CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT In Kin. Chronicle tlla-fied, Cost 80 Little - Use Them CHIROPRACTOI ' 44 VIE“:- st, - Wank. DR. w. R. WILKINSON BOUGHT _ SOLD - FINANCED Dental Pe"' So. our Burg-inn lint. Gradtgata Plume! " Ind Toronto. , on“; " [i'il'i','i'i. w., mum-m 'ENIroN ST. MOTOR suns (over Homo . y Cafeteria) " Benton St. - KITCHENS! '"""'er, ,'rlhtd 33m filiintp, , - - w are in iclte . F , Pinon-2 Oiriee 1927.1; RM. assue) Used Cars on. J. _Tr. KéQEX. I. J. HOFFMAN. D.S.C. Wt - Foot spaci-liol Gradtahto of which Collage of Chiropody Ola “can: 10 - " can. 1 - 6 pan. Evening: q to 8 pan. Toleâ€?! - "lt Kill St. E. "A tune 8t. a. - Plan!» “an D. 8. BOWLBY, ILO., BARR1STER, Solicitor. Notary Public Ind Con-‘ toy-near. one: " Queen St. N.., Phone 682, Kimhouer. Ont. l Imam a, M"TR, â€mamas†Iva-slum 611on mu: ----------------- _ J Briton Brichlun. Prop A. w. 3008. M.A. new AND USED BICYCLE! Bari-ten 'tsh',',',; etc. Acts-union am Fun NIUr B in Elm! Mll- on Washing Muchlm. All [In St. E. - Phone 1881 leI now". My has... “and". an Kitchener l, Kay: "a. _.------------------------------' lkykl hand by Hour at Buy any & EBAY. m... 2rt I59 In... S. F, - Pinon. 332m. on. ttggt's'.e."ts,'e " fl: _ --.-- Ptfltre I ' .5 . . . I New an sed Bic 'cles W' Bf"... koiit 2H? Quintana "" , ' II. â€- "WV. cuan'rtnn ACCOUNTANT ALEXANDER GARAGE (W in WW†J. W. Heinrich. Prop. " King tttmet But 3min on All Hake. of Can. Phone )6 It - Kitchener "urs Wndaed, Greased and Stored =============a====H=== tt Willi-- St. E. - WAIOIIOO l Phi. "s. Ros. 526 BROOK & W It, G. R. Brock and) M. B. Weir, i1'ltlttit Hunter " King 'tch-; “at, Faiiura 4080. ‘ GWENT,BATTIN a “THAN. "w ollcu. Bank of Toronto PROFESSIONAL CARDS‘ l, W! I CLARK Burma. So . Not-r! Public and um We " I. Ania: Bt. Tli'w'ohu" TdiauF. - “Ii at.; W.. “winner. PM†IPS. _ "latte .'u'M.'uf..WJ.tte t o . "e... e no 329; 'iriiti 'ltaft SKI.“ tet Kitchener. Ontario. JAIEB C. MIGHT, 1tl."g,',fek Solklwr, Notary Public. num- mor. on. Money to loan. one. Bank of igontremtide..Wauriiro. 77â€"15“ m b " - limos"): W t th In... I‘- - - _ " King St. , pp. ou wot 'I ttttat..' in“ anus-I och Kitchener ------ - - Telephones: __ -- _ ,‘_.~.~m uw*c_md-u kWh-udmw HAROLD E. PING a-a.-.-.--. cut 'tt."aqr.rtuNTauL' _.L- LEO G. LATCHFO RD, BARRIBTER and Solicitor. New: Public; Bank of Commerce III a... l In; St. Eng Eitethner, olophone MT, lbs-Mame "oo Hahn". anus. IclNTOBH. SCHOFIELD I tin". Bani-urn. Solicitors. "e.; gang.) A"! Blaming. " Kin; GORDON nan, gown-moan. law once. Inn! ox (ammo ttlite . 