_ PM “I! The Woods' bridge that collapsed during the flood was not a wooden structure as stated in the heading to our Woolwich Council proceedings ot hat Thursdays issue, bat is a 75-foot steel span with a concrete noor. Now that the approval ot the Highway Department has been ob- tained for the raising proposal, Wool. wich Township olicials will endea, Cure Rodrick, a radio inspector. making a mum on Thursday. check- ing up on possessors ot the neces- sary permit was the means of excite- meat to some. H. E. Elborn. inspector of pubirc schools In North ‘Waterloo, paid our school one ot his periodical otrieial visit: on Thursday. Mr. Wborn was well pleased with the work done by the teachers. USED WASHERS 155 King St. W. Washes nny clothes elean without injury. You Can't Always Special In“... loll Nil-cor. LIFETIHE GUARANTEE'. CONESTOGO Thoroughly Reconditioned, Guaranteed Inn lino Pom-ht TIL . (Gian-had) $17.50 Thor 3-â€: “RAM. “50“.. Motor Buy a ’99.50 Washer at ‘69.50 Messrs. Norman Wilkinson and Harry Kirch were business visitors at Alma on Saturday. A large number ot district (anion attended the Frank Zettel sale near Arrits on Tuesday, Mr. Oscar Stroh and Mrs. Walter Stroll were in Kitchener on Frldny afternoon. Mr. Noah Stroh and Mr. and Mrs. Charles tScheitele were BL. Jacobs visxtors on ‘ngnesday afternoon. var to have the work proceed with :1: possible speed. Messrs. Jacob Cuutz. Solomon Kin-h and Walter Stroh were Thum- day business visitors in Kitchener. My. Elmer Doerr ot tKitchener called on his father Adam Doorr here on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Erma Dahmer, Mrs. S J. mm; and Mr. Oscar Hum were Twin City visitors on Thurs. day. KITCHEN ER I'll WATIILOO CHRONICLI 31.23: ’99.50 - w. m AU to do: thu WDOIOI for tim1tod ti. only, if cum bring- this “venison-I ti'-:' Chth which was in charge of Miss flit-a Ballard. The first number was ir'rtrs class song by all the girls of r,irs club. Miss Amelia Wilker gave " short outline of the work the girls gar:- done. this was followed by a animal selection by the Busy Bee l orchestra. Misses Ella Drudge. Flora- 'he'.ie Koehel. Helen Dechert Bertha wand Amelia Wilker. Then followed Mite demonstrations. "Salads". by ,Misses Enid Roe and Ella Drudge: "F'r.esh Fruits", by Miss Ruth Mc- Kay: "Rice. Tomatoe and Cheese iDish". by Misses Bertha Wilker and Marie Dahmer: "Tea Biscuits', by Wlisses Ann and Helen 'Schummer: "Table. setting" by Misses Flora- t belie Koebel and Dorothy MeTavish: Piano selections by Misses Helen [and Anne “‘ISchummer: Question I irawer was answered by Miss Mar- , inrr Beggs. A humorous play in one '.v'r antitled. "What a Bachelor would u. 1-) if he came to Linwood". was pre- ,stu:ed hy seven of the .members ot “me Supper Club. namely: Misses Ber'ha Wilker, Doris Clark, Helen Fitz-lei; Anne Schummer. Marie Dah- l:'":'. Elia Drudge and Mary McGoey. A i "arty vote of thanks was extend- al ‘vn- the young girls to the Women's Itisri'ute in appreciation for their . Il-‘ZD to make it possible for them to inure their class. Lunch was served Hy hostess and the girls Tho March meeting ot the W0- men's Institute was held at the home o: Mrs. G. IR. Hain on Tuesday even- ing. Miss Eva Ballard. viexr-presaideut was in charge ot the meeting. The roll call was answered by, "A Character- istic of Foreign Women". A letter of thanks was read from the Freeport San tor donation of fruit and a letter from the West thanking for the bale of clothing. The secretary read a pa- per which was prepared by Mrs. Jake Runstetler, a charter member, on "The High Standard of the Women's Institute". and Mrs. W . Nurse. an- other