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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Jan 1937, p. 5

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Thon- ro-muiu mmourn his loss his v Mung two mus. thrvn daughters and MH- gist”: GIrc RT \\'01201 of Bets Kin. (:vrmJny e funeral will ho ht id from thr, "tymiiitnr-Sandrock anm'ul Hnmv on Sundm. .lnnuarv I" a! [hum p m. YOU KNOW THAT Juno)» Hamlin M. Pre- lhhhvm-r. dim] on Tm surviving gum thou I 1mm of 1,w\inutml I Kih'hnnm. Mrs 311mm- Kitlhvn» r rum I,lotttts Murkhiim, \lurnlmm .\'.nmr'1uv \'vw Lvnd. Ian; A! " Inn mmul‘llllmnn Thr: film-131] “as ttr !"w Immn twin St‘lre Fullvl‘nl Hump “any local 'giop1f are enjoying the program lathe by tho Hamilton Christian En Vor Union each Sun- day at 1 at. over starlon (‘HM‘h Hamilton. _. Mr. and Mrs. Ira If ie, Mr. and Mrs. Earl zio and‘aghters ot Kitchener had at Sta 2's and A, Becker’dp Funday. , Miss Ive Chapman of Toronto has been 8 ding some time at her home here. Miss Bessieueope spent several days att the kme of the Misses Orpha and Ann Dotwpilm‘ in Kitch- m‘m' this week , Tho Gold Rule and Loyal Sons‘ Organized C ties of the U.B. Sun- day school p' t at the home of Mr. and Mrs. till Stoltz on Saturday evening, Mr.' . O'Neill of Kitchener was the till .qoeak and gave an in- tFsresthig' a esg nn "Public Speak- ing". The sees then held their annual r0 animus" and lunch was sernuul . the close of the oven. lug. . Rl-v. L. '- Wagner and Mr. A. Shelby anon R the funeral of the late, Charles , 'Burkhardt at the Blenheim Eva f -lical church on Sun. day afternoon. , ev. Wagner officiat- NI at m Kry - j. _ Rev. 6 '_'.ming of stfitttirur. ton. . '.Pt Haj“: pastor, dcitNdd the mini“) oval U. n. Church ottrFunday , hing and made sev- ton. . "q: k, pay the Jtisrrril l oval I on :sunduy' hing an 9111:0111]?! in the village Mrs, J. Brine..- and Miss Evvlyn lh'ickm‘ of G Worn Sunday guests of Mr. and up. Harvey Hallman. - innduy Mr. and l . Albert Johnson ot. Kitchener w guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Pe n on Sunday. Messrs. Alba and Roy Stoltz visit- ed at the hom of Mr. and Mrs. 124.. Stoltz at New mice on Sunday. Mr. and “is. MorlOS' ftattWr and family of \Vépmmsburg visited with Mr. and Mr .‘gWillinm Detwoiler on “elm Waterloo No extra charge for use of our home-like Funeral Chapel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. S Scimitar " Sandrock United FUNERAL HOME " Benton 81.. Phonouso "rn ho Gold I Rnln unizod Cses school iBt at Mrs. Ell ' St ting. Mr.1 . 9') the Ct v .Qpeal sung a 935 n '. The "d" sees an] ro- r, aniza sm-vI-d 1r the t ' w. L. - Wag [by amen R th Charles . Ir theim Eva: -lic afternoon. " ev kt tttt 'dry ' I . av. 'iii'iair ' ., lulu, $39M ff f, Sunday , him Waterloo First United Church 9.45 a.m.--Bible School. 11.00. a.m.-Th. Kinhut 7.00 pan.--The Minister, 10.00 n.m.--Surtday School. 11.00 'cm.---Holy Communion. 7.00 P.m.---Serviee. Rev. W. Y. Dreier. 2.00 r.rn.-Hoilolborr--Sunday School and Holy Communion Monday. 7 p.m.--dunior League. fl pan.--'. P. League. A a!“ Invitation to an. Emmanyel, Evangelical Church ll.“ a.as.--rhe Mr. 7.” ..m.