l Emmy? , a or al..Ulll I Monday and Tuesday E J...- “vol- CW0 . IKM‘OHENIER. - Two Waterloo township youths, Milton Paulitzki, 20, and Gordon Wildtong, 17, found guil- ty of stealing chickens in the town- ship were on Friday sentenced to six months in the Ontario Rerformatorr. Murray Bray acting for accused asked for clemency and Crown Ab torney Clement consented to six months instead of a year sentence. There is too much chicken thievery stated the crown and guilty person- must be punished. Mints Send: Them to Refer-In- torr.-=hiehon Thievery Mum Stop. Two Waterloo Tp. _ Youths Sentenced luv mvnwu an. "awn'luv, sun WHO escaped as he was being taken to Kitchener jail. He fled to Waterloo park where he was lost in the crowd attending the band festvinl. Drysdnle is the man who, em- ployed at n local hotel, was unwashed for house-breaking by Chief of Po: lice Homo at Waterloo, and who adds was caught by police who heard heard shouts of "Mop, thief!" Police visiting his rooming house found a quantity of stolen goods valued " $400, in addition to medals and a gold watch won by Campbell when boxing. H . ,V..._--__ - wen-any; mun-unr- Ill HAMILTON. - George Drysd-le. †ne'v. 4TA'A"r'ea.','ltn, in his open- 1887, tseveral of whom m Ivitntr. who moped from custody " Waters ing remarks, referred to the Evan- Ar.tother. minister who brought loo, July " last year, was captured gelical Church erstabliahed 98 years greetings, Rev. J. Fleming, remarked on Friday by "msd'.'peurbefl, for- Mo, an having stood the longest by that the Anglicans were not the P." boxing 'star, while he was Nb‘the side of St. John's. He urged the ?rtlt. church t tried to "horn in" but: Ctunpbell's apartment. In court youth of todgy to come forward, in Waterloo in the eighties. What he m sentenced by Hggigmte fearing no mrmce, to continue to he could not understand was how loony» five your: m Portsmouth make the community all it should St John's got I building site for Penitentiary. be. The speaker closed with the only live ah lines when Scotch Pres- Dryadale was surprised as he was wish that St. John's may continue bytenans ttaid mueh more. mnansekintr thunptrell's home on to progress in the years ahead. Rev. E. Val. Tilton, pastor of the King weat. Mr. .nd Mrs. Campbell Kantian. W... First United Church, after extend- were seated " the supper table Rev. J. Fleming of the Knox ing greetings, id Rev. C. & {hen 2g','dth bolted from dale 2g,'lg,t,gie, Church hopes“ that Roberts a compment in correct ouse. mp gave chase an " emany may again arni re- church am men . ttteorner of Tory and HeNab ligious leadership to the worldU the clock 'd",5t,'lee "iirieiiiiiiii'ii - - On Behalf of the Anglican " mar bdugul Church, Canon Adamson paid warm 0 tribute to St. John’s Church, as it ht Illamilt practiced the precept "when I we: on I stranger, ye took me in." He had reference te,',' g,',".?,'"",',',,', givexeldthe -"------ Ang icuns w en new y organiz in George Drrsdnie, mm the eighties when they were per- mu Sentenced to Five mitted to worship in St. John's , . Church, thus supplying quarters for Years in Penitentiary. their first mating place. ------- Ctr-operated " Youâ€. TYA "I! mnlv n_-_.._ “A," J, u -- Waterloo House- Breaker Caught ht Hamilton 11i'l'ME STRUCK†"lk4pikd'sarrtr, " Wednesday and Thursday I -- mad... I Fukuo- - Ab. - TyronPo-u - WY“ 8 Font-m - A]. Dick Powell 1 Jo.- BIO-doll â€LOVE IS NEWS†IN TECHNICOLOI All EONDITIOIID Mittrritlt _ BOYE ll, in 'i'i'iih1trea. Frail ', NAle ARRESTED. _ wARé5Aw.