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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jul 1937, p. 2

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lover-I at tho girls from this con- nuuu are (Md-In. It the lawn... or P'r"er.murrfrehoert. Mb I any at no ehaérm, no ESE»; - . Mm June Kolterborno of ant- Gunday vmtorn at the home of ford u [mild-yum with her ulna- Unlah Shunt: were Mr, and In. parents Mr, "a Mrr0oortro K.” mhrnim Schmidt, Baden. and Mr. Mrno. , “a In. Norma shun; Hlylville'v Mr, “a Mn. Harold Green “I. Mr, “a In Ind, Fold: Ind runnymmuy anemic-d the sch-u reunion I'm! Sunday In the home, W. R. tin Waterloo Park on "tr ut. 8M1, Nine Pine. 1 urn-ml In. Win Earth: of th of Elm": were “up" - In. Ida Wilmer ll nnvndln. come For B , I lime with her Mace. Mn. Aom'glJiy'M "'1'." hora- - of m"""“"' l Mr Inc! Mrs, Jonah Gingrich and Mr. mm In. Hor‘h Fetch And [an Mn. Am ohmic]: of the an of tir "rttetd friend- In annuord. Bum! Pool we" Sunny video" of Mr. and " , lay. Mr And Mm [hvld Burlmr and hawk". pulled at the has. of mm Grumman, Silky. Recent visitors " the home of [Iran Snidor were Mrs. A. D. Wang- or, um Chester and daughters Ruth and Rhoda. and new. r. K, [ohm-l III of "i"rtrottttttrg Vt. Mr. Paul Bruhchor. Ponnnylunln and Paul "autumn, Waterloo. Mr. Oliver WPher. Waterloo. ”on! Sunday at the homes of Bohr-kn Snider and Nathaniel Snider. Sunday villmra at the home of Nathaniel Snider were Mr. and Mrs, Edgar nuns-Imam and famlly. Grim.- by and Mr. and Mrs. Kmart! Samar and family. stalking. Mr. Byron Haber, Chlcngo, upon! the week-mad with bl: Inmlly hero. On Tuesday evening about thirty- ttee ot the young people gathered at the home of Simon Martin In honor of Violet Martin, it being the occasion or her twentieth birthday. The even- ing was spent in various Indoor games and in music. Miss Martin, on helm" of the group was then pre- sented with a lovely present by Ara-' belle Snider ant with a hirthdsy cake by Miss Marjorie Cressmnn. It" Wish Snider read a nicely worded address. At the close of the evening a wainer roast was enjoyed by the group. l Mr. and Mrte. Isaiah Cree-man and daughters Khan and Marjorie and, Mrs mum Martin and family spent‘ Sunday at the home at Paul Mortiml Waterloo. I Joseph DeCoteaux. 477 Cannon Street East, " year: old, a police tttttg, who had been sent to the W]! for observation following his appearance in court on charges of malt and attempted suicide, waa back in the police station cells charged with attempted murder. Birthday Surprlle Party. BAMrLToN.---Attaeked in the obserntion “rd of the Ontario Hospital, Mountain Top/shortly before 8 o'clock Sundny morning, livid Findlay, 64 Alpine Avenue, Mt gnu-d, lies in the General mu] in serious condition. His was ftaetured when he wu m with I has nozzle, removed boys thy {Intimacy the hang. "The British Inbor Disputes Act of 1927 outlawed general and sympathetic strikes, the kernel of the 0.1.0. policy. It outlawed strikes designed to force government action, again an aim of the C.I.0. John L Lewis could not in Britain call out the miners to punish the steel operators. He could not use mass picketing, in- timidlite non-strikers or disturb the community. He could not deprive a member of union bene- itts, if he declined to strike. He could not re- quire a union member to contribute to a political fund and could not impose the check- off (deduction of union dues from his pay) without the written consent of the individual worker. Union heads cannot use funds for political purposes without consent of the mem- bers. The Government requires an accounting of all expenditures". Asylum Guard is Beaten by Prisoner It is