--TU “not. Calvary Evangelical Church _ zie a had at 7 unday. a ,Chapl [ ding s l . Ali w gm Pe n or “be and hom of 1 'ew nd; *Ssie .1401) hp bmo Jacol Goudie SEVILLE 38, Pro-(hunk alnwl. on Tuosdny. tbrmr childro. Wil utott Inn-y Gamma Mlmxin- ohvrlumzur. hin'hrrw ”Min at 'nlmm ot' Turnnlu mt]. Ian.“ Knrhwnvr, W"" o U fl “In. of cheapnuo i? I." of dignity we are ifij - to an. economically. I Cor-a Kill - VIII!- SI... Wat-dc. Bible School ' . "V. R. VAL TU.T0K. Bah, “to: I!” A. R. “All, Hunk-l may. mo-cu-Gi.--. SUNDAY, JANUARY Ir, 1037 SUNDAY, JANUARY tr, 1937 SUNDAY. JANUARY tr, 1.81 I“). , ---d.mior C. E. I -.-ro- Poo'lo'. Society. M 'rhurt,ulur HM Snndrm'k Phone 677 St. Jicobs J. P. MUCH. Hill-hr l Mrs. - Bigam and son were among lethers Wellesley, who pleasantly st.rpri ed Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gremm lot WeieSIey Saturday evening the int-aid '. being their 25th wedding mmive ry. Mr, Squires and family visited with . . W. A, Taylor and family, m-ztr er»; on Sunday Our "rug folk here are enjoying Hkntingén Aaron Bender‘s pond. Mrs', Q Waltrws has returned to Lannlun when- we hopo she will re- u: in luu"itreugth. . ht‘ annual meeting of Boyd i'hur svtCho held in the church Wruliirsdm. January 20th at 2 pm. 1'lr. and _ rst Henry L. Schmidt and MP. _ "Mrs. Jacob Albrecht _ in urda in Kitchener 2lT2,1'1,ll'/'ll,'li, have been Jade in 1; ml ','/,y"s'cl1,dt, have service every alternate Sun y during the winter nutntlw and Sunday January 17th tilt-n will he nquservit-e,” S" mme of I king |Thw A lnrgc' numF of this vicinity .w ' "t wnrlnd tho mo any Mr at Elmira on and Momur, ,‘hll Ti: “Wilma township rmlncil luv-l nu Muntluy-‘for tho fipst snsslnn in the tti'W .vvar',' All Iho mmnhcrs of Hm: Iwim: ouq.etsul c-xcnpt George In: hm of w+yrmy, who him been In'plmml In Ambs Wilkinmn oi' Wal. at I.:: “Ii-r or ivtqtyrley, who lum been wplmml In Ambs Wilkinmn oi' Wal. 1I~ll<lt'ill. v.3. Thw 3mm; pupplv of 5.8 17 are .u‘min IH'Q'SI'IHHI‘ thoir play "Kid- ll. ppm: Bony}!!! the township hall Friday m-vningflnnuary 15th, after ninth 'cu'/u')'/CiiCi, nnrhrv will he p‘m't-d 'i. null ll: um K Miss, " iola, Roney of Mitchell is spend" 2 a few wppks with Mrs. George _ - aister. xmrl 1lrs My Jar Mr, l' "ohorty. \IIH “.tlL'III'IIY sl', -;n m mum! h. nu hmv Ilic" Sturt: gm)”: of “rosin" was; .> “(w-k and “NV? All _ home hero. Mi-s Mildro "'Fom'slol' and Mr. lirir limb of ‘trhmu'r visited on bluntly with e formers parents. Mi. and Mrs. Foerster. Mr. and m" William Hahn and diuphter Mal riv of Bridgeport Wtu't' """d"t"" with tiionds Ittut. _ “an Among th . who attmulml the fun- mull ot thu P Mr. Frederick Durst at Kinlmnn n Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Hun '_ Vollmm' tho Misses (Run! an t Emma Vollmar and Nit-HHS, V irntine and Alonzo Hahn. Corutntt n swl'vit'f‘s will ho oh. svrvod i "the Evangelical Church how on 1nday afternwn beginnhg a: 2 oYl r” I Mr. and Mrs. Mmon Schwartzbeek and dunghtm-s J, and Betty of St. baths Wr're' flay visitors with lit. and Mrs. N Grubb. Mr. and snvcdAmvnon Wolfe and family ot" y"et",,o spent Sunday with Mr and . 'rr' John Wolfe. Ilic" Sturt: saw]. of ttvoslatt was " “(w-L rm] vi>if(h'r at _ home hero. The funeral of t late Mr. John"'"."