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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 1937, p. 3

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WEllESlEY FALL FAIR PM“ [IST BESIlle‘ Rain fails To Keep Away Good_§Crowd “mama-1&1 Sept tis llu‘ivln» rnl name: condoms rum] lo keep nanny palruua and rambuors trotn Ilte tsr; Wtriltmsley-Nottlt Eanlhupr hm [an urn] here on Tuesday and " runes-la, mm 1,300 prisons pall’ mg Inn-ugh the “an: In unnpele at an! Ber In: ‘uurm \ml' s exponulou The mu tht, Hui nus under the dunno:- of John AHuH'hl as Pram ale-Ill and H W unwind A: "new” x-vaauu‘er Ulhrl' “an r13 mrludp Geo A Fan: and In G I: “June: as Hun l'n-mdemn. lad Lam]. .13 ttost vice ie random and J J "outru1itstel m: mr tond oce-prextdent Ulhrr 0111.14.19 at tue Pi. mlnlu mm are as {aliens Over 1,500 See Fine Exhibition at Welleuley. - Heavy Companions in All " A Wagner, " L E Sthllndl Fat Bmk F. N smunm Simon Frettschutar. Ed Lantz. An Hahn. ('un Srhmidl m lynmn Jas, Hart HM: urn-run“. Lune; Hrggs Alt 'iurtterts C'.aytou Fulk Hand Ilaur M‘UHd Lady Director. “IS " 1.'tutttitt Mr, L Flvluhuum Mrs Ahw Cuabtttcrs. Mrs k "-sirel Mrs " L E Stlllnidt, ltrs (It-u Mums Mrs I' Harbour. Mrs A Sluwk, Mr, FYI ling, “I: Hy For Mums Mrs I' Harbour. Mrs A SHIN k, Mr, Ed Mug, Ws Hy For Io-r Dummy News! Mrs C Rulk It.rs K Ira.“ Mrs N Rummy! Supermtendentn Hunks, Ugh! Erk Otterueitt. " “"585. Hoyd llislnnmnd~ Noun) Ed Lantz. In J J Bouendtstel, In F Srhm|dl lam-1' (am.- Cots scttusutt l‘lal unu- Nomi; Slim-palm Smm- Jas Ilux‘t Lulu» 4tuppeot mun 1'att'o. Ell UMIILHL AN Hahn Poullry -bjd Buck. ALI mum” F"ruit-4'Laylott Fick. Urs lunar Flour” Join; Alex Plumb-u": In J J Hudemlistel. Hunts and Vogrvu‘uh-w lid Huck. Iiu_ul Hammond. Grain uml see-tis (' Neel, lining and nlnnnwtlu H I. Enhmhll. “H I tl F'lruscuioter 1cauirs" Work Mt's Gruhttt Mrs Ilurhnlll'. All' Mal-grin Fin Arm Mrs llussnl ll-Alpnz lid Lana. School Exhibits "trs " I, K Schmidt. Ed, "pmart THERE ARE HOOD REASONS wm WE ARE CUTTING PRICES ON OI‘R ENTIRE STOCK OI" I'SEI) CARS FOR THIS SALE. WE MU.hi'T HAVE MORE ROOM. WE HAVEN‘T AMPLE STORAGE ROOM FOR THE CARS WHICH HAVE BEEN SHOWN ON OUR USED CAR LOT THIS PAST SUMMER, AND WE'RE GIVING PRICES A DRASTIC MARKDOWN TO LITERALLY (‘OMPEL PURCHASES. Kitcniutn Am ExcHAucE New 1938 License Plates Free Annual Autumn Sale 1980 c, Pamenger Buick Coupie 1930 Chrysler Coupe I935 Ford V44 Couch I930 Chevrolet Coach ' I933 Oldsmohik- Deluxe Coach t930 Pontiac Coach 1930 Packard Sedan 193t Buick Deluxe Sedan 19.3.3 Studebaker Deluxe " Sdn. 43 Ontario St. S. We Must Reduce Our Stock tn rector- OF RECONDITIONED USED CARS Any Of These Cars or Others Purchased During This Sale Will be SuNAied With Liberal Terms-- SEE THESE VALE Mlllll Mil SAVE! her FILE l ulnLulHrr ou “round: and Band- by: All langui- Dr Mend!” c, r A Wato"" Lhmr ramming» dl L I tie huudl Alt Marsala, Jan. Hat l, FA I‘m-mu harm- kupperl Dr I J “Inlrlldlslrl, I' Neeb Coigttunteea, on Adm-“hung um ar uaumnu in Ltsuts,it W ornamt, " r Scttattdt H L E Schmidt J.