_:,,:"' Would Move county Agricultural CffiltNt to1llhyrttrllrtrt It On a split vote of ti) to ' In favor or the motion, Waterloo County count nl on Wednesday moved to have the (mice of E. I. McLauxhry. Waterloo county representative or the Ontario Department or Agriculture, moved from Galt to the town of Wbterloo. County Council l Splits IM on Proposed Move N. WATERLOO MEMBERS VOTE WITH SOUTH Vetâ€, No. , The question. introduced by De puty Roevo Lorne H. Weber ot War Irrlno township. caused much dig. cuss), among council members, the s'otttleWuterloo members dividing :Iml Mrtt'rly Mhtiug the councillors from the north section of the county. 1'il had passed the recommendation among opposition was organized to [Ln change In the south end ot the mnnly and the Ontario government unison to make the move. F Two Amendments Tito urlglnal motion was to emu tho otrice from can to Kltchoner. :qu was moved by Lorne Weber and SImon Dimer. Thcy changed thelr mo- tion to read "to a more central locu- tion in the county". Albert Hear and Fred Toletzkl. Waterloo represents tives, moved an amendment to change the office to Waterloo. Reeve 'lu-rnnrd Flynn of Hospeler and v.. J. A movement io transfer the otnee to Kitchener was begun about tive yi'tlr8 ago. and after the county coun- MM ot Preston moved another :um-mhm-m to leave the otnee in tialt, RN‘VN Hotter and Hostenler of Elmira and New Hamburg retoe4> tiwly, moved an amendment to table tho manor until the April meeting. On tho vote. those favoring the moo' in Waterloo were Messrs. Lorne B. Weber. Milton Weller. Mit. ton Schmidt. Simon Dimer. Pted To. it‘tzki, Allin-t 10ttyt' " votes), Wesley liowlr-tt. Those against were Maseru. Mdmd. Shaw Wl0son, Pelt. Flynn. Hotter. linstottler and llttohn. Mtts tlrn Kinslu cast his two votes for tho change. Reeves ot Waterloo and Wa- trrlon township ouch posses two \otos dun to the large population ot tho two municipalities. sand Delegation On the stamp division, with War- den Klusin again breaking the tie, the council votNi to send tho Agri- cultural and-conservation committee to interview government oitieialg at Toronto. They are all deputy reeves of council. . Lorne Weber, in recommending the change, stated that the work ot Mr. .\icl.oughry brings him more into the north suction of the county. and with additional duties as more clubs ond movtings are organized, the ad- dnd milagv roquirod to obtain the veptisontativo for meetings in the north half of the county, makes it dittirttlt to obtain him when wanted. Mr. \Volwr montionod the nematode problem and the Agricultural depart- mom's oftiu' to set up in the county ttf .- rrt . on n field provided, and 10 your test plot by 0MP. officials “I don't think its' fair to can to want to muvn tho (when hero", said Know Pulm‘ Wagner of Wellesley. “Kitchonvr didn't want the otttco when it was established. Gall has nursod it along from childhood, and now when it has grown to its pros- om rnlmsl condition. you fellows from the north end want to brlng it up hm‘o." Does Mr. McLaughry himself want tho office moved north?" asked Homo Walter Hostettlor. - _ “Naturally he won't commit him- self." I'I‘lilit'd D. R. Weber. "I know that in tho last scrim of meetings we hnld. ho was working every night, ond on throo nights: at meetings at l'rnRShill. Linwood and iiawkcsviile iiilln'l lq-nw the "looting halls until nilm' ll pmt,, aiftnr which he had to drive to tho othor ond or the county. it would ho fair to him, and to all Mrntor9, to sot up the otti.ce in a morn contral spot. Waterloo is the huh ot' tho county as far as: location h concerned. I vouturc to any, and I know