." spanning TU '" ""3 ween; Z'wgh-r, who was tire of our oldest v."Alt trionds in T1330. rrsiduuls. wus him nu Thursday), The January m ting ot the Lu- l'rmu the home may“, and Mrs. Hex: Iiu-r League of St. _ elers' Lutheran hm Snyder wimpb.‘h0 deceased had Church was held 0 ednesday even- made his home-. or tho last tew ing at the pal‘sona The president, years. The serv a were conducted Miss Amelia Wclk oressided Pol- Iry Rev. H. J. mack. Interment lowing the opening otions the to. took plan- at t -Hr'idetbtsrg ceme- pit on "Christian Lo ' was present- Ii-ry Tho will) re: were Emil and ed by Miss Amelia Wilker. Miss Clayton Snl'tlt$\\'illlam Samar, 1lario Dahmer iifiiibiiii scripture Hermann lluehnglgku Otlprhein and iwsml. Samuel 1rioizgthuh then led Alonzo Hahn. , lia prayer. A progra ' t musical se- Mr. and Mrs. gluon Schwartzbeek l0ctlons, games and (agents followed and "uusrhtovs Jan and nettv of St. the business part .. the meeting Miss l-Inm visitirty, I'm" mulhor, MRI Among 'Q mail ot ”In; at Kitvhnnn Sl M In sl Sl l; ,Hlll MIC, Hrutry \‘nhmumilz I ll' .mvl lir.R Willinm Hrhanrs, / n: Ittimim spun Sunday "ithi nml W, Aihnrv SJmnnwiH It Ivmmk 1iiittro, spun thN wrurk h hs,r _rs:v-trt'. Mr ‘mnl Mr" M, mm: a! lhlr‘lph ( le lel Urn Sunny: Slvlnmlvl, III \‘nnlluy “uh M" null Mrs FUI i I' 4m vvvu0Nsut,is “1'10. Mr I-‘uhu Uofrot' .md family 1lrs .ln-rmniah “on Mr Jurk Quorin s" Thomoa ltohrrt, of Mom I» ~ptmlln|z .| xv“ day-u 9.45 nan EROEHILL HRIDEBERG Ml Mrs. ttbu, phtovs J, k Wf'ru i121; Mrs. y (' ml snvcdAmy of Wat" 00 F and . T':" ' \oru SWIII 1111 vi.stl'4'r ul Mildro ”Fm an of 'trlu with e to Mrs. Foe ml Mr" Wil 1' Ma Pitt undm um l-Inm _l“rivs Ilil' VON“ Mr. Iacolt F .', th . who a :hv P Mr. _ one nSund; nu _ C _ Vollm: an t Emma V irntine an) u n swrvic i "the Eva! 1nday air}! I r“ -' J ,5 HISSON Harlin and Mr. F. I) torluu mndn n IF thi Irinity rri f (‘uvlph spout Jr. and \‘frn. Donniq lb‘rivs or l-lrhsvillo is New! weeks with her 'acoh Prim. NW lvx Ibrc,mr and sons In and Miss Monica Inn! Thurwlaly at Hrutry \‘nlmnv\\il7 a Willinm Sohnlm [pun Sunday “ilh mm Sdmlwwin tot spun thN wrurk Mr ‘nml “re M, Mos, lusvr of Wuts., running at hr‘r . near Lin- dayu with and Mr, and 'l'HIS' ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POUR CONDITION i: lk nut-ll lry Mtn" Lily “.IKMI“. lllu‘dilIv-Hl of tho Young Tat',',', _ I r IUII Hf Guelph Prp.qhytory, cal " in” unlulhmlnn to Christ‘s service ITU" "nu ofrltusrR for 1937 worn then I 1-.va nun-Inna nun duh with and mo manual rlbnod with prayer ,‘hll hettodtetlott, I The annual meetig ot the Ladies' "Aid of St. Peter's theran Chureht E was held at the pationaire Thursday Honing. Rev. “(Jeni)“: presided. Fic Iopiv on ”Ch tian Love" was mun-n by tho pastor, Following the, tvgular business m ting tho election ‘uf officers for the suing year took i mince. The 1937 o cers are as fol-' ilows: President. IR . W. Schultz; ltroasurer, Mrs. J. tz; secretary, Mrs. W. Schultz; o nist, Mrs. A. Dummeior; auditors', Mrs. Angus‘ l\nll and Mrs. 1Herntd Schluetor; li‘inwm- and visiting ce? mittee, Mrs. mod m-lrwiinu curd wan given by Eva inoiLmi Thd next meeting of the Snmmi (‘iuh will ho hold at tho homo n1” Mt, H W Wilkes' on Saturday .‘i'il'l'llUlHl Tho CPT. at tho l'nited Church him thojt' rngulm' maeting on Fri- "ns vwninz. Mia.