15 Km Shea nut. Ki that. Phone 2810. than". Solution Convey-neat. "m indGonm'y-m' " [his Bt. Wed Pin. 1000, _- In. 1786' mm m â€DING _ R. S. C. STALKER Barri-Mr. Sollcltor. Notary. ch 60 King Strut PM! “khan", Ontario Tolohono 1574 -iriiriiau. -'" EA. " Queen St. s.. Kitchens- Plum 528 It.“ Vat. Toliph‘én; au". FOOT SPECIALIST HAROLD L DAUFIA‘E I -GGaGdi"sGi'ii into books, -. tUBettor. "M W [uni-ling Club â€a... Suite-u CHIROPRACTIC PM†MM one. " " Frederick St. Indiana DENTAL [ (a... Bunker am.) ---e---- - Can handle your most perplexing Imomr cu problem. After one trent- G. L BRIEF-[NEE ment your cu will run like new. DagttMt _ Rates reasonable. m _ m--- “a“ I2] Hull's his - KITCHENEK kia-. tut. Wan-loo Tel} " 158w “our†Per, trAUTOS FOR SALE i"iii. win. " 2 AUTOMOTIVE l New And Unod , . PARTS FOR YOUR CAR l WATERUOO AUTO PARTS l T In King St, s. _ 9h... 33m otrrrtoPA'rHy AWN “lump, oateoeN, Evorrthua Far Your Cu GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY N.- ..d UM Pgm. " PM St. Ono-it. on, H." 8 Want se. s. - Kitchener (A! King St.) Welding - Radiator - Body Repairs USED CARS BOUGHT - SOLD - FINANCED TWIN CITY AUTO PAINTERS New and Used Bicycles 323 Kin: "lt: _" Pe-ee $8.50 and up. In“. . _ Acceuorioo. Parts .IIII Repairi-l Nh'W ("LSON FURNACE ‘Geo. C. Kramer Bicycle Shop Keep Comfortable This Winn. l " blu- St. l - thf'†LOW PRICES -. my TERMS Out of the high rent distrurt., For further pnrtieuUrts nee his... ot down and Surgery Phone Iâ€. Item siiazw-. tittre'i, 209 “edit-l Arts Bldg, Kitch- AUTO PAINTERS 1936 Teran-ne Cold: with trunk I935 Ply-oath Sod-n 1935 Terraplalo Coach with ' 1934 Hudson Odin MFSt Buick Speck] Sedan I929 Studebaker Sedan 1928 Essex Coupe 1927 Doll-III Sad-n 1921 Pontiac Coupe The colour of your car matched perfectly. GEORGE M. RUPPEL AS Glikol St. - Kitchener keep It New With UK A. L CAII’BELL has: Arta 'IIS: '50†13.8 - Kite em to Quac- 3!. S: J. C. Lehmann BOOKBINDER " Quoon St. N. - Phone 2688 Kitchener 3..“ Kin. St. Ban. Kitchener Slurp Inlay A Rnrldan, R. Knorr I Wat. tum Kit. 3520 Kit, 2773M Rubi-din. Books. "m B Bil-kn, Hymn and Puyerbooln . -ciutr. Mam Add more books to your home library by having your fov_orite Ph- etc. Prices rensonnble. Goods called for and delivered, Jun buy I .89r pound tio of En?†Health Salt Rofnwhmg and coo lug. At Commâ€: Drug Store, 400 Km. E., Kltthom-r, Phone if“. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Of All Kind» FISHER & CLEMFAt GARAGE 'otau. Club â€a... Suite-nu. Pearl Laundry Co. P w 'ir'.ciiiiiiiiiiic- W.-. _ er. Ives. . av... it Cutting, Cleaner? and tty em Fat-ink. Emailing, Sell]: _ Rug hhampooeru ment, Humming m 0....- " Q pl“..- Artto Arm-lut- Sunnulon. Gin-II" and “who _ _ -. h JL . Phone 3878 for An ohm In. Phone 3738 Kitc â€â€œf mum's 3mm? 'l'atl'at “A Mother's Carr In all Ynu Wan†" gin. Beret Was. she‘s.