JULY 16 ONLY-l JULY 16- IT-St Oshawa, Bowmunville. Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton Jet., Belleville, Nupanee, Kingston, Glmnoqne, Brockville, Prescott, Harrisburg. Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lind- Ily, Peterboro, C.mpttellford, Newm ket, Peneung. Collingwood, Mea- ford, Barrie, Midland, Gnvenhmt, 1i'd'e'ia'Jil'li'/. Huntsville, Calluder. North Buy. Furry Sound, Sudbnry. highc. Geraldton, Jollicoe. Beard- mon, Port Arthur, Fort William. SAT. JULY 17 to 'NR0NiA,,l:Lt.o,,l"t'e,',,'iert on I . Jun 1 II I!) lUllUI‘ 1U Chatham, Chaley. Clinton. Durham, Enter. Feral, Goderich, Guelph. Hamilton, Hanover, Harri-ton, Inger-soil, Kinenrdirte, Kitchener. London, Listowel, Mitchell, Mtg,', Ftlln, Owen Sound. Pnigley. Pnlmeraton. Pll’il. Port Elfin. tit. CI fines. tn. Hum, Sunnis, Southampton, Sanford. Strum-0y, Idiom. Wilrton. Wing/hm, Woodstock. CANADIAN ttutrrBti, 15161.... G. CENT A MILE Ito-l biliary". FARES Par In In“ umdtr, Trul- lnlor-oliol, raid-OI“ “J; Ago-Q. - - - - “HI-flu 7â€â€œ: [In 1" Luigi“. - 'l'lllf Tkkdh ulna [Ind in “in 00:60- FIIDAY, JULY " . -- " follows - Tnll Mh-9rom St, Inâ€. Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph nnd Georgetown. Tn!- "th-hom Sanford. I KING E.. F--oitrm-ra-udti, lot if you mention this (Unite Jada; “MO-v Who-d"- Fill in to-dny and send to The Good-Will Club, The Waterloo Chronicle, therloo. Ontario. PLEASE CONSIDER ME AN ENTRANT m THE WATERIDO GOOD-WILL CLUB SALES AND SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN In! Book of View FREE. No obligation. Vahablc Health Book- of a modern, uplo- Jato Hotel in an amon- Walton-hymn, nu and quiet. bore-nomad at (on; a you tiso. CW: Hold Dauvillc, New York ttPshintaa VACATION TOURS - ALL EXPENSES PAID Hutch - Gaugin- Bny - Tho Grout Lib. Tho Quinn - The " Citrus ASK FOR ILLUSTRATED FOLDER 333.19.!!!- x -- To London daily, Detroit Sun. & Mol. only. .--dniV except Sun. & Hot; tr-Sun. 1 Hol. only. FRED WES§6R -c tiiari"it4i Kitchener PLUS I'll To Detroit 1 I.“ l.-. 3.30 p.-. I 3.35 - b I040 p... ENTRY FORM FOR CONTESTAN'IS , Fi'---'"' GU King’s ttiG'tgaT-'-'-t'-5ler SAFE . DIR ECT q ECONOHMZAI. LEAVE KITCHENER (Sham Time) To Detroit To Toronto "_- Fun: - 15: Chili-u In" on Ca-lt- u-uoul cum. "any. on." (GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES) FROM Ticket- and Mutilation It WATERLOO To All Towns on lines of Temisknming & Northern Ontario Rly. - Nipinsing Central KR. - Knpuskasing. 4.50 LI. 8.35 mm. - a... I Attt p... Miss Gertrude Kneiae] spent last Thursday at Kitchener. Mr. Jake Stretcher and Mr. Ed- rard Linglwhach visited at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. John Hoht on Sun- day. _ Mr. George Glebe and sons Willlam and Franklin ot Mount Forest spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. David Cook. Dominion day vlallors with If. and Mrs. Earl Tabben were: Mr. and Mrs c. Tabb"! ot Unwed, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hisey and family ot Elmira and Mrs. Sam, Riley ot staun- ville. Quite a number or young people attended the picnic held at Joe Mil- ler's tiats on Saturday afternoon. Miss Clara Mae Kneisel or Hamm stead is spending Dome time with her grandmother. Mrs. Conrad Knol- sei. Mr. and 'Mrs, David KMok and lamily spent Sunday at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoht and mm- tly were business visitor- to Klteh- _ ner on Saturday afternoon. Perunall. Miss Beulah Winner and Mr. Set bert Snyder and daugmer Delphine spam Tuesday at Kitchener I!