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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Apr 1937, p. 1

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Loss at the “are, purchased by John Reid. 'Mllverton, trom W. C. Reuber, three weeks ago. is estimat- ed at $1,500 including damage to stock resulting trom heavy rain which poured into both storage rooms and the business section. Much stock was damaged before it could be re- moved. uEIght hydro linesmen trom the dis- trict experienced marked difficulty removing the tin. It was impossible to reach it by ladders. Finally ropes were thrown over the wires and the rooting was dragged along to the nearest pole. Then the ldneemen cilmbed the pole and cut the tin In two. When this was done the root’- ing dropped to the ground. A near-by chicken hatchery sub ftyred heavy losses when incubation was ruined. The dairy barn of Simon Friedman was damaged to the extent of $100. Trees were blown down and two chimney fires started by the hea- vy wnd. Euler May Make Further Trips Owly a corner of the root remained in place. ,, - I A A _ OTTAWA, April 22.--Announee- ment was made to-day that Hon. W. D. Euler, Canada's Minister of Trade and Commerce, will visit Cuba and the British West Indies next fall, seeking wider markets for Canadian products. Transport Min- ister Howe is expected to accom~ puny Mr.. Fy-ur.. . . The season’s heaviest wind and rainstorm ripped through Western Ontario Wednesday in a dsy-lons storm. Buildings were unrooted, limbs went crashing through hydro Min-s and trees were blown down to tlock roads. The easterly gale reached 60 miles an hour on Lake IHumn and in other parts run from 30 to 40 miles an hour must. at the day. Storm warnings, the first of the season since navigation opened, were displayed on all the lakes but no shipping was reported in distress last night. - The most severe damage resulted In Linwood where a tin root was ripped trom John Reids’ hardware store. A downpour or min deluged the stock in the building with loss ot 81.500. The metal root loll across hydro wires and eat ott power and light tot. tour hours. ' Blow. Root Oft dsgNWo0D.--NA heavy wind, accom~ panied- by heavy rain, tore the tin root from the John Reid hardware store Wednesday afternoon, deposit- ing it on the hydro wires, causing a transformer to "blow out" and plung- ing the town into darkness for four hours. It is said Maritime potato shippers want to increase their trade with Cuba, while the latter want con- eeBtrions for its sugar. The wind was a menace on the highways. Three Detroitem sutured minor injuries when their car was blown from the highway and turned over in a ditch near Chathami A half dozen other cars were blown trom the roads and motorists reported the rear end ot cars were blown a foot from their track in the height or the storm. Registry ()fike Is Condemned Inspector of Legal Olfices Says Building and Vault Not Fireproof. Cars Blown otr Road Near Chatham-Power Lines Brokén. _KImoHEN1E1R.---only three out of s.xty-six registry offices in the pro- vince of Ontario handle a. greater volume or business than the Water- loo County office each year, and yet tho local office, is the poorest whipped and most understaffed of all the offices of comparative sine, (minty Registrar ll, V. 'Hillyorn told the County Council at their April session on Wednesday. , "April business is 60 to 90 per cont. up over the same month in 1936". Mr. Hiltborn said, The mgistrar stated that the legal dr‘partment has asked him to visit 13irrrie whore" the registry office is wry mndern and fireproof. Ho stat- ed that in the local offices. the carry- ing alone of the records needed daily from tho vault to the office is almost 3 mil time task for a day laborer Heavy Rains Cause Havoc tirl. M, NrsAt WIND TEARS-ROOF .rl1llt0tt LINWOUD. STORE In reply to a question from Reeve 1h.tttlr of Elmira. Mr Hilborn said th;,,' Inspector Dennison on his re- rr‘ni visit here insisted on a ttroproot budding Mr Hiihrnn did not think on addition would ho thp hast way out. Reno Hear of Waterloo animated th" building of a stPpttrnto unit tn be shut oft Ity a fireproof door. This unit addition would ho tho basis for mu warn Morov