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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 1937, p. 5

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Furniture and Reproductions. 48 King S.. Phone 477, Wajerico Old Bureaus, Poster Beds, Chairs, etc., bought and sold. FRED BARANSKL Designer and Bui‘Jer of High Grade DOWNING, STEEN and Co. Murray S. Mumn, O'M-eirhl 14 King S. . WATERLOO Phone 58 Opp. Lyric Theatre, Kitchener ° EYES EXAMINED FRANK®‘Sâ€" Jewellery Store YOST‘S FRAMING DE Life Insurance Programme TEE DOMINION 86 King St. W. Phone 1800 KITCHENER Picture Framing The Rexall Drug Store Phome 218 â€" _ WATERLOO ANTIQUE FURNITURE Pictures and Artistic F 375 Phone 3020 and we will call for your coat immediately 106 King West sPECIAL LOW PRICES ds 0 IN ALL THIS CLASS OF WORK FOR SEPTEMBER Brodey Draimin Furco. Have Your Old Coat Made Over to Look Like New Remodelling Relining A. G. Haehnel G. C. Crompton, Prop Above Doerr Electric Essential Points THE CHOICE OF DISCRIMINATING WOME N Brodey Draimin‘s Youthful Furs These five essential points can be covered a step at a time. Your present life insurance may take care of certain of these essentials; others may be provided for as circumstances warrant. A complete Dominion Life insurance programme may be purchased all at one time, or over a period of years. Phone or write now for details. Nere‘s guro relief for ~@ Sore Feet FLORISTS , September 17, 1987 CLEANâ€"UPâ€"Provides money from an outside source to pay the automatic expenses to your wife at your deathâ€"hospital, funeral and other bills. SALARY CONTINUANCE â€" A readjustment income conâ€" tinuing your salary to your wife for one, two or more years if you die. FAMILY INCOMEâ€"A guaranteed monthly income to your family until children are grown up. EDUCATIONAL â€"Provides cash for tition and college expenses for your children. PRIVATE INCOMEâ€"For (oursellâ€"lo enable you to enjoy your best vacation of allâ€"after retirement from active work. Repairing Earl Putnam & Associates Home Office Agemcyr C. H. GERMANN, Myr KITCHENER The members of the family of the late Mr. George Doerr héld a reumion on Nunday, assembling at the home of Mr. amt Mrs. Sohn Doerr, Cedar street north, Kitch ener, in honor of a daughter of the family, Mrs. Wm. F. Schnltz (formâ€" erly Miss Enmma Doerr) of Glendale, Cal. The event marked the 60th birthday of John Doetr. A perfected method No eimatie /N leg | stzaps â€" LIGHT _ INEXPz salv e GUHARANTEED Incrchiye «& m ae . endlâ€" Smith Manufacturing Compeny Dept. B. 538 King + PRESTON, ONTARIG Eâ€"tablished 1xv» DOERR FAMILY REUNION ida Lupino , Richard Arfen Gail Patrick â€" Ben Blue â€" Judy Canove With ~pecinlties by Louis Armatrong and his Orchestra Andre Kostelanct: and his Orchestra Martha Raye _â€" _ Connie Boswr)) The Yacht Club Boys And many other «tars of stage. sercen ind o rmdio Monday "Love Under Fire" ADDED ATTRACTION â€" Jack Oakie â€" Ann Sothern ‘Artists and Models‘ Free Parkingâ€"Duke and Ontarte Sts Thursday . Friday â€" Saturday SEPT. 16 â€" 17 : 18 _ LIFE "Super Sleuth" Frances Drake Walter Catlett Borrah Mincvitch and His Gange RUPTURED? LORETTA YOPNG DoN AMECHE ay â€" Tuesday â€" Wednesday SEPT. 20 â€" 21 â€" 22 JACK BENNY with Phone 3020 KITORI®¥RR® THEAYRES | \ feature of the evening was the o ,q2, _ expected drotme sirly in bean guessing contest in which tUhe (,, pu,,,, winner was Mrs. Edgar Bauer. Miss Mrs. €. N. Piric and family have Moran â€" was | presented â€" with M09 | ycoruencl tu c their hoaie, Holand eantiful gifts. . During the SBBPO! semc. crom Penetiuns whore they Four the hostess was ‘”‘S“‘"‘d PÂ¥ ; spear o tiie stimmer . mo#ths They ‘.