-'rmynt, Germ er tizens were arrested here fby Polish police and charged with being mem- bers of an illegal ortrtuttstMttttt. Those arrested were interested. it in reported, in the formula: ot . m Nazi political party. l ST. A9AmHA.--saturda, afternoon Beatrice, tour-year-ohl daughter ot pr. and Mrs. Nicholas Dietrich, had a close call from death when hit by a. car driven by Frank Trusehinaki, former hockey star ot Kitchener. Tho driver stated that the child running across the road doubled back in her tracks when she saw the danger and was hit by the car. Dr. Morrison, Kitchener had the child removed to the St. Marrs Hospital, where the fracture was set. l 13:. Ji, B. 'tttiii,,':', the close at- e cons-n ry memes brought by the visiting pawn m sincerely upprecieted. Refreshments were served in the basement of the Pariah Hall after the service. _ St. Agatha Lass Struck by Car _ ---__ _~-..v-... - vvlullllulclll- In correct Germany may again furnish re- church arrangement, obaerving that ligioua leadership to the world’s the clock is where the minister can Youth which Martin Luther had see it but the congregation can not. done. The purpose of the church "----------- aild the ig"li,,'ttt1, fl'., today 'd"Wd C , . be to see t e in gdom o o to and the St. John's Church was fol- o net tr Jury " loging kt this course. I u.....:..... ram-J" 7 _ church work and wss pleased to note 813:3: the spirit of good will and co- Churcl operation among the churches. told b Par. Warm THE-lo. ---- -. - " __ -_---ei- -- -. “was. on me any church me were Rev. E. Val. Tilton, in I stirring given by the visiting pastors. menace emphasized what St. J.ptyt B The only therloo church that had men"; tn the IO? "m it ttan would tolerate the Anglican: to no served this community. m, Md its church for worship in the only tl,tPtg tribyte .to thet pioneer. m eisrhtion we": "o. r..i...-., -N-=-= iiGii% .m M.“ Interesting Menace: Made to Rev. 8. L. Boehmer, pastor of the Church Life in the Early new First Baptist Church, cave en guns eel-nest mousse end hroucht treet- "It! and 1"yeteuuyms from his Waterloo laminar. brought greet- eoMretration, atatintr it was been“ in; from the other churchee " the St. John tdd stood by the Word at. John'l Iattheran Church Cen- thnt God had prospered end honored teary service " Waterloo on Fri. this church. day evening. Interesting remit Gmd-g. of First United Church. cencee of the curly church life were Rev. E. Val. Tilton, in e stirring given by the visiting pastors. mm emnhllilnd wt... my Ink-J- -- Joined in laying tribute to St. St. John's church. Rev. C. 8. Bo- berta, the pastor, presided. The choir of Emmanuel Evansreiieat Choreh of EM - uel i%uaTa- 2iiiiiii under the direction of John rum- PH', lead in the hymn: and than! Widar ni t's 100th Author-r1 Lttt at tt St. John'. bathtu- Church, Waterloo, m u: in sin one with the pastor: 'lll nix other church'- and on the gt,t form. They brought greeting tom their 1"l'd'tg'gtt,i,g,'t and deliver? count tory manage. to n crow - ed church. It empltnauod the good will and spirit of unity mom will “a spirit 61 "iii; Taaa Protestant conga-dons in Water- ko. AW, Ttht, Presbyterian. PLEA MADE FOR THE YOUTH or TODAY biz-s Ila-In- d Goodiii and Constanta-nu. Fir Glitches To $t.hlm'suthera, ’II 'A!.ILO. CIIOIICLI '7'“ [ In opening games of the Waterloo School Isorttra11 Mayne Thursday, St. Louis school scored two victories. Alexandra and Central were also win. nors. The results were: senior Boy. 