' Echolz Trounce i, Ripsaws 70; Mt-Nr,-,"" Enter Final Round of W.0.H.A. Aganist Ripley. Both teams buttered heavy Injuries. Sucks were carried high after the second period, three players having runs opened over their eyes, and six others being clipped over the head. Two majors were handed out tor a fight in the second frame. Krrc.HeNhHt Auditor1um, --rBtuW ing in the goals in the, first period Witterioo Kichotx defeated Hanover Ripsaws 'i'-o m the second (â€no at ttte'tsemFtinal round tor the Junior Western Ontario Hockey Association championship played here Friday night to take the round 10-3. Vol] was the star of the game in the Waterloo nets, hurling the Rite wws forwards continually. and man aging to hold them scoreless while Eicholz were at a disadvantage in man power. Brill. Willis and Olender turned in good performances for the win- ners while Cordick. Magwood, Doer- mm and Yates were the best for Hanover. Hanover tans came down 600 strong via a special CPAR. train, to swell the crowd in the rink to more than 1.500. the majority of whom were pulling strongly for a Hanover at the defence. Cordick lay prone in front of the players' box and Schmidt was stretched out on the Hanover blue line. but Referee Chick Appel allowed the Waterloo play to go to co'mpletion. It ended with Willis banging the rubber into the nets un- der Winkler’s leg. The momentary delay brought halt a dozen fans and three city policemen on the ice. Five Quick One: Two men were flattened in a Wa- terloo rush with the period six min- utes old. Just after Magwood came back from a penalty for roughing e an; \‘uil wnm H'mmIM-t- . mo- r‘mt- I‘m-dirk turning r. star li"1'1(“').llll". want In ' numb for '"Frs' who he was (â€mud 'try a huh ~nr-k Ths- zamp undm‘x w.th Rip- Hm‘s pressine hard to break the goose-92K, Gildner scored on a passout a min- ute later on olender's assist. Brill worked in alone at nine minutes. and drove from close in on the side. Winkler fumbled the disc and knocked it in with his stick. Lang evened the count in the cooler tor erosschPckinsz. Mickns led a rush. splitting the defence and driving a hard shot which heat Winkler. Wil- helm a minute later hoisted a high "ackhand from the right hoards. Winkler veachpd for the rubber and pulled it down into the net to end the tit-rind store at 5-0 for Eicholz. Second Period Referee Appell handed (tit seven tiettalties, two of them majors. as hoth teams tired and play roughen- ed it hit. 0iender and Var. :lyke tangled in from of the Ripsaws. nets and started trading punches. The other players soon lit-eke It up. and the twn well! to the cooler to do pen- ance for fivo minutes. Eddie Brill scored near the end of the period on an assist from Willis while hath teams were a man short 1Villis turned an ankle in a corner mixup, and 2 minutes later was clipped over the head by Magwood in a stick swinging mix-up near the Waterloo nets. the Ripsaw boy drawing a mi- nor. Play Gets Rough Althoucrh the third (an: on: In he. the roughest of '. rm penalties were hawk-d r fur“- Appl.. Lang Count. "omhle acsist after Winkirr Prawn mm 'r, the side m M;:L".