intnr on. “V timdirut out rho mini or an offivn Mich as at I’m-Mn and mmmnimz on n mhic toot hauls tho our“ spars nondod, tho m tual mm within a tow hundrad dnl. in": tor a Ioral ofrir" could hp irnrnPd Wardon Kinzin mid hn had boon (unwind in thin rngisiry oftico re mmnv and ronlind the nvt‘d for tbt ttsl quart”: At" thr do” M tho _ursrniott WM noday the anra council was nhovn through Rh: otrtern hy Mr Hllhorn. SEMI-VIII" In W. Ontario On Tuesday evening one of the local village lads, violently struck with spring fever, rummntred through the store-room and dug out his fishing pole. It wasn't hard to find a nice juicy worm in the back yard. Fastening the worm on the hook, he returned to the house for a coat. A few minutes later he rushed out, attracted by a commotion in the yard. A full-grown chicken eouldn't resist the temptation in the sight of a good fat worm wriggling about just above the ground. A jump, I gulp, and the worm was in the hen’s stomach. But so was the fish hook and line. Everything but the sinker! The Iad’s father soon put an end to the hen’s struggles, and the family enjoyed I roast chicken dinner on a week day. Ten to Thirty-tive Per Cent. Jump Given Rates by Both Hospital Boards. - It's something quite different to land, not a fish, but u full-grown chigken_ on the end of your hek, Twin a, Hospital _ Rates Are Boosted HAWKEsvILLE.--It's one thing to go fishing and come back with a ttepine fish, - - KITcuEhNEDR.-HoBpital rates in Iiw Twin City went up 10 to 35 per (mm Tumday, the new rates being put into effect after a Joint meeting or the Kiteheneruwattarloo .nd St. Marys' Hospital Boards. With the "PW privos the rates are still one dollar, per patient per day, under cost. Public ward rates increased from $1.75 to $2.35 per day and semi-pri- vate and private patients will he an- svssvd 25 and 50 cents more. The .lzzmm- of rates was made after the provincial government removed re- n‘riviinnls holding hospitals to old vcto. A $5.00 charge tor maternity ca ms was also added. Additional ex- penses in recent months in Increased staffs, made the higher rates neces- wry. Chairman Tallby and Miss Scott. sum, informed the board that prac- tically every available bed in the new wing has been In use for weeks and shows the board made no mistake in increasing the hospital accommoda- tion. Mayors J. Albert Smith and Wes- " MnKeraie of Kitchener and Wee torlno. respectively. stated they t' nulrl ctr-operate in securing the co oppration nf the Ontario government in providing much needed accommo- dation for a large number of incur- nhim who could not secure admit- t::I.-:-u at Institutions owing to lack Ar accnmmodtrtion. Central Madrid Reduced To Dust Merciless Hail of Bombs Wreaks Havoc in Spanish Well known Kitchener medical practitioner, and former candidate for the Ontario Legislature, who was notified this week that his license to practice medicine had been cancelled owing to his re- fusal to divulge to the Ontario Medical Association his widely- publicised cure for cancer. Dr. Hett told the Chronicle that he would fight his suspension. M \IIth -lrt,qttrttottt M19115. mutil- me tttnrr'ilr_v for hours Wedn'sr tLu in thn norm-at hnmhardmont m thc hath-var “MP of Madrid. caused th: hnmc that tho world's rapttnla l, td in madam war Tho hoart of tttiq mntmmlla of L- :mnmm inhabitants. It nomad, was bring lmmmerod into dun thv the rain ot oxplonhm The burr-go started baton- dawn ml! land-d throughout thn autumn hours_ hilly 250 mm found tan-nut BEGIN MOVE PM W ”MARY SYSTEM Hawkesville Lad Lands Hen on End of Fish Line Physician (By Chronicle Correspondent) DR. J. E. HETT Capital. Err'. JEAN DE LUZ, F'hsnce.