_ Buy, Sell, Trade With Chronicle Classified Ads g FOOT CORRECTIONIST Dental Surgeon Graduate Philadelphia and Toronto. _ _ where indicated. _ Phones: Office 1927J; Res. 3568M CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Offkico: 44 William St. â€" Waterico M. J. HOFFMAN, D.S.C. Chiropedist â€"â€" Foot Specialist Graduate of Illinois College of Chiropody Office Hours: 10 â€" 12 a.m., 1 â€" 6 p.m. _ _ Evenings 7 to 8 p _ r.l..h-.__z_qa_c-agmsal. GEO, L CARTLEDGE Foot Correctionist And maker of Arch Supports to the impression of the foot. 229 Liverpool St. â€" Phone 3168 GUELPH Evenings until 0 e‘cleck. DR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist, 60 110 Weber Chambers, King 8t. W., Kitchener. Phone 1756. BITZER & SMYTH, BARRISTERS, BRAY & BRAY, BROCK & WEIR, G. R. Brock and CLEMENT, HATTIN & EASTMAN, Law offices, Bank of Toronto Building, 19 King Street East, Kitchener, Phone 2310. Office: 86 King St. W., Kitchener (o.ver Homdry Cafeterin) Emphasizing malleted gold fillings WILLIAM CLARKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 12A King St. 8. â€" Phone 418M "annlaier NoverY, me. Tolphens Soligitor, Notary, 6 329; Office 108 King Street ¢-«' JAMES C. HAIGHT, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyâ€" HAROLD L DAUFMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 49 King St. LEO G. LATCHFORD, BARRISTER and â€" Solicitor, Notary _ Public; Bank of Commerce Bldg., 1 King St. _ East, Kitchener, *elephono 627, Residence 4400 Kitchener. SIMS, McINTOSH, 3CHOFIELD & SIMS, Barristers, Solicitors, etc.; !:Hid _Arts Building, 47 King WATERLOO CHRONICLE T. H. R. BROCK charTetRED aACCOUNTANT (Trustee in Bankruptey) GORDON McK. HONSBERGER, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Chambers, 77 King & Kitchener, Phone 4474. RB. 25. WWWIE, DDRIINVENE, SUIRDTUDE EY Notaries: 49 King St. East, Kitchâ€" ener, Telephone 4080. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 58 King St. West Phone 1606 â€" _ Res. 1785w ancer, etc. Money to loan. Office Bank of Iontr-l’ Bldg., Waterloo. y ovtntnttniiPie ut in neiinethlabs icb t 3 ie MB 1A 2 m West, Telephone 4640 Hach initiol, cign or count as one wor _ Solicitors, Notaries. J. H. Smyth, B.A. 28 Qmfl&ï¬.‘.’gihhnu DR. G. L. DR. W. R. WILKINSON FOOT SPECIALIST Phone 104 Office at 97 Frederick 3t. Office at 49 King Street Kast one 2670 â€" Kitchen WANT ADS and Conve on at 10 Arthug ister, S;Iicitat. etc. St. E. â€" Ronl DENTAL Kitchener is os pooy of Apwes ne 1367 Can handle {tlmr most perplexing motor car problem. After one treatâ€" ment your car will run like new. AUTOS FOR SALE 40 King St. E. _ Opp. Woolworth‘s J. W. Heinrich, Prop. Repairs on All Makes of Cars. Cars Washed, Greased and Stored. 8 William St. E. _â€" _ Waterico Phone 146, Res. 526 FISHER & CLEMER GARAGE 8 Water S:. S‘.h. -"‘)KIM Welding â€" &-dhtor â€" Body Repairs (Rear Dunker Bldg.) Can handle your most per USED CARS BOUGHT . SOLD .â€" FINANCED See our Bargains first. BENTON ST. MOTOR SALES 15 Benton St. â€" KITCHENER 1930 Buick Coupe 1928 Essex Sedan All from Government Approved breeders, bloodtested, hatched from eggs averaging 25 ounces and over, and sired by big husky Government Approved Males. GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY New and Used Parts. 12 Frederick St., Opposite City Hall _Phone 274 â€" Kitchener Now and Used PARTS FOR YOUR CAR WATERLOO AUTO PARTS 134 King St. 3. â€" _ Phone 834M 121 Hall‘s Lane â€" KITCHENER Phone 3127j â€" Res. 3712 1936 Terraplane mï¬ with trunk 1936 Hudson Tou Sedan 1936 Terraplane Deluzxe Coach 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1935 Terraplane Coach 1934 Hudeon Sedan 1929 Ford Coach STANDARD QUALITY, DAY OLDS, Leghorns 6%c¢, Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds 7%¢; PULLETS, New Hampshire Red, Barred Rocks, 10%c, Leghorns 13%e; COCKERELS, Leghorns 1¢, New Hampshire Reds 5%¢, Barred Rocks 6¢c; 2 WEEK OLD PULLETS, New Hampshire Reds, Barred Rocks 16%c¢; Leghorns 19%4c; 3 WEEK OLD PULLETS, New Hampshire Reds, Barred Rocks, 19%c, Legâ€" horns 22% ; 4 to 5 