Adjuanum-Ill ot a week was grant- ul on a charge or operating a car with- out an operators licensee read against (harms Bell, Ink 2, coderlch Kt'P0ili0.Yh'dr ,, Julius (thawuyk, round guilty of extortion a week ago “as allowed out on remand again try Magistrate Frederick Watt. Three vagranls were allowed to so u!) theii' way in search ot work when they appeared before Magistrate Pram-rick Watt. No evidence was ot- " rml in nu. other vagrancy charges. Shedding, reduced from one at reck- less driving, Hun-Ins Wilson, London, wand a mm of $25 and coals, m ' hm It‘lmllvs I‘ve. mum! guilty tt ‘wrek ago of t'trcervtittt Mule“ tgoods, was not sentenved owing lo the absence of Magistrate John R. IBlakv. The case was put over tor a week. A was» claim brought by Robert Sladlhm' against John Oswald, Pet- "rsburg. m' $100 was arm on to the oi. vision ruurl. when bull: counsel In the t'arit' const-sited to Inna It tried out m ttu. civil court. 0mm Hams, SI Agatha. charged with viulmion of his parole. may: gin-n Ihe lJt'lIHI'Il of the qtutttM. He was taught by tut. local police near u nun»: nu Ibrvilhuupl street which found guilty or failing to return to the st'PlM- or an accident and ot oper- ating a car with defective brakes was assessed $25 and costs on the ht'st Hun-w- and $l0 and casts on the sevontl. Gun-gr Wuttrtcr, Bridgeport, paid $100 and costs when found guilty of illegal possession of liquor. A. Hagen. Edwin street, and C. Heidrich, Breithaupt street, were each tined $10 and costs tor illegal consumption ot liquor. They drunk in an illegal “Inna A third man was t'tutrll Sin and cout.", for public intoxi- vation, . No n-vidmme was uttered against Hurry Honda charged with criminal lzegliguure us a result ot an accident 0: Pandora avenue some weeks ago in which Mr. Snyder, 82-year-old, was m-vvl't-h hurl The crown stated [new "ith' Ilulllillg in iudieate any hiame could bu attached lo My Hmuh- 'I‘ln- mm.- “as dismissed. ~\le-llyJurm- llhrig. Queen street south, war. remanded for sentence when he pleaded guilty to common assault against Mrs, Ira Hunt. Fnund gum, or driving a var white in an i'irtoxivuted condition George Moorlwad or strattord, was seat to Jail for " “wk by Magistrate Fred- _ .. . um... (In and orir Watt [in was titted :10 auu costs' [or whiny, “itlmul an ope-ra- tor's pea-um Ruhr†Liviutgstotr", Baden, dieing held on u rhargv of attempted sul- sid “as still unable to appear and the was» may. adjourned for a week. W8?! Finding guilty to a charge of Norman Hunt, Wilhelm sin-cl, was l'ul'hidnlr-u try his parole terms Vernon G, Eller. Cameron street, a-x fined $10 and costs tor driving POLICE COURT King and Water Stu. Phone "" KITCHENER Ordinary Revenue: Income Tax i. . .. _ . Custom. Duties T . F . Excise Dulles "_eVVT ., V . i _-. Manutneturerts'. Importation, sump Tax“, can, Other Tax \Revenue' i ___. .. VFqV . _ __._._ ttT q.rrF_ TrrrF_ Total Revenue from 1‘:er _ trrrrrrqV_PV TFT .._p_ C TFt ttV Notr'Nx Revenues . _........ T _.. . _...",. ., _ Special Receipis and Credits _"CVVq _.. _ .V. q-tc.. .. Other Receipts and Credits Rwanda of 0mm Kxpeuditurets and Receipts on Mths-active Arcounls T _ . i V . TtV 7. Grand Total Revenues . rrrrr'-'r_ . ___. qeV Federal Tabulation WNWA.~A an mutual: 'u Introduced Into the budget II " Ill-0.19! to blow the relative cool- at vulca- gonn-onl unto“ All a. rel-tho Importance ad val-Ion. as... n vu the (allowing tatUU mm the penning diatrttttuion of rovulu all expo-dunno tor the cut-l your; Total Pursue?!“ Charges _rrm.rtr.ttrt.r."-"'t"err_ ctw T ,. Subsidies an Special Grants to Province: CT TVt Old Age Pensions _-tr........ .__._rrrr_ -.-e"FP_r._ .. _t..F_____ q-F Civil Servants' Pensions and Superannuation Pensions and AtterWare at Soldiers .. . Agriculture T , T . T.qec T Fisheries _ H... _ tre-. Fr.. .. _ ptr. .. .. Legislation: ___... A. TTrT ., qrqrqi_V_P_ Prrrrt I"'"""""" .rt__t__ Mines and Resources _.,...