The ladies. ot' the omen's Insti- tute aro busy gen a comforter ready tor the halo t t is to be sent out West this week m Milverton. We am sorry lo'eport Mr. Bob 1trDuwell is nol as on as his many frionds would Wis w" wish for hm] " slim-11y row) lv. The sa1tattttyttt o tho Lord's Sup- nor was hold in vi'sle.v United Church inst Sunday. We are pleasod tn port the pray- IU' sown-0s last Wed ssday and Fri- day ttightrt Wt't'e very tll attended. My. and Mrs. mm" Riddrll and Dr. and Mrs. John Rid ll of Palmer. ston visnml at Mr. Jan Rutherford last Sunday afternoon. _ wd are 'pleasod to r rt Mrs, A. White and Miss Jenni Reid are re- covering as well as on _e qxpected. Mrs. Wm. Scott r0 mod to her homo in MilveNon arm nsiting with Mrs. J. llarron and Mr. oht. Scott. Mrs. Histttw Kollv vlsi her sister. "i..-a'"ruryirs." Gid VR‘h of Elmira spent Sunday afternog at Mr. H. Kelly's. I _ Mrs. Henry Kelly visikd her sister. Mrs. Dick at Elmira Niday of last week I "Why “11" your husba d been sum- moned '."' _ - ll);Vllut Quito sure, in: I think a policeman hnld up his h d and Jack pat his? fog! ll tho ex pewter!" Recent sudden deaths have caught people unprepared. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR WILL? Your Will? --Don't got caught wlthout I WILL. . . San your loyal on» the worry and our: 0mm of Mir-“on. Como In and “06... your Inad- In either English or German lung-n... g.lttaiigitiM In. ILW. P'pgtt,tt Electric Co. Distributor: MM Int. W.. Kitchener Br Mnkerl of C-n-da': Telephone- Mk-lil: U-im-RU. system of acid uni poison. Rheumatism. Scinticn. and Siomnch Trouble quickly vanish. - Get (HM-Kl from your Dwain. Order to-day from your Dr‘mi or at.“ In. MENTOR Ono no-th’u Oral-0.! - 0-. Doll-I. pulp-H. Listen to MENTOR over CECE. Kitchener. 9.46 I.m., 6.13 p.m Re solves your problems Ind Invite: your questions. Raul Baht. and [lulu-e. 102 KING SOUTH Waterloo TAKE WARNING MILLBmK THE NATION'S LAXATIVE. Rid your I Hull. " tin-11‘.“- an, at that 03L and In. Mr. c. Mn, N. - and In. Prod notâ€: ' - lul- day " the home Mr. and In Alvin saunas: of lichen". Mr. R. E. Boyen o t ta a bun- u-u vlullor In the [We on Thur.- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ru: shun], Mich,., spent‘ the home of Mr-, Woeltle. i Mrs. Robert Bo - and mum Dolores have rel ed to Toronto tutor spending u T weeks at the home ot Mr. and - _ John Bryce, Wilbert Snyder English Settle- ment spent the we nd at the home of Mr. and Mrs.’ and Drager. Dr. J. Scott Ho of Preston was a business vislto n the village on Monday. . The Doon Pdhtryterian Ladles’ Aid held a bush.†meeting at the home ot M133 P. Mason on Wednes. day afternoon. - Edreid Hobbs "ent the weekend with relatives id reston. Mr. and Mrs. aul Krogmun, Mini and Mrs. Neil era and daughter Florence and Caeger ot Kitch- ener were Sn ay visitors at the home of Mr. a Mrs. John 'Woelile. Mrs. Morris hapman and son Lloyd have re ned to their home in Bancroft a spending the past (Hr weeks at t e home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boll. Miss P. titttat opened her homel hero on Wedttt -, ay evening tor a de. lighu‘ul old liar-ostume party given by the boom ir Ladies' Auxiliaryl