Farm Changes Hands. Christian Z. Gerber has disposed 01' his land adjoining the {arm ot Maurin- Fitz John to Mr. Fitz John, known as tho Andrew Playford farm. Sand Icy Roads. Com1ly patrol men 'Henry Schmidt nml Angus Voll and trucker ware busy Monday sanding the Icy roads which won in it dangerous condition. chlld Baptized. Baptismal service was observed at l'm- home of Mr and Mrs. Alfred Hahn last wruuk, when their infant son Lloyd was baptized. Rev. W. s'ohttltr. or Linwood oitieiated. Miss Clara Bast of Waterloo spent tht: woekind at her home here. Mrs. Ernst Schmidt of Brunner ls cpentlint,r wwrnl days with her daughter, Mrs. Alfrnd Hahn Reports Presented, Tho annual meeting ot Boyd Church was held In tho church last Wednesday Reports were very w Hammon- showing the current ex- w-nsm togother with the missionary "Horatio" had boon mot, leaving a balance on hand for rurronl ox. 130mm“. Tho official board ot tho Linwood‘ rllargv (1 points) will 1w held in the lulled Church, Linwood on Thurs-| any owning. January 28 at ll pan. slim Kmhlonn Richardson tel Imam»: James or Groontown. Ohio,! visit) git (It-0m" Richardson on Monduy (Wolllllg, l Te Raise Funds For New Scale. i A nwvtinw “us hold in the town. ~lilp hall on Saturday evening with A view of having the Crosshill Scale l.-lmill_ when John Lather and Angus Voll my» appointed to solicit contri- lmilmm and iutpoN at a meeting In thr lmmuhlp hall on Tuesday. Feb. L’ml .l' 2 pm Tho scalp has now brtvtt " 1m: illlo for a number ot your! mu “Mil " llliln labor and nxpenw rvnld ht aenirPrrut in working order which “null! [m rnry convenient. MN. Harvvy Hackbart ls spending >1 u-ml days at tho home of Minn G. I..-is near MilNttY llurn Near Millbank, on Friday Jul Ztllll‘ to Mr. and Mrq Allan G lnla’, a daughter to. me . . . . . . k, a†_ Right now .1 lion: h 0 ll. a [0. " nonumiu a 'dth 1T,',,,tt', no: In P . 'ty. ', “on. te,?. tho bud- - _ .e OLA-u“ - An. in Muster Milling Co. M. L. Weber . - J. Lots . . . Huohn Bros. . - bead" they give that mean EXTRA DOLLARS -r,,re, Right now .1 lion: h 0 no III [OI " no“, on 'ltd In 'dth novel In a no: In produc- 'ty. ', “on. and tho bud- ".at- _ .e thonulvu no In - shape, healthy, wavy And at ludinq Hm. Iboy'ro always on tho Iob. (‘1 â€Lard REE 'lltti. I?“ And my hogs too. . 4"““9' I'm using ROE t8IE Wendugvow Hog [go Cancun-u dong 'ttl" with my own quill. ' I've kept locum. _ - "cords of tho womb“ and rum ot my pigs. the amount o can: uvod, and tho In!" month I'm chunky. and tot In. toll you right now, Brothor, ROE Wondorqrow Hog Concoutnlo In the grub-t dividend - I have ova: bought. And to you farm folk. ovary- when, let mo tell you ROE Farm-proven Feeds will make you mere money. ROE FEEDS sold locally by ,9va D GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Located In Steele'a optical Purim-I. " King St. W. - KIM RESULTS CROSSHILI. v .'.y Modern t . Prices You bet I don't 'UNK,, Dairy gown. J'lk Dotty Conccnlnus no helping to make my court I paying proposition. MIMMl-IIY-In Glasses That Satisfy . Kitchener St. Jud†"sTELtiillegir,'.S" "maker's The Young P0oMee M of the noon United Church add it. met- in; on My evening with mu Audrey Tee! in the chair. A ruling was given by Will-u Wolfe and Mrs. M. Fisher chose as her topic. "Tho Christian Family of Worship". The meeting wu cioned with the Mizpah benediction. . Mr. Chm-Ion - And In. N. Quick wen vmwn In PM on rm". mu by Jon. wu u 'tBitgte In Payton an M. mu Von: (heeMaad ot Ma was visiting at tho home ot her no ther, In. o. Goddard. _ The Prabyterhn Young People's Sc clely held their meeting on Thurs- day ortsutntr as a sock) evening. A number ot diluent men were on- Joyed retrpshmontn were served at. tho close. Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Volnln spent Sun- day at the home ot Mr. and In. Maury Hieronymus ot Henson Road. Mum Louise ooddud ntd"lef, at tho home or Mr. and I. Tony Nadrotstry ot Pro-ton on saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gnlllette um daughters Viviana and Winnie and Fred Morgan went. Sunday " the home ot Mr. and In. Bert Winter- meyer ot Kitchen". . A number or members ot the Deon United Church and friend. shout thirty gathered at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Fisher on _ nesday evening in form ot a inrewell party in honor at Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stoskopt and Dorothy end Dalton Btoskopt, who are leaving the village at the end ot the month. Mr. and Mrs. stoslmpt were presented with a beautiful tloor lamp. Stenley Kin- sie read the address and Mrs. B. Fisher made the presentation. Tho evening was enjoyed in progressive (rekinole Harold slee won the high prize and Miss Susie Eshleman the consolation. Dainty refreshments were served at the close and a good ( time was reported by all. new. Walter Patterson ot Preston conducted the service at tho Doon Prosbytorlan Church. The oholr sang tho anthem, "He Abldes With Me". Rev. C. Herbert Waltz ot Galt con- ducted the service at the Doon Unit- ma Church on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Soyier and son Wilfred visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weitlaui'or at BurttMdo. Miss Otillia Mohr is buying some- time with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Ben- der and Mr. Bender at Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Roth and daughter Muriel ot Strattord spent 2llt'" with Mr. and Mrs. Alvln El t. mas Moms Kaufman ot Tnvlstock and Mr. Alvin Wettlauter spent. Bun. day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Seyler. Mr. Clayton Mohr and son Walter and Mr. John Mohr spent “(My with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bender at Elmira. Misses Hilda, Irene and Marie Dooring made a friendly call on Misses Helen and fIllldn Soyler on Sunday afternoon. (“i-IE; Erurisn is spending a neck with "lends atprathorii. . Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Berg and family Halted Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Doorlng. Miss [Emolla Doorlng spout Sun. day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dom-m. - .. . WEE 's'e'v'vE' Club ot Wane-toy spent one evening last week at the homo ot "Mr. and Mrs. J. B. knowing. We are glad to report that Master Dale Ehnos ls up and around agatu utter a recent operation. -- _ . Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Faulhnfor and daughter of Weliealoy and Mrs. Miriam Burchaizki and daughter Minnie ot New Marntturg spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Isak): Martin. Mr. hound Earhart ot noubmk called on Mr. Reuben swartsetttrutttyr on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Swim-non- trubor and family upon»: Sundsy with Mr. and Mn. Emanuel Roth at PunhtodoodWtr. Mr. and Mn. Wilfred Schlegol and son “farms and Messrs. Alvin and Earl Schlegol spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schlegsl. "%ruirrrriyiioi." B. Bowman of Rosebank visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Down-n on sundny. - -- -- ,, .nAA__‘ A. , 'r"ii"".iiiUG ~11}; 'Bbsun and Lilly Von: called on Mrs. Roy Schle- gcl on Frlday, attlr?.oort. "iii..' In? ii-G." iiiriG Maine] ot Vlctorlabnr; and on Mr. and Mrs C n Janul on tratyrdtanfnPolc, . v. Tr.. """-"'". ___ - Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jana! Ind daughter Grace. Doris and Bm and Mm. J. Zehr spent Sunday with Mrs. Dmcllle brhr ot But Zorn. -TGGL..aruiuikr, Jan. m. to Mr. and Mrs, Jacob SrhnMdN‘. n dumb: (or MS“. and Mrs. John Hyer ot North Euthope spent Wednesday with Mr. ma Mrs. Albert scum. PHILI PBBURG PINE HILL Tu'mcmmw humanitarian-hall “I“ â€harm I. Rheumllc condition†no Mt- tr an real: or n We! uric maid In the body. Two ot tho trtareAi-tn a! [trachea Baits In noun. tor our work in dissolving we um. Other Wont.