tyr Tayior4'iate '1uy.tuo. ‘-I~v- . m" "-"." A quiet weddIng was solemnlud at the home of Rev. Simon Cohen Huron Road, m I? o'clock noon on Saturday, Jan. 16, when Mrs. Eltrude Plate was united in marriage to Mr. James Taylor, -huth or this commun- ity. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Cohpr and the attendants were the bride's sister and brother. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and Mr. Addl- son Book. Tho bride was gowned in Royal Blue silk crepe while lite brides-maid was dressed in wine colored crepe. Both wore comm) bouquets of carnation: and "not peas, Following the ceremony a wed- ding diunor was served at the bone ot the groom with only the imme- diate relatives in attendance. Liter Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left on a motor trip to Detroit. Mich. and on their return will rosido on the groom's tarm on tho Huron Road. ttr. Luther League Elect. Dulce“. The annual meeting of tho St.‘ James Sr. Luther League was held at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Gar. field Weber last Thursday evening. The president. Mr. Milton Ginn pre sided and the scripture lesson was read by Mr. Paul Ludoiph. The topic, "Love-What is Love" was given try Mr. Ross Tommi and questions on the subject were unswored by sev-‘ oral or the members. The following onicers were then elected for the cur- rent year: lion. president. Rev. W. C. anting; president. Lorne Ein. “achter; vitrprossident, Milton Zinn; secretary, Miss Iva Zinn: treasurer. Orville Einwachter; or- ganist. Pant Ludolph; convenor of program committee, Ross Tomlin: reporter, Miss Lydia Goettiing; Lite Service secretary. Miss Ruth Madter; missionary secretary, Mrs. Max Bo- gasat; Junior secretary. Garfield We. ber; audilovs, Myrum Wanner and Earl Kart. Meetings of Young People's Societies Mr. F. E. Page presented the topic. “Jesus of Nazareth Paaseth By", at the regular meeting of the U. B. Christian Endeavor Society which was held at-the home ot Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Bailln last Thursday evening. The scripture lesson was read by Mr. McKagno following, which a trio composed of Messrs. Clare Hilhorn. Andrew Mekague and Alex McKes- sock rendmwi " vocal number en’ titled. "My .ir-sus l Love Theo". Mrs. Baillie then read the hymn. "Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By", Tho 31.8.0. Young People's So- ctety met at tho church on Monday night with the prt"sidont, Mr. Eldon Sherk in uh.- vhair. Miss Rut.h pr. pher read the Scripture lesson after which tho topic "The Way ot Bue. was", was given in the following di. visions: "Trim Success". by Miss Jean Toman; "The Way To Sue- reed", by Miss Pearl Schiichter: and "Success Which Is Not Succeu". which WM (“N‘lHSPd by various mem- bers. . chub, 'saAii-, All“ lug! “Cowl!“lolide†Tho weekly meetlng’ of the B. Y. P. U. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .E. A. Poth on onday even- ing with the Fellowship Commission in charge. Mrs. M. Bechtel presided and tho soriplurt‘ lasso“ was read by Mr. Elmnr El-kstoln, Pollowlng a wanking charm. "Breath on me Breath of (lud"_ the Mlssso Irene Shark and Dorm Bechtel rendered a vocal tlunL "Ha whispers Hits Love To Mo". The topic. "How Can We Become l-Iffm-llvn Leaders", was pro: My“: iiaifia'iia' uni noun" . wagon . ,TnHtiriiiiur, . gutuagtr a . a . n “H Y. on In" -r.u “For.“ . Joan“ Vick! Moon . Glenda F Cold Ding!“ 1937 " I LIVE. MY LIFE" Joan anford . Brin- “an. REVIVAL TUES., JAN. M, It ttt." p... Th Top. In VIII-us It... Michal Prod-u-- f M’AWWW "â€" Buy iFare.i EPO- . . II The W. G.Young Co. Jowollen - Opium-Irish 3 KING F.., KITCHENS! Dances - his)»: You will find our prices much lower than you had expected to tll,'. for high quality Rinses. Ask About Our intended P-ont Plan with NEW DUNDEE 2t=tgh'i%Teriiir.