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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 25 Dec 1936, p. 9

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tg Mrs. Ernst Schmidt of Brunner spent several days with her daugh- tar, Mrs. Alfred Hahn. . Buy- Fine Horses. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shantz, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ward, Miss Ruby and Firman Ward, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hammond, James Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. L. Rennie attended the funeral of Mrs. W. M. Rennie in Glenallen on Tuesday, Dee. 15. John R. Albrecht purchased a fine string of Clydesdale colts from E. Meadows of St. Paul, consisting of one suckling filly, one yearling and one 2-yeu-old gelding, ttll sired by Kelisk Refiners. The 2-yetbr-old is n brother to the Grand Champion gelding at the Royal Winter Fnir at Toronto this year in Peter O’Con- nor's six horse team. Allilllll School Concert Plenum Despite the stormy weather Mon- day evening, the annual Christmas school concert was fairly well at- tended. The walls and windows were beautifully decorated with streamers and. evergreens. Thos. Wilford very ably acted as chair- man. The program consisted of dialogues, songs, drills, recitations and pantomines; a nine piece or- chestra consisting of 4 violins and 4 guitars and one banjo played by Ruby Ward, Jesie Hammond, Jer- ome and George Lenhart of Hawkes- ville, Walter and Russel Gohl of Lin- wood, Firman Ward, Thos. Wilford and Franklin Goodwin. A one-act play, "kidnapping Betty," was well presented by the young people of the section. Those taking part were Jean, Jessie and Edgar Hammond, Mary Bell, Mil- dred Schmidt, Norman Albrecht and Hervey MacPherson. Santa Claus made his appenrnnce at the close and presented the chil- dren with gifts, candies and nuts from the handsome Christin-s tree donated by Henry L. Schmidt, tt trustee. Mrs. Albert Mundell spent the' Mrs. Clara week-end with her hunt, Mrs. John Hugh Simpson Baird, in Hamilton. visitors with M Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lips and Schultz, Friday. daughter of' Kitchener spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs day with Henry L. Schmidt's. Mrs. Conrad K Lorne Rennie attended? the funeral of the late Mrs. John Nichol in Waterloo on Monday. Bectuse of the illness of Pope Pius XI, who is in his 80th year. temporary direction of ecclesinsticnl “hire have been taken over by Eugenio Cudinal Pncelli (I), who recently visited America. He holds the oMee of eUrnberlain at the Mrs. George Glnister 1nd Miss Ruby Ward visited with Mrs. Prank Tanner near Newton on Friday. Bowman-Martin Nurtuu. A pretty wedding tdok pllce at 3:32;? with Mr. and mrs. M. If,. the home of Mr. and Mry John F. F. Elgin Wright is spending the Martin, Fourth Concession of Peel, h . h lid t hi h i when their daughter, Mary, became g nstmu o Br, . " ome n the bride of John Bowman, son of nyton. Mr. and Mrs. Merino B. Bowman of this place. The ceremony was per- DORKING formed by Bishop Jesse Bowman. __ Some seventy guests enjoyed tb Mr. Russel Allinghnm woe I busi- delicious, wedding dinner It twelve ness visitor in Listowel Intst Thurs- o'clock. The young couple will re- dar. side on the farm home of Mr. and Miss Dorothy Signer, the 1oeal Mrs. Menno B. Bowman. tom‘her. is snendimr the holidnvs It Don't forget to attend the Christ- mas program at the Evangelical Church Friday evening, Dee. 26, at 8 p.m., and at Trinity Lutheran Church, Saturday evening " 7.30 . Miss Katie Bowman has returned to her home here after spending a year