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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 May 1937, p. 5

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v" -'-. ", _ iA!lllllllllllllllllllllIIIIllllllllllllllllIIIIIIE F'ilmiture and Reproduéiiona. " Kill s., Phone ATT, Waterloo Old Butte-us, Poster Beds, Chniru, etc., bought and sold. FRED BARANSKI Design” and Buy'd_er of _Higl_1 Grade G. C. Crompton, Prop. Above Doerr Electric Orr. Lyric Theatre, Kitchener YOST’S FRAMING-DEPT. CALL US FOR EXPERT, GUARANTEED, SERVICE ON ANY RADIO Lib“ "" equipment, rapid service and reason-bl. ruin. BIB . EYES EXAMINED F RAN K'S. Jewellery Store Mun-y B. Mun. Opium-atria Picture Framing Picture- and Artistic Fume; " King B. WATERLOO Plum " DOWNING, STEEN and Cm ted" an.» "1.|’(:ii"i'." mitiiualvx GUARANTEED. Invnllnu. In. or eat'--- 3-“! ”till-ch!!! Coy-.1 Henry L. Zogaller the R. W. Riemann; ELECTRIC co. Fe. 204 King Street West 'i': KITCHENER F,, 373 " King St. W. Phone 1800 KITCHENER lulu"!- - Allah-nub. - Walling- SMITH'S STUDIO ANTIQUE FURNITURE Engineering Diploma from Radio College, Toronto. R. R. a," NEW HAMBURG Phone BADEN " - 21 ELECTRICAL FIXTURES A WWW 1-2924- 1111-11,“,3': J. D. NALON Watches Clocks Jewellery Repaired l Radio Service 1hettattaisefitatott Reasonable Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RUPTURED? Watchmaker Mt Ontario South KITCHENER FLORISTS " King Street End Kttehe- STUDIO LIGHTING but. III In ION-r " 'iitkyrorq, 6i’u'ii lint-Milli“ "" immediate estate. The Dominion Life Expectancy Plan. jun issued, is designed for the man who must think of eL'ooo'ny. " is iowupricrd, long-Kenn protection. Though it he can either create a new estate or brin his present life insurance tnrogumme up to slandanf Phone or write us about is new, economical plan. Mar, is the month when {Wave brides (Ind bridegrooma!) prepare or the big evenr--the crowning moment in anyone's life. For bridetrrooms, past, present or prospective, no better financial protcuion can be secured than the correct plan with the Domioion Life. To most men life insurance is the only means available for the creation of In m ANYONE’S LIFE LsIiEliEiiilirrifin Club Gown Earl Putnam & Associates Hello 0h. Ago-c, I "I'TAWA.-A'ppointment to the Imperial Privy Council ot 11nd Tweedsmuir, governor general of LCanada. and Hon. Ernest Iauroiute, inominlon minister ot Justice, provid- ed the only awards in the Kintr'tt A'oronation honors list ot particular tunerest to Canada. I This is in keeping with with the policy of the Liberal Government 1 which has been against the‘a'ward of T titles to Canadians, a practice which I was Adopted nearly 20 years ago and Irwived briefly while Rt. Hon. R. B. .iienneti was prime minister. Ning Gustav announced his nephew, Prince Charles, had been granted per- mission to wed Countess Elsa von itosen. daughter of the court master of ceremonies. Although titled the mnnwss is not ot royal rank. King Honours Lapointe and Tweedsmuir PRINCE YIELDS RIGHTS; WILL WED COMMON“ STo0KlHoLM.--,Another member of the Swedish royal family res Pounced rights or successon to the throne to wed a woman not ot royal Mum]. P.Mtlt4.---Paul (‘llabas, who painted the famous picture “September Morn" in 1912. died Monday, aged 68. For two years he had been an invalid and the only painting on the walls ot his room was his own copy of the picture that made him world famous. WOULD REMOVE LORD'S DAY ACT To MEET TIMES ToRoN'Po.