- Immulu sealed by Miata Sylvia Bock and Mr. Harold Path. An exercise entitled. "Personality", was then given by several of the younger member- after which Rev. H. P. Scuttle sue I few remarks on the topic. lhn [with M I... 0.1- 1he and Get It†Nu- . inn *0 with "mPitta - lent-36m Tho members ot the Supper Club of the Junior ‘Women‘a Institute on- tertalnod their mothou at the ham on Miss Magnet mom In: sum day afternoon Personals. , Students of the Ontario Mennonite iBible School at Kitchener will pro- 1°01)! a speclal prosrun at the Blan- heim Mennonite Church on Sunday morulng. Jan. '24th. at 10 o'clock. _ Mr. and Mrs Julius Bach ot South Tonawanda, N.Y.. and. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bach ot North Tonunnda, NJ. were guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. George Einwaehter on Sun; day. v “The Plot Thickens†Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bowman ot OPlne Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt on Sunday. - - Mr. and Mrs. Oliver stem the Misses Greta and Laurens stout and Mr. Clare Stollz ot near Plattlvnle vlsitod with Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Ringoman on Spunky. Mr. Wesley guackley ot Stouilvllle is spending a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. Maurice Shape and Mr. Shape. . Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Boshart and Miss Mary Boshart ot Roaednle visited with Mrs. B. ‘Boshari last Wodnosday. Master Roland Brighton spent a tow days ot last week with hm grand- trothor, Mrs. Lawrence Fried at Roseville. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Spaotzex and Ilr. and Mrs. Randall Monmun and sons. Keith and Bruce ot Kitchener called at the homo or Mr. and Mrs. Albert Flederloln last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schwnlm at Kitchener on Sunday. A number trom here attended the Thin! Annual Bible Conference which was held at the Alma St. U. B. Church, Kitchener, last week. Mr. vand Mrs." Wilfred Wanner visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Berge near Ayr on 'ttttdar., _ irs. wuna'm .Relst ot William» burg is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Copley. - - _ “Miss amstfHietsort spent Shnday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry “When at Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snider ot Brett. lau visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bechtel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Good and fam- ily or near “ammo visited at the homo or Mrs. George 'llallman on Sunday. Mrs. Moses Toman and Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Toman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Toman at Toronto over the week-end. . Mr. and Mo. Elton Baer and daughter Bernice visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall at English Settlement on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brighton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Miller at Bright. - Mrs A. 'Hiiborn spent the week- mui with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lliwii~ In: at Preston. ..