- Mttrlan gains. tel- |v>\\~lli|1 mnwmnr. occur"! tho illilli Miss .lld‘i "gram unvn a dam talk nu “What tho Linwood Vanna i‘vnpin‘s l'nion Mandi for m 1"117” (Emmi Schurr gave a talk .on Whut thi- l’niir-d Church Young in nva throuehottt (‘nnnda Maud for" \im i-‘iuwncn Tym-k rnnd tho scrip mu inwm Thin WM iniinwod by A Thn first Mass or the Linwood (:nls' Suppor Chth was held at tho ln-nn- or Mrs. P MOQOCY. It 15 under ”.4 supnrvislon ot "is; Eva Ballard hsqislml by meg Aileen Hayes. MN“ Atitto Schunmer was elected pu-shlom or the c b, Amalia Wllker l 't v prewlom. an! Helen Schummer , NotaT'taeoerfNin. Miss Hilda Mt Iltsr spent Satur- lluy with friends i Kitchener. Mr and Mrs. thony Stemmler Visitor! in Bamber on Sunday. Miss Marian Lai ot Guelph spent Hm wvnk-end at r home here. Mr. and Mrs. . Roe of Milver- ton visited with '.'d'd' Mrs. Joseph Run on Sunday; Mr. and Mrg.1 . Costello of Kltch- unvr named ',',"lt, Mr. and Mrs. t Zilnmrrman on - May. . Mr. Prank Schu mer Jr., spent Sun. day with Mr. an Mrs. Orm. Powell ttt Guelph. stiiirury-iriuamu'0r. Twplve 5mg \H-l’o plum-m at the meeting on 43at. nvrl.|\ and Innre'aro excepted to join. A dvmotvatrdtlron on 'tho usé ot numsm'F‘annts . making was given Ly Ailtmn Hayes and how to scorn a l Mr. and Mrs. J ndor Koebel spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Joe Run- si1ullor of St. C .mems. Plin- in the heck ere usually due to impurities in the blood-ite products which the internal omn- ue {tiling to expel from the system. The numerous salts in Krulcheu mint in stimulating these organs to healthy, normal activity, and so help them to keep the Intern free from harmful wute matter. The Women’s Asgclation ot the I'nitnd Church met' t the home of Miss Marjorie 2130 on Thursday ni‘turnonn. The pr! idem, Mrs. Al- hurl Hackett pres ed. Plans were made for the coml‘g year's work. The Young Melts Bible Class ot e United Chttrett'r, at at the home %their toaclypr, i,'s.'s'E M. Schnurr on T _ursday evening. e following om- c/rs were elected:g President, Wm. McPherson; vice- esident. Ralph Adam; secretary. lmer Ogram; imaguror, Keith Nicky; missionary treasurer, Ross MeP son. The rest of tho evening was 9 nt in music and Komr'.R, after whic refreshments wore served. _ Mrs. A. o. Scnhurr and Grant and Miss M. Schnnif‘apom Sundey with Mr. and Mrs. Newman at Grand Valley. t "For yeen I have been sullen-inf with pains in the heck. At times bed to any in bed for den. I could not walk, or even “end. My tether wee using When Salts for the same thing. He, too, used to Butter badly, end Kruecheu relieved him. He edvieed me to try it. I did no. and did not qet I pain tor three yeere. I then neglected my delly dose for about six month. end two months ego the pain gagged. l tried mother remedy-it failed, no I min irtarted Kruschen. Now I have no trace " pain, thank: to Krysehen."