Use this coupon. Priiit your name and address plainly. Enclose " cents. To The Waterloo Chronicle Needlework Dept. STYLE No. 3247. size.................... Rune o.....-......-.".. Province ponies the putern. Style No. 3247 is designed for sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 yen-a. Street Address ...-...r I Social s‘ personal I . 'siiiiri aiiiT aGGirtr, {links her another of n colorful peasant cotton Hummus-mu -dttomtstt.rt-r_tn aaMtaturhom.aatoboatHto 1-otHtushraoe-n'aetetal- -ri" 'air, Tt" GaAtr it takes only 2% yards of 39-inch material with ' Ed“! of bryid for ttt 8 yet: le. (not ot In! ulnar, Mr, W; Id».- all at ““1100. Oat “and†tut Mrs. George We- M, In; at. 3. Waterloo. an: the sum ot honor M. . dinner given try In. M. B. Halimatt qt Chlcopeo To. Boom. She was presented with att-Utes gifts on the ocmson ot her birthday. M. in! 16, 1m hci Mr. Willlun H. Breakup! returned to his home in Kitchener be! low day evening after a most enjoyable sojourn or several weeks in We. His friends will be pleased to know he is much improved In health met his homily. TiriiamaTiii, . Priv-h (or-uh and by tutu-nuns!!! known med-lint now sold diroet I!!!“ “I " PrL-BE. Thou-nth have M -etr.. at, but?!“ Peer tett. Wink THE WOMAN‘S PA GE Banned Sewing Chart 'Eru.anrrr_ott_ua PyL-EX for PMS w.........--.----"""" SIMPLE TO SEW o....-....-.----. WE’LAURA I. BALDT.A.K 'Goir--'rii" St. Ila-1‘ Miia5ESt: lama 16. to Mr. and In. Albert Mom. " Home Bt.. Whtqetotk I Emtw-lt St. Kurt than“, not 15, to Mr. and In. G. all. (bl- treville. Ont. ' “V Dotritt---At leerloo. Inch 13. to Mr and In. Mind H. mm. use Elia-both subtler, " Goons street y. son. (mum-n). Paunt-At St. May's “capital. March ll. to Mr. and In. Mull Went. " College St. Kitchener. Frartttil_ghttnramtr - Tara 6, Glenn! Franklin to Imam Bot» chemer. both of m. Kolmmm--March It, Mariel M. Koch ot wuuer‘boumo to In: K-et-At Kitchener. March T, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennel, shoemak- tbr Are.. I SOIL Sim-~At K.-W. Hospital. March li. co Mr, and Mrs. W H. suns. Queen szreet south. Kitchener. g son. Baer-At St. Mary's Hompital, March IS. to Mr and Mrs Arthur Bter. Rebel place. .thchener. a dtughtor. Praethar--At RR 2, Petersburg, March 7. to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pmchar. a son Biatt-At K.-W. 'Hospxml. March IO, Mr. and Mrs. E. N Bish, Park St., Kitchener. a daughter "tore-At Kew. Hospital. Much 10. to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stave. On- tario street north, Kitchener, a son. Gottd--At IKAR’. Hospital, Mac}! 12. to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon It. Good. Cameron street north. Kitchener. a daughter. Voi----At KAY. Hospital, March 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Volaon, Park street. Kitchener. daughter. May Tlmm ot Wag“). son MARRIAGES Ll! 'A'RIILOO CIIQIICLI l The contract tor $5,015 tor the 1erection ot the basement building of ‘the new Waterloo Lahteran Church of our Manner was untied to Bill Bros" of Kitchener at a congregation- at. meeting last week. On Sunday 168 boys and girls will be mmdtrmerd Into membership of Twin city Luther-n churches. in the annual Palm Slllldly services. St John’s Church. Waterloo. will oonttrm M young people, 24 boys and " girls. Redeemer Lutheran church will not hold its com-don aorvice until lay when its new building will be completed. Will Confirm 169 on Palm Sunday $10 Reward 'ghi'CehErg. sr r',,'t,aTahNg tho-r-tq-NPS-ha' tNNtNtgaLNNg.Tu.-_-om- tr,,gftettergeg'dt'2eaMaSt; â€Gaunt-nulls!