\lrs. Rdgar Baner and Miss MaFY /z ;( lampanied home by _ Mra Fater. Piric‘s daashter, Mrs. Myers and Mr. _ Mrsfra suyder, Vietoria street, @ / Kenmnech Myers of New Zealand, who Inrtained at a trossean fea in honor Lave heep simmerins in Penetang of her daughter, Miss Mary Snyder, ind who will rcuin on in Kitchenâ€" popular brideâ€"elect of this week. In i7 for some time the afternoun the little Misses Mary Mr. and Mis. Alfred Snuyder and and Judith Kee were the door attendâ€" J;ugzhher Miss Isuhc! Smuder returuâ€" ants, and the gusts were received by (J to Thoir home, Georze street, Waâ€" the hostess and the brideelect in the o ploo this week from their summer preffily appointed living room . MrS. Some at Seauthampton K. J. Kee invited to the tearoom Mr. ail Mrs. Prowde Seagram and w here Mrs. J8in Braegeman poured |pomily bave seturied to Hreir home, tea at i lovely table eovered with a \lhert sireet. Walerloo, from Lake face cloth. centred with co5mos and Bossean, Muskoka, where they spent lighted | with white candles. | Assish (he simumeer morths qi the scommier ing in the: tearoom were (Mrs. Gar home of Mrs. Seaxram‘s parents, M» field Cressman, Dorothy Shub, Ethel jond Mrs. C. H. Housan of Chatham. Perschbacher and Mrs. Edgar Heer. The Misses: Rotha: Klopp. Geraldâ€" Assisting in showing the beautifil ine Atuter and Marjorie Thal of the troussean and | gifts. upstairs were Jowin Cilv Jeave on Woilnesday to \rs. Howard Krueger and Miss Maâ€" attend the Ontario Ladies\ College vie Cressman. In the evening the ;i Whirhy door aftendatit was little Miss Rettv Mr. annd Mrso Camphell Seagram Cressman, and Miss: Vera Briesim ond foamily have sJnrvol be their bom invited to the tearoom. MTS. A. Lome, Union slreck Wuteidoo from h. Oressman presided at the tea tas their stmimer heme on the Geersian bie, and the fearoom assistants were fiy. the Misses Adeen Bruegeman, Elenp Yss Heser: haing.| Albert street, Kellerman, Kathryn Bruegeman and Mocerdioo. and Miss Jane Rorayth, Airs. Harold Heer. The girls who diss Kirchemer beavie shorlls obo hesin jayed the froussean and gifts in Inn evening were Miss Grace Zapfe ound Miss Myrtle Bruegeman. Mr.â€" Alex. Lockhart, Irvin street who jeft recently for a holiday in Soutland landed in that conntry on Friday He was accompanied as far i~â€" Montreal, Que., from which point he sailed, by Mrs. Lockhart and a porty of friends who spent some time motoring Through Quebec province Mr o Marcus Ore of Kitchener has tett for Akron, Ohio, where he will spend a short time before sailing for Paris, France, where be will he on the staif of the B. F. Goodrich Comâ€" pany Mr. _ and Mrs. fohn Russellâ€"Murâ€" 1ay. William street. Waterloo, leave 1/ Saturday Io spend a fortnight‘a holiday â€" motoring through the Lamr ontian mommbain dsitrict and in Monâ€" heul, Que Mrs: Norman Sehneider, Schneider svenire, . left o recenitly. for: Oxkland Calif . where she will be the @gnest A guest of honor at numerous pre ruptal parties in recent weeks has hbeen Miss Mary Suyder, whose wedâ€" ding takes place Saturday afternoon The girls of the Waterloo Mutual Fire company staff, of which Miss Snyder was a meinber, honored her with a picnic and shower in the Waâ€" temoo park; Mrs. Howard Krueger estertained _ the â€" members of her ‘orhlge club at her home, Peter