questionable whether the people of Ontario would welcome an election this year but one thing is certain that should legislation be introduced " the next session of the legisla- ture much along the line in effect in England. his Government would be assured of strong support by both labor and industrial heads who favor a fair deal for both employee and em- Morey, --___ -. -- -- .. Great Britain, after much trouble with hbor unions, put into effect legislation which was not considered drastic and which being sound worked both to the advantage of all Indian. The Globe and Mail has the following comment op the question 3 nddreu to I Inge gathering made reference to the C.l.0. and its leader, John L. laws, do- claring this organization would be stopped u the border should it attempt to gain a foot- hold in this, province. The__ren}ark was teken hy many electo'ra as an indication that Ptemidr Hepburn has under consideration putting into "eet drastic legislation Thith he hopes will curb the Activities of the C.LO. "EV-d", "7 W -____ I - 'urs= I can. f?.rdpgtaa.. V TALK OF A PROVINCIAL ELECTION At Orillm recently Premier I1erttturn in I"' DAmtmgAN&MrNt5rAV Owns-Adm no! . In). __, nun- I._IIAI. FRIDAY. JULY 9. 1087 it:'or'ia,1 i, nuns on Amuse: 1 Mrs. George Buchanan and 'uturtt- wr Joy and Mm. Amen Buck and ldamrhter Joan of Owen Sound Ire Romain. their holldlyl with Mr. ma “In. Hamil cross. nmwu .m- nun-u- - In!!!" "W“ 'WWI w W - - Mr and Mrs Job-LID"! visited with Mr " In Wm M should to alum. M on mrith Mr. .M In. mm Inn-1h _. . . . 'doon All ,eNdtrqeq and mr-tqs In thr Jorn-Ion muo- on Dani”. Mr, "d I” P. J. WW. “I” for " be! “I drink - I. Min In]. Hal-on an! - dm on Mr. J. W. “not at Hauler not up but of at, If m- 0. - In Toronto. 14 Id neatly. Ir, tU'ltt nn any m Irwin-tam MI owl”! .11...” Mr “a lam-noun.“ Mr. "" tere. - - amd fJlv"lUtTfPg'tfir2't'2r, new 'yt--lPf""tfP"renH"or-oem..,Tii"v" gunman-um m. .32.... an. w- on" and. - lug. _ Mr Ind Mrs, Jonah Gingrich and Mrs. Am Gingrlch of the an of Pool worn Sunday mm" of Mr. and Mn. J. B. and". Mr. Keusch and daughters, the , Misses Mary and Fern visited at the home or Mr. and Mn. Alvin [Jetty on .'sataruar. MIA: Helen (‘rus wail her holl- (lays at Kitchener and Gall. Ml" Dorothy Koltorborne ”out htsr holidays In Hamilton The Misses Paul. Ind Gertrude Seahle or Welluley mind with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond scum on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thom. unend- ui the mnoral or Mrs. Henry Duel:- lmrg at Elmira on Sunday. Mr. and Mrg. Rona Waht uncut Sun- day in Whrton. Illa Homes Bunny the latter's ulnar accompanied them on their return to spend a hon. day. I Mr. Eden crewman and Mr. A. K. Dettwiler made a trlp to Durham on Sunday. Mrs. Annie Rumor and daughters. male and Grace and non Elmer stayed out trom Friday, the hmenl day of the late Mm. Dettwllor and were taken back to melt home by Messrs. cream-n and Deltwllot. Mrs. John Behaner Ind Must, hobel Roth of Heldelberg villted with Mrs. William Srhanar on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Martin of 8.8. No. 2. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eden Crmmn on Sunni”. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wain upon! Wednesday In Kilehanor. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lichly and daughter Hazel motored to Durham on the holiday for an outing‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sch-nor visit- ed in Goderieh on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Pill-Inger or no- cheater, N.Y.. were Supt“, vulture orpr. and Mrp. Holden Apps]. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bowman visit- ed with Mr, and In. Noah antler near “arable on the lat. . Mr. M. L Weber, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Doerheeker and Mr. and In. Howard Gian attended the Doerhrtek- or reunion at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schweitzer on the Woolwlch and Wells-19y town line on Sunday Mterttoott, Frances and Harold Drunken- ot Sunnyside, Kitchener, arty -dintt some days with (:an and anna- ma Weber. According to the last report of the Bank of Montreal on business conditions, there is a marked improvement in retail sales of season- able goods and business generally has shown an improvement over last year. Continued ex- pansion is shown in most of the basic lines of industry. Collections are fair to good. Miss Agnes McPhail, the energetic and popular member for South Grey in the Dominion Parliament for nearly twenty years. my be slated for a seat in the Senate. Who knows? The question of whether to" remove on old "iandmark", the public drinking fountain for horses, on King street, created quite a furore in council when the members were deadlocked four all. Mayor McKersie broke the tie vote by siding with those who would retain the foun- tain. In the opinion of a large number of citizens, including prominent business men, and farmers, the drinking fountain has outlived its usefulness and should be removed. The Waterloo town council is to be com- mended in its support of the Board of Trude by acceding to its request for a mat of $250 for publicity work. President J. R. Baton and his executive were commended by the aldermen for their excellent work in furthering the in- teresta of Waterloo, one of the itmnrt and most progressive towns in the Dominion. towtpmonfltb‘ranwhflavufl'fi," tk' """" "-W' " .. Emtnmumwmflhm!mmME-w imrth_tqresedirspj.lttaeurtintster' “U. -Aqnhtq _ Mthu-nfldmtcm.:mtww.fi= mitttrmiuanhoqr-15. 'rii'i'piHi"Fii7'tqt"fw.r,grdltut,Srg WMnmdemnfi-hhmvam obtain)!!! plan-m usual-5.90 - I”! .tereef 9#.m-':m iriiriiG7ertrrTG. 'iiiiiniiiiithri' - toexrrgme.. "aAduttr h mum'- 'ttrttt"'t'ertgaft'g,'lt',e2f,','At iittefeetete:ttaeNLe 'u-FH-tttdr-ut Wtthflitvowfllmfllmgu-mummm rudrsetitminhitthwn, aw follow. tura'Nale,t'et'ght df,egax2g/tp,',,tt'gtt2'tt'l'a','t'tt th- M,"hf.'t'datf, to Mt espoed "iGiiraiGitittr%tims,e.tee. 0". MM', they would be well advised to at. to plum; tt12tgtT2rttP=td 'Wh". anueorinnewheretheird+forqeteoliaria' oeeuor, a. but. a. be BatiatUd without endangering the lives of "odt-thatsrftth.rutt..diq others. _&I lodho-ontmunm. . The Waterloo County iii-w Society is at: "d htt"tltu"tgtlf,t, doing a splendld work in preservum important “I,” am - we amt history which will be of real interest for minty-Ayn. It. on! up at!!!” hole generations. m I ST. JACOBS Mr. and In. R. 1. - a non Robert ot Toronto ”on! It. In- mlny wlth Rov. um 371?. J. '1... Mr, and In. new. In! and In Rahal and [anon ”on - with Mr. nnd In. Wu. - “Bubble Jtltter, Dim-rd Schmidt. Prom May I to September to. It in Billy Srhumncher. [union '9aodae. pstlmnlod that . ferrule 1tomro4ty Ruth Snyder. would In" numumtely 6598.710.- I'rimer--10ry Oren-Inna. Illnem 000.000 descendant-Y Sawmill: nr Prey. Million Gingrich. Bernice”- . m of an inch long end an Hahn, David Kin-wetterjnhel 'tHeh, the” flies were inld end to and, (here Bolihy Schmidt would be more than 11,013.00. mite. First (‘Iun Joyce Adm. Delhi of flies. Brnlurher. Betty mater, - my. t Thh, eoundn like a seriou- Men Shirley (label. Abner munch, "" that fortnmtely, they dott't all live son Horst, Venn Horn. Phil. Klee- ‘end people lute-d or bothering woiPr, Leelie Knllchemy, men .bout putting them and to and. nut Martin. mm Riech, Carl utter. ihem to un and one. .nd for " when Sander. Leonard Ochoa", , And Iline but. (In. to do his killing Ronald arm-gm, Jnck Sch-lunar. In when the (lie- In! hymn Inch Anne mum, 1m Wilma. [fly killed ttmg .n-quu no our Second KNtMMr--Nrarrt Baum-n, " tie meocher, Naomi Crouman, Glen DoPrbecker. Aden Frey. Lydian My. Ima- can]. In»! sum, Henry om... _shirler Good; Donn! Randell, It Iomo Knllchmmky. Edn- hula, Mary Ann Martin. June Iorlock, Jean Nlergnrth, (allow! Pnntlot. Bubble Jtltter, Dim-rd Schmidt. Billy Srhumnchor. [union atria, Ruth Snyder. 