-..-.-..,......"., National Defense [including (‘ivil Aviation) Post Olice .tr.r_.rr__ '"""F.P_tf_r'P"'._._..rVe._P"'T._ FV........ Public Works .l .l V. T T _____.v Trr. ""'Pww._..WV'V"".'FPrPV_9._ Transport _... ..‘t- .______. __..-. .F_. 't__-r-t_-e............--- V. All other -eVV .._t____ ._____.. .t_w__._.V_t..__.._r.. H _'__w_.____ Total Ordinary Expenditures _,_m....t.,._____r.w.-.-.___ Capital Expenditures T _ 'P'"_._P.._.w_r".PPV.'VVV..rV.. Spool-l Expendituru Unemployment Relief and Assistance Act ot 1936: Grants-maid to Provinces V _r.r.rrr____ . .. PF" ., __. T .. All other Assistance TVV _v__ _ ___. .. ___ T TF.... _. ___. ___ Total __r_____ t___ T.....-.. PF...... _ _r_________ T qrrr_V qeV . .rr"'-"'.'r_ Drought Area Relief ______ “my. w.e_____ _Trrrrrrr____F_F____ imminlon Projects (Special Supplementary Balinmtes) -FVF"P_"VP_FPP_w_P'"V F_Fw._e__r_. 't__eV._-_eF....__._._v._._ Touu Special Expenditures "FV____.t.__P_P.'V____q_ __.e..tett___._ GovernmtAnt-owned 'Enterprises: Losses charged to Consolidated Fund, Cauadiau National (Railways 'FF_Fr'""'FP_F___q_qrr_.__.___V_t.....__ _r_FV_.r National Illarbors Boar-i T__... "'rr_t_._VFrF_ ".qFreq_F.__.w..__V.tV_ Loans, and Advances Nou-active __ National Harbors Board and Canadlan National nSteamshlps V_.'V""PV__PFF__.FVV"'rV__._._t-qP_P_.tV___qq..t_ '_..'....'. Total Governmentownml Enterprise-s _.'. _.-. , __._p__ other 1'ttarges: WrittHiown or Assets to Consolidated Fund 'FF__._qr. WNte-down of Active Assets lo Non-arrive Assets Totat other t'harges .. .. _ ., _r_r_-___ ., ._. Trr... .rFr_ _ ___.. ,, Grand Total Expenditures __________Fv_.____e_ '..._.q.rFF.____.rr_ his car around the left side of a street car. M. Geach Bloomingdale, was. tinei $1 and costs tor driving without having hls operator's license on his person. A local motorist pald " and com for a bread: of the park- ing bylaw. Rev. and Mrs. E. Gomnn ot Tuls- tock were Monday visitors at the lo. cal parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Lamack. The Misses Clara and Emma Von- mar entertained a number of ladies at a quilting at their home on Tues- day afternoon. MP. George Weiss spent Monday with Kitchener relatives. Mr. t'leason Martin ot St. Jacobs visited on Sunday with William and Amsey Martin. - Uttite a number from here unaud- ml Ihe funeral or ttte late Mrs. Geo. Rah" at Waterloo on Friday after- noon. Mrstahn was wellknown hav- ing spent her child and girlhood days in this community. Hon. W. D. Euler, minister of trade and commerce for unada. who is ne- gotiating a' trade agreement In Aus- n-ulla, will sail for Canad,a in the Mariposa, reaching Log Angelo! March 20. Word to this (meet was veveived by Airs. W. It. Euler re- canny. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kappes ot Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slueck ot North Easthope, Mr. and Mrs. William Kappes and daughter Mildred were Sunday guests with Mrs. Mathilda IHoerle. INSTANTLY KILLED HAMILTON.--) terrifie head-on collision between a light sedan and a heavy transport on the Dundas highway, four miles west of Clappi- son (‘oriwrs last Tupsday ‘hrought in- stant death to John Dolgott, 45, of 500 Manning Avenue, Toronto, and left two Seaforth truckers 'ur- scathed. MR. EULER RETURNS HEIDELBERG Shows Where Taxes Go I‘ll WA‘I'lILOO CIIONICLI Expondlturn Iowan-no PORT hNIuAaAM.--ehwarted love was blamed as police ordered an In- quest March 11 into the violent deaths a! Miss Victoria IRasseur, l6. and John 'Beylez, a timber worker. OTTAWA SETS MONEY ASIDE TO HELP MINES GERMAN SCHOOL GIRLS MUST COOK IF THEY WISH TO ADVANCE mNtMN.--ATerman schoolgirls are not to be allowed to take their high- 0r nominations until they have learned the rudiments ot household work. A decree to this street has been issued by the minister ot edu- cation. "PT'AWA.