O'Neill. 1Rqtereea--'Mr. Toni Armour, Int Bieal Director, K.-W. Y.M.C.A.. Min Florence Johnston. Victoria School. Kitchener. Clerk of oourae--Edor1 8cm. AatriBtatittV-Miss C. Iehmldt, N. Berner. Chief Inapeetor--2trek Harper. Chief BCorer-- Wilton mu; An- slstant: o. noble, F. Nbudoerlfer. A. Conrad, Miss M. Conrad. Mists lik Smith, “in M. Hoffman. Inspeetorts-M. Neel). W. Remnant, N. Allen. Timiopera-0. bellman, A. Bosh- mar. E. Devin. T Starter-at, Scheitele. Field Judge-Mrs. Jane Bell Wk- er. Miss B. Mommmon, B. 00m, M. Metcaife, R. Tnilby, A, Hondur- ger. Announcer-tAlvin mum. Field Doetor---Dr. D. Spohn. A. R. Gentile Cup (Collogllut) 1. Kitehemsr-Wtrter3op, 56; s. Guelph, 51; 3. Owen and, 41; 4. Gait, MP, g. London Tech, 8. George Halnmrth Cup (Hloh Schooll) I. Meatord 88; 2. Paris St; 8. Markdale M; 4. Durham 21; 6. ll- mira 18; 6. Milton 10; 7. Hanover T; 8. Preston 7; 9. Listowei 13; 10. St. Mary's Girl H. S., Kitchener, 4, 11. Fergus 6; 12. Tamtock 8. Consul-to Boys 100 rt. dash, tirgt heat--, Earl 100 yd. Ruppel, l Guelph; L Time 11.1. - Jindgea ot P1nitrh--NF. cordon, Dr. Ferguson, w. Malcolm. - Following the meet, the contour anta and their coaches were no" of the Waterloo college In the orb loge gym at a banquet and abort pro Second heat-l R. Patterson, Owen Sound; 2 Jack McDonnell, WW.; I Gus Mitget, Gnu. Time 10.8. London Technical school, the only London entry, was represented by Ruth Christie, who colloaod Mght points. The race tor the Goudle Cup was close, the local school leading Guelph by one point with the pole vault event still urd1n1trhed. Harold White and Jim Spohn collected Brat and third and six points to cop the Mo. phy, while Junk Burnett of Guelph collected second and three points. The 880 yard boys Collegiate why saw the K.-W. Collegiate trttil into the last leg, with Earl Ruppel will; a that spurt coming to the tape to annex 5 points tor " school. Seventeen school competed, melted. lug s Colleglttse and 12 High And Continuation Ichools. A total ot " events comprised tho program. Mouton! High School ramped hon. 6 points In from ot Paris II. 8., with 33 points to win the George Hunc- worth cup tor High and Communion Schools. It was held In 1986 by "ttag. over and lut ye}: by M. Several at the afternoon's "out: produced thrilling uni-hen. The halt mile run for high school born uw Qocil Jackson ot Fergus lending to the tape George Bishop ot Hesiod. Jackson stumbled with 31x yard- to go and tell, allowing Bishop to Nico WOODSIDE PARK, Kitchener.-- with a record entry liu of 267 com- petitor- uking port, the third an null Waterloo College invitation - staged here on Saturdey afternoon drew e crowd of 600 amt-store, who witneued the smashing of 19 records and the equalling of another. The watcher conditions were ideal with the cinder trick Reins in tut condition. Kite qyner-Westerioo Collegiate and Vocational School will hold the A, R Goudia trophy tor the next you, emblematic ot the high“! and points in the meet unused by on. school. The lpcal collegiate won the trophy the am year ot the m. in 1936. It was held by Guelph In! 19 Records Fall at 1eatisriot college Games [ICE] K-W. Collegiate Was Candie Cup; I Hahsworth Trophy Goes To Mord: an Connetlton like Put in Third Annual Gnu. i.