what I am talking about. that Munro urn hundroda of farmers in th" north part of tho county who linn'l dvivo can: and so pan't got to tho Aurimilurzli office." Favours Moving Gait Ollie. to Waterloo. little Hope For Tax Readjustment waterlrhisation Has Little Success in Interview with Croll. Lurln hmm of n roadjuntmom was the final lmprMsIon left with the Bra, twt‘lr‘n (tolodattnn hy Hon. David Croll. Mintstor of Municipal All-Ira. pn Monday whon tho delegation ltr mrvimxml him and presented Water- loo'u two iiRarrllttg tho now Income tax lvzlslntlnn l lnt‘nrmod that Wittorloo would low 310?.» to $10,000 by tho government lvvplng tho full amount of income Ln vallw‘ll‘d from munlNpalltion and nut Ill [Mum would pay full cost of 0M Sur' l'hlwinnn and Motttors' Ar lnunnmw IV Croll, was surprised 'lmt Watmltm “M losing so heavily, hm amt! ho Wltq unahlo to main my 4'Ynllttv promlmw Thr Watnrloo tintngntlnn we; com- mand of Mayor \HKornln, Ald W. D. mm (-hntrmnn or the Office Com- mittee and Tu Collector Wm UN- u‘mninund on Page I) new; St. MIME brought by Henry “on an“ In emuloyer, Norman Room" ot St. Agatha, was not allowed In Hula- tuto's court. Monday. “ocular chimed he had promllod Hog. $200 tor " month’ work.’ but Inter had reduced It to 8175, when he round 'Hotur couldn't tio a “man’l work". _ Reeve Hostettler urged all com- mittees ot council to take an objeaive or cutting the tax rate at least on. mill tor 1937. He stated that the 853.000 surplus or 1938 and the sav- ing of 828.000 by the government tak- ing over Old Age Pensions and Mo. thers' Allowances as provided in le. gislation to be enacted at the present session ot the Ontario Lexi-[stare lwou!d make possible the reduction. Hope to Reduce County lfllill Rate Waterloo’ Would Save 81.000 If One Mill Cut from County Payments. Waterloo will gain m the neighbor- hood at 81.600 it the county general late can be reduced one mm, a. torts casl in the Wednesday meeting ot tho Waterloo County (‘ouncll try Reeve Walter llloetettler and Clerk Sam Camel. _ Clerk sum Cusel expressed his pleasure at tho "healthy" state of ";rtuattceig or the county. "i expected a small surplus. but was surprised when I round we would have more than $50,000". Mr. Cease] told coun- oil. The provincial highway costs being out last April trom $23,000 to $3.000 meant a substantial saving, and the Road and Bridge committee curtailing their work after they had set their oatimute meant an unexpect- ed saving ot an additional $20,000. "Had we known that the Road and Bridge committee weren't going to spend the tall amount, we could have cut tho rate last year." Mr. C'auel said he felt oonfident that as well, a year from now, and additional one mill could be out from the county mm "it this council Is as careful in getting 'dollar tor dollar‘ value tor their money as the 1906 council. we can look forward to a lower tax rate", irii'r'. 035901 predicted. “This news ls certainly encourag- ing to tho town of Waterloo", said Reeve "9012' “It 1013' us on a little easier Mter losing 39.300 through the new government)! legislatlon. The reduction will mean a lot to the small tax payer." A _ The county council Wednesday named all the Deputy Reeves of the county to the “Agricultural and Con. servatiott Committee", formerly known as the Agricultural Advisory lBoard of the county. This committee takes over the additional work ot pro- 'rooting reforestation in the county. Alton Sham: of Waterloo was re- appointed Corn Borer Inspector of Waterloo County by the county coun- cil Wednesday. The question ot an inxpm-tor was raised try Reeve Wag- ntr. who (on that all counties, not