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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 1937, p. 7

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My .uI-l “H " “AL-Hr} and d.mul.v.u Lulu-mu um» nun-re in Kit. In nu. ull Saturday Mis, \luljuxw "tton ll.n- returned In [In Dunne In m.. rtllov" "ttet' alum-ling In” xxeeks' varatirm at the Immr In hwy grundpuruls Mr and Urs tt Nift ul' Waterloo Str, " Junos .md sun-Lu Jones urn. itNttot'rt in G'att m- Saturday Mr _.m| Mrs "array Lindsay and you tivltt m Km-ln-m-r "tet" Sunday ~..I llu- hulllc- ur Itt and Mrs Fwd Lulln' " l. I'mlnllmll Mr, J Mr and Mrs Art Hrlrlrer and (“Ingmar Hun-Hy of Elmira spent Sunday "t thr, bomo of Mrs N wit- rum: yidr u l-‘I‘ul.n Inn mm.- Sunday xisltors at the Iu-mn- ui \lr l'hnrlvu Rwaclm‘ Joe Quo-Irh has returned to mo willazv sum-r "prntditt_ the summa- mmuhs an tho home '" Mr and Mrs. Kd Stosknpr of F'reoport. tget HUM» u, Jlll| urs Wullatce Near of Pres. “'lllu-n snuier or English Settle Ins-m spun! [hr “wok-ma at the home "r “V and Mrs “Erhard Drager Mr "ud “N "U'ter Alkillson and mm Hill of I'quuu “no Sunday vi- rci1ors, "I llu- hunm of Mr and Mrs. Jul-u (Emu-l Mis" Kay Jun»! was a bush)?” uNIlnI .n I'm-um" ott Monday Ns-v \‘Jha! l'ullvrunu "t Prank-n tttsy Inuiw Goddard is qwmling a fr“ thus ..t Hm home of Mr and Vr,e Ilmul ot' s'ttunysidrs Jrttttt t",tyseH Mis" Kay Jun»! was a bush)?” '.Nllnl .n P-nt ott Monday, va “all” l'nllo-runu of Pvt-Mon :‘vllllllrlv-II Hu- uu-n‘h't- at the noun I'rtssutytru"ran (‘lumvh um Sumlav al- I: rum-n Hr! (' llvlluw! Woltr. ot mm con 'ittrtrmt tttrt minim» at the Donn I!!!” ml Chttrclt on Sunday anm‘nnun Miss "orothy Tvet we“! a tew d..\~ “I'll I'I‘h‘llllrl in Toronto huh-ms Witttermpror is wumullllg .I e;ta.tlrott at the home of Mr and “N “In t'otilltMtrs lid. in .m' ml in " by “I envy d-v (M three weehr. 3 ed, "weft M'Frk-_ d ”tugging Lynn-n. Lanny! “on; Wiiv my m um? “(I WILSON " Y PM) LO ' Mun-mm tbe u, u u, V / f V / I?" I TiEMiSniD, supplyca,.u IT; n' f In J w (:rwn Ins 1mm“ h -mv In ' arte-r summing a gum! nl hm vr_r,unmianvlttru' :b'll UHllhrutey of Toronto. , "In In vac-h purl". Mt taR'is' PER PACKET [55 King West AMAZING LOW 0051' I . Stunning 5~mbc. S-ttand 't perhererodyne offers world- wide entertainment with tremendoos power - more lifelike (one! Less battery drain saves money. =ses u Hr} HI Ill t will": In hlautu ul Tooutto “in tur' \iilnm- um Thtwsuius "t Hum-s m spruding " nivml~ Jn Kitctrrmer, .va nus rulurned to his _ qwmlinc " xww tlnyv in DOOM Ins 1mm "ml 10 ~le m Sunny- tht. unam- ml r; JT, nu: week u, 't Mr and Mrs Jun-I: trast .Ind fam- ity and Mr and WW Allan "as! all of “'vlls-sh-y "itr,led at The home of ttoy Kurrhvr. Sunday d run cmri" Mr and Mr " MIL-Mm- urn hum.- of l‘:‘hil M, mud ur, ll.n_\nm Sio-lwr! and " mam-w- urrn- Sunday. visitors at the hum.- ot t'ylrin Sui-Inn "loo"ti"miat" Ta, "rr-trs llvlr-n Ann-l Kona In!!!“ visited with Nan-mi and Vanna Mirrrjn of .l-‘luv'mhm- Sunday Mc .nul Mrs tiition \\'n-h-~r and mill Shwun'l or Mmmlu-im and Mrs. J!uckoidor" u; Kilrlwnm’ were Sum day visrtor-u itt the. humv of Itarvey Shim-r Mr and Mrs I'lmlam Welstu, Mrs "ZJDHHHIII Welerst .mll “I Eldon “In Tnl'ulllu Ur atttt urs' \Iu-‘Hn Sunk-r and l'umh "I Blair rallml at Iln- hum.- ... IJHIIIIII'I' Snider. Thursday ",sc M+U.u. \‘II'hll' l mt i, ~:n:]ui~ml IIII tqaturut, tn ‘1: of lwr Azlllsnls " “mam: tt "I ho-r hirlhlluy. iv: was swam in a social ".lllrh IIIIvh Sh N sr-ri J .1! M, lllv Ctrtrr Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mann-r were Sunday 'tuvsts at Kilchvm-r nm_J_ Bridquof} frigmh Mr John ‘Kopponhavvr and Mrs.