PM}! I! CANADIAN PACIFIC ST0PovKRS-within legal limit of ticket, both going and returning-nt Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong. Ont. Ind west; also at. Chingo. HI.. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.. and west, in surcordanee with arm's of Uniied States lines. Plunge Tickets also on sale. good int--- II) tourist nleeping can at approximately TVac per mite, plus regular berth taro. (It) parlor and standard sleepln; can at approximately IVgc per mile, plu- regular Beat or berth tare. R0UTES--Tickets good going vi. Port Arthur. Ont, Armstrong, But... Chicago. “L. or Sault Ste. Marie. returning vin same route and line only; Generous optional rantings. TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA CANADMN NATIONAL EXCURSIONS 'fi,:,",:','.,:';)...'-:-,. GO: Any lime hom noon friday, May 91, until 9.00 pm. Monday, May 24. RETURN: Leave dew-nation up to mlquhl Tuesday, May 95, 1937. City Passenger Agent b20 King St. W. - Phone MS Kitchener. Ont. SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES Winter Service Etreetive Nov. " Leave Kitchener dilly 0.10 L-.. lilo noon. 4.00 p.m.. 5.20 pa... 0.10 p.m. Monday to Friday 8.80 pl: It." Pam. Saturdays. holidaya and night- before holiday. su_--Leave Kitchener 10.30 I... 2.20 p.ln.. 0.80 pm. Leave Elmira daily 8J0 ad... 1.15 10.30 "an., 1.t0 Pam.. 4.8. 1.00 mm; 10.10 [LIL Satin- darn. holidays and night. before holidays. Sunday Service - Leave Elnirn no pun, 1.00 pan. A. LISHMAN. Mgr. Phone Elmira 203 - Kitchenar I!“ A QUIET. WELL CONDUCYED. CONVENIENT. MODERN I00 .00†MOTEL-tM' WITH BATH WINE FOR FOLDER TAKE A BE LUKE TAXI FRO. - " WNAIF~25¢ ELMIRA BUS SERVICE Full particullrs JItert, guy agent, ONE CENT ’P’Eii MILE Special Bargain Going Dates: Duily May 21 to St, 1937 Return Limit: 45 days. o No matter how 'lucky' you have been with tires, you'll be astonished when you see our records of Goodyear mileage -proved by actual 'footprints' of tires that have served on locally ownedcars. Goodyear Supertwist cord construction and Goodyear FOUR..WAY traction tread give big mileage bonuses to motorists year after year. Let us show you. Good in Coaches only C, (my "ml I’m/w yr’maIl/W "rr', to Rah“, 17,5" Aer. APPROXIMATELY " St. West ALLEN SHIRE & CO. 'litMlMitlf)f m,....,,,.,,-,--------:'?." Je', ol ““g “MM lnr tb' 'lCiil.l,tl,'-r. ACTOR ARRESTED . HoLLYWooD.-qtietumt Dix, one or the manly men of the movles, put up $20 bail and was released from jeil after having been arrested for drunkenness. Two patrolmen said they found the actor asleep in an automobile. Mr. Harry Musser ot Winter'bourno and Miss Lila Musser ot Kitchener spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adkln and son Howard were week-end visitors with relatives in London. Four carload ot choice beet cattle were shipped to Bt1ttalo from here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family or 3rd line Peel, Mr. and Mrs. Esley Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Ciar. ence Tallman and family and Miss Dorothy Matthews ot Kitchener and Mr. "Curly" Mason ot Fergus were Sunday visitors at the home at Mr. Charles Matthews. _ Mr. and Mrs. John M. Martin were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Weber. Mr. and Mrs. oahiel Martin were Sunday visitors with Mr/and Mu. ls_rael Weber ot St. Jacobs. Miss Sarah Martin of Elmira was " Sunday vsiitor with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch F. Martin spent Sunday with Mrs. Solomon Martin, 6th line Peel. Nr. Earl Frey was a Sunday vill- tor with Mr. Clayton Shanta, 3rd line Peel. Ascension Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry s. Baum were tho Misses Sarah Frey. Salome Bowman and Lucinda Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Levi LB. Frey were Sunday visitors with Mr. Peter G. Martin, Three Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Martin spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. In M. Martin, Floradale. Miss Leah Shanta was a