it Move to Allow Sunday Paschall TORONTO-MOU partly by a deezlpe to assist in] uttitig the " fairs of the Town“! Baseball Club on a more success-tl basis, Aid. Pcrey J. Quinn unm‘nced that he would initiate at an early date a move to permit Funday baseball in Toronto. PRESTON.- Fortmtion ot the On- mrio Womo's Hockey Association grouping In this digtriut is ,xpefteyl to hr completed this week-end, " mm unnouncml hero. Stratford ls mid to trf' u den he starter with l'iiMoit, while Lm§on and Port Ihr wr Mum urn const wing entry. it, of 'ii Quality it. B. Detenbeck i?. WATERLOO Ci' '6tmmmummutmuntmmnnmttnt"ie' "gtitttntmtmMitnmmmtlMtMttttrg , A 2oyor _ol Thaw. G.Young Co. 34 King St. S. "Love on the Run" WOMEN'8 Mocha! GROUP Fox News =iioG “I. MONDAY - TUESDAY . Indium/w . TLia-ii" u . no . so "lhml's Of London†THURSDAY - FWAY - IAWIDAY - JANUARY " . ll - " British-American Products Dunlop Tires and Jewellers " King St. S. "tie (9th mm" "tlt_vdyAL_ATTR8fmoN, Tuegnght Only, Jan. 19 " RIF F RAF F " Jon Hurlinv . Spa-tint Tracy Charm away chat colds "pie,..,',?), with PENETRO! CLOTHES tr KING E., KITCHENER You will find our prices much lower than you had expected to {my for high qua ity glasses. Ask About Char Exlendul ngmanl Plan MI. Ruthie-cw JOAN CRAWFORD CLARK CABLE lei-i; "friGGiiv' ' '. J. D. M. Fisher. Prop. Mr Guy Standing Tyrone Power, Jr. Service Station Franchot Tone Men's Outtittor WATERLOO to.“ p... Optometrists Phone 804 Phone 612 (IIOIIIII IIIAQIII for DENY FANS MOLESTED PLAYERS Mr. and . 5. Henry Neel), Misses Ellen and E a Neeb, Messrs. Har- old Schaeter, rley Neeb and How- ard Schnarr gem Sunday visitors with Mr. and _ 's. Arno Noah at Ba- den. - Master Leon d Schnarr and Carl Fritz spent Su yay atternoon with Cyrll Helm. l, Mr. and Mr Oscar Vogel and daughter Doreed ot Peace River dis- tt ict, arrived at 5 parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mr Oscar Vogel and daughter Doreed ot Peace River dis- tlict, arrived at 5 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1rod 1 on Saturday and Intend srutndingWeveral weeks with rc-latlves and fr as Mr. Kasper 01 of Shakespnnro iv, spending s ral (lays with Mr and Mrs. Henry ogol. A REAL 6PP0RTUN|TY Your hom newspaper, The Chronicle, Be weekly. and the daily Globe an Mail delivered to you every marking, all for the special low pricl‘bf $6.00. Let us have your order mW. Sunday silors with Gilbert Svlmarr we : Mr. and Mm Edward St-lmarr an sons Morris and Ralph, Mr. Angus Schnarr, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sc arr, Mr. and Mrs Htl. hurt Schnn and son Bobby. Mr. Edw d Scheuner spent Mon- day with r. and .1trs. Andrew Sehettner a lmlra. KITCHBNDR, otticials ot the Kitchener Juni r Ontario Hockey Association Ch have denied taus hero had mol ted Galt players in Monday night; game. Monday night' game. l, - A fight occu ed in tht' ulslc lead. Air Mails1 iug from the m- to tho dressing 5-0 in a scl rooms at the nd Ur tlic. svcond p(-- Waterloo M Hod but to t iv knowledge, it was .Wednesgay n cotttlned to a ew players from httth .1118 their tlr, Hams, they S d. Kitchonor won the and were tsho game 6 to 1. lilly/itll,. q: Sunday Svhnarr we; Sr-lmarr am Mr. Angus: Eugene Sc hurt Schnat Mon. have dono _.5gtt',;" without hands, without feet, ritltottt eyes“ but without brains ttthy are helpless. In I “who who but. at in "mttat-so-t..,.A.aigort.tso urn - to but. landva with girio- Co-ody and a Good Story “Lady Be Careful" - pun ATTRACTION LL" W‘Youu f Florence Rin- Umbrellas thed Keep Off Tobalbo Juice at Kitchenér Hockey Games, situ Verne Jul: Holt . EVelyn Venue A_oethottrq.ot.