WEEK OLD BARRED ROCK PULLETS 24%c. Baden Rlectric Chick Hatchery Phone 52 % Baden, Ontario SUPER QUALITY, the very pick of our matings and sired by the pick of our Government Approved males, 2¢ per chick more. Terms 10% with order, balance C.O.D. Let This Be Your Coronation Year in TNORONTO â€"Protest against the Ontario Jockey (Clubs‘ offer of $50 reward for information leading to conviction of bookmakers was voiced by Austin Ross in county magiâ€" atrate‘s count after his client, Roâ€" bert FPurness, was fined $100 and costs, with 10 days in jail. for keep ing a common gaming heuse. An alâ€" ternative to the fine was three montha |n jail Civilization is built on profita, and huciness, a@ a matter of right, is enâ€" titled to a profit if it serves The creater the public service, the great er should be the profita. Discases of Women and Surgery Res. TT8w _ â€" _ Office 406 and large egg size will Hi’.,.a‘:'xa‘!?..««a. Waterloo County _ Hatchery MIXED CHICKS, COCKERELS, PULLETS BABY CHICKS Dobbin Garage AUTOMOTTVE SEIGEL‘S GARAGE Their livâ€" Write for catalogue and price WE BUY USED CARS DE. A. L CAMPBELL Service Brand Chicks HAROLD E. ILLING * O8STEOPATHY &. 8. C. STALLER er, Soliciter, Netary, etc. 60 King Street East Used Cars Telephone 16574 BOOKIE JAILED Poultry bile Sedan REPAIRS GARAGE Pearl Laundry Co. Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers 90 Queen St. 3. Phone 4100 KITCHENER PRINTING AND DEVELOPING A real professional job of your films. Some cheaper but not as good. At Geiger‘s Drug Store, 408 King E., Kitchener. Lawn Mowers, Buby Buggies, Tricycies, otc. $8.50 and up. . Accessories, Parts and Repairing Geo. C. Krueger Bicycle Shop 32 John St. E. â€" _ Waterico Keep It New Withâ€" LADIES‘ & GENTS‘ CLOTHING CURTAINS, DRAPES, Etc. DYERSâ€"CLEANERS Electric motors 4& h.p. to 5 h.p., $10.00 and up. Delco plants taken Sewing Machines, Drop Heads $8.00 and up Guaranteed Repairs to all Makes. Waterloo Sewing Macnine Shop 74 King S., Waterloo Phone 781 Mrs. King and Mrs. Winn and two daughters of Elmira were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Maria Fenton. Mr. Sam Horst, a patient at the K.â€"W. Hospital for some time, has so far recovered as to be able to return home. Mrs. John Ottman is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Weiler, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Snyder, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Butler of Detroit spent the weekâ€"end with the formâ€" er‘s parents, Mr. Sidney Snyder. Miss Bertha Schneider spent Sunâ€" day with her parents. Mr. Wm. Goetz is on a business trip to Midland. Bicyilss Rented by Hour or Day 159 King St. E. . Phone 3328vw Miss Addie Snyder is spending the week with her brother in Detroit. Appointed Principal at St. Jacobs. It is with regret that citizens and pupils learned of the resignation of Mr. Glen MacLeod, teacher at the local school. He succeeds his brother as principal of the St. Jacobs school and commences his new duties in the fall. Mr. MacLeod was an able teacher and popular, and made many friends who, while sorry to see him leave, extend heartiest conâ€" gratulations on his appointment as ‘principal of a larger school. Prices reasonable. Goods called for and delivered. Add more books to your home library by having gnr favorite me bound into books. 1 Club Bags, Suitcases, Phone 3738 â€" â€" Kitchener Mrs. Ed. Ward and son Firman and daughter Ruby of near Crosshil} were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. W. Goetz. Miss Bertha Schneider is spending her holidays in Southamption. Ch:_rch Service on Sunday. The Zion Chapel will open it« doors for service this season on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Clarâ€" ence Keene of Benton St. Baptist Church will be the guest speaker. 