- Hart Winn...» I'mumlllw fun schastdt m [gnu than)“ htt Muorett.s Ed Drum" Hana.“ Supruulrudrm Jlln At Inn!” Maude-u! KEY TO EXHIBIIOII: " In: " Hymn-(I- Wuher Preblc~ In; E “(Habitual-In John C Nu‘lnuh um...“ .‘th-nl L.nuwd Innuuu Mr, hung: Mun» Mrs Nebula Inf-dd.“ Luau- “no Hit Hun“; In, I. Ins-rs.. “a.” Mrrmium. Dun-y TuruhulL SS Nu I? Co A. LOCKHART l COMPANY Cellini“... $250 $295 $500 $250 $0575 “90 ' I30 $69.3 KITCHENER Best Trade-In Allowance 1931 Buick Deluxe Sedan 1932 Frontenac Sedan l930 Plymouth Sedan I934 Terruplane Sedan l932 Essex Sedan I936 Buick Deluxe Sedan I937 Terraplane Sedan I935 Packard 120 Sedan Will Graham-Paige Sedan "rife: 2 ”my; old--" "etret t _t'ibr old. TIL Ilrnlrr ran“ undu- I bet" he»! 'enlhlr, all) - Hi Herd or AbenIren Ann.» llhh‘kjs Herd " will“, I hut-l ulfr In " " Keller, u' yvur~ old -66, [It Fi Heder. t )r-I "id M. " " Hole- can, under l rrar--Mt. a: 5: It": term). may a..---" “oval t "ode l 'em-lenrsi. " 4 hrs-II rah.» bred by exhllulur 3.7 {- turm- Angu- uull. , yeurn ot6--76, Mull t year otrb--" Hull all under I "an? is It. Hull. any ugci‘m Cow. a - old. m val! '" swtttt nulf Lung wool 1_v"isters. (‘uI nuI-I LII-00hr Awed Hum .roi. aged I'W’lt v, lamb, Mi. "Ollillll'l was»! "er"aisttire. Sullulk,‘ m Ilurn null owGrrd., -Ared unn- “ml.”- m... .,c.. nun lamh, nun. " Ilunu null ownrrd, -Ared um- m. O-ml-nr tNtr1 mm, nun Ianlh‘ nunl q-hqq' haul-hm "w Inn-h. In: tirst m nll, Shun nan-l Shrun-xhur and Suulh-Iumn Aurll I um, Jun-Hum mm rum Inn-IL age-l run ~hvlllllllu, ewe Inn-II, tit', Wrst :uul -‘rrul)ll in ell-II cl-nn I'm. I nun and 2 PWIW‘ 32. tit', “I! Isn- my: mun-.317 a...“ Hum-ml 1-- mrrlhhg ”nun-"u " sun on hufrr urn-in lb gun-nun [or baby Tlrnqmluld III) at ‘emlm b6, " “on, “null “an. Bro-t mm with (on! u (owl no qt Full of "g7--" It, til I‘h:~-yr.z.um any a. “Mu-r u T'u»)¢ll~uld tttby ur gelding it), In Our-yen:le toll "c, " nm blood m-u- u: "M...“ ' u... t T-o.ym.u|¢ In"... aunt an Yeid_bevyd - on .etdo'a, ' 1a.!- In 1.0."... .um um. ... “an"; Hurryc-AAuld csrtt " u. " Heavy "-. I. “up." Group " I _ but-Q: an huh-u nu" bt uhr q'\hlhllor -60, It " Gun.» a! liner to": " _ Punk“... .u “up.“ hcrr- as spam AglnuIluH-I hortnrt _ 66, " Sun luv; Jruu‘hl hulsr~ frt 7: tt Sum-Ink” Juhu summon moon 'aiu-aa-tai- 57%;“. " had u. "8T--M. u Ankdtud lbw-c- hum“ In“: rub tool u (our 44 " ' ul l3): " " " “ed Bult Null Hull Hull Hull Hull Hull Hull "ML-- , \rm- ohl " Heller , Fe'" aid " Mean" rail undu I yr "est ”may in; new! turrd r, Inn-ad " Hr! Imr-l‘ 3 haul Mn! Jun” Heder "vile- (‘nlf Hwy-I CLASS 4 -- SWINE. BACON HOG .lmlw Jr‘rml Snyder. Wulel'luu Ila-r horn before Sept. I. tr.t86--54. G .All All {fur 15. in; Emu t5 Nu "---w- B No I. III “II CLASS . - - ma PM! logb- -- CLASS 2 " ot NA suuttte f... t [run-Ir Ill ~huw 5!! Special for boys uni girl- r "r beef tvpe. 30'. In: h fur uulwillunlv FPS. Th A n" undtr l yea: rrtb it), in, nu) .