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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Jul 1937, p. 4

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jiiiiire'eaTiiucEiL" isiriu-, mummy; Pauline; Calms. William; Dahlia. lull; Dalian. 1eucEcyr-?1ur,311msaFer. In; iiaaid has; Swill. Verna: Wm M; Win. Mildred. Jr. III " Sr. '"-_G>od_of, _ Kenneth; Caliban» Goth: Duh-t. Bony: DtgetrceeHi.Ebeyydt., m in"? iiiaraGriGid Tic-audit George: Eriii,7GiV. 19nd; Adm iiia'Gi Tim}? Til-m - - , kahuna; Lactic. Jun: Merkur, Doris; Men-ll. Eleanor; MtreBey, Muign; Picks: lion- Manny; Fool). Donald; Fries, Grace; Goblet. Jack; Cesirtghtuas, Willi-In; Gingrich. Cami; (Hebe. Molly: Hahn} Jack; Harper. John: “may. lick; Hand nip. Gennldc; Herbal. Mary Jane; Heller. Betty; Milliud, Nursery; Kldn wen, Robert; KoesHr, Harry; Kreisel. Paul; Litwiller, Waller: MacTuisla, Rich-rd; Merkur, kin; Martin, Grace; Mink, linen: Mun, luck; Manly. John; Pauli. Martha; Patch, Funk; Reeve. Marilyn; Reed. Robert; Reis, Shirley; Rudy. Beryl; Schedewitr, Jean; Schade- wiu. Joan; Schmidt. Kenneth; Smith, Billy; Smith, Gerald; Snider, Jenn; Snider. Ross; Snider. Shiell; Siemn, Jack; Seip, Shirley; Scott, Marion; Wall. Geiger, Frederick; Glacial; Evdyn; aiding. mud; Coax. It.“ add. Incl; Barren Beer, Hm. In“: Bi. bein, Dylan; lid-rut Calm: Bab-t. Philip links. Bet; WP? SAVE itjt,tt,',)il1tilNttld E Ruth . THESE COUPONS 100 Free Votes for ----------- Name of Contestant E-cl- iuu. during the competition “in coupon. with In“, cut out all Iii“ or - to tho Club Mun-n. wat can for ' pmon who” .no spy-n Praia. ; gm Sci-iii. fume; Selina". “due: Schneider, John; Seehady, Audrey; Sui iiiiie; Sanka. How-aid: Staci”. Kalb; Icon; Wild!“ My. Xenia. Billy; “chm. hurl: Otter. bein. Rad; Pen-rimRnby; Manually: Meek. lath; Sande". Hue); Selim Margret; Sounder. Harold; Sig. RI.- set; Shun. Elaine; Sippel. lean; Tmms, Mun-y: WM. Dilly; Widma. 'nlllce; Wilding, Get-1d; Wilson. Goth; Zurnke. Frederick; Zillnn. Donald. - Jr. III to Sr. 1"--_t_f9 -- beet, Hum: Jayne. Hum-mu; his. Frieda; Kuhn. Doris: W. Gladyo: Liclni. Adi; Martin, Betty; Mueller. Howard; Price. Clo-me; RM. has: mack, Helen: Sudonky. Nichol»; Schullt. Avenue; Seldote. Jenn; Tmeer, A‘ben; Tracer, Kmndh; Widmcr. Crawlord: Wilson, Benn; WoeNe, Alice; Ziegler. Dolores. , Chivers. Inhel; Coley. Phyllis; De Coppel. Knack: Full. 6*: Golf, William; Hall-m. Ruth; Hid-en, Wank; lumen. Sigrid; Kunherget, Do- lores; Lucy. Douglas; Lichly. Willard; Little, Frederick; Matures”, Ely; Nickels. Elsa: Pemick. Bel-non; Paar lick, Eunice; Pill. Ron-Id; Pluyford. Joan; Pugh, _Villiatrr, Pref, Joe; GG-, Pusan; Rorer. Lorne; CENTRAL SCHOOL Jr. IV " Sr. _v--iBr8y "sec-d lo Jr. "V-Ga- s) Scholl. (ii-loci _.(m a) I null-n. Jun In, Arnold; tr,utart, I”? tttrr. "m 'Et",,', P” u . “as. “he may 'iligrt: Le.'