-w.-," 2 m. Titan-or. Leslie Allen, on Bound. Second tttsat-I Leonard Easier: 2 Wm. McIntyre. Time 11.2. Third Tbrat-l Roy Clan, Elmira: (t Arnold Gdbert. Hanover; , W. Burt, Paris. Time 10.4. I Fourth tteat-I Roger cannula. Milton; , Herbert Brennan, Hanover; '3 Prank Knack, Elmira. Time 11. Pole vault (High Sehoo1)-t Elmer over; 3 Jean MMHrr, Durham. Time Fleming, Lintowel; 2 Charles Wood, It]. Fergus; 3 Ken ‘Schaeter. Listowel. Second heat---1 Anne Spence. Lis- chight, 9 feet 6 inehes. (New record. towel; 2 Barbara Telfer, Paris; ' (beats old mark of ' ft. 5 inches set Norma Hive], Preston. Time 18a. in 1935 by James Wilson. Arthur). Third heat-Mary Arhold, mmin; collegiate Girl. 2 Helena Klinck, Elmira; 8 Jun 100 Ftsrdsr-4trtrt htyat--1 Marjorie Bailey, Wei. Time It. Kunkel, KGW, 2 Phyllis Kinch. Fourth hegrt--a Betty McIntyre, Pole Vault (Co11egiate)--1 Harold White. KJW; 2 Jack Burnett, Guelph; 3 Jim Spohn. Height, 9 tt. 3 In. (New record, beats old mark of 8 ft. 6 in. set in 1936 by Jack Kellough of Owen Sound). . 'Running board 'rurur--t Bert Whit- more, Durham; 2 Bert Arthur, Mea- tord; 3 (Roger Galbraith. Milton. Distance 18 ft. ' In. Shot put (1ib1b.)--1 Bert Whit. more, Durham: 2 Ralph Bumstead. Meaford; 3 Art Balm. Elmira, Dia- tance, " tt.9 in. 880 yd. relay-I Milton; 2 Dur. ham; , Elmira.' Tune 1 min. 41 " see. (New record. beats old mark of 1 min. " " sec. set in 1986 by Milton. High 'urnTr--al Keith miller, Paris; t, Bert Arthur. Mentord: 3 Don Eastman. Listowel. Height“. 6 in. (New record, beat. mark of tr ft, 4 in. set In 1936 by Wallace Brown, Meaford). 880 yd. run-I George Bishop, Mob Janes, KJW. Time ua. (New ro- ford; s, Cecil Jackson, Farm: 8 cord, trrxsahtnq rank of " second: set Stanley Prim, Listowel. Time 2 min. in 1986 by Bony Shank ot Guelph). 15.3 see. New Record. 220 ,ardtr-1 Ruth Christie, Iam, 220 yd. ftttttltr---1 Itor Class. Elmira; don Tech; , N. Sebroiber, Gal: ' 2 Norman Glass, Durham; , James Lucille Pearson, Owen Bound. Time Cameron. Park. Time 34 sec. 30sec. itNew record. beats mare ot (Equals record set in 1936 by Doug- 32.2 set in was by Loreen Gordon, lat, Warrnm, Wingham). Gait). 440 ydI.--1 Ralph Bumstend, Moa- fcrd; 2 Stanley Fritz. Untowel; ' Eric Winkle}. Hanover. Time 661 sec. (Better: record of 1.02 not in 1936. New Record). One mile---t Goo. Bishop, Mutord; 2 beater Wemaufer, Tavtatoek; 3 Wm. Stockton, Pang. Time 6 min. " see. (New record, beats tank of 5 13 " not In 1936 by Donald Inch son, Paris). 