\nml‘< ctivk erw-d I "n's ‘nmd a t‘MV minmw is ' Hauov'or--Goa1, Winkler: defense, Magwood, Domm; centre. Cordick: wings, Yates, Doersam; spares. Van "malty IV gum] . iiiiiliiiiNiNiiiitiiil"iiili itu' chm". Thr T det. in tho _ric-r' "uh Eicholz + Hm“; had od; play. ’n ,.,V and .g. ',' ,, mo- r. star 'rt' turned Crip cumfk “n by ftp- ts-d on a rad b51911 hr n'stsg. I E ov"r HO i, Ripley Plays Eichholz Tomorrow J mnvnn'ruk __ Waterloo Domini lions qualitiai tor the fourth round or the Ontario Hockey Association's juniors playdowns here Friday night, when they held Milverton to a on9 all draw winning the round by a 6-3 score iv a remit of their 5-2 vie tory in Kitchener Wednesday night. Lominioris, n is understood, will meet St. Marys. Harry Soehnen playing the beat game or his rareer. saved Dominion: time and again. to emerge as the out- standing star for the game, which was played on soft ice. The 'tr" game of the ttnat “the for the Junior Western Ontario Alco- cuuon championship will be mood at Kitchener auditorium Wodnoulay night with thfatqrNoo Eicholz enter- taining Rupley. The return 9am n Ripley II called for Friday. Milverton Ousted by Junior Bees Patna-'5 Kid. TAB: on St. Mary's in Fourth Round. Waterloo adopted a close-checking style or Cay, much along the same lmes as that employed by Milverton in tihe _'t-llF.c, opened Wednesday. St. Louis Retains Championship "iit. Lcr:y, wtains the Father Wilbur Mayer in My. .-mblernatic of the Wa- terloo SUMO) Hockey League cham- pionsth as' the result or a 3-1 vic- tory mu (‘Fntral in the second game ot the fir.a'.'s at the Kitchener audi, torium The first game resulted in a 5-3 victory for St. Louis. ors and Cordivk Here', hm: it all ,tarts: When a man is (UIU'PSSPG he takes a drink. A woman buys a hat. Then the man takes another drink lyke. Hirs,n. Herzl»). Blue: snare AVhile the Irish outscored the m- goalie Russwurm. waders in every period of Saturday's ivatet.h-Goal. Voil: defense. ttmtest. the score does not by any Willis. o]erad.er: cer1tre. Schmidt; means represent the dimerence be wings. Lana Rocker. spares Gildner. tween the teams. The 5500 tans who Wilhe!rn.rr'..', Mickur: mare goalie. witnessed the game.the speediest and Konrad. mm! thrill-packed of the junior mm- Rerer--C.hick Arum. Stratford. mum, were thoroughly impresud F..ttt,.Period .3. with stratford's display. 7 Walurlu -- Ln lRorker Penalti- None Wat_--Gildner ¢Olemlet~> 7.51 water'.rtr--Brill .. V .-, 9.07 Watsar.jr----lliciiu, tWilLu _ 13.00 Wuterloo--Wiiirn _ 'eV 14.00 Penais--Mrurwrcd. Lang. Second Period wateritt---Brtll (“'iIhsa ,. .. . 14.55 Penait warn-km. Olende-r 12 min. "3 and P, majors, Van Fijcke 'major! Ordit'k. Ili gwtmd. Third Period Walurlu -- Lam; Alliokns. Wat-rio-Willis, Wale: 1m s-Gildne Water '.rtr--Brill Watsarh,r---1iicliu Waterloo -w:Hhe Penait I.'---- Ma [d w Members of the Roseville Hockey Club which bu been hitting the high spots in rural hockey this season. Not strong in numbers the team has been making it tough for all they have come new" to date. Players are: back row, left to right, David bookie, Bill Gemmell. Les Perrin. Allan Dedman; front row, left to right, Lorna Frieq, Roa- Perrin, John Shana, Juries Pen in. (Gait Reporter Php' III WATIILOO OHIOIICLI 0106 7.51 10.07 123.00 14.00 5,16 ROSEVILLE RURAL HOCKEY TEAM, 1937 , ll. Cricket Set l, i For This Season’ I (ALT --T'lre Western Ontario I Choke! League reorganized here SAL t urday tor the coming salon, and I Brandon], Waterloo, Fergus, Owe-DI Sound and Gall will again composel the league. " wan decided all games l _ shmld be played on a matting ,rieh. 2 et. l Election of otricers resulted as fol- lnws: President, H. J. Gellatly: Kit. l‘nener; secretary-treasurer, J, Simp- ~.n_ Gait: executfve. Judge Morley, Owen Sound; J. w. McCartney. Gan; F H. Ham, Fergus; t Downing. Wa- zu-loo; G, Elliott, Brantford; dele, galse, President and Secretary, League colors