Just Wattrrtoo should have an inspec- tor. Since the statutes can tor the appointment before February 1. Mr. Rhantz was named. Suggests Forest 1 _ $aieririterderitia' x Ontario Counties A. R. G. Smith' Would Have Man as Important as County Roads Engineer. Tho suggnsilon that much county appoint a full tlmo forest superinten- dent, who would hold his position as important in oounty administrations as tho county road trutmritttettdottt, wns made before Waterloo County Council on Tuesday by A. R. o. Smith of New ‘ilamhurg. staunch proponent in tho county or reforestation. K+It0BR.--A clulm of w Mr. Smith paid tribute to tho re- rorvsmiion work done by Reeve Wtytr. ley Howls" of Woolwlch township. and hy tho Wllmot lownshlp council and Iniorosiod citizens. Wilmot has 6.000 or a total of 81.000 acres ot land In forest, and 60 per cent of the format land is foncod " for preser- ration, In " counties in the province toured by the aponkor. 90 per cent of tho forest had disappeared, and ot tho remaining 10 par cont only 5 Mr cont had any commercial value. "it the many millions spent on relief laud linen loaned to farmers for re. inroatatlon, the greater part of it would have brought hark some re. ventte," Mr. Smith mid. "Our rotor- muation movement ot today is he. intod. but hotter now than now-r. Many of our farm problems today are dirortly traceable to lack ot tore-tn. I: was not many years ago when the Grand river was used tor carrying to"; today it " a more crook", Mr. Smith said He nppoalad to tho coun- t‘ll tor thoir renown! support in con- ncctlon with appointing and packing a rtsmroMtttlott committoo in the county di-tras-Lakai/it Ohio. mun so BELOW ZERO WEATHER NEAR REGINA. SASK. Writing from Sunk-(churn! un- der date of Jun. 7th, a Chronicle reader Cells of . severe rnld snap. with the thermometer 60 degrees below zero. Ono of the problems in this particular district In â€cm-in: mild.†nu: for livestock In rigging the 331nm no!!!" tt lull-hi. owed EirhttakedW6 Waterloo Township Reeve Formally Installed as County Warden. Simon ‘Kinsie. Waterloo township Reeve, was formally installed on Tuesday afternoon as Warden ot the 1937 Waterloo County council at its inaugural session in the county chambers. With the customary cere- mony. retiring Warden Peter Wag- ner ot Wellesley township trans- ferred the gown and hat ot the wax" urns“ omen to Reeve Kinsle. County Clork Samuel Cassel called for nominations tor the highest posi- tion that can be given any municipal representative in the county, Reeve A. W. "om-r a! Elmira and moon Bernard Flynn or “one!" making the motion that the Waterloo town. ship Reeve be Warden for the corn. ing year. Mr. Casscl announced that ctsrtifieate8 attesting election or all county councillors had been received trom the various municipal clerks except. from tho clerks or Hespeler Arr and Waterloo. Following tho election ot Warden IKinsic, Mr. (tassel administered the Warden's oath ot office. Warden'n Addrus "F'or the honor you have just con- terred upon Waterloo township and upon myself, entrusting me with the Wardonship of Waterloo County, one of Canada's most outstanding coun- ties. I am deeply grateful, and words fail to tully express my appreciation and thanks", said warden Kinoie. "i assure you that I will at all times try to till the position with fairness and justice to all and'at the same time in the best interest ot the coun- ty as a whole. "I wish to congratulate the mem- lu-rs on thcir re-clection to the coun- ty council. it is a case ot a renewal m cottfirltxtttN? following your: ot nar- vlce. I am glad to see them buck to givo turthor of their