- ot that sat: a- m than to an! tho di-Need Midd!ebrook defend Bethany. Arias hockey team 8 to 5 In the more arena Monday night In . Rural Hockey game. The much we! a wide open "air u the score Indicate: and both team; went out mar goats with abandon. While thin 100115qu the detenelvo play It made the con- teat much more escitintraad made the gene that much more Intercit- ing. new from the vain. Bethany-Arias Six Drop Rural Game R. Pritchard and C. Anderson led the winners with three goals each. while H. Pritchard and W. Andaman got the others tor their tum. For Bethatty-ArUs Vtumorman, lie-with- erlck. E. Channel-lulu, J. Anderson And A. (number-lain did the scoring. Each mm had two was. W. Anderson two and Roth two, then being the only culprits In the battle. The teams: Midd1otsroott-<httu, Forbes; de. fense. Gatnmie, Bosomworth; centre, TI. I'ritehard; wings, R. Ulet',','. and Boulton; spares. W. Ande on. ‘0. Anderson. Bethany‘Arlse - Goal, McMahon; defense, VanNormw. Btstortttteriek', comm, E. Chamberlain: will“. War- ren. J. Anderson; sou-ea. A. Chant barlaln, Norris and Roth. Mr. Chrlstlan Hauck, aged 74, was badly Injured early Monday morning when he slipped and te0 from icy steps at tho home ot Mr. Henry Relu- hart. Medical exnmlmtlon revealed several fractured rlba and possible internal Injurles. Mr. (Hanoi land a bad nccldent several years ago which almost cost his lite at that fitmt. - iiitGeirL.mieord" Mamand. Elma. Rib: Broken In Fall. A 7 A large number ot this district at- tendod the hockey game at Toronto Maple Lear Gardens, between Tor- onto Maple Lents and New York Rangers supra-y 3mm. Spock! ---dettN.llrb_. 'ii?iiLirtaiieeiiii,rtiiie,1gt,th, and district dealers or the In†I on EAR-VIE {crowd Utimated between five and six hundred: tans. 7 _ -inr.uskurs. clarehce Roth and daughter Carole spent Sunday with Mr. Roy Schgrrer at Kent Metrott. V Mir irea Mouse and James Dugsan spent Saturday In Toronto.. _ "irrsCrhizatieti, Roth returned to her home here from a visit in Tor. onto and Paris. _ -.ihiiG Kink and new MeMahott at Guelph spent Sunday with molr parents here. . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Vase] and daughter Doreen trom tho West, Mr. William Vogel and son Arthur of Erbsvme were Friday visitors at the home of Mrs, ctrthorims Schnngr. Tiii. wars' 35531711", btâ€" kitchen“ spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. Manna 'Brutsaeher. WM“. Valentine ottotheia ot Wu- terloo visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary Stiller. - __ _ __ Sunday guests with Mr. and Mn. Willlam Fool-star were Mr. and Mm. Fred Daimler. Mr. and Mrs. Edvard Koenig and children Betty and Ber- nice, Miss Mildred mentor or Kitch- ener and Mrs. John Koenig ot Lin. Mr. and Mrs. William Schaner, Mr. Walter Schanor and Min Pearl Schlltt of St. Jacobs callod on friends here on Sunday. l 7 Mr. Mahlon Shunt: from no“ Sny- dur's Corner spent sundny with his frlond. Leonard Bruhafher. _ Mr. and Mrs. Prod Vanuler. the Muses Marie Kramer and Helen Ottorbein and Mr. Garbtld Wynne!" an of Waterloo were Sunday visitors “Ah Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Krlutor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Slider and Mr. Oscar saltlor Bpont Sum!†with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dammelr. Lln- Tho attendance at the school has boon quite small. Mnny children trm lng tvottfltted to their homes with colds and mention, _ Mr. Ed Vol-In ot St. element; has tho contract to wire our local whoa]. It is expected that hr the and ot the week the lights qua be taped on: The Ladles' Aid ot St. Peter. tar ihornn church are muting up a halo ot bedding and clothing tor needy [a milieu in tho Canadian North-Welt. Anyone wishing to cottttrtttttur my loam same at the home of MN. Hor- man Huehn. The 'bllo will be um the flrM Wk in Fobrunry. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11001): ot unver- ton “mod Mr. and Mm Wllbm- Hyde one dny [at (at A - _ . "in: iGrdir" any ot Atwood spent tht wmatnd ttttfr homo 319:0, Dr. and Mn Humid Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. 'llowlrd Mason ot Tomnto visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wrny Inn Sunny. "V Mi; w. mm went Sammy with trietttde In Atwood. Mr. Eds-r Ruthorford of Toronto went the week-end with his wants, Mr, 1nd Mrs. Juno: Rutherford. Minn June Cogmin of Atwood open . the woekond with nor you! ' Mr. and Mrs. 000. Cash In. Mn. R. Pittman round homo utter and!†the with with Mr. And Mrs. John 'tMeth-n Ind “ally a! “ram. Mr. Eds-r Rutherford of Toronto _ rem the week-end with his pants, I r. ma Mrs. Juno: Rutherford. l Minn June Coghlin of Atwood open r woekond with hor Et.'? ' nu r. and Mrs. 000. Cash In. M: Mn. R. Pharaoh round Tt mo utter and!†the until an Mr. And Mrs. John Moot-n an HEIDELBERG E5 MILL-ANK ‘u Hotels - Travel - Resorts BUSINESS SUMMARY 0000mm Ontario wholesale trade ls (brisk. Retail business is experiencing a sea- Hamil lull, following the Mutant Chrlamma trade ““433 Coupe- ttona are tair to good. Mmutuctur- mg output continues annually in excess at a yen no. Automobile Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dimmeler and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. John HoftrnBnn near Wells-lay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Soyler and non Norman spout Sunday Inn-noon with Mr. and Mrs, Amos Lichty no“ Cranium. Sundny visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lips were Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Schlaxel and Ion Nor. man of Glonullen, Mr. and Mn. Joe Vol-In ot Doon and Mr. And Mn. Henry Hieronymus. Mrs. 'Reubon Salton and humor- Eluo and Dorothy mm Sum!†with Mrs. John Kropf. Mlu A. Arnold wont. Sunday u the homo or Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Roi- Mr. Mervin Krone of Third "no spam Saturday evening with his pur- ems Mr. and Mrs. John KropL Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baylor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seym- u Wallosley on enmity. Mr. and Mn Norman Semen] Ind n ot Glonnllen - the wool-0nd gm: Mr. And Mrs Henry Hierony- Ill Mr. Charlie Senor! held m alumi- num demonstration at the homo ot Mr. and Mn. Ramon Sonar! on Tlglgndty owning. Mr. 06min mil-canal. - in day with Mr. Norman aroma. Lowest Prices in the Olly I QUII'I’. WILL OOIDUOTID. tttttttttttttRK', IODIIN loo I00. tut"t.-" WITH Bay" - FOR VOLDII IAII A DI IJJII TAXI Iâ€. - " t.t"ttP-atHt MAUSBERG’S ANNIVERSARY SALE 1llfWl8lllrllllillttr'8 'r. and Mn. Joan Kano! - HESSEN ROAD HMJMMOIVIODMVHI 500‘th lulu-anvil. “lg. Theo ly I 35:...“ at“... uylu GU W Milk. Ge Intro-l - pried at a If†- cant. saving L. thu ou..-- " $2 " " $5 [0313313 COME EARLY! COME EARLY! manufacturers are nesting peck pro- duction, although in some quanta output has been temporarily restrict.. ed as a result ot labor troubles in the United States. Foundries are still busy. while tool, die and put- tern when report seasonal spoken- ia." nriuiuiis 'trs operating at higher levels than for some years, - duo to more-led demand tor Saturdny ovenlng with Mr. and In John Knopf. Mr. Ind Mrs. Wm. Golttech spout Sunni-y evening with Mr. um lrl. Jacob Roland. The bunco club mu " the hon. of Mr. Ind Mn. Rouhm salon on Tuna-y evening. marine Dam- meler and Mr. "cot, Knntn won tho that prim with the eottsoutlott prllon going to In. Pttillte Dunn and Mr. N Goodwin mar Mar. m. let', an "can; vu Iâ€! In "tttt " and and plum. Why Endure Ill Health? The PHYSICAL CULTURE HOTEL, Inc. DANIVILIJ. m You I“ Mk - d [d vii-NI - was. Cut loose from old fashioned traditions of illness and enjoy sparkling personality and m abun. dance of pep, my and radiant