at. Wallenstoin. rl""""'""'"""'---:-----:-:-, GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Located in Steele's Optical Parlors. " King St. W. - KiIeionor " King St. W. W. G. SAHLI Very Moderate Prices FLORADALE CROSSH I LL thIo-ot’u Ian-bl. M In " You. Glasses That Satisfy ', the' Mrs. Clara Simpson and MrnScbool Report John Hugh Simpson of Hespeler were The followil :iin‘tolrs zit): Mr. and Mrs. Fred U.S.8. II. Heid The Linwood public school held their Christmas 'entertainment be- fore a large audience on Friday evening. Mr. Fred Schultz acted as chairman. The program opened with all the children singing the opening chorus. A recitation entitled "Old St. Nick" by Erie Schultz followed. Other numbers on the program in- eluded a play entitled "Nnta's Helpers" a song, "The Cowboy's Dream" by George Jones; a recita- 'tion, "When Monday Washes" by Murray Pommer, the sailor song by Hugh Schultz and Clifford Phillips; . p 3y, “Making a Cake"; son, "All Through the Night" by Cecil Wil- ker; monologue, "Ditresstirtrr the Newspaper" by Helen Dechert; the Star Drill; guitar duet by Helen Dechert and Audrey Schlueter; Drill of the Wooden Soldiers; reci- tation, "When Pa Shaves ' by George Jones; minuet, Dorothy Hill, Audrey Sehlueter, Ross Peebles and Hugh Schultz; song, "Oh, No, John" by Hugh Schultz and Dorothy Hill; recitation, "An Exceptional Eskimo" ,by Emily Jones; mono- logue, "Aunt Diana on Matrimony" by Audrey Schlueter; song, "Wed- ding of Jack and Jill" by Edward Hill and Jean Foster; closing chorus by the school. Misses Grace Redmond, Mary Mair and Hilda Mueller are spend- ing the Christmas nation u their respective homeg in Auburn, Tees- wtttttr my! Kuryville. - _ _ . Miss Cindy: 'Cngg of Detroit is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Foster. Mrs. Frank H. Schummer and daughter Anne spent Sand-y with relatives in Guelph. Miss Wilma Woodcock of Toronto is spending the Christmas holidays with Misses Jean and Marjorie Beggs. Public School Concert. Mr. Ind Mrs. T. Zimmerman and Mr. George Zimmerman spent Sun- dayjn Guel_ph. - _ _ -- Recent visitor: with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nurse were Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Nurse of Golstone and Mr. end Mrs. Bert Stickney of Elmira. Mr. Ind Mrs. Frank McGoey and Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Downey spent Sunday in Drayton. "Mu, Dorothy Signer, the Ice-l teacher, is spending the holidays It hthonte in Mildly-y. _ " .. Murry people from this section were on hand to meet Santa Clnus in Milverton Ind Drayton lust Slggrdnl. -- _ . ..-. Mrs. A. C. Crawford is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawk”- bee at Fordwich. Vatican. Yu Ywden (2), president of the council of Nanking, is on his way to Loy-n3 to meet representa- tives of the rebel, Hertha] Chang, and Arrange for the release of Genemlimimo Chinng Kai-Sheik. From elsewhere in China comes Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George King and Mrs. Conrad King visited " the home of Mrs. Louise Brubaker of Elmira lust Sunday. ‘3‘}:de Mrs. W. N. Allingh-m Ind Janet spent lust Saturdnly with Mr. Robert Allinghnm in Milbunk. "itrrirunter M. Coote and Miss A. E. Coote spent lust Thursday in Elma. - Mr. Edward Linsemnn agent I few dnyn of last week with rtendtt " Windsor and Detroit. -sirCiird.istrg1 of Sandwich is spending the holidnyn with his mother, Mrs. nggn_Logel. _ _ "iirrifiGrire" Wei, ius, A business visitor in Listowel on Snturduy afternoon. LI NWOOD n Thorough Eye Examination Photte 80"” The annual Christmas program Which was held by the school chil- dren on Monday evening was again a decided success. The school was crowded