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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1937, p. 7

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W. Asmussen Edward A. Heit James M. Lo M. M. Macfarlane Lloyd George W. M. o. LOCHEAD. Manager Home Office Agency 410-4 Ih"sker Bldg. - Kitchener, Ont. My?! F-------------- f--.--.-----,--,..- HEAD OFFICE THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, WATERLOO, ONT. . I am hung“! h, 1 “Mb... Mn... 50 Name A ddrtu Ml!,,,,?,,"!',,,!,?,.?,!,:,,, L!!,,,?,?,., Pension policies share in the Company's dividends, both before and after the pension commences. Under certain conditions the Double Indemnity Accident benefit and the Disability benefit may be added. _ Family men are buying the "Pension With Assurance" Policy as a guarantee against dependent old age, and by adding the Family Income clause are providing insurance protection for wife and, family while the children are growing up. The Mutual Life “Pension With Assurance" Policy is beguiling increasingly popular among the young men and women who wish, by systematic saving for a period of years, to guarantee themselves a monthly income for life, commencing at age so, ss, 60 or 65. This policy also provides insurance protection for a parent or other dependents. I am interested in a pension policy. if he dies within ten years after the pension starts the Company will continue payments to the end of the ten year period. Should the policy become a claim before the pension date, his beneficiary will receive a gtelr income commencing at his death on continuing until the date the pension would have started, and at that date the full face amount of the policy will be payable. For instance, if a man lives to 60 or 65, which. ever pension age he fhoeses, he will _rec_ei_ve g qua-lifth Engine for the As, of his liter Further details will be given gladly , any of our repre- sentative: in Canada, Newfoundlan or Bermuda. Or send the coupon below to our Head Oirce at Waterloo. H. A. SCHONDELMAYER.‘Bram-h Manager Representatives: asen Edward A. Heit James M. Lochead :FOR MARRIED AND ”MARRIED PEOPLE E - WATERLOO, ONTARIO "Owned by the Policyholders" s"i"i't"'i"fiiiitttte!t Euabluhnl 1669 Age The funeral of the late Christian' A, Kennel which was held on Sunday l afternoon trom his late residence was (ne of the largest ever witnessed here. The church was ttlled to eil pacity having had a loudspeaker p'aeed in the basement all were able to hear. The service at the house was conducted by Ree. Christ Schragg of Hay Township, a nephew oi the deceased who chose tor his subject the 90th Psalm and spoke wry highly of the late Mr. Kennel as a man. who Was always glad to welcome relatives and triends at his heme hat all we have left to-day is this temple ot clay from whence it came and to whither it returneth, showing that our lives here is hut a trle that is told. I 'Rev. Dan Jutzi, Tavistock, Peter Xafsziger. St. Agatha and Dan Le hold. Welle0ey. had charge of the sauce at the Ohurch. Favorite hymns of the deceased were sung. . We're going down the Valley one by one". “God will take care of you", and two German hymns. The pall- bearers were 6 nephews. Eli Kennel, Nebraska, Ben Zehr. Cmghen. IN.Y.. Aaron Bast, Kitchener. Aaron Lieh- tie. Kingwood, Dave Bast. tith line. Nathan Kennel. Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Doris and son and Roy Brandon and Mr. Weber ot Kitchener visited at Peter Luther's on Sunday. Funeral Largely Attended, Relatives from a distance, who at- tended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Sum Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lehman, Miss Mattie Kennel ot Cas- torladn. NA'., Eli Kennel. Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs.aen Zehr and Mrs. Leh- man and Mrs. Yousl (two slsters of the deceased) Croghen. 1N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rom), Detroit, Mich.; ' ther members of the family present u ere Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kennel and (laughter and Mr, and Mrs. John Julzi of Victoriaburg, Mr. and rMrs. Emmanuel lSteinman of Now Ham- burg and Joseph Kennel of Wellesley brother of the deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Elford Evans and Limi'y of Toronto, Mr. and 'Mrs. Gor- (lull Finnegan of Strattord spent Sun. Guy with Mrs. Ethel Squires and (am- My. Miss Marie Eisenminger who spent the past few months in London re- turned home last week. Mrs. Ralph Webb and two children at Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cracknell spent Sunday evening at me home of John L. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg have taken up residence in their new home recently purchased from Dan Kennel. Annie Jantzi who spent the .past tvw months attending 'Bible School in Toronto spent a day with relatives here prior to going to Kitchener tor the summer months. Florence Lather and Echhnrdt Hu- run of lKitchener spent an evening at tte home of her father here. Miss Jean IRennie of Kitchener spent Monday at the home of her brother Lorne. Miss Jean Hammond attended . meeting ot the Trip Winners (which “as sponsored by the Dept. of Agri- culture) in ttte/ity Hall, Kitchener, Friday evening gunning for a pick my in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Huh M9110" ot hlourtrt1eld. John A. CAI-[boll Ind daughter Jean and Mr. Susan- at Struttord spent Sundny II, the home on Mr. Sham; Mrs. A. Walters spent Thursday with her nephew Harold and In. Knight in Guelph. The meeting in cloud with I miniouury hymn and any" “to: which the house. and any ro- treatments. At Boyd Church. The y.p U. ot Boyd Church um meet'in Boyd Church Friday oven- Hls. May 28. The tall call will be u verse trom the book at Hahn: and hunch to be nandwlches and cochlea. by Ruby Wad. Junk m uue I really “My", In. I‘ll. save a “on an on M. “0 announced the sectional noun; to te held ltt Unlod church. Waterloo, June 8, when It“ Duly- mun-u travelling actuary. will b. prone-l. She will also be in m- elan- Sul- our, Jun. " thin"; in W III; lye than. mm, um..oum n. proud-It. In l A. “W. mem-mrm Ito. IE“: tree, “In 3"". tn You. ‘LMn. h.- h". The WIS. 1'dt't,."8gt',,f, a. Ion. ot In. I. a. u! on do! an um; Mr. and Mrs. Flaherty and (amily of Kitchener have moved their house- hold effects to the village where they will reside {or the future. Miss Phoelbe Watson was hostess at the memorial exhibition ot the late Homer watsonB' paintings at the Bunker 'building, Kitchener, on Tues- day afternoon. The Doon-Blair Ladies auxiliary to the Freeport Sanatorium meeting was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. W. Tilt of Blair. Refreshments were served. lRev. Walter Patterson conducted Hie service at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon. The (hair sang the anthem, “My Best Friend". Ree. C. Herbert Waltz ot Galt conducted the service at the Deon United Church on Sunday after. noon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Wintermeyer and daughter at Kitchener were hon. day visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Bert McGu-vey. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drager and children Charles and Dianne spent the week-end with relatives in Wal- ton. Miss Kay Logan of st"ytrield was the guest ot Mrs. B. Gill on Sundny. The Young People's League ot the Doon United Church held their meet- ing on Sunday evening with Miss Mary Weaver in the chair. nMitgis Audrey Teet read a poem. The topic and discussion was given by Mrs. Mrs. M. Sudden of [Hamilton spent Tuesday at the home at Mr. Charles Reader. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boll and children Betty, Norma and William ct 'Bridgeport spent. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guillette. Mr. and Mrs. Jog. Voisln and Ruby Morris spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hieronymus of Reason road. The Doon Public School was dosed on Monday to observe Vic- tcria Day. Mr. and Mrs. L Weiland and two children of Kin-hener were Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones. ' , Mr. and Mrs. W Jones and tam- ily were visitors in Kitchener on Saturday. Week-end viteltttrig t the home ot Mr. and Mrs. IL',"] Browti were Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Jack Gib. son and Carl Ritchie of Windsor. Mrs. K. Perine left on Saturday tor Calgary where she will spend a saeation at the home or her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. C. Ross and Mrs. Boss On her trip she will visit her son, John Perine in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Muhacheck and family of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nadrotski and son Robert. at Preston spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wolfe. Mr. and Mn, S Dealer and daugh- ter Etta have moved their household elects in apartments (1 Mr. 'B. 0111's propbrty. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard NINE have Moved their household elect: to Preston where they will reside tor the future. - Edreld Hobbs spent. Saturday at the home ot Mr. and In. W. Ruler of Kitchener. mu wax-e 00¢an In round to hor home utter unending . month at the home ot Dr. and In. We! of Waterk a. William Luca- lun returned to MI Lame after spending a tow days " the home or Mr. and In. Ed. Lucas ot Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Thumb Su0oee of Preston will spend tome time " the game or Mr. James lworvey. Mrs. R. Jones and Min Kay Jones were visitors kn Preston on Prldny. Wilbert said" of mint gem. mom upon: Sunday at the home of Mr. Ind Mrs. gttehard Drager. dunner Bondy at link. ”on Sunny " tho born. or In. Nelson wutou. __, lbs Vern (30th ot Pro-ton wont tho week-end In! holiday at the loan at but mother. In. 0. Mr. Vario- utuh at qunnreBo i. mm-un hymn-cum. III. it; In!“ at m up" My m be: I”. SM.. Eat. 30ml. Ill- M. Lam Ion on My a. lo.