‘r " ' y ra- l hull-I up Huh r.“ u: u. Butler‘- 3 ..r)r' old 354 I )rlll’ “MW 51 " um um)” I \rnl hull I Fri-I ..1.I an an rull‘ undr- I Yer.." " I y... old tr, cl" and" I bet" " CLASS , -- SHEEP 1 ve-et an»! "" 56. 1.. “MM! l ya- 56 Sol 1. Phone 2664 BEEF CATTI r, about»... M and up m call m with Spetlai TB! WATERLOO gut-lb! CHRONICLE , .-ouhi" $325 $335 $200 $550 $290 " 025 $895 $925 $250 um: I.) (7.. rum-um: I)... " " ML “when! lad [mild u. I’ll-oath Inn-l A " V CI. o,ekerel Ind panel {I Wine I ' anion: (m k cockerei ll punk! lb" inn-dune. A " y t «A cotton-l ll. vullet. II Ibo-tr bland "rd tmh vullct In, " Jersey tMark (haul. lock tss-r "ritrt--Gt, In lit-hm.“ Mum and Inn“ ll "trd uulkl‘ " Conch-In (mt and In“. t,t tu.utrirt, {mu In In“ .n. pullu u Dutilngx “an mm m... ll Orv-mum» rad. In“. "urist Mel. " Subaru Ilrll Am‘htlcl pull-1 Cornish Cork " hm no Whitr Leghorn" t'ork In": valid In an Leah-mm Aov-Auak m. pullel IO, curler-d ll Antvnn~ Cork hm. sr"rka-ret let " Chi-Dion but! " " u Io- born Lain-n tHet t It" um I“. L IUIH‘ M. u A.“ ”$75“ " " In: Inn Mu-.. am mu “a nun. t, IDI17{C, 66. " ELL. i-aid. a In...» ”nun u. Pty "mun. Rue-Wu. " "Minoan AUV uullel -|.n. as _ bl» In, 61 SEVEN NEW HOMES ERECTED Rev. J. P. Ham-h. pastor of the Evangeln-ul Church at St Jacobs. hay returned from a suiit ti, hi: st n, Mr. Kalil Hauch, ml l‘hicugu, M. E Bullerl. u»r»mrnl rum- missionet and the Kin-hum 'epre- sentative cm the \\'e.~lumuut Trtrst Commission. Mates that "eve" new hou.se, wore erected this wan-n. an indication that program Cs being manh- in buiding up this new tM'ett. UNION FOR WATERLOO PLANT EMPLOYEES Thrve out of sixty empoyves of the Canada Hanrl» and kegs Luci, at a recent men-tiny: voted to join tho {'JJL, while the others drt‘idl'll in favor of their nwn union, Officers . ".ctr-d “on . luv-“drill. Aerl y'chaerer; vice-president. Robt. Zim- mermlu; secretary, Martin Weiler; ln-asurer. (‘url Heifer Thr. rnuIrm-l lur the Ilnw no.“ ul'lirn building in Kitcl"-tuar will Bo lo In.“ urns This was tho slalmueul nun-Iv "3 II I "all. who is awaiting runlirnmliuu I») or-m-council. Ire- I'nrn- nun-h -~..II Ire started. The Kitvhemer Police CotttrNisstott las rem-Wed a request from the taxi drivers of Kitchener for an in tuewsed fare rate [rum 25 to " cents for a single passenger and 40 cents tor Iwo per'"""', Fares to Waterloo or Bridul'pul't would hr 60 eents for une and 30 1-ertts_ vat-h for two persons. Magistrate Blake believed IU, cents loo small for a long haul from um- eml of the city it" another and suggested the meter system as tare. Taxi drivers were asked to appear before the Conr mission and present a petition, WAGE DISPUTE SETTLED BY HON. N. o. HIPEL Kitly c-llljnluyvl-s '" tltr. Grand tti Lvr Mailman}, “In: sump-1| work ml 'lll' Galt-Po-sto" jun this week. wet" lsdl'k In wink \lllf'll tlt" ttutai-io High» any nloquu'nnvm. Ihrnuuh "on N. o mpet aereerl In pay ths. mm] the (lit n nam- of m cums an hour demand- HI. bringing ttte mugu In :10 rants '.