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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 Jul 1937, p. 8

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Waterloo Mid-teh . Market Am , . Mimy Tow cw won - " no to: no. Ina-loo. " Mutt” 10c And-t, and I“ ====l=l==l==B======+=6=r= - "ts-pint. Nov mud?” - It: I but“. Imus: an t a 'etltM -t'NsnttL"ttc.'Mtt2td'l, - no . no... I II- M Mina.“ rm ----_---_---- rlt I In by- " bone a K {follow-or ”3‘!me r. All Mm. Chart.. “MM II we a quart box. White carnal: sold at loc a quart. Strawberries told at two quarts tor so. ruperrlu at IN; a pint or two for ttre, red cur- rms at 11tc a quart, gmwberrm at ted a quart, mulberriel " 101: a Ituart, red cherries st we tor an quarts and black cherries at 10c a quart. Haste} Douglas Dash of \Wterloo is spending some time with his grandmother, Mr. H. Eckstein. Kitchener Midweek At the vegetable “All: I!" pota- toes were priced at MN: tor " quarts. old potatoes " " a has, pea- at We a pint, been at Sc a bunch. onions 5c a Iruturtt, peas 5c a quart. tom- mes two pints tor ISC, cauliflower: s and 8e each, cabbage 5c 3 head or three tor loc. cucumbers We a quart. grown peppers toe a quart. Eggs were priced at " and use 1 dozen. Broiler chickens sold an 28 and We a pound and last year’s chickens at Me a wand. summer un- sage 26e. ".._.p_i. "__.__ ........ - ....~.......,, - . week with his aunt. Mrs, W'illard Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth MeAuitner Becker with Mr. Becker near Drum- and dash“!!! Joyce and Kathleen ho. Itrirent the week-end with the htter's Mr, and Mrs. Fred J. Robinson of pgtents, Mr. And Ins Farrel at Regina, Sash. and Mr. and Mrs.'R'PleY- Thos. Henderson and Master CGi Mr. nnd Mrs. Seymour Thompson Rayner ot Perla called on Mr. and (nee Evelyn Meyer) of Domwon, Mrs. Elgin Miller on Tuesday. Suk.._ were, week-end gush; bt the Mr. and Mm. Henry Sheifele and Mrs. T', Berlet and daughter Elven. spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. meter. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hallman and Mrs. Gordon Hallman and Helen and Airs Hallman 31112an a picnic at Port Dalhousle. satur r. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oberer were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berlet aand family of Kitchener. “dunk-union.“- rhatntuubtl Mum-II -oto-taosm.eeV Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Miller and son Merle spent Sunday in Paris where they attended the Penticostal Camp Meeting. Rain did not mat the Ill-Ithaca a the midweek 'e"tl tn Kitchonor Wednesday morning‘ An abundance or mm was ousted. m m... w” III-"w. Blush curnuls made their and appear-ace tor the season, Idling Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. {‘harles Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. main Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huelher and children Ross and Mamba, Mr. and Mrs. John Weltx and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob lssler and son Robert ot Kitchener, Masler Robert Sheilele and Donald Peacock at Waterloo spent I few any with Mr. and Mrs. Wm 0herer. Masler Merle Miller is spending a week with his aunt. Mrs, W'illard Becker with Mr. Becker near Drum- 1 _. l . .. Lrtrrt1 A K“ MarkEts _ v,iiirl')'irs-iiit, Market; Fruit in Abundance Offered A' Imuho'. may wing - Jno. "eobs-,.