-.a-AhsF-- Mr. and Mrs. M. c. crewman of Kmhvnor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gillrert Hersey last Thuysday. -- _ Rev. E. Backer of Kitchenér called on friends In the villagtlrurf Friday. =ajiiiaithTigta-- Mrs. Mario -Cairm, or out upon! Sunday with Mr. and Mm Wilbert Bechtel. l Mr. and Mrs. Ell Roesnberger and Mr. and Mrs. James Kellsey called on Mr. and Mrs. Chrlltlln Oral-man near Puttsvue In! madly. Mr. Omar Snider a many mu. ed with Mr. and Mrs. mun Bingo. mnn at Washington on SW. . Mr. and Mrs. Yule End Mr. James Yule ot Ayr visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Egan-doe on sand-y. Mr. and Mrtr. James Bergey vlsllod with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon thorny at Kllchoner last Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt. And son. Larry 1nd Mr. and Mm. Goon. Morton and daughter shlrioy won guests of Mr. gnd Mrs. Edgar Buck at Kltchener on sunny. V sir. Emmi: steékloy bf Stouil‘vme spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shape. __ - _ E1WiETzrTyCCGa "ii'r/arrirrk Hilton We!†and family or Drumbo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eunice on sundgy. _ A number from the villa“ attend. ml tho presentation of the cum. "Bethtesutn", by n tittrvoieq chm composed of you. mph "on an Waterloo County M a one n lt . Churches under the :11er of llinhnp B. M, nanny. which In glvon at tho Mnnnhelm Unlud Broth- rrn church on Hominy evening. “I.“ in I In adore-am; lb. mm, Mr. Wilson said. In part: l, "A..iorioutg drought nun “acted large are» In the Well. vim nulli- that were (Ilsa-trou- to the lumen immediately concerned. The" tar men who reaped good crop- Int yen trenoitted materially by higher prices, but, in the midst ot a broad ,recovery, farm Income has lagged Ritarrtll Bani")?- GararFaaiii iiiikiU- mm GGG - arm-mun" - - - “HIM " “uni-Manhunt» “ In; to In. an and counsel-l ---- “Ludwig-hues!) By." G. Doha. Gan-cl his... - o'?Seh',,'tliiifii.rdiiTe'ciiit""o"tr"t V at an. 'itrtxmgrtgip""'"""'""'"""'"'""" "a... “ma“ M- W wtaa.gam-_toretet_tyy . ----. . no“ tn m ol "v. Wmlu â€gunman-nu. "tdlvidFtutt-- www.muum ape-lathe boom. all I in ttot Nt 1. an Minn tn and: - ina m recovery‘be mum-1nd onward» m. to a, that tho sync-occul- law In Inn-lua- ly has“. won 0mm - "lum---or, u l - to ur- It. in- A mm a with: In and: sittheudm.aoe-w.WttBtm.ldivtitt-mtiM. “008°“.an Pro-Han and laud-tum. a “In tho put it an M M but In. M all“ a“ zhgazhnnmauom luau-sol to change. u: "ttqgtaet. a“ mu WI: buds-o In Th-u-ttcase, _ and muammqugulmmnmgnotm Tm recovery vu well on the It, more could be little doubt. and “out the most annulus would hue hul- tated a yen no to prodth won-cu as "out as that which hu boon to complhhod during 1936," and Mr. "It in gratifying that the stock! ot grain in cumin no again ot not-Inn! proportions. Nature is in a air wly to take the Government at Canada out at the grain business. It ll trim curoly to be hoped that she win not bo drawn into it again. Industrial "Prices tor newsprint have shown a slight Increase during the put year and this, together with a hear. in volume of sales, has brought en- courattetnt'ttt to the newsprint in- Mush-y. In the lumber industry there has been a satisfactory volume of de. mand tron: Great Britain ever since the beginning ot their building boom. This demand has been maintained during the put your and is the most important motor in the improvement of conditions in lumbering. "The value of Canadian mineral production established a new high record in 1936, amounting to approx- imately $350 million compared with $312 million in 1936. The prospects ot the Canadian mining industry are more favorable than at any time in the past. "Throughout the manutacturing hr 1 dustrios of Canada. volume of pro- duction has been above the level} which prevailed in 1926 and in octo/ her reached the highest point ro- corded since July 1929. Employment 1nd - "Al the moment manufacturing tnipioymont is close to normal. In mining. as a whole, the number em- p!oyod Is greater than at any time in {our history. in trade the volume ot "mploytuout is not uttBatigttuttory. Undor them circumstances, I cunnot Inn font that the