†DECORATORS PAINTING AND DECOR ATINC Dobbin Garage Kilchener PM" 114 _ Kink-Int BOOKBINDING SEIGEL‘S GARAGE - Waterloo WE BUY USED CARS FREE GLASS TI TMIH .I'IR Burial , Ileaning DEL’S CYCLE SHOP DECORAT0RS BICYCLES “DIGNAL URI IGGIS'I‘S CLEANING KITCHENER oiriee 406 Phone BMNt my sUTriETiLAND . SCHULTZ i Kitchen“ . GUM I morons POI SALE r E known 1,hitggNiti; 810.00 nnd u . Doha p a tahrn in an age, htbin Gut-‘0. Kiel LADIES‘ a cum? CLOTHING CURTAle, Duran. Eu. iiiiiiiiiELii:iitjirE Sewing Machines, Drop Halls $8.00 and up Guaranteed Repairs to all “on. Waterloo Sewing Mncmue Shop " Kin. 5., W-torbo Phone 131 Heintzman piano in good condi- tion, and one Victor Victrols. A bargain for quick sale. Apply 25 Duke St., Waterloo. 71-2 opporrimily White Leghurlm and Barred Rock pulletr, ready to lay. Apply E. o. Gingerich, Baden. Phone 64. FARM FOR SALE I I I arms of first-class land, near. ly all clear, vxcept ten acres of ftats, with spring' creek running the year Inllllll; buildings in good shape; burn 55mm. struwshvd 36x42, con- crete sluhling with running water; new drive shed 30x40, with can. crete tioor; stone house with kitchen and woodshed; farm, fences and buildings. in Ai shape; location on highway almul c, miles north of El- mira; hydro available within 200 yin-uh; prirr and terms reasonable. A""' particulars apply at Signet Uf- tice, Elmira. "ir-h'.tf. Yul-r yen†um We M-rtrd lil- unit. III thr., wry aunt-un- price. Ind Io nun: peorrte have when adv-nilgc " lt that In haw .I.-.~uh--l " r-ny on " this wed-l priro. We have also .n ndllililmal Invite " \‘m-uulu rteroairrte hm " ninth with q'Ft'ry rebuild it"). ,1 vatECTRICAL Humid-I “I Hutu-g Phone â€I, - Ros. SIG†323 King St. W. - Weâ€. Ont. 41Q-ugsgs. gm... Clue Diebold. Prop. 200 King WP", - Pic-o I'hA RE'h' FLOWER SHOP A. STRASSBURGER " "Cl“!!! St., Watch». Pic-o “7) Repairs on All Make: of Fun-cu. Flowers telegraptsed Inwhue. In... kunilh shop and equipment thtisiuv. xilrage in good {arming mm limmunahlv Ierms. Good up». , mun Flu-II Irittpie, unnum- n TO-t Artistic Field Design for all Occuio-o "m Breilhupt St. - “(donor Manufacturers of (Sunburn Built Furniture and {lop-in. Ogilvie Sine" Hair lid Scalp Preparations nnd Treatment; " King St. W. - "on. " Kittie." Smoky Furnaces! unnunxr COMPLETELY For "My “450 -__ WIN-r "hum-r. M. rum-nun! woe. (Hutu-l. Oman. _ Spin†It†a... 'BMA Clâ€: "ar, WA" or “Heel. = lit-wot. ; Put-I. "e; - .1. 202 King E., niche-or. M In annual housework “Sleep in. Apply “.4 m» l hrnnh In " 76t-7t-.86 Agents for PEASE Finn-ecu" E. P. KII'ISWE'I'I‘ER Rn-lmhh- Kirl tor gnnnrnl hours work Apply Iâ€. Allan St. Welt. Waterloo, Phone 456. 