-..AYinton _...,..........." " " l 1 Elmer Zinn r.‘....r........Wroxcter o.........." 9 l l G. Todd-..............--, ......l7 9 7 1 D. Htsstie---EImwood ............n 7 2 1 1 Mr. Pegg ........‘....‘......Zephyr m..............." 9 5 A. Reader...................Bnn£lord ..........15 10 1 l 3 Sun Marti-m.............II-wkonville ..bee... I tt . I There were “.808 hogs sold on the dressed basis in Canada during the week, distributed u follow: Alberta' 3,321; Be katchew-n 307; Manitoba MI; Ontario 7,747; Quebec 2.048; Maritime: 524. Townsend Fox Fnrm.Waterford -..... W. Nethercott........,...Clenr Creek ... Ross Hoeltr--Hornines Mills Truman Hall..............Grnnd Valley... Roy Siddle,.................llderton tm...r_mr' Jno. "eobs-.........Ayinton .m..N....F. Elmer Finn m...............-; Ferret. J. A. Brown Fr-itil/Eire “chub-uh?” 'r1EiPAMlllE2lllilllmle CHICKKNS "GS _ CATTLE Ila-lay Fool Bill. Shah. Cw). Barley. Cod “'0' on. Salt. "out Son's. Tull-go. I... Incl. Sud Col-l. Collin Sud Heal. “I Cal. Mau, Vl- Oat Food. Oat., "e., on. Ry. 0% Cubs. CORN, HARLEY III OAT "In . "" - ". h. summ’s cmcx STARTER. .@ 3.140 per GROWINGMASH ...........@ $3.20," LAYINGMASH..............@ 82.80”:- ncanowna ..............@ 32.65.»: CALPIIL'AL w.........'.....) 35m _ ROBEBANK Bacon Hogs Graded Dressed (Furnished by Dominion Livestock Bunch. Toronto) Bent Influen’ lots for wank ending _Jelr_it, 1.37. QUALITY, 182 West 2nd Bt., Hamilton ........ Adare" Mr. and Mrs. John Kropf are spending l few days in Toronto. I Miss JInet Kropf of Kitchener and Mr. Kerwin Krop! of 3rd line spent a dly with their parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. John Kropf. o ii. Edn- M, a uni s few m, '7 1'61““ t".,egdifiii; JTAt,"e.12' Kitchener. Mttht.TNTdg,ggt'"" It. and In. Olen “that and child"- vhf-h. (may bad the It... I. mW-WMM museum of maelmm Mon-ub- urvlco u- had ed with Mr. and In. Charles Ith- in the Br-ttrel Chunk but M M. by mains, In. E. A. [Illa-In.- i Mr no In. Juob hum-t In! .etH"urhe. U“?! 'Y m..- f Mrs Liverne Knechtel and demrh- ter Margret Ind Mr. and Mrs. Fer- mun Bruhncher of Kitchener were Sunday guests " Pleasant View. Joggph Digtrici at W Mrs. C. Brubacher of Kitchener ealled on Misses Mary and Abbie Ferris reetlttlr. ___-F-v - - Misses Marion Miller and Edith Farrel of Kineardine are visiting their cousin, Miss Joyce McAllister, foty few days._ 7 - Mr. uni Mrs. Seymour Thompson (nee Evelyn Meyer) of Domwon, Suk. were week-end guests of the htter's uncle and hunt, Mr. Ben and Miss Inggie layer. Miss Ruby Schiedel m a Sun- day visitor " Niagara Falls and mtttnlo. MM... 1'ije,e25i3'tt Mr. and In. Barb. bait tuitof new“; with Mr. fad ma; in}. GordaiG" ali"Citre t.offd, m" m u .