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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 1937, p. 2

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Miss Nellie mother al P Mr. Eo S. Conlter and Miss: Trene Cor faneral of the late Cadeilas.. Mich ; ad Thursday called con acreimber Gay aftermoon Mr. and Misojoh chuldren op Struthond affernoon at Mrof Mi s Jalm Mondy Mis Joim andl Kirssel o with Mrojand Hey A . Jolhnsh called on a mimben Mr. K. MeDowel] and Miss Irome Coulter spent the weekâ€"end with the latter‘s sister and Imshand, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jenner at Charing Cross. Mro and Mrs. H. Saze of Newton and Mr. and MYs. Lorne Matthews of Listowel spent â€" Sunday afternoon with Mrsc MA Reimwald Quite io mumber from here attendâ€" e anmiversiry service at Carthage last Sunday. Mrs. Rache] Mioahy or Chatham is visiting with her son, VUr Hey Mn cahy and Mrso Mulcahy Mr. Chas Iilrh,\ and son im of Hamilton cadled ic Mrs: Win. Monil ton‘s last Friday. Mr. and Mis. Win Wellesley â€" visited the ther Jast Snnday. Dr. and Mis. Marald Brirce of ‘FToâ€" ronto and Mr. Howard Gratzem of | Swift Current. Sask. visited at Mr. , Bert Wrax‘s last Sunday | Mr. and Mrys. Elgin Cozhlin and | daughter Jsob J. Mr Lawson c‘oghâ€"{ Iim and his meother. _ Mrs Auties | Coghgfn of ATwead visited at MroR., R. Hamilton‘s ;ooul other friends Jast | Sunday. ‘ Mrs.â€" Elen o Bur bourne visited \trs Mra. W. Blain lis: s Mr. anml Mrso N. sons Geerze gicl I, visited Mis. M A 1 day. GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Located in Steele‘s Optical Parlors. 96 King St. W. â€" Kitchener Mr. and M Winterbourne M. H. and Mi day. Kitchener Miss Hoberta Sparling of S Marys spent the weekond witk her friends Misses Amn and Ruth Wray. Mr. R. B. Hamilton aiud Mro Lind say Vogan attonded the anniversary service ato Havwhkesvile on Sumlay. Mr. and Meso Honiy Burnett of In a long printed report the exeâ€" cutive, headed by President P. M. Draper, reiterated its demand for compulsory holidays with pay for all workers, its opposition to comâ€" pulsory incorporations of unions, its stand in favor of amendments to the British North America Act, epposiâ€" tion to war as a means of settliny international disputes, opposition to conscription for military or indusâ€" trial purposes. . Glasses by Steele OTTAWA. â€" The S3rd annual convention of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada on Monday reâ€" ceived from its exceutive a report urging efforts to end alleged disâ€" Crimination in Canada against union workers, opposing any change in laws that would ease restrictions against immigration or curtail free passage across this country‘s b""l ders of International Labor Union cficials. | Labor Congress Asks Union Freedom W. G. SAHLI CE l C 200909 + +. 200C SP0H Inem with 4 tre trouble! Buy "pleasure insurâ€" ance"‘ . . . put new Goodyear * "Râ€"1" Tires on your car. They cost you less than any standard tire . . . give you more! ’-\ , & ,; wio P t *eun / s d \ ' M u\ 2 _A MA oA # »X VA .\\\. 4 ‘ e DP ~ Sm I | &" | | < & To | \ | © The "Râ€"1" has mileage |f P possibilities beyond any tire ‘\ v â€" .+. at or near its price. Be *®: oo iss wise â€"come in nn.lr:::: the F { y new "Râ€"1" today! \ v //// 4 i afp»â€"> 4 PAGE TWO PLEASURE AHOY! haes 6@ at MILLBANK Erb St. West ath «hy and »petih o s dy uind sons Leslie bembe spent Sunday c Jacoly Nadn ertecd visited her 11 last Thursday Burhictt cof | Wirter «dn o Chatham son. VUr _Hoy Mulâ€" ealy ts. A. MeBain ind | Snumnday afternoon. Nenman : Ruby id Llovl of Stratford Mr. R. MeDowell ter athended the D. W Cnrtis of Trow hridee last ‘OD *PYCEAR: ALLEN SHIRK & CO. Honry Burnett of ©â€"visitors of Mr. nmic Reid on Sunâ€" n lnstason omd | visited Sunday Tont hrerlord‘s s6yout Stratford Reiinwld last Pri m of Wardstille of friends Menâ€" (Familton of for mer‘s in ‘ommoarâ€"tmmmss= * _ for thirtsgt F. PRICE, Optometrist. years. Dowins off a sideroad on to the ‘4;,,1~ Preston hiigh way Thuraday Jozht James Pratt. Galt, was hit hy a car driven by J Stevrenson of the tGalt Iiumeh of the Rank of Nova Seotin â€" Another car following driven liy Miss M Moore: R N. of Paris hit the Stevenson car All machines were damazed the first two quite badly \ spent Sumday Oimas: Weber Mi and Aprs beane up north M Mn hecet igs T hisa Lei Mission Moouared Aprc cluddreno spent x1 Xboclins {me