-AHx {British freighter-s loaded with food supplies. massed Wednesday tor what diplomats called a dash tor “Bilbao" under the "benevolent watch" or Bri. tish warships. British Ships To Run Blockade Food Laden Freighters Will Attempt to Reach Bilbao. While British naval ships declined actually to convoy the freighter: through the insurgent blockade, act- ing on instructions from the British admiralty. it was said warships \muld stay within a few miles of the cargo vessels and see that they are not molested outside the threemtile limit. Impossible to Allow Penny Postage _ In T win City, Ottawa Letters Say Dr. Hen, tor more than " "an unused in eaeMr renewal: and claiming to hive developed a treat. nu-nt pmduclng amenable mum. said he uppenred before the council mu week and was charged with har ing claimed to pone-s . specific tor the cure ot the disuse. it we! charged 11.0 he guaranteed certain patients with a cure. the doctor said. The doctor said the denied both charges. Present with him before the council, he said, were the pa- tients whose medical and clinical history was Investigated. "Dr J. a. .Hett has ibeen released trom the College because he claimed he had a specific cure tor cancer. the council will do anything in its bower to enable him to substantiate " claim." The above was the declara- tion made by Dr. Ndlle. registrar ot the College of Physicians and Bur- geons' on Tuesday. Dr. Hot! Danica Charge Dr. Hett announced in Toronto he was notttied his name was removed from the list ot practising physicians in Ontario alter he appeared before thc College council last week. Dr. Hett said he denied charges he chimed to possess a trpeeitie cure tor cancer and that he guaranteed cer- tsn patfenhrwith a cure. lie an- nounced he would take legal steps and bring action, before the courts in (Continued on Page 10) The treighters' captains, diplomats declared, were willing to wait out- side Spanish waters, protected by the navy, until they could see a chance to slip into Bilbao through the block-ado insurgents announced they had imposed. ToR0NT0.--Dr. John E. mrtt, at Kitchener, said " an received not!- nc-tlon tron: the council ot the (ml- .oge of Physicians and Surgeon: Ma mung was remand from the tint ot practising doctors In Ontario. Kitchener Practitioner Ihgrred from List- for not“! to Divulgc Canes Cum. Finlay Sim, an., Private Secreury to the Honourable the Minister of Trade Ind Commerce, Ottawa. Dear Mr. Sim: I am in receipt of your letter of the 8th instant, enclosing . copy of one from the Presidents of the Waterloo Ind Kitchener Bond of Trude on the subject of the two cent or drop postage rue within these two_municipalities, _ The question raised is one govern- ed by s definite regulation. This regulation reads as follows: "Drop letter rate does not apply to a letter posted at one post oMee and delivered at an- other Et oMee, even if the two 0 ces are in the same municipality and only a short distance apart.” Kitchener and Waterloo are two 1listinet postal areas served through two post offhteB. Consequently. un- der the regulations the drop letter rate does not apply. _ It is impossible to allow the local drop letter rate of 2 cents to apply to letters posted in Waterloo for delivery in Kitchener, or vice versa, it is pointed out in letters received recently from Hon. W. D. Euler, Hon. J. C. Elliott, and P. T. Collican, of Mr. Elliott'. department, by President J. R. Beaton of the Waterloo Board of Trade. . The presidents of the Waterloo and of the Kitchener Boards of Trade, J. R. Beaton and B. J. Ball, respectively, recently wrote Ottawa asking for a 2 cent postage rate for letters delivered in Kitchener and Waterloo, posted in either centre. President Beaton and President Ball have again taken up the task of ttips lower postal rates for the Twin Cities, it being felt by the two trade boards that special consideration ould be given the two municipalities due to their proximity. President Beaton stressed to the Chronicle the Net that while certain householders are situated within Waterloo town limits, yet are not served bf letter carriers but by rural mail drivers, the regular 8 cents postage is charged. which is felt to be gross t; unfair. Waterloo residents residing in the East Ward close to the boundary are also obliged to pay a tee cent rate as their mail is delivered by Kitchener mail carriers. Below are printed the three letters received on the question. An regards the Border Cities of Windsor. Walherville, Sandwich and Ford, it is pointed out that in 1923 the district: served through thene ofBees were nmnigumuted nnd from the time of.the nmnlglmntion on the drop letter rate applied innsmuch u the postal operrtiorm within the Border Cities come under the juris- diction of a centnl ofBee. I note that it in chimed that the Border CM.