.': 'e: ELIZABETH ZEGLER SCHOOL MW " PH--- (Glull I) an“. John; Bum. Donald: DDT 1min“. Joe; Dodle. lint; Dreher, Wil- liam: Elsi, Gordon: Edna-d0. Ann; Buns. has; PM Minn; Ho‘- m. John; Kee, Mary; Knuth-ski. Willi-n: u-etNaer, Billie; 1mm. “unthi anilluw Arey.:, Muzak. Dada. June: Maya. them, s','rt,fig..' (In; Newsome, Joyce; Phillip. for. Price, John: Stalk. J-,"Th-. Shirley: Tweed, Bobby; Urqnlun. Shir- ley: Walden. Keith: Wagner. lobby: gawk Quirky; Wading, Bernice: don; Buttes. Stella: (I‘ll-am Joan: Cruichhalz, Game: It-ie% Bobbie; Dalia. WEE-alder. my: " rick, rel-rim; n. Pauline; Eugen“. game; Fagin. kinda; 03m. noggin; Lough. Esther; MacKnxie. Mary Jon; Mun-lie. Shirley; Mel-what. Stephen; Patterson. Monty: Phillips. Edith; Price, Donald; We“. Doreen: Schiller, Wilhelmina Sails. Jack; Tum. ‘Bobbie: Hickman, Mary; [Jig-hum. IMP-z 'leurs/rt-Watt-er, Wm Cull. Don-gin; Cook. Billie; Diet). How. ard; Dixon, Far; Dreher, Hirdv, End, Hunk]: Fenner, Dorallly; Gaul. Milton; Cigna, Lorraine; Goldie. Dian; Graham, Jump; "gm-chat. 'oblrr,, Hugh. Billy; Phylli; Urquhart. June: Water, Dd Walther. Trrese; Wall-pier, _Matioet, Bierwagen. Harold; Bowman, Jimmie: Warm, Helen; Cash. Phyllis: Cmick- shank; Nancy; Met. John; Dreher, Mildred; Ellick, Shirley: Truman Shir. kr, Garth. Marjorie; Huge-m, Pat. ricil: Harden). Bernice; Hamil-n. Mar pm; LitwiBer, Gordon; Lowe. Elaine; Mirth. Burburl: Miller. Peter; Mayer. Ross; Oswald. Kenneth; Pfeiffer, Rich. ard; Steam, John; Feminism. Arthur; Turret, Elsie; Uirehrusn. Elinor; Ull'el- mu. Lorraine; Weis, Delores: Weiss, Doll-Id; Wesson. Jean; Wing. Mary ileum; Wirsching. Wahrout, Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3.a---tGV I) Aclnms. Donald; Basing. guilty; ifgdén.3ud; Holland; housing} KuU. un. John; Litwillet, Horace; Litwilla, bot-Na- "cc-b. “my - "thymi- Bowmnn; Vincent: BerhoIE., wezdr; hLa; _ Willa; Na, "WV Bind. Bony: Shh. _ Sch-o in hook " Jr,prf-Gu9o s) mum-z Gair,itor, mm. My: Little. Cub-tine; Living-ton. Bob; Lud- wig, Wntter; Lieck, Erica; Mchahlin, We; McMillan. Joseph; aier, Chin: Mania. Bub-n: Harlin. Cure; "when Thomas; Men-ll, Warren; Miller, Kathleen; Notch-Inn. Bar-ice: Ruler. “do: Randi, Clan: Sande", Harold (conditiondh); Slundas. Gor- don; Schmidt, Grant; Schwinn, Evelyn; Sully, Jenn; Steehesreiter, Ceoree; Templeton. Arthur; Thorpe. Eileen; _ WIN. Wilhul; WM. WM lick. The following is the 51-min; ot the classes ot P315. No. 4, Wallaby, tor the coming year 1937-1938. Grade vm-Murray Pommer. Grade Iai--kennettt Beckett. Stanley Deckert, Dorothy mn, Grace Schlueter, Grade Irr--Mttrray Helnbuch. Emily Jones, George Jones. Weldon Pommer. Joan Sawyer. ArleneSchlno ten Carl Voll. - and Wile Honored. I The convention of the annual Church other“ in the church on Monday aroma, when they lender ed e [ere-'91] 10801..“ In. W. who ere leaving (or Guelph. an. “In; he: retired from the min- lltry. Mr. J. c. Ian, and! en chitin-n. In. A. Beckett, the president of the Women's Assoc!» “on reed the - while Ir. ‘Jenel any unwanted the mutt- tul occuloml ch-lr to the guests at honor. new. we; expressed menu to the melllhen tor the may Fir.l They sang “Elect no the Tie that Bind". short epoch” were ghee. - --- ---.. ISAI-L Inna: Blunt. "e""""" “-7, v by Mr. James mun. Mr. Junk tg.tss-l hush. Mrs. A. Beckett. an. J. W. Bun- nett, mu Ethel 03mm. Bruce “in; and Elmer 03mm. In. being also spoke u. (my words at farewell en-| amusement to the Indie: in the u.