'Primer-lor, Oreo-man. “mom Prey. Mahlon Gingrich, Bernie. Hahn, David Rug-wetter, Ethel Ruck. Bolihy Selim”... Jr. IrN---d9arah Bantu-n. hulk. Doerbecker, Gladys Good. new. Hahn. Orville Hahn, MI W schewsky, Clayton Martin, Clonal: Martin, Elmer Martin, Lloyd Martin, Milton A artist. Simeon min, Don- ald Pannier, Frances lunar. hell Bitter. Carol Min-on. Ila-old Schanor. Clementine 8mm, Joy Sim", Brawn Bunion libel Sny- def. sr.. "I-ir Brnhachsr, Vernal Cress, Milton My, Mar Ohm, Carmen Good, Alice 1%hrt, Kelvin Horst. Miriam Il-lnrlt, Helen Inmat- ter, Lucinda Martln. bud“. mer- germ, Kenneth Puntler, Joan Robin- son. Norlno Schoorer. morning Bib tier. Naomi Snider. Sr. Iv-alter, Gingrich, Ila-ml Good, Mary Il-lont. Mr Hubert. IB.. zel Lichty, Aimed- Martin, Phyllh Schlln. Jr. "'--oonakd Ania, All“ lien- rfch, Levi Home. - Hubert. “In Kenesky, Henry Isl-tin, Harold 'l‘lergarth,ullhrold 'Illuor, Batty Ro- binson. Gene Rabin-on, Chm! Glu- der. Elmer Sunder. Ill-um scum. Kenneth antler. Mr. and Mrs. JNmtid What will occllny the apartment "and by Mr. and Mrs. Behind. Mr. and Mrs. 150th Bowman of Elmira were and” sum of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Harlin. school Report. The chines tor the next school year are " M101". Nune- aro u- ranged in alphabetical order: Mr. and Mrs. Dr]. Mayan; In: several days In Woodstock Int week. Mr. and Mn. Edvard Scum moved into their new home In! Walnu- ©rrre= I “to. are . ant-nun to health, they - the - ot arm-norm ttorttoid and our" Gunm- all- PR.qtb. Not I word tregoetd an to haul In their (um. I - only on. v" to to. low: itho DOM. “in. m In. tho-ll to ettqtqnted. Guam on Itoors “a window. and oo-h- tor " be! at drill about to not TMt.b-totnn,tt-row Mr nobmqnnnhvm 'trrrl-aeotma. and» Ch . IIIII'O, Anathema-abdomen“ In when ti. (“on In! "er, Inch fly “not! “an .n-Ium tho am ot million. inter. How long would lt an to kill each one? muted ttme Aid; tGGaairia," ouch th.1s muthl in not no eoo.d. lt and: to and the pigmp ind ot-trarity __ Rink? '55- Mt or Wi f It I: have. upon-n 0.mfriGie 6:63;; LG par; otthe cgl-glmn gramme to " Graven with lug. patella: worrHbeweit-dfo,ritehthe - cloudy for the ttrat appear- mu of the cucumber beetle and his control menu-e- at on“. The plan!- should he dunked with a mixture of calcium "senate and when of Canada. To some ax- tcnt, than beetles also feed on beau, corn and the bloc-om- of 'ltd and manna plants. In appearance, the beetle. are about one-quarter of an incl: long, yellow In colour; with a black head and tin-u long stripe- dm the back, and tr. T2t,t,tt attack dingy after a thro q mil “In: (and t?r,L'tge,e, on loll. mi teed 75rrirgéieicie 73:] the under sayings " the pnfoljlinc lava. cor-xiii}; Jé-t'Syi'T-E an}; at P. rang, the tiny punts die Cucumbers, melons, squall, pump- kin, and “tendons are the favourite food of the striped cucum- ber beetle which in found in all spreading, it is nae-er: that every occupant of lend, run! or when, expend every alert in dining. pull- ing, luring. cutting or burning weeds on they go to seed. Chen-hr Booth. an Fast Wain. |very Joctive, although som-hit more