to tho \Freepor 'Sanstorium in honor o: the nurses t the Institution. A nature ot the vennig was a grand march held i 0 art gallery which formed a tittMg background for the I gala event. ressive games were I enjoyed, a di ent game being in, play at each t 1e. Dainty bullet re-, tresbments w served hy Miss P. Watson, Miss . Wiltong, Mrs. N! Sipes, Mrs. E. erine, Mrs. L. Bar. tholomew. Mr .. Cornish. Miss G. Daor. Mrs. W. Tilt, Miss 'K. Hepburn the Misses M.. d A. King and the, presidment. shut Frizell. I Mrs. A. a. Wolm spending Dome time at the home or pron“. Mr. uni Mrs. W. J. ell ot ‘Klncnr- dine. Mr. and Mrs. S lay Quolch and sou Kenneth and 1y ot Patton snout Sunday with llllvel In the village. Mrs. Robert B Dolores have re after spending a home ot Mr. and The funeral ir the Into Mrs. Noah Prippel of K onor took place on Saturday attemocm from RatuBech- ml Funeral We, Kitchener. to the Deon cemetery for burial. Rev. S. anachmor of 'nterloo conulur-tod the services. Rev. Wt" Patterson conducted the .20er at tho Presbyterian Church. T choir sang the anthem, "Near WhRWe Need Him". Rev. C. 'Herber alt: ot cult conducted the servlet at the noon United Mr. George Ayers I returned to his home here tr Port William where In: bu been lunged tor the past two months. Mrs. Bert Winter yer and dun:- ter Dolorol at Kit nor â€out the week-end u the h e ot Mr and Mn. Wm. (inmate. TheWonng ple's League of the United Church 1d their meeting on Sunday eveni . Miss Eunice Teetl took charge or " business meeting. The Senior r m ot the Doon Pub- lic School wacciotsed on Thursday and Friday ot P2 week owing to the illness of the oachnr. Mr. Kenneth Prnetcr. A. l Church otjunday afternoon Mr. No‘mvan Cook and Mr. William Giebo ca ed at the homo of their uncle. Mril-‘rod Knelsei on Sunday afternoon. _ Mr. and rs. Goo. Mneisei of Gads- hill recent visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henr eisel and family Mr. and rs. Goo. Piaf! and son Leonard vi ed with the Ruthig‘s on Wednesd evening Mat week. Messrs. E er and Stanley Haiti and Walter eisei visited at New Prussia and illipshurg on Sunday afternoon. Hiram Moe. TheWolIng I United Church Sunday evening took charge of Per-01m Mr. ilrrvey Knelsel and Mr. and Mrs. A.-*antz of Phillipsburg were Sunday sitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'rtoy Ko ig and Miss Gertrude Knot- s») of terloo. Mr. tr Mrs. Geo. Globe and son [-‘snnkll andaMr. and Mrs. David Cook aft sons, Roy and John visit. Nt wit Mrs. Mary Koonlg of Lin, wood OHSunday. â€Sliksi‘bfralné Rank of Wellesley spent th wook-ond with Miss Norma Ilohl. lt _ Mr. Pat. ther and Mr. Johnny Stretcher or ellesley called on Mr. Herman on ursdny nvenlng. Mr. Milton else] visited with hls Mother, Mr. " ry Knolunl rm Thurs- day Mtornoon.t' Mr. and sms. Joe Pennor and son and Mr. and rs. Edwin Helm) and family ot P lpsburg spent sunduy with Mr. an Mrs. John Mathias. Mr. and Mrs ones sham: and son Harold of Le ttton were guests of Mrs John B IN on Sunday: Messrs, J. T Durraut and Semis hurram ot nur Guelph called on Misses Mary - Abhlo Remix ro- rrntly. " MIMI: me visited her homo \\'meor on BurWr. Mr Murray Alum of