---M0tion for a plebis- cite on Sunday baseball put before the City Council by Ald. Percy Quinn was withdrawn when Ald. Allan Bray moved that the entire Lord‘s Day Art be removed (by the Dominion Parliament to make it conform with present day aetivitities. “SEPTEMBER MORN" Here's a smart princess-line crepe dress with the new flattering rover nm-kline. It has very attractive short slonvps, The seven gored skirt will make your tigure look like a dream. For anotper version In gay print crepe, you could have the shirt col- lar. The model also provides for lnng Moon‘s gathered Into tailored cuffs, It‘s over so simple to sow with tho aid of Illustrated Dressmaking Chart that is included In the pattern. This model is grand in cotton or Inwn for cruise or summer. Style No. 2884 is designed for sizes 14. 16. 18. 20 grams. M, 34, 36. M, 40. 42, H and 46-inchw.t hunt. Size " Inquires 3'? yards of 39-ln. Print your name and lddrm phinly. Nnme To The Waterloo Chronicle Needlework Dept. STYLE No 2884. sizp Street Address City Province For many years Assistant Professor of Household Arts, Teachers College. Columbia University, New York, MY. J,,g,t,',ll,i,i,,,, SIMPLE TO SEW Enclose 16 cents. Use this coupon. Editod by LAURA I. BALDT. A. M. PAINTER DIES I An interesting Martinis wedding was soeimnized at the Kitchener Sa- cred Heart church Tuesday morning iwhen Miss Pauline Simon. B.A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Simon, Park street, Kitchener, became the bride of Mr. Henry Ootrowski, BA. Se., at Timmins, son of Mrs. J. Plum, 'rimmitttr. I Mrs. J. G. Cress announces the en- gagement of her daughter, Nbrma, 'to Mr. Ratph Scott. Hodgson, son of ‘Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hodgson ot Hall- tax, NS.. the marriage to take place .in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church fearly in June. St. Patrick's church. Galt, was the scene of a pretty wedding at nine o'clock Saturday morning when Mary K., daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. W. Purdy at Rockton became the bride of Norman A., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. schnurr of Kitchener. Father Doyle ottieuted. Mrs. Don Roberts, 72 John Boule- vard, Waterloo, is in the General Hospital at Toronto, where she un- derwent an operation. Her condition is reported an lavorable. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schmidt were pleasantly surprised at their home Water street, Kitchener, on Satur- day evening by friends on the occa- sion of their silver wedding anniver- sary. The evening was spent in cards and dancing. They were made the recipients of many beautiful sliver gifts. The engagement is announced of Miss Pearl Clara Lenau. R.N.. sec- ond eldest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leuau. Chesley, to Mr. John Henry Graper of Stratford, youngest son at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graper of Chesley. the marriage to take place the early part of June. m. Varr's church, Kitchener, In: the scene ot I pretty May wedding on Saturday morning, n It” Wanda Ellby, dnuxhter amt 'John E1-hy, DdKay street, became the bride or Mr. Charles Uhrig, non ot Mr. gnd Mrs. J. P. Uhrig, Benton street, Kitchener. Rev. Huhert Gen] ottieiated. I Mrs. G. .H. Fisher, art, m., Water- loo, its in the K.