“"li! I: "t lln- snmv nu toid the IIIPII -."'-Iir|| "t lln- snmv as paid the Il a." the. highway runslrmliun in!» sau,.. uteé lurch In! Has» an a Chi-Dion not A... 56, " Pu- " 4 bacon .o-I A» Slnllc bowl- bug " or" cork-rn.' “A pun-m at PIy-wull Kodu yum.- ' 1A)” mavens wan In} hr; uh- Iucl I I"? " " CLASS . - POULI’IV ray-mu:- has“ hum! {mt lit-cl“ All V {Hull And he", {I Pun Buck Cum-hm Inn-nun» ar hut In". rum-hm. Iihhlnln- l- lulu-l Pun-um ll srmmk in.“ In...» hunt..." In"! In Kimhi-ner court, Pvter Kuhn. of St. Clements pleaded guilty to a charge of driving a car without, an operator's pvrmit. Two other charges, being intoxicated while in (huge of an auto and failing to notify the department of a ctuutsrel of ownership of " nmlm rm, were adjournvd until Sept. 'dl. Herman‘ lHackhlrl. ulrivuu: tt ""rtorcywle. wns‘ killed It St, Cletucnts, August 28, when his machine crttshed into the; war of a car parkml 0n the highm tteo GUILTY OF HAVING NO PERMIT “my. RETURNS FROM CHICAGO CLASS 6A w SHEAF (JAIN Our optical Japartncnt “In plan-n In uddi-g a. omtirur low fo---ksthout 10" " you. A cadiiuh of innit-nee will bo hunt] to "on pit- chur of _ Ignhnl bro-h... Io” by Sro or the" - if you In. your [hue- thor will In rwllcod without bro-h... lot. by Sro or the" - if you In. your [hue- thor will In rwllcod without to“ to ro-for . ”vied " on. your Iro- punt-no dale. BALL BROS. AWARDED CONTRACT PAY $1 WEEKLY Pia-o KICcLon-r In! or all III. tho do" 'or anointmonh We -too I couple!- and selenium elimination. The W. (i. Young Jaw-“on my...“ I-nllry 'um mum! m: SOMETHINI: NEW., INSURED GLASSES on credit Tin-{($- hll whcat ..m . KING E., KITCHENEI Ind yum-I u. _ AUV (0.. 5nd vullrl tt .nduu.» 10.5 mt will“ 6tt . ADV Hut and Company 'IicaEAsao FARES hr", 101‘ l'u g- Oon-Ol rich ksud 11H kin-I 'l, n A u when CLU, as Super- human-nu of Agencies for mu Cogn- pun} Hr wilt assume his new du- IIM III Win-up»; shot”). This My ,unlunnl or Mr Haker, who Ill lnllln'lh “.illdgi‘l or the humanly]: 'l‘umnln Niall-1i No. I, dunes after 3 wt.- Immune exprriruco or over mun van in hull] l'unada and tho illllml Shun». Him to his work in lanolin. hts has managed agenda; will Iqu'Lt-d surl'els In Winnipeg. .‘livl‘ln'uul‘v Ak-se York (‘in and Mire .‘Iu-I‘ln’lnllu- New York (“H and Milr mupulm u, Huket " “r“ Mumn’ln saw “a! autumn.» circles, Inning been \'-.