“ ud- The work will commence shortly and will be completed in about six weeks. The new building will be located on the corner ot John street west and Earl street in Waterloo. CTL. o7urritN5iir9iirtit. __ ’s'ALVI. 60t. atom DRUG m I Rh; about M M Pout 0.60. M I". Redeemer Church 1 Lets Contract! bmhd can In" sort (Imu- â€halo-cl... "ehmae, tri- ni-g ".uHatWoakushamd.. flu-dim 'rea “I phil- - [on an randy €91:on G stun-iv“ m't‘omémtuw 1aNedewro.t,rureueee lutio- picture. All my “I. f-nrib M of England's - queen) is another coat color that " living I. inn"... - - of tho I" I..._ eau- Toro “your Ill FASHIONS for Milady q by ROS-ANN my RQMNN fAtrtt (Held over tram My) Miss Ruby Mohr ot North East- hope spent seven] days with Mr. and Mrs. Edvard Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Minor And daughter June of North Whohdch were :sunduy visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 1mm mum DEMUNCE WAR HAN2L'W3N.-A resolution against war and war-like preparations was passed at the adjourned Presbytery meeting ot the United church, held in Mount Hamilton Church. under the chairmanship of Rev. Dr] W. Brearleyi It was brought in by the Evangelism and Social Service Com- mittee. its wording, in part was as follows: “That this Hamilton Pres- bytery declares its abhorrence tor of war and its conviction that wet is contrary to the principles ot the Prince ot Peace and has again end again demonamted its failure as a treasure of settling international dia- flutes and of promoting human wel- tare GApT.--During the week ending Saturday. 124 uses of disease have been reported to the health deport- ment. There were 89 cues of measles, so eases of mumps, two scarlet fever and three chicken pox. However, " of the total cases were reported on Monday and since then the number of cases has been aper- ing " until Seturdsy only tive cases were reported, aeeordintr to the re- cords of Dr. W. E. George, H.0.H. WILL PROSECUTE BINGO STRAThtRD.-Ahomt Attorney W. E. Goodwin/ threw e monkey wrench into the prospects of local keno and bingo games being re- sumed when he ennonnced he would instruct police to prosecute if the instruct police to pro games were held here. Mr. and Ira. Jonathan P. Martin spent Sunday with Mr. and MN. Peter Bowman. Mr. and Mn. lolvin Martin tnd) family visited with Mr. and Mn†Sen-anus Martin, Sum. Mr. and Mrs Anson Isl-tin ot'Peol Halted with Mr. and In. Angus mm on sunny. Mr. and In. Boy We: and daughters ot Wanna, nut, as visiting relatives and mend: here TOURS. Franee.--Ttte Chum do Conde. reportedly purchased try the Duke ot Windsor from its Amulet]: owner. was made ready tor the uti- val of Mrs. Wallis Simpson trom Cannes. Mrs. Charles B. Manx, wife of the noted explore} and in- duatrial engineer ot New York, left the chateau Momy tor In unlu- nounced destination soon after new: Mrs. Simpson was on her war here inched out. KWCRMtrBR.--aine, Olin. a. in: at “Vanda. 1rrt nu. won the “'03' M or - at eqqttqqtm - at '8att'ttueht li- 011'. do“ (or in topic "The Found“ " Friendship." Second place was crud“ to laden-i. Hulda-k of PIG-non, Winds“. lb Oliver win an individul tft'. 'ttlet',"';,':",,",,',,,'?,,".'.'.:,,',:',': " a plan at n .iteer nod-l; the not! a don-@311 by thr Wind»; Oliver in - three gold ",'dllek for public Taking " the K.-W. high school. In 1935 and in 1’86 _she__dlo won the juvenilo Mrs. Simpson Off to Windsor Chateau 124 New Contagious Cases in Galt MMWW.0.S. SAMMIE: awn-h. " Side-t FLORADALE 'itsfktsars PRICES AaAu--NkrusNtan Chasm---"" Fills-tile SII’ONI smut; Iouhy and Tus. Thiterkmeatre 're,d,',u"el,J,Ps - WAN!“- - At 7.25 and 10.17 Girls' Dormitory at 9 pan. Juutn--StkrunNtas (Jilin-10c IIIE HIS" mm [ir-Ci,] I II I IIIIIIS IIITII I'VE - s. non-An an... . Dam...†â€a." mu Saturday Matinee