- MT,',' the drop mm nu baton e natal-tion. ASSISTANT DEPUTY POSTMASTER GENERAL -. Ottewa, 18th April, 1987. Of Dr. Milieu I} "Waterloo county. b the only com" ty. in ontario with two large clues and four large towns", Miss Dunhnm said. “We have excellent opportuni- ties here tor the establishment ot I county llbrury system." 'Mlu Dun- imm stated that besides the eight Carnegie Libraries in the county nt Kitchener, Wsterloo, Elmira. Hes- paler, can, Preston, and New lum, burg, privstely supported libraries were maintained at St. Jacobs, New Dundee. Linwood and Wellesley. Be- sides the“ each rural school hu its own snail library. Under . coun- ty library system each llhnry in the county would become I lunch of the main County Library, instead ot such library spending $100 for the lune books. each library would spend thelr 8100 on ditterent books. to he circu- lated at each library in turn. Thus every municipallty would have the tirteqt of resding materiel at the mini mum of cost. _ LONDON. - Beyond newspaper reports the Provincial Department of Education knows nothing of a holiday on June 9, according to word received from Toronto. In response to a query from this: city, V. K. Greer, senior,inspector of the province informed Supt. G. A. Wheable that the department has not received otBeinl eoMrmntion of a holiday on June 9, to mark the birth date of His Majesty King George VI. The king's birthday is on December 14, but according to many reports it is not usual for the marking of the holiday in winter seasons. Previously, it is said, the King permits the celebration of his birthday on dates in summer months. May MlktrlniKing'ss. Birthday June 9 At present the Ontario Assessment Act provides tor an use-men! at 50 cents per caplta of popuhtlon (or library purposes, but. only the urban municipalities are will; use of this swtlon, No more building: would be needed, an the tedious clerical work being done In the central attics. (Contlnued on Page 10) Canada office of the Minister Mr. J. R. Benton, President, Wlterloo Board of Trude; Wlterloo, Ontario. Dear Mr. Benton: I duly received the letter signed by you and the President of the Kitchener Board of Trade, stating that " a recent meeting of repre- sentative members of the Waterloo and Kitchener Boards of Trade the existing three cent postage rate be- tween Kitchener and Waterloo and Waterloo and Kitchener was review- ed. Immediately upon receipt of your‘ letter, I ot into communication with the RI,, OMee Department, and today have a reply from them. Athough I can see {our viewpoint in connection with t in matter. the Post Offtee Department makes it clear that Kitchener and Waterloo are two distinct postal are“. which makes it impossible to ap Ir the drop letter rate. In order 'tll'.', you "may be fully conversant with the views of the Post OMre Department. I enclose copy of the letter my Secretuy rece ved. Yours truly. ' ‘Baci Conces&z°ons” To . Get Greatest Bemutfit This is not the cue “cording to the record; of the Don-{tmenL our: ve tru , (83.) T. r.conies,t, Au't Deputy Pom-nut General. The Department of TRADE AND COMMERCE Ottawa. April 15, 1987. W: D. Euler "We shall follow the situation from day to day and it we come to the view that the eo-cailed blocnde was not effective, we would be the tirtst to accept the new late ot thin. While we will continue to accept the protection which we consider the most etreetNe on the high seas, we will not bnd ourselves to any particu- lar form of protection. Wm. Elliott Sees Best Year Since '29 May Reconsider British Nayy Stand 1a0ND0N.