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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 May 1937, p. 7

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" x Plants and Flower Stalk Do "You would insist on drinking my health out of your hotnuter bottle last night." _ Served Hlm Right "r say, my dear." said Mr. Briggs, the morning after the reunion dinner: “i seem to have got an enormous hiister on my tongue." wife. . Touch on his Pal The two travellers had wandered tar from civilization and had fallen into the hands ot a savage chief. They day ttmowing their capture the chief ordered them to so out and gather fruit. The traveller burst into laughter, and the chief demanded to know the reason. "Sorry", apologized the prisoner. "t was Just thinking ot my pal. He's bringing cocoanuts." The first returned, bearing a plea. titul supply of grapes. The chief commanded him to swal- low them whole. Meat PrieNt-A few ot the prices quoted at the meat stalls were, fresh pork sausage stu, 8 pound. smoked pork sausage at M7e, spsre ribs at from St to Me, bacon Me, ham 20 and We, backbone 16c, tenderloin 33c. sirloin 28c, 'jellied meat 20c, head cheese 16c and lard Mc. Plante and FIowor atan--d9ebhini- um plants sold at 16e a clump: sweet rockets at St: a. bunch, sweet gin-um, tie B cluster, dun! iris at 6 and 10c. pansy plants at 30e I box. Viol“ at 2tie a. box, geranium: at I20 and Mic, orange lily roots tie, tern roots ire, rose bush roots 15 and are, straw- berry plants 10c a dozen or We a 100; and mac roots 10c. 1fetgstattlritstt Cobbler need no. (atom at $1.50 and $1.75 a bag. po. tatoes for table use were $1.05 a bag, carrots. lettuce, etc., at last week's prices. Good Crowd,“ Prices at Market 1a'W1m!TNlliR.--antutt an. flower stalls were busy places at the Sutur- day market on Saturday mornlng at Kitchener with people keen to get supply for garden and Manuel": my. Broiler chickens were 30e a pound, eggs 19c to S6e a dozen, butter Mc a pound and maple syrup $2.25 to 82:50 a gallon. Meats and Produce Prices frinn ht Kitchener Market Exp 16, so, Me a done. butter " 28c tor dury and toc lor erect-cry, cream 16, 18c . pint, bonny Fm. pail 56e, chtclell, you; birds Me, you-Mn;- 21c and old birds 19e s pound. 11 quarts, table onions, turnip, per- snipe 5c. dandelion: 5c a quart or We for some cleaned dunddlon, cu- rots 5c shunch. cabbage Be A mud, cauliflower MM a head, lettuce Me a head or , for toe. celeb M.c. green beans 19c 1 pound, “we ' bunches tor Mc, mulhmolu soc I box, spinach 10c 1 pound and been 2 bunches for 16. _ A good crowd .ttondod the run- In Saturday unornoon uni-km. In". providing pod also tor the my vendors. Price. included: Vegetable. Pontoon 81.50 to $1.66 t hat, or Mc tor ' quart but“ lad “c tor Fresh pork name Me smoked 25c, summer nan-age 26e, dried beet 30c. head cheoae 17c, blood nun-(e 17c, beet out 15 to 180. pork cut- 18 to 22e, ribs 16c and hope cured hams Strc, lard sold a Me a pound. M. by It. 198T District Markets - Want Aiiii' "What do 'you Rushing Btttsirtestc-Eggtr Me, Butter Me. expect?" replied his Can“ and EM “The machine use is taking ”my a vast number ttf jobs." said the mo- chanlc. I'RiTON.-6rtnert, and towni- Iolk turned out in large number! at the Preston market held Sunday morning Selling wee brink with egg- lu demand at 20 to 25e a down and butter at we a pound. Choice (owl, vegetables. meats, nomtrt, and plants sold at the same prices as last week. "Done I know it?" amrmedé; for- mer public servant. “It coat my tob." 