charter member, limits on the early years of this branch. After this an exhibit of a picture. which was taken 28 years ago ot the members u'. that time, was shown. A letter from the president of the London Area Convention was read, in which she asks the local branch to exhibit quilts. mats. etc., at the fall conven- “an lt was decided to put forth an e.Yort to comply with this. As this us; the 'tirls' meeting, the program was in charge of the Busy Bees' Sup- The spring seaslon ot the Water- loo County Council. has not been de- t1n'cely dated. but it will likely be held early in April. County Clerk Sam Cassel told the Chronicle yes- terday. COUNTY ooUN'CIL m APRIL REGULAR LIST PRICE LINWOOD 'ery Easy Terms If Desired. Phone 4280 The monthly meeting of the St. James Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Alex Bright- on on Thursday evening with the president. Mrs. M. K. Toman presid- ing. The scripture lesson war read by Mrs. Harold Weige after which - . is". nuu Jun. mlsv Wrens-u Ito-un- o'lht monthly '"tilyr meeting of at the home of Rev. and Mrs. " W18- e Bethel Mission Circle was held mer near Ast recentl at the home or Mrs. Henry Water-u M , y, "q . . r. and Mrs. Erwin bararas. Mr. man last Wednesday afternoon. A and Mrs Albert Duench and Mr {van short devotional period was also con- Sn _ . . ducted m the President Mrs Albert raras attended the funeral of the _ " ' late Mr John Tuck at Hespeeler on .Egerdee. .Tuesday 1District Women's Institute Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brieker ot l PW'WN" Addresses Rosevilie visited with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Local Junior Institute. M. ‘8. Snyder on Wedneeday. _ Mrs. Cowan ot Branchton. district Mr. and Mrs. L. TC. Bingeman were 1president or the Women's institute recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, “we the guest speaker at the March liMon (‘reesman at Wilmot Centre. ‘meeting of the Junior Wometrs in- A number from the village attend. istitute which was held at the New ed the travelogue presented by one I Dundee School" last Tuesday evening. of the Toll Brothers who hitch-hiked .T‘he vice-president, Miss Jean To- around the world. which was given man occupied the chair and the re at Central Presbyterian Church. Gait, sponse to the roll call was "A char- on Wednesday evening. acteristic for a good debster". Miss Mr. and Mrs. Earl Einwachter and irene Kaster gave a paper on. “Rules children. ‘Carson, Shirley and New. tor Debating", after which an inter-don visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Carl eating debate was presented on the Scheel at Kitchener last Sunday. subject. “Resolved that women ere Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Path and Mr. superior to men". The slit-maxim and Mrs. (L. " Csseei were guests side was taken by Miss Elisabeth ot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hiihorn " Heist and Miss Laura (Henhoeiler Roeevilie last Wedneeday. while the negative side was upheldl Mr. and Mrs. Esra macho and by Mr. Russel zinn and Mr. Howard children. Laura, Lion! and John visit- Stoltz. The judges. Mrs. Cowan, Miss ed with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Jantsi at Dorothy Cassel and Mr. Melvin Beet- Baden and Mr. and Mrs. John Jutsi er awarded the decision in ("or at at Wiimot Centre isst Sunday. the negative side. The Misses Jenni Inner Detweiler m I Maine-s Toman and Muriel Poth then render- 'visitor in Ayton last Wednesday. ed a piano duet. Following the pro- Ml" Muriel Poth Trt" the guest ot gram 3 eroehittole party was etuored Mim Ruby Bechtel at Kitchener 0701' with the ladies' prize being won by /'" wtygh<yrtd. Mrs. Cowan and the men's prize try --------_- Mr. Roy Ptohi. The consolation prizes were awarded to Miss Iva Zinn Bamberg Farmer and Mr. Edward Heahotrtrer. Dainty refreshments were served at the con- Runs Into Post clusion or the evening. ....