"lli?i_siitrjipi, WANTED ' Middle-aged Waterloo woman, married, wants work by any or hour. Exgerienced in housework. Apply to ox 88, Chronicle, Waterloo. Dealers are quoting the following prices tor potatoes delivered in car- lots to Toronto: Prince Edward Island, $1.85 to $1.90 per bag; No. 1 Ontario, 81.60 to $1.66, and New Brunswick, $1.80 to $1.86 nor has. Prices to whoieaale trade are 16 to Dressed weights-FNS, Kitchener, $10.50; London. Hull. $11.15: Peterborough. Chatham, $10.65. Me per bag higher, Livewelghta - Itraattord, $8 Guelph. $8; London, $8; Hull. $8.10 Peterborqugh, A2.85; _Chatharn. $8. Bacon-hog prices moved higher at Guam): and London on Sttunhy. while other reporting markets were steady. Liveweights gained 15 cents and dressed weights 20 cents at the two Western Ontario markets. Apples offered were Northern Spie- " 81.60 to $2.00 I bushel; Merntoahes, $2.00 I bush, tnd Snows " 81.25. Produce prices remained tirm with butter It 26 and 27 cents. eggs at 16 to 22 cents, creum " 15 to 18 cents I pint, and cheese cuts " 16 to " cents I pound. Young chickens brought 22 to 24 cents I sound and yen-Hugs 20 cents. Old irds sold " 18 cents a pound. Picnic hams were quoted at 16 and 19 cents for fresh and smoked respectively. cotton roll 28e, beef rout 12 to 18 cents, rolled beef Me, beef steek Me; veal rout, 22c; veal steak Me; pork sausage. Me for fresh end 24 and Me for smoked; rk chops, 22 to 28 cents; Sider, menu, 25 to M, end beck been!) " cents; summer “usage 26 cents, and home-cured hams 26 cents. ' broysrh.t " e_ents_e pound. - I h; or 45 cent.- tor I lute baht, the nine figures II I _ Mo. Vegetables clued included chhI‘e " 5 to " cents I head, celery 15 to " cents I bunch, turnip 4 and 5 cent: mil. carrots, beets, porsNpa, Mt cents for six quarts, Ind onions 16 to M cents tor 6 quarts; lettuce. 8 heads for 15 cents; rhuLIrb, 10 com: I bunch, ndishea 5 cents I bunch, earrota _ bqnches for " cents.725 cents u bGGi,Gnrauri', lower 15 to 80 cents, t head. Beets sold nt. 2 bunches for 16 cents. loo on 8.th "GiiGG, aa" Ill attended by the and In“ crowd. Potatoes remained steady at 81.80 g In; or 45 cent.- tor u Luge baht Pours Mi.) weeks old to laying .30. Write for catfhgue and price list. Broaden), Feeders, Fountains and a full line of Poultry Equipment. SEXED DAY OLD PULLETS AND COCKERELS Waterloo Market Prices Unchanged ServiceBrand Chicks 1", Poll-n A an Wat_e_rloo_ County Pew 'ttarte were record“ in 8tt “fey! ". the ups-hat in Water- Hog Quotations Hatchery NEW HAMBURG, ONT. Potatoes EBB 810.70; $10.TO; 310.40: - ,7 e _._-‘.- ......-.u. on. gunning. Mr. Reuben Eby visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oswald on Sunday. Quarterly Communion Services will be held at the U. B. Church on Sunday at 9.45 o’clock. The pre- siding elder, Rev. Elmer Becker of Alma Street, Kitchener, will have charge of the service. - Friends of Master Vernon Bow-l man will be sorry to learn he is con-l fined to the house through illness. l Saying “Prosperity is just around [ the eorner" as Weber's Feed truck of Kitchener recently delivered some feed to a local resident who didn't even place In order surelyl is proof of its arrival here. ber - _V -v...