al Mr. Sidney snydet and thinchters on Sunday. Miss Lavlla Habn spent a few days 1 her home Mr. jJohn Sartder and family from E‘mira and Irvin Martin and daughâ€" terot Erbsville were Sunday visitors woth Afr. and Mrs. Menno Bowman. Israe} Frey, Conestogo, and family spent Siumday with Mr. and Mrsl Py ims sedf valtâ€"Proston icht James | mm odriven J valtâ€" hiuameh Mrs Mis ©® Picnics, vacations, weekâ€"end trips . . . don‘t spoil them with tire trouble! Buy "pleasure insurâ€" ance‘ . . . put new Goodvenr Itey, Burkholder of Breslan was a Vondary caller with Mr. Sidnoy Spyâ€" der. i folmer pastor, wi Mr. and Mrs. Schutz and Clayton Climale of Waterloo spent Sunday wirth Mr. and Mis. Harry Beckner. A iumber of the village people atâ€" benited Tthee special Evangelistic meetâ€" uzs held atothe Waterloo Baptist Church this week and all of next week. gay â€"_ Miss Hattie Wideman, only danghâ€" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wideman vas marrled to Mr. Wilfred Brubach vr of near Heidelberg, Tuesday afterâ€" noul al the §t~ Jacobs Menmonite Cimrch. A reception was held at the leade‘s home stter the ceremony a Loze nnmber of guests were present. Mro Clayton Ludwig was at the Koâ€"W, Hospital on Thursday to give v; his blood tog the benefit of the valfferers of Iniantile Paralysis. Mr. Win. R: hmond, | Plattsville, called on Mr. Issael Martin on Saturâ€" Mro ind Mrs. Henry: Stone and miuo? Norwich wore Sunday visiâ€" ts with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ottman,. Mr. and Afrs. Lou Grill, Mrs. Fred on cmomd and son Clare, Mr. and s SlmMe of Hespeler, Mr. and i. Enimanuel Lackner of Kiteh nC were Sunday visitors at the inc al Atr. Sidney snyder and : Lockhart‘s Offer f Upstairs Parking eW ons â€"_KIPCHENBDR Upstairs parking w ith wccommodation for 150 cars will shorlty be made available to Kitch ener busiress men by A. Lockhart w Coo Ltd ; Ontario street south. ‘The tep rloor of the new upper storey will vot be completed. but a wall will be buiiit around the roof and an eight tool ramp fto admit the cars will wllow cupstair® parking. Expected to be completed in about twn weeks at a cost of $3.000, the wreac will reliove downtown parking considerably, j I suaty ul CARS IN CRASH HAWKESYILLE td | United: Church anoiâ€" was | well attended. . The was decurated with gladiolas, zinmirs and other beautiful Iev. sSteward of Bellwood, i less than,any give you more! Waterloo, Ont. doseph Martin and sumday with Mr. and Marlin. Wallenstein. lhreld â€" Evangelisti ist week at the Gosâ€" Murray left for their is the guest spunk; ] ’ Mrâ€" and Mra_ Irvine Shoemaker and | daughter Verna of Floradale wrre Sunday @vesat« with Mro and \frs _ Orlando Rowman Mr oR hy spent Sunday with \r ond Mre : Alex O@wald Mr and vrs Theo ‘Howald apent the week end with frienda at Walkarâ€" ton MUr and Mrs Addison Rickert and sim Ross were Sunday guests with MUr and Mreâ€" W Helm at Erbaâ€" ville _ Waseq Sadie and Lydia Bergey of Ki hener spent the weekâ€"end with Flla Eekert Miss Margaret Kaster of Kitchenâ€" or spent the weekâ€"and at her home Mr and Mraâ€" Lloyd Rickert and family of Hespcer viaited with Mr and Mrs: Wm._ Woods and the forâ€" mer‘s father, Miâ€"C.0B_ Rickert on Sunday Misses Sadie and Lydia Bergey of Mrâ€" and Mrs Stanley Snider and family were Snnday gneats with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mra. Eph. snider at German Mills Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Woolner and Family wore Sunday giuests with Mr and Mrs: Gordon Waber at Natchez Mro anud Mrs. JGid Bachert visited virh Mro and Mra_ Moses Eby at Lexington on Siunday, \â€"_ Mroand Mrs. Albert Kort and famâ€" y and Mro and Mra. Henry Kurt atâ€" tended the duncral services of the latter‘s brother, the late Fred Morâ€" xenroth at Sebastopol on Sunday, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mra E. J. Devitt were Mr. and Mrs. Edâ€" ward Filsinger and the Misses Sadie and Lydia Bergey of Kitchener. | The pupils of the local school sucâ€" ceeded in winning a large share of the prize monsy at the North Dumâ€" fries Township school fair held at Wrigley‘s Corners last Friday, Donâ€" ald Fried obtained the highest numâ€" ber of points in the stock judging competifion, _ securing . the â€" shield which now hecomes the permanent property of the Roseville school, havâ€" ing heen won three times. Miss Cora Stager of Brantford spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Mro Eigin Perrin and Miss E. Perâ€" rin of Newmarket were weekcend anests of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Portin where Miss Perrin will remain for a fow weeks. Miss on Mr diy. Mrs. D. Morden of Blair visited Xrs. Morden at the home of Mr. A. E. Stoltz last Tuesday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Detweiler were Mr. and Mrs. Morley Battler and family of Strisburg. Dr. Burnett and Mr. Fobert Bond of Galt. Miss Kreatha Lang of GaJt called on Mr. and Mis. M. Veltch last Monâ€" Mrs_ W. E. Beattie of Preston visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J Hope on Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Shepherdson and son Wayne of Kitchener were Sunday gnests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen and waughter Winnifred of Tillsonburg called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Detweiâ€" ler on Saturday evening. Bessie HMope were Sunday visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. :Hallâ€" man of Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Edgar and famâ€" ily of near Ayr were guests of Mr. and MrS. M. Veitch on Sunday. Miss Elizabeth fReist of Williamsâ€" burg was a weekâ€"end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilborn and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. ialph Hilborn at New Hamburg on Labor Day. ~ Misses Onrpha and Alma Detweiler u1 Kitchener were Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hope. \ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Becker and children were visitors in Palmerston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hope and Miss wood and Mr. and 1. mily of Wellesley The U.B.CE. met in the church on suuday morning with Mrs. .C. Swarts in churge of the topic "Standing up for the Hights cf OQthers." The choir of Waterloo Emmanuel Church will provide a program in the jocal Evangelical Church next Monday evening, September 20, at 8 @clock. Mrs. J. Ritchie of Brussels spent several days last week at the home uf Mr. and Mrs. Melville Veitch. Wecent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilborn were Mr.J and Mrs. D. Erb and family of Kingâ€"| Church Services. Anniversary services wil} be held in the Evangelical Church on Sunday, Sept 19. beginning at 11 a.m. and 7 30 pim. The pastor, Rev. Grenze bach, will preach in the morning and and | Rev Dengis of New Hamburg will be the speaker in the evening with specia) music at both services. Peary Banmk for Schools. Inspector H. E. Elborn recomâ€" mended to the board that they adopt a system of penny banks. Principal McGregor spoke in favor of it and the board decided to secure more information for the next meeting. tion Urge More Bible Reading Members of the board, including trustees Braendle, Lowe and Ziegâ€" ler, and the principals, expressed themselves in favor of more readâ€" ing of the Bible in the schools. It was noted by several members that many pupils do not attend a Sunday School and the public school was the only place they received instrucâ€" grades Four township s rolled in the nint Elizabeth Ziegler townships will be $67 a year, less ten fee for each pupil. fee for the atten plained | thi payments local board from the i group. A nice increase in the amount of the grant from the Department of Education of $334 brings the total to $2,488. This was reported by secretaryâ€"treasurer M. E. Braendle at Monday‘s meeting of the Waterâ€" loo Public School Board. 1t was exâ€" $37,574 Salary Payments Enâ€" titles Board to a $2,488 Grant. for the Waterloo MANNHMEIM ROSEVILLE ch pupil. The n the attendance $2.50 a month. favor of more readâ€" ble in the schools. It several members that he increased salary $37,574 placed the a higher classification ninth Mrs. S. Roth and students school and the required to pay per cent., as the The nouâ€"resident dance at lower four THE WATERLOO (Ontario) CHRONICLE were : at and cent A joint conference of the Kitchâ€" ener Boards of Health and boards of the Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo and St. Mary‘s Hospitals will be arranged soon, at which the question of one isclation hospital for both instituâ€" tions will be discussed. This was | the decision made at the Kitchener | Board of Health meeting on Mon-l day. The Commission decided to furâ€" nish a water service to the Kitchâ€" ener Winery, 800 feet past the boundary on King East. The cost of $3,000 for laying the water mains will be paid by the winery company. are being presented with a nice gift package in the way of a fifty per cent. discount in their water bills for the last quarter of this year. This was the announcement made at the Kitchener Water Commission meeting on Monday. â€" Reductions were made possible through a heavy drop in expenditures. The discounts passed on to consumers will total $14,000. $14,000 Discounts Passed to Kitchener Water Consumers its weight in gold. My husband is buck at his job, thanks to Krusâ€" chen. The change it made is like a r:iracle."