-W. Hospital where she underwent an operation. Her' frlends wish tor her an early recov- Miss Ruth Breithaupt entertained at her home, Margaret avenue, re- cently at a miscellaneous shower In honor of Miss Ruth Cress, popular bride-elect. Mrs. hides of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. R. Beaton, George street, Water- [Reception members ot the Inde- pendent LDorcu Society of LKItchenet were conducted on A tour ot Minor- loo college and entertained at a Coronation to: art the home ot the president, Rev. F. clausen and Mn. Clanlen. Albert street, Waterloo, on Baturday afternoon. Mitut sub lo Sean-um Uni: and, W. ' il M I nude-m at the Hu- 1 In. In, H4 ton '9: um. Mr. [bald Mtt ter, Ich an. place on Mar W. tf; mm Hound, 11.9., ot snor- br he, Qua, sputter at the Board ot Trade banquet, Monday, "I! the guest ot Hon. IW. D. Euler and In. Euler. Mrs. Elnore Stowe“ ot Schneider avenue left on Frdiay tor Ney York, N.Y., where she will be the guest of friends for an extendded visit. A wedding toot m a My “WWW”. trom 'MMon, In. I... “than church, It)". Uncover}, 0.. thor attended “0 I‘M " I!“ lutvhonlluliohlhwukha Thu-I Hot-Inn- a! W. Inc at hr: Bacon". mm» of m. C. WWI. _ took - n a. N. Watkins, WO., mm. tho W0 Ito-D ot the W" brother. I". D. ot Rev. Otto C. Sonata, motor ot PM. Holy runny Moral JiiiirG,iitets-l 'Ilueu who: scum, out. on", the non at Mr. Ind In. has: Scholar and Norm: on", bride.- Schuetu ot Indiana, Win. (ere. of the usual. were honored try I!“ a. 1. 33“”, Union their “new... In the pro-inn do and, w. ' il M. tbridesmaid Wont ot the Mutual We A-rs at the m.- t mu In, aol-P"""' ©orrumnr recently. m; m- ton‘ot Hm. Mr. Donald muryiefed . dinner and theuro my. ter, Mttt take- place on Mar W. "Dinner was served at the Old nu . and" aa-rd " of ”-h‘Colee Shoppe. A birthday party In - My night at the home at It. all In. Jan-- M. 81:30, M John "and. M Marlon. In honor ot It" Hm Ono-nu: and If. Hut M both of whom I." (niobium; . hm. who, c. I. Donuno. “when“, In. [on tor lanolin Swill“. Mo., to undone u ownlbn m locum. Social - personal L flttti.,yrt"t Those present at the Session were: Dr. M. B. Davidson, Central church, Gan, moderator; Rev. E A. Thomson, Elorn, clerk; Dr. A. J. MCGllllvray, Knox church, Guelph; Rev. J. J. Lowe, st. Andrew's church can; Jtee. H. L. Bennie, Acton, Rev. G. Taylor- Munro, Kitchener; Rev. James Flem- ing, Waterloo; RV. Dr. J. D. Smart, Gall; Rev. M. Johnston, Guelph; Rev. G. D. Little. Elmira; Rev. J. L. Bur- 'gess, Puslineh; Rev. W. Patterson, Preston; J. A. Miller, Fergus; W. A. Burnett. Elora; w. W. Buchanan and 'R. Roy, Guelph; W. G. Barrie, Gait; Ichener; A. J. McAplne, Campbell.- 'A. Rudell, Hespeler; P. Pollock, Kit- 'ville; H. E. coekhurn, Puslinch; T. J'atllantine. Preston; Col, W. M. o. iLochead, Waterloo. I Mr. and Mrs. Emit D1ebold and family, Mitra Kathleno snub or Kitch. 10ner and Mr. Wm. Hedges ot Detroit ’vislted at the home of Mr. Louis Freiburger. ln ill health for some time, Rev. G. Taylor-Munroe tendered hi: relig- nation as pastor of the St. Andrew'- Presbyterian ehurett,uLitet"sner, at a meeting of the Guelph Prm6ytery, he] dat Knox Church, Waterloo, on Monday. The resignation was ac- cepted with regret and Rev. James Flaming of Waterloo was appointed interim moderator to (16122” the pulpit vaunt on June 30 d then call a minister to till vacancy. Mr. Munroe has been pastro tor twelve )ears. encoding Rev. J. B. McLuhan of Ottawa. Dr. M. D. Davidson ot Gait acted as chairman ot the meet- mg. A designation service will be held tor Mrs. Gehman, KN., ot Knox Church, Gait, commiseioned by the Women’s Missionary society to the foreign mission field or Manchurla, to be held in June. Owing to the llness ot Ree. t G. Marshall ot Hee- peler. Rev. w. Patterion ot Preston will be acting moderator of the new eion. Rev. G. D. Uttle reported that arrangements had been made for the Livingston summer camp at Baden. Rev. H. L. Bennie or Acton was am pointed Preebytery's representative on the assembly's committee. Sym- pathy