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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Jan 1937, p. 8

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Frank Andaman ggATtnrmLiiL---The funeral of Frank Anderson, last surviving mam. her of the John Anderson family, was held Wednesday to the family p'ot at Pine Hill cemetery. following new vices at Glendenning Funeral Home. Plattullle. Mr. Anderson. who had lived alone. two miles south ot this place, since the death ot his sister and brother several years ago, passed, away Sunday at rr.-w. Hospital, Kit- choner. He trtttttrrerd from a hm condition. Surviving are two nephews. George Coxson and George Mum“ and three nieces. Mrs. John Penn, In. Winhm Penn and In. t Calder. m of ”Imus. The funeral was held Sammy morning to St. Clement's RC. church followed by interment In the adiois in; cemetery. YOU KNOW THAT Surviving are six sons and tour Guzman, William ot Cailander, Charles of Trout Creek, Otto of South Bend, md., Frank in British Columbia and Alex and Fred of this place. Mrs. E. Immune, Mrs. Jon. munching”. both of South Bond. Mra. Cecelia Schneider, Detroit, and Mrs. John Miller. Bamberg. Forty Windham 36 great grandam. dun. one brother, Louis ”you. Kahuna, Tnd, and one sister. In. M. Dossman. Minimum also survive. 1!. W. no. Gertrude M. in born In mm. m was In in m yen. Ska In . but!" .0! the "" Willi-n he“. who do! seven month- Mo. She an a non- bor of St' Pan“ 1.11am church. and”! on operation. Wed, who was so years ot I86. VII n welltnown timber, and mid- od in North Dnmtriea tawnlhlp three miles northeast ot Ayr. He won Ill- tts-Md, and in unwind by three lil- terl, In. Stenhonse, [He-polar, In. Hall. Neopawa. Ian. and In. Me. Swan River, Inn. In. William Fen. Kitchener. here getieal Church 1- duo one brother, Theodore MM She k survived by two brothers W" :end one sister, Juob B. Hertha and Noah Martin, end was Hattie Mar- Johm White till. all of Wnterloo. The rum-.1 ATTL-oohn White. North Dill!- wilt be held on Wetland-y at 2.80 MOI “wimp. dittd on “mm! at from the Utter Fuller-e! Home to can Mttattital. He had been m“ nth Street Ienhonite cemetery for to the tttBtittetitttt In tho Don“!!! and Mid-l. Rev. Kellemn will be in Br. 4m1BhErBtPT'S.---Mra. Magdalene mmMshtrertrer died here Thursday after tut lune-e ot tour months. The downed. who was In her 78th year. wa- born in Wellesley but had m aided here tor the put 40 you-l. She m predeceased " her “ma eleven yous no. Bhtt in unwind by her III-W. In, John Albrecht. one datmtttor, Dorothy, at home. and he: ”that. In. William Fen. “when“. Mo 1- duo one brother, Theodore M. a.» human“. and "let, w mm. o. m o. lanthanum. 1w'1iut'"','I,'eTuf.t'dr,'et ngmbymmWMe-.my ”MI-i- al two CNHNI. M Ibo amdarnasooatsriruth.o-imoee iGiauGVaruou.ur,_1eaa-rrtete_ye" .tu..Ftonu-.n.viosi.ttrT'oeaaut mt-tEr.andMrs "oaum.auttrs.iar,-,Neuke MMMMI‘ W. In"! to uncut! who" the my -- mud. mum-WW “out.“ motatoteru.wtmmwaramagttt" "- up... AMI wan-u... a worker In clumh ch11... - - mmmnwuloon. gEtt-r,nrhowa-trt- tna-ttore-a-he-e" mmmmgmm manhunt-nuns“. - ”a, at In home “My. avid-01mm $ehreiter - Sandrock Limited _ FUNERAL HOME " Benton Bt., M4480 Mn. M. mum.- T"'ffy'f, loo-“m ”volt-luv. PREtmNC.--MrB. minor H. Smith of Preston died hem Smithy She was a daughter of the late Mr. l and Mrs. Moses Weber. She was married on Dec. 12, 1902. to Henry, Bowman at Guernsey, Sash. and was tl member ot Erb Street Mennonite church, Waterloo. l Mrs. Bowman is survived by her husband. four sons and one dausttr. ter, Norman ot Waterloo, Clare. Wal- ter, Mervin and Miss Edna Bowman, all at home. There are two brothers, Alvin Weber, residing near Heidel~ berg. and Abram Weber of Kitch- ener. One son Paul predeceased her. she was also predeceued by two sisters, Hrs. Norman about: of Free- port and Mrs. Emanuel Bowman of Piorada'e. Mn. Elizabeth Clam" Ay1R.