-,ofrts.9 M.R. .. _ H. Wilkov: Mrs. Austin Illolzschuh and Mrs. A. Mammom. The treas- mor's and scevetarsibeport for the fair was most gratify. g. Lunch was tr.ssu served by the h less. Mr. and Mrs. R. F‘Jostor and Miss Kathleen Hayes em Tuesday in Kitvhonvr t Miss Gertrude 301mm of Kiteh. t"flPI' visited race y with new. and Mrs. Schultz. f Mr. and Mar rt Dahmer mn- ml in Conestoga” iday. Miss Laura “smaller ot water- loo and Mr. No an For-rel] ot Bt. Moments spent £32.” with Mr. and Itts. Leander its" I. _ Mrs. Wm. C'arno n has returned homo after spendl a week MINI Mr. and Mrs. Alla McLauthn at T'raltye. " Mrs. J. ‘llayos s t Sunday with relatives In Arthur.,' Mics D. McKay returned home after spending th " two weeks \-.ith trionds in T mo. after which Iuticts wd5 served vised her to try it. She did/and hetenil he: -tetul letter '-, _ Keptined Thu wom’l lilo VII and. I misery by the Pains of hock-chm Then her “that. who had nd the gm)“: of st%lld"lo'ltll,,T'ff, N ow--' LINWOOD I'll 'A'llrlrlgoo CHRONICLE l Visitors at the homo o Mr. and Mrs'. Moses Baer on Sun y were: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S er and daughter. Mlsslllolen Erb . Master Frederick Erh or Waterlo 'and Mr. Allan Crossman of Ayr. a: Visitors at the home lk Mr. and Mrs. Fred Path on Su‘ay were: Mr. and Mrs. William H l and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stroh of K hener and Mr. Roy Path ot can), ta. Mr. Roy Path ot Cale ta. Mr. Robert Campbel f Kitchener and Messrs. Robert a . ector Gum! ot near Ayr visite '/ith Mr. and Mrs. George Camph on Sunday. lRev. and Mrs, M. H man ot Mann. heim and Rev. and rs. Oliver D. Snider of Elmira wer nests ot Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Berg.» on Sunday. Mr. G. A. Gruetzn , nd Miss Plots onno Grumznor of twain visited m the home of Mr, “gust Lttttttsm svhlagor on Sunday. t Mr. and Mrs. o. C. éwar . nd sons Clair and Harold of Kite er called on Mr. and Mm, org acob last Saturday. 4re I? Messrs. Albert Sto and Roy Stoltz ot Roseville vlsl with Mr. an1Aers. Ed. Stoltz on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alva . owman of Guernsey, Sank, visit with rela- tives and friends in t community for a few days last w 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Ed, nor and son Franklin or Kingwo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra G cho last Sat- urday. Miss Muriel handh' toronto was the guest ot Miss Ru Snider over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. Klglngnman and Mr. and Mrs. Moses oman visited The topic, "Our le Translations and Versions", was scussed at the regular meeting 0 the B.Y.P.U. which was held at t home of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Din . on Monday evening. Mr. Dinger': resided and the scripture lesson 5 read by Mrs. Dlnger. The su oplcs were presented as follows "Language and Writing", by Mr. son Lang; "Manuscripts". by Mis "Arlene Lau- tenschtagor and "The lo In Eng- lish". by Miss Muriel th. A ape cm muMeal number wa endered hy a girls' chorus. C Person-ls. , Miss Erma Lautens ger or Han- over spent the week-e at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Joh uck. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, nor and son Franklin or Klngwo ,vlslted with Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Rosenbm'gcr and daughter Nancy Plattsvllle mailed with Mr. and M . EM Roman. bun-gar on Sunday. Mr. Roy Dietetiisaeuet s sponding a row months at Bridge rt. Mr. and Mrs. Dan S bath and daughter,' Barbara and M and Mrs. J. McGinley ot Kitchen F visited with Rev. and Mrs. H. P. male on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milford f ll and Mr. and Mrs. Wiltred W ‘er visited with Mr. and Mrs. N Wanner at Strasburg on Sunday. -y I The Junior I her Leagao met at the church on uday morning with the Prosidont, an Grace Toman oo- cupying the air. The scripture "ttsttott was d by Miss Muriel Eeerdee and dings were given by several ot a members Little Elaine Toma and Delmore Toman Bang. "I'm 0 he Sunny Side", and the response D the roll can was "A Scripture rue concerning The Birth ot Chrt " Messrs. Dave Mite 11 and Hugh Guthrie of Ayr were cent visitors with Mrs. Aaron To . Tho annunl rtrantantion ot the Lniled urelhr church Choir wa- held at the hon of Mr. and Mrs. A. unborn Rial Pr! y evening with the following ottice being elected tor the year: Presid t, Quentin B. Halt, man; 'secretary-t Insurer. Mrs. Clare Hliboru; chair der, Mn. M. B. Snyder; 3331.. B. A. McKeuock; junior choir lea r, Miriam ilii'born Jr. Luther Len Heating. IRev. G. D. lug ot Huntington Ind., occupied t pulpit ot the Unit ed Brethren Ch h on Sunday even Ins. B.V.P.U. - - " “and. You Poop!" looting. Rare. Irvin 1101309910 ot Bob apple. Pom, . tho "at upon-r at m. Blonho Mennonite Young People'o - g which was held n the church 0 Btutday morning. Mr. Gordon Bea ended and the topic tor [be mes g was, "The Way of Success." I David Hersey read the twripture Ie n and Miss Dorothy Mean gave t any. U. B. Church Ir lie-crowing mania? ihiiisi'rrtiiGiii."r2,'k' for the name Buyer {n the form of n on. on ever! tablet. “I. 1"... " --. 11'. ___..AI ___ Demand and Ge f. \/ As IRI N '.-~' I nu- no '/Aypirin" tablets give quick rp- lief, for one reason. because they dissolve or disintegrate almost in- atantly they touch moisture. (Note illustration above.) Henee--when you take an "Aspi- rin" tablet it starts to dissolve al most " quickly as you swallow it. And thar is ready to Mart working almost inatantly . . . head..rhes. neuralgia and neuritis pains start eel-n We“ 'tttTee. _ and; "An irin" Is the registered mm»; '.Ell'.l B-xethmnanx. . 1A3ii.'iiL,fib,",iiiE: made in fie I. 1ANMtt'Us thelegistere" It you lune! from headaches -what WHY-1.". Mute? relief. _ _ I!” "a m urn - Tffii.iYiihfGTG tmarvelour, Get Real Mia-Acting, - Qulch-Dusotvtng - "AS PI RI N " To Ease a Headache Fast For QUICK Relief - 3 Ill eh o Sand: lea exude mes g vim ‘ M David le I: am " t essay Arch Ir I mull rs: Irelhr Clt In: hot or a»! PM y e otrice be Presld t, l retary-t as chair ' ass!” B. olr lea r, I "Geo. Grnunribter has sewn-l we .dittttirut contrncu at Winter- bo . Ind has been quite success. in! Inc-ting flowing sprite, ”My Pun. Mr. and Mrs. rl Tabbert and daughter Charlott nn were Tues- day afternoon vis s in Elmira. _Mr._Anthor1y b; ton spent last Mr. and Mrs. to Sandwich on spending a few his home here. (3 Mr. Cummin of Gore Bay, Manitoulin, now" structing at the short course at den, spent the week-end at the me of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hewlett: Mrs. Chas. Schoifole of Conestoga Ipent Tuesday with her sister. Mrs. Well Driller Succuglul If. Ind Mrs, Joe Snider enter- ulnd the young people of this com- Mr. and Mr . Alex Confer, dtsutth- tens Marion Id Isabe and son Claire were S ay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ems of Millbank. Mr. J. W. R