street hitchener, for Miss Suyder, and later Atrs Garfield Oressman entertained the imembers of hber sewlug club at lei home, | Mentw street, Waterloo where Miss Suyder was made the reâ€" cipieht of a presentation | Miss Maric (ressman was the hostess at her bome, McDougall avenue, at an evenâ€" inz parlty and shower for the bride wect. Mrs. A. K. Cressman enterâ€" [l.,nn«d the girls of her Sunday schoo) coass ud ao nuscellaneous shower in compliment to Miss Suyder and Miss Eoma â€" Devitt arranged a_ party for the "Queens of Service" class of Eimâ€" mamnue| Evangetical church, of which Miss snyder is one of the Leachers. 0 her home. Allan street, Waterioo During the evening the guest of hoâ€" bov was tendered a shower Mrs._J. _ biehold and | Miss. Lou Treacy arranged a preâ€"nuptial party uil shower in honor of Miss An:â€" loinette Moran at the home of the former on Monday evening.. Court whist was played, the prize winners In inz first Mrs_ T. Carruthers, and consulation award. Mrs. Jack Sehl Monday â€" Tuesday â€" Wednerday SEPT. 20 â€" 21 â€" 22 "Think Fast Mr. Moto" _ Mrs. J. W. Green has returned to ‘her home in Doon from a motor trip to the Parry Sound district En route Mrs. Green was the guest of her granddaughter, Mrs. Robert MclMiheney of Toropto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ludwig, 54 Peppler street, Waterloo, had as their guest for dinner on Sunday Mrs. Mabel T. Blake, Windsor. & "Wild and Wooly" Mrs. Arthur ,Regel entertained at Forest Hill dens on Friday evening at a charmingly arranged party in honor of Miss Evelyn Good, popular brideâ€"elect of this week. ‘ Mrs. Wm. Schaefer, 50 Charon street, has returned from & month‘s vacation in the United States. While on holiday, Mrs. Schaefer visited her brother, Mr. G. Meyer, in Newâ€" castle. . Thursday â€" Friday â€" Saturday SEPT. 16 â€" 17 â€" 18 Free Parkingâ€"Duke and Ontarte 8t nette Seagram of 'l.'.ctléo',itifl;e bostesses at a supper party for Miss Seagram and her fiance, Lieut. Finâ€" ley Clark in honor of Miss Leona Seagram of Barrie, Sec:embor brideâ€"elect, Miss Betty Gilchrist and Miss Norma Hall of Ottawa entertained at tea Tuesday at the former‘s home, Toronto. Later on Mrs. B. A. Tate of Toronto and her sister, Miss An L‘Social â€"l)ersonElJ "her sister, ArSâ€" Nelson Scehweltzer 1 some time. "Ihe Outcast of Poker Flats" "HANDY ANDY®" â€" ADDED ATTRACTION PRESTON FOSTER JANE WITHERS ADDED ATTRACTION PETER LORRE WILL ROGERS In BRET HARTES The Unforgettable THE WATERLOO (Ontario) CHRONICLE Leare, Union shreet. Waut teeiro stnumer heane on t this Kirch Park, 1svem £. hror Pb t sod uie cancs Ars M Mis Geace d Bert and fioy 0; Boenmes sand . M Sinith c jund chuile Bert and doy 0j Breslau, ind Miss Boonnei ind ) Mro aud Mrso Jack Sinith â€"jgied cluldren cof| Witchener, were yisitors aftothe home of Mr Paines â€" Smith,â€" Wolverton_ on Sunâ€" NeeR anties Miss Beveriy Robson of Gueiph is the guest of honer at many functous vefore her marrlage to Mr. Walter Heiner of Wellesley on Saturday Miss Betty Freudamen gave a panâ€" Iry shelf shower at her summer bome at Pusiinch Lake and Mrs. F. R. Ramsay and Mrs: H o MeLlcod gave a kitchen shower â€" Mrs: Thomas Kenâ€" nedy was hostess at a tea and cup and sumcer shower On Suturday Mr ward Mis: badward Reiner gave a dinâ€" rer fur their son and his finances. Ou : Moaday: afteoucot Miss: Patricia Compbell gave a Juncheon for Miss Robson at the Cutten Golf Club. Yesâ€" terday afternoun MUS B Mcleod and Miss