220 yd. ftttttltr---1 Itor Class. Elmira; 2 Norman Glass, Durham; , James Cameron. Park. Time 34 sec. (Equals record set in 1986 by Doug- las Warrnm, Wingham). V -reinaiL-li noi Class; Elmira; 2, Bruce MtNah, Milton; 8, Roger Gal- braith, Milton. Time " H. Running High Jump-t Jack Mae- Dnnnell K-W; s, Ted Horton, Owen Sound; , Bob Garvey, Owen Sound: Height 5 n. 6% In. (Now record. beats mark of 6 ft. 2 in. let in 1986 by Carl Boehmer. Kitchener). High School Boys 100 yd. tugh-wrt" tttrat-I Bruce Meant), Milton; 2. Gordon Hender- son; 3 James Cameron. Time 10.f. Madly rAar--1 Owen Sound; 2 Hanover; 3 Guelph. Time 4 min. " Shot pm. ti2-ltt.)-1 Allin Mrfraa- gurt, K-W; 2 Ross Fischer, Guelph; 3 Ken Kneeling, Guelph. Din-nee. 37 a. 4 in. ramming [Broad JuarIr-t Bob Gap vie, Owen Sound; 2 Jack Humou- nell, K-W; 3 Joe 61nd, K-W. m.. tance " tt. 4 In. Piaal-1 Ryonon Fuzhou, Owen Sound; 2 ml 'Ruppel. WW; Jack McDonnell, K-W. Tim. ION. Ono mile---1 Ted Horton, Owen Sound; , L. McGorde. Guelph; 3) Charles Pox, Guelph. Time 5 min. 10 36 Bee. (New record. has." mark of 5 min. " " lee. let in 1986 by Neill Farrell. Guelph). I Third tbeet-uae, Zlnml, KW; L MoAnninch Guelph; a Tod Roth- me], Guelph. has 11.3. Halt mile-I Norbert Jolt", K-W; t Jim um, KW; 3 Charles Fox, Guelph. Tune. 2 min as BOC. 220 rda.--1 Merton Putnam. Owen Bound; , Earl Ropmrl, KM; 3 James Lyn-don, out. Tune "a. 460 ydr-1 Ray Gromouor, Owen Sound; 2 Bruce Mocrase, out; a Glar- ence Ecclel, can. The 58.1. 880 yd. relay-t iow (Ken 2mm, Peter Goon, Bot, WbIeloh, hr] Rup- Pelt; g Guelph; 3 Gait. Time " " W". . ". 1 yr? T: , W? m "i' W'otsiTir "W. _uP.5" .. .tatt run“. cutout: (Running broad "mp-I Lorene Gordon, can; , Lots Bryden, Guelph; a Thelma Ludwig and Betty have. K-W. Distance " ft. 1% in. (New record, beau mark of " It. 10% in. set in 1935 by Betty Zarnke, IMF.) Basketball tttrow-t Isobe] Flak. Guelph; 2 Marie Bruder, Guelph; ' Peggy Spohn, KM. Distance 72 it. 6 Inches. Standng broad tour---, not! Bry- den. Guelph; 2 Marjorie Bee]. Owen Sound; 3 N. Schrelber, om. D13- mnce, 7 N. 4% in. 440 yard relay-t Durham; 2 Guelph & Pars (tie). Time 1 min. 4-5 see. (New record bests mark of 1.01 145 sec. set in 1936 by Guelph. High We!“ Glrla 100 yards-tire ttgat-q Elna wn. liams. Preston; 2 Helen Kobe, mn. over; 3 Jean MMHrr, Durham. Time 14.1. IOOyudduh (iiir"rl'rl'll'll; {myudduh "P0rar4run WEE. put Rut-ins high jump ,Runnin; broad jump Pole vault . VIWyudd-nh Myudduh v '44Orarddaah no yard run One mile run Il,'. lb. alto! R". 3mm Ethan» Hamlin; t,GU jun-up y Pole vault 'High 'turrlr-1 Dorothy Spry, Guelph; , Lucille Pearson. Owen Sound; , Paul Bullurtyne, K-W. Height 4 rt. " in. (New record, 'beating mark ot 4 tt. 5 in. not in 1936 by Ruth Van GIG], Kiwi) Shot Put (84h0-1 Alice Juan, WW; 2 Mario Bruder, Guelph; , ms hel Fisk. Guelph. Distance as tt. 4 In. Baseball thmw--t Lililan Webb. KW: 2 Vehna Hone. Guelph; ' Peggy Spohn, WW. Distance, 19t N. , in. (Wow record, beats, mare of 173 n. 1 itt., set in 1936 by Lilli-n deb, .