'tHow is that?" anulred the ttrat speaker. "You have never done my meclganlqal lapor. lave rout" "No", he admitted, “but I got my job when the old crowd were In pow- er; and now the new menu In. taken it “my." 1).]... upon that nod ! The Linwood Women'l lnllllule no in " demand tit 'f.gtt"a we the]: mm m tMuugal meet- lov who sanding to 1m and "‘3 O! the “howl”. a. . root-r. other; Ram in that Ill-ll! “my "0th The roll all III have clubbed =2utd ordered responded to by I “canon ot no who of New . mum n. .oerotarr an A lun- The price his; paid for and pob- mary of the year'- vork. Vino“ ro- tog. h §l_.§0, on. dollar u.. than. poeta (font tht mum. common PM CLUB m BUYING POTATOES AT REDUCED PRICES porting Neon-ho; mu Est-Inlay. lee wekhu: London. 3350; Hull, $8.76; Pqeesrborotagh. ".60. In connection with the Glrh’ Sup Potatoes lc Club, it was nnnonnced that an Dealers nre quoting the 9t'Nec,ee,Tte.tt my" would be held prices tor potatoes delivered to qhriin out on June 1. (nub members route In carton: Prince Mind I from varioul centres will “tend this Island, 81.10 to 81.16 per bag; No. 1 medium. Ontario, 900; and New "gye.Ptt:; Min Jean Begg- prmsided tor the 81-06 to 81110 per bag. We! to election ototNors which routed u wholeaalo trade are 100 to 16e Pertollowe: Pro-Meal. Mill madman; I,“ ttttttter. Rrrt vlca-nranldamt MI.- In.“ M.- PRESTON MARKET SHORT AND BRISK price. of Inf you. Dream weights: Kitchener 811.36; London, 811.35; Hull, ttr, Petu- borough, "IStr. Steady price- were Hog Quotations GRANDMA Wanna. wuo cannons ALL me ”can on Potatoes Q “ It',', gtit'ig'i'i'it,t c Att' i, 1'ciiet tC?"' g,,sii,ti,, si tofi,j"liii.i)'j' _ti)iiiii'iii'ii, di"'-) J2ec:t7il iiii,i,,ii'C,,,aif'iisiiiiiiiiiiir, Illt L, , i));,,,;',.")""?' tE m l gm weak/1} 'tirc,')' a. _?igl'i' i'.,i.iii,ilhjj.:l. 4)it th. w %\E 'l!lij',iii-i,iil,i-),,j' ? /@>M’CLHQ{IH . 'iii/Ill Jiii 'ik'-)')"',""'),.';')'; i)),gtiit- , , ' / A!" _/'ii/:ilili"sii'yieiit:i. fl! 'A'l'lILOO CHIONICLI IOONERVILLE FOLKS I The Linwood Union Jack: Buo- ball Club held a meeting and present- ed Mr. Fred 'Schlutz, manager ot the l, Min Jean Begg- preuided tor the election or oilicers which resulted It (allows: Pro-idem, Hill M. Schnurr; ttrat vicerarrtstridetnt, Min Jenn Beau; second vieeprtstudmtt, In" an au- lard; 'secretary-treassure In. o. McPherson; album mercury- treasurer. Mist Marjorie Bean; pianist, Min " McKay; we” cor- respondent, Miss Janet Manner: tlower committee, Mn. o. L Lanta and Mrs. F. H. ISchummer; auditors, Mra. A. R Peebles and Mrs. Henry Schlueter; directors, Mrs. J with, In J. C. McKay, Mn. George [Ren- nie and Mrs. Conrad Wilton district director, Mrs. J. C. McKay. 'er'", new”: Program. were given. The district mouth: is to be held at Column]. Juno 8. The remain; at the nerd amino friend- muted Cort-ti. nutri- mem and It In. denial to column, the nun-bin circle with new Moods. It In. decided that the institute would on: the rent Mr the "bury tor thin your. A up: It“ (17.: by Mrs. Wm. Schultz _ Weltmlneter Abbey Ind the Coronuon". Little Jenn Foster revered the Indies with s piano eelecuon Amer the meeting refreshments were served by the hostess and her “mums. Miss IRuth Schummer is visiting relatives in Detroit. Punctuation. Convener: ot standing committee. will be appointed and program tn- rangemenla will be made at the exe- cutive meeting to me held " the home ot ‘Mrs George Rennie on Mon- day evening. LINWOOD program was rendered which con- sisted ot the following short topics. "Mothers ot 'llen", by Miss Bertha Wither; "A Mother's Tnfittqrnee, by Miss Jetret Mouser; "rho Twentleth Century Mother", by Samuel Mott schuh; "Mother's