“ Undone Count I. a: M nus-ml. Sun-or School at W. Gull Messrs. Joe mchvllh Ind Joe Casson held a very "ce-ttu stock um Implement ule on Tuesday. Mr 000. an. ot nor-dale in the auctioneer. Mr, and In hrl TM were business visitors in Newton one day last week. ‘Miss Vivian Cooper of Muhdale m spending a couple ot weeta' nea- Lou at Mr. Alex Cooper'l. Mr. and In. View: m and Ir. at" In. Then. A... m wool-end "anon qqth the man daughter In mA. .1. “a Mr M ot Taber-or; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cooper In! (anally â€tended the Cooper reunio- a' Fisher’s Mills on Doubles Day. In Wm. manual. ot Moi-ch Morningmn spent the holiday o. our line. Vultur- Guru; the we“ with Mr. and In. Dam Imam we": Mr. and In Wm. EMrioo. ot " ula, Mam. Prod. and In. w, W. Brrden and son lit-new or Toronto and Mr and Mrs. J... Johnson at mmhMWMah- day. LISBON " Fill. 4.25 pin. 1.43 p... Mrs. Michael Tucker Ind father. room. Mr. J. Dunnken. of Detroit, spent Mr. W. Sehiesfel mm] Mr. and In few days with friends here. Mrs. Pred Schie-tel Ind Mr. and Mr. Ind lira. Micheel Rynn and Mrs. Emil Bender of Beimorevufted son Ger-Id spent a day with Mr. with Illa-ml Mrs. Edwin Hagan. and Mrs. Wilfred mutter. l Mrs. Wm. Thomas and none Carl I Mrs. Mary Veitenheimer Ind Mr. Ind Hurry Ind daughter Helen Thit- ; Edw. Meyer and Rev. Edgar Veiten- ed friends here. heimer have left for Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Noetzel Ind lather western pointia to ftit friends: family of Detroit: Bligh" arrived Mr. and Its. Chas. McLaughlin of Pnlmerston spent . - It the home of Mr. Hunter I. Coon. Memmr. Fred Welt: of Listovel and George Welt: of barking were business visitors in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ruth and daughter Antonetta of Formosa spent a day with her dunghter, Mrs. Sydney Rein: _ - - MrfAlvin O'Grady of Montreal is spending I few weeks with friends here. Mr. Ind In. W. N. Allinglllm and "net attended Grace Church In?!†ptrtr. u -- NOAH STROH. Clerk. The following payment: are in- eluded under the road superintend- ent's pay voucher: Elmira Planing Hill Co., lumber, $9.15; Irvin Sny- der, grading, 31.50; Canada lngot Iron Co., culverts. 124.88; Letson and Winfield, gas, 25.00; Jo's. I. Friedman. grading and weeding. 32.90; Ben. Hillard, grading and labor. 21.30; Geo. Forbes, grading and ditching, 33.85; Percy Woods, weeding, 5.60; Norman Snyder, salary, 36.00; Henry B. Bowman, ditching, 60.90; David Bott, grading, ‘ditching and weeding, 34.30; Jbri Martin, gravelling, 7.40: Dan Cress. man, grading. 6.90; W. helmet, weeding, 4.40; Menno Eby, shoulder- ing road, 66.60; W. W. Weber. grading and labor, 7.50; Ervine Shoemaker. weeds, posts and re- pairs, 43.70; S. C. Spies. grading, culvert and labor, M.55: Wm. Kan- man, grading and weeding, 27.40: James Burnett. trucking. 5.00; Lackie, Stewart. Cornell. trussing bridge, 75.00; John Shhlbaum, weeding, 6.60; Archie Shoemaker. weeding and brushing, 25.40. Total, $774.83. Mr. End Mrs. Albert Martin and children of Stratford spent I day with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Stemmler. The Linsem-n reunion was held at Wallenstein hat week. Mr. end In. Alex. Schnarr and here on a visit. In Noetsel Ind daughter Marguerite of Waterloo hmily will spend the summer spent I dly with friends here. Imonthn with her father, Hr. [owls