will be yellow and black. Organization Meeting Held at Galt on Saturday. The league decided to put in force the leg-before-wicket rule adopted by the Marylebone Cricket Club two years ago. ll was decided to drop the Grafton shield competition in the league, and tO put up the shield for compe- tition among tour W.0.C.L. teams, Galt, Waterloo JBrtintford and Fer- we ;and tour teams from the Hamil- iun and District League. St. Georges. Fairtiled and Holy Trinity. The Marylebone Cricket Club will Us)! Waterloo during its Canadian tour this year. and Bramtord, celo Uniting its diamond jubilee in crick- et. asked. the league to make appli- cation to Marylebone cricket team to play a team prom the WA9.C.L a! Brantford. Stratford Bows _ to St. Michael's TORONTO. -- Btrattord Midgets, Toronto 2, Chicago 2 carrying Western Ontario's hopes for o " A a Memorial Cup championship.‘ Julnlo-r dropped a 6 to 2 verdict to St. Mi- St Michaels 6 Str cheers College at Maple Leaf Gar . . . dents Saturday afternoon on the first ‘ . O.H.A. Be he of their scheduled five-game se- Doyini.oy 3,Conss Hes for the 0.H.A. Junior A title. I Domue1s,yyie, f. HAMILTON SCHOOL SIX WINS IN KITCHENER iKITC,HF3NER.-A team of all-ste" {tum UN Hamilton public “hook de w»u:>-4l Kin-hene-r All-Stars 4-2 hs-re mun-day in the annual inter-LAY cr.irtrtr,' hockey classic. F F Wus the defendant expensntfy 'r. mud?" asked the lawyer of the Ne- 2m witness. "treed. she was. sah." thrs witness. "Ah knows. prarhage when as sees it." answeled expenmw Americans 3, Detroit 1. Boston 1, Rangers 0. Toronto 2, Chicago 2. Toronto 3, Canadian: 1. Maroons 4. Americans 3. Boston l, Rangers 1. Americans 3. Detroit 1. Helen Balm! of Hempstead, L.l., is shown speeding over the be u the won the American women's middle Atlantic speed sitting title at Orange Lake. She made a clean sweep of the three events for women. Junior A St. Michaels 6. Stratford 2. O.H.A. Senior DOminions 3, Consola I. Dominions win series. Senior N.0.H.A. Qudbury 5. Kirkland Lake 0. Sudbury wins title. Intermediate 3 (hazham It. Glencoe 3. Chatham wins round 9-5 Clinton 3. Elora 2. Belleville 2, Whitby 1. Belleville wins wound 5-4. Graveuhurst 6. Sutton 4. Thorold 5, Grimsby 3. Thorold wins round 12H). Junior B Guelph 3. Hamilton 1. Guelph wins round 6-3. Magma Fails. 2 Brantford 2 Waterloo 1, Milverton l. Wttter.loo wins round 6-3. Ontario Juvenile Barrie 4. Collington 2. Ingersoll 3, \VOodstock 0. Junior w.0.H.A. Waterloo 7, Hanover I). Watprloo wins round IO-O Hockey Scores ', And Scorers Wins Women's Skating Title 'Canadiens Toronto __.. Iloutreal .. Americans Detroit ' Boston . Rangers (mu-ago Canadians _._.V. " 23 15 5 110 101 " Toronto ___p______ 43 19 20 4 108 104 " 1loutreal TTT .. " 17 17 8 99 W " Americans _._. " 14 26 4 100 140 a United State. Section Detroit '.t__PVt_FV» 43 24 10 9 118 . . Boston .rrrPV_P____ 43 20 17 6 100 100 43 Rangers .vev_t_.__ 43 17 17 9 102 " a Mhieago .. ,__FP-. 43 13 23 7 86 94 " Future Games Tuesday-Montreal at Canadians; Detroit at Boston; Rangers at Ame- ricans. Thursday-Toronto at Montreal; Detroit at 'Rangers; Boston at CM. (ago. suniiar-Montreal at Americans; Boston at Detroit. isatumur-,rtangers at canndlou; Chicago at Toronto. SEXED RAY our mum's AND commas ServiceBrandClIiclls Also PULLETS from 2 wash old to laying Me. Write for "tIT" and price ist. Broaden, Feeders, Fountains and a full line of Poultry Equipment. Watgrloq County Hatchery NEW HAMBURG, ONT. NATIONAL LEAGUE International and PM an!!! . "I Sectlon