-TO assist in providing transportation facilities into mining areas 'iA00,000 was provided in sup- plementary estimates for the depart- ment of mines and resources tabled in the House of Commons. Rotarians) Hear Housing Head tKll'N‘HEMER‘ - Joseph Banlgan, rrpresentink the Home Improvement organization of Toronto, addressed the \K.-W. Rotary rCltttt lun- "hvon, at which 'Kitchener and Wa- tprloo Housing and Employment Committees' members were guests. Mr. .Banigan said that construc- tion trades seem the last to reflect returning prosperity, and, according ttt the National Employment Commis- 'uott, between 50 and 60 per cent ot employables on relief are building Made workers. The 'Home Improvement Plan, whereby home owners may borrow from $100 to $2,000 at a " per cent. discount from banks and savings in- sritutions, has been organized to en- courage owners to improve their pro. parties. SUICIDE PACT Amount of m (hunted) new.“ "03.000300 ".60 211500.000 10.00 06.51â€.†10.00 1 15,500,000 â€.55 38,100,000 8.01 8,010,000 .40 84,010,000 8501 60.710.000 18.00 8.15.000 I " 510.000 46¢.)23.000 '. 141502.000 10.994000 22.500000 2.322.000 55,133,000 s,0g9,000 1.750.000 2,020,000 12,701,000 23,407,000 32,411,000 14,043,000 13,300,000 43,011,000 391,860,000 3.447.000 546,000 [8.765.000 19,310,000 539,518,000 28,930,000 17,134,000 46,064,000 9,741,000 24,024,000 ti9A29,000 43,303,000 250,000 919,000 44.412000 Perm. " 100.00 .10 3.48 3.58 100.00 It6.83 .49 235 4.36 6.00 2.71 2.41 2.98 72.63 .64 10.22 4.56 " bt 4.i7 3.18 8.54 1.81 8.02 " 8.24 Firm Ctnatb--ptslore- Snyder 143%. Mnrtorie who: 78, been: alumnus. T5, Jean Brena-small 12, ’Duuuld Holst 72, Ueraldtae :Heruer 69. My er Weller 65, Cttiein Roth BS, “Leona Brennan“ 61. Houa Brennemau 56, “AMI-ed ‘Kunkol M. School Report Sr 'Prlmer-"CUrrence Hottstetttrr 71. 'Alberl Martin 58, Claude Buy‘ der absent. Primer A "ery Caiugerictt 86, Mi- rum Gingerlch 90, Kenneth Knoll 73, Evelyn 81mm 73. Deltord Shunâ€. 67, Erma In!“ 66. 'Audrey Schledel 60. Laura “Malena 40, Jean Schmldl x-bsent. Primer IB-Ralph Schmidt 72, Clar- ence Schnelier 82, Dalton! Behr Te, Lorraine Snyder N, 'Patsy Koehler " 'RDBia Dusckocz 60, Shirley Nau- mun M. Mabel ‘Hofsteuer 23. . aUsetrt for l or more animal M.L (Truman. Sr. " 4Helett Niabel til, Merrill luui Mt, Roy ‘lulzi 74, Ruth stamina" 7t, IHalel 'HofslPlter 63, Harold Led- prman 63, Laverne it Miller 62, "hi. ward Keys! 68. Jr. bi---,Helen ISteinmun 68, Clare Giugerieh 66, Laverne Miller 65, 'oo- rls Submit! 65, Walter Baal 65, Helen 'Brenneman 65. “an Gauchu 50. Grace Nlxdort 29. Perfect attendance since Haul ist, Merrill 'lutzl. Jr. ‘l‘l'lrrashh'Wy Ritchie til. Viola Gal'llo 77, Betty Messerschmldl 73. Helen Nauman 72, Stella Duskucz 72, 'l.averm- 'Brennetuau, Howard Koch- Ier 7'2, Joe Duskom 69, Noreen Mil. ler tw. Doris 'MeBsersctunidt trir, ‘Borlha Martin 64, 'Wm, Martin c'.. OTTAWA. - Maximum penalties for formation or operation of a combine are raised from a fine of 310,000 to $25,000 or twg years in prison, or both, for an individual, and from $25,000 to $100,000 for a corporation, under a bill intro, duced into the House of Commons by Hon. Norman Rogers, minister of labor, designed to "put teeth" in the Combines Act. PETERBORO. - Francis McDon- old, eleven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Claire McDonald, is in critical condition in St. Joseph's Hospital suffering from compound fracture of the skull, sustained when he ran into the side of a moving auto, and VG impaled on a sharp'door handle. KWRHNER. -The number at births and deaths tor February has increased when compared with Feb ruary 1936. The number of births a year ago. was 51, while for February 1937 there were 65. The number of deaths a year ago was 26, for Febru- ary 1937 