wif“; hostility was scrawled on Will's nos. "Women' are the damned- on!" no ma. lugs Mom“ Mtt iran, (lie. You- occupy tho cabin alone for a. day or two. John can come up later." - _ John nodded. “He's going to the can on Norm I'm going to â€It him this afternoon. q A untied expression came to " Me. Then she sat down and mu! anally. “It‘s too bad. John. but you can‘t ge-not today I’ve planned too my things." She nttatted him n whee that was a steel-blue conn- mnd. "Pm sorry, Will--, didn/t n m an indirect apology, u dose to an amnesty an Will could me†an unmnce that the old “mutton I m um , Will's restlessness did not w; ' " “nuns, it increased. m a. m "at-err.'---., ml om eyes. all the nae. or his not deepened. He went to the ulna-one! and poured himself a my of M m undo Inkling. no gulp“ n avidly and m that moment. In!“ eB$llM5 ht. She smiled and about Mr be“. “Baton lunch, Win? m dummy! But how masculine you t.tatssBootttartdttmoettetr. Arum was hunting?†7 The next morning he mightily re- solved to bring Will Meredith tit time. But he delayed starting for the village and just before noon Will himself came skiing up-Hire-d in rough clothes, an Adirondack pack on " shoulder, a hatcher at his belt, a rifle in one hand. He left tho impe- diments on the porch and came into the house. "Wm going up on Morgan for a -h---that cam ot mine. Come on with MMr--wq might hilt a bear." "You're right," he said without pre- mm. "tNe been a tool." "You certainly have," John agreed with a full heart. M. lovey. thoughtful, she said, “If. been pretty funny but a person can laugh at a joke just so long. "on a good joke. ' This tragic dour Mon of Sally’s is beginning to make me sick. it's Will‘s job to cure it but he's too soft. That puts it up to you. Or me. A shooting isn't my idea of poetry. oh, John, you big simple um. if you don't, I'll have to." "the shooting is just drunken tale. He‘ll tool like a tom when he re. memhers it." I. no to can with a Inn-k. In town. he would certainly in. it on with Win Meredith. bring up to “my. shame some sense into hm. _ . . As he wontjlonm. - “So now he wants to shoot you. A pal-touted tttggrttand wouldn’t have much chum for no, my dear." mu auction." _ V - if ‘ly college 'roommate.'" John fumed. "We were friends in cran- non before you were born." can: Into the In", her be. duo- leu. “Now you know. John, now you “Mom! everything." The word dt-ati, mooted him but Ilse In“ blindly tom hint and an no: be“ “shut his chant. “I'm glad you know." the will-pared. “But . . . don't a, anything. my dear." Bis Inked In" sud stricken. A halo “but!!! of " sharpness, he stooped sud kissed her lightly. My 'ttnur to him, whlsporln‘. “John, dear!" He loosed her hands. (In. ammon- violent and confused. he submitted an; story to Julia. m- dication in her eyes, she deliber- M for some time hetero saying. "Ho actually tried to hit aout It seem to be wurs turn to be pruni- ths. He would plot and)! the mfllthIMhMU-w'w'urmuue deal-m nun-m mehrwmn “new“: hood. WI.“ “on "'tma"-oartnotoraroetsat " -t.toMtotttV Ahqraqat. trttps he'. getttintt “n. m!" m m “I. In I 'isiiiaiiil Ttbrotttth the “In". â€mom: Mmmm“ “and won, under arm uni â€KN-"â€50“" TGu-r-Gt",','.";'"';".',',',',":"',',.",;";",,,".",; A†- you. at My - - WM Wigs", â€MI-d She Had To Be Understood ““-*Mw~mhhm “’05-. 'od-or-r-ee-dr...--" .-ttutr.otttekuei-.t.86.trM-.hars mg Will it will ten weeks of taking mfuge from a hopeless love! You’ve stirred me into one of your Troemte-- the farmland who wanted More than the hills could give him! Poetry? Julia was right-- it’s cockeyed hal. lueini" "You've faced it so well he wants to take a shot at met I’ve beenmar- rid ten weeks. And you've been tell- Will t " She touched his arm. "eetetl what strength you had, John, now, you hid your wound like the strong‘ man you are, how you had resolved to make your life over. I under-mod a: last how I had hurt you. all those year.†I Her small hands tlttttered. fragile, woeful, courageous. “Everything! mistaken and too late and changed. It's tragedy for us all. Bat at least we can (we the truth." “And all those [years you were coming here. At kit you one and told me you were going to be mar- ried. Then I understood.