advice and exper- irncn in tho administration ot the county‘s 1937 ihusiness. I want also to welcome the new members and ‘hnpo that they will be able to give or their wisdom and good counsel in Waterloo county governmont. Warden Kinsz'e wibus Equalization Inquiry "Thn Wardenshlp of Waterloo county in tho highest gm that the reasonable way and that the present sygtem is preferred.? . . . It won olso moved, seconded and carried that the obove resolution be forwarded to Toronto with the Associouon endprtrement, - _ -iaFirGdhrtion which was in- troduced by Peter A. Snider and (Continued on Page 4) A. R. Goudie in New York at Convention KrrCmNIER.---A. R. Candie, presi- dent of Goudless' Department Store is In New York City attending the annual convention of the Retail Dry Honda Association ot America. Mr. Tlottdio In a member of tho salons- tion as well as president ot the Re. tail Merchants Association of Can- ads Sing Song Nets $24lb3§5§3 to K.-W. Rotary Club Erie??? KtTCHE.NtNt.--Presltient William 'llendermn or the Rotary Club has ac- knowlodxed a donation ot 824 from the Colivgo Theatre to be ulod in the cripp'ed children's fund. Tho money was collected at Sunday night‘s community sing-song and turned nvnr to :Rotnrian C Stephenson. KITCHENER. - Wilson Farrell, 21, Joseph Knnkowski. 19, and Rus. aell Welsh. 20, “gm-red before Hawk-(e John R. like in Magis- Lnu‘n Court on Tuesday churned with the theft of In auto Ind gaso- 2t They were remanded till Fri. Iy. tu cur In the Trt'. of Wes, Bettur, ttitehener, In the (Incline "I ".01qu at Arr. REMANDED FOR SENTENCE _ '.. "iirrt ,rtttggtiggrr-qrAittgtutttamttt'1 Named 1937 Warden ot Waterloo Township, was the una- nimous choice tor Warden ot Waters inn County when tlre_soyncil con- Miss Dunham Advocates Set Up 0f Circulating libraries In County Speaks at County School Trus- tees' and Ratepayers' Annual. --George Milne Named President'. George Milne, R.R. No. 2, Peters- burg, was re-elected president of the Waterloo County Trustees' 3nd Ratepayers' Association at the an- nual meeting held in Centreville on Saturday afternoon. Edward Kaufman of R. R. No. I, Bombers. was re-elected vice-president, with John Steckle. of R. R. No. 2, Kitch- |ener,_|s segeury. . _ - Other oMeers elected at Satur- dny's meeting were: Dfreetortr-- Waterloo-O. Desaler,-No. 2, Bres- lnu; A. L. Shana, No. 8, Kitchener; Wilmob--A, W. Battier, No. 2. Petersburg; E. A. Poth, New Dun- dee; Wellesley-Levi B. Fry, No. I, Wttllentsteittt Edward Ruehn, Heidel- berg; Woolwich - Clarence Shuh. No. 2, Elmira; Lloyd Snider, No. l, Elmira; Dumfries -- S. Brubaeher, No. I, Ayr; Archie Ferguson. No. 6, Gilt. Auditors appointed were P. A. Snider, No. 3, Kitchener, and Lorne B. Weber, No. k,J0terloo. President George Milne was sp-‘ pointed the local cendidste for elec- tion to the provincial resolutions committee end E. W. Wilson as local candidate for the provincisl nomlns- tion committee. Pun Two Resolutions. Miss B. Mabel Dunham, chief li- brarian of the Kitchener library, addressed the, Teetintt,_which Pry' largely “tended. on "County Lib- raries." Ind Cecil E. Freeman. prin- clgll of the "ltfieet township high ac ool, told about his school and its 't'git,ni',zht",'1 As I result of the two tal a two resolutions were passed " follows: 7 - PASS ON RESOLUTIONS "Th-t Secretu‘y Steckle suggest to the county council that they in- vestiglte the possibility of estatr Iishitw . county library syntem u ndvgcnted hy Miss Dunham." "That we. the rntepnyers of S. S.