Sunday visitor with tusrstrrandparanta in Hawkesvllle. Mr. and Mrs Eli B. Frey and tam. ily spent Sunday With Mr. and Mn. Mathias Martin ot Hawkeavllle. Mr. w. W. Martinson and Min Mary Maninson were Mother's Day visitors with Mr. J. Fenian Martin. son, of Sunset Cottage, South Wal- Aeusteln. Mr. and Mrs. Urine G'. Martin and daughter Grace were Ascension Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Martin, Linwood. Mr. Karl Goodlng ot 6th und at Peel was a Sunday visitor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Elias W. Martin were sunday vigilant with Mr. and In. henry Sender and Mr. and Mn. Israel Weber, Bt. Jacobs. Mr. and mrs. Martin M. Banana. daughter Alma and Mr. and In. John M. Martin and Miss Matilda Martin were Ascension Day Hanan with Mr. Joel Weber and um Mary Weber ot West Menu-ole. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weber and ramily spent Sunday with Mr. and 31 rs. Onlas Weber ot Ilawketsvilier. WALLENSTEIN Waterloo, Ont. '4' At Bod-I Ennlno. I Mr and Mrs. Henry Watannnn en- lprmlned 3 number of young Pettttht ‘3' their home Int Saturday avmlnx. aunt! warp mount trom Kin-nonm- and New Dundm and n d'bltgttthtl avnnln‘ w†want in "In" Ind com cm- ttttttr which dnlnty rtxtremttmNtttt mum “not! by the hock". Arbor Day wu observed at tho local school last Friday, It the clone or the afternoon the senior room pu- pils playod an interesting softball game at the Wry‘n Corners School which runliod m u soon; ot 2110 for tho home tum. Tho Junior room pup"! mjoyed a hike to tho woods. Young People [Mon-ulna! _ I The Baptist Church was beautifully I decorated with tlomyrs and flags for 'the combined Mother's Day and Co. _ ironation service which were held on Sunday morning. During the Sunday School hour 'Mr. J. W. Armstrong gave an address on the subject, "The meaning of Coronation†and read- ings suitable for the occasion were given hy Glen Path, Eden Hilborn, Thelma Lang and Jean Hiller. The National Anthem was sung in con- cluion, In the church service Rev. H. F. Bchade gave a brief talk to the children concerning Mother‘s Dar, which was tollowed by a Coronation sermon on the theme, “God Save The King". The male quartette rendered a selection, “Wonderful Peace". "What Does tho Wronstion Mean to us as Christians?" was the theme of a discourse based on Romans 13:1, 2, given by Rev. W. c. Noltlngl at a special Coronation service held in St. James Lutheran Church on Sunday evening. The lessons anal 'prayers used in the service were those recommended by Archbishaps of Canterbury and York for the ITl casion. The choir rendered the spe- rial National Anthem for Coronation. year. composed by George Allen I Kingston. The altar was banked i with lovely plants and cut flowers for the service. _ Coronation Decoration. in the Village I at the village square [ school Arpoy DI! u the School. Coronation week " being marked m truly patriotic style in this village as can be observed by the bright ar- ray of flags which have been used so 'htrrt'tively in decorating the exterior of humorous homes and bunineu Maren, burn mm: are .130 flying Rev. M. H. sham: spoke on the subject, 'tBehold Thy Mother" at the Mothers' Day Service at the Blen- heim 'Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. Rev. u R. Pipher delivered a Mo- ther's Day sermon taken from the ‘text Roman'a 16:12, “Salute Try- phena and Tryphosa who labor in the Lord" at the 'M.3.C. Church on Sunday evening. m the morning, Rev. Whattam of Toronto, Field secretary of the Ontario Temperance Federation addressed the congrega- tion and the annual service tor the dedication of little children was also held. At the United Brethren Sunday School At mothers' Day pageant was given by six Primary girls with Miss Ellen Page as the leader, and a vo- cal duet entitled. "M I could Hear My Mother Pray Again" was render- ed by Mrs. A. Hilborn and Mrs. M. B. Snyder. Mrs. J. cassel, who has been a teacher in the Sunday School for over twenty years, was then pre