~~J’n>aidrul or the LNG Under- muru Asst" iatiott or t'anada In the rmum F' ot Quelwc, Presldem of the uiuueuvotts Life Urutorwrtterts Anso- ' mu... Prtcstuetst or the Minnelpolll Lulu Mat1agers Assocution. and tht an [-rvxr‘lll lilllr. Chalrmnn at tho usrriiue-rylttp l'nmmlltee ot the 19to huh-x "tutru'N Association ot Canada .ml I‘M-sidrnl or the Lite Managers \~snrl;llillll ot Toronto it A. H. Batter. C.L.U. \Inmumn-uwnl is made by H W \m-unm; Aaslstanl Gallon” HAIL t-trl m Ttte Great-West Life Allur- ."Ht‘ (‘nmpany at the appointment 1m [Irvwvlll lilllr. Chairman ot tho, "W tn p B Chanson. Prenldonl \l-‘mhm-thlp l'ummlllee of the Utah,“ the Wtsterloo College and 80m!- l'enh-x "ritru'y Association ot Canada "H, m. Tttetsday conducted the open- rml "c1td'1'l 'P, urn-“5.11% Mtuugers illg rxm‘risra which opened tor m tsmu" m! ml 0 urou it7th year, The three basic qats1tttcts- Thit: I'",",')"):,":',',', 1au',e'iu'l'et Imus of a pastor. humlllly. obedience nrtu-~~'-II‘\ " ”a ' " I - ttt I . ~ssiou for souls was streamed n tttUt" m trr'm busines- cttrrentiy i2li1"r,",. "iTi',C'd Twin City Lutheran In; rm-mtlml by The Groat-Weat r?,rel'pli,,t1','i., attended the impresslvo sew VtyttrttticF. Company. which tor tho Tst" at which elaven slndemn were man to claw is In the e-nvlable post- i,".',,",.',',,":, Tim speaker maid that In “-va “I Mung ',e'1"v.,..tgJgll'rt, J" 2- l .nu-IIn-r ttve )‘les [new would be A tl'rstyit' --| "Yet 2... V o " w scureity ot ministers and urged that plmml bun-was and a suhsmnI-l mm... yum.“ men heed the call or tho :JIII In mull-03s In turn» {mlnislry Deputy Warden ’Dumarts To Spend Merner in Crash, r $10,000 on New Eswapetx Injuryl Smoking System In " nun-u numb-m Sunday Illghl live. pun-1H ramped serious injury Mum " ”I min-n try Fred Merner. ' {It-uni} unim- warden ot Waterloo county. took In the ditch on the Phil- lupin“; 11t'lleaaleyt Niall. when a tire hIr“ uul The accident occurred as Riv-um “as Illn’lllg Inuul'd Baden. Mis I .uullm- Grurtr. Cl"xrry streal. u-, lit't b, umlhn-r iu-lun sun-wad from Appointed Agency . Superintendent Mis I \lvxllm "hork ("hm Bah-"can Al St Man's Iloaplul, 5-..1 n n. Mr and Mrs. Alfred |'..-hu‘..~uu, HUM. yawn! rust. " son Blake At Waterloo. Sept. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. James H. Blake, lt4 John hi, a daughter. Martio-At East Wallertstein, Sept. 12. In Mr. and Mrs. Amos Martin. I sun. Cohen At St. Mary's Hospital, Sept. In. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohen. R R 2. [in-slim. a III-ugh- ter, f Wendlin. At St. Mary:s Hgspiul. WOIId'inl At St. Mary's Hospital, mg made- and installed by the can- Sept. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome m'lulu Blower and Force Ltd, Kttch Wendling, Bridgeport, a son. “my "-k--At Bridgeport, Sept. t'2, _-.------------'" . to Mr. and Mrs. George Harnock. DUCK SEASON OPENS OCT. 1 Bridgeport, a son. ------- ktth.-A..t the K.-W. Hospital, Sept.', Fred Merner, deputy game war- liv, Mr Mr. and Mrs. F. kaseh. Erb den, warns hunters that the duck St. w.. Waterlno,_a so" . :seaaon does not open until Oct. 1st. Embror At the K.