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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 1937, p. 4

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musicm~s wm AWARDS Allw'l Iln'lluu'u and ”an: .l.i w Kirin-, mm In“ or." 90-: win III :In (Mun-d ulnh "Inc,, th,. (Rum-Inn \‘Mmmh Human... Toronto When the hrakw of hrs bicycle! refused to hold. Ernest Prpplor, Grr,l of Mill Street. Kllrhrnrr. collided with I mnlm run at lhl' rm'm-I of Edward and Victnrla sttuitsr Mon Illy arturnoirn and sutrt-o-tl mJutu'es to his arm and In: Hr w» Moan-11‘ It the K..W, "aunt"! In) In It F Ritz. I'ZIlwaI-l Mrt‘ulluuuh “in the) driver of the can FORTY YEARS AGO September 16. 1897 A Music." woman is wring through this 'talt I.) tlie, r3ruutry ‘nrvurlmz Illa-l " "push' Inle In. Inadr' by her so); In runuwl rut-n to nmrv‘x Brakes, Fail and Young Man Hurt Mrs Joltn Hnuvl “aw iounu that! this "gunning it? ho, John litre-t"! Ilnlm- ax H" “null of vcasisincr which rn-unllml frnm " link In ”in pipe at her gas 'rrrtve TEN YEARS AGO September 15, 1927 \Vuh-xlmn’~ Mr“ Kim" l'wslnylvriah (‘hunh will he otririal'o opened and Julia .1th on Sllmlu) km: A s Count “in presirb. and lli'li‘vl the, prim inn] mldrvsn FIVE YEARS AGO September IS, 1932 Thr. funn‘n! ot" ths. in!" Bplll’uiln H, Ruhr Y--"nu1 Hun! and Po.eve of Preston otul n I" rm: u-mry coun- cil "Ham’s-r, 1shr, 1:»:le away last wank in his Him! wax. “as held from the Grim-u huh mud"; Park-rs on Salunhu If the "drys" of Huron, Perth and Peel want to get rid of the saloons they must obtain a two-thirds majority in a referendum. whereas it formerly would have been necessary for the "wets" to either repeal the Canada Temperance Act or win a two-thirds victory. Premier Hepburn. who authorized the opening of beer parlors in the Canada Tem- perance Act counties of Huron, Perth and Peel, announces that he is willing to have the Su- preme Court of Canada decide whether the Canada 'r'emperane" Art is superior to the Liquor Control Act of Ontario. It is under the terms of the latter that Irt-verage rooms operate) in territory which under. the Canada Tdmper/ ance Act was dry. i Today Britain. which has a vittu inn-rat in keeping the Mediterranean open to commerce, is preparing to protect peaceful shipping against pirates. If Italy and Germany refuse to co- operate. it may ultimately mean another Euro. pean war. The American policy of keeping out of China is similar to the British policy when Eng- lish heighten were being attacked in the Bay of Biseay. Britain announced it would give pro-' tection to its ships on the high seas but that it would not proteet them in Spanish territorial waters. It angered Premier Baldwin's critics. but the government vefused to he swayed t‘rom‘ its fixed policy. - President RUUa‘lel's government at Wash- ington has decided it t'allllul protect American citizens or property in Manchuria. China. They have been mrtified to leave the dangerous Mur- torn areas at once or remain there at their own risk. The Foreign Minister states that while American interests in China are tremendous. it would require an army and navy increase that would require half of the national government's revenue. And it might involve the Americans in a world war that would cost huge sums and much loss of life. i M, - m... GGG; 333.]; I can.“ slith- I an; “1.1.315: ”new mun‘ __ iaNGaui' nGaiuGrai; If; I‘m at “In and .ataHoo County, h .rrhttAad 2.! oteru3tt-t.lyeruto, 9'", Wu 9-4 hm n. cue-£1. I. . uni-5J3: til-Tm . W Amt-hum; and the Ont-Kb - Hm W It Mgt': h - . An m m u" l ‘0 l'.