†"What was bound to happen?" John demanded. "You and Will lived like intelligent people for eight years." His jaw dropped. "You under- stood what?' Sally went into one of her soma- quies. "No, it didn't mean anything. And it tnttttztt---thing. Oh, my dear. I'm so tired of mistakes and premnses, tired ot denying the truth, tired of my thoughts. Why should Fifa go on pretending it wasn't bound to happen?" it looming up tor a long time. . . . Something was bound to make us face it. He came to the head of the stairs yesterday He saw you kissing "He was a fool if he thought it meant anything." "Will isn't here." she said at once. "I have to tell you. John. We quarrel- ed last night. And this morning. He‘s gone to that log cabin of hu--" "But you didn't---you came here!" Measure warmed her (we and her voice sank. NN course you’ve seen She was dressed in her skiing domes when she came downstairs again, and through lunch she yes to mote, responding neither to John's lose-unannono his curiosity. when over, she put on a heavy jacket and [slaves l, “The way to cure a glass jaw is to smack " hard." She paused. :“And the reason I wouldn‘t let you RD hunting with wm is that occi- dents with umms happen much too easily. . . ." John hoped but called to bring some coherent idea out ot tumult. skepticism and wild halt-belief before he reached Sally's. She met him, pate â€than. intense as always, and something more. "t how. He storied in and asked nits to go with him." He heard a gape and beume She drew a deep break. “I'm going skilng. Do you know what you're going to do. Join? You're going to can on Sally. You'll tind her in a perfect royal ot tragedy. Well, you‘re going to tell her you're not a minor poet. You‘re going to make plain to her that when you got married to me you didn't do it in a spirit ot tragic venunciation." Through the window. Jun: ruched Will, under mm and but again, an up the teait to“ IM out."tdtta'twaattrrrrinaeatttn on Morgan Mountain with Wttt Mk redith but now." she moved mud the door, pulling " her m. “Early lunch today. John. m In the one: not whom I. hum Poet'tt we tor tragedy goes too far." incl in In: "my. “W’s the Us?" Join d-and. “.umuthe doom-Who- lbl Mn “no WVWVYOI‘VO Pet' uftte.'"tararuU. . yam: no at! {on the angle†What's what you've been telling "I don't know what you're talking A Two Part Story Ill 'Afllboo CIIOIICLI I Will's massive face cracked into a dhoeplsh grin. "Tho point has been made, John, quite amply made. You were right ttmt time. The town's PY.? plentiful with tools tor quite a while, but In any light you could pick me out firtrt ot all." ’ "Notrody's going to challenge that," John rumbled. "So what about it?" Will looked at Sally. Everybody looked at Sally and the afternoon had a sudden, shocked quiet. A red stain walled across her face. She went through snow to will and grace fully collapsed against him, crumpled in Body and spirit but crumpled deoo-' rati'ely. “I've listned to the bitten' eat things. Will dear. “It's my (malt, , all of it's my fault, Will and yet it: Julia said amazingly. ‘John is be- ing forthright. wm." She turned to John, “I've been aborting too, am- at. atl the way down the hill. Our teamwork he been pretty good. Bo now let's all lower our voices." John charged on. "I don't mind your taking a poke at me, I don't hold a. random shot or two against you. What gets me down is your idea that Julia is just a sort of prize in a popcorn box I got because Pd missed the circus." "You'd blacken your front sight for me, hub? Oh, a bright guy, Will, and very bitter-hitting the drink because that's what they do with wasted lives. You poor, dumb, stut- tering fool, did you actually think I Kot married from a feeling ot eight years' frustration?" She was hard and decisive but she caught sight ot John's (ace and sud- denly smiled. It was a smile that threatened to break up into giggles but it did not deter John. Still riding the crest of amusement, still about- ing. he swarmed toward Will. l "Ho's up on Morgan Mountain with your delusions. meaning " gun to be a righteous husbwd. Telling ‘himself that winter is the hardest time and we have to pay for our mis- takes. Where--" John shouted. "where the hell are your skin?" They were on the front porch and be dragged her out to them. Julia's oar. with she strapped to tt, stopped at the from gate and Julia. and Will got out. "Got him," Julia said "He'd stan- ed back tor more supplies. anyway." Julia's iron restraint let go. "Thanks, darling." she splattered. He went into the hall, grwbed the first coat he saw in the closet and came back. He pulled her or the no fa. He held oat the coat. m a kind ot catniepay she slipped into it. "What are you doing now?" also moaned. Julia hashing And d-red--- minhfuny domain; that he had been too plain in love with her to use. He went quite out of had. “It “I Julia. I felt in love wlth. One any I was a bachelor chionr Interested in duck shooting. The next day I was a bachelor who mu going to marry Julia it all hell got In the war. And I married her. That seemed Minn.) enough. I didn't suppose it to: un- body's tragedy. Julia did. Julia said "At least you can spare me what Julia said!" It was a hysterical cry, and at last able to look at sally. he saw that she had been all but tshattered. She threw hem)! (ace down on a sofa and was noisily weeping. She was looking at him with tttar- ing eyes, one had at her mouth. poet- icany pound even in dun-y. .An image ot mu also Into " mind. Julia who Vll "pond to be his re- (use from a We love. stood than -ttrsq