-W. Hospital, Some hunters were told the date 'Sept. I5, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wu" Sept. 16, which is incorrect. Embro, Kitchener, I daughter. lac-ce-ic-c-z-p-ca-i-zz-za-a-z-e Len". --At St. Mary's Hospital, o-----------""- Sept, 16. to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest1 Letson. Kitchener. I daughter. Calvary Evan Stu-pi -ytt St Mary's Hospital. _ Sept. H. to Mr. and Mrs, Alfred! St. J l Stumpf. 70 Alexandra Ave., Wat , P. mu who. a ',iort, (stillborn) l l Heuenaner At the KAN. Hospital” SUNDAY. SEPTI I Sept. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Hess- ' sennuer. Kitchener, . daughter. l Sunday school withdrawn, Ben-linger _At St. Mary's Hospital, -- . i.. Sept. 12. to Mr. and Mrs Andrewl Y". a.m. Worship Servue, Benninger, a daughter. Evening service withdrawn. Karch--At Waterloo, Sept, lit, to - A l Mr. and Mrs, Fred Koch. 28 Ezra' “uh“... 9.46 a.m. Won Ava, a son. A cordial velar Cochran-r At tit Mary's Hospital, Sept. It. to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth ------- Cochrane, Kitchener, a son. _----------------" Findlay At the K, W. Hospital Sept. II. to Mr and Mrs. Alex. Findlay, Kitchener, u daughter. Emmanuel Eva Kornberg" At the K,-W. Hon- MM, wt pita], Sept R. to Mr, and Mrs Russell "rartr.trvrttet, Kitchener. a “V. M. A. Ill daughter SUNDAY. SEPT] Snider At the K.-W. Hospital, ”.00 ._.._ The Pastor Sept. l2. to Mr. and Mrs, Morris 100 The Pastor Snider, Kitchener, a son . "n" V" _ PM... At the K w. Hospital. Moodor. T N Sept 13, to Mr and Mru. Roy 8 " I‘lnntz, Kitchener. a 'Ort. '=TiL.iirr-"."ri-'"eC= Archer At Toronto Gem-I'll llonr|‘â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"’â€"â€"â€" pitnl, Sept. II, to Mr. and Mn Ken Archer, 82 Homewood Ave . ( kitrhrnrr. a son. I Hell-Indium, Sepl II, George W, llril of Kitchen" to Helen Elin- lwlh Jnrdinn of Hospeler. Sicvenpiper-Zuch Rppt, It, In Melvin Mover-piper to Ruby Mll- red Zurh. both of Kitchener. Babe-Boxlcr Rept, ll, (Thnrlen Boho of Flint, Much, to Alice Muriv Becker of Kitchener, Ill-ehnnFriI.“ 7 Sept, 16, NICK Rink-r of Kitchener to Marlon Elinholh Frlnll of Waterloo Mn is m Iln- um 'rr're Mrrner'n P' Wil.'iaut "rott and Mrs. Henry mun "lure Island, Ill, MARRIAGES BIRTHS I Surviving Ire tour sons, Harvey L. Weber. The Pas. Inn. Alexander 3.. Toronto, Louis L., David F. i Weber of Kitchener. Ind one daugh- ter, In. Chrence Crompton, Port Colborne. trr NATHAAMIO at Will-01'. but known lumen. John . Was- 166 [W " & Fiona .11 arr, dull "ddoanr " 1.15 “M81 Watartoo nutht trom a ham lunch Ho W No em charge [or use of out been In Ody I M hour- The taut 50...“: Funeral “FL Mt Wagner. son at Peter Walla atut (aroma. Aldo-nu, V“ in " aa=-===t========i====i= blsl year new; born In wilmul will» ship on August 8, I!" cum” L"."".n surnylu‘ aro m. 