to the doors. Many were forced to stand throughout the en- tire three hours of entertainment. Mr. J. A. Steiss acted as chairman. The program was presented as fol- lows: Opening songs by the school; recitations by Marlene Ziegler, An- na Martin, Shirley Huehn and Estella Sattler; an address by the chainnan; exercise entitled "The Christmas Clock"; recitations by Floyd Ziegler, Clifford Krauter, Donald Hartung, Bernice Koehler and Roy Krauter; exercise, "The Fantasy of the Tree"; motion song, I“The Christmas Lullaby"; a mono- logue by Isaiah Martin; a drill by _twelve girls; play, "WUt Became of the False Teeth"; recitations by Betty Bechthold, Richard Mansz; Christian Martin, Ada Martin and Lloyd Heipel; monologue by Estella Sattler; play, "0'Hafterty versus Lin -Lung"- exercise, "Mother Goose Goes iIpriir-riiitis'"; recitations by iKeneth Kuhn, Lorne Hackbart, Mar- garet Wolfe, Eleanor Peppler and lMilton Kuhn; a sacred pantomine, l“The Old Rugged Cross"; dialogue, "The Day After Christmas"; the col- .lection; play, "An Exciting Time"; dialogue, “Teaching Tillie"; recita- tion y Lloyd Heipel, "Down on the Farm”; recitation, by Wilma Kuhn and Grace Wolfe; exercise, "Christ- mas Worries"; dialogue, "Deaf Uncle Sim"; recitation by Robert Hackbart; dialogue, "An Afternoon Call"; play, "The Beanville Com- munity Tree"; reading the Weekly lBanner, and a pantomine entitled "Abide with Me". The {Ingram closed by singing the ational Anthem and the distribution of bags of candy to the children. Personals. Junior Room II. clnatr--Doreen Mnnsz, Bernice Koehler, oaintt . Martin (equnl), Anna Martin, Roy Knuter (equal), Ke_neth K_uhn, lungAMnrtin. Primer-Robert Huehn, Ada Mar- tin, Lydian Martin, Samuel Mutin, Christian Martin, Richard Mnnsa, Shirley Huehn, Rose Waechter (equal). Ruth Miller, teacher. Chg-Inna School Concert. - Senior Room Br. Iv.--raaiah Martin, Elizabeth Widemn, Amzi Martin, Edwin Mar- tin, Violet Knppes, Estella Sattler, William Martin. Sr. m.-..Elmutor Peppler, Grace Wolfe, Harold Kuhn, Milton Kuhn, Hilda Hartung. Jr. Ilr.-9etty Bechthold, Elmeda Brubacher, Stella Huehn, Carl Huehn, Howard Kappes, Lloyd Heipel, Christian Martin, Salome Martin, Floyd Ziegler, Lorne Hack- bart, Wilma Kuhn. Int -- F1orirGiiGiiiiG, Edwin Martin, Magnet Wolfe, Donald Hetyntr, Clj 9rd Knuter. Jr. nr.-jirin Roeder, Robert Huckbut, Erla Knuter, Lucinda Metirueqel), Phyllis Hackbu-t. The following is the report of U.S.S. ll, Heidelberg, for term end- ing Dec. 22nd, 1936. Names are in order of merit. The services " St. Peter's Luth- eran Church on Christmu Day will be: Pre "no? service at 10 o'clock, gllowe by punching set» vice Ind Holy Communion " 10.30 o'clock. The children's prom-Mn wil be held In the evening to begin It it o'clock. The Erbsvi le Christ- mas prop-m will be held on Christ- mu eve begining n 7.80 o'elork. The only thing that can cheat A comm out of n In! word In tho och at hr on who Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler of Petrolin were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buehler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Eden Sregaman and family of St. Jacobs were , Sunday guest; with Mrs. Moses Brubacher and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hackbart spent Sunday with relatives at Philtpshurtr. William Huknm, Jr. (T), who arrived at Snn Francisco with a baby pnnda, 1 rue bear-like nnimnl she cnptured nenr the border of Tibet. She plans to give it to the Bronx Boo. Sunday visitors with Mr. Ind Mrs. Oscar Schwartz were Mr. Ind Mrs. Arthur Snttler, Mrs. Mathild- Hoerlo and the Misses Marie Knu- ter, Violet Knppea, Mildred and Ruth JToerle and Mr. Emil