-. m Id- wido- u “and W. f the entire hard weekend " the home of Ir. Louis ft',,tft “W" W Wm“ °' .1 I. a. Meqbim, was-n. not, an of a. but had Ur, of Wm FYeiburger. 'les d autumn C.atnh.tuirseofth-eattunr_nimlarsdahemrr-eta..nd Mr. “a In. Alt. Moser of Eiteh- Pet',',.'"',';,'.".','.'.",": II I. I t u. no in" good KO.P. new. W cm in“ (Main; may and an". te It. {Elam kilos" 'll, Ir. W I Hut. - . td 'N mm, ,rrrthtgs and calves. All. . data: other hath no Inn-chm Water oo spent e wee -en vi M Mr. and um um Behlegel. fil'irAt.rd Mr. Aiieat m“ ", an nus coco warm um - Mrs. “out But and f.miir of Mr. and In. Valha- Sticks- of Th. had If. u” "9--"Coiern v.1. Hello Ro-o"-- 9 tiow. Waterloo are spending I f" days Bl’elllll. WIFE)“ h! Mr. M a]: tuneu- koodlnc. and by Colony, Fun: in B.C., haunt; the It the home ot Mr. and In. John In. P. E. Volt" OW“ the -tuedtraa-iea. At1Nrt_tealftottti-ttmll.adntmte Kropf. funeral of In. K1110 of Station! of his edu- umng. A great dune. to (at in on the but. Miss Barbara Kropl of Waterloo on Sunday. In. Mnlio In " 5 - ball- of - m. on a Moon of Ronnie BI; Apple is spending a week with her [up years old. “HMO." Dent 5111!“qu from I 17,000 lb. dun. enta, Mr. and Mrs. John Kropf. Mr. t'g,2'pt2tT J. fh"ft mi 6 M 3min c”- M or Boon thte. Miss ldelh Seyler of Erbsville on B'.'"? 0?” '.'rpt. weqhn 3m " tt Mac Registry hhire - and t%l,'/th1t,'etr of "liihiii).1',; filingsn'tfi‘tg;mmfim‘|WlW acuity teat bmm us Jg,', 'lLhdTut"'S'l mg 23"... 3...}... J'h'XP'"e ' . of Manned went a few dun a “Lynmm Pima - SWM tultnat tf, And tet to Ottaw, Miss ldelh Seyler of Erbsville and Mr. Milton Seyler of Gndshill spent I day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler. Missionary services will be held it the St. John's Lutheran Church on Sunday. Rev. Tuerkheim of Zurich will preach the German sermon at 10.30 tin. und Rev. Dr. Klaehn of Montreal will preach the English sermon It 7.30 pan. Mrs. Bechtel, Six, is spending' some time with her son. Mr. an“ Mrs. Mervin Bechtel, New Dundee.', Mr. And In. .hcob [debut and her. Allen Reichcrt were moat init- on with friends in Wnurloo. week-end " the home of Mr. Louh FYeiburger. Mr. Ind In. All. loner of Kitch- ener and Mr. fishnim 'eotter of Wuerloo spent e week-end with Mr. and In. Herb. Schlegel. In. Allah. Struts gm! naught-r Audrey and Ian Georg. rut the week-end a the home of r. Louh Mltgulp I'm ...19 ,..I3 ,..16 ”.10 "12 BLOOMINGDALE WAM ONT. " 'ii',',')'!"' ’ '?stifltttfaGBr'l/, _.___,. WQ‘ Bu": - E ' iiif"iei-', tPte nt iili5"ilitlfiiiif,'iii'ii'i' 100,l|-. 100 “I. 100 “a. 100 lbs. hompson' Mr. Ind In. A. C. Thom, ton Nrnavon, Round ttyl daughter “in liltlred a of the IN! yr. Willi-m Thom lpent Sun- Ben and 1rr Elysian! and other points in I The Moll ”:1?ch (to! It. moo. of “ammo, mam church” mum with mum Inge. of-tte Ped-tart- cinema. pulp“ in tho not!“ Church Wat -_-----------r-- on Mummgwuymnlhmncool usaomumwmm. Mal-h. mm.w.;w.m. “Imam. t In. A. n. Vice. mm: m Batty. “on. . mounted to NW F.