Version of the Bl- ble", by Gordon 'Eydt; "Mother'. In- fluence on her Children", by Miss Hilda Mueler. mecltstlons were given by Florence Dydt and nose Gleee. A solo entitled "Mother" was then rendered by Miss Mule Deh- mer. At the close ot the meeting the pastor, Rev. w. Schultz spoke on the signlllcance or Mother's Dar otter whiett Master (Eric Schultz preeented each mother present with A my-. A short social hour followed that which lunch was served. Jack for the - than you-I. will a. amour-and, Ii by” and the bureau nnd hm Schumann In. undo the Pr-tation. Mr. Schultz ammo“ his than 1nd Iqet tho following by lot hunt; On any!” evening Mead- and tutiqMtom of In. c. Guiana not at her home to wagon! A nucelhnoou Mar to 'lr. And In. Hamel Bo- bmon, no. Ill- Nolli- ' Tho evening in spam in dancing All MI, After which retro-hunt. um and. Mr. and In. Charlo- Wttt"sreord and daughter: Dun, and Marian ot Yawn went Tillman, "will; st tho home of Ir. And In. Wm. car noclun. Luthor Lung-n um. The Mar meeting at the Luther League of at. Potera' Luthonn Church wu held on Wednelday evening In tho basement or the" church The ttresident. Miss. Amen: Mlker occurred the chit. Mother's Dar V“ ablerved and " an no- thers of the members were invited. The nerinture lam wu rend by Cart Glen after ,rhieh Elwood Ho]:- schuh led in prayer. A Mothers' my Mrs. Joseph Farrel] and Miss M. Gibbons Ire spending ' tow (by! with relative: in the Twin City. Born-Oro Mr. and firs. Anthony Runstedler, on Wednesday I. daugh- ter, USE CHRONICLE WANT ADS. TO an on To BUY. THE FAMILY. - -77 - _....vu gnu-w- as a birthday present. He was at uiderably upset when a tow duo I» ter he received the following letter: "rv..- .--., - - - -_ ._~ “my...“ want: “Den Jock: u can't begin to - press my appreciation ot the cheque you sent me on my birthday. I pre- sented it to the milkman this morn- hug and he cubed it." A Scotch comrniriiiiirtiiiveusr sent his wife a cheque for a minion than. as a Mrthdav urn-am In- - -_- ind ttxturG iii-ugh: "irsTiFi'. Job Baker. Well-l., P.0. 88-04. Copy of tho Chronicle ban of October 15, 1886. Kindly In.“ to Waterloo Chronicle once, Waterloo, New Hamburg Plans Program for May 12 Selection by the 'band; Invocation by Rev. J. 'B. Dougie of the Bulge lical church; Introduction by Bee" W. R. Hostet3err; Singing try school pupils, (a) “The Maple Easat Ibr- ever", (h) "My own Canadian Home"; lPrayer by Rev. E G. Duo or the Baptist church; Scripture try Rev. H. R. Mosh or the Trinity Sat. theran Church; Singing of the Oom- nation hymn [by the school an“; Address by Rev. B. " Pub ot tho Anglican church; Singing of '0 Canada" by school pupils: Benedic- llnn Lu I'E!B- “L -- Me u-W‘. DWI" nu . .I'I. Wynn, Ji are “de - -. --_-... "vi-l, mulc- uon by Rev. 'Wan. Walker, president of the Ministerial Association; Sobe- tion by the band. muw "AlMIBmtG.--.A communion magnum man; for the occuion has been completed for Mar '11th. A PF rude starts at 10.30 from the 01%... station and ‘will proceed to Fountain Park where the school children will be presented with medals. The can; pleto program follow: Let This Be Your Coronation Y ('1.TEttlEt.irWitm I i'IL‘H‘k'AII gin”; . -' 7t3ir.s' ’,':'0",'. _ , _, k- (iy,'t,'(r) F 1' 'rcusr,r"' 0.0.. .0002- m I " "t am m -iunto.r, M shun: 331-2": 2eltt, nun, “ht-7 Fara"ai iiEi,5siiiitirhuN'l'tpl"d 2'irhrr/r"luu-oL Waterloo County Hatchery m We. our, BABY CHICKS ServicuBnndChich Kin. tad thr Str. Piano 4646 Coronation Ba; FOR SALE WANTED Lucky Milkmen KITCHEN " Poultry PAC-I an"! "w, 87-8

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