Mr. Edwin Dietrich of Ehniraiporwen, _ The strn'wberry mill held " St. Mary's R. C. church was a big suc- qeeitB. Mr. Russel Allinglnm spent . day in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Blau of Guelph spent Sunday with Mrs. An- dmyy Qgerin. - Mrs." Davis of Detroit spent a few 4:13 Tith her mother, Mrs. Thos. - Mr. Eefwin Dietrich of Elmira Bptr2t I day gt his hor1teAete, - a Mr. ind in. M. Brenner spent I auxin infringe: _ -_- in Edward [Anselm-n of Glen- plhn visited recently at his home O’erdy. Moved by Norman Wilkinson and Edmund Sehwindt that this council do now adjourn to meet will at the council chamber. Conestoga. on Tuesday, August 3rd next, It 10 o’clock n.nc-Ctrried. I June: Milt. appeared before the} leouncil complaining of the untsntitr- _faetory Anni ditch running through his farm. As thiss matter ‘comes under the provisions of the Ditches 1nd Watercourse: Act it In: placed in the Clerk's hands to hnve necessary proceedings taken to remedy the matters complained of. W. W. "min-on, Juvenile court costs. $4.00; Elmira Printing Co., notice re weed destruction, 33.20; Noah Shoemaker, equ.tisintr Union s. S. No. 2 and No. IT, $8.00; J. P. Snider, equnlizing Union B. S. No. 2, 4.00; Workmen's Compensation Board, 1986 works mment. 10.00; Norman Snyder, my voucher. 775183. Total, 'M4.08.---Carriod. Moved by Milton Weber and Her- bert Suebel, that the following ac- counts be paid ind that the new grant his orderwhr the name: of u were also circulu letter: from tho Prori-inl Trauma regarding the run-11mm.- of payment.- on tile drain... debenture- owing to a urination of intern-L The lm~ tor's report for the Children'. Aid Bodyâ€, the report of the High- wayu hte:,',',', auditor on the audit of uvn‘ip mud- moo-u um! voucher-3 . short the Mo. . to Work-a5 tha iiGauiiG LtG0iUT, Mr. M, ui1'l'lt=."fh'rl.T,': anal] and The P-tent of I CIIIV. I'LL COIOUOVCD. COI'IUIIIT. IOU... I†I... can-.. 'l'l "VI VIII I " 0.... VII! m - a --.. iii7GTriiiriiiG hi "i"CT7 Jett2t"t kat. tttpd: Ae-u-tg-dna. ml In. In... H a In}? ;. ..__._.:T___A. ,. "r.t3r.-diirk0tm- Fl gAin aims" from In" .ttmtd, ed the gnu-II of the In. In. ’00. Minor renovations have been made " the St. Clements Hotel. A mull lobby has been erected at the west end, elm I bunny enabling people to enter the hotel without getting into the ladies' beverue room. About 20 girls panned " the home of Mr. and In. Albert Es- bcugll recently in honor of lilo Mary kiefrer. Mina Kiel!" is to be married shortly. she as presented with many beautiful “when um- sils. after which bunco m played. Touch" Honored. The school pupils of S. B. No. 6 surprised Him ll. Klein. their teacher. on. the last (by of school. owing to her resign-tin: from that school. in that she in to be III-tried. A splendid address was read by one of the pupils nnd the presentation' of I matine rut Ind n bouquet of Rowen, mu made. Behtestel it Belmont Mr. Ind In. Dan Bonn and daughter of Molt. Mich. wilted with Mr. R. Hooch. Pauli! Roy-Ion. _ _ _ Gaite . number from here attend- edfhe St. Anth‘lawn 1oeini. _ Mina Birniee Bergott is marlin: 1ythotifnrt.yrlth Mr. and In. W Mr. Ind In. George Fol-well and Mr. Frank Runutetlcr Ind daughters Kuhn and Betty viBtted Mr. Ind In. Andrew 1rimtetrtreeer. A family reunion took whee at the home of Mr. and In. Jacob Lorentz on Saturday. Alt the family were present. Mr. and In. G. ant and mmitr, Mr. and In; Ed. 1Enttertbertter and {any and [in Agne- Winston of B alo. N.Y.. were also resent. lancer gotta†Oberle ofA"tarr- Mm. Putt-elk Dietrich. Mr. Ind In. Wm. Burnt and {unmet Runner gun I II a": with r. Ind In. an, Mgt In bonu- Trend“ of on- Jr. rv. to St. 1v.;c1nr|e. iius rich, Harold For-well (tea). Cletu- Reidel. Rev. Wm. Becker returned home after attending the inauguration of the Rt. Rev. Archbishop J. T. le- anly_at Enliqu. _ A - loo' 3." awam. . tn weeks holiday- wtth his uncle Ind aunt. Kr. Ind Sr. m. to Jr. Iv.