Waterloo spent the “reform with Mr. and Mrs. Kmmelh eA11IMer. _ Rev. Howard i 'anus has ramm- ml to his home or spending a few weeks with his tnthor M Springs. Nun. BLOOIINGDALE ' LIS_B_ON Ru 61 Kelly ot Sn- pent he weekend at Mr. Jnd Mrs. John made THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION. in Mr. and ars. A. Mun-gens and family sperksuuday with relatives ond friends Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. renca Wettlauter and Mr. Milton S r ot Godwin and Mr. ‘Eimor Soyier Mampstoad Tiitit. nd with Mr. amt, rs. Daniel Sorter on lSunday. t", Mr. and Mr ,Charles Hacktrttrt, Mrs. Nelson II but and daughter Norma spent aday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S idt " Heidelberg. Mr. and l John Kropt visited with Mr. and rs. Jacob Lichty. 3rd Mr and Mr Knot and son Billy ot Sin-411mm visi with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hammer o turday. Mrs. R. Ha er visited with Mr. Ben FON'S'. wh is m in New Ham- burg. " _ _ Mr. and Mr lylssel Kelly of Sa- ginaw. Mich, r and Mrs. Bill Kelly ol' noon visit . with friends here in we village usual-day. Mv. Rev. . Schultz ot Phillihe lmrg (-allodJ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lois on Ta r. The Institute Ef their monthly met'ting at the ho' e ot Mrs. R, Ham- mer on Tuesdaytn. 12th. Mrs. u. Kaufman had cha e ot the program which was very in resting. A vary (“Melons lunch w;served after the meeting. Mr. and . B. G. Newmaster ot Millbank 52% Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lie Mr. Earl .. elterborn spent the week-ond wl his parms in Mllver- ton. A Mr. and M John Kropt visited with Mr. and rs. Jacob Lichty. 3rd Hun on Snnd . Mr. and rs. Herb. Fromm-(er spent Wed ay with the letters mother, Mrs . Strauss at KitChetter. Mr. Paul nuslng of Waterloo and Mr. and MI Edwin Hackbart spent Sunday at home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ttcite t. H Mr. in!†lioltemrn was a busl- Pics visitor in Ha thon on Monday. - Mr. Poterwehm ot vantage, Sna- lmtchewan l Inning at the homo of Mr, and Mrsw-eorge Boehm. - Tickets, Train Information, Return Limits from Arab It Kin! Gait. Proust. Hunky. Wat-rho or â€I... A for WM]! Mr. and Mrs. F n Lips and daugh- In Gram. Mr. Mrs. Wm. Dam. melor and mm! Messrs. Reuben soittrrt and Henr ieronymua spent Saturday evening t the home of w. and Mrts. Huckbnrt. Mint-s Esther. navlovo and "Harm Lung spent nday with Mug Margaret Boehm. Mr. and Mrm..Ahrt. 00le spam Friday with Mf. and Mrs. George Boehm. Miss svitsmrdreGin spent Sunday with Mlsstos Maia and ,Laurine Detttt- motor. q; Miss Janet Kro in spending oome time at Waterloo here she, has My cured a position. ATTRACTION - DETROIT - JANUARY Out National Hockey Lotttrtre-Detroit "Red Wings" vs. Monro-l "Manchu" PORT HURON FLINT . _ - DURAND - - Jan. 22 and 23 lo CHICAGO $7.00 trririririiiir" "ii"iri"i"i"i WK]. l ROUND TRIP RAIL TRA VBL BARGAINS, From KITCHENER HESSEH ROAD 1 Rollo“ r in Hat _ '.SSE Mrs. . hon is l Soyler d r. '"Q, T) Mr .011 rn " bt mt ads , S idt l Joh nd rs. J; nd . l wr. H i ay I re . Strut _ auslng , _ Edwin home . t. u" ehm l Isillnl â€Axel-g led rem HURON _ $2.30 â€Windsor T . - - - $3.65 “A . 