sented with a large bouquet ot snap dragons. The presentation was made by Howard gXrote, one ot her former pupils. The National Anthem was sung in closing the Sunday School hour. Rev. B. Sider ot Mannheim was in charge dt the church service which (allowed and based his re marks on the theme. "A Mother’s Wages". The choir sang the An- them, "Dear Little Mather". The church was prettily decorated with) flowering plants. l The city ot Philadelphia, Pa., was the first place to celebrate Mother’s Day in the year 1907, as a direct re sult ot the eitorts ot one girl, Mine Anna Jarvis, who determined to wear a carnation in honor or her mother. The idea soon rbecame general throughout this, country and in the year 1913 spread to Europe, until now this special day is celebrated in practically every part ot the Chris- tian world. Mr. Anson Lulu, preeident of the . l society gave the address ot welcome which was reeponded to try Mr. Deiton Kropi, President ot the ‘New Hamburg Union. Mr. William Clutton ot Started, the diluict pre- a:dent .preeided during the evening. The devotional period was conducted try members at the East Missouri (ihiii, after which In. Walter Peek at Georgetown, the glaciation prev ‘sident. gave a brief talk. Rev. H. _ Wintemute ot Guelph was the speak Ar. tor the occasion and gave a splen- did address on the suhiect, “Youth and The Christian Liteâ€. The local Union wae awarded the banner tor having the higheet percentage in at- tendance according to membership since the Fall Rally. The report ot the Nominating committee stated that Mr. V. E. Dinner and Miss Doris Bechtel, both ot this Union, were chosen as President and secretary- treasurer, respectively, of the diltrict for the coming year. "God Save the King" was sung in ciosing the meet- ing. A social hour was then held in the Coronation colors and a dainty lunch was served try the members ot the local union. Mothers Day and Coronation _ sorvleea at the churches. Mother's Day, one of the most beautiful occasions ot the year, was again observed on Sunday arith we curl services in the various churches. 100 Young Peas:I Attend Baptist ', 00, but“ you“ 90091. (to. sum out, an Mun, Nov unn- bur; and New Dunn-o were In " lama a no tortna BYJEU. any or an Wotan male: or a. Guelph Associate. which Ill hold a a» local m: Church on non†cul- who mph-um. my up perform" allot-doors, II- (but red mph mo. were mud on no church lawn. The National when um: um; atter whlch a". H. I. Sch-do gave a. Comm “If“. The pro-idem: ot the vubul union. repreoenlod and mum 0th.. a um m the may ot the ma. Knowing this the any warm opened with . can; am“ lost by Mm L annual, srrxsaidesnt ot the Suntan! Union. the village minors and at the “Ah-“Md “PM N" DUNDII n t I I t ' n I f5lrrl'e'WrrtlE ---------------------. 3 Guests at tho home of Mrs: E. Radke on Sunday were: Mr. and Mn. Levi Gehl and Mr. Harold Levun- dusky ot Preston; the Mluea Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Atoll Goodwin and children, Earl and Beatrice visited with Mr. and Mrs, Willilm Pam!!! at Rosevllle on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar buck or Kitch- oner visited at the home of Mr. 1nd Mrs John Buck on Sundny. Mr. and Mm B. sum of Galt Viln- pd with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder nn Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva saltzberry on Sunday were: Miss Margaret Denna of Nritr, Mr. Deering of Drumbo and Mr. Douglas Sallzberry of (Jolt DI.Chno’l NERVE FOOD Tired nerves make you restless, nervous, irritable and sleepless. Most women. Ind men too, depend on Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for new nerve form. For now pep and energy use Mr. and Mrs. George Barge and son Raymond of Ayr visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wanner on Sunday. Tired Nerves The Mlssse Llly Schwass and Hat- tin and ldella Waterman ot Kitchen. Pr spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman. . Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Egerdeo and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ir. Town: and sons, Cameron and Delmore and the Misses Dorothy Toman and Rath P1pher motored to London on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrk. Walter McDonald and son, Ross called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gehman at. Inglish Settle- ment on Sunday. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. George Morton and daugh- ter Shirley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Duench near Hespeier on Sun- day. Mrs. George Hallman and Min Vera Hallman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hallman at Burton! on Monday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schweitzer on Sunday were: Mr. Melvin Schweitzer. Messrs. Gordon, Nelson and Stanley Schweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Holtzhauer, Miss Helen Schweitzer and Mr. Clittord' Schweitzer of cult, Miss Selina Schweitzer and Mr. Archie Schwei- tzer ot Blair. Mr. Elmore Brown of Markham spent the week-end with friends in the village. The Misses Elsie arott, Luann Shana and Aida Rosenberger and Messrs. Gordon Shamz. Josiah Beer and David Bergey visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Lesiie Wit- mer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stack- ley at Preston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Inider ot German Mil and Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Cane] t Plattsville called on Mr. and Mr Josiah Cause] on Sun- day. Rev. G R. IPlpher- attended the dia- triet mlniaters' prayer group meet- ing at the Bethany Mennonite Church, Kitchener on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Admin Poll ot no» ville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mll- ford Poll on Bandar. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Snider and children, Merle and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider and children Miriam and Arthur of Waterloo visit- ed at the home ot Mr. Omar Snider cn Sundny. Mrs. Mi Learn and Miss M. Baxter of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mrs. C. W. Backus. Mr. and Mrs." Simon Weber and Miss Betty Tuchlimai spent. the week-end with relatives at Kitchener. 'Mr. and Mrs. Adam Becker Ind Mr. and Mrs. John Egon-doe ot Wil- llams'burg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Egardeo on Sunday. 'Mrg. John Francis and the Misses Grime and Violet Francis ot Kitch- ener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Beer on Sunday. chair. It. on" M rod a. anyâ€. 1m and the 10110th mm a." given: “no Ale-uto- at Our uniâ€, try all. In swun- und "No Parson of a. Ratam w Glory" prepared " In. on": - mu: and read by Mun Dorothy Bulk- Mr. and Mrs. Mose- Toman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Addison Geiger near Mannheim on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKeuock and son Keith were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shouldice at St. Cath- Mines over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs: Clittord Bolts at Kn. chener called on friends In the va- Iago on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leigh! and children, Earl, Ray and Marie of Ayr visited at the home of Mrs. R. J. Davis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Wanner and Mr. Clarence Wanner ot Strasburg and Mrs. Jonas crewman ot Wilma Centre were recent visitors " the home or Mr. and Mrs. John Wanner. I.“ Van. m I“ Tin mum meeting of (I. law. You; Phonic- may run hold at tholouollr. all Inn-m on Iona, "can; In.) tho your can. It. - Sloth mung tho A doubtful birthday My III held u the U. a. argon-coon Tue- dny afternoon, by nth. when III. IE Quench entolutned m little girls on the ecu-ton at the ninth birthday ot her deuhtor, Dorothea Ann. Gene. were enjoyed otter which a dainty upper wee and from a table centred “th a large birthday cake decorated with an green candles. Little In: Dottie we: the recipient or numeroun lovely Mr. and Mn. Roland Tuner ot Toronto, Mrs. John Chlpman ot Kit, cheuer and Into: Billy w-at ot Hunmon and a the homo ot Mr.qhd In. John Buck on Bunny. If: Indium. Quentin mum and son larlyn visited with Mr. and In. E. P. Homer at Van: on Sunday. Rev. Git 'Mrs. M. H. sham: visited with Rev. and Mrs. Isaiah Rosenber- her near alanine on Sundny. _ -- Miss Prllcllla Gudner ot Mailman spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. H. Glldner. 