attt,T Lute m hub when to ad the next you with upset-motion ofthe-dt. In W by turmer- inert}; tSeaA.rtthmeorfotrr ”army rotation, who are particular in the "a: of “at“ ,flte,S"gre, "4 w 0 pm: on an equate cultivation methods. " weeds are cut, crop Iona ue ent._und in - thit thug yon-st month- wlnn the weather in madly hotanddrrthatthe, maximum dun- mmbedonetoweednwiththe minimum of clerk. July plowing and only that lur- vest euittmtuat in to be9tlr ro- Ihonld be ploughed immediately commanded. Jur. new- 'yowy to be. My quently a . Sun-Inu- {allow and scaled to Full who“ early in Sep- tembcr. This so called dry cleaning method ite very elective on Bow Thistle, Time]: Gr... Bladder Cun- Nor, my! our}: many] wegds. A 1 Dry Mar 3nd bright, hot nun- MomeMgn-Mnlliu ' “10"”me Jytr nyd l! M‘W'. - irtoFsaii iFiiiGr, “Won't-Rhett. - mm oi Peqqtqn um mwmummu vumumnomocur.m Obmhmmm -rortDeminhttetDar. tura'Nale,t'et'ght Ir.udun.LmolPlc- “I ”llama?“- loam-Lullnhlmyubom lee. 3951'. ‘29!!! onu- Im- m. int" than] "'nidh-qw' ___ 7' 'iiiti.t?2tipti5it'te2art'i'st't. for market Ind and?“ for home eoaamirrrqtitrrt. ntrot moo- at-_dbengrNudnasoort.tr lqury to the - bacon-e- " 1haati-ith-uofteadsnd WM [imp in tty most which gum nailing ,roethr "fdFftile" " ' -"e..TIh"" "“ - In. w... club. and um of " - roam no ”out. the an." a- TI. W-u culon " With! 1.1.. The 'eating',,', h I - It. north Wealth of We." on - ecu-only found - n law any. u am home or all“ on - and - Mr. no In. John WW. 17.073,” MILE. OF FIJI. Warm-(Wood- mg, the furrows left ti, dry__ont fot_Mrders, or IQ of. thy gypsum. '. next you with splendid method James Morgan of out spent Bun- day at tho home or Mr. And In. Wm. Guineas. Wllllam Jones nttended the funeral of the lite Mr. Charles Danni Onw- ley which took place on Sum-thy anemoon In button. Mrs. Herb Oblhelaer And son James and Mrs. P. Hobhn attended the St. Mary's moi: picnic held " Klie'a gum It Bridgeport on Sunday afternoon. A gang ot hydro workmen "8!le The town are “qu bylaw, now trlmmlng the tree. from the hydro " year- old. needs revision, and wire on the Doon Mani-y. should Include tho new lnsnl Wick, Mr. Ind Mn. Sim Denier and they said. daughter Etta have moved than It was inllmted that the bylaw houlehold elect- mm In. B. Gillil' would be revised shorur. Mr. and Mn. Arthur Card and daughter ot Detroit Ire spending I vacation at the home or mu Kate Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Hobbs Ind daughter Mrekl spent Dominion Day with rshtives In Brandon]. Inga ‘Ruth Guthrie of Waterloo was a vislor at the home at Goo. Fowler recently. In, glen Thomas and daughter Mary of Arr spent Such, u the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gill. ‘M rs. Bert Wintermnnor and dnagh- ter Dolores ot Kitchener is spending a tew weeks at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. unmet“. Mrs. D. Dahmer and son Douglas of Kitchener spent Dominion an, at the home ot Mr. James Mammary. Inn Etta Bowman of Kitchener spam the week-end with her sister, was K. Bowman. Miss Ethel Hhtt has returned to her home after spending a week's vacation with friends in Montreal. Alt. Boll ot Toronto spent Sun- day " the home of " tttthor, Mr. Wm. Boll. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bessel-e: of Kitch- ener spent Sunday at the summer home here. Mr. and In. June- lnymn Jun. and but], and Mr. an. lam-n tV. or Speed-ville were Stinky vul- torI nt the home of Mr. and In. Di. Klein-teubor ot Preston I“ winning at the home of Mr. 1nd In. Fred monument)». In. 3. manner ot English Bet- tlement VII a villtor at the homo of Mr. R. Jone. on Sunday. mu Vern sane] ot on: than Thursday nt the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. sane]. Mr. and In. Win. Jonei and [Im- iir spent Sunday}! Pnallnch m3. . Miss M. Ross ot strum"! is spent]- ing the summer vacation at her "m- mer home in the? villaggt -- Betty Brown is upe'ndlng the lame mar vacation at the home ot Mr. um Mrs. C. Davis ot Windsor. not vdnmutitohoiodlll tr.otAerB3ohrsasidBtantorq_oe Mr. and In. Carman Giti and mm- ily of Blur nnd Mr. 1nd In. Bun-II- Lam ruher of Doon ”out Sunday with minke. at Bardtetd. withert Snyder ot English thtttNy. mom spent sand" " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard “or. ttu, Vivienne (Inmate I- spend- ttse 1 nation " the [mono ot Mr. and In. Eric Robot” at Kitchens. ' t'itii."iitdiiQaiit'. "I. of u w. br.., M, " 9! h. 1* ara.- as." irriaoTiraai a that. PPS u A-ft-Le-UO-h'. “T 17‘- buiiiiri iarGu. - to LEM WORTLE,THE PRAcnan JOKER, MAKES use or PART or AN I “may THE TOONERVILLE TROLLev THAT MEETS Au. THE Tamas-o- 1.9 BABY CARRIAGE A temporary building permit was granted to Gideon Bum hr town council Fridny night to conduct a (“no building as x " feet on Chub- street north. the qrui1dirttt to be cov- ered villi inn-l trick. I new “to rev siatlng building baud. Fire Limits By-Law Must he Revised "This lnsul brick in even more are reeletlng and enter than sheet metal buildings", In“ the Mn Engineer and Reeve Albert Keen Mrs. E. Perine he: returned to her home m the village after spending six week. vacuum: at the home ot her daughter, In. J. C. no“ 3nd Mr. Ron or that". Alta. School Report of Ba. Mo. 27. Deon, The Boon Public School in cloned tor the two months’ summer nu- tion. Report or the anal cumin:- t!ons at the nebool follows: Junk» Roon- Primer to Wrat--ahttet In Aim. stall. Bunch, curle- Omar. Don- ut! Hum. Kenneth men. Art Ban-v worth. Beatrlce sand. ml Schwei- tzer. Sherrie Tilt, mum: mus. Sr. m to Jr. Iv-ui- urea. Betty Brown. Ines Bonner. Mary Derick, Once Mar. Edi-old Hahn, Joe Swan. Dough- Wlllong, M Williams. Mr. tv-ui-nee clan and Jack Worden pulled entrance without Inning. Jr. IV to Sr. w--Amsit, Bowlck. Russel Bonner. Minuet runny. Robert therty, Dirty Holt, Arthur Knuk, Fred Morgan. John Weaver, Jerome White. Cscil Wright, mu, Wooda. Jr. ill to Sr. m-smut Marty. Stanley Puberty. Bertha Kleinueu- ber. Irene Send. Teacher. mu M. Wilton. , unha- Room 'P1tttt Chtatr--Attoe., Robert schnnk. Arlth., Agri., mm Jr. l to Br. Palm. Dealer. Torn Kleiusten’ber_ Kenneth Stuart. Sr. I to 'goctrnd-ooru Bowler. " vlonne Gulllette. once male, Jack Wilton. Roy W'lllluns. Kenneth Woods. Second to Jr. 'R-Y-to Jones, Ruby Morris. My? Wplle. -- _ _ Ree Wntor Fullerton ot Preston conducted the unite nt the Boon PreMrrterian church Rm C. Herbert I Won: of out nt the Doon United Church on Sunday “cannon. _ The large“ crowd ot people no. tar Ind near to" enjoying bathing and munch; tht the populu rem. Willow Lake over the nook-0M. gunmen! to Mr. and In. Muir. Iplrlmem at the north and at Donn. Teacher, Kenneth Prueter. - I...) I'D i I'll]- l-Olll l, Mild ,.e.-tt. It. - 'mtdt.0.a_me0t-t. " '-htq.ina..6rt.haththq 'm-mir-nh-q.-.." "input-“I7 #“dhwm “BANK'IORONTO “mm...“ Inn-pond" nus Turner gnu medical atte‘tion. Weir, Samuel that, “out! k-dir. loooted count-bone Hominy who- he was thrown from his bicycle " the corner of King and Francis M The bicycle slipped on the wot pavement, throwing the boy directly in front of a motor car in cling. of George Holst. Wamltb. Th Bout car did not hit him. Dr. A. T. LAD HURT IN FALL m FRONT OP “on CAM E MARKS TIRE HOSPITAL DI Kin. North - M "" WATERLOO iiiEiifii KITQHENEK July _6.-zhe GOLD AND BLACK I Silvertown Tube / Goodrich

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