-w - h my ".u' '\-‘ h- cud .; Ina-Io. and ., . " - .- Gulhlo tit .?,rve'" l, an. A " - kk vk', W l - Cts-pr" In“ MFA-imy. 'RCP'" but, A 1856 DAVID BEAN & SONS LIMITED Owner- and Publishers PM "A UNITED STATES DI‘ICLINES WAR RISK Chronicle Fyle Gleanings THI "Au-two Cunomcu _n._ym 'secit. Fat-{log W. fetr TWENTY YEARS AGO September 13. 1917 lune-anion. PAYABLI IN ADVMC' .10.)? "" In M _"I. pa - " tl This inspection is free. At other time. “out. Ten Dollars. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HON "ONCAN MARRHAIL Mum-"r The regular Fall inspection of Stallions in the Province of Ontario commences Sept. 27th. The Agricultural Representative in each county is arranging the route of the stallion inspectors in his county. Stallion owners should communicate with their agricultural representative by "rt. aoth for further details, regarding time and place. of inspection within the county. Notice to Stallion hmm t',UPREMh' COURT TO DECIDE - 5 am. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1937 um .1IIII Unru- Janlot nu "rut .nm anml mum-v “pr“ cl,tis ul Mum.“ l-I\hiM?i-m at '|LLI.AI I um. The members of the Young La- dies' Sodality of St. Louis Church, Waterloo. at their tirst meeting for the fall season It St. Louis hull on Monday night, made plans for a Wiener must to be held on Thurs- day. .Hept. 23. After the meeting games were played, the first prize going to Miss Marie Sci-man and the eormolation nwlrd to Miss Eileen Bauer. l The tag for the fund for the blind conducted by the Waterloo County branch of the Candi-n In- stitute netted $400. The Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides deserve much credit for the success of the elm- plush. The lust Wnterloo County ally held in Waterloo woo about ten years ago. The county societies Ire u follows: Kitchener 4, Waterloo. Preston. Gilt. Hespeler, St. Axial-J St. Clements, New Germnnr, Mne-l trn, Linwood, New Homburg and. Elmira. f Very Rev. Frtuteis Freiburger, of St. Thomas Seholrtstieate, London, will deliver the sermon It the park service. Members of the clergy of Waterloo County will take part in the service which will be held at the shell bandsund. The members will meet at St. Louis school and church grounds where the parade will be formed. Headed by Waterloo Band. it will have at 3 o'clock to proceed to the park, via Allan. King and Young streets. It is eipected well over 1.500 members of the 14 branches will tht- tend. ' Sunday, Sept. 19th is the import- t.nt. day for the members of four- teen Holy Name Societies of Water- loo County. who will be present at the annual County Holy Name So- ciety rally which will be held in Waterloo park. L500 Expected at Holy Name Society Rally 3400 FOR FUND FOR BLIND PLAN WIENER ROAST JAM” R "mull! o-e, "in” A white cross on which is displayed the words "Safety Pledge" is being distributed to motorists by the Imperial Oil Company. Drivers are invited to attach it to their cars. The pledge, if widely used, must serVe a good pur- The slow driver on the highways is called a menace to other tratrie, and even provincial officers do not like them. It should not mean that a motorist is expected to keep to 50 miles if he prefers a speed of 35 miles. Ontario's tobacco crop is double that of last year, which is good news to those growers who borrowed from bankers. had a bag removed trom-iii/ear" 'riiGTt it}; been there 48 years. While the Chinese military machine is better organized than ever before. it is ques- tioned whether they can hold off the trained and efficient Japanese war machine for any length of time. Even if the Japanese prove 1rttyious in this campaign. the result cannot fail to convince the Chinese people of the neces- sity of unity and preparation. The peace that may be signed can be nothing but an armed, truce. with armaments being pushed forward as fast as possible by the proud Chinese people.