†nu: an». n. we- ber and Mrs. Summing Dewitt, Mrs. Max and Mrs. Fred Becker and Miss Louisa Doering all of Kitchener. Thay T,5t,tetegtfr,f, at_ qrs.iltitgr, -_ -‘__. u Ingl-“ “with Those who spent Tuesday with yrs. E. J. Dezitt wage grail. ye- Sunday guests with Mr. and Mm. Gideon Bachert were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eby and Miss Ellen Eby and Mr,;, Land Tr. Wilfred getunttt. - -e--eV ---_r.. TiF..Ml.%P. ULHIICIIUI' on Saturday afternoon. _ Surprise Party. i About M members and friends of the U.B. Church plemntly sur- :prised Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schneller "d Williamsburg at their home on Saturday evening prior to their de- parture for New Germany, where they will take up residence. A few hours were spent socially during which Mr. and Mrs. Schneller were presented with an appropriate gift as n token of r_ernembranee. Re- freshments brought the happy hours to p close. . Rev. ia Mrs. Evan Sider and Master Junior Sider were guests y.ltt, Maggy! yrs. Chas. Schneuer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and children. Miriam, Audrey, Paul and James were Sunday guests with the foierruar.tntsuli.NGGin' Mills. r___ -_.-.. -.. V‘Illlnll um. Miss Myrtle Weber of dt.',',',',':,, Mills spent the week-end at her hox_ne here. Mr. A. C. Becker of Roseville called at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Devitt recently. t l Wedding bells are ringing loud, and clear. I Mr. Homer Devitt spent Sundny afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mry, Ezra Becker. l Miss Beatrice Rickert of Kitch- ener spent the week-end at her home here. Special grade lat grade .Fm...r. 2nd grade VFe.__ ranging from 20 cents for (can to 23 and " cent: for young chickens. Produce ottered included but“: a 27 cent: . pound, can at 17 to 23 cent: n dozen. cream at " and lard at " cents e pound. Cabbuze brought the sine t1euro ,ssaweekneoirttrto 16tasntaa head, turnips 5 cents each. curtail, beets, parsnipe Ind onions 20 cents for 6 quarts, lettuce 8 cents a bend or 2 heads for 15 cents, celery 15 to 25 cents. rhubarb 10 cents, Ind "dupes 3 bunches for 25 cents. Mixed cora GadtairiCii".2s . load Bad hard maple 83.00. tMonday, Petr. 22) Prices quoted by Kitchener ttrms on the above date were as follows: Eggs 8."an iy pontitul on the market but. Sunday morning and found a hit- ly good ale at " to " cut- u pouqd. 2ther poultry 51'th pried Turkeys Mend Kitchener Market Kitchener Produce 'uc9AER.-ry_ you an large . pallets large 'tVV medium pulleu .. Eu. aging 'mr..rr..r.. 10 10 according to weight. Elmer!“ - sua, Producer: Truck Doilvored " " 180 7.. 'AflILOO OHIOIIOLI " " 24 ' Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Pudney of Tor- ronm were guests of Rev. and Mrs. " F. “Schade tor a few days. I Visitors at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ginsu-tum- last Bun- day were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hotl- man and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kneeli- tel and sons. Jack and Gerald of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Otto land 'Miss Gertrude Otto of Pine mu. I Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cane] called I Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gaucho and daughter. Laura visited with Mr. and ers. Christian Gascho at Baden last Sunday. CONTRACTOR FTNED l Alex. J. Selma", Waterloo, was. fined $25 and costs in police court, Friday on a charge of violating the; Industrial Standards Act. Maxis-l trate John R. Blake expressed the: belief Schnan- was acting in good) faith in thinking the contract hel was Working under was started be- fore the act became effective. Car- penters on the job were receiving lea than the code minimum. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cressman of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Castle] on Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snlder ot ‘IGerman Mills called on Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Casspl last Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gischo and children. Laura, John and Lloyd were recent visitors with Mr. John Gaucho and Mr. and Mrs. George Albrlght at Ringwood. Mr. Roy -Dierenbaetusr ot Bridges. port visited with Mr. and Mn. W11- ‘lard Hess last Sunday. 'Brh on Mr. and Mrs: PdtliiiiiiiGCiii Plattsrme Pyrt Vedas-day. Mr. Archie 'W‘mets -l,r" Kitchener was a recent ~visitor with Mr. Wesley ed at thd home ot Mr: Sm; ia. Wi 11am Goet.tlPyr list _mm1ar. ' Mrs. Arthur rBedier, the Misses Elma. Ruth and Ellen Becker and Mr. ?'1rey?scirer of Kitchener visit- Mr. and Mrs. M. ii. Snyder were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lang mfg-alt 1asr'Ntssdar iU. B. Church on Friday evening un- der the auspices of the Women's Missionary Association. The ma$orr ty of the slides which depleted scenes of the mission school and teachers. were especially enjoyed by the large number of children in attendance. Rev B. Gingerich de- scribed the pictures as they were presented on the screen. Personalu. At U. B. Church Interesting and lnstructive pietures of the United Brethren Mission in Canton. China were shown at the China: Picture. Futon-d The February meeting ot the W0- men‘s Institute was held at the home or Mrs, Alex loKessock Int Tu“- day evening. The president, Mrs. A. ‘Futher occupied the chair Ind the \program run opened with a sing-song lot old favorites Mrs. James Htbneyr ‘read ll Valentine utory. "Sweethearts ‘oc Old" after which the Misses Ellen may; and Velma Boner ave s vocal ‘duet entitled, ‘Switwr". Mrs. Clare :Hillsorn presented a paper on the subject. "War Drums Rolling", which depicted past and present interns- Nona! conditions and Mrs. R. R. 'Bailie then gavs‘an account ot “The Royal F Ily" from the time of Queen Vl‘goria to the ascension of King George VI. In conclusion In. F. E. Page sue a reading entitled. "Houseeleanimr". A social hour I“ enjoyed after the program and dun- ty refreshments were servedn Muuion My Mn.- News of III. Von“ - Rev E J. Pudney of Toronto, soo- retary or tho Unovmeluod In!“ hall-ion Board, and Mrs, 'Puduoy, who have just returned from England, " ‘Hvered very interest“); and lamb mauve addresses at the but!!! \church on Thursday "cam. but ‘September (luv. and In. Pad-o: accompanied mu Venn Gem. of this villue Ind other mutton-riot enroute to Atria. n In u England. Miss schade who has been Wm consular-able time studying in Bol- (Nun, sailed from Antwerp on Jun. 28th and arrived on African Ilium on Nb. 18. " will the another month belore she reaches her deltlnntion in the interior at Bongondu, Bel- gium Congo. Woman's "ammo Matting. [£3 l Ten minutes later O'Hara rtFert- tered with a lanky and embarrassed companion. "Colonel". he explained, “there ain’t tt Pole in the otttitt over tNe-foot-eight, but this guy's a Lithu- ania, and whatever you want him tor, I don't believe nobody will ever notice the ditteremee. Tno-A- w Jutdr-tri. In! 