‘ \liIdn-Il Knmwnhnvnr wurv Priday! gnu-5N itl the humour " A. Wtsher. I Mr and Mrs Ulaytort Weber visil- "r. .u ttus home Hf Ros Snider. lU-mlnilmduln, Sundny. \lr .m-l Mrs Lulmlm Snub-r wesol tiutiU:ty t0t"tie ot the hunu~ of ths Phan “Mu-u; Mannheim I Miss F.rttt,, I'veroemat, of Waterloo "ircttt the. wm-k u-ml with Mildred we' her Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Kim: and children Helen and Jack ~[u-nl Slur day with Mr. Ind Mrs. Gordon Mc. Robb nelr Rtasmittort, Recent visitors It the home of Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Schwindt were: Mrs. Mary MeHroy of Lethv bridge, Altt. Mr. and Mrs lmvi Rowman mid Ron Edwin of Horn- dale, Mrs. Norman Snyder and dnughter Olive of Wirtterbournv. be r Tenn- II low In 'coo weekly With Extra Heavy Porce, lain Tut, and Lifetime Motor. ttetr. List Price $92.30 Special $30.“. Allowance Save $25 to $30 Genuine THOR NORTH WOOLWICH tt lkrrarr Washer ht hr Store too Pay ' 62" Only -n 'spent Sunday at th _ llllw Shaun. l'rr-xtnn NO HOUSE TO HOUSE (‘ANVASSING r and Mrs I'lmlam Welstu, Mrs Jittttt “My”: .mll “I EMU" “In Hlll‘lll 'rlotrrura, at thr. l' N F, in North Waterloo Conservative Meetings Kitchener - Friday, September I7 Auditorium 4 R tum.- MAYOR HALL or OSHAWA wm. SPEAK. Linwood - Wednesday, September 22 El mira tsd Mr'; "avid "rorinurew and 7PJI'Q tltttr,tit and "oris alllll an" Mrs, Josiah Shaun. nanl A'wlw-ml In XML-Am Falls um! GERMAN MILLS The candidate. 0. W. THOMPSON, and others will address the median. KITCHENLR and I? I"! Sttitiiw and "hit the home of was :avs pleas- , mulling hull;- th,. The "vert- way " Friday, September M " " e r t Finish _ The Woolwich Township Bond of Health met on Monday evening and decided that the Township School Fair, slated for this Friday. be call. led off on account of In outbreak ‘of infantile pnrnlysis in the town- ship. No action wns taken It this ‘Ineeting regarding the closing of (schools. Mr. Walter Merkle. sun Edwin-l. and Mrs. Minnie Merkle of Htrtrttto were over Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. 19ahmer. St. Mutthew's Church Board at. tended a district convention III l'hilipsburs: Lutheran t'hurch nu Sunday afternoon. Mr, Waller Shah of the local hoard furni.~hml a paper on a timely topic on this occasion. School Fair Cancelled. l Mr. Oliver Wright has tinished hthreshing for the village farmers. 1300 Name. Added to Votan’ Lint. During the revision of the Voters' List for the Township of Woolwich. Weld last Wednesday and Thursday, nearly 300 names were added and ‘after the completion of revising it appeared as though these lists had the names of about 2.250 voters. I',','; including parties that have died lor removed whose names have not Ireei, struck off. County Judge E. W. Clement was the Barking Officer and Noah Stroh his clerk. Mrs. Marion' Swiss of Kin-hour) 'ttvisiting fliends here on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hallo, sun Percy. and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Rubous of Grand Rapids. Mich., spent Sunday at Nut-u Fals. Attead Convention. q Mr. 3nd Mrs. Geo. Hess of Detroit and Mrs. Nonh Kuntz of Witt-r100 were visiting with relative- nad friends here on Tuesday. Woolwich council members were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Bauman It Florndttle on Tuesday gvening. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Jarvis and fam. ily of Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schwindt of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Bauman and sons M-ynurd und Melvin, and Mr. and Mrs, Otto Wrnlw Incl baby daughter were visitors of Mr. And Mrs, Dan Kr-emer Ind Mr. and Mrc, Israel Knemer It Three Bridgm nu Sunday. A A A Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mildrlonnld and family removed to Wnterlou last midweek. Messrs. Anderson aunt! Ahiridvw of Toronto were the guests of friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt and daughters Rhoda and Gladys spent I day at the ONE. in Toronto last week. Mr. Simeon Horst of Preston Ind Miss Emma Horst of St. Jucobs