“- on Ion- Ir. ad Mn. R. Kramer o! Kitch- day where the W ninth... our were snub, auto" with to", man Ruth rem-Lin, for n helm. and In. 8. J. watt. l Ir. Reg. Gallic o Olin“ m M "can. [Jr-ooh: Koch. Roy Insane ‘vhitor in town this waif and Noun Shelley, - Sand-y In f Ilsa V. fMTg In. W. Clq- tho velnlty of Which-tn. horn, In. L but Ind th. Il-u Unused Wino M Clu- nnd Van Mn m on . nml " n Ito-waned which loans tilt legion. tii rim": F. ilii,ti.iiiiiriiril'iiiv, $5."? h n 00 plug. of which - a mrrbar, It [ Mr. and In. W. A, Sikh. It! lug-m and Jack I.” "trrhte4 hmofmmuholidqmudmth St. human lint. hand-nu. " iiltiirnG , 1:111:36 while r. Ram! in “ending lun- mct count. " Hamilton. trl to the Ila-nine Tania... H . kd'. Jurold Fun- of Ital- '- Mr. trviiftkttrmier JCtitU,m in a visitor at the home of Kr. and In. . L Weber. Wm."lludow. loed plumber. m unrded the contract for lee, the heating system by the Sci-00 Bond " in recent meeting. The tender of Gillies Guy of Hammo- fotyoa) anpllwng neetrrtyd. - l ‘the north. I Mr and In. Amos Bowman Vinit- ed with Mr. and In. Tobin. Boar, }unn on Sunni” evening. The, left .theit son Imel there to mud hi- holidays. l I Miss Duh Lichty returned to ha ‘work in Smith’s shoe [new on .llonday utter In uhunce of three weeks owing to the sickness lath liiiiiii of her mother. ‘ I Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and In. Simeon Bowman um Ar. and In. Noah 8min- and daughter Selim of nut Flor-(hie. Miss Mary Ann Bowmn, It. Urin- Brubaeher, Mr. and In. D. M. Bov- man the! daughter Sunk, Hand-lo. nnd It. and In. A. M. Bonn"! End son Henry um! Mu. Catharine Mr. George Buchanan and d. - Toronto mm Thursday evening ter Beatrice. In. Jimmy 11:01am, with the tgtroh ttmitieq. and Mr. Albert Buck of Owen Sound Ree. tr. J. Wittitr, who h“ “M spent the weekend with Mr. and unending the Luther We convu- In. Harold Cum. tion in 'gttriirrH, o, during the Mr. and In. Donnid Ron. “a not! week. has returned home during family and Mr. Austin Rem-1mm. the woiml. spent Sand” with Mr. "m In. Mr. Know stroll of Kitchen: George Kelterbom. upon! but not ttt the prom) hone. Sunday gtlmst' at the home of Once Ind Jenn Ruler or Kitch- Mr. an! In. Shoo“ B-tttsat wore ener, any Mlmylng at the ham. ot Mr. and In. Noah tmtler tad melt (naturals. Mr. ml! Mrs. daughter Selim of mar Flor-due. Mqteirt c. trtgott. Ilin Mary Ann Bowman, It. Urin- Mr. and Mum)! Enn- tlld Gauch- Brubaeher, Mr. and In. D. M. Bow- lers um: In. Bentrlce who! and man Brtd daughter Sunk, Hand-la, In like” lacuna]: of Kitchener. npd It. and In. A. M. Banana Nero sand” (“Om at the Mile of 9nd son Henry um! Ii- Cntluvrlne Mr. and )1".an Mtrr. _ Mr. 1nd Mtg. J. W. Mn Ind' mu Emm- Good, mmtron of the dunghter Lon-um of Hamilton Ind Kitchener Orphanage. with Mr. 1nd Mr. Ind "f8. Gordon “I " Mrs. Gay Gentlemen Ind daughters Waterloo waited at the home of or mung“. were recent visitors It Mr. ysd "It J; G. 1Tnttn on _Sundly. the home at Mr. 1nd Mo. Allnn Good. Mus his Frmen and Rug Vera The mg". Dorothy and Phyllis Ire Hnllmnn of Neqr Dundee visited " unending thelr nation with the tshe hsme l Huh Filet Snider "11le 3mm, “may. in tin-um e, ghost ape-her at the {mint Sewing 2"u',".1,,ru?Tia,fit'g',te, Carole at the Mennonite Church on mm" “a Mr. Otto Schiorhom of "tyydy. _ _ A __ - . mum-n...