Betiv Roeadaten save a showâ€" «0 gor the bride. abd roday Mrso W &0 Way and Mrso Wichard Bright are Lex . Madhclime . Luea dav ing in Aftrainy th rekiner w hines an Thonpson With Rex. King of Wild Horses nle tir "The Devil Horse‘ bowoell dy xt werk Mrs: 1t Harry Carey ind Ruv t Mi We Ninot Kay Francis Mi WAYNE MORRIS » 1ANE BRYAN WAR@Y CAREY â€" WiLLEAM HaAAQE "Another Dawn" W T Conatance BENNETT the (fode week are in hgel so ts on Ureki sist Friday and Naturday 3 BIG ATTRACTION®s eldl u) hok gs beer abauislid moshi ths fGoby «i. wa haabal o paad Monday and Tuesd erbe Those proan Th woll antond ce tGyie Oonocertfiot ul t)!ha w W bHe enjeyed adl on Wo "TOPPER" 2 FEATURES Also Ho Mo Lack «nesdiay ad kwan. Geh k ddinrer| poort kDeBI® on C l1 x dii Alhent a 60 M as M m Added Attraction HUMPHREY BOGART C N. Piric and family have te â€" their ho. â€" Roland com â€" Peniefans where they ie o simmer . months They vompanied | home by . Mrs vizhter, Mrs. Myers and Mr. Myers of New Zealand, who o simimerinx in Penelang wnu Ix _ Swauler w ho sumin M in 1 the HQdu W Wnn Herd Laik ie mor aned Jeai bbender ersoll this week as the lin se fiedl Loalts., idalie, ao dn Also Qains. . Alberl strect, Miss Jane Rorayth, e shorlls obo hegin Boanhksome Hall. To Chicend afdere Hint? «20 ithen Golt Club. Yesâ€" Mis H / Moleod and damen gave a showâ€" and Today Mrsc W Kichard Bright are shower â€" On Priday nine yc laiecheon for ghesls whe will at ns wedding. and #hi fide s sisber | Miss coanve e abonrer . Fow helore The rehearâ€" M bahica s Th w eedcend ist Aarora, NY i WoJban stre m n in Anghl a1t post in Norâ€" nod to his home will ssnme his rsils of Forento Errol Flynn Noah Beery M wl o bevin street, ered ud Jasper ue notor trip Slate Miss broeme aceriy im SE Mrs Itoy Start. mil Nt Water 110 W h oormal Etd t Ues Goand Riâ€" sn Jav AlJisher wte lar . Miss rous New mar Uhis week af wiro He is the his «linghter, Lheet Cary GRANT ( ud . sefis iu, and Miss Ram ardinm W Phomp reef sonuth â€"the. host vihenal meesit ind daugels eto ns hol MeDonsall Ishouge Tw in City Clun Dis i0 Neptemc s Harvey J. 1. Henâ€" Locheul Ay biyxd., ac Mr. Jack werbcend venf of it © Wishing Well." The evening was spent in a social way, one feature much enjoyed. At the conclusion of being a seavenger hunt which was the evening â€" daiuty â€" refreshments vere served by the hostesses, assistâ€" eil by Mrs. M. Shantz and Mrs. R. Simpson., Miss Elaine Pequegnat, who moved fcom KWitchener to Toronto during the summer months expects to begin hor studies at the University of Toâ€" ruito ts autumn, «1 shantz, Miss Irene Stauffer and \irs. M. s. Cober arranged a kitchen siower in her honor, at the home of ol_ Miss: Shantz. . The rooms were preffily decorated jn pink and white for the occasion, and the daintily wrapped gilts were presented in a season and will be one of the debuâ€" tintes. presented to society at the tivche Charily Ball in Toronto on Septenber 29th. \Ur. Iobert Wettlaufer of Kitchenâ€" ++ jeaves shordly for Chicago, fL, where he will enter a school of osteoâ€" pethy. Miss Evelyn Good, brideâ€"elect of this month, was pleasantly surprised i» Thursday evening when Miss Verâ€" Miss Beily Clement, Mary street, »ol; he sindying at the Ontario Colf I we of Education. Toronto, shortly. Mrâ€" and Mrs. Tom Seagram, Misa Stephanic Seagram and Mr. Tom Seaxram Jr. relurned this week to their home, Union street, Waterloo, C om thei sumimer home at Peneâ€" Longt \Ic «ud Mrs. A. T. Thom have reâ€" turhed