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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Mar 1937, p. 8

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't Refuse- to ay Dumfries Bill Ai-With w wanton mount Arr mummy-l council not to “I”, tos their nulls! Incl -trrs. Gordon Burn-pk, an" angular" of the board of edu- n, appeared before the council and presented the board's WM re- Mon, 84.300 This lunar III tut over until urn "wrung for diw emu men! of in account from North fies for $20.38 for relief on the grounds that the family con- ccmed had not been on relief when they moved from this municipnlity. Mr. um] Mrs. Mark Donald of Proton were Sunday visitors with It. and Mrs Thus. Adam. Mr. and Mrs, Earl 'l'abbert and daughter Charlotte Ann were visit- or: on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Tnbbert of Linwood. Mr. Wilfred Snelling spent Sun- day It his home on the 3rd of Huy- boro. l Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bryce and dluxhters of Wingham spent Sun- day with Mr. Ind Mrs. Duncan Mae. Phcrwn. if. Austin Logel, local Purina dealer, was I business visitor in Woodstock early this week. Mr. Leslie Bums wns a business “(or in Elmira on Thursday of last week, Quite a number from the low‘er town line are assisting in the re- building of Martin's chopping mill " Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MIcPherson‘ were Kitchener visitors on Monday. Mr. Maurice Smelling of the 3rd of Mnryboro wax a Sunday evening caller at Mrs. Jnu. Logel's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murray and Red Murray visited in Stratford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wetland and children of Waterloo called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ctttmuehnrt on Sundny. Mr. Frank R. Schummer, Br., is spending}; few days in Toronto on bulbous. - et , _ . ___ Kenneth Williams, Emerson Fos- ter and Edgar Wilker attended the Montreal-Toronto hockey game at Mlple Leaf Gardens Saturday night. .Mr. and Mrs. H. Soehner of El- mm were visitors in town Saturday evening. Mr. Peter F. Schummer and Miss/ Anna Mae of St. Clements visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Schummer on 'ttmuy., . . w. ”an“. George Zimmerman was a visitor in Guelph on Monday. -- . -- .VR__-t m-..“ -_,. u. “as“... .... .._,..__.,. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zinger nnd Ions Fred and Rupert of New Ger- many were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Zimmerpan. “to lllu LVIIE. I. unu-uu-...._... Mrs. Wm. Cal-nochan has return- ed home after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLaughlin ist Time Sunday visitors at the home of I In. Hy. Strum were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Struth and son William, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peters and son Donald, Leona Gingerich, Mina Good, Violet Harlock, Lillian Axt, Edith Schwartzentruber, Vera Koehler, Rita Battler, Hazel Rit- tinger and Ada Jutzi. .. L L I. R. I WALLEN‘TIIN a...“ ...._. H..- -_.__. The literary society, which has been named "The Beek", will hold their first meeting on March 18 It 'ehantz_Hrl1., . . " an...“ ....... Mr. John Battier has returned to the home of his sister after spend- . ..1 gr__.__a, " The literary socnety, wnlcn nus _ been named "The Beck". will hold Mr. and Mrs. Walter HinBehberger their first meeting on March 18 at and family of Kitchener and Mr. and Shantz Hall. Mrs, Pat Oietrleh of St. Clements Mr. John Rattler has returned to visited with the former's mother on the home of his sister after spend- Sunday ing it few weeks with friends iiil Mr. Waiterikaittman and John Mil- Gravel Road. ler Jan. attended the Maple boat- We are SONY .to report thnt Mr. Maroon hockey match at Toronto on Ernest Kumpf IS eonfintd y? Y.ed Saturday evenjng' Kit-vet nun-u. We are sorry to report dint Mr. Ernest Kumpf is eonfined to bed with a serious illness, and wish him I speedy recovery. -- . .., I D Dunnemvllnr Inyucu .v-......_,. Mr. znd Mrs. J. B. Runstedler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lindsay of Strntford. _ Private formula used by internulonally _ known specitsli"t now sold direct under name of PyluEX. Thuunnds huve treated them-elves At home with smalln- "nuke. Inn-n: soothing “not. Bend to: to-d-y tor large tube of PyL-EX. AUBORNE MEICHANDISING COMPANY I” Kill Street West . Ruth-Inn. 0am PrUEX ter, I?N.ili Ll NWOOD BADEN rer George Varoll, the young American athlete woo as- tounded the athletic world last year by vaulting to a new world's record ot ll feet. 6% inches. dluplnys that form tor the magic eye camera which here records (Avery move or his supple body. Varou disappointed his back- The funeral ot the late Allan Bau- mu was largely attended by rain- lives and friends on Thursday after- noon. Miss Selma Rahn and Miss Haus- Md or gtummethardt spent Sunday at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schm-ler. Mes. willlamFritz returned to her home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Fritz and Mr. rm: at at. man. Mr. C. Oreiisinger, Mrs. George Dreisinger and daughter Miss Hazel Dreislnger or Elmira were Sunday guests at the home ot Mr and Mrtg. Herb. Schweitzer. Mr. lHarold Vogel left for Cross- hill on Monday where he expects to be employed tor the rest of the year. Miss Mossie Smith of Heidelberg is spending several days with her aunt, Mrs. 