17 Queen St. N. â€" Phone 2686 SUTHERLAND â€" SCHULTZ "A Mother‘s Care to all You W ear" Bibles, Hymna and Prayerbooks Kitchener Dye Works 47 Queen St. S. â€" Phone 808 Clare Diebold, Prop. 200 King West â€" Phone 1410 CLARE‘S FLOWER SHOP Artistic Floral Designs for all _ Kitchener Flowers telegraphed anywhere. Out of the high rent district. BOOKBINDING Burtol Cleaning New and Used Bicycles __ _Deitens Brighton, Prop. NEW AND USED BICYCLES Accessorics and Purts ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL DEL‘S CYCLE SHOP â€"â€"BUY FROM ADS.â€"â€" Kitchener _ â€" _ Guelph DRUGGISTS MOTORS FOR SALE HAWKESVILLE lï¬o Delco plants taken bbin Garage, Kitchâ€" Reâ€"winding SALE PBLB . W A Four years ago we started this service at this very attractive price, and so many people have taken advantage of it that we have ,decided to carry on at this special price. We have also an additional service of vacuum cleaning hot air pipes with every rebuild job. Agents for PEASE Furnaces. E. P. KIESWETTER Plumbing and Heating Phone 3819 â€" Res. 3103J 8 years old; 1 Holstein cow due any time ; 1 fresh Jersey heifer cow ; and Vacant barn size 85‘ x 55‘ for sale. Apply to Alex Schlueter, Wallenstein, R.R. No. 1, Ont. _ 44â€"5 323 King St. W. â€" Kitchener, Ont. LOW PRICES â€" EASY TERMS For further particulars see A. STRASSBURGER 16 Menno St., Waterloo, Phone 447J Repairs on All Makes of Furnaces. 108 Breithaupt St. â€" _ Kitchener Manufacturers of Custom Built Furniture and Repairs. Phone 3504 = Res. 3987J For Free Estimate. Harper Method Beauty Parlor Isabelle Park Perm. Waves $2 to $10, including Zotos machineless wave, Haircutting and Marcelling; Finger Waves by Phone 2215 â€" 64 King St. E. 2 young sows, in pig. George 5. Schmitt, Baden R.R. 2, Ont. 48â€"4 47 King St. W. § W mionâ€"cravpe | k 7 $« imA U pholstered | P >A FURNITURE | Wlleooigghe MADE TO ORDER Repairing + Refinishing I 211 King St. E. Phone 513 â€" KITCHENER Phone 3378 for Appointment. KNAPP‘S BEAUTY PARLOR Specializing in Per. Waves, F. Waves, Hair Cutting, Facials, Marcelling, Scalp Treatâ€" ment, Manicuring Absolute Sanitation, Quality and Service Walter Hinsperger, Prop. Permanent Waves (Natural, Croque, Bonat, Spiral) $1.50, $2.00, $3.50, $5.00; Finger 262 King E.. Kitchener, Phone 511 Wave or _ Marcel, Age 17â€"22, high school or business college training, for accountant‘s office. If satisfactory may consider partnership â€" arrangement. _ Apply Box No. 28, Waterloo Chronicle. 41â€"2â€"3â€"4â€"5 THEY JUST NATURALLY TURN TO THE CHRONICLE TO DISPOSE OF THEIR USED GOODS, AND TO FILL THEIR FUTURE â€" NEEDS. JONES BEAUTY PARLOR Instal a NEW GILSON FURNACE 18 King Street West, Kitchoner or Entrance through Goudies Store. Keep Comfortable This Winter. Smoky Furnaces! REBUILT COMPLETELY 1 General purpose dark bay mare, HAIRDRESSING Ogilvie Sisters Hair and Scalp Preparations and Treatments. Spend Your Want Ad Money w_{mer_e it will S%KE ADVANTAGE THE _ CHRONICLE‘S OFFER OoF 25 CENTS MINIMUM CHARGE HELP WANTED HABIT is a great thing (3 insertions for 60 cents) LUXURY UPHOLSTERING CO. YOUNG MAN WANTED ALL WORK GUARANTEED FURNITURE People have always been in the habit of looking to The Chronicle for Auction Sales. ... What more natural thing than that they should use the same â€" advertising â€" meâ€" dium to bring them reâ€" sults, at low cost, in other fields. WALTER‘S BEAUTY PARLOR FURNACES FOR SALE dovthe most O\Kï¬q"d Manicure, 38. tracts, toiletries, farm prod;u::i etc., all fully guaranteed. Li commission. iequin SMALL investâ€" ment for stock. NO RISK. For deâ€" tails and free catalogue write: FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement, Greatâ€"West Life Assce. Co. Fire â€" Automobile â€" Accident Dominion Life Assurance Cor Head Office: Waterioo, Ont. Insurance Agencies Agent for exclusive territory, 200 Household Necessities Spices, exâ€" Montreal. Do Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelâ€" lery Repairing at moderate prices. The Swiss Jeweller Does an expert repair job on :n{. kind of watches, clocks and jewellery. Also a complete line of Watches, Clocks, etc. 24 Benton Street _ â€" _ Kitchener (Opp. Weber Feed Store) Community Auction Sale 10 a.m. everf Saturday. Livestock, implements, or what have you. â€" Sell your surplus for cash. F. J. Steffler, Prop. â€" Phone 1714w Borovoy‘s Livestock Exchange CHICOPEE HEIGHTS .FARM HANFORD‘S BALSAM OF MYRRH For c““'Sc r(.