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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Aug 1937, p. 2

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it.' '. MIA-name: t, Ferguson wilt appeal to the Alberta's Premier Aberhartl people at the end of three years was outmanoeuvred by Rt. Hon.‘ in omee. Mackenzie King, Canada's pre-: The election may be set atlmier, when he was asked to! any time and the Hepburn dehy putting into effeet legise: Cabinet should not be blamedllation to 1%h'ld,'di', until the if it follows the precedent set Supreme Court passed on theI by previous governments in up- matter. Announcement by Premier Mitchell Hepburn at his nomi- nation meeting at St. Thomas indicates that an Ontario elec- tion will be held "in the near future" which is taken to be the latter part of October. The Government has over two years to so before it is obliged to seek another mandate of the electors. Premier Hepburn ap- parently believes this an oppor- tune time and like Sir James Whitney and Hon. Howard Ferguson will appeal to the‘ peop_1_e at the end of three Fears) --- â€"~ t -"-Ne- -- “rm“ W - “RV-"5 meat is behind the move to aa beer in beverage moms to gist Jnmnese invuion and it girls and boys because of its in- nmears an if a formardecirus fluenee upon the youth of to. tion of Tarriil be We follow- day. ind which intense and bitter Premier Hepburn does not fighting is likely to occur. If propose to fill the vacancies in the Chinese get the range of his Cabinet made by the mix; the Japanese warships the fkset nations of Hon. Mr. Roebuck, my be forced to move to safer Attorney-General, and Hon. waters. Without protection the Mi. Croll, Minister of Welfare. Japanese blue jackets will by Names of new Ministers to be forced to evacuate their vom- included in the Cabinet, if his tions or run the risk of beintrleGGGmGt is returned, are killed by the strong army of now tentatively announced.‘ Chiang Kai Shel: which greatly Both Mr. Hepburn and Mr. outnumbers the Japanese at Rowe have thus far refrained this point. A Japanese repulse from personalities in discussing‘ at Shanghai would be a blow the issues of the day and it is to its prestige. expected that the approaching It is hoped that both Japan- election will be conducted on a we and Chinese governments high plane without recourse to will yet come _ to an under- “mud-slinging" that sometimes; standing and avert tutother cm intn a mummitrn i sl1l?"iih'd:iiir"i'cii,"i'- l "T'"" _ with; col-hind Emmi; to share the same fate an “Erwin Sum. __ - - “V r_‘_'__.,. WWI-w MW MI-V. “DIVINE Ill British and United Statesman. beam of its bad re-l marines have been despotched guard in the United States wherel to Chinn to protect their people ';it has 'meottrattred its members and assist foreigners who mamto disregard kw and order-J be caught between the two or:How the liquor vote will in-l e'e1E forget. tltyeehai iayi.tlt1amsdis, voter remains to be European powers View with alum the undeclared war be- tween China and Japan and the killing of a number of foreign- en in the international settle went at Shanghai. British. United States and other foreign residents would do well to heed the wanking olflbombe and shells (hopping t e ancient my " it means that the Chinese and Japanese are determined to ttettt since they unnot settle tht.ir.91rerente we: .AWS9BnaNaSqMBuFPi.. UYLM,u-. m‘ml.ww. minimum” ”DUI-h“ 'c".--'.'..-.-.--.. a.-*r'.smr.'.-.se-qg'a'mse..oasrtsar-ta.og.a. ARCHIE! WAR huh-(Ina... , .as_..-"h- :‘uMOIIHL bib “ma-ad; ’fludhm-flku’uhwq “mi“...H-llhu. ”who'd-4 9y_1tt.te.-rt-odraiLaurd an. “a... iiGGU7 1rh.dlh-otosta.at AN OCTOBER ELECI'ION 1117;0th 61mm Govern, ent in behind t e move to m THREATENS TUBDAY, AUGUST IT, "" , I A welcome and distinguished visitor to Kitchener and wager... loo recently was Sir Edward Batty, head of Canada's great railway. He strugk an pptimis- tice nine regarding thi, pro- gress_ and development of $4,000 was the tidy amount won by an Alberta woman in a lottery. Premier Hepburn does not propose to fill the vacancies in his Cabinet made by the resig- nations of Hon. Mr. Roebuck, Attorney-General, and Hon. Mi. Croll, Minister of Welfare. Names of new Ministers to be included in the Cabinet, if his 'Government is returned, are now tentatively announced. Both Mr. Hepburn and Mr. Rowe