‘ No. , in the township of Woolwich, County of Waterloo. ore of the opinion that the public schools on. providing an it does for larger school no†and for boards to administer them. should he satisfactory for the present if I llrger ttdministrtttlon unit does not gain favor on its own merits it would hurdly sum “it to mull. it ',"a,h'"g where the "hools or. he n. cured for In I (Continued on Page i) voued "Tuesday at Kitchener. 3m“ SIMON Imam. Heavy Rains of Iladit to Farms Make Up for Dried Out Soils of 1936 Drought. one and frequent rains have fallen during the past week end the ground is well saturated with water. The drought of 1936 had depleted the sub-soil of moisture and prior to Jenuuy there wee immMeiettt rainfall to replies the amount lost. It we; feared that winter would set in and there would be . water short- ege, but the unexpected he: hep- pened end water for both stock end soil is now in nbundlnt supply. Jansen l 19:29mb at K..w. Hospital KITCHENER. - C. H. Jansen, president of the Kitchener Horticul- tural Society, thinks thet’the idea of developing the waste grounds od- joining the Kitchener-Waterloo Hos- git-l into . park is good. Mr. nnsen states that the undertaking could not be attempted unless bo Kitchener and Waterloo societies co- operated and help was given by both municipalities. Still No Trace of William Wriggley kiTCHENEib--The hunt still goes on for William Wriggley. But he in driving mother cur. He trnded his car the dny following the accident that proved fetal to Florence Flynn, with whom he hid been_l_ivi_ng. _ It is a week and a half since the eoroner's inquest WIS postponed until Wrigley could be found as he is said to be the principal witness. In the menntime police are search. ing the province for the service- Mation man-get. lirlhshers See Warden Gowned Archie Ferguson, E. J. Mosack and Chas. Schueu'at County Council. Archie Ferguson, County Warden ix. 1935. was present at the lnsuxursl 1937 County council session Monday and paid tribute to Warden-elect Simon Kinsie. “It " tt great pleasure to me to see the new Warden gownod None hss been more faith- ful to his electors than Mr. Klnsie. and tho County Council can feel themselves fortunate to again Save ‘his nhlo and capable Judgment to guide them In their 1937 business." Err-Reeve R. J. Mouck of Preston also spoke briefly. oongratultttittg tho Warden and the members of the county council on their reelection. Allan Shirk. Waterloo township treasurer spoke hritytly, paying tri. lvntn to Warden Kinsie. ELReevo (‘harlos Schnett ot Woolwich town- ship, A. R. tl, leth of New 'Hllmfhurg and Murmur Ed. Amos of the Hmm, of Roma were also in the audience ARREST ' ON GAMBLING COUNTS soumwns'r WlLMPT.-fhtN- KIT' "bstnr---mx nrreatn worn tho rnsuit when Kitchonnr Cllr Po. iim- raided tho home of Paul Knuai, l .m-im 'ttroot, Kitchonor. only Sun- tiny morning Kauel in charged with permitting gambling in his bow. on Sunday rm other men in the hon" " the tin. were not charged. (By Chronicle Connpondont) {EVE Waterloo Merchants Duped in Racket FroW.tqehtomereh.artrarqbo. “and to be the victim at u ' as Paedg,tft,."rgi an o 2lguSiuettluft'ft'tp,t m a flanked Bddr- but an i.dtruGcitiG"thrieobrr' cud..." v W mun Ev. boon hm could not be but“. CU“ " Polk. C. E. More“ vans can... to b. stud "hnt (10me Total Receipts 87,969, Including 83.130 for Mit-tn.,-. Mortgue Muted $2.525. START DRIVE FOR NEW PIPE ORGAN Wednesday evening then m . good turnout of members nnd Id- erentl " the nnnuni commu- nl mania of the anioo Ptmt Ilium tgh,, hanging and gr. " rope on - work were mounted by the - 'laehttat'd i?1'i'tihi'i . o m: contribution: to Mil-ion: an Ininunnnce Fund of $8,180.98- n bounced budget for the yin- win ith?' of $7,969.56 which included â€,5 5 mid on church norm and the umnimoun dockion to funds for I new church organ. The pastor, Rev. E. Val. rum. Nod. gig}; {morning W. Dr. W. lst United Church Iilearshtanratiag Annual Report L. mltikrd,_aetedU, Bfttl 2Pr.'it 'pat/tt Man. re. . . our. we“. pre- sented the report of the Women’- Aaaoeiation, mowing net receipt- for the yen- of 8478.40. Wane-'0 HIM Society. Miss Salome Hooch, who succeed- ed the late Min Bee-i. VenEveI-y as president, paid tribute.