--Britain's rerun] to give nun protection to its merchant vessels within Spanish territorial waters will be reconsidered it the in- surgont blockade prove: inetreetive, the Government caused the House of commons. Sir Samuel Hone. f1rat lord ot the admiralty, reiterated the Govern- ment's intention to give British Chip- ping full pmtecton on the high so“ and dad-red: Former South Waterloo M.P. Optlnbtlc of 1937 Crop; Improved prlcee, (or wheat, bee! and other product: of the term should make 1987 the Ibeu year tor farmers In Whterloo County since 1929. dechred William Elliott. tor. mer ”heal M.P. tor B. Wtttegfoo ln conversation with the Chronicle. Fall when wintered well and prom- ises to be conlldere‘hly better than an average crop. Wtth wheat selling well over the dollu hurt and prices of livestock better than tor some years farmers not only in this coun- ty but through Ontario are eontHent this your will be one ot the molt prosperous in the past decade. J. R. Benton, Ell}, President, Waterloo Bond of Trude, B. J. Ball, 2t: Prmridesnt,kite ener Bond of Trade. Dear Sin: Your letter of the 8rd instant, respecting the rate of [mange on letters pacing between Kitch net mg Wrterloo, has been receive: In this connection I any any that under the postal retrulntions, letters passing between one i,"',',: and In- other in Cenode I e subject to postage It the rate of 8 cents for the first ounce. The loco! or drop letter rote of 2 cents does not op 1y to , letter posted et one Post stllll'e and deliver-ed " another Post Oftiee, even if the two Post Omeee, are only a short_t_lis_unce npnrt.__ _ A: Kitchener and Waterloo are two 'eparate Post 0ftteetr, etch hav- Ing it. own letter currier service, there in no provision In the post-l rend-Hon- under which letters may be tnnmitted by post between these two Post OfRees " the 2 cent I "my explain however, thnt in citlea the head oélce, postal ntntionn Ind nub-post once: within I com- mon ore. of letter carrier delivery comtltute n postal unit for all postal purfoees, Ind the drop letter “to Ipp in on letters delivered within I common no. of letter curler de. llyery. the main Post one. being POSTMASTER GENERAL gun-d- Ottawa, 18th April, 1987 Yours "ithtullr, ‘. d.’ union. IONICLE I German Dictator Celebrates 48th Birthday Reviewing 14,000 Soldiers. Invite League Convention To Firmers Unite To Fix Prices BERMN.-0n Tuesday the army paid homage on his 48th birthday to the Fuehrer Hitler who restored Its power. Fourteen thousand soldiers march. ed in review to receive his Nazi sa- lute. . Squadrons of war planes roared overhead while 275 two-men Links rumbled past the reviewing stand under the trees of the Tlergarten. There were 600 motorized mahinea in tho line of march and 1,500 horses. Thousands of citizens lined the pa- rade route. An invitation has been sent to the Lutheran League of America, to be presented at its convention at Spring tlehd. Ohio. in July, told its 1941 con- vention in the Twin Cities of Kitch- mmr and Waterloo One thousand delegates would be expected to at- tnnd. The -local executive states there is ample accommodation in the local churches and parish halls. The president or the Luther League of Canada is John Lehman. The execu- tive at a meeting held at Hanover arranged tor fittalit of the drama fee- tival to he held at St. Peter's Church parish tum, May 3. District contests qt Tavlstock St. Jacobs and Suilinn will he completed this week and the regional winners will meet in the flttttU at St. Peter's The Hamilton Magma will compete at St. Jacobs 'r0R0N'r0.-4ymmrenee of Ontario farmers will be held noon to establish a lunar unlon wth tho clog-n "fixed prices tor farm products", Russell Pawley, or Brampton tut- uounced hero. Nazi Forces Are While the fanfare of military dil- play gave hell to the head of state, there were reports Hitler intends to write a book embodying his philoso- phy and its tests under practical ex- pailence. Over 1,000 Delegates Would Attend Monster Conven. tion Here. Contact: Ind been “unlinked In a number of counties, he said. We and a committee repreeentlns a number of farm groups had met here under the name “Farmers' Union" tor preliminary organiuuon work and would carry on under the name until the genera) conference was held. Hipels Leave For England Tonight 1nd Mrs. Hipel will leave Preston‘ tonight for Montreal. from which port they will sail for Englnnd where Hon. Mr. Hipol will repro- aent the Ontario Legislntnro It the Coronation on May 12. An npenker of the Ontario Home, Hon. Mr. Hipel Ind Mrs. llipol will hnvo lion and seats in the Ahbey for the ceremony, Hon. Mr. Hive] being nttjred in his Speaker's renlin. During their" May in' London, Hon. Mr. Hipol And Mrs. Hipol will tre It the Grosvenor Hotel. Chum of the Waterloo Public Library Board, who told