| Eventually the weight of Chinese numbers and wealth must prove too much for the Japanese! "We have, m the prairie provmces, nine million one: of land second to "one in the world. for prottt- able crop and [we tstock production. In addition. we have eleven nulliou were: In the semi-arid In. that bu I mint.“ record and . yield record lower than‘ (the fertile belt, but still somewhat higher than the nvenze found m Australia. the Argentine Ind Rumn‘ and which will, I believe, protitnbly produce, on the avenge, the hitrhest quality wheat in the world, tt which wilt encounter about one drought yen in four." There is talk of spending hundreds or mil- lion: of dollars for irrigation to restore the drought areas' fertility, but with its huge cost it is doubtful if it would be practical. Authori, ties believe a better plan would be to remove a tract of some 4,000,000 acres in the arid zone from wheat-growing and venture it to gm. torl grazing or ranching purposes. The greater pnrt‘ of the wheat-growing land in Western Canada ‘will continue to produce much wealth for grain farmers An expert in soil and climate condi- tions, H. G. L Strange. in an article in Business Week, describes the potentielities of the remain- ing twenty millions of acres of land under cul- tivation, as followa: As in the put the years, drought thin year struck u Bevere blow to large was in puns of Slskltcheuuu and Alberta. It in, howaver. planning to learn that the Pruirie Provinces u a whole are yielding a crop equal in revenue to that of 1986, Higher prices for grain has helped the western farmer. l Argother triumph for radio. A Kansas man Till WHEAT CROP m THE WEST CHINESE ARMY IMPROVED l Mr ..ml “m [{0th Kngour, Mr um! Mo, I'M] Burkhumugh, Mr. Ind '“rn He"ry Dawson. and Mrl, Jenn [New or urantmrd were new! vt.. “on with Mrs Thoma. lumour l Mt and Mn John Dials! and Mr mu! Me Edmund make! and non ”when ot mn-hm-uh. Pm - I Hm. (Inna with Mr and Mr: y Wank» Am and nlhnr rrxutlvm, In In". Mr and un- v I. (annual! Ion .m 1v"dt""tdssy on a motor trip llvrnnlh tho Brurr- Penman]. ad a mm m pm Manitoulin Ill-M Ind Haul! pm Mario up: Mary Fisher has returned to MrlUmav Mum spondlnx a waol'u "A ”no" wllh hvr thr, Mn P Brtr ulvr Anniversary service will be held at the United Church on Sunday morning It ll o'clock. Rev. Zlm- menu-n of Kitchener will conduct the "Nice, EDMRIAL NOTES [ Mr. And Mrs. P. A. Snider. Mr. Morris Snider and Mines Joyce and Gladys Gallagher were Sumhy guests of Mr. Ind In. Lellie Strong. Mr. and Mrs. m,wGd iiiiiiGi, of Kitchener were week-end guests of Mr, 1nd Ins, Gilbert Bechtel. [ a -eee-_-reiV 'M'9r.M.i_q_ -. "nu-nu. Mr. Ind Mrs. Harold Snider were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Roche! at New Dundee. Mrs. T. I. Croft culled on her son, Mr. Ind Mrs. Erie Croft of Hurriston. on Suturduy_ gelling. _ I Rev. Simon Martin of Slush": occupied the pulpit in Snider's Men- "(mite Church on Sand-y in the " sence of Rev. Howard Stan-nus. who conducted services qt Irinehued.; ___ -eeeH .-.. ...-..“ ... ..c. .... Misses Mary and Abbie Being." spending some time with friends in Michigan. Miss Eileen Ranch" spent the week-end with friends It lie-polar. Il:__4, ‘17,,” _ . ‘nl . - A - . - ""%.