--Mra. Elizabeth Ganglion, 29, died Friday in Chatham. In. courts eil, who had been m only a short time, was the mother ot Mrs. (Rev) J. W. Currie, Ayr. She was descend- ed from Highland Scottish ancestors, her parents settling on the shore of Lake Erie near Bandeau. Mrs. E Ganglion was the last of the family. having been predeceased by three brothers and one sister. Mrs. Henry s. sown-n Mrs. Henry S. Bowman, 68, died on Saturday at her home near Waterloo, following an extended Illness. The funeral will be hold " 1.30 pm. Tuesday from the residence in Waterloo township to M street Mennonite church. Waterloo, for m vices at 3.16. Interment will he made in the Mennonite comm. Rev. Jesse Martin, pastor ot the church, will was“. tailoring mm. In. . "der. London; In. cum a to... all In. are, Wilt“. mm Otto murmur. In. John ”I. and, m-In and three grandchil- tamn. um. Gertrude ml may der 1100 - l The remains will be a the Letter Funeral Home until 10 um. Tues- day when they will be removed to the residence. The funeral will take place from the residence at 2.80 o'clock Wednesday, with services at m. John's Lutheran Church and in- terment in Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. C. B. Roberts will be in charge. John Hart John Han. died on Jan. 17 at Wood- stock. following an attach of influen- Ba. He was born In Mlldmay 69 years ago and tor a time In! a ro- aident of Kitchener. The funeral was held In Woodstock. 1 Be is survived by his wife, four sons, Herbert and Call of St. Jacobs, Oscu' and Albert of Water- loo, and one daughter, Mrs. Albert Kil1inn of Kitchener; 3130 one bro- ther, Gus Schmidt, Waterloo, and two sisters, ten grandchildren and twig-root grandchildren. . - Edward A. Sch-Ht Mr. Edward A. Schmidt placed my " his home. 79 Alexandra Ave" on Monday morning. He wu born in Germany and came to Can- al. with his parents at ten yells of use and has lived in Waterloo pmticnlly all his life. He was formerly employed at the Dominion Ties amp-ny- _ _ U .. - M. In. curls. “713...qu _,tttdtttteteetee.te Tho me In. “It“ as born at so \mber " mu. m Wealth! in. am. lath: Martin In.“ an n tho home of her brother, Jute; B. lath. " louno SK, wank», on loud”. She lived in 'Mloo fortt6ri.mnnd-afhithftt1 “be of the Emmanuel Enn- Mn. Mortimer H. mm- III-built“ III IAuuLoo "ltfif1LA' rafter a lengthy illness. In. Smith' was a former regent ot the Pro-ton Chapter, Imperial Order, Denghters ot the Empire, a member of the Vie.! torfan Order ot Nurses and of Know Presbyterian church. Born in our Bay, NS., she cum; to Preston 16 years ago from mums, N.B.. where“ |she had resided for seven "yo. I Representatives to the joint music and attendance omcer committee: H. W. Wagner, convener. C. J. Maeore- Kor, Fred Schiller and J. H. Ziegler. PinamNy--M. K. IBraendle, chairs man. Fred Schilter. J. H Ziegler and H. W. Wagner. Representatives to the Joint school nurse and welfare committee: Dr. F. F'. Zwick. convener; Chas. J. Mae Gregor, M. E. Braendle and A. E. Lowe. The Board reported a balance for 1936 ot $244.20. or receipts totalling 371318.46. teachers salariee total%d $37,647, instructional equipment 8t,- 481, maintenance and operation of schools 8101602 and debenture pey- ments, $18,973. L Chairman P. Ruen'er Is an oz.otrteio member of alt committees. Surviving are her mound, two sons, David and Donald and the :19- ters, Mrs. G. Lei-lemon of Ottawa, Mrs. Malcolm McKinnon ot Granite- vme. Vt., Mrs. John chonnld and Miss Annie Mucky of 01878 Bar, 'N.S/. and Mrs. J. M. McDonnell at New York City. (Continued from P119 " repairs at Central School, and repairs and changes to the Alexandra School heating and ventilating Inteln. Property and purchulnH. a. Ziegler, chairman. Fred Schiller as- signed to Elizabeth Ziegler school, W. W. Sham: assigned to Central school and ' H. Lowe