time has come to examine with care our list: ot those Irecvlvlng unemployment relief. It is a notable tact that there has been no cousus ot unemployment. since 1931. At a time like the present a biennial census would give our vari- ous governing bodies facts which would help them in determination o: policies. "Let us secure a review ot the whole subject by a Royal Commission with tho object of resolving these complexities. Changed social and economic conditions have thrown re. ‘sponsihilties on various governing bodies that were never contemplat- ed at the time of Confederation, and as a consequence lt is found increas- ingly dittiettlt, in some instances. to meet these additional responsibili- ties with tho sources ot revenue at their disposal. Having regard to the nocossity or maintaining the national credit, it it is at an possible some solution must be round which will permit both provinces and munici- Isalltles to continue the service of their public debt in full. Over a wide field ot economic logis- lation it is virtually impossible to guess whether ultimate authority rests with the 'valnce or with the Dominion. "r3r0Blll Blunt!!!- Per?"'!.".,""' '5 Lii'iPiiCihhtiiit"t2'. 68th Annual Moetihg "tiit?, 'tfi"is14 "ttr,,tarl,N. .m- w. was... my! III-d- DIN-Eh ',1telt4jg."g3tt.tthCh? Need (I'M FULLY GUARANTEED Diviulon of Tue; Nearly New In Schreiters ltd. . " CARL HEINTZMAN Indlmwhuom www.muum Nt I. the thmlqw W M ten to II] that the - o! onu- law In â€on "lum---or, u l - to an It. in- A rub: u out!“ In and: divihnltagn-a" will. and can calm-.1: which an “In an put nan-MM but In. “Mam-p.40 to clunnl u: "ttqgtaet. a“ “no whim In and sock! cone-uni that no fgtt'te,S'hratttttf at an ruwn to think an: - a“ and“ M_,u: we no will not continue to be nab. In " nun-um tact, they must be and. tt a. Bro. on the nut-In. an I look town. can is to lurvlve. Wtttt Com to um um I no.†“so! can. Falcllm atgdNaaitgtntst comm mica†than ha been sum tor Iutividualit"n will nun!" only It none - lttte bettgfttg which it MOVEII‘IO a. --------._ community comma. to be - trrtqAar-r than those conferred upon ml- th. .0 “I" mg under other organisations ot " ogt Wed I y .a'om Jan. " ciety. - _ _ mama "Mind church hold It! " "It we would not on sample to the world we must munltest that unulull degree ot leibcontml which rennin: boom. and thus avoids subuquent depressions. Money i "it is tor this reason than that the l present monetary situation is an outstanding challenge to economic individualism. Can a popular govera- l ment, such as that in the United States, for instance, deal electivoly with the monetary situation? The revaluation of gold by the United States and the reduction in the gold value ot other currencies. made " most unanimous this past year by the {Capitulation or the European gold bloc introduced a dynamic t.natiou-i ary toree into world economy. it Pl encouraging to note that this poten-~ tiaiity seems to be understood by. the monetary authorities in the Unit- ed States and that they are taking JMinite action. The world has not previously experienced a period when borrowing rates have been so low tar so long a time. it continued on this basis an unhealthy and artttieinl situ- ation will develop. Easy money is a powerful force; it operates some- what slowly, but to wait until it is euident that speculation is out ot hand will be to create conditions which can he corrected only by de- pression. In some quarters we are 'tlsked to believe that the increased government regulation ot general economy may make it possible to continue low interest rates more or liess indetittitoly. I feel strongly that this view is not correct and that the action now being taken is by no means