“ m... ms......-..-.. a-.".- lot Kitchener were Sunday mm" of Mr. and In. Hath. Schmidt. Bobby Schmidt accompanied than to Kitchener to spend his 110an It the Zieglernthe. a I In. ma, Snider spent Smith, in Waterloo _nt the home of Mr. and l Mr. And In. Em Weber of \Wnllenstein and It. Noah Sittler 1nd dlughter Miss chy of Hnwkesville were visitors of It; and Mrs, Simeon Bowman on y. 1 Mr. and Hrs. Menard 2%: and In and In. Dough- 8d Mr. and In. Jon's}: Bearintrer and dnutthter, Miss Doris, visited at the home of In. 1nd In. Ben Shy on sundny: --- -- -- _ _ gm y' and not}. P.iuE W El the Mr. and In. Arm Good, mom. panied by Mr. and In. Henry Sal tg visited " Barrow Boy on 8ttat- y. Edmonton, Alberta. visitors It the [up-me _of _ Dnyid, But: an Ar.. and my Riel-3rd Brim and tneg, ' Ilia: Viola. and Mr. and In. um Iliu viola; and in. and In. Kasai Parks nnd non Ronnld. ‘ iiiLtdiel,iidilyiiEfiiee.ii. el.",",','.",.,',"','..',,','?,,',,",',?",'".',','.?:,,',.",",?,'":,, Mug-{M .t-tailr_-rtiu-uetttmetoa'toftr t'l.tY.?lldt,TI'Set"a"" éonlmm with TUF. M75 Mr. Ind Mrs. P. E. Welkcr ut- tended the funeral of Mr. Nickolas Krotz at Pnlmenton Int Thur-thy. Mr. and In Angus Gingrich and family of Wilmot Cantu were Sun- any visitors of It. and In. Enoch Martin. Mr. and In Wellincton Hunt of Manned spent a few dun " tho home of Mr. ind In. P, E. Walker Int week. _ . ilvytt Wntgtlgo. -iriiiiiiri of Kr. minim John Walker on Sunday won It. and Mn. Adam Philip and "rafinat4 Mrs. Adam Phi“? and fill“! and Mr. and Mrs. Willi-Ill But. a fun- " . Manual ”(than league tilt Sunday evening. plant! hm moon the loan Ind mag, in W, Hugelsieln, mum of tartqrttod on Thursday "will; the moth“ United Churrh. left m- we!!! .viclting (an outscored the home- on his vac-(inn. lion in all ' to ' "in soon. I Mr, and Mn, Fred Dun and Mr. l It and in. he! momma and notion Garland lilondod the Grunge clildm In" nun n can... no" mur- celobntion u Clinton on July Bloom}; what. they will PF mm. tggnttttttratgrtttath. i 0n Bind-y afternoon communion Mr. I“ In. Scum of Bolivia, nervlcet we hold ll Danni United ".1. m "not. onion who hull Church with I!" Walk" and new. “and“ no [Inn] nu. "canny of “maintain in charge. In tho awning n). hum”- “In. mu “and! I mud 'r1ntroomt um- hold in in. Mr. Ind In. Floyd Dunn- and Inn-Hy ot Detroit are spending a In wet: with luv. and In. In Helm 3mm:- of In. maul. Mr. mud in. mm luau and daughters of Wall Momma were Sum, - ot Mr. ad In Oneal“ Muslin. luun Bobby null Artur shoo- mlor of ts"reterr, have "rived at tho Land" Damn homo, when they will - . I" ym‘ Vla- _ In: Arttta thinner II -dtere . week " W.“ Beach. - Mr. Ind Dan. on... w. Senior-bolt: and Mr. amt In. Gordon Roam ot Elm!!! and Mr. Otto tkttierhotts of Toronto mm Thursday evening with the Strait familial. Appoint“ Hoopllnl superintendent. The may mend. ot Mina Ada Echeliele, who was born and Mons)“ no in this vicinity and who no been loomed in Ilium/on for tome time mince bore return from the Eastern Minion new. u n medial mission. 