- noue societies. A piano Bolo by In: Jam Henna Ind community strut-l In; completed the Itrnrt out or the program The Indie: then served rel monuments and a such) time was enjoyed by I“. The hymn “God no with You till We Meet Again", weal snug. RESULTS OF PROMOTION EXAMS AT S. S. No. Grade v--Myrms Amen, Ada Drudge. Lorraine (new, Irene Hun. John Heinbnch. Edward Hill, cordon Lawes, Betty Lutz, Ross P0911193. ctitrord Phillips, Pearl Reid. Phyllis Schluetor. . Grade nr-Earl Gina. Grade trr-dean Foster, Alma Weis man, Elaine Schlueter. Erich Schultz. Herbert Vol]. Grade n-am, Freeman, Doreen Lewes. Grade r-atom, Pommer. Names are arranged in alpmboti- cal order. HM: ll. Huang, Train. . It. ”WOOD l clncuo was mum; from MI home tor and, my in week, "shown-old “an 800- lder. was found by an an» a an r. Colo an». ell-cu. Tho to! all I. and could not rock: the m of tho - Mlor the auction of one." a - gram of upon. and comma (or “I you: and old - alloyed - tho 10.0."th ot Mr. all“ sot-under at tgoorV and w. “ In. Wu. Don-ten: at new. The unity of the In. Mr. In! In. ”an Schneider cowl-M ot ' OtV duo of the]! only two 5min, John of lunch” and Jon- ot - lord, or. will ot mule. but: PM on um spring. n. ott-. that mud on wars "ratet.f"u. - and"! a no - - lathe - at and van or“ In In pie-1e m. l'ouovlngv a. - tho - of one." look pine. which I.“ " loll-In: mum, In. - 8-10: of loom Avg" moo; m vieart_t, It. 5 not". - tol; In. Herman-1., m. I” unusual», co Garrick Av... - loll: ucrourrlrounnr. lu- - mullet, Hamel-jun. _ -- - - adiiaiGii "“JKTii-‘hhu-L was terr. d m 3 t.'r=t at. new?“ 4gstioesg.trgse who!” -iieotaenr-i-e win, I). over 100%.“ "WWW - _t-r3ti-_ttreuetteetlr that wood on wore (nu). In". wuuu. Duelist ot my“, new ot Ilium). (mum, In. WIN-m You: of Toronto, (Ian) In. Otto nelwhauer ot Wallaby, (but) Mrs. curt-tun Down or Pro-Inn. Ind (humus!) In. Wil- liam Bernhardt at Preston. Relative- were mt tmm tho 'trttowirttt plum: Eamon. my lord. Toronto. Heston. st. um, Waterloo. Kitchener, MooreMr1d. Drum)», Putt-vine and Home"; WI Report. " .. ".r-7ai'iii7aGr- - - from 3r. " to Br. WW' mm; mm, mm. awn-rt. I» m Br. m to Jr. “ms. mm. at». How-H. Kuhn. HI!- ou, mm. when. Fowl". m“. - we. no. Jr. In to St. -ettttold. may. launcher. and... mm wo- WI - - The following in the mmm, School report of 113‘s. JP: It. V Jubi- noon Prom Seem to Tr. m--qroeMtsr. Burning. may. any; Katha, Kon- “I”. ”lit“. wu- -. --" new. In“. Doreen. lama. Anna. will, own. From First to tgeeotad-NArttrt, Ate- wht, Martin. Salome. “new". nor- ence, Wolfe. unmet. From Prime: to --Niseshrt, no- bort. mm“. mum, luau. Ada. chrlntI-n. Martin, mun. ninth, Samuel. ' children. Don and Sue and M Ruth Schummer ind Haul-at Ban- chef of Detroit Ire visiting " the home of Mr. and In. P. M. Schum- A hm number from “Ill vicinity attended the Forty Bonn Devotion held on Monday, Tuning and Wed- nesday it Manon. Mm Ann Schummer In spending a few weeks at me home ot If" Margaret BMP or Tannin. . " -frrietmor to 'v. mm, “mm on". I martin. mhLMetyggr: met. Misses Mary Molt, Once Redmond and Bud; Mueller or the Linwood teaching an: hive returned to their homes at Tonight, Auburn and Kurryvme, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kamlnsky and daughter Kay spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunner. Miss Orilla Dunner of Elwin is spending a few days at her home here. -iirs. Fred - of meridian spent Tuesday ariht Kym-10!. Foam-mick. Kama; iiidaii, 'ot Arthur is spending a few weeks nt the home ot Mrs. Jot my”, _- _ COULD NOT RESIST itruiger, . 'iiialiri, him: mun.

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