- or Inf aad in. a... if: 41 iM. Fisher was entitled Vduos ot A number of young people from the Young People's League went on a Inks with a number of other socie- ties on Monday afternoon. The after- noon was spent in playing ball. Mr. Wm. B. MeVittie ot Hupeler con- ducted the worship service. It was held at Cronin-11's Woods. A good time was spent by all. Summer Schooln. The meeting - dosed with the benediction. To Keep Young Sleepleesnesa and irritability come early to rob one of gouth and beauty. Women have foun great friend In Dr. Chase’s Nerve ood to keep them young, energetic and attractive. _ mama. NERVE FOOD "um Mrs Univ Hamhly. Mr. and Mrs PILIip Rnhprts and Mrs J Harman 4f Drayton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs Jamps Ruther and Miss Nellie Mi-a Marjorie' Mason nr Toronto mom tho karPnd with hor mother and other frand! Mrs, Mason re- mrnpd to Torttttto with hpr for a while. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKeown, Town- to, Mr. and Mrs. Woollner, Mrs. Ro- binson. Drayton, Mrs. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Armstrong, Moorefield were week-end visitors at Mr. Henry kelly's. Mr. and Mrs. John Moody, Leslie and Russell of Toronto spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Nuhn. ' when Brownlee in Dertolt Died at Hamilton. Hi. and My: Anmt Hackett and C.rmHy or near Linwood spam Satur. du, owning at Mrs. Hrsster Tanner's, Mr and Mrs Fred "pan of Hnttt- hurt and Mrs Etta (‘nnllpr M Mil wrtn sprmt Sunday with Mr. and t:rs Wm Rohineon Mr. Leonard Jenner or Hamilton and sister Irene of Victoria Hospital, London. visited at Mr. S. W. Coul- ter's. Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Pallette of Dixie and Miss Charlotte Tanner of Oakville spent the week-end at the killer's home with Mr. and Mrs. Wal, Hr Tanner. Mr. Fred Tanner. Mrs. Frances Baby or Napane» and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tanner of Newton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tanner. Mrc Lloyd Tanner and "on Doug- [as M t'arthage. Mrs J. Cook, Miss 15er Tumor and Mr H, B. Kerr of NIH-Hun walled on Mr, and Mrs. J Wrsir on Sunday, Mr and Mrs t'ecll Tanner and fum- ;‘.x and Miss Bhima Tannnr of Tor. um.» app"! the wvek-sand with their n-nlhm‘. Mrs Hector Tannnr ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robb and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robb of Atwood were visitors at Mr. JI. B. Hamilton's on Sunday. T Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tanner and rhildren Helm and Bruce. Mrs. R. Paterson and Mrs. Hester Tanner sppnl Sunday afternoon with friends In Stratford. Mr, and Mrr, Wurrum llruwnlm- and daughter Mrs. Poole spent the week- le with their tion and brother. Mr. Mrs. GPO, Robinsnn tvreired the Sm nuns or the death of her sister, Miss Carrie Robinson at Hamilton on Monday manning. HV' join in sym- mthy with th hmwavvd family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jack of Guelph spent the week-end with the latter‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wink- ler and Willa. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cuthbertson and family of Woodstock spent Sunday at Mrs. Geo. Mohennan‘s. 96 King St. W. Modcrate Prices Very MILLBANK Kliejnor'n loll-Ho Opio-Oh'I-h for " Yul-I Glasses That Satisfy "Si.CEifjilL_E'S" Given Extra 7 Years For Housebreaking ,KrI'NHvENRR.---win police eottrt on Friday, George Drysdnlo, previously :tnnte'nced m Hamilton to figty yell. in Kingston penitentiary, was son- t, need to an additional seven yearl. 'whore he pleaded guilty to seven (barges of breaking and entering. Drysdale escaped from county "il last July. Irene Spies was in charge ot the C. E. meeting, Evangelical Church, Sunday evening. Walter Baum“ conducted the devotional period. Mrs. Lloyd Snyder gave the topic on "1nsivPring Follow Me". Other mum bers were a vocal duet, "God's Way Its' the Best Way"; Alexen. Frey and Sylvan Shantz; slo, "The Old mute ioned Church". Mrs. Paul Bowman; mnling: "A Special Appeal for Pray- u". Mrs. W. deer and a chalk talk try Pom Bowman. Mr and Mrs. Wesley Miller and Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt and Gladys were Sunday vi. slur,» with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Miller, Prontable Meeting. Rm’. F". Malinsky conducted the 1ouns People's Meeting at Trinity Lntlwran Church Friday evening. Mr and Mrs, Norman Koren of N1vllatul sme the week-end with Mrs. Ida Kore". Myrtfo Snyder. Laura Schutz ot Ihv Twin Cities, Alexena Frey and (turn-ml» on were visitors at the home: or Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Snyder during the week-end. Mrs. Katherirre Schmidt, Lorine and Norman and Chm Soehner _ cd rwlalivps in Hanover Sunday. \lnssrs. E P Soehner, Norman Srhmidt. John Soohner, Sylvan", Voter and David Ziegler, Ben shoo- nlakmg Mr, and Mrg. Jack Boehner, Mrc Fwd Soehner, Mrs. Kaminshi, Mrs K Schmidt. Mrs. c. Hartwiz In“ only Tupsrday morning to attend Hm funeral of the late Mrs, Wm. 210210? at Elktnn. Mlrh. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Snyder and family visited with Amos Wilkinson 1Vallenstein Sunday. ITQE CHRONICLE WANT ADS, TO SELL OR TN? BUY. GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Located in Steele's Optic-l Parlors. " King St. W. - Kink-nor W. G. SAHLI FLORADALE Thorough Eye Examination Phone 20071

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