--Mnr, Bru- bacher, Esther Dietrich, Bernud Runstetler. Jr. m. to Sr. In.--iah Bru- bacher, Mary Eshnugh. Illry Diet- rich, Mildred Dietrich. Gertrude Dietrich, Robert Dietrich. Donald Fennel], Ruth Powell. Br. T. to M. - Joseph Raining, John Forwell. Kenneth Fol-well, - ward Runstetler. ‘_ Jr. I, t_o Sr. 1.-r-Thtsr- Digm, Pane-all. Mr. Carl Koehel returned home after spending uvenl weeks with friends in Kirkland Lake. Mr. Anthony Lorentz and Ilia Dorothy Yelnek of Detroit. lick. spent . few days with his parents. Mr. Ind Hrs. Juob Lorentz. . we, " New Gummy. Jr. 1. to Sr. 1.-uurine Ethel. hurie Eckert, Audrey Meyer, Helen Reine], Teren- Psum. Harold Strauss, Rita Ertel, Bernice Berton, Johnna Hirteis. Shirley Goodwin. Betty Hergott, Alfred Brenna, Keith Meyer. _ - 'ueotefr. L5. 'les. Eons-Iv!- Jean Eckert, Edward Fdraiirhi bert Runstedler. Pypes. tugged“ alphabetically, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reidel of Kitch- ener visited friends here. iiiOGG dined Mend: hm. Secotid to Jr. m.--Nmtmtntt Bruy higher. Eileen Dietrich, I Sr. l. to Jr. ".--Hildred 15imteh. berger. Dorothy Schiebel, Duct!†Dietrich, John Koebel, Sabina Hunt. Will-rd lesser, Ger-Id Lorentz. Marjorie Spencer, Gertrude Gian. Jacob Psutkn, Norman Spencer, Madeline Rachel, George Brenner, Lorne Goodwin, Wilfred Kumm. Gegrge Hemptt. Willy-d Roche]. Haynes .11de not in order of merit. Jr. M. to Sr. ".--Vi:Met Igor, Rose": Brien. Joseph Weher, - Hartman, Chuck End. Chabdle gum Elroy "not. Leander Ben- er. Jr. III. to Br. m.--Arth.r Bub, Mildred Kunm, My w. Helen Gian. Curl Voicin, Leroy Good- ‘vin, Anthony Berton Elmer Voilin. Lloyd Kimrwetter, no†new], Eng Lienhardt. Jr. II. to Jr. m.--Detroetr Jor- don. Itueben Selim. Chi] Bender, Albert mrteis. .11. 1.1"â€. i" b.NrT* __ “I. G fa . - 1 Ah- tho M In. uni-cud 'stutr.'tu"cfi'. tat'2NNi='ta%,t l Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. - Gaul-i ,d,tAtreeystilteA-td, new. Evelyn W. calm-Am “lo-ht the h-l mum-r! M. ‘Koebel, Helen MIN, cm... P. Bat-- and tho at“: te Lorentz, mu Bachelor, Ruth Good- 0". to - Ne th- '+oq.'"- win, “ounce Spent». I“ " aqat ICE 'N Win: Br. m. to Jr. ".--r- Jordon. - "20W“ MO“. 000- sE. u. to Jr. "r.---Do, 'hhtneh- berger. Theodore Kunlm. luck Eokert, Joseph Mikel, Joseph Hir- Br. m. to Jr. IV.--'- Jordon. Marie Judo-n. I“ [pg-car. Vir- ginia Brenner, Virglnh Kabul. Inlet Lot-om, VM Puts, Rita Bergen, We WC, At Vehini Lloyd Knbel, Ann We . us- GBIIONICX‘ WANT an TO BUY on n -"e m‘ if? I are - 2tASi'2e - M. A. kietter, teacher. I. _ (null-alt can)“. In. K. Wet, aim Wanda»; eon-um... W. M 'oSllf?"l.f.1"l com-mu. "3.. It. and In. M Door-Ind iiiarai. at... Ill. It "I W tel _ uxt - “in: the itmt " you“. My In July It the Insult» Rebel, _The '.ryere mmjlgclqu of gnyd'er, Au-u;'u.nii. lury' Ann; luau; Sarah: In“. “a... _ iiiriiir-7iu7 Alitseitirs,tpixn- mme's on W alphabetically. Br. [v.4tnda'. ttrteeater. _ Jy. Ivs-a'ee, Grrtony, Btu- After die m uh the Ziegler brothers of Detroit gre,', enur- tained with non;- n manic for chum. which included tar (Inch; W. My“! M A“! tttttss Ar Klan uni-n and Ir. and comp!