“ the aplen- did services rendered to the society and church by the put president. The sociegy week: -ore_r thtrtryrNee- {16% r1133: $806.47, which h- """'ldh1l 2ht. an“... en». Thoma?- 33-11 u. Bree, _ Piiglttt In. G. n. lltg'a i,?.) tba,,tht,t8thftl,ift','t In?“ treasurer of the Indock Me antic Mission Circle. reported receipts of $177.61. The Million Band report was given by In. Tilton. - 3 New Members __ on County Council 1937 Standing Committees Named.-Hoateuur on House 3f Refuge Tho report of Bernard Flynn. Hu- oeler Reeve. chairman ot the mu:- ing committee for the council's sund- ing committees was adopted. Com. mittees for 1937 are as follows. with the warden an tyrottteio member of each committee. Only three new members are att- ting on the Water‘oo County council this week, they being Reeve Ford L \Villson and Deputy Reeve W. J. Primal Preston and Deputy Run Pred c. Toletzk! ot the town of wa. terloty. Flu-mo P. I. 1vlllsrtrtt. Simon Dimer. Albert "oer, Ed. |Huehn and Lorne B. ms her. Wagner, County Road. A. W. TTofter, N. ll. MeLood, M. A. Schmidt, Welley [Hewlett And P. A. County Property W. J, Pe'z. Bomlfd F‘ynn. W. H. Shaw. Milton B. Weber. Fred c. To. lelzkl. Home oi Refuge ‘ Walter 1.Tostett10r. Tho 19.17 council is composed u follows: warden Reeve lSimon Kin- <io. Waterloo township; Deputy Rot-v0 Lorna B. Weber, Weterloo township: Reeve Milton A. Schmidt and n. Reeve Simon Dimer, Wilmot township; Rowe P. A. Warner Ind D Reeve Ed. Hnehn. Welleeley town- ahlp; “one Wesley Hewlett. and D. Home Milton H, Weber. Woolwieh township; Reeve Norm-n N. McLeod. North Dumirioe township; Reeve Al- hrrt "Mr and D. Reeve Fred To. Irstr.kt, town of Waterloo; Reeve Ford " Willeon and D. Reeve W. J. Poll. Pronto": Reeve Roman! Flynn. Hea- pelrw: Rom-o A, W. "offer. limit-e: Rem» Walter "outrttler. New Hun- hure and Reevo IV, H. Show. Ayr. Dplpige the indent“); weather on ram: wore romandtsd tor varying were submitted tor coneldereuon. pcrinde in police court he!!!†u The rnngregetlon hee purcheeed e follows: Wilfred Jemee Aihine, ee- eiie u the corners of John end hr] mm. to Jen M; lven Bender. New tttroot. The building will be ereeted linmhnu. iheii ot car, to Jen. M; in 1937. Kmnoih Nelle. crimlnel negligence. Eldere ot tho church ere: lee tr, Mnrrh 19; Ron! Sturm, forging "are, Martin Marhtinttor, Cherlee nmi ulinrlne choquts. to Jan. M; 'iillll'dil0aiiFi The imeieee ere: P. A. Krnul. keenlne common fy?.llitiyhettel, B. c. 8chulu end Albert homo. in Jan. 27. Cheru- ot Sen- Sireeelmuer. sect-Men day gnmhllng against three one!" _------------------ mm, Loo Carhoni. Philip Krueo end phenom one â€an nun homo Marshall nl.o were leld over‘ ---_ mull Jun. 27. Two other men lint PREgroN.--Wror Robert Meek larly rhereetl. Merry ll'lech and mo. ennounced that the town of Mn Sum. line plld Mtty of " end ooattt. bed been enacted â€.160 u ita relief Perhonl. In nddttitttt to the seeming pent for this yen. The mayor G'.Ti."t fecee one of hem oheceee eteted the the cavern-e1“ hed been picturee end "tenure. M to M' (Continued on Pager 4) POLICE COURT TIP-l- _ Few accident: were reported he the ‘etreets and highâ€. were turned into e "tttoth sheet ot ice by the due ulna ot early Wednesday even- ing, followed try the heavier rein- ‘which rendered e glue-like service end made driving nowhere“. It m Fi? until early â€nerd-y morning that the needy downpour melted the ‘ice to nuke driving uteri t -- Flood Waters D..