Ion of Mr. and Mrs. S. Laschinger of Elmira, who died March 20 in 'Johannesburg, South Africa. He is survived by three brothers and two sisters, Arthur of Toronto, Charles of Washington, D.C., and Alfred in Pittsburg, and Misses Rose and Alma of Cleveland, pro. - . Beside: Ma widow he in survived by one son Karl, tour brothers, "an, Chm-we, Menard ot Kitchener and Thubert ot Winn-loo; two linen. Mn. Jock Yne- ot 31mm Stop. and Mrs. Herbert Heideman, Kitchener. A printe Iorvlce will be hold at Ma late residence on Thursday at 2 pan. with a publlc service " the m. Peter‘s Lutheran Church at 2.30 gun. lie will be buried in St. Peter's Lu tttoran Cemetery. The remains will be at Schreiterd9androck “new Home until Wednesday noon. .- Sailor. u. UM“ Kitchener butch“, died undo-1y " bone, S86 â€din mt, Kiwi-let. at†loudly morning. at. death In. unexpected. The the“ vu born near Kitchener in Match, all, . son ot the late Mr. and In. [an Snider. In June, ma. he val - rind to been: Dioatatlmeyor. H. was a member ot the Twin Cm AW. and LI Lodge. and the St. Peter‘s Brotherhood. The death of Joseph Hartman, aged 80, occurred at his home, 55 Norman stret, Waterloo, Thursday nig_ht after a month's illntss. He was born in Zurich, Huron county, in 1857. and had farmed in that district. He lived retired m Waterloo for some years. His wife predeceased him 22 years. He is survived by four sons, Leander of Waterloo, John of Sas- katchewan, Albert and Peter of British Columbia, four daughters, (Emma) Mrs. Henry Bergman of Medicine Hat, Alta., (Eleanor) Hrs. James Hickey, Toronto, (Olive) Mrs. Martin Linahan, Linwood, (Bertha) Mrs. Leo Kroetsch, Water- loo, one brother, John Hartman, Seaforth, one sister, Mrs. Wendall Smith, Zurich, 15 grandchildren and six great: grandchildren. * . There passed away at his resi- dence, 51 Allen st. w., Waterloo on Monday. after a lengthy illness in his 44th year. John Gunpell, son of Mrs. Valentine Gutpell and the late John P. Gutpell. He was a button worker by trade and was a resident of Wa- terloo all his lite. He is survlvd by his mother, two sisters and two bro- thers, Carl and William of Kitchener, Mrs. Geo. Herter and Mrs. Alfred Arndt ot Waterloo. The funeral will be held from the Letter Drelslngerr Funeral Home on Tuesday at 2.30 o’clock. Intel-mt in Mount Hope Cemetery. Rev. C. B. Roberts will otneitrte. The funeral wns held Monday morning from his late residence to St. Louis church. Interment took place in St. Clements cemetery. Edgar J. habit-[er ELMIRA, May 7.---A message re- ceived here today announces the death of Edgar leech Ieaseh,i.nger, His wife was Miss Catherine Thomas, formerly of Waterloo and soloist of the First United Church choir. Three daughters and one son survive. ""hiifrouowing is an item from a Johannesburg paper: "A man who played unimportant part in solving YOU . KNOW THAT Sehreiter - Sandrock Limited FUNERAL HOME 51 Benton St., Phone 4480 Jouoph “in... John F. Gutpell OUR It.“ and personnel I r a osreeuttr trained to nerve u n o b (unholy and without any nigp- of octah- “lion. The late Mr. Allemng, who died quite unexpectedly early Friday morning after attending Ascension) Day service the previous evening at St. Paul’s church, Wts born in El- mira in 1872. He was for 30 years a felt worker and 13 years ago started in the store business here.: He was an ardent lover of softball and hockey. - He is survived by his widow. four chiltren, Mrs. Edgar Restemnyer of Das wood, Gertrude, Esther and Carl, all at home, two brothers. John of Elmira, and Charles of Detroit, one sister, Mrs. J. s. Ruppel, of Waterloo. $toasaaatsliiethaaielsSltttt ItrNite0illiarhtilalt many engineering problems “soci- ated with mining on the Reef, died in Johannest2u_rg Sgturglay night. "He was Edgar Jacob Laschinger, a Canadian, who came to South Africa in 1896 when 25 years of age. Four years previously he had graduated from the School of Prac- tical Science, Toronto, with the degree of B.Sc. He was a Fellow of the University of Toronto and later received post-graduate degrees in mechanical engineering. On his arrival in South Africa Mr. Lasch- inger joined the Goldfield Corpora- tion. He was intimately associated with the Vierfontein Syndicate and earlier hydrographic surveys in the Transvaal. August Allemang . Dies Suddenly St. ST. CLEIENTS, lly 1tt.