was extended to A. Rude“ ot Hespeler in the lose ot his wife. Mr. and In. M. tl Wtaxud. Queen street south, Kitchener, announce the engagement of their annular, Morena; Margaret, to Mr. Salton L. Counts, non of Mr. and In. W. Court“ ot Damion, the mango to take place early in June. . It“ Luella Alena oi W‘Ilarloo was I ulnar In Guava on sunr- day, going down to min at the tea anion by Miss Elena Stacey who-e manage to Mr. Gordon thlace in to his place shortly. Resignation of Rev. G. T. Muitroe St. Andrew's Pastor Accepted with - by Guclph I’m-57hr, looking at Waterloo. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackbart were Mr. and Mrs. John K. Schmidt, Mrs. Amelia Ziegler, Mr. Harold Heimpel or Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schmidt. Miss Marie Hackbart, Mr. Henry Huehn ot Heidelberg. Mr. and Mrs. JacohrBrown and family of IBIS mira, Mr. M. Erb of 'Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schneider and family of Bambgrg and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hack‘bart. Mehsrs. Iihmer and Allan Soviet and Harold Hieronymus spent Bun- day with Mr. Henry Wettlauter " North Easthope. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kropt ot St. Agatha, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Utwlller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Menno AJ- hrittht of Waterloo, Mr. Mervin Kropt of 3rd line and Miss Barbara Kropf 'of Waterloo were Sunday vianors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John l Kropf. My a n - In honor a II- Bhr-nu' swung "III... In. M. Bamboo”: and m tar, au- Ghdn Hunchback have returned to their Inna. Water "on, Waterloo. from m, In, via. my would a. welding at list Thu. hm uni W. - WWI, which look plug a. a. noun ot the brut- brother. II. D. Ihmmwhu- .einrttheutaa'tMqmatA3ttver Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Phclrbart and daughters Florence and (may. spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hackbart at Heidelberg. Miss Murine Prelbnrger ot Water loo. Mr. Jerome Prelhurger of St. Anna and Messrs. John, Wilbert and Anthony DItner of non Bamberg spent Sunday with Mr. 3nd Mn. Herb Preitturtrtyr. Mr. and Mn. Noah Holt-chub of Dorking spent Sstundny with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichert. Mr. Earl Kropt Is spending tt row any: at Waterloo. Pontoons! sank-o will he hold at tho St John‘s Lutheran Chureh on Sunday In 10 " Luv. FACE: MANOLAUGHTII mmo ~W-Iter Thomas Child, M. a war vtxterttrt, died 20 minutes an" ha " allpged to have been hit or tho jaw Sunday m an allsrutlnn (war a (as hm Pollux arr-Mud Ro,. hon Kin. 06. an his assailant. charl- In. him with "lanai-mm" a." of $5.000 VII ttot. Mrs, George Boehm and daughter Marguerite spent Pridny with Mrs. Wm. Golbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hofstotter of Kitchener, Mr. 1nd Mrs. Emu Kohl ot Mttgtsttrg. Mm boob Racket! and visa Violet Reichert were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mn. Wm. Gol- heck Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hackbart any" Thursday u Kitchener. Mm violet hem": of Kitchener wont the wooh-ond with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. “cob Relchert. HESS!" ROAD ae'.) l Report) were presented and om- cen elected at the neetln; ot the Kitchener and Werloo Women'l Club held on Monday night. Reports were presented by Illu [emblem Ghana, the retiring trenurer, mu Sue Been, the menthol-em» convener, Ml.