-tbsot.r.. an. an 1.1.6:}: iid iiiieLtsire Fm Purng,_D-ko & Ontario “SWORN ENEMY" Thrills Ind Rom-Ice! An Int-null. story with union from "art to tuuttt nar-L. um Tu.- Now“ put-'- yeu. - (on In. . tor. At one time when†was to hockey what st. Th as was to base- bail. " was Tttc' to get home without a fight of me kind. mauuumi “Latina! “Hauling“! The Pups ran'il luck . . . also a rit oner Monday nig! Groenshlrts admin' ping. Apparently the kl who are play- ing for Leo Quinn is season have been listening to Dir dads and uncle, far thoy Mr! ly put on quit.- an affair. .. Older fan: will rehmber the days when the goal judgmtood on the ice behind the nets hill the good on" carrled short Ida†in tholr pock- A.E ., as. “North Ot Nome" And it used to gawk! that clubs should provide 11 rellas for the goal judges who w ed the Kitch- ener rink, what w the tobacco juice that was strea d down from thc galleries on tho h dst of the goal officials. . Those were the day. when the go- Ing was rough, tough and nasty, and even though than were angles that might, better have bun patsserd over, still and all, the fans came out to see the games, and in number. that Mary arm. . 14.5555; - no": Arum-non I (Verne Marsh: - A Rep? "EASY " FAKE" [‘HBNDR. Officials ‘ner Jani r Ontario anion Ch have (IN lad mol ted can pl y night' game. :11! occu ml in the " om the km to tIto at the nd oi' thi. ,4( ut to t 6r knowledg 3d to tt ew players t' they s d. Kitchmmr 6 to 1. E SVILLE lay silors with Ct' we : Mr. and Mrs ['1' an sons Morris an ugus Schnarr, Mr. l e Sc arr. Mr. and chna and son Bobby Edw d Scheuner sp vim r. and Mrs. ner a lmlra. ' and . 8. Henry Neel and E a Neeb, Mes :haeter, rley Neeb a chnarr gem Sunday Ir. and _ 's. Arno No [or Leon d Schnarr spem Su yay atterm Helm. l, and Mr Oscar Vt .er Doreed ot Peace I rrrived at 5 parents, Itrnry 1rod 1 on Sum; srutndingWeveral we es and fr ds. Kasper 01 or Sha mung 5 ral (lays 's.][onry ogol. b REAL APPORTUN with with What a boon to mothers is the PENETRO jar! When winter winds and weather brlrht colds In their train. let PENETRO guard you and your children from the dangers of unchecked colds in chest and head. For PENETRO seems to charm colds away, if used in time. And ltU so easy to apply: just rub chest. throat. and bark with this mum-white. medicated salve. and feel its gentle “armâ€. penetrating to the very seat of congestion and pain. and its aromatic vapour-role-d at body temperature- aoothlng away the Irritation of con ested nasal [ma-nun. Irtd, quielxlv. the cafe! has |n “one? 2-, 't"ttt's"r'Nr9rrtreleFr'8qrerP/t'l [in the Galt m) - I a lot of tough . . .up in Kitch- "as the young ï¬rm] " TI [rap- THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION. Carlo Ku ot the ammun- was the best n on the