70-1 JONES BEAUTY PARLOR ELECTRIC MOTORS /\ A Now and J." -r:iiaa mama ai,odu. gum. HA1RIDRES9NG Phone 3378 for Appointmggt.‘ Gut l"' midmtmrrd wt)le fer HELP WANTED LUXURY UPH0LSTERrNG co. an. wo'ma mums-mun Kitchener Dye Works FOR SALE FURNITURE FURNACES WA LTER‘S BEAUTY PARIBR FLORAL I504 - Roe. - For Free Estimate. TEE QATIILOO jut-do! CHRONICLE Ila-vi; SALE 68-9-70-1 "" “I. India-Minus worker-l Belt 200 has mecca-itin- and mute your livin‘. Strict cash terms. No rink. Experience unnecessary Work in re-ved territory and make 3: much as $35.00 weekly. 700 deOsra from coast to coast am that living this way so CAN YOU! Particuhrn FREE; FAMILEX PRODUCTS co., 570 St. Clement. bi, Montreal. " Do-inio- in. Ala-nus. Co-puny “cod 06cc: Waugh», otst. Fire D. A. Bean Insurance Agencies Do Expert wisVcs" sud Javel- loty Repairing u! Indetl.’ [bl-icon. The Swiss Jeweller clocks um! jewellery. Also I complete line of Watches. Clocks, etc. " Benton Sim! - Kiwi (Opp. Walter Feed Store) Estltishod was ASSETS OVER 8|.500.000 Govern-non! Depot“ . 900.000. DIRECTORS Community Auction Sale 10 mm. every Saturday. Livestock, Implements. or what luve you. -- Sell your surplus for cash. F. J. Siomor. Prop. - Phonic [1141' 0-1.: Run-pol - - fwd s. Ku-pl - W. I. Btizln - _ Wm. “culprit": _ F, H. Maser - _ P. V. Wlluo- _ _ Pigs Bought - Sold - Etch-god. "envoy? lWSEMLEXEPPEEE ciaiciiPiw, HEIGHTS FARM 6-9 tban. - 44 pm. 1232 King E.. Kink-nor. Ph, "tor. Foe CuIs. mun. Bruises, Kicks. Pull. Sci-Icing Thruuh. ck. Also good [or Hum-nu. H. K.WILHELM HARDWARE J. Maggi 5:99:0- as King st.F0ihftoriLi, no... no N " T l c E I IRWIN'S CREDIT JEWELLERS 259 Kin. St. W. _ Kitchen-r Pay More for Your Old Gold and iv. ii Wench: OFFICERS W. G. Weld-ti _ _. - Futile-i J. "reerd Sill-plan - Vutd’Lesidt-l J. A. Finch" - _ - Secular, C. IL Bumpel - _ Tran-urn E, E. lolhlrne’ » Snpl. " Ale-tie- fi, J: Heof Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Horses. Cows, Young Cattle ("awkward I. Kitchener) For the gown Stove or Heater Sunder " Mt:", and I‘ll-o: Shh! tor he hung?- -___ on. " l 0 d'tadd St. SAVE MONEY o. Your PAINT and WALLPAPER Require-onl- I. KITCHENER PAINT & WALLPAPER co: m Kin. I...) A Iguana" KmjiitTtuiii -iiiJttNER co. C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED Agents: Great-West Life Ame. Co. - Automobile .. Acci: MISS ANNA R. BEAN Teacher of Piano, Singing and Theory. Private ind Glass Instruction. Studio»: tt Roy St, Kitchener. Lone [171". MINERAL VAPOR IIA'I‘IIS SCIENTIFIC Svldinh “tango Health Ther.pbt. MARVEL OIL BURNERS KITCHENEI L. HUIIEL I... Nun. In»... MO I Kh- Strod In“ _ Kink-or Kitchener Sales Stables Docs In expert repair job on any king 9f winches, INSURANCE tr, on! - alocln'lyuh mural. on “In and with. Na and u it can...