'Herman Sehneter. ' Miss Mary Fritz returned to St. Clements after spending a. week at her home. The young people ot the vicinity enjoyed a skating party on Sunday afternoon and Tuesday evening. Mr. John Vol] ot Linwood renewed old acquaintances here recently A number from hem attended the auction sale held by Ambrose Hahn [mar IHnkasvllle last Wednesday. Mr. Prank 'Bush of St. Clements “as a visitor in the village on Mon- day. “Mr. C. Brubaeher ot Elmira was a business visitor here on Tuesday. Miss Laura Kieawetter of Water- loo spent Sunday at her home here. When Cat: Come Together After an immense amount of trou- ble, the Vicar ot a country oaritstt suvceeded in reconciling two old we men who had been quarreling for years, He even Induced them to meet. under the Vicarage root In his drawing room they shook Lands. After an embarrassed silence one ot them said: _ "Well, Mrs Tyler, 1 wish you all Jou wish me." “JAB: WHO'S saying nasty things now?" snapped urn. Tyler. lam!” IAMIERG Pole Vault Record Holder Shows Title Fem the young American athlete who as- Ill 'A13IL00 CIIONICLI Measles Cases Commence Wane KITCHENER.--The measles mild epidemic is on the wane here with only ten new clses reported last week as compared with 39 new clses the previous week. There have been 659 cases of the disease reported since November. Usually in mild epidemics of this type 800 cues are reported. Six new uses of chickenpox, the only other communicable disuse, were reported. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jantzi and daughters. Grace Doris and IEva and Mrs. J. Zehr spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Christ Zehr at 'Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Martin and son Nyle spent the weekend with Mr. Jonathan Martin in Kitchener. - in'r"iiiriirCir,." B. Jantri visited ulth Mrs. Aamn WagiPr of Baden on Sunday. - - 'o' Tull-nu). Mr. and Mrs. David Steinman and family of New Hamburg and Miss Sarah Boshart or uhaden spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Dave K. Mote hart. MLIIIII! Mrs. Ephraim Enos spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt. Mr. Fred Schneider mady at busi- I1 [was trip to Kitchener on Saturday I Mr. and Mrs. .Elmn t"swartzentrtt- ber spent the week-end with the [at , ter"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rhett of liitcttettet' l A number of ladies ot this vicinity attended a quilting at the home ot Mrs. Jacob IHOHZ on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paullttkl made a business trip to Kitchener on Mon- day. Tiir. and Mrs. Roy '.4vhiegel spent Sunday with friends at Tavistock Mr. Daniel Swarlzenlruber is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. E Swartzentruber. . Mr. John rqwartzentrutrer of Peters. burg spent Sunday with Mr. and IMm Joe IK. swartzeniruber. Vim. Potter is spending some time tsith Mr and Mrs. Albert Paulitzki. A very nnjoyahle surprise party was held on Friday night, when a number of triends and rvlalives gath- med at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, C vB Jautzi. in honor of Mr. Jautzi's 72nd birthday. The evening was spent in a very enjoyable way after which a snmplnung lunch was served “We have a rendezvous with der tmy," the President says. Secretary Morgenthau adds, "We also have a date with dettt."--Che New Yorker. PINE HILL era by not making a place tor himselt on the 1936 AIR- ricau Olympic team.' He promises, however, “in. he will make a clean Bweep of the indoor track moon this winter. PREMIER AND CABINET l MINISTERS ESCAPE INJURY TORONTO. - Premier Mitchell Hepburn, two clbinet ministers, Sir James Dunn and two other paten- gera escaped Injury when the the premier's on collided on the Middle road highway nelr limico with a motor car driven by Thomas Rutledge, Toronto, arrested on n charge of drunk driving. He won remanded until Friday on $1,000 gain: bail. Phone 7m 1llrAYRrtuto 44 Willi-In St. I enjoy my Wdrk HI§LSMILE gives you his secret. 'He's in =v GOOD HEALTH. Wa the old story. To enjoy one's daily tasks . . . . to perform them properly . . . . calls for the vim and vigor of a sound body. A "run down" condition never did make for effieieney and happiness. CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS of the spin. . . . . tho "In. of moat uilluonh . . . . can do and. to build you up physically. Con-all an tad let ' III (iv. you tho FACTS! Blane Management for Moose River ,'hetep-afrtr,r,1"','.' of the Icon In: Gold in tn bold "new. for Jta collapse Int April by n con-biota which investigated the eave-igt and tabled It: repent in the Nova new. Legislature. Mom taken by the commis- Iiou showed ore but been removed from pill-n '.e',,"eon'elit, the mine “to! it in re-opened rt January, vain-hath. roof support of cor- "airs net In of the mine, the re- "ro" laid. Sunday Vishnu with Mrs. Levi "human were Mr. Ind In. Archie Pullman of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hallman and Mr, 3nd Mrs. In” Elly undJumily of Williams- burg. it. Clue Richer! of Windsor Ipent seven! days at his home here. [in Alice Oswald spent Sundly with her cousin. Audrey Eby. It. Simon Cuber and Mrs. Irvine Cour of the Plains 3nd Mrs. Juck Om of Guernsey, Bask., were (“can at the home of Mr. Ind Mrs. E. J. Devin on Tuesday. Min Myrtle Weber of German {ills spent Sunday at her home on. , Mr. and In. Calvin Cremmun of Wan-loo were guests at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Addison Rickert on Sunday. Mr. And Mrs, Orlando Bowman Ind It. and (Mrs. Alex Oswnld and Mr. Ruben Eby were recent visitors with Rev. and In. E. Sider. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacob Ind daughter Patay were Sunday guests with the farmer's parents " New Dundee. Ree. E. Gingrich of New Dundee occupied the pulpit in the U. B. Church on Sundny owing to the illness of the piston Rev. E. Sider. Inter Junior Sider spent several days with Mr. Ind Mrs. Janzen at Controville. Its. Ada Hurlock spent Sundny evening with Ell. Eckert. Mrs. John Oleinick spent the week-end with friends at Kitchener. FRY m Mine Cave-in

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