--. 'r‘vu‘" two weeks of evangelistic services It First Baptist Church. Wltarloo. Monday evening. Former trumpet soloist with Paul Whitman's or- chestrn, Dr, Knllenbuch led the you; service with his trumpet. Dr. Walter D. Killenbacll. Phill- delphin, pre “angling, opeped mlluwa- Supt, w. G. Hnmncher, a»! sum. Jack ‘Hlller; pr|mlty um: Miss Vial»! Schrag; ant, prun- my my! ' Miss Esther White; cradle In]: sum, Mrs J. Clark; home de 't.'rtmr-nt sup-L. Mo. L “worth; mission Treasurer, Harold Mel-0!. '"iretary-trr-rer. Albert Kaiser; my, '""'retarrtrmururor, Norma KalGrleisch: lamp-want? Bocretary, Harrison EtHsate. chalnnan or mums. Norman Dippel; mission committee Miss W. Pollock, W. o. Mitchell. Humid Moisel. chalrmnn; auditors. Homer Bru'buker mm ia) land St‘hllns. A yr-ry em-uuruglng increase In’ nu-mhmwllip during tho put rear' we ran-Med to the annual Sunday Srhnul mutating at F'ieigt Batrtuti I hurt I: Friday evenlng. W G. Hamacher was reappointed genera] superintendent of tho school. f Ito-v Stuart L. Bushmer, publ- of tho church. acted as Chulrm-n of; tlee mitt-ling. I The annuals-I» list or otneert, In as _ Baptist School BLIND EVANGELIST HERE NEW HINDU " BLOOMINGDALI =T======-==a= I Mr. Albert lit-utter is spending . the week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter ttgt School Hauler of North Wbolwich. . Little Mina Tonic Huehn return- Names Off "381.8 ed home after spending the summer in Toronto. 'r------------.- l 1'tNIP'.et Hoerle. Mildred and ‘ encouraging "tcretttge tn Ruth, r. and Mrs. Chas Sellers “in durlrttr the pturt ye" “visited in Josephsburg with Mr. and 1-th to the again] ,teStr. Mn. Norman Zimmerman. Sunday. .mminu a. mu. an ...,. _ -- . - . _ - _ 'r" WAT-ILOO gonna} CEBOX!CLI i Hits K. Good, mutton " the iKitchener Orphenece, reported four children admitted last month end four children released. leaving " girl: and nine boys in the home. Donations in the form of vegetables in the month totalled 817.“. n The nature? GrGtisk _ k" iaanee of ",0M.8g Ind accounts totalling $807.27 were ordered paid. i Mrs. Cull. Knch. Carl, Mr. and Jim. Milton Kath and Mrs. an. iOtterbein spent. Sunday with Mr. ‘and ws. Val: Neeflitehener. _ In. Jake' iii-2' BEEnZJT-Bin? and spending some time in Kink- Norman 7 drGiG-Gf-irarae, upglgt Su_m§ny yrittt Gordon Roeder% Hild- Hihn spent. the Week-end wig]! her cougin, Marie_Kry_11ter. In; J. Schondelmyer of Water- loo its warding this week with her 'sitster here. In. g.' Gies spent I day in ty"y.iiton with Mr. Ind In. Will. Either Hall] __ in}: . ngféie'; - ind Howard Doering of Philipsburg Hera Sign!” visitors with Oscar Hun-"r1"; A number from here attended the dedication services of the new Sun- d-y school room in the Lutheran Church at St. Jncobs. " INHA'I'ES AT ORPHANAGE I The trustees of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church attended the church councillors convention held in Ph9tshy.ryr on §undny. a l Ree. Stoltz of Kitchener occupied the pulpit of the Evnngelical Church on Sunday in the absence of the Instpr, Rev. J. P. HIuch. Mr. and Mrs. Christ. House, Mr. Ind In. John House, of Clevehnd. Ohio. And Mr. and Mrs. l. E. Pil- sin'u of Rochesyer. N.Y., were re- cerit visitors with the tiiisei/iieG. lock; secrelary, Mina Otrus Settler- hola, Elmln; treasurer. In. P. Pill- ner, Stratford. The executive ad- "to", are A. C. Hahn, Mllcheu, Rev ll. Emiman. New Hamburg. and A, H Earnhardt. minim. (horse Alleluia” or Kitchener, - re-elected president, Other other: are. victepreaidoett. P wwne. Tub About sixty olklals and [Btu-hers at the Sunday Ichooll at Waterloo (uuvtty Missouri Lutheran churches. Intended the tenth annual conven- tion or the Perth-Waterloo Sunday School Association at Mitchell 81m- day Thaw-l D. (‘OIIII od RR. No. s. “all, is president ot the society this year with when EL Coven. Rat. No. 3. can. m‘retlry-truluror Thrre will be we {all days and a eventing horse new under nomnuhta. The show malada- everything that you 10"!