-9eU- than, friends and bun-ine- “nod-m turned oat in large numbers to pay their Inst tribute of respect " the funeral this afternoon of August Allenung, who for the put thirteen yetrs conducted . genenl store business in this village. The remains rested " Dreinintrer's Funeral Home, Elmira, until two o'eloek when a service was conducted at St. Paul's church with interment in the ndjgining cemetery. "in 1909 he joined the Rand Mines as assistant mechanical engin- eer and contributed valuable aid in laying the foundation of sound en- gineering on which the success and longevity of _the mines it based. "He was the author of numerous papers on different aspects of Rand mining. He received several awards from technical societies and was past president of the South African Institute of Engineers. - _ _ "He was a life member of the Wilson Masonic Lodge 86, G.R.C., Toronto, and past master of Kos- mas lodge and member of the governing body of the Jepp's high school." Mrs. Alfred Dietrich, 52 Moore avenue, Waterloo, died suddenly at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Heimpel, Heidelberg, on Monday morning. She was 28 years of age and would have reach- ed her 29th birthday this month. Before her marriage she was Esther Heimgel. _ - . An infant daughter, Marlene, pre- deceased Mrs. Dietrich about seven weeks ago. Marlene died March 21 at the age of one year and three months. 7 - Mrs. Dietrich is survived by her husband, three children, Billy, Jean and Donald, two brothers, Percy and Howard at home, and one sister, (Roxie) Mrs. Walter Good, of near St. Jacobs. - The remains will the at the Letter- Dreisinger Funeral home until Wed- nesday noon when they will be re- moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F'. Dietrich. " Erb St. E., Water- loo. The funeral will take place on Thursday at 9 am. at St. Louis RC. Church with interment in Mount llopp cemetery. Mrs. Conrad Weber Mrs. Luella Gracie Weber, 51 Vie- toria street, Waterloo, died at her home Sunday at the age of 30 years, after an illness of eight years. The deceased was born in Grey county in June, 1906, a daughter of Rich- ard Quinton and the late Mrs. Quin- Star. for " Y-s-sro" Mrs. Alfred Dietrich I’ll WATIILOO CIIOIIOLI I Chief Constable David Crawford Preston. said no charge had been laid again-t Schiobel. It is under- "tood crown authorities at Kitchen- er will be consulted before any action _i.s when. I am. I" 7.-W3th a bullet lwound from a police revolver in his neck, a mu sud to be one) Schle- bel, at m. Chilean, â€you-old no manic, its undo: guard in hospital there. His wound and arrest term-In- sted a '4Fenileiut-ttour car chase from Preston into 11atc y [His condition reported an tair, he i was unable to appear in court Thurs- day. Finding this was a cul de sac. he made a circle around the IHay apart- ments, among trees and over fixer beds, the police officer 10110 g. His exit blocked by another car. also giving chase. the driver again made this circuit and retraced his course (along Grand,aremte. i Officer shoot; 1 By the Grand River bridge Con- (stable Scott brought his revolver into play. At the second shot the car ‘pulled no. The firgt shot. later exam- ination showed. plowed through the seat of the car. The second inflicted a wound m the neck. The shot ‘dropped out of his- mouth. Ambrose ‘Hunter and William TIttddington, who had been in the chase, carried the man in their car to a doctor. at the request of Scott. and he was later taken to hospital. The second bullet was discovered lying on the floor- boards of the car, and the first lodged in the tool box. Stopping hls motorcycle al the Springs service station in Preston, Kitchencr’. and." Depart-on! Storo Constable John Scott yiitR a W" Pa-i-ii-ii-iii-iii-ii-ii-iii- shoot out from the driveway as he ------=x----.-----.c-=.--=====--==-= pulled in. He followed m» tar. stopped it and asked the tiriver a. q young man about 27, tor his lice-use. tit en ' Scott says the driver told him he Rurttst1 had none and again shot away. The', I kr constable gave chase and tried mi M t ht ll I l _rll stop the car at the town hall. bat cc res aulT‘fm“ the car veered right and. circling ai and block, continued at high speed along -------- Cort", the Preston highway toward Galt. _Cars Collide at Factory Cornerl Elm: SAYS HE "uwr H18 BEAD" In Galt Hospital, where he was taken, ‘Schiebel told police he "lost his head" and except tor um having a driver's permit, he had no reason for refusing to halt tor the otricer. 1y ignorant of the territory, the dri- ver of the car did not take a straight course which would have brought him on to the Brantford highway, but turned to the right over Concession street bridge and then south again along Grand avenue. Crowding charged Six times in the course of the pur- suit, Constable Scott reported, the driver attempted to upset him as he drew level. The chase continued down the main street ot Galt and along South Water street. Apparent- Curd Sew [at other I Merry Chan. at 60 M.PM. --Now In Hospital Cir/i/i/ii/Gu in the man's pocket carried on the fly leaf the name Carl schiebel. sTRATPoRD.