____.____ Ladies' Aid Meeting. FuyruA:OAEoe-Whett his car Simian oi Ollie."- The annual meeting of the U, B. Women's [Manny Association vol held at the home of the waldo-t, Mrs K .B Snyder lut Wain“, afternoon. Mrs. Weston Saar“ read the scripture leeeon and In. . Gingrich "ttroheed the new study book tor the you, entitled. "No This In Minions". Hrs. Alex Idle-loch rendered s vocal solo. "How Con I B. lonely" otter which Rev. C. W. Backus “we a brief talk on "no Beginning of the United Brethren Church " Ontario". in which he stat. ed that the Int church was opened It shalt“. The election of oli&re wu hold which res-ted n follows: - dent, In. 10.81111“; vitami- dent. In. E. B. Hell-Ion; newâ€. In P. E. Pose; treuurer, In. A. Hilborn; Literature and Thsnkoler- in; secretary. Mrs. W. Snead: treasurer of the Good Cheer hand. Mrs. w & Foote; collectors, Mrs. allhorn and Mrs. Weston Stuns; pianist. Miss Mary Hilborn; dele- gates to the W.M.A. branch meeting to he held at sufvenuille in June. Mrs. A. Hilttorn, Miss Ada Bingemn and Mrs. Gordon Hellman: alternate, delegates. Mrs. E. Te. Hallman. Ire. E. Gingerlch and Mrs Clare Hilborn. M.BAh Sewing Clrcle Mom. _ U... W.M.A. Hold. THE RITZ BROTHERS, dizziest of Hollywood amid, appear in IRVING BERLIN 3 Twentieth Century-Fox musical, "On the Avenue,†starring DICK POWELL and MADELEINE CARROLL. At Lyric, Tuesday and Wednesday NEW DUNDEE Mr. and Mrs. Elf] Elnwachtor and children. Carson, Shirley and New. don visited. with Mr. and In. Carl Scheel at Kimhenu luv. Sunday. FuyruA:OAEoe-Whett his car swerved on the road south ot here on Thursday. George Schultz, Bamberg farmer. suffered a dislocated wrist and several cuts when his car struck a poirt, He was taken to the K.-W. Hospital where he was attended by Dr. Leroy Wagner of Elmira and later returned to his home. A number from the village anew!- ed the travelogue presented by one of the Toll Brothers who hitch-hiked around the world. which WIS given at Central Presbyterian Church. Gilt, on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Sarina. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duench and Mr. {v.11 Sararas attended the funeral ot the late Mr, John Tuck at fHespeeler on Tuesday _ Rev. H. P. Schade. Rtrr. L. _ PG pher. Rev. E. Gingorlch “a mm. W. C. Noltlug attended the Foamy meeting ot the New 'Hamhurg and vicinity ministerial auocintion which was held at the home of Rev. J. B. Dengis at New ‘Hamlmrg last Mon- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Tom“! and Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman visited at the home ot Rev, and Mrs. " wu- mer near Ayr recently Guests at the hon. of In uni In. Quentin militia In! Sun.†"to: In. E. P. Honor of Vans; ll“ lam-rot lull and Mr. and In. Keno": Ion-u- m son but of - ud lino an» Mentor ot London Mr. and In. Wilfred Winn: “a “tighten the“. ivy Inn} Dorothy visited with Mr. and In. Ephraim Fried at Ro-me int Sandâ€. Palm " III road In unison. In. Norma Hugumor [no . reading ogttitlod. “have Your Pillar" and Ill- tie Elaine 3nd Delmore Toma all the hymn. "Jesus, Keep me near The Croo". Mr Rev. w. C. Now]; who celabnled his birthday on Thuuday. March 4th. an, Noll“; than (an an lure“ on tho “Moe! of ‘Bknmctnce of but“. After the mood»; the bolts“ and daiattr rob-hunts. Borir--To Mr. um [rt lb Ref- doe, on Wodnoohy, larch 8, a non. Pom-halo. My. Inch 0. 1m