“ making a ounce-I'm {all tair Lutherans Attend Sunday School Rally at Mitchell Several our. mum have been Added tor hon-1 while a now than him been pm In the prtse “a! tor dual purpose shon'mruu aad n ts Lapse!- yd w attract ere" greater Interest In tttts particular ”(than than ttttn been “no,“ so previouu yuan to the 1m while otltos section- have been enteuded couUderably Well over 85.01» will be paid out In who 'tu"'ey and dun-nu at new lecture. at“ dlll'IL‘l attendance (rum a [roar rr rtottu. than ever More The “In “mull South Will-rho Agrlculturul 30(1er Gull Mr, to to held Soulmbw " and " II] it ttte Mugs-I (at: not no“ lll M. " witt he the ttttrd year that till no uer has taxed at than Nr' MI. land all mortals lho'l are -etod to be unmanned. A check at me prise nu raved.- mare In": been numerous addition- All Previous Show. (hitch-nod by this Ye-r’n Fair, Sept. " and 25. Class "lt" Fair In Ontario HEIDELBERG The North Waterloo Liberal Association . Albert Smith As liberal Candidate he This Riding The “use: Neill» and Agnes Bartr holder were visitors on Sunday ttt the home or Mr and Mrs Clayton !tiaid/tUr, Mmmrt, A. K, Uelwiler, "an Crocs mun. Charles Koch, “mum Ehy and Miss Sybilla Dolwilm- tert on Tun-s: day for a wwk'n sujmu'n in Norman- Allchlgan Mr. and Mo. Amos Bowman wm’e Sunday supper guests or Mr and Mrs. Cranumu Marlin SS No " Woolwich, Mr. Owen Bechtel of New Dundee was a Sunday visitor at Ilm homo ot Mrs. Ella: Snider. Mm Wanner and sud Barre-u of Kltchener were Sunday guns!” ot M: and Mrs. M L Weber. Mr and Mrs ' Hamel ot" New "mull-In: Mailed wlth Mr "tttl Mrs John G Hahn on Sunday, Mm Tough kneels Hahn, Rev, Oscar Burkhnldor of Hrvsr Ian. eortduettne trtrattgtetistic meetings here, ailing with his lwu tti"whters 3iitmrs.s Agnes and Nellie. wvrv Iliu- tter gnvsla on Sunday n! "In hum» m Mrs. Koo Snider. Sunday gut-Ms ol nun and Mrs. 1ieorpw Kenn-burn.- wun- Mr and Mrs. hauls EichnWiur and danglm-r Miss Edna and MrN Ed Ktissitw ur Stratrord, _.. l'llll nan-mum" 'N'He.s. Mr. Albel' Mr, and Mrs 0m:~ llullingm ot KI mira and “I aud M I’S "rihtsrt '-'--r-e---c=r---t-----=i-= Inn-Inn ur ('onmlugu Mr, and Mrs. Mike Km'rlnwr and SCOI I S SCRAP BOOK family slum! Sunday in Finn-11ml» 4E,iee-"-, Miss lit-atriu- Buchan"" of 0mm Sound spam " two nun-kw holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Creqtt. Mr. and Mrs. III-Hr} Grtttre ot' Hamburg were Slllldzl) visitors m Mr and Mrs. Imam-I Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Unis: and sun Willn-d or “fall-Hun spa-m Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs Harald Cress. Mr and Mrs. Geortte Keltvl'horna and daughter Miss Dummy and Mr Auslln Krutertrorm. ot Ila-Inillun Mint-m Labor “any in tthit-a. N y ' with Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Ketteerrorue Mr Jim Mnlmllan at ovum Saul-cl gum-l Sunday at "te hom" of Mn and Mrs. Harold Pram. Mr. and MN. Andrew Wahl, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Waht and Mr, Curl Walrl apt-m Sunday in Clifford. Mr and Mrs Nalhamrl FTex of Sunnyside, Kitchener. and Mt and Mrs