the Chronicle tint he would Dup- port my move to institute I county library system in Wotan-loo County. ITRESTQI} f Hy), N. l Hipel h Parade h Favours System Hitler’s Birthday Twin City 1911 A. C. HOFFMAN E. l. Mdboughry, county agricul- tural College would take over and handle the experiments. The owner ot the {arm would not be given the crops from the experimental Not, but would have the privilege of buying it. Mr. McLeughry stated that nema- tode, a small worm which ruins out crops and in some cases barley and tall wheat, is not confined to Whter- loo county alone. It is also prevalent in the stormont and Welland area. By conducting the experiment in this county district farmers will reap the heater benefitg. On motion of Reeve Norman McLeod or North Dumb-lee and D. Reeve Simon Ditner ot Wil. mot the grant was authorized, D. IR. Lorne Weber (Waterloo Tp.) and D. R. Ed. Huehn (Wellesley Tp.) spoke in favor of the grant. GUMM EN GET $10,000 IHirPRort---Two gunmen seized $10,000 m the oepoaitorB' State (Bank at subunban Northvi11e before “being driven from the bank by tear gas net on by a robbery alarm. The robbers fled with an accomplice in an automo- =hle they abandoned a few minutes l:tier near the Detroit city limits. Goodrich Workers Get Paid Holidays More than 300 factory employees of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Com- pany will be entitled to paid holi- days this year under the new vnca. tion pun. Workers with ten years Iervice to their credit will this year receive two weeks' vacation and holiday pay, amounting to four per cent. of ench individuel's yeerly earnings. Employees with hve yen: service will be given a week's vacu- tion Ind receive en emount equal to two per cent. of their 1936 W; The vacntion policy goes into e ect " once and will continue for the rKiT'aHrittqML---x Waterloo County Council at their April session Wed- _reeday pledged itself to grunt 8100 per year tor 10 your: to the Wotan loo County Agricultuml Committee as rental tor a 10-acre lot on a county farm for experimental purposes in an etrort to combat the nematode 1n- testetion now growing in the county. summer months. 200 U.S. Fish Nets Will Be Used In County by 0.A.C. to Eradiate Nem- tode Infestation. Taken Up By Fisheries Patrol Tuesday in Lake Erie. County Grants The '/g,'g'rd, county library tsystem would however provide for I central oMee where the buying and clerical work would be done, thue making it possible for the li- brnriee to get dong with preterit Me. Under the county system any resident of the court? could borrow from any library on er the mum. oHATHAM,--More than 200 gill nesm owned by United States futtet men, were seized hr the Ontario de r..rtmpnt of sumo and tttrhtrrim, " Hal 1n balm Erie Tuesday. The no“ “on: said to havp man In (an-dim “at": Two been. dimmed by Capt. l'onsidos made (hp seizuro and the nits worn taken to a fiaherr near Port Alma. to the scheme uttblilhed some time no in the joint purchase and cir- culating of books with other "by” in the cpunty. --_ Complamts war» made by Kent Mhermnn to Arthur St Clair Gordon, Mr. Roam-n mid the Chronicle. when lpprised of the union khan by the county council on Wednes- dndv, that such I lyntenlwould pro- vi a greatly mere-led urvicu " I lower coat. “Du liention of book- will)» 'l'i'iluli't'l't'? he mud. library Board {Head Favours County'System A._C. [bl-an Believes Much Stronx commendntion of the move to at up a county libnry ”than in Waterloo County won voiced by A. C.mothen, ehpirman of the Water- l Publié ”but? Bard. "'lrb "(I'm-n 0nd flu: " I.' L A ' concerning tha operations of four furvhzn nwnnd hon” close tn the I'nnndlnn shore Tho was! Kent mvmhvr "minor! thes dopartrnmtt And (an! lrnnaldml was innlrnrtI-d to In- manual». Thn fishing imam Irma within tour ruling of tho Canadian more it was rqtimrtted RELIEF FOREMAN JAILED FOR SELLING JON MONTREAL J B Mnliriro_ so. trrrmor Provln, ini Roll" Works tore van. was untamed to two your: in grisnn on fraud Chan" in canoe Hon with POND! wom. $100 To Rent Experimental Plot TN {Inca-log i.ity.a.iid u" my Are Seized In Ontario Waters Better, Wider Field for Reading. P31003088

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