â€"(Mrs.) B. Two of the saits in Kruschen are the most effectual solverts of uric acid crystals known to science. They swiftly dull the sharp edges of lie painful crystais and convert them into a harmless solution, whwh\ is â€" then _ expelled â€";h;;;;gi'l "l.;l: natural channels. When her husband had been at Lome 20 weeks with rheumatism in his back, this woman began to think he would never work again. At last, she said to him: "Let‘s try hruschen," and the change that took place was, in her own words, "like a miragle," Here is her letter: "My hkypband is subject to rheu matism and suffered terribly with bis back. Some time ago, I had him in the house 20 weeks with it. 1 really didn‘t think he would ever work again. We tried all the difâ€" ferent kinds of saits you could menâ€" tion, but none of theim did him any {tvod. Then _1 said, ‘Let‘s try ruschen.‘ Since then, we have proved Kruschen Salts to be worth JOINT ISOLATION HOSPITAL Wife At Home 20 Weeks With Rheumatism iÂ¥ Water consumers in Kitchener Never Work Again. When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the public, take his number, make a careful note of the avtual time and place, and when you reach your destination write to the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronta, giving full details. We do not invite reporta of minor infringements of the traffic lawa; you are requested to use sound judgment. We will deal adequately with offenders. Ontario Motorists Will Coâ€"operate COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED! If you are a reckless driver travelling the Ontario passing on curves and hills, endangering the lives of yourself in serious trouble. The appalling death to who are responsible for it will be put off the roa are watching you ; so be forewarned ! If it hadn‘t been for a foolhardy, reckless would have been avoided. As it is, one : undertaker‘s parlours and two to a hospi is hopelessly crippled for the rest of his life YOU‘LL BE IN TROUBLE IF YOU DISREGARD THE LAWS THIS GHASTLY TRAGEDY HYDRO ELEETRIC POWER COMMISSION Suppose it were your loved one being made ready for the climax of this _grim struggle with Death. fAnxiously you await the outcomeâ€"hoping against hopeâ€"praoying that these men in white will not fail. Your heart is in their hands, but all their skill, and all their specialized knowledge would be powerless should those operating room lights go out at a critical moment. . But those lights will not fail . . . nor will the power to operate the many delicate electrical apparatus used in modern surgery today. Outside the operating room is an organization of highly trained Hydro men, whose duty it is to see that nothing is allowed to interrupt Hydro service, and to be ready for instant action in any unforeseen emergency. The service which Hydro provides to, and widens the scope of, medical science in Ontario is the same service that brings so many comforts and conveniences within the rooms of your own homeâ€"lowered 3 ~â€">â€"â€" production costs to industry â€"greater utility and facilitie "3‘/' iE P to commerceâ€"a greater measure of prosperity to all in Ontario. â€"3J* i. The Hydro of today is striving to extend the benefits of é'{ > /'”'!! low cost electricity everywhere in the Province, and to f’/./,/ C / making every effort to still further reduce power costs. nc ns un o tg e o s â€" T sn en noey fis a partner in this gigantic enterprise you vitally interested in these efforts. elling the Ontario highways, cutting in, gering the lives of others, you will find appalling death toll must stopâ€"and you ONTARIO road! A thousand e-yes ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Motor Vehicles Branch should be Friday, September 17, 1987

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