Ice, showing great bum t need. Which also turned l the performance. No score. Penalties bnrh Penalties Rhodes. Air Mails tri ed Hawker Furies 5-0 in a sch ed game of the Waterloo Mi t Hockey Leena Wednesday n . Furies were play- ing their tlr me of the seuon and were sh several players Rey Clayfield, G. His and D. Boyer were best f the winners, and C. Hauck, W. it and H. Loos for the Hawkers. he turns: A D Deed A man, hagg and grim, entered the Chemist's p. "I want some~ thing Madly a quick tor a pet dog tt lu-h has to di he whispered. "It'tt a pretty little ins. all may and soft, but it's got go'." The chemist nuddml sympat tlcally, measured out some powder, d handed Hover. GALT.-in A game here abnorbed a 3-1 Greenshlrtn. Air 'ttjttt Out .0 Defeat Hawker Fu s-Goal, E. Seip; defence, C. Ha and R. Bowman; forwards, W. G , H. Loos and D. Baleturres; spare . Howley Ind H. Boehmer. . -- Air Mao-Goal fence. G. Ellis um tre, R. Clqtield; anti g. _tlotea; an: Gall had range. but dated the "l'm sorry. sir," murmured, "but trprce things hav D be done. It's doubly hard. I k w, when It's a pvt!" The hag man nodded. unnt out with th Itron, and made Itis way homo.. retully he cut a pitta ot U'lliptin V eat, filled the in- ~itlv m’ il with powder, crept to 21w dividing rm at the back of his Imus“, and am ed the meat into his tivighlrot"s gar . Defeat mm 3-1 to Thom was a ung *King of Great Bfitain, 1m an: American r1 became smitten, When tho load objected Tho brown he acted, And now on the rone he's not sittin'. 7 would make New day club “WW." Bingelnan d'rew the only enelty of _ swoon. ' lthe period. In the d periodl Perhaps that, 'lthln reasonable Miehm curried the puck the Gun- bounds. is what, ey need to bring ton end of the rink u d to hockey back. 'dl, idn't take much to S we: who drilled it to more provoke fans t till the Ice surface 'el, tirtrt goal of the e. buck in the BI 1x, but the current, Streets and Emllie w pepal- mop of custom does not seem to ties for rou hing it, they had have the same ttthttititMtttt. Ijust returns when n cer- At the same t ' and we're going tied in close and gave le ttrd; new by report: Ich have armed He made no mistake d score the back from Kltch r, there'- no call second goal of the e. Sparrer for fullgrown fa ‘to mob a bunch drew a penalty for pplng. . of youngsters as ey come oft the, The Clinton tea ganged up in ice, and give the beating. the third period arid-went through That's what happ ted to the Pups. the Hamburg def e line when Try n oC thcm ha a couple black Bingemen was sen for an acci- (‘30s. Ono may '1: e a broken nose. dental tt Then turned into I Anoumr has athr’ Mnch ante-cutin real be e, with' Clinton scoring the back or his I . Two have cher- twice. tw. “charm. r T Th? orysrtin" â€510%.â€. "We! It's things " that that break the spirit of a boy len't too able to take care at mull. Fortunately, there are non Cot that type on the Galt club. Th cl" like it . . . but they shouldn't ve to. That mob play at Kitchener might quitn have put halt a dozen good boy out ot the game. Those [ans con!!!