'ao-ttmu. Aro-ANCT. om 8.ott-oa. -. "mit-nc' 8.eo--tuatree ut1io-WNAIt, w" 8.80-Nrarrs. Khse-qrBBte. VIA! 8a0--Bthet tyrrtroro--- w" '.86--Bnatd Box 'tero--dmrT. CICY '.0i)--rrod Juuar-armm, WM! '.00--Bor- tare. oreh.-<mut 'Arit--Nirto '"rtirtb--WrBw, WABC '."--B-tr Box 'rt---qrAgtc Lt8e---?.yt "eudo--WMN, wur "uttr-4utw Brut-s-av, "BI "0.lt0-43ttamur M_1--<merr "."---mmtur'a oreb---datem CICY "At0-tC-r'. oretc--AnMN, CICY Regimental headquarters had just been set up and the fussy colonel de- cided that he must have a ttagstatt, “Wars," he told his orderly. "go out and get me a. tall nole-the tall, est you can and." Bamb.-4mat 9.80-M1htuts. WET. CITE t0.00--Bits. CroBttr-ANCT, WEAF ".00-Br the t9--mroc, ORGY 10.00-Flord Gibborts-WABC. WKBW te80--hrnbore---wmue, WJZ "_--"'-.. T.00--Aa- ‘n' tNa-I"','.",. In! '.00-Nuag. 'dm.-- GI. 'Alc '.00-uo 'e---WBatH, "A! '.o.--ue CIN- B-b--grtgaag 'aF--at "uo'r-A3rnB, "lc 8a.-'rar.o Fu----. VIA? trao-Munie Tun-try. cm 'd"-uu P-ee-amor. WADC '.00--B- Imvul. ‘12 '.eo-aeuate, for luk’n "ho-- CRCT. cm, CKOC 9.80-gaee Wih'll'. WA†'.80-trred A"airo-<mca'. 'n' Iratr-Musie to “COMEDY ".00-Coueert Band-air. w" "A"-coaiutitr Sing-80Hâ€? yHt-a.Petr Nil-T'BINL Wu! "aa-iii-dar-dr-Cola."'-";':") “JO-“to- M---AmCT. "a.---.- ITVII'. Wm 11% tm WY "A.--oaruw.' orrb.--4attyr. CKoC "-0.-9omaasute. Oei-.amf.'r T.M-otex 'rooluott-wtm, 'ABC 8.ott-aute Smith, WGR. WAIC bolt-Bud, 'rle---WBRN. Wu! Loo-Echo“ of the Mastet.-<atCT K8F-Dasnee Parade---, 630T 'L90--Dout, ttomr-.BBN, I“? '.00-Maior Bo----. WABC '.00-mu. h Puri-----. ORGY '""r-4"r.tiyy 5-5-9. with WICerloo. I “um I . H!.l-h'y"2' J..udr-y.fAtyNiar 0.41.“ "" "--'- _'._ "our. 0.. r. 3%.“ l.-I.~.ue. cl Tus----, 'm ".--auim, 'aro---AmcT. In too-4.». ._. M_""_ 'w 'a.--- In... Inn. In 1 T.80---hu 'd h "hw,_cm fa.--auerit 'teta-SSL .IMM†,r-9tu.-Arim- '...--usa â€a 'h-.-at l.II L In ttCY Pt-r. & 'ur-Tia' I}: t be.--- mm.“ Y t .t . t. c all. cu: 'a.--- 'umbar--qir. Inn: be-s- “‘4 $24 5:13:10 PROGRAMS LOOK , Rtia:r,E,r,,,yeeij.:iro'"s"iii?ii"i"ri'vti'fs: genenl overhInling will do to bring back the original tone and performance of your radio. Don't be “mad with faulty reception. Let us put our set in shape to enjoy in fulfthe gang: dolls:- prognms now on e . You’ll . be gurpgised what W. an “be" of M M. ‘ut-M' Me, I manual or- †“on service - m. thy., Pine. 'or-thr My " " I160 emu. Thu 37336.5; 'rffp.er.treteb.rs n- m Expert Work 4hanmatteed A Phil-:0 Service PM u explained by Bonk. Carter. 24 BENTON sums-r mumv RADIO MANUFACTURERS SERVICE oo Makes Your Radio LIKE NEW u. Inn. '11 but “am t---wi, um -WNAM. In mbat--Tir, "at was. cm '"trc.-d?yyitnar Mr. Here’s what we do: Let us tune-u your Radio n -'-e"..r-. ""'"-r"-"iT ".-Aa- my“. CICY trca'at ",?dt'dtt.tcih'i,SF M -'. n ._ ABC 'OF-ar-mod '1omb-4: . Um ".--..tia 'rA.r-'ra1T'%'fg ’Hh-Jkr'u marina. '1: "6--Ti. It." D.---) "r-P-ttei-di-ii-, any ".0.--rtr" 'Nrtoe-artmk. 'w "a.---. "r"----. clot . - .1 check [round “I... . and! new connection. . Ch“ msd Polish “in". PHONE 18664 Write In Walnu- St. - Kittie-or Hole 4591 Listen to CKCR at " AM. Daily - Private Astrological Read- ing with Horoscope $1.00 Give Complete Birthday. - KITCHENER have: mud can -ut, “our and [9.44; Inspect pd check no Input and nah-tun "mi.. a... dam but “We! than“. You ' and! W. 'gttey Ind lulm’m. a..." a“, Prmeutoa" trrtoeru. din-cat u "at...“ PROF. MIRZAR LOG or STATIONS rraGGr%i..CCihT' 2.299.22de light-l“