“ by that - blond-Inn (Minn-doll ".. JEWELLERS OIL BURNERS Chant. “CID-OI. Registered l).l’.A. Phone 4429 IO Kin. W.. Kitchener. SALESMEN LIVESTOCK "Murmurs BALSAM or MYRRH SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Permanently R.erovef PERSONAL butriet Aguil- ROSA BROWN. MC Rom: 530 MUSIC Earl Putnam For tho No. Into-o Earhruro Age-I PAINT Asioeia tee Pint. ONT. ROI. 4359 KITCHENER l-upcc has Wank-o Wplevh-o Kitchener Wltnlon Wa lo. Indoc- Wu "In Water loo Accident _ Phono 70! Man'- Fully 'Nettood. an" d-ie, nearly 0y. Thoroughly you over Ind weed. Mule moth-ed. Beautiful Mush lug- M to choose from, From 879 m up. . CARL HEIN'NMAN In Schmu- Ltd. - KITCHEN“ Phone 194 AUTOIATIC WATER PRESSURE PUMP in than†and wot. H... yuan-I3 in" u- ymu Mum. and â€may of mue- tor our cull: Ian-m " Auto-nun Plenum- h',',',','. on â€an: fan- on Special Representative "Simpson's" 235 King E, _- Phone 3124 The A. M: Wilson Co. KITCHENEI BRASS FOUNDRY 30 allurio Street s. - Phon- 7“ KITCHENER Hessenauvl;& Shantz Whether BUYING or SELLING . FARM FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY KITCHENER REAL ESTA“ - INSURANCE - LOANS Phone TOO Near Watvrloo. Frame house and burn. llydrn throughout. A bargain! To wind up Joseph K. Shinn Estate -- House No. 49 Menno Street, Waterloo, is otrered for sale at sactifiee prion Closing Shin u Estate " King s. Hearn Roofing Co. EO. HOIISE’S SHOE STORE “a REPAIR SHOP SHOE REPAIRING Phone 925 b'. x P E " Radio Repairing ALI. MAKES Radios Repaired King and lretttAte A Ihooo "" 207 King St. k. - Kilrhener Now use! Uued Thou. “Jinan, All the. in stock. We Fix Flats - Vtsiranizing â€3 King St. E., Mn: Irv-u. on all “to ot PM REAL ESTATE " ll'. Anything In Rootu. "We no It†Fl, L. "earn, Manager 305 King St. W. - Kitchener Phone-z "TS, Res. ass Farms For Sale Goodrich - Goodyear - Fin-hm. Deni-io- BARGAIN PRICES TYPEWRITHHS SUPPLIES gm! REPA|IS Duphrnnng and Adding Mnrhmen, P_ilirttt Valuing}. 'tr"yy_luhsr'u gun TIRES & TUBES 665% dttid,, Outfitter, m. " Qnoon St. S. - Piano .1. Kikbolor Goodrich Silvertown Stores A. K. Cressman Raul Baht. In! Inn-um Io: KING sour“ Waterloo King St. S. - Anywhere - A Anytime. All work guaranteed. For Sale mid Exclungo. -- KtTCHENF,tt Local Tire Shop In Runner“ Over an Years. TYPEWRI'I'ERS J. W. SAUNDERS Tubes Wed free, E. K. "EARTH san Woolly Pay-out- Bender’s Truck Tires PIANOS RADIOS LitLtir_ttrlrtri._tet1 ROOFING 3 Al IRES Sent-Ilia. Tito Depot WATERLOO. ONT. "s - 258 Kin. W. KITCHENER W AT ERLOO PIA“ Kitchener Limited Now and Ucad The 59 Frederick St. Phone “I TBI Mos J " “cannula "an Hamlin-d Iunn.- [lulu musing .st Mr Will tint mm a at l-‘cuubauk Mrs W 5n)" ot Mtletotou m um! um Mu A J Hatrotr and Mr Rum tie all Ur and Mrs MAI-dd Tame: 4m] baby “all, Lou or new.