1936 FiTtv members of the Young Pooâ€" pli‘s Society of First Raptist Church, Warerice, altended a weiner roast held at the farm of A. E. Pequegnat, Bridgeport, last night. A Year Ago Toâ€"day Prodonge Hon. Earl Rowe Tuesday and Friday Price 2 Cents greeted â€" Mr

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