'rtto Amolta In”: adieu (mule: B [Allotmlll Wanner tour daughters, in. Hubert vim am! at the home ot his 50-. glut,” “a I“. (‘lolildl ot Bt “mum Lederuuut,t'a Ian-ion urea an”... Miss Anna and mu Made “wad-u u the mum of a “who line at home. three was. Winn-m s: autrered um Frau ill Mom-n Agatha and John and Mobil home has m his em. year Ho all born “In: bro-non Peter Wagner. Weblel- In New tin-Hive in Alisa-L "no, a ivy. mud une siuur In: IMO Long, ,tplt of the M19 Mr Hid Mrs “”0110 Torogtto bum-mu His wife DINO! eased him Ttu, tuneful will be held sun-my ohm" [mu Na" 380 morning from the home to tho 'iiCl Suturing are tour atsa'trttttrro, In Axum In" church with Interment A " Pearce, Incite“, Min. Win: in the adjoining common ‘frrd hem-runny Kitchener. Mn. Al- ----_-_ Mr! Bertscht, Kitchener, Mrs M D.- ..n. Emit, W06.- umn, Brannon], Bee Iona Joseph In. Emily Weber died " the “I I'luuuville, Harare of Hamilton, home of her Bon, au'ey L Weber, Burn-u Edward Mid Kenneth. tall ot in her 70th rear, Sept. 12th. De- Kitrhetter. three brothers, William cased Ind been ill with pneumonia "' t'unealosu, Harry in Potent-urn. tor the wt week. Born in Bolton, Alexander at Baden and two “lieu. Ont., Mrs, Weber ‘u . widow of, Mrs Robert Kuorr, Kitchener and the late Loui- L. Weber. who Dre-i Hrs Amotr Leach. Walkerton in her 76th year, Sept. 12th. De- cemd had been ill with pneumonia tor the put week. Born in Bolton, Ont., Mrs. Weber win a widow of the lube Louis L. Weber, who pre- decemd her in 1913. She resided " The Pu. Inn, for the past three Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon from the Rat:- Bechtel Funeral Home to Woodland Cemetery for interment. Rev. "mes Fleming of Waterloo emaciated. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Opens for Fall Term Dunn-n": Limited. Kitchener, one .r thw leading Canadian mucking l unnpanies, will spend 310.000 ll the plinll In the Installation of a new and IUIIQIIP system tor smoking meals, Prmsident R. D, Morrison mama Ilnll increased smoke facilities no 101"“er owing to Increased produc- In)" of the company's meat products. The new smoke houses, the ttrtst of llmlr kind In Canada, were decided upon artnr Inspecllon or similar units in Hull-ago. Boston. and New York. In this an design, smoke is pro- duct-d In a chamber from maple wood autumn. and is drawn " by fans and tterred to remove all soot and unison» This ttlttrred smoke In heat- "d in tin roll radialors, and In circu- XuIvd hy fans throughout the meal ' Itatttuert' "tte unusual feature ta that the I-uuu-raturn and humidity in this no“ lyln- smoke house are under rou- ~nml Conti) by aulamalilc regula- Inn's. a retMare that was Impossible At on] lype smoke houses. It makes russilui» " tttter and more ttrt1torm o"oke lanai luimr is being used exclusA “My In the r-xlnltalv» undertaking, In." Brothers tad, are In charge, and an apparatus and equipment is bo. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER lulu. 1031 Sunday School withdrawn, tt.00 mm: Worship Service, Minister In charge Evening service withdrawn. "oeNtbora-9.46 I.m.