Brawn. Mrs. Valentine Otterbein Ind son, Mr. "he Otterbein, visited on Sun- day with Mr. Ind Mrs. Milton Kuch. The followim HEIDELBERG K. N. Williams. _ An amateur radio program was presented at the Christmas meeting ot the N.D C.S. Literary Society which was held on Tuesday morn- ing. The ttrat part or the program given by the girls with Muriel Dyer. dee acting as announcer, conskted or the fol‘owing numbers: a recita- tion. "Save a Little Christmas", by Florence 'Dierenhactser; a piano solo. "March Des 'rroubttdours", by Vel- ma IBauer; a. Spanish guitar solo by Mary Atkinson; a dialogue, “Sue’s Beau to Dinner", by Glennis Mussel- man. Dorothy Toman, Mary Atkinson. Mary Raster and Muriel Egerdee; a vocal solo, "Christmas Chimes", by Mice Hallman; a recitation, "The Bird's Christmas Carol", by Elsie Huibacheck; and two choruses by the girls. Lorne Baer announced the remain. der of the 'program given by the boys an: 'follows: a vocal duet" Silent Night", by Arnold Pipher and Lorne Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball and daughters Bernice and Audrey of Kitchener and Mr. Wm. Becker, In, visited " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glebe on Sunday. Mr. And Mrs. Norman Brunk and son Ronald of Stratford were Sun- day visitors " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kneilel. A number from here "tended the New Prussia and T,.te't,T, school conckerts held on Friday n ght Int wee . Parnolulo. Mr. Oliver Glebe of Mount Forest spent the week-end under the pur- entnl roof. Mrs. Geo. Hohl, who Wu visiting " Strltford. returned to her home on Tuesday. Mu Esther and Norm. Hohl visited with Miss Catharine Rohl on Sundny. Yuletide - odes-led [sure hello- loudey eveningtortheen- ‘uul Chi-tree echoed at the New Dundee Public School. A lute ere-d enjoyed the inure-tin diet“ I. leitetione end drill- which were no tell-0d in splendid weer by the pupils. The picture-cue caste-en edded “only to the elect at the mature man. Mr. All!" Se nru. chairmen ot the School Board. pieeided and the Iollowiu em uere given: a "loo-e, try Jill. name end Delmar. Tom; u qreb come recitation by Glen Poul; e eon; by the school, “Joyhelb”; recitation. by Ernie Bur end nah herd“: e dialogue entitled, "Renting the Plei- unninniee"; a lullaby eon; by the Junior girls; recitation. by 'rtrgtt Hellman, Jimmy Brown end mate own McDonald; “The Christian Art", by the Juniors; 3 diniogne, “Father Time's cities"; I monologue, “Wash Day", by Jenn Poll; e you] duet. "I don't went ta mar in your hard". by June ‘Builie end Elaine Tomen; en exerciee, "Mend of the Work-away Women". by nine girls; Star Drill hy twelve giril; a disloule, Waitinz For the Train"; en exer- use. “Christma- Greetlnse" hr the Juniors; and a dialogue, "The christ- mas Mueic Box". During the Pro- gram the two 'pupile who won the highest number of pointl at the en- nual Field Day, namely, ivy Wenner and Gordon 9nider. were presented With silver cups. At the cioee of the evening Santa Claus appeared Ind dritributed gitbs and candy to the children from the prettily4seorated Phristmas tree. U B. Sunday School Elect- “in". The Christmas fllTr'l'l,",',' of the Lisbon Evnngelica C urch was well attended and the children are to be complimented on their splendid de- liver-nee of songs end recitation; Messrs. Oliver and Wm. Glebe spent Sundny sfternoon with Mr. Shnley Ind Elmer Hohl. We are glnd to report thtt Muster Delbert Erb, I patient " Bhutto“! General Hospital, is Progressing nicely After two operat on: on his left eye. resulting from In infection. AswairvrbuNo In The momma: PAYl The annual reorganization ot the United Brethren minder School was he'd