'Mr. Hugh McDonald and daughter Marjorie ot Gait called on Mr. Ind Mrs. Alex McDonald on Sunday. Birthday My. POPCOIIIII. Mr. 1nd In. George Coleman sad the lines Violet and Rota (Barbe: visited with Mr. and In. Mort Coleman at out. on Sud". Arbor Day up dhsarved at this urban] In! Friday In the aflornoon ilvoly hall gums; um "would with hm ‘Rnldnvllln nnd Rmov‘mo Mama dividing tho honors Tho gofthal1 rams manned m a 11-7 more for the ‘Spcclnl Ionic“ worn halt! in tho United Brothrpn Church tttttm oven- ine. 92mm Sunnis). In" took with an E. Becks-tr ot Ritchmnr an the monitor And will continua aarh mum of thia wool: nt the Now Damion l’nltnd Brethren Church, Omen/o Arbor buy at school. The United Brothren Church was appmprhtely decorated on Sunday In honor of Mother's Thy and in obser- vance of Coronation Sunday, The Young People's Imus of the Fvnngelicnl church met on BundAy morning mllow1ng the Sunday School hour. i There we. no preaching service in the Evangelical church on Sunday owing to the absence of the pastor. who was Attending the Dungeiical Conference held It Cheney during the past week. (Rev. " H. Wagner of the local church, who is retiring after ttttrio your: of active service in the ministry, will he succeeded by Rev. K. (inasmuch of Morrieton. Church Noun. Rev. L. H. Wagner " be Succeeded by Rev. J. H. Gnulehch of “written. RosgILLz Pastor Retires, 55 Years Service Mrs. D. Gingerich. Miss Leann Gingerich and Mr. Charles Glngerlch of Blair were guests ot Rev. and Mrs. E. Gmgorich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy alldnerrof strat- tttrd visited with Mrs. H. Glldner on Sands}. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hilbom and Mr. and Mrs. Pruner Hilborn and son Donald ot Paris, Miss Silva Snider and Mr. Loon-rd Snider of German Mills called at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Hilton on Sunday. Miss Ruth Devm. of Minnheim visited with the Misses Violet and Reta. Berber on Sunday. Mrs. Leander Cream-n and daughter, Marie, Miss Margaret Cresaman and Mr. Jim Gunman visited with Mrs. A. B. Snyder on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilborn, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hithorn and Miss Mary ‘HHborn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reichard at Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Einwachter and children, Carson, Shirley and New- ton visited wtth Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Scheel at Kitchener on Sunday. \Rawnngs and Lorene Radke ot Kit- chener; Mr. and Mrs. Emery Eadie of Roseville and Mr. Kitchener We of Pine mu. Miss Evelyn Plastic of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacob and daughter, Patricia of Mannheim spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. coorge Jacob.’ [HEVHfllH PIIIIC'I'ID HYDIAULIC m. Quick-acting, positive stops in all weather. Independent mechanical hook-up operated by hand lever. C-"IJIDII, mums-Imam SPECIAL 'I'IUCI “Cl“. New, Improved, Bower increued to " horse- power " 3200 r.p.m. . . . torque stepped up to 170 ft. lbs. " 800-1600 r.p.ln. JhM,.IXleBS, mm for com TYPE c1... Smartly strenmlined, fully insulated. Safe, compact nad con- venient. All windows and windshield. equipped with safety glass. C"ereeir; alone in the lowest-price field. given you all these neces- sary truck featureo. But Chevrolet does more than that . . . it offer- buyer: a worthwhile prarmium-a record of proved perfomonce and economy that defies comparison. It you are in the market for a truck . . . any truck from half-ton to T.ton capacity . . . inyeetiqate Chevrolet . . . invest in Chevrolet. Here's a commercial vehicle that) easy to own and easier to operate . . . one that will last longer and wear well. Liberal allowance on your present equipment plus tho convenient tonne of the General Motors Inetalment plan make purchase a simple busine- matter. - THESE FEATURES ' AT LOWEST PRICE IN HAMILTON -- Canadians “must rot diserard" the cro. movement which has "already dtyfUd the autho. rity of Government in the United Stnlps"_ l.1mnt.