have thus far refrained from personalities in discussing 'the issues of the day and it is expected that the approaching) ‘election will be conducted on a' high plane without recourse tol “mud-slinging” that sometimes: creeps into a campaign. l Ithe warhirttramst In! others having beer in moderation, are strongly own-ed to the sewing of. _beer ' beverage moms to 910.6 wing-mi naiwfwfi; lending inane. In the CLO. issue both the Liberals and Conservatives have declared their stand for maintenance of law and order and am therefore on sound ground. Premier Hepburn declares he will m?t, tyhseate the CAO. activities im Mi. Hepburn believe. this a promising time for an election. Ontario has one of the tineat crops with best prices in rears. The school question, although pot_ forgotten in_no page; the paling to the electors at a time it deems moat hvonble. There 'IP nunugnber 9f_m yhy BDI'IORIAL Norm unintu- of unknown origin, breaking out at the home of William Roth. on the southwest outskirts of the village early ttth morning. completely gut- ted the large "no and (lo-tuned I new "" “comm and ' bicycle. Damage In -timated at two. I from Toronto Harbor the litter Lambs “Paloma" 1nd "Kins-ton" all ‘on this popular Claudia: W. iBetore midnight they dock at billyl lbustiing Wheaten New York. the. Camera on: at the United States and I (one of the prettiest or eaten: com~ munitien. Atter I short than at “to. on American pan-engor- and mun they continue on to Kingdom, 18yl tario, enteriny the St. Lawrence Itbi fer (before daylight. I The St. Durance River tty to Oun- ada what the Thames is to Miami and the thlne to Germ-11y. It 1: one of the world‘s famous and bountiful Fie.a.iiyi.iir' end a favorite waterway tor. thou who travel In Glued; ‘From Toronto each evening during the summer months the trim white crulle ships or Canada Steamship Lines in“. Mr the St. uwmnco 1+ var cruise and passengers shard enjoy cool. refreshing true! with luxurious accommodation. Travelling en! the people ot On- tario may unbark at Toronto for one or rhe must cruise. in Amer!“ In- cluding tho creel-Inn trip to Roehetr ter, New York. the beautiful - through the Thousand Islands and the thri'.1ittx trip through the Bt. Lawrence unplug. From Montreal. if they wish. they may continue on through French Oath-(la to Qudzec. Murray may, Tadouuac and the nu;- nincent Rummy River. May inaction: In It. chain of m- an“ tromNtagara wmoaund Tm antar- Mn to it“. haul-Lo Ontario “at at the up way to Both eastern and wen-m wa- ter voyage; from Strait. or Dr, tron In tho mt, mien: traveller” planning to unit tho Patriot or 'ti cum cont may on}: their long. “to name journey! by owning the Great I Lake: to port Arthur or Dunn. or, they may cruise the him, out and [ back to mks up a oomph!» savour day mlnlntur ocean way-go. ' _ For thousand: ot can». (or travellers from Gnu mm: and Europe. mm In Vienna; and. ‘uuurmud Mr It. natural m. picture-qua resort: n4 travel - tunmu. mrBt “non. Oman:- hotF Canada Vacation Iadiirr1haisamls eauooeai-to_ii'."veeG' cutout Juana. - “In I. - AIL-rod. will M hum ;woul no to no Md” ”cantata“. u",',hu1ttt".1'l'tt2t.N “manuall- will“ his nun-‘- maniac-clonal!- had “wt-bl his a“: a no Ontario Court ot w. witch If Alhclmclmul l Dayan-mu.“ than.“ hold the mile: at a. coll-3. It: Hon all no but round to ditch“ M. [ornat- bocun the II- In grammars, and he um have. not a common! and 1|.dech unu- uguuon of his form“ iW‘iINoIlee "'d'ld'lht LI. tL-aw. L‘“ ot M. I” ','tut"lk'rtT,G'rtt,Ab8t my mum. Aug. um": 'hrthrrmstaadwesrtWnter, GARAGE BU RN ED The council will also at the coll!- tr body to arrange an only contor- once between the county's and city's committees to dimmer. the proposed new IMIIIOII‘L Alderman Mullins expressed ml.- tactlon that the council up taking action In regard to county relations. "I believe that we not!