“ step up to a man my tho streets and do the safe thing _ _ . probably they wouldn't anyway . . . and thefts no reason why they should get away with it in thi, rink ottteiai--$ied Wining Streak G , H. Loos we . Howley Jon arl Hm. l 'l? i Doers e . n ' l l s b, {Mel ed der. D Deed sr _ and grim, p. "I wan quick tor a he whispers s Ing, all flu at so!" The at tlcally, m ler, d handed "," murmurl hav 0 be do I k w, whet mg man th lson, an 1. . refully tr in N eat, filled 1 powder, l u at the bac , ed the meat ung ikintr c in rl became and objected he acted, the rone l Karl Hauck; de- 1. Doerf1ert con- ings, D. iGiir , . McKersie. 'J" [AIIILQO CIIQIICLI Son-ell). Chicago q, Mn For Chic-30 -Brruorr, Btu-c (Goa-.113): March (Blair); 3nd (W0). For Botgton-% e; 00:11]. (Cowley. Bandar. new If: mm Police 'cii'i'ctlrt,,,e,, May Resign Post The New Hembu '.Council held their first meeting f F 'the new year in the council c r. The reeve end councillors w leeted thine- clemntlon. The tee eons“ ted the members on " no work during the your. gave his in- eugunl eddress the oath to the new king, King orge VI, had been taken. , " Cannot Continue on Font Sin-II tuiarr.-viii-r FT“ Sound. Say. Tmulur. 'Vn-gunl Several matters ogmsiness were attended to. Clerk E. Rita said he was very well st ed with the fintuteinl state of _ of New 2gtrpt The vi] . in ttl In good or etter Rune stun ing as nny village of this sit the prov- mce. Chief ofd gages ,r,ih,iercr, w: present In use m to lems tf his wont. 'lr/ure')',)',,",',','; have been received a his nhry but he urged than ple to come with him some hit: when he is called out on & burg , but none, offered to go. He '. in closing that it was impossib to carry on his work " his pre salary Ind it will have to be n d or he will resin. ,4 The me mot Mend The B rs _ - that' the have 301111qu the fans the; year when they a d into Clinton and held the stro team of that town to I 2-2 ties t woe two of lost youâ€: junior mpions who scored the two goo Fnt Spotter and Mae Miehm. The' urgers were unfortunate not to _ the some as they had the Clin team 2-0 at ..tre End of the. new period. _ mutual: ti) (if. â€Mali to ..trbra. Tep. The first cried Wttig t CristesaUnd ,rill'lln''Nr"lll the th8'i,'l'i'f'tll'l4 The Clinton tenni'ganged up in the third period 'ttVet!' through the Hamburg def e line when Bingemnn was sen for an acci- dental trip. Then turned into . The overtime port "F was scoreless and both teams fou t hard snd fairly but could no msnsge to iGGuu. Mr. Fred Furer of T nto spent the we?-end with frie in town. Mr. nd Mrs. B. Pei of Humil- ton were Sand-y visi with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Felck. _ Mr. 1nd Mrs. R. R ti1s and fam- ily of Tm atpent the k-ond with the latter’s "any. and Mrs. C. Hildebrandt. ' Mrs. Clue mm d twin babies returned home If Tending a two weeh' nation or parents in Pnrhhili. - Mrs. Moore of Thoma in visit- ""ig."t1 Mr. tad A. E. Show. r. Woodrow tlro and . Warne ILropf gt td tht hockey k. Woodrow are and Mr. Wayne Kropf s ed the hockey gsme " Toronto Saturdsy Mrs. E. E. Muse ' rs. L. Lenten- schlsger, Miss Clo Graff, Misses Grsce Peacock and rms Schmidt attended the memor service con- ducted by the Bob Lodge in honour o the lots M M. 8%ulres, who ms instantly lost hut-s- er, nou- Tsvlstock. service was he d in smtford. - P' Mr. Russel All ghnm was a bust- nrsn visitor in trttttord Int Mon- day. Mrs. l. E. C In ot Toronto spent last wrttytt-ett In. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calder. k Many of the farmers of this notion attended the monthly fair In limit: on Monday. - Mr. m6 Mu. w. N. Autumn spout luv. Bum-any wlth Mr. and Mrs. Roll! Alllnghnm of Mlmunk. Mr. Austin Logo] was a basins" vmmr In Woodstock one day Int week. Mr, Anthony Newton was A bugl- rmn visitor in Elmira lut Friday. Mr. Edward Llnnemnn spent last “'ndnendny In mum. London T, I: Elmira 8, A Jun] Strat ford 0, Pen Mr Judi†Bay was a hug-Ines! vrrritorn In Kitchener but Friday. K1 h lnth " one! I. u "ROM Mr. J. W, Alllngham and non Russo] went Int Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bold Allingttatn It um. Horatio.- DOE N6 "oottnatt' Hombu "fro sting f F the l c r. rs w law he no .com ' on " at. gt es: th r King eorg , " ttera nsi Clark Ill E. we " et e arm-$1 Mlourned to among t urn ot the - lulu and otttrtttttted a point ouch to the n' more, tollowod by two mo In xolao’n. luck to bring the tot tour goals during the game. y, tricky Arthur centre. gave th 1 their other point. The comblna disphyed by Arthur vu- otlset o by the speed ot the vial- tors. T : Elmira I, Rudow; defence. ll- chael an , Raw; centre, Miller; wings, KI and Allemng; spares, keno. Bar clntyre and Martin. Arthur I, Dismun; defence, A. O'Neill and Roman; centre, Per. ry; wings, arahall and Green; spares, Doy W. O’Neill, Jack-on, h. . Smith As SdlhnAtt. (lilieer and M813 8-3 Ppntintt on Wilma! Reappoints Appoln eats for 1937 l b _ ownshlp Council . at Inaugural. IPars l bt to statute, Wilmot Coun- cil met the Township Hall, Baden, on Mon ' January 11, 1937. - mm; mm tool . who: hold on the Worth!» Tua- dar when am“ Arthur ' to 3 In a Ic O.H.A. [Manhattan B - be the but“ emtted or the neuon. “honing In the lid period tho allowed [but to Membe all in attendance who having m and subscribed their re- apective d rations of attics, he gun the tra' ction or business tor the year 193 "Ir' My Group The (allow members constitute the 1937 . M. A. Schmidt. Reeve, Simon tner, Deputy Reeve, John IHohl, an: Witzel and Ab tved E. Kerr clllors. . The reeve sided. The minutes of the Decem meeting were read and adopted. T cormminicatthmrwere read from the Municipal W soliciting subscrip- tions. The IN, rlo Good Roads Atugo- elation aski tor.annual fee, the Ontario Mud lpal Association and the Ontari Association of Rural Municipalit . Moved b Vbhmm Dimer and John 'Hohl that 'eave he given the mover to introd a by-law to appoint Auditors, _ aessors, School Attend- ance om ' Weed Inspector, and members the Local Board ot Health an hat said by-law be now read a fir 'and second tIme.-A3tus ried. , Moved 'by‘Wiliiam wnzel and Al- tred E. Kerr at leave be given the mover to int nee a by-law to bor- row a certain s ot money trom the Dominion Bank, mien, to meet the current and nee snry expenses tor ‘the-J-ear 1937, a a by-law to Bots ‘row a certain sum money for Muni- Gai Telephone _ rposes and that {said by-laws be n read a first and second timc.