(|K.W). J""""" and“ OIL-hum "unehaliNow Jlt1ttuT', . an... "In! 1yeia.GG.ft.uar 'Imin‘hondjunp ’lmyudduh 23)wa 8111.15me [Willy-w law... i"ii'di,. Rluminl high jump Rm)!" PM imp Guelph; 3, Elaine Snider, K-W. Time 14.2. Third heat---1 bola Bryan. Guelph; 2 Alice Janos. WW; , N. Schrmer, Galt. Tine lea. Fifth ttmst-t Eleanor Huncock. Galt; 2 Betty Lowe. K-W; , Helen Lang, KJW Tune 18.2.. Fourth ttesac-iles, Stephens. Galt; Marjorie Bee], Owen Sound; 3 Rita McCarthy, WW. Time 133. Final-sl bola Brydeu, Guelph; , Ruth Christie, London Tech; , Alue Jane, Kfe. Time 12a. (New ro- Second heat---' Ruth Christie, Lon- don Tech; 2 Thelma Ludwig, K-W; 3 Betty Turk, Gan. Time It. Relay Medley Relay [an Waterloo Colleeg Games Record 2 min. 17 6-5 Dec. 5 min. 10 3-5 see. 39 ft. 1 in. _ 5 ft. 6% in. .. 19m. 9 in. _T___ TFV 9 ft. 3 in. ...... l min. 45 1-5 we. a ft. t in. Hal: .4 ft. " in. .El-i 7 ft. 7 in. h- " ft. 6% in. In. COLLMIATE all]: 122 we. Loi- 56 2-5 we. 2 min. 15 3-5 sec. 5 min. 13 we. 38 It. 7 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 21 ft. 4 in. . 9 ft. on. 31 no. 10 " Dec. 24 1a Dec. 1 min. 41 rs see. In COLLEGIATE Boys anon. 196 ft. a in. mun 'chb. Li " ft. Joyce Woodman, Galt 4 ft. 6% in. My SPY. Cudyh 14ft.1% in. maximum 7 ft. use in. pom, 2mm, K.-VI. 1min. bs sec. HIGH 10 25 we " bs as. 166 ft. t in. OPEN Running brond 'trtmr--t Frances Kitchen. Paris; t runes: 01m, Preston; 3 Frances muster. Pull. lDiatance " tt. 3% inches. I Shot put ftr4tr.J--t Holen mo- tpot, Max-hula; t Luella Prue“, Hanover; 3 Jeanne Pith, Modem. 'Dintanco as n. I in. (New record. beats old mark ot a It. 1% Inches set in I†by light trehaatr, Hanover. F. W. Hill succeeds Theodore Zim- merman as club president, Other members include: Vieeprmsidentt, Norman Murray; secretarrtreaattresr, Wm. ’MacPherson; playing manner, George Schummer; transportation committee, N. Murray and Russ Hayes; league delegates. Geo. Ichummer and Russ Hayes; when] scorers Prank Schnmmer and Ed Hayes. Standing broad 'umth-1 Helen 'Cmfoot. Harkdnlo; Prune“ Kitch- en, Paris; , Mildred Homnth, Prel- tcn. Matinee. T N. 2% Inches. LTtFWtooD.-9ttieialt, of the Lin- wood Union-Jacks Softball (nub, at their organization meeting here, paid tribute to Prod Schultz. manager ot Jacks tor the past three Fears. Schultz, who has quit business here to move to Muttowa. made a worth- while contribution to sport in Lin- Running high tutrut-1 Batu: Tenor, Paris; Alice Cutting, lurk- dalo; ' Marguerite Hammond, lib mtra. Height 4 tt. d m. LINWOOD WHEALL Fifth heat--1 Margaret Rota, Llo- towel; 2 Doreen Waldorf. Hanover; 3 Gonude Wuchter. at. Marrs " B., Kitchener. Time 13.4. 220 yards-I Aileen Kinney, Mark- dale; 2 Frances Clark, Prawn; ' Jean Bums, “novel. Time 31.1 sec. Baseball tttrow--' Helen Cmmte, Markdlle; 2 Jenna Pris, Mallard; 3 Mildred Sib'bick. Paris. Distance 166 ft. 2 In. (New record, beating mark of 165 ft. not In 1906 by Reba Schadb, Humor). . . w, 7 .7 ' ............ .... Bushman throw-1 Helen Mutrie, gi.' mm. ....' Meatord; , Frances Schism St. Ma. New York .... ly'l Kitchener; 3 Dorothy Some]. at. Philadelphia Marru, Kitchener. Distance U ft. magma ........ 