on Sunday morning with the 'ollowing otrieers being elected for the ensuing year: Supt. I. M. unborn; asst, Supt., E. IB. Hallman; secret wry-treasurer. Irene luster; nut. nec’y-treas.. N 'Bauer; punllt, Miriam 'Hilorrt; “at. pianist, Ellen Page; chorister, F. E. Page; Libra- rian, Velma Bauer; members elected t" the executive committee, G. B. Hallman and Mr. B. Bowmm. N.D.C.8. Literary Manna. nun-mm -td4tttetMrrrne0+ any “mud-QMQN A QUIET. WILL CONDUOYID. CONVIIIIIT. IODIIN '00 I00” "oi-tM' WITH III" "I"! Fol FOLD“ TAXI A " LUXI TAXI I”. - OI WMAIF~83¢ Hotels - Travel - Resorts LISBON NEW DUNDII Mr. and Mrs. William Berger of Brantford called on Mr. and Mrs. (“pert Bfrjprr laqt Wednesday. Dr, L. " Stunner: and Mr. Ward Stunner ot Waterloo, Mr. Levi Bock of Chatham and Mr. Lloyd Mitchell of Kitchener were visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Brown on Sunday. Mr. and Mris. Edgar Buck othitch- ener visited at the home ot the tor. line Hue! tide ti, trsuuiiriirGoTtil; time IL home with her parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. Alvin Eldt. Mrs. Austin Doering visited with In. Theodore Booting one day Int weak. Mr. John Wow-u!" of Burnside gen, gaudy, with Mr. and In. Miss Violet Harbor ot Petrolia is spending the Iohristmas vacation at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Randall [Hoffman and sons, Keith and Times ot Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mm. Albert T'iederlein on Sundny. Mr. And In. Louis Doering were Sunday visitor: with Mr. und Mrs. ThtodortDetiryt. _ __, - Mr. John Mon; and Miss Otillie Mohr spent lwrt Wednesdngwith Mr. Incl-Mn. Ed. Bender It oolwich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seyler spent Int Sand-y with Mr. and Mrs. " mon Roth at New Humburg. Mr. and Mm. Clitrord Waterman and son Walter of Galt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman on |Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Lorne Rosenberger and daughter Nancy of Plannine visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wanner on Sunday. The local school teachers. Mice Elizabeth Wood, B.A., Miss Wreaths Lain; end Mr. Andrew McKague are spending the Christin-I "cation at their respective homes at Preston, Gait and Teenater. Tummy ovenlu, Doc. nu. The annual outmmment of the St. June; whoa-on enmity School will be held on Christmas nittht, Dee. Mth. The main future will he a vacant entitled, "The Adoration of the Minn and shepherds." Mrs. D. c. by of Kitchener gave an hare-tin; tau on the subject. “Chi-tuna: Among The Armenian in Sun". " the lac. Sunday School on Sunday morning. Mr. and 2 daughter. spent the Mrs. Oliver Mr. and “The smug " Ttedar "can“ lRav. dnlah no: ville occupied the heim Mennonite A morning. Personal; Mr. and 1 ed with Mr, Tron In“ T Tter. C. l "airman at late Mr. Pr last Friday Mr. and dren, Joe ville visit: Bingeman Arnold up»: nil Lorne Bur. no Ixchuu Ill than med " lay m, that which the wk Ion mad with h box ot choices“- u . prlu tor giving the moat mutual; mum. Fol- lowing the national “than the hu- nul Christm- an ORMB‘O was The present THERE ASK US IS NO TO SEND EXCUSE t THE a FOR famous PROOF BEING “sort ex- TO 5“ drugs. medicines nor oper- : l) Itions. Managed by the ti, l Bemarr Mncfadden k % Fomdw'onmnnon- 85 A pmlitusb--thisitr Las' S £130, suresverymodeme ,3) w, (493% ',CGiiiiii"' ,1’5715‘ who "a: /glii? 'iflii ti'.: si',,i5"i' ,g'la'l nus. Ask about and Mrs and Mn PHILI PSIURG mum d Mn. Gilbert Berger Kr. Jacob Darnell! at B Thursday. I. W. Backus and Mr. attended .the funeral l Frank Daniele at Bra: and Mrs. Paul Dinner and nut! Theresa ot near E d with Mr. and Mrs. l on Sunday. Mrs. Wilbert Gowing Gwennith ot Glen: week-end with Mr. r Zinn. mum win. win" If all Lorne But. 