were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst. Mrs. Edmund Schwindt spent Tugsdly with friegdsr in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sthwindl moved their household enacts from the fnrm of Mr. C D. Miller to their new home in Kitchener. Mr and “rat Prank Ml'Gm-y spent Sun-In) with Mr. and Mro. Jack “mun-y. tit. Flt-meme. Mr. "Albert Kraut" of Heidplbt-rg is spending I week with Mr. Ind Mrs. Walter Mnurer. Mr and Mrs, Norman Btudes and Non Eddie Slh‘lll Sunday ttt New Gees mun), Mr aud Mrs, Eugue Hayes at Der trot? Mr spending A: wealth “nun-n ‘n' Ilte "rrttset".n home here Mr and Mrs simun b'rtedmaa" nul rim-Iron an "t Sunday at Frets, mu Mr Arthur tttn-at All“! tout, Mr atut Mrs. Theo Zimmermum span Sunday will: {Menus n! _ tatt Mr and Mrs. Bert pun spun a a.” Ins! week will: friends att titreetsseilte, Mr and Mrs Fred Friedman“ and Jungian-r Paving and Helm: m the Ln" spout Szmnhu with Mr and Urs ti " I-‘rtnlmun . Miss Rtatrt Scum-1mm IN 1mm! to lh‘lnul an” sttenttiestt a week all hm btiss Ill: “plum an Immo- here ttiss KJIIIl-mn Kuelnbl [enurnml [-- Flurhu an” upendlng I tew weeks at Inn-r lmlln- hum FutteruI serum-n can, he“ an tho Imum- on 'I‘Ihudny Allentown a! sat, Km W “an.” column-led the IQ" tut-s [mum-non wore Harvey Ragga Jud Robert [Jet-ION. Floyd \umu Raga: wuner Norman: koe- h! Urn-um A, Immune: Perwuals. u, x u Sun-urn, Mrs K. a Ward “I mm xt int-nun spun 'l'ImIs 15..) nm their "rottter at Mlldmaly “mum Jeu" and larjory Hymn wiPettt Friday in Durham. He returned a "A.” (roll Sunday Ychoot an“! “an: - to the room sud man an uul I). Inc» ya do“! Ur Huh - All!“ and also Coroaer In “to, Wanner A you "tttrtetn In In“ II. "no KM How pllll by Dr I. C. In.“ uni [mum that the deco-non Ind “(and an aggrnvulud nun condition, He I“ born In Pronto- tony years ago And bu lived on a tarm In Un- wood top 17 you", Ho In all-u- nml and null be unused by A lug» l Ilrle of triead i. mm “Dull; am! old Mr In survived by his “run“. une Man-r Mn: Allan: Kuebel and mm luau)” Wtluam, but]: of Linwood ‘Vuculn a u“.- nom M The sudden “I: at - Dot-All mm» " . mm. to u:- may on Sunday He can toend dad I. lmd by In; neuhaw, Wm} (hr-all In. tuner Ind and u. a nu .u'ucl And tact-Had the "sown-e, allr‘m T An hour later Wale, nu u rad In: room lull " his Inn-Io - ahvulng he mm not III-turn Mm Threshing Oliver Wt CONESTOGO UHWOOD Hayes nun-axed to " vm-allun m tre, nu wrunnoo gamma) canoggcu; A VOTE For THOMPSON B l VOTE FOR k STEADY PROGRESSIVE LEADER Mr. Hepburn ls Ashamed. . 0mm ls ASHAMED (Hm mlu-rlisrm- m mele by lhv Forth \anorloo Lilternl-Cottservative Awm‘iatiun) of the Irealmenl of The CIVIL SERVICE BY MR. lllllPllllllllhl! What Oscar Thompson Says: - . . . . Progress cannot he held up just lu-callsv a Premier says he u ant» to mt "outt il nlvn'h-m-mh-d "pt-ruling slalf." "The lirim: of civil svrmnls. including uttt' Veterans. from tlu. ()nlurio civil services. My Mr. Hopi-urn. so that he might Rive HII'M' johs In his own "ward-heelers" is tlistuxlc-ful to wry-y think- ing rilizc-n of this l‘ruvinco.” "I know Mr. Hepburn is ashamed of his Ilis- honesty with the voters of Ontario. of his 11-- pudiatiun and tiring of civil servants. llc tircd men who had hem in the service for "ver 40 years. and brought in his own 'ward-h-lets' lo pay them for thvir wovk in his 19'.t4 rim-tin" cum- paign. So many of them, in fact. that Mr. lh-p- burn runnot leave Qllt-rn's Park. hm‘nllsr his mun 'ward-heels' do nut knou their Wtty around in their own offices. . . . . l chii0rnpre the l'rrmicr to tell me tolay that thrrt- un- not more, civil t',t't"- ELECTORS: h October a mark your ballot for Oscar Thompson. tell me tolay that thrrv arr not more, civil m vants at Queen's Park than “In-n he took ulliu Said Hon. Earl Rowe, speaking at Waterloo. Saturday, June s, 19.T7: PAGES!!!”

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