1 in. (New record, beau mark not Chlugo ......1 in 1936 of " ft. 1 in. by Pony Ar Brooklyn ....r bold, Elmin). Cincinmtl ..r *'inat--1 Mary Arnold, Elmira; 2 Frances Kitchen, Park; , Anne Spence, Liam's]. Tine 13.0. Durham; 2 Elda Kinney, Kahlua; 3 Betty Schultz, Preston. Time 18.3. "mxtts heat-d France: Kltdlen. Paris; 2 Edith Riley, Menard; ' Eileen Kinney, Mariano. Tune 18.1. BOYS Bruce McNgb. Milton Fer wee, Wm Ted Horton. Owen Sound My Main. Gal: _ luck Weâ€. K.-W Jim Denna“. K.-W 31191.! White, K..W _ [PMOWGSound Vibes Brain. Mellon! Elga- FUanirm, Linovd I. M. “we: . Jon “by. Lin-"rd “dc Moot. “We Bd- Cudoot. Hubble Haul. lurk. Medan! Elli-e Wanton. 1'ka Fhrqi. Kittie. Paris “pl Bun-tend. Mellon! Gear‘s Bishop. Medan! George Bilhop. Motion! Harold Brown. Meaford main.†unan- CLUB REORGANIZES ', Puti- PY, I 1937 1937 Chairman Aid. w. D. Brill of the 1937 once committee in authorised to 1937 proceed with the Isle of iota " the 1936 corner of John and Earl sheen and 1937 to wept. the ole: of 8110 for " 1936 feet or $200 for the whole of lob. 1937 Erwin Inch-uh, connector, will 1937 erect three hon-es on these Iota "m after purchue is made. 1931 pr? n, onioddr" M To} Gil PE are: Edd and te {onto â€6.89 “If! Pre 1mts_rrrsLroy?d, oiiodon ttf PA'. ervedudt.trit?t (h; ,GiNrtion of 1937 the new hum; iiitd 7.1356 "ik _-i-- gen yogi-1mg]. gamut!!! will 1936 be I'VIHINO lor the boy: sud girls I936 in softball, baseball, cricket 5nd 18f? other sports. 393 Aid. w._ w." 1rrserir. It ygl ob: I Additional Sports ||I0n Page Three T, ‘Wuhlngmn ................ \Clevoland dRRTMrTXYN.--Mmrtsra. Stanley 8. Shunt; ot the Quad; Life, Kitchen- er; H. Verne Mar-hell of the Gait Reporter and Douglas Methane. ot Preston have been unis-nod the task ot drafting the schedule tor the Le- dlee' InterOonnty SW1 League tor this season. They are being asked to act in their capacities an ad- vlaers to the league on a result ot a somewhat hectic meeting Friday It ght. Philadelphia .....e..t.b... Chicago _..F..._.......r...... St. [on]! .................... Now York Baltimore .................... gltubuljg Brooklyn ...........-....... Newt ......rr................. Rochester .r...e.......t.... Detroit .....r Bull-lo Toronto PVP.' Bmcue ... Newark W. Toronto It Butttto " Jenny at! " Syracuse H, Noam bl. Mueller Ita, Baltimore MFS. Jersey City 6, Toronto 6. . xaiBufNIo 8, Newark q. l Syracuae T, Roche-tor 6. Montreal 8, Baltimore T. aPfrat game " innings; cocond game called and ot tttth. xx-al Ionian. Jersey City _............... Kantian That anloo'l town council members but". in "sesour+ â€on, for 39m ' - bulim- to sport. for youth in soon in - to provide athUtie adds " an in.“ muting hwy night. Aid. Walker'- -tion to, - do Em Result- ,Boaton '6, New York 4. 'Detroit 6, Chicago 6. Wtahington 10, Phlladelp'hiq T. Cleveland-Bt. Sarah-postboard. Baum New York 3, mm 1. Chic-.30 A, St. Don!- 1. Pittsburg T, Cincinnati t. Brooklyn 5, Phlhdolphil. I. For Waterloo hath INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lon P.C. Cedar Stth-Exenpt fro- has. BASEBALL RECORDS AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE DRAFT SCHEDULE ,iAhrr,amra,s- Won Loot (RC. Won Loot PE. " STI .700 au .383 al ,4.