Jack Wanda)! and daughter he") were Sunday visitors at tho llunw at Mr SyllesIE-r "ood. On Sunday the I”) mumumlmus Sunday School burlttins erecttmt tttts summer try [he Ltsttterats t'hurett tbars momma Haw 3 J Willi: lllo- pun my trerturenirttg the dedltnlol) an stce. which was done on ttte ground: In: the nuu or the human“; Ann tite lust crowd rbauvmblrd m um and; torium ot the ctturctt and the‘schoul loom with the on-Hluu Iltts um: J " Rennie. ot Htt"tiitou, lllr [tn-swam lof the ("unaut- Synod. preached tite ‘uo-rmun Hes" H " Urulm ot Strat, turd also spoke Grterly lies I; " Kalbnelach or Elmira was also mes nu He altered the Juneau») way u during the service oulslde Tuval- shlp (‘ouIIclllor Home" Stretrei, pre sidertt of the Sunday school teach. [was or the ditgtrirt also spoke luleflx m the urn-moon At the o-vvning awr- vn-o ttee Dr Clause", preaideut "I \\ aha-loo Couege. drltwrrd like all- uiress, Iakiug as his subject. "f'tsrjs tiats Education" Mr Wall-n sum. tr. supertnteader" on the local scttoot .Vpukr brie") The In“: lag- Iheran their at snail-ml, m No""' 2.3 sotcets. under the atrte h-advrship ol Mr. Peter Wilson add“! wry appre- newly to the vrosy"tent of lln- sm- nces Their wrlu-Ily humeral an» than: were gro-ally appro-rialvd The oulslalullug excellence ot this rlmlr lc the clear vuum-Ialhm or the words they sing. ve" word ca" tw. easily underslood T Vote Liberal For SMITH and HEPBURN In. Dr. Chun- ood ' Speak Lu“: to Walulw clllwun “Add the Home lmwuvolueul Act Kan, u, and over "In“ “new the pun lu- Inaugurated u - lurked recently IT. ero" Dedicate New ti.ti. Building Waterloo mun {mllcd that to dale u loud or " Ian- Ilnve been nude The amount, MIUUOI‘. I. only b Inn ot than! tut the luau-led hund- In‘ magnum in the town ttttn an! year '2Stt H. I: fiu, voun out FAVORITE! w. fig,“ c,;,,-,-;-?.,]]?),, ©lllilau.EltillSltt Roy Huphnrrzuru and Mr, at St rat ford were Sandra} ot Mr and Mr,, Ruswl 1. Mayor of Kitchener 1935-36-37 2. Pres. Ont. Mayors' Association 3. Vice-Pres. Ont. Municipal Electric Association 4. Eleven Years in Municipal Service.. lama-iv. Service. ’resents and She was giVen in marriage by her father and was nltemlml by the bridegroom's .sister, Miss Luella "eotott of Kitchener as bridesmaid. Miss Hergott chose for her eostume Wow" of mnusseline tie sois. wore silver slippers and rarriml a huuquet ot pink Talisman rusty Mr, Albert The bride was charmingly gown- t-d in white satin fashioned on Pritt- 1158 lines trimmed with a lace yoke and orange blossoms. With it she Fore the traditional veil caught with orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of pink and write roses. rich. second oldest auurtliirVii. and Mrs, Henry Dietrich. became the bride of Mr, Gordon Herttott, ,.._‘ an, .. .. .-- - ' V. ___ "mum. Hugo“. hon of the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ill-mutt of SL Agnlha. Dean Wm. Becker ofriciated. Meratott - Dietrich ST. ELEMENTS. Sept. 14.-A pretty September church wedding at St. Clements R.C. Church was the event of the week this morning at 9.30 o'clock when Miss Anna Diet- rich. seco"d oldest daughter of Mr Schmitt . Sin-p.0- Trmtty United Church paneling“, Kitchener, Wttr, the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday afternoon. when Miss Evelyn Nora. eldest .Jaughtu or Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Simpson, became the bride of Mr. Elvin Schmitt, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ephraim Schmitt of Baden. Rev. Clarke Loxan, pastor of the church. (initiated. J After the