-moponents of Day- light Saving Time here are again ac-, tive. in spiie of the fact the elector- ate rejected the idea decisively about 1 ttvo years ago. Petitions are being cir- culated through the city and straw) votes are being taken in various plants in the city. l ton. In November, 1929, she was married to Conrad Weber. She was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran church. . - A A - Besides her husband and father, she leaves one brother, Gordon Quinton, of Meaford,_four sisters, Mrs. Stanley Bell, Toronto, Mildred, Florence and Edna Quinton, all of Meaford. __ ', __ - - The funeral will be held Tuesday at 3 p.m. with a public service at the Sehreiterindroek Funeral Home, with burial at St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery. Rev. B. A. S.perlintr. will ofrieitrte. The remains are at the Schreiter-Sandrock Fun- eral Home. WANT DAYLIGHT SAVING 1 (By Chronicle Correevondent' é muirsLAU.--one woman was slightly injured and seven others re ceived a shaking up and bruises at ‘the factory corner here about 11 o'clock Saturday night when cars driven by Thomas Purkis of Hespeler and Edwin Dietrich of St Agatha col- lided. Both cars were badly damaged. t According to reports or the acci- 'dent the Dietrich car. a 1928 Chevro- let roadster, had stopped before turn- ing left to the Kitchener highway when the Purkis car, coming trom the highway collided with it. The left side of the Purkis car suttered heaviest the left front wheel being smashed. and the left aide of the body stove in. The Dietrich car had the left front fender damaged. and the windshield broken. Miss Reta Huber of Waterloo. rid- ing with Dietrich, was cut about the face and nose and after treatment ty Dr. Turner of Kitchener at the near the home of Mrs. James Killer was able to return home. In the rum- ble Beat of the roadster. Miss Audrey Huber and Oscar Grosz of St. Agatha were bruised. Waited 50 Years, Dies at Wedding Riding in the Purkis ear were Miss Margaret Drummond ot Paris. Miss B. Glendenning ot Hespeler and Mr. Jos. Whitwam. also of 1retspeler. SuyvE1NSKtBRoD, Jugoslavia.-- Ivan Katonitz asked a girl to marry him fifty years ago He wa_s pen 22. Her p'axrents refused. and she mar- ried another. who died this spring. Kaionitz, now 72. again asked for her hand and was accepted. They walked out of the church after the wedding and he tell dead of a heart attack in her arms. It cost Geo. Hauser, Park street, Waterloo, $25.00 not to stay at the scene of a car accident after hitting Frorner's bakery truck. he being assessed this amount in court on Friday. WATERLOO MAN FINED "s GOUDIES Buy Your Canvas & Camp Shoes Here YOU’LL PAY LESS , on Dark Street. No Clearance ---A notable group n £19.75, in- cluding size: 14, 16, 18, 18%, Mya, 22%, 20/2. 28%. --The "half" sizes in conservative type for large women, on notably good fitting, slenderizing linen. In the young styles,' fascinating variety in colors, texture and treatment. (Coat Shop--isen St. Floor). Youthful Types Rained M's Halt Sites A COATS Runstedler A: Linwood, May 5, to M. and Mrs, Anthony Rumstedler, ._ naughtâ€, Tlmm -At Bridgeport, May 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Timm, a son. Corbett-At St. Mary's Hospiul, my fi. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corbett, Highland Road Kitchener, a daugh- Widow of Founder . of C.P.R. Passes FARMER BADLV HURT Pinned against the side of a truck 'hy a tractor he was unloading at his farm on Wednesday, Robert Crerar, 31, North IEasthope, watered a trnc- tured pelvis." 8, Stanley Seitz to Pearl Gastmeier, both of Kitchener. MONTREAL. - Dowager Lady Shaughnessy, whose husband, died in December, 1923, has been ill only four days. A daughter of N. Mule, Milwaukee, Wis., she was married in 1880 to the Irish railway pioneer, who received a knighthood from King Edward in 1901. UNEMPLOYED STRIKE AT KITCHENER KrrGH4NrBR.--Aboat 30 men re- ported to Breithaupt Park Thursday, all of them relief recipients, ot whom 20 were scheduled to work on the clearing job on the park bush. Only three were willing to work. The extra men who came out were pick- ets. A relief strike has been in pro- ;rrecs since Monday. Falling backward to the ground when an upstairs verandah nailing gave way. Mich. Stoskopt, Frances St., 'Kitchener, escaped with severe bruises. SEEDING IN FULL SWING Gardeners and many newly wedded couples are busy enjoying spring seeding. Seed stores report brisk sales in seeds and plants. HURT IN FALL FROM VERANDAH ter Feature. Waterloo No extra charge for use of our home-like Funeral Chapel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. S. - Phone 677 $19.75 M! h; u, I." Births Telephone 950