- Again OveeStqm [In-h "littttipta 11eyrJttir-- Flood was" In Wuorloo - role to mum. 51th u great as one!†a week ago following - all night nun Wednesday mm. Kin; Itroet atom and the moon loo house Ania “flared “was. this time not " heavy n In [an weer. record high water (local. The Waterloo dam, "tatanttattr lowered Binge n week ago " keep- ing the flood getee open, rose to with- in e foot of its former height, over- ttowing the - again near the old flood gntel. and mandating the Poet! ice houee " high u A week no. The entire town dump property wee un- der weter Thursday morning, but the eaten were grndneliy euhelding. The rushing torrente trom the nu- ‘et the dam were within eighteen inches ot oretrtlowittg the bulk- end t!ooditrg out the two hornee along the but. - DAM " BRIDGII’ORT OVERFLOWS BANKS The Drill ulceration can reported hi: inches ot rum- in the basement. from the high waters ot the creek outlet or the den which now- under Kin; street ad under two ot the stores. They were able however to set et the turnece to keep the tree (out. In the Longo fruit store elm to a foot ot water we: reported, elem in the store hunt; to you rubber boots to get " the the. Even then they were uneble to Itohe it tor the tttterr entered the lumece when the ‘dreft was opened. The store heel to be content with the lire as it we: lurked Wednesday night before the flood water me. _ The tttttts at the Golgi-hm arm. n more Chioh. “atelier-y and behind Pewter urea were nun under we- ur. “new street We the let." ,tqro9ttr It to In! - lave . Wm DIM cum Andi-oh Snider told the chronicle that he had been called to check up on the Sheri Ind snider dun u Bridgeport nbout no um. Thursday morning. He found the ttood "an rushing over the who. end so open- ed the t1ood gun. “The water, than a foot over the banks. tumbling down ‘the hill like a miniature Menu. did mot recede until almont Myllxllt". Mr. Snider and. The met that the gates were opened all night prevent- ed a serious mood and reuniting dam. Again Damage Town Property Restore Salary Cuts in Kitchener 1933 Salary Level Regtoeede- Toul Raises Amount to 84,300. tUTCmmErt.--0o city council in a Ttpu',', the Finance Com- mittee on onday restored the salaries of civic employees to their 1988 level. The net payroll incl-one will be $4,800 and will take care of individual adjustments in special “filter be given I nine. The plan which was devised by Aid. Clarence Seibert,will become "ectivqt immediately. Persona en- tttint the city's service since 1988 Redeemer Church To Build in 1937 Congregational Meeting Shows $3,523.89 Raised for " Tho manualch Church ofOur Re. deamar. Wntorloo'n younxelt congre- utlon Inn 100 members. Thin In- c3uden a “In of " members durum tho In! your. _ The annual mocking ot the church showed that some 83,123.50 hid been raised for home purposes and "oo." had been raised tor minim" during the put youth The church W tho firtst in the district to ranch their missionlry objective. The Awarding of contracts for tho building of the pmponed new church “an diam-nod and various anâ€. ware submitted tor consider-“Ion. Tho nnngrontion bu purchuod u ttite n the corners of John and hrl street. The building will be M In 1937. - mam. ot tho church no: In Mere, Martin Morning". Chuk- Ronnonberg. The (mum are: P. A. t5rhendel, B. C. admin and AIM†Stuntman. secretary Rh.“