83.30 ND - . . 34.00 Detroit - " Equally low In†from all - C.N.R. In“... T ttMr I. F n IA ". Mr, anil Me enr iert ning t l " than 1 Ipeul tttd hm. Kro s a: rloo hon on., TENTCAKY- " --.TO-. I Messrs. Armand ring and am:- I " Doering spent 8 day evening at Theo Forbes. . l Mr. and Mrs. ry Knowing and [son Walter t ot Stwthn, Mines Dorothy and H n Benin: ot Kitch- ener and Mr. but Bench: ot Wel- lleeley vialtod evening with Mr. and Mrs. I. _ Doerlpc. . _ Mr. Amos He and Mr. Albrt Cmestsinghous"s o Kitchener spent Thursday with Ma Earl Swat-non- -truber. 5 _ ____ -iir." GriG.' ive Kim-hart spent Sunday wl Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gaucho on nday. Mr. and Mrs. daughters Dori side visited 'ii Mrs. Clayton In. C, I. - . A (or Ian attatMed a. a). Mr. and In. . 3. Jam - ot Mr. Chum "" New Sunday with Ir a! III. who!“ Etna-hut; . Roth, Poul" , on My. Ir. a N. um 'gett-th u. Mr. and In. In - and tended th new! at the ht. In. family and It. - all oe - “was! on My. Sundty visitor. th Mr. and In. C. E. swat-19mm m It. and Mrs. Alton Ora be .34 hm- lly of Wotan-burg. r. John an!» taetttrutter And M In. John Roth or Palomar; Mr. Ind Mn. Jacob B. tuat ot . Mr. and In. Joe . museum‘- her called on Mr. In. Jno. mu Victorlaburg. on “my. Mr. and In. 11 haul and Mr. Nbvln Be _ ot “mutton, Delaware, Ind Mr. Jacob R. Bender of Twin 3 united with Mr. and Mrs. C. wutsentmber on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. l and Mr. new spent Sunday Zehr at St. Mm Mr. and Mrs. nob B. [um wt! Miss man an of linden and on Mr. and Mr Roy Bernese! on Sunday night. , . Mr. and Mrs. Lo a Maine! of wn. mot Centre called Mr. and In. Joe K. Swanson! r and funny on Tuesday "can; Mr. and Mrs. Jo . Swartsenun- bar spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Martin. , Mr. and Mrs. Duv'K. Both". and family at Mr. and rs. David Stein- man. New Hambu‘. on suntan evening. , Mr. Reuben Key 1 went. Sunday at his home in i'a2"t',l'l'l, _ Mr. and In II - and family and It. - All at Dalhwootl win! with Mr. all In. Joe K. Swan-o but on m. Mr. 3nd In. m and tttar ily ot Clarence . N.Y., nu It. Fred Schnouor Mr. and In. Manuel aux-tun her on ttether. Person-Isa Mr. and M Allan But and daughter of We lay spent Sunday with Mr. and M William Seyler. Misses Hilda d Irene Doering. Martha and Van Berg spent Sun- day afternoon wit mu Hilda Sey- lor. . i Miss Isobel ring, Mr. Arvin Doorlng and Mrs. y Cook of Amnl- ree called at th mm or Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Doerlng Tuned-y. We†are glad report that Mr. Alvin Eldt is up d around min after his recent tl gas. Mr. and M Bum Soyler and Miss Viola Se r ot Eden spent Sunday with . and Mrs. Elmer Doerlng. Mrs. Clayton Summit“! Friday afternoon with Mrs. m. Seyler. Mr. Clayton Soy has engaged Mr. Emil Debut: as mhand. Sunday visitors the home of M r. and Mrs. Ed's bearing were: Sunday visitor: the home of M r. and Mrs. Ed's bearing were: Mrs. Andrew Eydt 'Wollesloy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex no .and song [Herb and Ralph of Cm _ ll. Miss Isobel D Doertng and Mrs. ree called at the Mrs. Ed. Doering Every man is born free and mm] in