there were 34 recorded. The number ot marriages was exactly the same both years. Vital statistics tor Waterloo dur- ing the past month reported by Town Clerk Norman Bolduc reveal there were three births, {our deaths and three marriages.' For the same mouth last year there were eight births, six than": and tive marriages. PHRGLI‘S. Mr. and Mrs. Edi Tur,' . W; nor have purchased 17 acres of land with buildings on the Guelph‘Kiu-h- Magisl enm' highway. about half a mile on strike ye this side or the city. Just opposite the, ‘Hugba rock garden being constructed by she 'ad n Mayor J. A. ISmith of 'Kitchener “as ban They plan to operate a poultry farm, 'open, at getting possession about April lat 'ct-r." MR. AND MRB, E. TURNER MOVING TO WATERLOO CO. IMPALED ON DOOR HANDLE $100,000 Fines Proclaimed VITAL STATISTICS GAIN ALL FIGURES LOWER w-meulchu- Glasses That Satisfy "tirgyiiEilie,kiL's" .BADEN Loraine Banjo " cm. “I." " Ray Gaucho 58, 'lunro Babel " ’Buwrsuu 'Houderich 56, Robert Buy- de? and .Harold Par-son absent . itbaseut tur one or more onâ€. Perle-oi attendance since 3101. l Dorm Mruurschmkdl and Viola DI- who. ‘Sr. "l-Mabel Quake! " but Roth 79, Audrey ‘nglel' 18, Dorothy Powell 70, Viola Stelnmn Tir, Geral- dine Bender 69,!Holen [Harbor 64, Wtt. bert summit 60, Raymond mum some exams, Willard INntterieh N. 59, Woodrow Schmidt M; Absent Cor mum Miller as, Glenn Blew] is. Matrie usrmwider 58, Ruby [Adel-m ‘55, Kerit ‘Breluwman 57. 70, OM) Holstein» " “In arm- 6r, Pearl Duskocz 67, Evelyn new 66, Dorothy Klpter 65, Jun DIM 59, Clayton Naumw 56. men! (or some or the exams, Juno Wood " " IV -Mttry Sch-um â€fun. Miller P2Haily Powell Ti, Agno- “I H. M. Yorke. V (“lass -Wiltred Steinmn 89. Carol Gardner 82, Kathleen Roth N. Leona scum“! 71, Pioreneerfuttittaer 65. IV mass _ Miriam Ritchie " Run. ningemsh 86. Clara Sen: 88, Helen tBrettnematt 82, Ellen Roth ". Joe [Roth hi, Pearl Erb Ctr, Urle Ben- may 75, Mary Honderich 23, Georgette I'rumersperger 70. Jack Btlefolmeyer 70. Killeen Herner 20, Harold (Manor W, Donald .miskau 67, Clnrence Wil- mer 62. "art Betas] " . absent for one or more exam. Perfect attendance since Sept. I, Clarence Wismer. About loo members attended the mummy meeting or the Mennonite lrtterromative Literary Society hold at Waterloo Town Hall March 2, with the president, Gordon Ht"urtsergtsr, Toronto City Council set the dues fur daylight saving, April as to Bay tember M. in the chair. The Invocation m I ."t-adillg, "The Good Teacher", lby Vera Good. A song, "The Lord is my Shepherd," was sung, and instrumen- tal selections were given by a trio comprising Janet Bechtel, Elma- 13rtttraeher and Harold Snider. The society paper, "The intorrogstive Illuminator", was given as (oliovs: weather, Blake, Snider; headlines, Freeman Gingerlch; editorial, My Ct'essman; world news, Wilson [Hans- bcrger; woman's page. Arlene Skier; social and personal, tHelsn Iilrh; hu- mor, Howard Snyder; advert“.- ments, Roy IBanman; elirigaitied " tertisoments, Harry Snider; city and district, Nora IBurkhardt; religious news, Cora Cressmnn; poet's corner, Erma Good. The critic's report was given by Ella Cressmn. A Second chance 7 The new farm laborer was sent to milk the cow, but as he was such I long time gone the farmer went to 399 how he was gemng on. He found him feeding the cow with milk. “Here", he called. "I said milk the "ow-not teed it." “Is the doctor int" "No. air. and I don't know how long 'e'll be. He's been called to an etch nity use.†_ "Well," replied the novice. "t thought It came out a bit thin, so I'm putting it through again." Once in a Utah». Magistrate: "What Induced you to strike your wife?" Husband: "Well, your Worship. she 'ad 'er back to me, the frying-pan was handy. and the back door "I open, so I thought rd “to no READ SOCIETY PAPER Daylight Saving t2Eiiin N. S. Hill