an. in: no“ ot coming hrs and In“; an. ad listening to My? And an that time I wu “my min; for you? That'l your pool? Why, you damned Wot, My. got out: you: you were jun! genuine that Will had untried." m. hands. lie about no: airar. um um um um Ind been an- damuuy m. to an an: an, pwarp that. he had bar-homer. in rue new Sunday visitors with Mr. and Ira. Henry B. Human were Messrs. Da- vid Hoffman and Em key of ' delberg and David M. Martin Bear Linwood and lines Selina Bauman and Daisy Rutherford at HtorketMWt. Mr. Grant Emmi-son ot (non- allan was a. Sunday visitor at the home at In. D. W. lunar. mu Ltta Inner " spending a M days at the home of Mr. and In. Duncan Wu. Miss Dorothy amine“ ot Kitch- ener spent Sunday at the home ot her father, It. Charles Matthews. Mr. Isaac Brubacmar is spending some time in Kitchener. Mr. and lira. Martin M. Baum and Miss mum Martin spent Gun- day with Mr. and In. Uri“ G. Mar- tin, Bream. Mines Mary and Hazel Bumm- and Marion Rutherford spent Sunday with Mrs. cums Chtlmer of Hawkâ€- ville. Mr. Duncan Plain ot/Bt. Marys was a Sunday’ visitor at the home ot Mr. and In. I!†w. Martin. Mr. Manna B. Frey and Miss Lizzie Weber of Maura spent Sundly with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wober. Mr. and In. John M. Martin and family spent may with Mr. and Mrs. Israel Romain. Holden)"; am! Mr. and In. Peter longer at Bum berg. Mr. and In Abram B. sham: and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elias R Martin ot Hawkesville. 'Mr. and In. mm W. Marte mm Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Urns Martin at Bit-kn. Messrs. Eat! and Charles - thaws, Mr. and In. Harold Willhms and Mrs. my! new attended the funeral of the late livid Tanner ot Multrtueoy, Stturday. On Sunday, Jan. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Martin, the gift ot a. baby boy. The “mutiny ot the community goes out to Mr. and In. In: Bau- man in the duo ot their four- monthn-old My bor, tun. The tuners] wu hold from their residence on Tue-My summon at 1.30 o'clock to the Mennonite burial ground west of wan-man. Births On Sunday, Jan. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Owen B Bowman. 3 non. On Saturday. Jan. Nth. to Mr. and Mn. Home B. Martin, a Ion. a minor poet. an, no tt-ttqF- huuhed and nucleon. “What in poetry.'" she noted. She answered, humbly. 'lt'l Manon, tuned to the core “cumin; people deeper nun they no. her shoulder. "t know. Bully: You wanted more than the bills could give you." wutu inns mn'l may» now; It was and and tenant!“ patted inn." Once a minor poet. 51wâ€. Tho Chronicle - Semi The Globe and Man.,.. GSA-ll (I. "v Ihr-BH. Lug-um: a. axon. m. 9.45 an. 6.15 p... 'url-r-M-dt-ttq-rr--.. Attractive- Clubbing Offer WWII" 22tdtt::1ltt,eaf.'-"-- “bye-ouch . qh-ahuero-e--e-r.e-u. '-rqororuodtvto-eaho-oea-r. , Miss Ruby Bosh-rt of non Nov Hamburg spent Sunday at the Mlle lot her parents. Mr. and Mn. mm: Martin ad son Kyle when“! "an; with Mr. and Mm. My â€1030!. can, his. cut that. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilmer at] Mr. and In. Henry B. Bowman made a bushels trip to Kitchener on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. “any Schism new sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jantzi and In. " Jana: neu- Tub wok. Mr. and In. Emanuel 'hearts- truber and (wily visited with It. and Mrs. Mekong Roth of Zorn on Sunday. Mr. and In. C. I mum»: and family spam Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Jun: " Wellesley on Sunday. was Hilda some} uaiuGa, atlas-r Ittyne at mt. Mrs. William Runnym- nnd V dren spent the week-end It the tone ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph gunman near Peter-shuns. Mr. and In. David K. BOOM visited with Mr. and Mn. Amou In at Peslttrrer on Thursday. Mr. cmo'nce imGGr%t Victorio- burg spent and.†evening with It. sung-M11353» K. thrnrtrmttm%tr. Mrs. boob Ludwig mm Tuesday afternoon with In. my Selim Mr. Frederick Schneider amt. III- day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Stu-tau» trnber and trim, Ether and ram Milton tMrartaetttrttttar will with an. A. Wagler near Baden on Bill- T. Mr. Dan. thrartmmtruber an! Saturday at the home of Ir. and Mrs. c. E. Ehmrtsmgtrttser. Mr. Joe hum of man. “a In. Adeline I%gmqt wont My evening with Mr. and In. Ana. w. Janui. Miss Minnie {Bordeaux its ape-an; a few weeks with friends in no} Mr. and Mrs. J. Lois and Mr. .3) ‘Kelwrborn and Mr. Hilbert "be spent Friday afternoon In Knob-CI. Mm lube] Manta m a W visitor in New manhunt: on M. _ (June a number rron hero at“ ed the hockey Inch hold in 'llttt on Thursday ugh: between my um Bt. Just; Don’t (one! the min] to it - on Friday. Jun. 30th In tho III. Everybody come tad enjoy nu- selvel. There in “no a who lot the holde'r of the lucky ticket. Mrs. Alex Eu ot Kitchen" m- ed with Mrs. John ham-n Sun. on â€HI-HI.“ "I! HILL i?Ptyl-1'.