thls country. and he renting that way tthtil he tgtnrrue. A OUIRY. WILL CONDUOYID. CONVIIII'T. IOD‘II I00 I00. Keri-." “I?" BAT" TAR. A " L01. VII! 7â€- - OI --."o Hotels - Travel â€Immune wn Bonn: or u but Bench: of l . ovum; _ posting. ' Bald Soyler as r ot Eden I . and Mrs. It Soy h: " as In} to" th Dawn Do Bydt -We 1 Be ' and Bron _ ll. ring, rs. y Co th ome in; Thu d _ r0901 up d " n tl ass. and tin am 3 dny rem - and hi Marte ot Burn- " with Mr. and n awtvrtmrntrutserr tgwartaentrttttqr Mr. and In. In I PolRica Peutrr-"i'rn planed to see such dense crowd bore to. mght." at the hom Mr. “I In. Jacob Schumann , 11th tttto.. 'Born-A to Mr. and In. In Behind, “Mu. Ill-nu mm II and Downy Brennemn - , with the Illus- Ada and V Son-marl. no me. and†vllttotl a homo of Mr. and In. Ed. Sn . "re: Mr. III! Mm. Ephraim s Mlll Olin Wet. ter ot near H Villa me] Mr. Emanuel W1do of no" Heidel- berg. Rev. end John tNngrteh ot Elkhart. Ind. ted with Mr. and Mrs. Amoe rich recently. Recent an undey whiten " the home ot M . W. Snider were Rev. Urine Mel-t In. Daniel Martin and son Herve t Moraine and Mr. and Mrs. Eph . In shun. Voice frame rettr--"Dtttg't be too much planed. We're not all dome." ADV-mm " 1'). mom PA". 'it Foundation manor:- " proiitUsir--thisin. 'i'i'iiiiiii'iiiiii?" 'iii'; CS,',,','..? i A P 'mt.-- a iiilttiiiir;ii" 2 " "tl" g; THERE IS NO EXCUSE We recommend the purchase of COUPLAND- JARVIS & CO. Ltd. (no Pun-.1 LNâ€) " Developing a gold property of 1145 acres (approx.) in the east section of Kirkland Lake. NORWOOD KIRKLAND - .GQ-LDJMNES Limited DorrMartic SILVER VALLEY Unlisted Tudor- Phone 4446 206 Ieliem Bldg., The. L. Gledhlll, M.A. (Ton) Ph.D. (Mas. Inst. Tech.) reports in parts-. "The vein Mhttt, mineralogy and struc- ture in the Houston vein is nearest in appearance to the type of vein seen in the grooming 'rtirytyAt.Jrirkltytd Lake, J. C. Houston, Mail., reports in part as f.1htwtrt-. “The Geological conditions could not be better and are identical tfth the producing section of the i. efLake Shirre Gold Miner." at the market. Kitchener H." as: ls f ' " Full Particular- On Request ' /r,8, is: Jannu'y. ll baud Inn I 88iV '00,000 on brook - point, the snout. at tog-1nd to oovor " 0 ad and ulna-no or a mom "can ot m...“ Conway boon unduly band. Ing up III! on. and [or November they mo ed to $1,113.50. and ml January a expect-d to more." to the $8,500. nut. A: - at the order. tor locomotive- â€atâ€! booked all dollnry In the Brat half of 1987, Imam will be hâ€"| cred-ed during a next olx month. I With the lncr tn know. or. dots in the - “on, Baldwin will go into "" h tuMulqd ordorl lid execs. ot Jr00,000 compared with $0,089,081 ham 1, not. For the tHeat r which out Duo. M, 10.0, it I. an: Idol will be â€may t on:- "0,000,000. as computed sum“: tor the 12 months and Sept. 80, nu, ma with 819.4083!“ 1m Ilul year. These also are , with tutor-oom- pony IIJOI emu ed. hr the tuegtt win the Work- tn I." will [a but an “at lo:- tho In: mm 10.0. "n- am In the all but... an in)". and In Iona. (In In - up dt-tru.. not win my to reg-rand u non-nu] tendon-hip of qetieit the mu m In a. and you, it ll utmost on that - wtu cover In - P. C. 