premature. By use, it nec- essary, of the huge reserves already accumulated it will be possible to prevent any serious interruption in recovery. It is surely better that we lmaintuin the upward trend tor a pro- longed period and that recovery shall proceed in an orderly manner, with the minimum ot encouragement to l irresponsible speculation. We must on no account allow recovery to de- , generate into boom-the manner I or depression. Tndiridttitusotres ) nomy will stand or fail, depending upon its ability to prevent do. '. pressions. General’Man-ger’e Addreu in reviewing the annual balance sheet, Mr. S. G. Dobson, General Man- ager. referred with satisfaction to an increase of $54,668,767 in total assets, which now aggreggate $865,588,467. and to an increase in deposits during l the year of $ti6,5T9,909. Mr. Dobson said in part: l l Current Loans situation I "The demand for loans in Canadai was again disappointing, though' there have been indications during the last few months ot increased requirements for business purposes. While advances under the heading ot, Current Loans in Canada de creased 3412511383 during the year, this does not mean that the require- menu of our ordinary borrowers were that much smaller. The reduc- liinn is fully accounted tor by repay- ment of two special loans, namely. aLout $33,000,000 due by the Wheat Board liquidated principally through the sale ot surplus stocks ot wheat held under Government control, and the repayment of approximately 810.- Every instrument thoroughly inspected, regulated. tuned and mode moth-proof. We employ experienced factory workers. . , . Give your child I musical education. . . . . Buy now. Plano prices are rising. . . . Well-known makes such as Mason & Bloch. Helntzrnan & Co.. Gerhard Heintzman,Belltutdothem _...w........wwr"_"'"" aun’ GiGGiat " At ma." am 1.. that but“ " um .n6rrgtatng a On Wedeeedey “term an. 18." Bethel United Church held it! " nus} hullneu meeting, when report! 1 dealing with the work ot the church i during the put you were prone-led and olicere elected (or the one“; year. The your gut cloud we. e good one tor the church with In verb one crunuetlons in e tlourhhhxl condition. During the yen: hydro was mauled and coneidenhle work ‘done try wey or improving the 1titl eurroundittas. Approximately 81, 0 was raised in all, 8800 going to the mlssionary and malntennnce [and and $700 to the genernl fund. Prue-I tlcnlly all the church oe!e11e; are entering the new yeer with e luh- I annual surplus on hand. Glider! elected tor 1937 are as follows: Board lot stewards: J. A. Diamond, Ralph Illilborn, Prank Nan and A. K. Been: 1 Elders. R. J. Benn. R. Hilhorn, M.' ’\Vood and B. Pricey: M. and M. Com- mittee, E. Z. McIntyre. Mervin may. W. humid and R. J. Ben; B. s. Supt., J. G. Wood; church organietl. Mrs. Mervin Facey Ind Magnet Bean; S. S. ermine. Florence rev cey and Mldm’ie McIntyre; were tttry ot 8.8.. Chrome Diem“; treasurer of trs., Carmen Fecey. _ The cemetery committee reported that the interest on Trust Fund: "I more than aumcient last year to maintain the ttrrkeep of cemetery leaving a surplus on hand. Penna-II. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gingerlch and daughter Edna ot Wilmot centre visited with Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah tiituterieh on Sunday. Mrs. Eliza Langley and Mrs. John Wilhelm of strnttord were recent callers on Mrs. Isaac Bean, who, we are sorry to report, In very m. Mr. Ted Snider returned to the home of Mr. Zonal Crouman on Mon. day after spending the put two weeks at the home ot his mother. Mrs. IM. Snider at Baden. Mire: iv/rr. Diamond spent several days in Galt with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Malay