'mer, will he plain! to know one in: GGrnur been appointed superinten- dent of Royal Victoril Hamlin, in Barrie Mill schelfelo ins Already entered upon the dude- ot her new elite. vultur- coming and Going. mu Emm- Good, mmtron of the Severe thunderstorms accompanied by strung winds and heavy ulna mused over this dlnrlct eerly Sm» day morning and “an; Sunday noon. Inning the early morning's atom lightning struck the hydro llne in the vine“, burning on! one of the trans- formers. Strong winds end heavy downpour of min phyed havoc to Harmer: grain tteldg in the district. many at whlch were thinned to - that It Its (aired much ot the crop may not be saved The bright \Iproepocn tor e moat bountiful har- vest have u a renal! been aomevvhnt diminlehed. Rain Storm and We, I Bgrqdigh boar. 1 _ t'P's" by I highly otaiitted low And lined by Wu“: Jay och Imp. 5 months old, sired by Dough- Empmr. 8 yum "I 09.11. Wmumherdeaast-tt-fteroir tT. . _ can! Lunch " noon to than from a distance. GINO.“ from: A. B. Rubella, Lloyd Shane Franklin & Shana, W. Oil. Clark. Acetic-con. Ilydn Eben-i: Tun-for" DI.- Lightning Cause “Mm - “ml!” ...a ..a ma c”... I was? "grams: 'l‘lle wrvute Mer" sunny mommg COMET-06° gill _he taken by Mr. Elmer Doon- of Heavy" Damage 1mm“; JULY " a I”. p... an»: J. amid - ber by this!!! tip-lined 16w .3... I aered "ttroom w“ held In mo church In which thou Nov Humbug church” tol'"" in". nan-o! or, Blind-y afternoon communion "nice. we hold It Bathe! [lulled Church with Ru Walk” and new. Hutu-(Mn in chute. In tho awning Tho young people at tho Waterloo Mennonite Winch are-onion! the Ttre gun ttt an“ Mennonite church on Sunday evening. Quiie . number from the commun- tty attended the Beck Literary picnic at Aldornlde P-rk. New Dundee, on and" afternoon. I Men-rm Alto Creitgttt and Oliver Baird and "In.” Ruth and Myrtle (fret-man visited with the farmer'- mother, Mu. Land" “Ham-n It Porry'n (woman on Sand-y. In. Helen Chapman of New Mem. Mr; Ivan! the week-end nt the home of Mr, and Mrs. Abner nausmm‘ Hrs. J. Coulter and Mr, and Mrs. J. E. illoullton at Milvenon vlulled with me farmer's nlece. Mrs, Fred nan And Mr. Bean _ Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lamont and fumlly of Cnrleton Place are vlullln' at present with Mr, and Mrs. w. H. Dinmond. Mr. and Mrs. John Oren-man, And rum”, tyr Kitchener visited with Mr. .nd Mrs. Zen-n Snyder on Sunday. A llrty or a similar nature '18 held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bowman on Tuesday night In honor of Miss Philippa Pentold, whose marriage to Mr. Stockley takes mace on Saturday ot this week. Lovely gifts were presented and I jolly time was enjoyed W Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lichly and fam- tty of Brenna were Sunday unitar- with Mr. Ind Mrs. Amos Good. Rev. and Mrs, Curtis Creams): and tnmlly spent Sunday with Mr. And Mrs. Simon Martin at trtrmrhurtr. V Kev. Mr. Yuma} ot Waterloo will occupy the pulpit on Sunday even- has. Parana“. Mrs. Dan mingler ot Hespeler and ills: Audrey Armstrong ot North Bay are visiting at the home ot Mr. and Lin-8.11 Woods. BridqsEteret Honored. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods and tamts and Mr. and In Geo Miller spent the week-end " Windsor at the home at Mr and Hrs. (nuance Gnome also calling at Jack Mlner'a bird luminary at King-ville and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rom. lKlrk Lennington. A delightful party was held at ther home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snider on Sol-"day evening in honor of Miss Vern Timings, former teacher here, whose alignment to Mr. Whitle- tieht ot Niagara Falls " announced. A good time was spent In all and the ‘brlde to be was presented with many lovely gins. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lemon - Sunday and Monday at Conn " the home or Mrs. Lemon's parents. lit. and Mrs. Harriet. Master Kenneth Lemon in holiday- ing at the home or his aunt, Mrs. Cecll ManstieitL Mlss ‘Anias Morrell ti, spending some time with "lends in Harrisum. SOUTH-WEST WILMOT Kitchener. In. Florence Gordon, Miss Annie Boat and 'Mr. Ind Mrs. Fennel of New Toronto spent the weekend at the home at Mr. Ind Mrs. J, P. Snider. Loeat-reutiveu attended the tan- eral at the late Peter Doerlng in " terloo on Tuscany afternoon. Mr. Wm. B, Wright and non Oliver, motored to Toronto on Monday. 599mm,; the day on business. {flit}: The service next Sunday morning Gi m; Mon-t Credo, 'I-Inho doe. iiirii,G2 radio; an»: chain; In” pm. b.3119 'IT, popular smug»; Tittl ”may ours. oreizn ups o waist: and i%'/'lflgllaE't'l in national M" M” costumes. will again be I p.'lt,',it'i'f,ll, t1't'rtti'df=,2'ltlt', National Exhibition hithllcht on 404 "on. I)... St. '00. Music Day. Thursday, Bert. and. mount“. A. B. SNIDER. Auctioneer “no Mow. Kim Jnly " 09ntrmurt--At " a.m.. " Kitchener Sule- Stlblen. liveuock. implements And may other miscel- laneous article; It“- . , "W' iiEirirtriiiar" __ _ ammuvmmv 'ti'iiitlhi'lll 'riti!i'.ttt _l'i'i'."r.'a"gTi=".u.1".1 H 01““ the , mmmwa-fidw wawwm-mda'mmmum' .h. "0.1.“;“W'flh'mudm -,bsrr-tN-ue.ldrxsr. fro-Mb “WWI-uni.“ t'Gtti,"tlilrstttoAllWt B. J. SHAN'I'L Auctioneer “an. "8. M July 22 ITtturad.r)-" o'clock noon, " head pure bred and hub trteBohsttir-tt1Nqll wage-mod FI-si. ttuodteuted a “WI 7' 11 Frik, Regi-try Yon-Hit; IMF: and hide she-h. Sale will be held at Summit yiey Perry Br..dettt. A. B. Brn- 'N-ret-Mt.-' - uu~%~2.faar‘ “ii-lab 5iiilliiyi't1e.eiiii'Sr". Ir. tet:.'."'."".'"'""')', Ita, 'st,t',t'8,rt "' harifem and a in bits,- This lei include. the noun! pure bred herd of R. 1. 3mm of Walnut. “on. 592'. Waugh:- July 21 tWed-dart-At 2 p. m., not“ do of pruned: " 47 Chrrles Bt., Iraterloo, A July " tt5ntard.rr--At 1.80 p. In. pliable fur-nit": ma house- hoia cam for Frank Baum, 209 Ahrenn St. W., Kitchener. -.ie$.$$-rie".iEe. a art: ‘7'" VftbrVa'-. -,aa-dmrttb-l-d u»- ttdlitfT. in}. c... r;mmm;m;=ahuthfio-HT-m “a m "1...." " Thall 60) ”humid Lt'r,U't 1eL?'tta m J. .