~Worship Ind siurtd..vrsch, Waterloo First United Church ll 00 mm In . Val Tilton, tho pmor. will punch QBITUARY mmanuel Evangelical Church alvary Evangelical Church SLJuohu SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER tttth, I031 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER IDIII. l031 Cor-n on. and Wu; 3:... _tr.t..u. (I... Kin. ad VIII-n a... Wan-Io. m.I.VALTILmlD.Hh Monday. T .ao.---uroMor C. E. a .a--Y-. Pet'lo'c Saucy. A cordial volt-MI. " I“ lmkom u.m.~Worship Ind SundlyaSchnM 2'hi.iiiitin at home."Thr'ee grnndehil- and . W idren also survwe. m Nan Dundee In Auguul‘ 1870, a so“ or the tale Mr and Int 000mg Lulu-mun Hll trttt, predict wed Mm Chariot Loo-unu- lmm an“: Ctttsrioo B Lotion-mu rim um! at the home at hits sol, Imam: Datum, " Manatou urea Tuesday, as me result or a mole mum-n41 m1 Friday Mr woman has m m. 651}. year He all born I His wife predeceased him two rye-rs .30. There survive two sons. Hilton of Galt and Samuel of Pres- ton, and one daughter. Miss Currie 'Post-ral services wilt be bold today IF'ridayt at , pm from the EM:- Im-hle.) Funeral Home followed by Inlel‘luvnl in Holalelter Cemetery, Nam Hamburg Tho remains wlll funeral Mrs, Gordon H. amalgam There passed away on Tum-lay Mrs Gordan H, Breuugam. " Bra. dn-I' mum». at St Mary’s Hospital. mm a mesh; Illness She was born III Park Head, Ont . Oct. sr, 1909 and was in her 28th year She was the daughlar at Mr, and Mrs George ttourke Park Head. sm" Is survival try her husband. llrr Inn-liner and father. one brother, Lin-yd Rourke or Owen Sound, and sh SIEHPI'S. Mrs Melton-d Anderson. Our-n Sound, Missal: Kmuy and Jean Rourke. (when Sound, Mrs, Jack Bell. KIu-hrm-r, Miss Elam-ha Rourke, Kttcheuer und Miss Thelma Rourke Toronto. George Martin One at Preston's best known citizens. 'George Martin. market clerk. died here Saturday afternoon “93an in hi? 7111: year. _ Funeral “How will he held pri- vutely from the Ram-Bechtel hm on. Home. Sriday al , plan, The lute Mr. Martin was born on a farm on the Kitchener-Preston highway and lived in Waterloo township where he farmed from 1898 until 1923 when he came to Preston to live semi-retired. He served for years as market clerk but his illness a year ago forced him to relinquish the post. _ _ _ Won {KNOW THAT The funeral of the lite John D. Werner, Clifford, who passed away last Wednesday, was held from his Ute residence on Friday afternoon. Surviving are his widow, one brother, Henry, three sons, Herb. of Ayton, Daniel and Henry of Clifford. three daughters. Mrs. D. Hollinger of Clifford, Mrs. S. Pong of Kitch- ener, and Lydia of St. Thomas. stll Faun] Service Sehreiter - Sandrock Limited FUNERAL HOME ist Benton St.. Filament“) the {manual home until the John D. Werner PM!” 00am.: »rq o-ov Whoa-n ..oht_r n-JvllluI-Iy

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