rerununy a dioer was served at the Forest Hill Gardens. Immediately nfter Mr. and Mrs., Schniitt left tor a two weeks' motor trip through Northern Ontario Ind] the United States. For travelling the] bride wore I sand and brown suit] with non-none: to match. Upon then return they will reside at 9 (allege mtreet, Kitchener. l URI-JSI.AU Au "uncanny wed- dmg was "an of tdue, Ruby Futur- me l‘nmunuu, daughter of MI Ind Mrs N " Cream-n. BresUu, to M: (Hun Shunt, son of Mrs. Wm. Shaun. and the late Mr, Sham: of Peterstrurx, Bshop Jun» Snider. Waterloo, omcinted. The young people were Allen-led by Mr, tsnd, Hrs. Orville Shana. After the ceremony Mr. And Mrs. sham: left on n trip through a. Adirondack mountains. On M return they will take up residence at I.” Blgiu street. Kitchener l 4 I -- 7' * "WAY -- jar ' wem’lo SEA- A 3-2vo manwAv lawn“: LONG HAS 8:194 Bullion (a: _ In“ FROM 'qortTt, louAID Nk, Sula-Jam - 1". um: I; MsolufeLy qunf no gram” ' rrs Eeqtipr LEMtn’d our ova: in: SEA ,--.- lay KLDLUII ' six If ta 2.! ---- " -3'311 .: __~*.::,. 4:“ Cr, I" . Pt 1 . Per.J'e==e5.t - _ > his, » 40,, _" J--" ‘ _ . . -e _ Ct5'fjl - si 'ttr, A: cr; ' A . " ' ‘ ’ ri.., 'e . Fa, r e, ' Q q 'AK-c-i " ' I r' v; ‘ 1i?rallllll)3,I. v St I c-dee: Tf"" 4 $9.9st cA-rcu ~10 '.titg,1" -- LAT "SN- a" ’m amounts weufé SEA- WM: AND FEED on It“ A 3-2vo ulqnwAv mum‘s no fat _ “can u- mat. HAS sum ammo.- (a: tIEe6qt* qu In“ FROM tqortmt 1“qu ‘ I, EJ. a salesman - 1n. om: I; Wr s, It . Msoun’zLy “RAIQNT AID awn-M m can Li Il x?“ , I rrs sum" Lsmfuour 2G?df,tif - ‘ _ . ' oven Itt sun mu: , ee $563)) "oi , EL). . ‘ ek . BECAME” u M!,!,!,'.""" _ Qfo$RntceSs C..1 fete, - a _ wuss-cu avuuqo 'eAr mama. ups khan-numb gmvap "and“: NAME or!!! My Von A PAW. ttF was WMESE moans-1mm), rues: rstmmrrts snow» ant-mus - a... m, _ a , - u a - LPN: gs: Fe_isuitaac, Gros. .Iranrr is snows out-nus - Ski-ll A (Iran-nu Weddings Fare-tmt-tsua-mute-mt'. i One of the interesting events of the season was the silver wedding lanniversary celebrated on Saturday .hy Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bauer, King ‘street. Waterloo. They entertained at a charmingly arranged dinner lparty at Forest Hill Gardens. For. glowing the dinner the guests res [paired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bauer in Waterloo where they en- ‘joyed games of bridge. The prize ‘winners were Mrs. George Malleck land Mr. Charles Stroh, firsts. For , lowing the play a dainty supper was lserved. EIIIIII Mr. and Mrs. E. Bauer 25 Years Married [ Two of Waterloo', highly esteem, ied residents. Dr, and Mrs, P, G, Hughes. George street, received lheartiest good Wishes of a host of friends on Sun-lay, Sept, tttth, on _the occasion of their 38th wedding '"mtversthry. The interesting event wt: Intended by the Immediate fam, iry. Dix and Mrs. Hughes' daughter, Mrs. Weir and Mr. Harry Weir, Mount Hope street, Kitchener, marked the second anniversary of their wedding it the wine time. Mr‘lnd Mix Hergull will trunk ll the brsdetrroom', farm In St, Agatha, Mr. and Mrs.Huglnes Married 38 Years the best man After the ceremony a wedding dinnen was served ll the home of the bride's parents. At the weddUttt reception held III the evening rein, the Ann] friends numbering 150 were present Human. count" of the bode. Wnth the best mun The It. W. Bier-wagon ELECTRIC CO. 204 King Street West KITCIIENER - ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Reasonable Prices =Tmtr-r-a- -‘ By . J. SCOTT _o_r_11,_1S.7 m3

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