-.| 2Y.j, L.“ W’mfb'm “faring, so please plan to attend. I _ No me, winding up the uute.‘ T---- Estate, 10% of par- chm price cash on any of sale, theI bounce so day: thereafter. Ctttels, ' mum's-um.» _ Incl Ratmt---t% story 2 rooUed frame homo in at" good tennis, Hydro throughout and spring in the cellar; o good cistern; one village lot with good horn Ind excellent garden, to be clued subject to re- nnet“. Thin is I very good ”Mgmnmm; -3tmq_,ret-,oddbed. it“; -t-teMtdr-,. I 'mheAatamd-rsroe%mioeurtc, Int equip-mull cumin; kn new"; MEI! tools; haul new who-l- lm-m; a good tuba; inree home- land: had glam; buck luv; my ladder; vol-k bench with vine; furnace kettle: earrenter took; trad grind atone; unlock phat. and my other with: too numer- ous for detail. ohetrle table lamp; - he. enr- maul clock; kitchen but; all m M; 2 this; come: hnurn; - “on; 1 ton - w. W, MICKEY, Auctioneer Auction Sale Lists " Kb: St. w. . 10mm "OCA IN” All) BOND DIAL!” MITIIS. GRAIN ' and. lulu; a: York C " Lee, - I “and “not Esrahaa-q Gul- "m-eat (an an... 1'st'fmea' " 1nd. Eon-+- 00.” we - Cong-lg, Inch-'3 hr, BONGARD dk COMPANY ERNST KU-PF. JR. CLARENCE DICKEIT. Now Did... M 88( CHAS. HBIPEL. Clerk. ALEXANDER "Al I 8: COMPANY 301 “In! ”I“. - " King St. R. KITCHENEI. ONTARIO _ J. PI Vii-5““. in. d.9rdaic i3. urn-cum” BRANCH cum BRANCt' ter. “~39 Re' gm 'tera, BONDS: communism AND PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AND HIGHGRADES DEPAULTED ISSUES PERSONAL AND CONNDENTIAL SERVICE Dhoet who hr I." cum“..- " listed and Inn-Ind chub. “Ont Prhtdgk Assure: Your hum-l.” Alyy jg forms Ady'unéeti Individual Investment Service Seagram, Harris g. Bricker Enos-Con. THE BOND DEPARTMENT " GU rjsiei,ii.'d,' iraHaai Gad. _- - any mam-thr- to In]. form you inventing“ policy. _ WE HAVE NOTHING TO SILL “can FINANCIAL INFORIIA'I'ION than” Sm =hgt'se, lama-mule.) and human-w L'trt'l,iut thetmtgse9ted%tttrriuldxhtest" Writ. foe Investigate . . . BEFORE - . . WKId tic CotmeitarMiatthntt- ud phat-u in may: by H l Notice in hereby than that nu tar, hm; clum‘ the to of l-gdnlenn 83:1”, ha of the Village of Canada. Widow. who died on or shoot Mth thy Ire by. All. 1987, In "when! to and or deliver to THE ATKI- LOO TRUST AND SAVINGS cow PANY. Kitchener, cumin. M PV ticnlan In writing of their chi-n on or More the 1th a” of Aunt, A.D. 1982. . And notice is {Meghan that Alter and: lust mention at. the Executor: will proceed to dbtrlbuto the - of the aid Bate - the parties entitled thereto, hm tytrnrd. 99!); tofhe chin!» of I trig ahttljttert ham, “use: 66-T-tr-6t.. Ev'uul ws, - to -bu M- Mt"" the Math dar of "tr, "'hoE""oye"aae-Satvd.r. ",2'i.iaaiirriiii"riri'n hat. I . Tho Wucrluo Tau and w Coup-y. an". Oil-tic. Edwin B. 8-“... In “I. Wan-dog, We. Executors' Noticg: to Creditors S. R. Mackellu & Co. “‘ -s.aTrfaG ir- FINANCIAL SERVICE oueitaratotyse-tmstr T-trt-_- MCI-hung. Cum-V.” In.“ v... M "' p... C. II. HARPER (11‘) You Invest 55-7-61

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