“ the ran-Ion. II. thr Dom to!!!“ shout " trip in: to Got-In, ten year- up to vhit the bone of his {net-then and Ttttet bet that the Doer- - are n e connection of Adam and Eve, " it Impepna his (rund- father'. nun: was Adm Ind his graatdmother's nun. Ill be. (That of PY"'", in . 1tmseeah?eHyre?.) m. - - - 'rNF%8"l0"_' mum“. [tn-Wt†'tent-ro-i-theist "t'erd.rtrtJat, It the Insult» The nah: mm included Ihort (all: by Inc-hen of the dif- "rerett-eh-eteth-rtrsettter. ,ttip-Nmttrwhmtnrerr A. 'iiiiriiiiiiii' Jim", ll. "k' Door... all-hr n- ttyer . It can“. id'f.rs,1'l% Et. The (My .0 gill_nu|h_ol S. S. No. s, WWICH (Th-o up.) What is the' object of Government control? When, on the other hand, they are available in public places, under proper control of course, education begins, for then public opinion discourages excess. Unfortunately it takes, time to repair the ravages of prohibition. A whole generation were deprived of the opportunity of learning moderation. So there are still abuses, which government control corrects. A careful study convinces us that a sound public opinion is growing in favour of reasonable and temperate enjoyment. The lament system in fact is proving successful. In the meanwhile prohibition extremirrta use the behaviour of the victims of their own legislation as an argument for repeating their Stal mistake. Any insistence that the consumption of these wholesome, mildly stimulating beverages should only take place in private behind shut doors, cannot give people the opportunity to learn to use them sanely, decently, and to their own advantage. If the system aims at auction, at making people "good" against their will, it is not only undemocratic but, experience has shown, it will fail. If the system aims at education, at making it easier for people to learn self-control, it is on the right track. The best method of determining the merit of any system of government control of the sale of brewed malt beverages is to apply this simple test. 3-- Wed Ar Sr. L--Brutraeher, Mary; Cress- man. Erma; Cressmau, Mirror, Sr. ".---Bnuman, Ion; Brubneher. Kuie;Bruhaeher, IAvi; Brutmeher, Nelson; Martin, Louisa; Reist. Lo- vim: Sander. Priscilla. Jr. m.---Nrmtnn, Ada; Bauman. Nancy; lartin, Laverne; Martin, Mary Ann; Bauman. Edri. 'iiesrttinaq-.esfthermM-femperxmee Mindanao». 8'Pueeiteme'xeitrtutrr*dhrtherh-tuq trtaueryintheia-guuterrseAiie-deratami, Jaw When You Enter Traffic 'rso-"r-da-rrar_, Towfcllou-‘o... mr-h-oy-a-ro-u-a-e-te-ai" 5â€.-fo Poty-rumotrrri--resr--- .tT:a'd'eiTg:Std'gey'gayLeAegayatgeygge owl-dug “hamlet-Inomdhch o-tHe-er-H--" Develop-n..- .taNoMeee'heroihe-H.Hrr.t “twink.- et"ofeea_"ugVeor-"-reelu- din-bun? Adhwmhlhomyubannlhu‘ 'ooor-k_dthhrh-d.oorr-ou--. n-Mn‘mnmunuwh-Iou 'hed-r-r-H-reno-hor-et [, Pei-"~9- .-.e-a-,ii" h' ro-root-HC-sr"--)-. 'tree-ee-__-ua-re-ue- molt-I'd"... "-t"tveq-e.ohr.rote"ehu"eaaeeaurr. qrSBNwo-erg-om-q.o-oegta--a-. Wot-heh-fer-r-Hora--.- mlcbmundm-nhlm" 'yt-fy-rt-r- “401;.“de- Entering a Store you are Courteous- tin. uiiton; Miran. Shim. . - Beatrice T. Beiul. teacher. Gingrich. Gordon; Kraemer, Lovim; Martin. Melvin; Martin, Vern; tMr- der, Clemn; Widemnn. Elam. Primer-Bauman, Elo; Bum“. Elvinn; Bruhccher, Hannah; Cull- mn. Florence; linemen Alli-1h; yang! Abn_e_r; Martin, David; lu- “0““th IT'