and little son David at Willowrhla spent Sunday with Mr. M. H. and Miss: Jennie Md. - ST." Grim,. Gordon McClay ot Slrattord spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fewlngs. - - - WMrjalid Mrs: J. Moody of Toronto spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jacoli Nuhn. T Mr. Wm. Justason ot Palmerston and Mrs. J. Game“ of Dayton spent Thursday ot last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Rutherford. __ Misrses Anna and Ruth me spent Saturday in Hamilton with their mo. ther, Mrs. Geo. Wray. - - _ . -irr."aird"irs. Ira Armstrong and little son of Dayton spent last Fri. day with yr. and_Mrs. Henry Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coghlln spent Monday afternoon with friends near Atwood. Sins. Hester Tanner spént the “Wok-end with friends in Btrattord. Mrs. Stanley Gordon and children of Fernhunk spent last Thursday evening with Mrs. J. H. Reinwaid. It's all right to dream ot the thing: you‘re going to do it you be- gitt to work on them Ngttt BOW. MILLBANK Priced t ll? From: _ ' -,?sfeEi-, Work has been commenced to in- stall oloctric 13M: in our ville school. The wi ntt Ind "ttares m negly complex/99. " ...,..., “up"--. Mrs. Steve Scherror In: removed to St. Mary's P"et' the Inter put of Int week. 11. Bet- has beg]; ill, ftt the let N9 â€uh u ""i'ir.'iriiGanaaiiiiGrto bk home here from_rt-rt1hr, -.. . iCiir, ilisCpirisiiir,irknii mi. iGi;riCtiiii"Gia" :2 25:33.33: Auaust_se.heidem . __,,__'iMrysMein Eaten.- . " - -'.'""e'" like Addie Snyder spent n week with friends and relatives in Eitetr-t ener. l Services " the United Chunk, will be, held ever" other Sunhrat ten-thirty untiLNrtheratV l, is s',tit'li'i'r'2' 'lt,', ttse,ut'St, I l 0" 1 Fe mo er girdd , 1 Mr. Kieth McDonald spent the week-end with Mr. McLeod and RI and Mn. Alvin Ottnnn. 1 Mrs. Fred Plain is spending e few '""irisi"'iGitG"%iiiiiiiii7U KM»: "h"G%G'itG"Gt'iu of the mud use! event S'tW'xsn‘LE‘wdt! Church rill.“ held or? Edda? Inâ€; August Sehuider.' '. - __ ti 1yg,"ld,u'pg',,1tr"lfl"t ame'i,"',"id"'L'ut"'4'hr,, spent I few we on e tte. a.†with , put-ants, Mr. Ind Mrs. A. ulna. “have. nou- Mucton. Glennllen. _ A _ _ . ' 'rlTri"'=1'l'l1""_te'lTC.'."L'e yuan-.5, an. unu- u..." --. -e'-Fr, Glenellen. 'CC"":'"':,".',":-""::,":""',;,',":" Mr. Earl 01:an he: left for Wellesley where he accepted I Job [LT s,Mllir.2 '"hhT1"l'l'il" t is: Addie Snyder spent a week with friends and relatives in Eitehrt ’ ener. I ‘ Services " the United Church, ‘will beheld ever" other smut. l] AI L {CA Ct] , w, ten-thin: tmtiLNrtheratoi, l, , ML" e L mnm.Pum.out.u-§:H I 01 A" : is ttter, a karma-a“; ., - ' - r" no er unit. , E I Mr. Kieth McDonald spent the b' ‘ week-end with Mr. McLeod and In] " at. 'fr"."' GOUDIES City Pan-anger tef, 120 King St. W. - P on. us Kitehenor, Ont. Consult Agentl - Ask for Huldblll. BARGAIN FARES January 29 - " KITCHENER - Return Return Limib--Up to Feb. 1 Moderate HAWKISVILLI CANADIAN PACIFIC TORONTO "fi, KIM-MMMIIY.†Glasses That Satisfy FREE Kitchener “sTEELE’ du- with hot duughter, Mrs. o. Duddley. St. Inn's. M The. dntyyyl we?“ t4 .ttys Ueti.ted GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Located in Steele'- Option] Pulors. as King St. W. - Kink-u Eu" information as to Round Ttlp CANADIAN NATIONAL On application to any Agent. Tutoriatambleywwtum themteot%rqheatt...ftmnwiner "yh.ehttea1hmeser-tsms-"t Purtrolfttetidethehuepiitie, Ilene invitpu helm-VI. cum gum-tiahtiririrHtsurersod. Yourchoiceofroutel . . . inciudethe picturesque Canadian Rockies. charming Vancouver and View. at no extra cost. 0 FIRST CLASS FARE . INTERMEDIATE FARE . COACH FARE MS?“ or OAK '/ihfi'r1 Hem Them Will " Thorough Eye Examination ism