to their home, Queen street soath. â€" from . ‘Toronto where they spent severul days this week. While in Porents Mrs. Thom assisted at the Thursday afternoon tea jn the somen‘s building at the Canadian National Exhibition. Miss Aun Lang, daughter of Mr. nal Mrs_Ieinhold Lang, King street, Wateiloo, is making hber debut this Twin City students who will leave Hie end of this month to resume their studies at the University of Toronto arne the Misses Peggy Suyder, Doreen Pollock._ Ruth _ McBrine, â€" Frances Carlisle, Anee Fromer and Messrs l.cumeth More, Eric Hymmen, Bob More, the Messrs. . Psutka, David Bran, David Rreithaupt, Jack Detâ€" woeiler, Jim_ Detweiler, Philip Voelkâ€" T win Hie end studies ane thke Poliack ev. Frank Brent, Douglas Badke and James Martin. Miss Beily Clement, Mary street, »ol; he sindying at the Ontario Colf l we of Education. Toronto shortly. Mr and Mrs. Clayton Suyder and lcmily are eapected at their home, Willow street, Waterloo, today from their summer home . at . Athorley vhere they spent the holiday season. The Misses June, Joy and Jane worsyth and Master John Forsyth Lave returned to Kitchener after sjecnding July and August at their summer hoiye in Southampton M:~ Hoy Morrison, Abrens streel, i/ speiding the weekâ€"end at her sumâ€" wes home at Port Rigin. The Misses Mary Louise and Carol Lields, wWing street. and Miss Mary »sJuchnergard, â€" Water streel, leare shoitly for Toronto, where they will ‘r â€" studentsâ€"hrresidence at Havorgal i oifeze which opens on September 1st The Misses Jeun Naire and Doris Zlukanu lefl ou Tuesday to resume their studies at MacDonald Hall, Guelph. Twin City girls who will beâ€" giu their studies at MacDonald Hall this week are the Misses Joan Mcinâ€" (vre, Winuifred Moser, Anua Shants, Verua Schmidt and Lorua Campbell. Miss Kathryu Laing, Albert street, Wateriou, leaves shortly for St. Aiue de Bellevue, Que., where she will be 4 studentâ€"inâ€"residence at Mcâ€" Douald Hall 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 32â€"or. Jar 25° Kdgar Bauer of ‘ _ Miss Donne Zick, who spent a |few days in Waterloo, accompanied her father, Mr. E. H. Zick, to their {home in Buffalo. | _ Mr. William Needles, King street, leaves shortly to bezin his studies at the Goodman School otf Dramatics, (hicago, NI Mro David Howard of Kitchener leaves shortly for Hamilton where ‘Iw will attend MeMaster University ] «Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kormann, Wilham | street, Waterioo, had as their guests recently the Jatter‘s sisâ€" ters Miss Cecelia Kennedy and Mrs. l.lumn-s Murray, both of Detroit, Mich ‘ Mrs. O M (Micctnuds teft recently tor her home in Vancouver, BC., af ter spending the past month in Kitâ€" chener the gnest of her parents, Mr and Mrs J D. Cookman, Waterloo, Mroâ€"and Mrs. Frank Znbrigg of Listowel] spenit Thursday in Water loo, the guests of Mr. and Mrsâ€" Danâ€" icl Schweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Grosch, Mrs. Martha Grosch and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barton, all of Stratford, visited at the home of Miss M. Heimbecker, Kingsway Apartments, Waterloo, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gorel of Elâ€" mira announce the engagement of their daughter, Stella, to Mr. Wm. Brickman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brickman, Cedar street, the wedding to take place in October. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Doering of Waterloo have left for Anderson, Ind., where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. N. Zimmerman and family of Detroit, Mich., were reâ€" cent guests at the home of Profesâ€" sor George H. and Mrs. Ziegler, Kitchener. Miss Catharine Laing, Albert St. Waterloo, Jeft on Saturday for Mon treal where she will be a studentâ€"in residence. Mr. Jack Raymond of Ottawa was a guest of his sister, Mrs. William Bean, John‘s Blyd., Waterloo. Miss Gladys Serviss of Mooseja w Sask.. is the guest of her aunt, Mrs Edgar | Fisher, | "Greenwood â€" Glen" Preston Road. Miss tita Christner of Kitchener leaves next week to commence her studies | at the Stratford â€" Normal school. â€"_ Mr.= David Erust, Alma â€" street, eaves the eud of this imouth for To reuto where he will commence his studies at the medical school of the University of Toronto The members of the Waterloo Tenâ€" uis Club have issued invitations for their tenth annual dance to be held at the Westmount Golf and Country w‘ub shortly The patrons and paâ€" trunesses for the event will be the honorary president, Mr. F. S. and Mrs Kumipt, Mro and Mrso D. H. Roâ€" berts, Mroand Mrso L M Devitt, Mr «ad Mes E. Eo Putnain . The comâ€" miltee in charge of the arrangements includes the Misses Florence Schlote, Ldyth _ Fitzpatrick _ and _ Eleanor dawke and Messrs. obert Chadder Morton, Devitt. Douglas Robble and John Lauman. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodgson of North Bay are spending the week end in Kitchener the guests of the lotter‘s mother Mrs _ J. G. Cress, Spaetz street is delicious TE A 3 cakes Catay 5¢ when you buy ! ig. phg OX YODOL Allto P6Gc Woodbury‘s Fecial s O AP 3 Caker QSC Shinole FLOOR WAX 1w 1. 23c LCYE (F®) Iin To Cleen Quickly and Economically CHEESE 14â€"Vo. Phg. Ayilmer Poteto SA LA D 15â€"01. Tin Clover Leaf Sockeye SALMON _ 4b. Ts CORN SYRUP _ sâ€"m MAYONNAISE #â€"01. J« Kraft Velveets or Old English SOA P 10 Ba: Our Extra Good XXX VIN EGAR Mrs. Edward J. Carse, Miss Lilâ€" lian Brown and Miss Doris Skelton entertained jointly at a miscellaneâ€" ous shower on Saturday evening at the home of Miss Skelton, George street, Waterloo, in honor of Miss E«ina Stoltz, prior to her approachâ€" ing marriage to Mr. Arthur W. Winâ€" chester, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss Irene Lauber, brideâ€"elect of this month, was pleasantly surprised on â€" Thursday evening when Mrs. Alex Gibson arranged a kitchen and grocery shower in her honmor at her home, Weber street east. Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin of Ottawa spent the past weekâ€"end in Waterloo, the guests of Mr. Shelâ€" den Muter and family. more important on the congested rouds tham in the clouds. JANSEN EYESIGHT SERVICE "Dedicated to Better Vision" 10 Frederick St. Phone 853 dreds of people with defective eyesight are driving cars today. You may be one of them. For U. 8. Government sees to that. Driving a car can be more has Pilota® eyes must be perfect. The J. D. NALON Watches Clocks Jewellery Repaired‘! CELERY SEED 3 0 10c Ground Cimmamon or Parke & Parke‘s Cottup FLAVOR ©_ "aou. 35¢ Stick CINNAMON _ m« 5c Wfll( w; on 5c JAR RUBBERS o« 5c Zinc JAR RINGS Der. 21c Glass JAR TOPS Do 20c Gless Fruit JARS _ mes Dor. $1.13 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WF atchmaker 50 Ontario South KITCHENER Gal. 35° Lg. Phyg 9 prg, 21c Teut it AuAn STYLE save rreatrune courony Tin lin 11C 39c 39c¢ 93c 17c 17¢ 21c 16c PAGE vision is far

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