“ take at our gloves, we hue ’bsou land "and long enough " old Hitter at the courthouse". he um, “tad '0 mm take III-on; actual.” I cums. Anni-t tt--aateat not- an!!!) other . J. Solos-Inl- on presented with . pull-kn only this week when a brood m. “lined to T a Huron County stocking]: from Ins» “and under the put-dud stock duty pres regulations, turnod autumn nr- 'rIvul here to be a - at It, the mother of " little pin. The ship- 1iiiiiii bill and custom oom- and [ ror delivery or ono animal. to who” 'The mother pig spent the required {period or quarantine It port or und- .lng but the mug shouts made their jarrival cutouts to thin destination and Ming manna-horn amped "both quarantine and customs regula- .tions. The I‘Huron Itockmn turnin- led for one animal uni received 11. He just naturally railed no objec- done when are other turned the whole family over to him as one pig. Th amounts are the member- or the committee named ht ttnance, committee on motion of All. Henry W. Sturm: Alderman Eugene Der» genpAlox. A. saunter, loam loin- zinger. [van shuts. the mover. all Mayor J. Albert Smith. The meotrF mendatlon "I unanimously adopted in council session. M'Dor5KNmt.--,At their monthly meeting on Honky evenlng. the Kit- chener city Council appointed a can. mittee ot six to negothto with the Waterloo county council. In slum to make a new agreement Moon the city and the county to cover the next live you". City Wants New Agreement with County Council Gets Il Pigs In uplto ot all: an ot 1:000:13th the raising of hom- u It!” coll~ mend-bl. and the poultry lulu-Ln although not as high u IBM ot the other math I. very bundle. hm. in“ h tlllti'h' the that not tho - at m in new, In. than tho oran- ouyoorgtthou-ou-o...“ cated by tho rcpt: of tho maria [Agriculture tout-taut. 1 Am other Anton-tin; (our to no!“ by the noon II that the ‘oounty "and. high In chain “but; compared to my other counties oi the provinco. although " in still to: from tho lurk htthinod " non. of the collation. Tho extent or he. gro- duccion In a!» thorn: by the act that thorn wore a total ot H.“ M! with I tom 0! ”it“, in tho conn- ty which compro- (“my with the great matoritr ot other counties. Figaro- uhow [thinly that Water loo county in not a sheep rut-ins} country. on! It: mm no eon-lacr- Ithly below the ”we ot all the other oaqmttaq. - Yip-db. -aaiarr 1.atsrltl'Mrtd', mgr. -...__ It“. “W‘D‘ mittusttutttr-uio-reet,-fq-dtetAVTlr-& 'etrfd.'Mt= iiiiiire1hr't-b_oiue-ts unl- "i,2'iiSyt.liir?'iitir, mutton-baa! m NWT-Hum”. “comm-unummimmmd on you at a. I... a... u “A; 'r'tu'tttaecthttet a: tad a nun (tho-mm Kiwi... 1.“; 013M - am. hath-hulk Terms as One ed in the min mam; ara vol-o picked by Baylor pollen during . me on lam. l new AGAIN Manna Am Dunn“. W I'M - tempted murder and attempted Ini- ddqwuxivenaweok'amd in Kitchener police court on may, Cholera“? not being ready to pro- August to, ‘91? Henry Dalton of the Wamrloo " Iograph (now Wuerloo Ohmic!» - meshed some flower: from MI son Baylor Harry Dalian, who can PTmirroN.--.rt he: been reported by Joseph Cariero, Toronto. crank- er tor the Called!“ shoe Win’kon' Union and Allied Crane, that no em- ployee: or the Hurlbut din-Ion ot the or the Sense Shoe Ltd., Pree- tom umnlmoully decided to mm to work at the plant on Thinning afternoon. after they Ind been on strike elnce Wedneedey morning. Tho strike was sensed by the die- mlml ot an employee in the Dutch- In; clement. er Ava, And Milt streets alte- are attuned; STRIKE AT PRESTON ENDS WHEN WORKERS GO BACK TO WORK 'Nrtt3Hrimmb - sanctum: Marcel Pom-exalt of the Kitchener Wit." Communion. "tttmated ro- ‘conny, while dimming tum-lilo ‘tuu on the etty't Wit strut-m ty that water drilling. nouthlltlu In ‘uao next few yen- lio lathe will along Sch-WI out In tho - ertr and or the with orart. . he tents made on the nun tetrmLt “to, followed Mme to obtain '1- ter In the amp, nation B "I of the Preston highway and eat or the city 1mm. The Sebnenlder creek hula In the same as that in which the SW- T0 DRILL m WATER AT SCHNEIDBR‘S CREEK According to Dr, J. W. M. [OJ-1., who eoMrtgMtd abund- mule by Dr. H. .P. “Hilton. tho child nu] been out no "and luv home despite a We“ Ln one In; that mud no! to limp. Houn- atrtttohttaq ”mod col- corued when a” burned that a eight-youold Kitchen-r 3m nih- ln; 1n the north wad nu boon Ill- rorln; from Inn-uh W. tor more than three wool: without h. in; quarantined. Infantile Paralysis Case is Reported VA I“. - - P-mit. for u “.000 rt 88,... “dim-u cm band in In. D tho Doon Ninos but, m M and. an Wanda rum 00- pin, but, Victoria mil St. I. M A $89,000 mm" for St. John'- R. C. church in not and: comtion on Sam M "tiiti't'PSUI." - J. M. Add?“ Augie-dud.” 'm-um'u" 'tAiit, iihi!iiirt, b not at I. in. .10 h h. Chronicle Fyle Gleanings

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