'rIteh-.--a" BALomN WWW! - no. a. ub- mm, can: at In“ butâ€. 11 which It will an to new you. u mod that M butâ€. vi which It will nut to new you. u -eted that Ball- win the Work: tn I." will at but tho In“ lor tho int um. 1m. "n- am In the ml but... u- in)". and In lomr. than In had ta. anu. not win my to regarded s noun] "HtSoetahtr of and! tho minu- count-Ibo in the am noâ€, It ll utmost ed that its will cover a: u- - and an“ ttitmhrq with "tumry. I: hand Inn I 88iV '00,000 am: back "I: point, the uncut or mum to can:- an 0 sad and our". gr a meat you“ of â€.099. ALEXANDER WATT' th COMPANY " King It... We“ To Hanover -! 351p dad: - via Plhnerston, “hum-ton - FINANCIAL NEWS To Tot-unto --6 trips daily vi- Guelph, Georgetown, Bull ton. - 1:13.00 I.m., 8.00 I.m., 11.30 3.111., 8.1 "x pan., 5.80 Pam, 7.45 mm. x - Daily “cope Sundnya. An To Owen Sound-g trips duly - Vin Mt. Forest, Durham - ------, 9.4rp,gpl.81LP.m, ,, TiGietrtr--itrTi duly. To London "7...; gm ding cr vk Btptftrrd - l 1.91 9,... To Godericll To Hamilton To Sands erlo. phone or cull for ulnodulu. rat... ole. PM Waugh. I†Kill Stud Int. Kink-nu - Phone "" BONDS: GOVERNMENT AND PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AND HIGHGRADES DEFAULTED ISSUES PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Dirge! who for In! quot-lieu on linked and “II-Id “och. “Our Principle Assn-es Your Interest†------- quit-0......“ --t-Mt- Leave from Kitchener depot - opposite City lull. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRAILWAYS TORONTO - Resorts _8 trips dlily - VIA Guelph - x6.00 1.111.. 9.48 n.m.. 11.80 n.m.. 3.20 Parr, 6.80 FIB" p.10 --e trips daily - Vin Mitchell, Clinton - 11.06 n.m., 6.80 pan. ---t trip dilly - via Pukhill - 11.05 mm. Kitchener Securities Corp., Ltd. “on. "tet-at-hee BW., â€Cele-or, Ont. Inna-cut Securitie- Teleplloné IM, SM, or 192 Elmira, Ont. KITCHEN“ ONTARIO 8.15 bm., irao am. Sunday. and tG1tddri ulna " 8.80 pan. onnocting with direct motor couh service to W_irLdty_tr,_Detroit, Claim'p.m. - _ - (9.4trpin, Suturdny, pm. President DAVID GROSS Pres. ad Mtr., Dominion Button If“, Kitchener, Ont. Inn-gin: Director EDWARD B. WOOD line Operator. Klrkhnd lake, Ont. FRID'K K. SCHNEIDER Soc’yLTrgu. J._;l._8chneigeg Ltd., Officers and Directors . Vice-Prawn: . CLAUDE H. MUSSBLMAN Inductor, Kitchener. Ont. .10ng M. .W,l'15'h'el on. as In" on. . can & Son: Ltd., Toronto, Ont. lug-m c. WINTERMBYBR CHARLES D. MILLER "Outrun-ei, itiiaFiFninT.' PEER; iriiaiGF," 6ft. 'uemstatTmratrarer T. M. MUNGOVAN Solicitor, Toronto, Ont. our; "new". ink. tdr Ion-ul- {it "in in itFiririi '6. In..." an tXt,'tt,y to hip tu- no inguinal“. policy. WI IIAVI momma TO an. EXCEPT FINANCIAL you I.“ loo. to “I m I.- um: and an the “a to†Sept. "Oth 1059 p.503»; MU Bum - Mt't'r2utft1'ftLftttSlf,t an! in “but: TJg'tgt!'lhtt h #trihtaarhl ,d%tere, Abide â€130.10.!“ ("I tho 9'93."- Investigate . . . BEFORE . . . l R. lackellu ' G. Meie "Sou-vh- "“1339 c: Cr,' “7 FINANCIAL scum WWW do: Not" I)... St. W." MONTREAL Tad-Mull. MCI-hm bud-'3 Hunt summation$rnah-. INFORIKI'ION for pu-ticuhn d 18......qu Sunday and Holidays) uni except" Suhdm You Invest Tdophono Bttett .n