--fa ed. Moved by Joh‘Hohl and Simon Dimer that a by- w be introduced to provide tor e nditures on roads in the township f Wilmot for the year 1937, and at said hy-law he now rnad a Hrs nd Rocond time-- Carried. - John H. Kroiz. 31m. $4.50; Chas. Knipfni, relier " ; B. Koehler. re- lief. 2.24; Hlll's n ery, relief. 8.77; ( ' Leisknu. T.M; ph. Shams, elec- tion expenses tor ll Ne I, 11.00: Moses Toman for l 2, IL00; Henry Doniio {or Poll 3. .1100; Harry Kuntz tor Poll 4, 9.00; eodore Dietrich for Poll 6, IL00; Herman Wagner, 11.00; New Hamburg Independent. printing ballots, .00; Commercial Letter :':ei1;'-..'v1)'iil'a"drltf,), flnatteitt1 re- iport. 40.00; Ch . eipel, registering births, marriages and deaths and election expenses. 44.75; Herbert lJohnston, survey N. S. Roth drain. 24.00; Municipal World, election sup- plies. 11.08; John Buck, rental, 4.00; sittfon bitner,%Uirrnan, when the following appol ems were made: auditors, Willltt Russell and mm E. Kuntz; asses rs, A. B. Christ- nor for block Iile"t Jacobs for Blcam's and Snld 'ty Roads. Theo- dore C. Doerlng fo'EI‘b‘s Road and block B. A. R. G. ith, School At- tondance Officer. eed inspector, Allan W. Rattler; ltary inspector. E. Roodor, momh local Board of Health. K. B. " an. _ Mdvml by Sit Dimer and Alfred E. Kerr that s councll so into cummjttoo of t whole on by-last. The amount 0 20,000.00 was ire snrtod tor cane and necessary ex- pcngnn, " 000.0 or Municipal Ttrits phone Joi/nd and $17,000.00 for expenditure 0 ownship Roads. Moved by , 11mm Witzel and AL tred E. Kerr at bylaws Nos. 762, 753. 754 and 6 be now a read a third time an finally passod Road and passed. Moved hy SI n Dimer and John Hohl that tho to wing accounts be passed and that e Reeve mum his orders on tho trohnrar in payment of same: 4 J. C. Jalmet, tiiisrfes, 640; Theo. Huohn. burying indigent! 10.50; Ott. turin Good Round! Aittroeiattott, fee. .300. David K. Bonhnrt, refund dog tax, 200; Trtstotttor North Dumfrtos Tp. labor and drngz1ng. 13.97; Chan. anlman. labor Saw Dunan LM; A Lttntottgrh1ir,'lothor New Dun- don, 90c; Irvin Ktartlman. labor New Dundon. 45c; Mona roman, labor Now Dutton. 45c; Rimon Wagnor. draining on road E. in; Alvin Ram-(H. trucking gum-1, M gh; John Horhnr. salary a mm. 1400; Thomas Griffin. 13hr. 1.80. Moved hr Alfred I. Kerr and Wil- Itatn W1tul am all council do now adjourn to moot min on Formal? In. "rt. Ch“. 301901. Clark. - w, ___ lnl eats , b - owns} fat Ina; i ‘11. to stat L the Tom nt ,Janua me _all in , tna . and a re d ' ram 1e Ira cm ar 193 follow I 1r 937 .. M. [ Simon tt Hohl, " ' a u Kerr _ H reeve 'Wisi Decem j 1 lopted. T nunlca an" Inn] w 1 The o r10 1 ask! to o Mud ' mum A534 lpalitt . ed bt, imm Lhat save h .rod a I ws, _ Basso om ' We era the t an hat 5 I fir and ) ed by nu L Kerr at 'to int J" “(I Eat sait Hrs nd soc Six I Dime: t B com t whole : ter, halrma poi ems ' 11a Russel mes rg, A, k 1ile"t Snid 'ty R 'ing tomb R. G. ith tleer. ee( tier; ital momh Inc: I, " an. m 0 20,00 lrre and n Woolwich D ines E37111.“ d . "00.68.-- To Take on gums: Browne ht Crops f,'??)')., “am his ders to “mo: Bank ur Nova Sc 1r 1936 tax col. INPUODS, $5.70; Royal nk. Elmira. 