}:'l;l:;.' B;_n‘lu:‘ K.I.t:-. Puffs, Also good for Humans. H. K. WILHELM HARDWARE * Exclusive fln( 39 King St. S., Waterioo, Phone 408 _ 6â€"9 a.m. â€" 4â€"7 p.m. C _ 1232 King E., Kitchener, Ph. 2381w FEHRENBACH MATTRESS Not sold in steres. Quality and Cleanliness. 309 Queen St. S. e Kitchener Ph. 254 â€" Res. Ph. Wat. 855w. (Manufactured in Kitchener) For the Kitchen Stove or Heater Superior Oil Burners and Hameo Stoker for the Furnace. _ Established 1863 ASSETS QVER $1,500,000 Government Deposit â€" $100,000. sAVE MONEY On Your PAINT and WALLPAPER Phone 4310 26 Benton St 208 King East â€" Kitchener â€" Phone 708 IRWIN‘S CREDIT JEWELLERS 259 King St. W. â€" Kitchener Pay More for Your Old Gold Horses, Cows, Young Cattle KITCHENER BURNER CO. W. G. Weichel â€" J. Howard Simpson Bought â€" Sold â€" Exchanged. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company MISS ANNA R. BEAN Teacher of Piano, Singing and Theory. Private and Class Instruction. Studios: 48 Roy St., Kitchener. Phone 1171M. MARVEL OIL BURNERS C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED Kitchener Sales Stables KITCHENER â€" ONT. OIL BURNERS JEWELLERS INSURANCE LIVESTOCK Requirements at KITCHENER PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Four Deors from Dr. Hett‘s AGENTS WANTED MATTRESS NOTICE ! District Agents MU SIC Earl Putnanm PAINT OFFICERS â€" _ â€" _ Inspectors â€" _ â€" Secretary Supt. of Agencies â€" Viceâ€"Presidelit Res. 4359 KITCHENER AUTOMATIC l%,A'I'ER PRESSURE 0 MP For Cisterns and Wells Have runni> ter in your house, and plenty of watm: your cattle. Instal an Automatic Pressure Pump on your farm or summer home. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY 983 King St. E., Kitchener Repairs on all makes of Pumps. Special Representative "Simpson‘s" 235 King W. â€" Phone 3124 nearly new. Thoroughly gone over CARL HEINTZMAN In Schreiters Ltd. â€" KITCHENER Phone 194 The A. M. Wilson Co. MINERAL VAPOR BATHS SCIENTIFIC Swedish Massage Health Therapist. ROSA BROWN, N.C. Hessenaur & Shantz FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY KITCHENER REAL ESTATE â€" INSURANCE â€" LOANS 30 Ontario Street S. â€" Phone 796 KITCHENER Whether BUYING or SELLING a FARM Phone 704 ED. HOUSE‘S SHOE STORE and REPAIR SHOP Hearn Roofing Co. SHOE REPAIRING Mb“?“uâ€"n‘ L. HUMMEL, Reg. Nurse Phone 846 1 King Street East â€" Kitchoner SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Permanently Removed 74 King S. PIANOS . Fully gusranteed. Small designs, Registered D.P.A. Phone 4429. 144 King W.. Kitchener. Phone 925 _ 100 ACRES good land, storeâ€" house, large bank barn, spring creek, some bush; 4 miles from Kitchener. Terms arranged. 100 ACRES. Special price to wind up estate. Situated on Kitchener highway. Good land. Mortgage at 4 per cent. inâ€" If It‘s Anything in Roofing j "We Do It" E. L. Hearn, Manager 305 King St. W. â€" Kitchener Phones: 1775, Res. 255 75 ACRES near St. Agatha with spring creek, selling at $2,500. ALL MAKES Radiqs Repaired EXPERT Radio Repamng Tubes tested free. E. K. HEARTH USE CHRONICLR WANT ADS TO BY OR SWL. Whatever it is among the thousand one one services a wanâ€"ad does you‘ll find as people have always found that The Chronicle can do it better at less cost. REAL ESTATE Farms For Sale King St. S. A. K. Cressman Farm Bargains Real Estate and Insurance Sell your Car Rent your Flat Hire a Maid or Find your Cat For Sale and Exchange. In Business Over 80 Years. Anywhere â€" Anytime. Almork guaranteed. J. W. SAUNDERS PERSONAL Bender‘s WATERLOO, ONT. 102 KING SOUTH Waterloo ROOFING Listings Invited. RADIOS 925 â€" 258 King W. KITCHENER PIANOS S. L Phone 781 WATERLOO Kitchener Limited 59 Frederick St. Phone 941 Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Stratford ‘spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. [Hiltz. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gremm and daughters Shirley and Marjorie apent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leis of Kitchener. King and Water Sts. â€" Phone 4646 KITCHENER Sciberling Tire Depot _ 207 King St. E. â€" Kitchener New and Used Tires, Reliners, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schliter of Kitchener and Mrs. Idellia Struck of Preston visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leis on Saturday. Mrs. Bill Gremm visited with friends in Stratford on Thursday. New and Used TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Duplicating and Adding Machines, Filing Cabinets, D Saf ete. Ontario Office Ontlitters Lid. 58 Queen St. S. â€" Phone 979 Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Whitney of Brunner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Erb. Mr. and Mrs. C. Spabr and daughâ€" ter Eunice were business visitors in Kitchener on Friday. Mrs. McRae and daughter Mabel 2nd Miss Bella MdRae visited with Mrs. Mary Reinwald of Milibank on Sunday. Mr. L. Butler and family of Millâ€" bank visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chalmers Sr., on Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Hammer and Mrs. M. Wagner of St. Agatha, Mrs. A. A} brecht of Milverton and Mrs. Stanley Lautenslauger of Waterloo visited with Mr. John Wagner a few days last week. Misses Kate Leis and Tillie Ham:â€" mer were business visitors in Stratâ€" ford last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gremm and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gremm visited with Mr. John Jacobi of Hessen Road on Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Saunders spent the weekâ€" end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Leis and family spent Sunday with Mr. Peter Leis of Bamberg. ® Mr. Otto Zettel is spending some time in Toronto. Mr. Ear] Kelterborn was a business visitor in Kitchener on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jantzi spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Poter Leis of Wellesley. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Berdux were Miss Marion Stassord of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schmidt of Philipsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Berdux and dGaughter Anne May and Mr. Porcy Merotsky of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Omand and Miss Mary Freeborn attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Kelly at Milibank on Monday. Mr. Charles Schopp has left on a tour through the Western Provinces and Alaska. 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. Leis and daughters Jean and Betty visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seegmiller of New Hamâ€" burg on Sunday, Mrs. C. Hoerle and Miss Elizabeth Hoerie spent Monday afternoon in Kitchener. All sizes in stock. _ We Fix Flats â€" Vulcanizing Mrs. Theo. Howald attended the funeral services of the late Mrs. Philip Karn at Kitchener on Monâ€" day. _ Miss Thelma Miller of Kitchener is spending a fow days with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jacobi at Bridgeâ€" port. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bachert were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Eby at Gait. _ â€" _ Mr. and Mrs. Allen Knechtel and Mrs. J. Wittig of Kitchener called on friends recently. â€" â€" Miss Bernice Howald of Preston spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devitt were Mrs. Simeon Cressâ€" man, Misses Miriam, Evelyn and Willa and Mr. Garfield Cressman of Rosebank. Mr. Jacob Knechtel accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Cober and Rev. Simon Cober to Elizabethtown, Pa., where the are aftending a confer ence this week. Birthday Party Enjoyed. A very pleasant time was spent on Saturday when a number of girl friends met at the home of Miss Reta Kurt in honor of her birthday The afternoon was spent in various games, after which Mrs. Kurt served a _ dainty supper centred with a birthday cake. All reported a jolly time. _ Union Stamp Co. 23 Queen St. S.. Kitchener, Ont. TIRES & TUBES Silvertown Stores LocalTiFe 7Shop TYPEWRITERS Smail Wookly Payments STAMPS WANTED WELLESLEY MANNHEIM PAGE wNima