'St. Louis 20, Elizabeth Ziegler 10. Junior Boys Central 19, Alexandra 16. Senior Girl. Alexandra uloeitrli'z' Junior Girl. St. Louis 26, Elli-then! Ziegler 19. SCHOOL CHILDREN WIN AT SOFTBALL gel-hen Edward -iiiiiiuGriii7sii oehmer, Em Koehler Ind Wm. Brueckner. r BADEN, May 3.-Coroner Dr. Feick and a jury of Baden cltizena will investigate the death of Mrs. John K: Schwartzeutruber, recently killed in a highway motor crush. Evidence will e heard " the in- quest this (Tuesday) afternoon. The jurors are 2,',""llt clerk Chas.‘ geipel, q.hrton. Mi er, Christian use. This, stated Canon Adammn, directing his remarks to Rev. Mi. Tilton, is an example of church union in the only days. Tho Anglicans had twenty membem tn 1887, avert] of whom are kilns. - --- “a... - - u“, eighties were the Lutherans, stated Canon R. J. B. Atkinson of the Church of the 301i Saviour. He told how in 1887 w en the Angli- cene organized the; were ellowed to use St. John's C urch but under strict supervision. At timt the Lutheran minister would not allow the pulpit to be used but after watching the service from the reer of the'church, finally ellowed its: were mused with tho TQIBEI; Tiii. llowru. a. tap rayon-1m. tor having ll trttthtiat to. plant Installed at ther" Kitchens Waterloo Pastors “Flying Dutchmen†in-Iio-JI-a; Adm Iliockoy We not bar moved them to PTP", where, my Oke made his his mining on“. in the Cobalt. district And In - .5: a 'ntutt-miilionatro. no - a member of the Toronto new... In 19:! be enact! the linden" Hearing Evidence at Baden Inquest won-nun. I. a. (my; aT ia " hi: home on It y or Ian. mr lure. die In 51 you" 'tr, a... "ittry-irnit.as-i.nauuaii- Mu'm-d .- ttt Dinne oath; of VWWT oic, [ my _ . and. l "r 'sl';','),":',':,,,','," Dips Bring Greetings To StJohn’s Church s'i',i!it,i's,iiiltij)iiii $10,000 For New if"-'------ 1 Ben ht County ' :lor, â€labor and . r " .IIJM'IMM ii7ik".ls,lhrJ.t,'dtgflltc, . of "rt mmwmnmaw. in it,“ "rtst,ttrtt.ufdt'diieiiii I 0t . Inc-5.. . qorting on Fri 'm“ dag. Wttitxfirlii2iyid .eee .tl'tt" s, - tru at...th? M e - -. ...-, m. not recall as heavy mum in such a short period in tony â€In. NO FLOOD DESPITE RAINFALL PUZZLE TO (SALT CITIZENS GAlur.--wWith 5% inches ot rain- fall in the past ten days, Gait citi- zc-ns are mrtrtitied that the Grand River has remained within Its banks, The river has been well below the flood level Old-timers any they do Final Gordon Schulz, Twin outihrinted Cecil Sharpe (5). . 165 rroundLLiiiid ronto, outpointed tl Guelph (6). 130 Pano-dia, Russell, out [Boxing Club ontpolnted Eur] Willa: We City All, to. 14o miPai-uiGkio, Outer, To- ronto scored technical knockout over Elmer Welland, Twin City we, (6). Boxing Club, outpolmod Charles o.ui1mau, Guelph Boxing all) M. 150 Irmmdtr--4Hmtr, Geode, Twin City AJC.. outpolntod Jim Cooper. Gait Boxing Club (6)- 126 potuaciiieriateh, Galt Box- lug Club, outpolntod Ernie Walter, Twila City AAI. M. 90 poundtr--gottn “or, Twin City AC. and Menard Mthnmon. Twin City AAI., drew. 147 Iroumu--A3orion Lunch, Gilt to erect e burn 42 feet by " feet, with a - shed " feet by 42 feet, 'eynmpdatintt 50 to 60 head of cattle, itve horses, root cellar, two silos, and a milk house " by no feet, 18 stalls, 20 box nulls equipped with steel and troughts. . Boxing Result; _ . Kitchener Show Reeve Welter Bofstetler of New Hamburg, chitin-n of the board, sure some details after Reeve Al- bert Beer, Weterloo, had questioned the necessity of nay expenditure near this lay-k. The_ suggestion was Deputy Reeve Lorne Weber of Waterloo Township