Thousands have become well and strong at P.C.H. aimply by Ieam. ins and using natural health lam. No dmp. medicines no: open- dons. Tmined medalists teach the magic teach as developed by Bemarr Madden after fifty years of research and experimentation. Play while getting well and see daily imerovarrtent. Entertainments, dancing, spam, moderate exer- cise, singing classes, walking par. ties, gamer, congenial companions, delightful atmosphen of friend- linua and good fellowship. Ideal for vacation. All haul mfom and mice. Book of Vlews and moderate me schedule on request. Crmfidentut --no obligation. fab-wlutwm‘ giaFiiCttikitetr._-g1tirt EARLY! Nomwlliui’w-l-thhcxdth: Wool Frille SKIRTS mr.Aarit1lt__ei-it _ SEVENTH mmavoabtot-my. lulled Baldy-WWâ€. Gullah; with two season satin lining. FUR COATS automobile, railroad, Itructuru sud mining equipment. unnatural im- plement companies ere busy on both domestic and export orders. Tsa- ueries are moderately active. Shoo :actorie: are well engagd and orders tor spring delivery no being re- ceived in isatufaetory volume. Tire and rubber footwear commits. can! lit-dud. of beautifully W Illa M-udndwmvhhm trgut."L"durTtt"; Allah- e-g-uk-J-s .E-b.“ etr.e, LADIES' WINTER COATS tinue to be won 00::an Tatum iiiuii "'me - “Tub-T; ua. Tim. gig-Id. Solo. C... only! To ALL unions m WESTERN CANADA rdiaFtarr. /duo 0- {slot EXCURSIONS liriC'i GGia ar -- T‘m' ---' "_-" I) Pa".'..' 1.Tdl'b2"=fg hunt 'et "’ iiGWGirTd"bta" -rGiiGNGa" -"_-_" in; or parlor :34 SW 0'0..." .1 " mun-my IN. " all; plan R0U'rEB--'rtek.t. cood (all. " Port Arthur. Ont., Armstrong. Ont. Oil-III. Ill. or Saul: an lurk. nun-Mu do an. mun and In. only. Oct-nu optional rontlnll. tgToPovi-wfttMtt It'll "I“ " laid. both "In. and retqrraui-" Port Arthur. Ont.. Arm-tuna an. All mt: .m n Chi-(o. m., uh in Ila-Io. Mich†,'p1,,a,1'. In meal-nu with mm. ot Mud Inu- “I... 8 " $10 ul 815 CANADIAN PACIFIC APNatR't'tWNa II no mom.- pam SLEEPING CAR "mugs: Arrow Basses 'io-am'--,'.,'-,,.',?,."--""'"'""""". Walkerton - . pm. (9.45 Ban, Snturduz, Bunch! and Ham! To Toronto .4! trips duly via Guelph. Gout-3.1mm. Bram:- ton. - x0.00 Ban., 8.00 1.111., 11.80 Batt., 8. 0 p.m.. 5.80 pan., 7.45 pan. 7 ___ x - Dally except Sundays. Email“: --7 trite To London _.3 trips an, -- via 868mm - 11.05 m. 8.85 pan., 0.80 an. Sundays and Wm mo at "tttran, 299-9“ Letth 1tre.trletr City Pun-got no Killâ€: W. _ To Owen sniiacit _tyirta dnilr. To Goderich -2 trips dully - vi- muhon. Clinton - 11.05 q 3.111., 6.7870 9.111. To Sand: -1 trip any - vi- mum - was an. To Hamilton -.= tripe an; - , 3.111.. 11.8 mm Special Bargain At Lowest Prices in the City. ONE RiihTiWE MILE "an!" out Ur Write. - at cull for “loll-In. rat... on. Fad Wanton. I†Kin. Stud But. â€(about - PM†mo CENTRAL ONTARIO TRAILWAYS TORONTO Full â€149191111191 - My r3536 in“ . Return Limit: " anâ€. WEAR COME EARLY! COME EARLY! --t-I-_tl-. - T-eb--'. ----- Leave from Kitchoner depot - opposite Cit. Hull. ArrItA?1VM_hrT33.r, kinks-ct. (ht. 'tring, Plus: Ladies In 9.45 "pg Gai" {65597730 - Windsor; hm; 11.8l dull! 121 King St. E. Kitchener OPP. CITY HALL LADIES WEAR woollen and hosiery mill. ere oper- ating at or near enmity. Furniture lactoriee senor-11y ere buy. Pulp and paper mills lure almost ttnuhed log cutting. Gold production [or the eleven month. ended November Mth tanned 813,000,608. competed with mm in the corresponding pe- riod in 1886. . :erh It. Forests Durham - A Value Panda Fa" infatuation " to Round Ttlp CANADIAN NATIONAI. . mm cuss m: 0 “TERMINATE rm q 00A“ PM o. applied!†to any Agent. winn- wan-111.. Mpg, We the blue 2e,t was clan tat 'Wu,'t can um: night: in m Hollywood. ,rtnrrehdeqo6rxmtm. . .lncludethe Pftrtuysqe Candi-n Racking. These low fare- â€macaw theseiendnraheed... Wham reht1ntaat%mme-timt...1rt aiaiiGrfaisark _ and mm _ a! no an. out. Standard Time tydikTi, Schedule on