assigned to Alexandra School. Red Cmu Workers Bald the, worst was yet to come. Even when floodg subside the task ot returning families tn ruined hon: will remain. Zwick, A. CT. Iowa and H. W. Wag- LET. n was estimated that at but. 1,000 persons still were marooned in the Ohio Valley, in flooded homes, in trees or belated hilltops. lines in “outlier-n Illinois were barricaded to prevent seepage, which might leave hundreds ot miners joblou for months. The “standing committees appoint- ed are " {0“on Management -- Chairman. W. W. Shana, n. E. Brmdle.'Dr. P. F. Arur--su clue- and town In nonhmt corner ot We inundated. Acute short-goo ot food. ml. cloth. in; and drinking water upon-ted. Ami-typhoid mm mbod. Rector. Ark., report: more than no inn-can cases and an illness was 1M3. Tq-to-two known d . thou-and- homoleu in northwest corner ot sum. Government be." tour nooded urea to rescue ttrmimm marooued in tToodod hon“. Cam- bvrland River rising. -ktq9----Mitmutsippl River to- ported ruin; menacing”, although engineers tenants statements that thy do not expect disaster. Freezing told adds to "ibrrintr. _ ‘.m.mmuu _r'2ri'CiiTiJGrG7liiii'iiii'i"i't" Iva-nth Ian-u vim-cull ‘mmmmw‘h "mums-1mm auo--q.rt-6. to dau, m am all! tho-chock grotto-rm- ttB-to. Mullah; in Inc. (to. tmm It (not. m on noon. B.." To!» tenth] rah. m. toreed mo oped under au, driving rain. an In." run an“ hop. of I... diato flood mm In at. Pt-st. and mun-1m Valleys. ”no.“ or a" (with. out a grub an." In sum love.- neor Minn: lo. Waterloo No em chase for use of our home-like Funnel-d Chapel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. B. - Phone 677 (On-dud no. but " Fred Rueffer Dali all It is alleged. however, that he forces his no! to rebate portions ot their wages. am: keeping his pay- rolls below (hoods minimum. Who. ther the men, who are fearful tor The moot notions manhunt Is one against 3 contractor who u said to be employing what is owed a "kick- back" system. On the surface the emphyer In qua-don liven up to the provision; at the Industrial sund- ards Act by working " men the re- gulation nunbet ot hours and that ing them 0060 m s Claim Violations Kitchener P.U.C. of Industrial Act' Restores Salaries KirN9H_--Attmrtsd violluonu or the Mum-m Standards Act tn this section will he Investigated by an otneUt of the Ontario Damn- mant or W. it is learned here. Member: or the Kitchener-Waterloo Building Trade- Advbory Bond claim "a number" ot charges have been but who! employers ot labor who are all! to be aiding the 'ret vision: ot the building codes. s'p " Cr" J, g ", “21ARDI f 'ry"l"Mri ___ "i"irliiir'"-s"s iPA M‘“6- _ I _CS", ""-'iPi'i')'i'sas',5, cd Mi??? a'iirrtS 'df% rc/di; k't" t?3),tc':,i, ”ifggé fig rd?) 's's'sRits ' “Ii5°-” “3%.! . NN 1:3“ "1'iciti/: lb!” _ c rp, *,8T", 'ii:t5l.:'c?,i) “fjwmfi «a 300.11 4owby-Cmforituw7 'u-u. ogre "KHem.s. A. G,, EU LER Wu Modem Department Store Telephone 950 SAVE mm THE Tm or "wm6L--" you thHrooh-too-h-htoFahuu6ohgr.d" Hem/med, Free GOUDIES cumin. “£5.th -r-the-rt-trioessmtut -_t0nmd....h-dhe. It's an and "toe, WATER!“ _ Klmnmnm - Following the :example not by the city council the \pubiic utilities, cotrtmitrtritttt In: I" ‘smred salary cuts imposed in 1m. 100 per cent. on sunrise up to 814800. Aio per cent. trom 81,800 to sun, and 25 per cent. over 82,M& 30- class are paid on an hour Mali It cause moat of the men in the Int was diilicun to readjust their ”181.: other than by giving them compute returns. “I can sympathise,” replied the other, taking a small box mun lb pocket. "Hare, try some ot thin.” “Is it really good.'" “Wonderful. I have had huh» tor tun-weight you: and new: use anything em." their jobs, will give evidence in not known. "1 have a bad snack ot 1mm this summer." one cunninglnm - and to another. EL: ”.m‘l. 1.1

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