ardson was a re- 'di',',,' visitor wit riends at Wing. am. Mr. Anthony N. Thgrsdny in, G1silir, Messrs. J. W. ichardson and Chis. Kraemer w business visit- ors in Elmira his hursday. Mr. and Mrs. Logel returned to Sandwich on ednesday after spending a few ks' vacation at visitors Con-in. Mr. und Mrs. . ecil Mttnstfleld sEent Suturday in elph visiting at t e home of Mr. _ d Mrs. Henry Linguy. _ -- - _ . Mr. Ind Mrs. Jdiiies chkson and Mr. Lane of Hills tt spent Sunday at the home of and Mrs. Edgar Letson. Mr. and Mrs. wirs.Mewlett spent Tuesday " Guelph, nls visiting It the home of Mr. and ly'. Howard Bowman It Mnrdm. " ’w'e?"i’re"lqo}?§ to rep t that Mr. Peter Ziegler is It pre nt confined to {in bed. Ed r d r. d Mrs. 4 car Letson an oi/als:;'] Sunday Afternoon at Rockwood. . R. c. Woods. Mr. Louis Knllnr of ttimirs in re nowing acquaintances: , this com munity. Mrs. Ed. couple of m St, Thomas. Messrs. Moria" Baumnn. Israel Gingrich and Jhs. nidor from near Waterloo called Mr. John Me- Goyfrn or} fuesdjy. x _ Messrs. Wm. gman and J. T. James of Win were Sunday callers on our lin' . Mr. Roy Ebl Montreal was a recent visitor ur line. Mr. and Mr . llan St. Clair of Salamanca. NY? were recent after- noon callers ahu. and Mrs. Earl Tabbert. , utr Spring Birds A " . With local th p; ometers register- ing around 55 ees on Saturday of last week, man birds, including gulls, robins, b her birds, and starlings have b _ noticed in this locality. A lone g was also no- ticed swimming i ' shallow ditch. Miss A, E. Co was a Monday afternoon caller - rs. Carl Linse- Miss A, E. Co was afternoon caller rs. ( man and Mrs. Elk yron Visitors at the h n of Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Shaun Sunday were: Miss Margaret Fr of Vineland, Miss Margaret Cr an of Perry's Corners and Miss can Shantz of Pine Hill. , Mr. and Mrs. l' . Guthrie visit- r-d with Mr. and . . J. J. Thompson at Ayr on Manda Miss Mabel , o and Mr. Leslie lam-mun of Ki nor wore guests In Mr. and M . R. It. Bailie last Wednesday. I Rm: Ervin Holsopple ot Hols- opplo, Penn., ted with triends’ in the communit _ ver the week-0nd. 7 'Rr‘v. and w H. P. Schade and Mr. and Mt Wellington Becker visited at {Maine of Rev. J. F'. For- sythv at Salt on Monday. with Mr. and Mrs, Christian Cress- man near Plattsvllle on sunday. Mr. Harvey ppel of Tiverton spent the wee nd with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dief hacher. Mr. and Mrs. lliam Shark and little grunddaught Margaret Sherk of near Ayr visit with Mrs. Levi Fumras on Sunday. Mr. A. W. Huber :of Gall called on relatives in the;lllage on Mon- day. I Feldman Furs WEST M'NTROSI HUDSON SEAL COATS 8195 Ite. kt Feldman’s January Fur Sale BROADTAIL Swagger-Coat. so QUEEN ST. S. LAPIN COATS BROADTAIL COATS m 'is6_dbetgrwbt 5% 'liytdUeadle Offering Unusual Values in High Quality Fur Coats 545:; Em ‘on is spending a I’With friends at LLENSTEIN (Kitchener visited Mrs. Elizabeth Going. Price Sale Price CVCLIST Is I ‘URED Royal Rorkvl. 13. 4 Peppler St., uhiiv riding " hicy e about six "'rlock Saturday PV ing received in; injurivs when strum by a truck in cltavp. of Cont/Krug, Bridge- purl. Tim youth wasggoing west on King strom, as liePr was going into Victoria street. tr CARACUL SwaggerCoatl comciiuou.