“ Mud Mrs Hester 'rattttt" “sued Mrs c " Imlmr- at Holkelnllc sauna.» I: aud M's (when new at trates mun “and at ' ttttttte "Cttu. tur mm a lnulhrr MI W T Mull] Mrs,, "touta T‘s-nun ban “durum! uotue ullrl nprlnllng u... "ost runplc: u. ww-ka null hm lnulhrr, Mr Har- nld Tun-urn dual Mn. Tanus" .II ltr hull “I: l‘luu Yugau and Llllldnrlt who ltuse. brad] “Mung Mm 'ogau'ts "sie-trin, “I And Mm “In I‘oghlin, ILâ€. n-nnnml In sham-ad Mcss b. Inmhalmuh» m Swain“! "mm thr. lmllulay ~\""k1-l|ll vulh " Ialnc-a he!“ Mr J In sum.†h,†pl‘vavlll “51L mg Ins sash-I. Mrs |,Ivmg.~.lnuu at I'ort Rowan Mus w sum ot Milset'tou is at [prawn a gut“ of Mrs A J Ma: run Mud MI " Sun! Mrs Everett (‘ughlm mull (mama hr“: mun“ class this week-end, XII». Hacel McC'u'.luut spout [In rum and .1! hr: hunn- d! "ution Mr JIAI. Mrs Jos li-tity .uul mm- ity m.- nun-Inn“; ml]. nwml~ 1n " "",ouauia Ur and “In Wits uvNald, .uul Una Iivla \lnNMnh n "osrlooot1 \lmhd Sun-Lu “In. Sl,. and ur, thun Wkly Il I _ V: MIA) Hy Alp u, "ml Its- W.tllrrr, \Irll.m.~ll v, "win-u \Iu-llnnvll um] Miss hm“- t'ortlieu "iicudot th, Jump: at I"uld~ Link qtit Tum-Lu un-uinLu tit hull-u 1-! u, and tlt, Inâ€: uirsxt.ll, ttrs w T livid Isis, nunullrll [Huh .1 visit “ilk MIMI-1.x .II Pt. |:-n\.u.. |mulni|.--. Pt I'uxlmln., “Winn-I, :ml "atuiltott, Hr .m-i Mrs ('rml G Tun-u Jul lului‘) and Mt and Ylrs, Humid A, THIN!" um! "anr',ltter of Ilvlru’n ipl‘lll Hm “m4. --ml “uh lhvix “mm-1'. Mis H A Tatrtter, All .nnl Mrs Iltsy ILIHAIMIIIM‘ .nnl lamih "f ID‘UUi’ .IH- “dun: "tth tite. [mun-rs Inn-nu u, um Ut-, Thos. lLuulu-I tity Ursa F' I" I'M-1H h Immlull irl'ttw a mum IP'. I'vlull'll hum-x Mr and Mrs ' " huh visiItut “iâ€! Mr, H'wll for IIII- p.15! In“ M, Jill] Mrs Jul-u lull :u'v \i~iliu.- Ill-~ix “nu-x: Unrulhx .IIIII Imlwl Gm) o-rr-ttily \isilul Iii-Huh ut Lunch-n, Kirliton StitWa. Urs,. “In 1tclit- .Ilnl Mis â€Iliill In.» ol' 'I‘munlu .JIIHI nll In. nah: 4-H Smith} Urs LLIx/h- W"tr.on 'lt .qul M s Ji.. Wat.suut or lb-Il'uil ~|wnl Snmlu “In “I "rurry Ncily, Thr. nun) rrisnuly, of My, â€ml: Thr. Illilll) [rimuls oi Mr, Hn:h l-“pu'mnIL all old ..Inl Itiehly tu-rl- rd “mi-[rut ox 'rtit 1ill.rur “H! [w <urn In I-uun In. IS ul iros'm1 " I'll- livlll m Ihv Grimm} llnspiLII ',tl Sham-ml, nu whim or." Lu: “le lu~ sum-“ml " frm-mrml nun and choul- si, r " Years Ur, HI Glt an! _ s,rrtiiy-iil'llt 3.1.. 1:â€! A', .I'III I- '.;tliov; lvHulh IT" nun.) happy Sui-uh) xisurors ut tln. lull-m or' Mr, .nul Mrs ('II;|I'I~‘~ Ilznhlmll nor-- ltrs Wm llvimgwl. Miss \lnri.» "r-ittt- lwl. Ut Auivo â€Mun-v], Miss- td.: .uml P.euiliit â€MM-MI~ It, .md Mir, (In it "ioNIriert and mun!) m â€1+ "so"ic, Mr, .uul Utr, F.mtl ticlriu dry and mum) ot III‘.