(‘nl. George A. Drew Messrs. George Hope and Melvin Becker accompanied by Rev. B. Beck- er, Kenneth Hellman and .Delton Wagner of Kitchener attended on Sunday the Christian Endeavor Len- dors‘ Conference hold at Applehy School at ()nkvllle over the week- and. Mr. and Mrs, [borne IRosenberger and daughter, Nancy ot Plattsvmo were guests of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Mel- ville Veitch on Sunday. Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mayan, on May 9, a son. Mrs. Cmnson Hallman and son, Gerald, otPlatttrville were Thursday minors with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker. Miss Gladys Fried of Froeport spent Sunday at her home hero. Mr. and â€Mrs. Erwin Perrin and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Perrin Halted with Mrs. A. Woelfle at WlllipptAtyurtt on Sunday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. vDetweHer were Mr. and Mrs. M. Stahl of Gait. Mr. wo. liam Walker and Mr. J. McGnrn and son Jack of Guelph. 'Mr. Robert Veitch of Oalt ealleyd on Mr. and Mrs. M. Veltch and Clare Veltch on Monday. Miss Marion Bowman was a Satur- day visitor in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne and daughter Beverly Jean, spent the week-end with Mr. t Marshall. Messrs, Laurence Snyder and Ham- ilton Veltch of :Hespeler visited with Mr. and “Mrs. Melville Veitch on Wed- pesday. Betty, Ruth and Winston Becker of Kitchener spent the week-end in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Marshall of Ham.. ilton visited with Mr. t Marshall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Perrin, Miss Mildred and Jack Perrin of can were Sunday visitors with Mr .and Mrs. Rhos's Perrin. Mr. and Mrs. IE. Williams of But- falo were 'week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Detweiler. visitors and the football-score was 1-0 in favor ot the locals. Visitors Coming and Going. “Kl-IE. All -. SIM- and Over...“ I... I'D. to. So. our speckl- " Oil.†and .14.“. OIL." at 'ttt to .19.â€. " End to " no our "ad-eo-rr-rr. and... "1.80 lo $27.30. BUY NOW AND SAVE! so Joni “a". In style "I.“ a... Huh, '0'. h " you etch. $1.â€. $8.10. 32.â€. . . . Duo-a of Forsrth, ote., Sikh, r... to $3.80, your choice MH, ‘IJO. OLBB. 3Lâ€. . . . ITeLt:; Tim. I... to " new I for " . . . " d.-. no-‘o - I." Surfs. I... to â€.08. choke Sh, Chat. .IJI. . . . 0'" 1.0†- of Mn'n PIIQI. OLOI. .1.“ h .08. CAN'T man EGARD C.l.O. Money Saving Specials HERMAN LIPPERT STORES IIT'I'II LOAD DISTRIBUTION "I! GREATER LOAD SPACE. “I 388188 or low-PRICED ronwnn CONTROL TRUCKS. Wheeibases- IDs-inches . . . ISO-inches y . . . tss/a-inches . . . Gross rating 14,000 pounds. nit-om STEERING. New de- sign worm and sector steering gear and front-end suspension make steering easier and surer. Ratio increased to 16 to 1. Bigger loads per trip . . . more trips per day . . . higher earnings per truck. KITCHENII declared at a Coronation dinner here. Col. Drew last week resigned as chairman of the Ontario Conserva- tive party's organizing committee because, he said, he could not sup- port the 01.0. stand of Hon. Earl Rowe, provincial Conservative lea- der. Plus. “I? a Olhllo St. a. KITCHEN!!! "Where Sport-men Meet" lip King St. S. - Waterloo Char-tho Tobacco- T H E H U B ORDON 'S ooo Satisfy 'tMar, Ky " an We phi " “has of G. L. BRAUN mun-l " ' LOCKS KEYS MADE All 10.4.. Kitchener In Kin. W. Motorcycles and C.C.M. Bicycles Don Eby In; Que-p St. a. Opo- Iva-l... C1237!