and Reeve M. A. Schmidt of Wilmot could not see may url. bum druid coat {eg- . e 10,000w enpertso e 01% ere med. Reeve Botrer's motion endorsing the proposal of the Board of Mum was ap- “proved by all members excepting the Weterlo r18rresentatives, including‘ Reeve A. Beer and Deputy Reeve" Fred Toletzki, who believed e born meeting requirements could be erected fott6,000. the Board of Went. of the Old People's Home to erect I barn not to exceed in cost. $10,000. The Board was asked to have plans and mediation- propu'ed, man- can. ed and to submit to the council for itterrtoval_. of n ,,riuiViiirirrti'iiii"ei'Sft"; scum-cu incubus nt their lat moot- __ -"--__-._ -- inn-Ian lulu In“? ine (bully npprovnl the proposal of thr, _Board of Went. of tin Alter I long and hand discus- Se 1"rth.e mugging! the erection WATERLOO MEMBERS OPPOSE SPENDING $10,000 1"ff'"'.f.P"-tinqheldemrii. tom. - hatch.“ e “an; of l a,†be an of “Oman romtion y. W. iijilGiiiG7, 1iiii' Refuge Propehy The gymmry Cot-uh. My. F Twin City AC. Sharpe, Toronto, a Hurdmn, To- Ottello Matuiaat, for _ WORKING WELL l The spring Valley and Doon sew- age punts were not elected by the recent heavy nine sum Kitchener'. engineer,. Stanley Shape. Reports that high wlter ttttttBed trouble in not correct. Phslimirurrr--'rony Martini and Johnny silvy, draw at full time. No (8115. SEWAGE PLANTS Good card again this Thurs!“ at 8.30 " Kitchener toditortmn. Main boat-Mrs- man. one an over Rough Home Nelson, who m unconscious after threo "pus-drivers" at the (6-minute mark. Smni-ftmsl--Nsx Resubmit and Bobby Blake, draw at run time. om. fall each. also a Seaman entry, bladed atrd." Lee. Mill Pond, Sheet Polly, Cro- taegus, Franco. Arnbhn Myth, Mo. vleman and Drayton Lid. King's Plato Wlnnm I Twenty Queen's Plate and Wruru Plate victories are included in the imposing record of the Sony-am It» bios at the Woodbine. The bhck and yellow silks Vere ridden to ‘Irlnl in the cannon: nee for eight conne- cntive years, 1891 to 1898. Flower- tul. Maputo. Young Kitty and King O‘Connor were winners for the Boo- gram Stable while Billy Fuller m the ioteat victory, recording this nee triumph tor the Waterloo Item. in 1936. m that you. my Smut». Horus from American Tracks After the 'Pimlico meet, " hono- ot the famous buck and yellow eu- gram silks use will come to Toronto under Trunk Davin of the American division. They include sand PM, Knight's Hope. White Hot, [Rebeca Jack Thorpe, trainer of the (hu- adinn division " expected to have nine horses ready for shipment trom Waterloo to, Toronto this week. All have wintofod well and they include Shady Well. my Sympathy. Worth- in. 83mm, Gold Guard. [Flying lava, Poverty Struck, Alaskans: And migwood. The plate entrie- are Gold Guard, Flying Duvet, Pty. verty struck and Altiskelter. min; â€not: on Saturday, May a. "the unnum- and popular unsure of ‘llddto 8mm will be granny mined at the Woodbine and other tuck: in- cluding leading America can"... His death removed one of the but lupporten of the "Sport of King". Seagull: colon or black and yol- low will again 'be prominent at the Spring race: which open at the Woodbine at Toronto this month. No less than twentrdour horne- which wintered at the Waterloo Ita- bio- will compete in the vol-lou- events. J. B. Pravda Belgium out†that there will ibe four entries tor the [King's Pinto. which opens the Mons 15:53;qu Well and Will Feature um. Events at Woodbine. $eagraalhg Plate Entries he 1937 Classic Race Event 'tuteasd Wu. Sta. KITCHEN†PAB- I'll-I