|I ILIIqur-s Mt' and Ills Hull’wu t'witvr-l Miss A Arnold sisitrrd nilll [UNI-h o", Groul1cn nu Sunday d]! and Mrs Nr-lsr," Hm .|:~ Ir,timaitirut M, .md Il » ipr,tit. ..‘ (“mull-m nu Sunday d" and Mrs Nu-isuu â€midi. ortiutaitirul M, .md Ilrs Suluniclt u. ||.~nl--Hu-~,.- to " tum" l-Ixhihiliml um s.cnolux Tlt, SI Jul-H's LIIHII-I l.I-.I:I1 " “with rumsl nu Flinn) .- n~mh “as ulhmlml In III-‘nll 1h. SI Inn-Ix Ludw- 1".an l. "uoott llr u, and Mis IL-Ju-Il "tol sou At I'uuu of â€MIMI-IV NY. Misrss J.iti.c 1sssrIst -II Wotsulero.rrtd u, \U'Iun Inn,†nu Jul l.ittr. "rrr'itt ritod,ts a.tit H? In"? uvy Julm Krupl' ues Mn!†serxlct ul Fytci,'irt M, \_IIuII tsith, isud Itt Il.nuiil Sl, irurss--ott "I (I.ul~lIiL| slutil Sun-Ln .nl "I lmIIICUY “I and HM “Allin-1 Sui-W M, .unl Utc. Wti, bylcn, .unul Wrlrort .n-I u, b'.lttrct Hoh; MIL-JV .m.l Wrlrt I'll. u, HIM-4 I human , I, ml." lnhn Non" ues Hum“ I quill " l'\\ riots; uni Hm Joel tt' ttt "ud Urs luuLI-x.‘ "ttrl tl, mind†.01 ttar, tt m hon-u H "unlsur 'sr.sireiH tlie with the _trteseS-Ptttt'm, and Mrs Wal.lace M, '1!lluullt‘ “ml Mrs J. Mclt I, “up mush "t Mrs ull Sun-Ll) M tit u ‘. trt Sun-I,†" It: " lit,, .lullu â€mu u, Jud Itl. 5:. bl tl M "I Il, vulu l<2\hl)m SY HESSEN ROAD Itt IdI-h-‘nu-I rs'st um. sum ttr tlt .IIId M, Ill.-" HM "tlah/hoo' M JOBEPHSBURG tt lo, tire n1 " In SJIIu "o “I I , Young. ttul M, 4 . HI I'IIII Jumlul I: .Lluuln " and», “Hymn-L, pa; um: “I and um W Phat, Inn 1.4m†a lllullllu‘s al.u .l 'lt anuhfiu avh'lHJid'd Itis Inlrllnl.n LNI F'ruiuy 'rv" llllHHn'!‘ u! fri, wk ..n|l--n| In s-hrs-ttU h-‘ivi join in “I‘llilL' him join in hirllnl.-}.~¢ lk <ttttr Nu! h I‘ll"! \lrlhnu-Zl -ll am] Miss hr!“- xlxsmm at Fhrot, srusittur, tit hull-u m Us Dunn-IL tulert .Im “mil-n of In: ml Mrs w, T days uni buy on link nu Mr J, M " h ll Il M “I HM!†â€Jinn H M " h qun of Mn AIK- nl Sum] " \l M l uh tF, Ido" hl M, "i ( EXCURSIONS d Pass'. mum-n:- an" no“: uhl‘ glut.“ " Jraaw knhuh‘ and Ulhw (Admin! Y.AN null Hunt csusutug, l ,..HlH-5 tur, autumn“ m r.~hal\lluhuu Jill. M4 JI".‘ ILnuumInl “cl W rwtrr" a mu. 1rit In.» tulle Toetc "Mr"err ot WWW. tu, ' PI ot beâ€! Church In“ ll Hu‘ mun. ot nu. Emu] “and run .., pumm nu mum mended m an“ aui itss n1 Mu pnumdoul Mum trlrisltt 6"'1 a nu; lunpuln‘ my“. in. “pm, u. liiotoita Tutu muv "vt.4. numln A) will noun, “who lump “HA ‘4an In) Ju-nar Hammond. “but“ .tutt mm" (.mmiu A Wino" ADVERTISING In The CHRONICLE PAYS. ‘l tr 1'th "urrlisory ul' Huyd mm " “i I [w hull] smut“. October " “Kym 1:1. Mr, lurks or Klora , A â€vi-luv: w-xviu-s at ll a.m. and A! p m “rillllt-l‘s of thes Mooretieht x.’lml 1 in". it rltstir wilt provide mmL .. mug. al hum WITH-vs, U, uml Mis. Wtrt. wilful-II and sun Mann: tlc .m-l Mis â€urn-y Hacks 'l â€I'll ".tuul_ \‘c-rllu visit-W! at .wnlnln Srlunrhlvr's in Kilth-ner t yummy. tit, um! Ins. (‘hau‘h-s Istps and r), ’Ju'w Valniru. of lx’ilrhc-nrr visited r Cr, Inlkllv u_ Arthur Rank on 'o'ute (le M M WESTERN CANADA u u, , huh [nun awning, Touch; ' IE' mus nu» alumna“ In horlhclu Kal' human and Manitoba a) -.r Hamumlnl “ch V5 o MaWet t" " 'airs â€In Hh- [annals oi Amu- _mt l, m." 'u", v rm, Srplwnbcr In, mm m “mu ai tue homo ul um I , I .Hup-nnk suuuta tir «a luxnlnlultv‘ Hm A “allmuaud l I,“ L; _ a}. Finn-m; and â€mu Am. smgmg " Inn-u I tut/4nâ€. lullmlhhuu " Lot-Iliad u “my ""rr" “manual by null-o CANADIAN PACIFIC M \l H \l aHlt lurlnl Re, “ml-i SLEEPING CAR PRI_VILE(_}ES M 'r tl Tnumm: City Pun-en‘er Agent 120 King St. W. - Phone 58-5 Kitchener, Ont. Goiurt: SEPT. 18 to OCT. 2 lit-turn Limit W. " DAYS special Bargain u .ll APPROXIMATELY ONE CENT PER MILE It. luluh also on sale. [nod imr-- Immu drown; (us a! nppmxim-lely tl " pvr ook, plu- rerour born. In". pmlm and >|andard sin-pill. can II ....w.m....m~Xy I52: I." nah, plu- osrotla, se." m berth (In "po M TO ALL STATIONS IN In†partir ulurx from any agent ii Cut_.c kl mi M' 1nd “I lla lam 11“..“ng a. “A“! dlivljdt-d Ike c.N.e, l '1 ut-odor. " Good m Coaches only bl u In“! a Wm ilis It ilt't Miss L.illl‘.l. Mr, and â€Air q-vn' Sunday "rettitrg “In ttirtlill in NVwtott. Csiu Tol', and rhildrvn ot - hdhal :um' Sunday and _ oir'u Wm, Vows. i IPs ('nxnplmll Shaun. t'l.t. was “inn Toronto um um. attended the J'" d ot \‘41.cnalelu {lulu m; spun-sand by [he Lill- a Lhuuln, ' 1' U. an Juhn L. Han-“mum, limnmghuu and Mes. L. od “I m. Uoute ul m. yslucoood on Thursday Jw _ b'oryd Fisuer and sun sl '.o.upcrti 'ttother. Mrs, Il Ur " In: tt vs \l In H [mu-h and grand- “I. All“ Jimusy Buitner of .mtul a! the honm ot um-md nu Sunday: ' Sllidu‘) of Kitrm-um' ILn “Ill. “rs Wut. Wil~ in le Nahum-“1.3. l., m human aud um a 1tcs T human; Lenka“, Mann; "uit mm“) ot pvht hustle†mun“); [I Il hl A S Thais " u v. M. WOOD " nd unuiuusury of Huyd Plum“ rLanl (Hm " ite Non \qupl Inn-x ; UL Baum Creek. Honing nub Wm. Fwd Hunuam and 12-41), oi' strattord In ot' A w. Itcuuie PAGE KEN! Ill ul Torouio visit- Miss Ruby Ward n "l ml -x uud Voil nr 'Y Hastings and aint Mrs. simun n~IIm| will: Mr, It.trdstrit "" Sun- .....| g...“ \m In»: -m1r"HV. (In! . Hun-go, ttrosc, nlvnullut via ‘mw unlv Ge-outs tun-“mud In! J Fun-Luv]! ot wk I'llll visitors Tltos, Birming- itivmiitzhant ‘mrLIh-ll visit- nu Sunday. .nnl Lnuily “I I HI Kilrhvlmr nu Sunday. ot' London % ith George J hunt "r Ticket. mung at Port v. llnl . mud went; St h Sn- Marin '.rt \u!l.|"1'l' wsth Inn