--dtrts an vxtennive iuvostigation b polico, Crown 'uutltrtNtir,s rover an earlier mu- mation and deel not to hold an inqunst into tho d th of Harry Saun- ders, young bond lesman or Tor- (mm. killed Mondayiight in a motor wash near this tom Don't say that the early bird gets the worm. Nowadays the early bird glls his own breakfast. Police evidence stlfbd that Gerber had been asked not drive his car, “kilo he was in it the officer lorllti'd a “drunken ndition". Ger- iwr mid tho magis r to ho was not drunk. Magistrate Cake in dismiss. ing the charge said ' barge ot being drunk in a public Ere might have succeeded. but there 'as no evidence (if drunken drivinw munity on Saturday night in honor of their daughter Ada’s birthday. other t%rtJhtet, - - C. GERBER tggeg;p, FREED ON UNK COUNT KiTUHENlBR.--! gistrate John R. Blake In police can on Tuesday ac. quilted Chris. Ger r of We.lesley or reckless driving, charge being Md on New Year‘s We. BOND sAcEsMAAlmEs IN CRASH The Y.P.UI (viith' eet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ey Melitzer on Fri_d_Iy night.. Ag _ _ (This anhizil c egational meet- ing will be helm the church on Wednesday. by” 20th, at two o'eloek. _ KITCHENER FRENCH SEAL COATS And Fur Nukpioeoo .Il reduced in price dating our Juan-r7 Sale. MUFFS AND SCARFS BR0ADTML COATS 865 33:. Phone 216 Now you can re,':,',',:,'),',",','; comfort, convenience and safety you’ve never kno before. Tampax is easy to use. Nobelts. No pins. No pads. Eliminates odor. SANITARY PROTECTION WORN INTERNALLY _ ”MID Vol ADVIINOIIIO IV 'NI “I‘m" HIM Am|AYION asf. Arpt THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Waterloo, Ontario Notice is hereby given that the Forty-eighth Annual General Meeting of The Dominion Life Assurance Company will be held " the Head Office of the Company, Waterloo, Ontario, on Friday, the twelfth day of February, 1937, at the hour of One o'eloek in the afternoon, for the purpose of considering the Financial Statement of the Company for the year ended December 3lst, 1936, for the election of Directors and Auditors and for the transaction of suchother business as is proper at such a meeting. Waterloo, January 15, 1937 NOTICE OF 48th Annual General Meeting CIE By order of the Board of Directors iijCilji, PAX TH! MODIRN INVISIBLI SANITARY NAPKIN A. G. HAEHNEL kr an nxtennive pollen, Crown ll an earlier intl- , not to ho!d an ,th of Harry Saun- INTRODUCING The Rexall Drug Store [ We Deliver .of. /riljyttatefse?,!,f' CARS COLLIDE AT . KING AND JQHN STREETS Two (111's were beak damaged in a collision (it the corner of King and John “was abcat1ri.45 Wednesday evening. when a t"ct riven by Alex Tuvrk of Elem is su to have col- lided with one driven by Alice S. lioeppel or Waterloo. k'ruerk car 11tts' proveoding south 0 . ing street, and tho Koemiei car, athissiiig King Arum on John from host to east. vus' ski-wk. Fenders, doors. radia- tor and running boards were badly damaged on both cars. Satisfy Phono 4511 " Ontario St. l KITCHENER FORD S. KUMPF, coo LA’SSEs ORDON‘S My: _Ja_nerr9, A”! We pick " nah. of G. L. BRAUN 210 King St. E. Flinn. 278.! Kitchonor LOCKS KEYS MADE All m. Waterloo Pro-ideal.

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