1936 tax collections, 2 tv, Municipal World, assessment ll luppllu 27.87; J. T. Schmidt, nting mun- Mal slnmmants, 27.50; tario Blank Forms. supplies, 9.62; Ira Print. ing Co. Ltd., nomln n notice, 14.45; Burnett Bros., t lgent sup plies. 5.28; J. T. on, men! sup- plies. 4.43; Dally Record, Income " King St. W. Wonon‘l and Grain). atrl.' Shoes at 82.50. Wo-u'n Mntn at 81, Reg. 82.95 Women's Silk "one at 75c Polo Cloth Beret- nt Me. (Sikh Glove) at 98e. Wont-’- HALF PRICE GOUDIES BUY NOW AND SA"! so Joul- Mel'. new nyl- Bllhnoro. ote., Huh. to]. to " your aloha .l.â€. $1.50. $2.90. . . . Don-I of Forsrth, do" Shir“, I... b '3.Stt, your choice "e, 81.â€. $1.33. 8].â€. . . . For: th, ote., TI... Pol. to " new 2 for " . . . u do": Inc-'- now (gut-m Surh. I... to $1.95. choice 3N, tIN,'.', ".28. . ' . Over 1.000 pair of "of. Punk, ".89. .1.†to 3.88. An Mon'u Silk and Ovmuh an! also " So. our opuhln at â€I.“ and Sitll. 0th." at no to 819.00. " hard to tlit, up. our nude-Io-noonro -u., $17.80 to 821.80. " III. I. Moderate 1ttttepe of u $1.50 tlltd'ftWd ":7th Klielloncr’. Moder- Dopu-l-ut Store Phone .50 Very $4.95, 86.95, 38-95. thlnur'o loll-Ho Oreo-trut. ". " You: Money Saving Specials HERMAN LIPPERT STORES Glasses That Satisfy KITCNINII Voters advert“: Moved o 1: Wil Bon and Edmund ' hwi that t council do now . ourn eat a at the Coututrl ham Con totro, on TueIday, ob. ext, 10 o'clock a m.-Aht led. r Mr. Reuben spent Sunday daughter, Mrs, Oswald. Snyder, pay 3209.58.43. Mine- FYanc ' lplott and Ruth Devin visited _ loud. In Kitatt. ener on Saturn Mr. Ind Mrs. ndo Bowman and sons Howard Vomon were Enn- day guests at home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. K . Mr. and Mrs. Florence and , mar Klie spen ot Mr. and Mrs; Ian. Mr. and Mrs. rd Snider and family ot St. Ag and Mines Jessie and Gladys no spent mm. day at the home Mr. and Mrs. Smnley Snider. Miss Elsie Bac , bride-elect of this week, was rprised by the young people the Mennonite Church on Mon evening and pre- sented with a. 9111an shower. The evening spent in a social way at the aiielusion of which a dainty lunch was served. Misses Fran to Montreal an two weeks at tl Mrs. E. J. Devin Mr. arid Mrs. Schenk visited at the home ot . Levi Hallmn on Sunday. , 7 7 - - Mr. 'and Mrs. Al allman called on Mrs. Levi Hall on Sunday. Brldeelect Honor Marquise“: Curtain- at 'I." [ur- ,,,;,, __ Btlkntt Panth- " 11 Alto Bloc-Ion Bad th- at Me. (Dow! Dru Goods at 69e - Also Dre-I Goods ten» Men’- Dolhr The at 50c. ngjpperl a Ilk, Me, Fund Pictures " Me, soc. Tlie, 91- __ Chlldm’s th Slipper- PS _ (uUllLJf2flfg,fef, Shm sharpen-d ll: hollow ground. on "uh. GUNS and AMMUNITION 130 King St. S. - WATERLOO Phone may: Churn".- 60 King St.- s. - Watfrloo GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING tM KING w., KiTCHENER Phone 105 Foe Alloy Ro-tim" Loclted in Steele’s Optical Pulots. " King St. W. - Kitchen" STURMB Bowling Club "Where Sportmmm Meet" R. S. McPhail W. G. SAHLI THE HUB Don Eby MAN‘EIIM .. n: 0...:- St. B. xrrcnmu t Willitunatrttrg a 9 home of MI Id and Mr. Alex " to Lrence Klie, Mine: m and Master El- mday at the home 'm. Thaler M. Brea- Triplett returned spending the put. ‘home of Mr. andv Thorough Eye Examination to lung w. Tab-ecu Pinon. 26871