- lnnlngerd “on, the pron-em convener, mu Ethel Johnton, and the prel- Convener, Mrs. Florence Middleton. The executive (or the new year sands as follow: president, Miss Ida Bonner, (pro-tom); vice-prell~ dent Miss Ethel Johnston; recording secmtary. Miss Marian Phillipa; cor- responding secretary, Min with Conrad; treasurer, Miss Ell: Ellis. Blttrteli--At K.-W. Hospital, May " to Mr. and 'M‘ra. Graham Bignon, Cherry street, Kitchener, a Ibn. H.u.et---At St. Mary's Hospital. May 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hausa. Albert street, Waterloo, 3 son. Schill~A1 Kitchener. May 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schill, Knox mm, a daughter. Whit-At Hotel Dian Hospital, King- ston, may 9, to Mr. and Mrs. An- thony.whlte (formerly of Kitch- ener) a daughter. aoodwfrt--nAt Wmerloo, May 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Goodwin. Wa- terloo street, daughter. tbhanta-At Pine mn, may 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter shunts, daughter. Mori-ht Roaevme, May 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Noyes, a son. B--At Rat. 2, New Hamburg. May IO, to Mr. and Mrs. tepWtserter Baer, The sum ot 56 was voted to the Red Cross Society and the sum of 88 to the Y.W.C.A. Walnut-unclu- trt-ti-tr- Qhsehrrantheq-rrtt.t.gorroatraar, melon-hound all“ mum mmmummbh. w 'rhatA-:--. Nharotto_aKr-oar ‘Iuovunm.nhlum (II II hot yratae In an. t! the naming, All I (a! a It! so“. 1hade.ergatmetMrh-ntina.tartra, no.“ he: - All. I, In! (Inuit-loony “tantrum”. all and I web}, “we any nun. I (“I bone! In has” than I have done toe "artc"--0Mra.t a. M. In damning um and. We tun» menu or ”when mm Nature to expel tho dunked acid tron: the Intent. Business Women I Elect Offier In family portraits, German artists, by order, here after must draw at least four children. The trend in Canada-would be to panoramas. _ 'tohrupetrrln--May It, Chester L. Rohr to Grace Perrin, both ot Wa. terloo. on sun are notable for their work Won-I’- 1'9:de atiro of no mumm- of [tranch- “may-qua. ”moan-d MARRIAGES Lygii)d 12D “W IU I 'tot")),';,",.).,']:'::),')';' , “UR; . - in} , fail _i,iiii'(ii'i'it CARROLL PUFFED WHEP' PL, 9c BIRTHS 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 Picnic Sound Mild$nolted Midget HERRING PORK ROLLS Pound " CATSUP 2 12-or Bottles 19' 155:8?an BEANS Noi,,," 13' Clean, Tender, Pitted DATES iger Tomato For Pie, Pudding on Fig and Gina Marmalade j Weston's Short: Party-Cream VINEGAR 2 let/g. " FEARS Ch . - " PEAS By FizuFoods ft Ti Heinz Malt, Cider or White Wine Lynn Valley Dessert MILK Summer's Pride Tender BISCUITS 229:1}. St. Charles or Carnation Evaporated FIGS Pounds Mr. Esra B. Iartin escaped with minor injuries in a collision which might have had more serious results. Mr. Martin, driving onto the Elmira highway from the side road opposite the N. Woolwich school house, failed to notice an approaching motor car driven by Mr. Ernest Lee of the 10th line of Peel. The horse Jumped over the radiator and was not seri- oualy injured. The buggy wan badly smashed and considerable damage was done to the car. The occupants of the car were unhurt. Hon. Han and Buggy 3-.an in Collide- We. School Mrs. G. Hildebrandt 3nd Mr. B. W. Eby of Hamilton were week-end visitor: " the home of Mr. Ind In. Solomon Bender. Mr. Alex. Walker of Wlterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Howe of Kitchener and Mr. Ind Mrs. W. B. Kinzie visited Mr. and Mrs. George Maurer on Sunday. _ and Rhoda Schmidt. Sunday visitors " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst were Mr. and Mrs. Seranus Gingrich of St. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin of Conestogo, Mrs. Enoch Martin and Mr. Norman Martin of West Montrose. Mr. Kenneth Schwindt went to Kitchener hat Tuesday where he has secured employment in the Goodrich Rubber factory. Mr. Philip Bonn and duughter, Miss Mildred Bonn, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartxentruber in New Hamburg. Miss Norma Bird and friend of St. chobs spent Sunday with the form- 'ith parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. n- . Mrs. J. N. Miller of Elmira spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wegley Miller. - - - Mr. Ind Mrs. Sam Brunkard and Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Mun-er were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Kng I; Creekbank. - The young people of the commun- ity attended a Coronation service in charge of the League in the Flora- dale Evangelical Church on Sunday evgning.” A -- - __ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wruse and daughter, Messrs. Osiah and Nath- aniel Horst and Miss Lydian Horst visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Detweiler at West Montrose on Sunday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noah E. Miller were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mohr and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Molt?f {tmlxlyeeE 9nd Misses Gladys Mr. Vernon Schwindt was a visit- or An Woodstock 9n Sypday. Mr. Klbert Kramer of Heidelberg is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer. Escapes Serious Injury in Accident LtMtTEtt NOURISHING. DELIGOUS, INEXPENSIVE "Om WOOLWICH Enjoy ted at its best Pound 15-01. Tin Red Pkg. 33%.. " TIA 16-01. Tins TEA Red Ron Ity 11-01. Tins Sunday vilitors with Mrs. Levi (Hellman were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hallman and family ot Hespeler Ind Mr. and Mrs. Archie Htulmtut ot Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby and family ot Williamsburg. DOS A.N0ELES.--An agreement ment providing tor dismissal ot Rhe- ba Crawford‘s $1,080,000 slander suit against Aimee ‘Semple McPherson. manor of Anselm; Temple, was an- nouuced by attorneys tor the tmo evangelists. The action, it was up nounced, is to be dismissed “with prNudfce"--meaning it cannot be reopened. Misses Nellie and Marjorie mell- em of Kitchener spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bachert. Friends of Mr. Andrew Schenk will be sorry to learn he is a patient " the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital aut- turing a severely Injured 103. m, rwigh him a speedy recovery. Miss Bernice Howald ot Preston spent several days" at her home. Teacher: Now, I want you to notice how clean James' hands always are. James, tell the class how it is that you keep your hands so nice. James: Ma makes me wash tho dishes every morning. RHEBA CRAWFORD DROPS CLAIM AGAINST AIMEE Miss Ruth David was a guest with Miss Reta Herber at New Dundee on Sunday. The in. II the same. And the “he; But the has new glen-es. Today'- glueee have lovely Ieeeee duped to suit the face. beeutlfully mounted in fine gold "delicately engraved and fleeh- tlnted. They are designed to bring out the good teetuxee of a tune and to counteract the poor. They have a jewel-like quality. We would be happy to show you how becoming glance can be. {There is no obligation to buy. JANSEN EYESIGHT SERVICE “mud to Better VHOII" " F“?! St. “on. I.) if} " " I. Certain1rAoohs Woodbuy's Fad-l SOAP 3 cakes 95: Yo Make Aluminum Bu BRILLO 2 pkg: alt ttirrs Hardin“: CAST'LE 3 at" 14c Gold at Sup-In Chose Soon SOAP FLAKES Is Hawes" Flow WAX tub. tm 43c BROOMS Each tl 5 _ iT1MMC-riT1 Strong 19' l 9 bars 9: pkg. 90c

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