'toisetrttertrer _ health ,"D" _','l,d,',,11' :55 wean ES: hf" (,'eigis , pulpit Church funeral ot the I at Branttord " of Plans- ot the Blen- on Sunday URI V 635 rgey visit- nt Bridge wing and Clonallen Mr. and t ehil, Hayp 1 Miss Althea Bock and Mr. Round IBock, B.A., ot Lorne Park College, Port Credit, are spending the Christmas vacation with their par- Iants, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bock. Oscar Kaufman Id Mr. Alton Timm and son. Lewis ot Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lang on Sunday. Mm. Fred Tachuml and non Morris of Perry's Corners called at the home Mrs. D. C. Etry or Kitchener was the guest or Mr. Ind In. E. t Coleman on Sunday. q Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Shunt: and daughter. Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saltzmnn at St. Agatha on Sunday. mer's parents, “Mr. and In. John my? on Sunday. 'irst 15k“ tlltligillllll 'r, . Bl-lf, I _;,, , _ _ _ "r, _ l 7 Ai 7-,:.=..-\\ 'f -c-i'-s-rii",t7Gtsf., areE== _ . P9Frr, '3"e'.58 I TS m "'. "', mm. In Ad: " I L, you Liar, -i'l,il,ii,ii,ii,i,iilii,ii,r,,, ROE FARMS MILLING CO. ATWOOD ONTARIO CANADIAN NATIONAL To Hanover -l, ltr,' d-ily - via Prtlrnertston, Walkerton - . pan. (9.45 nan. Saturdly, Sundly 3nd Holidag) To London _3 trips dnily - via Btratford - 11.05 3.111., 8.85 p.m., 6.80 pan. Sundays 1nd Holidays tho " 8.80 p.m.-Connecting with direct motor coach service to TYinitror,_Detroit, Chiengo. To Coder“; To Hamilton To Samia To Toronto -tr trips daily Vin Guelph, Georgetown, Pat ton. - x6.00 a.m., 8.00 3.111., 11.30 -.m., 8. 0 p.m., 6.80 p.m., 7.45 Pan. x - Daily except Sundays. 7777777” __ To Guelph -A trips daily. To Owen Sound-ut trips daily - Vin Mt. Forest, Durham - 9.45 n.m., 5.30 gm. - -___ Arrow Basses Skim}; Write, phone or call for "halal-s, nun. etc. Fred Wet-on. 129 King Street Eu“. Kilchoner - Phone 3679 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRAILWAYS TORONTO A gtiLt. LOWER FARES TO PACIFIC COASTI CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS MONEY ORDERS AND EXPRESS girl]! 110. . . SPEED, '"PEMDANLttr. SAFETY -""--.--t- 'Arr-. M" ---.-t- Leave from Kitchener depot - opposite City Bil. __6 trips daily - vi: Guelph - moo u}... 9.45 Ban., 11.30 I.m., 3.20 2.12., 6.80 pin" _8.80 --2 trips daily - vi: Mitchell, lentpn - 11.06 An” 6.80 Iran. -1 trip daily - Vin Plrkhill - 11.05 mm. Special Winter ram: a! hotel. SH” Iowa nil hm now in effect And until May M. Return limit 6 months. Slop-oven " lovnd It inhuman-re points. lad-u. nudity-<- in“ yachting. Cami. . . . enioy III-ionic mountain Icenory~nee snow-clad Omaha Rockie- en route. "duh! in your‘avoviu Summer upon --ell Winter-in the balmy. invigorat- ing clin ate of Candi} Evergreen Play- ground. Col" hiking. riding motoring. “7‘. not! Y0”"A.l~' - In!“ I-.. "" PM" hfmdal hull any “do: an! Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell ot Ayr moved into Mrs. Aaron Tom'- houee in the-village this week. Miss Evélyn flame is spending a few days with relatives at Corrie. ot Mr. and Mrs. I. M. ~Hllborn on Tuesday. ot Plattavme; Mrs. Leander cria, man and Messrs. James, All.“ ad Egbert ersqman of Perry'tr Cornerl. Waning at the home ot Mr. and yrs. cutlery. Betsey ot? Sunday were: Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Buckn- and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sccmldt and um, Larry, were guests of Mr. and Mn. Mervin Bowman at Pine mm on Sunday. - ---BUY FROM ADS, x - tuns' excepf siiitdkid. our-ultimatum:

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