A few from this locality attended the sale of Inn Bender on Tuesday near New Hamburg. Mr. and Mn. Chris. Roth ot Cum mm last Thursday with Mr. and Ink. Elam Croatian, New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Jot. Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Nick 'Roth And Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roth attended the funeral ot the late John Albrecht ,Wellealey. on Thursday. Severe] from here attended the funeral ot the late Aaron Wager hut week near Baden. Messrs. Lloyd. Erwin and Kerwin Bender spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bender. Noun. Norman Master and Lorne Zinhdn motored to Toronto on Thttntr- day. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Welcker spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weicker Shakespeare. Mm Dorothfaeltnuttt is spend- ing the week with Mrs. Joe Kropt. Rev. Norman Johnson, missionary- on-turiough from Boith and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert Ind. son. John of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. end Mrs. John H. Schmidt. Mr. and Mm. Lioyd EDI-b 1nd Mr. Arch. Wine“ ot Kitchener visited at the home ot Mr. Wesley Elm Inst wednarday. Mrs. Jack Schmidt and non, Larry "sited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmidt ht [Kitchener last Wednes- day. _ 7 - fl Rev. M. H. Blunt: was the guest speaker at the N.D.C.S. Christina Pe11owsttip meeting which was held a: the school on Thursday afternoon. Per-ovum. Mr. Herold 'Poth occupied the chair at the regain meeting of the B.YP.U. ‘which was held at the Church lent Monday evening. The topic, “How My Picture. May Help or Hinder My christian Usefulness". win In our†of Miss Doris Bechtel and Mine Evelyn Hustle. Mile Irene Short rendered en accordion selec- tion after which line Sylvie Bock gnve a reading. A vocal number we: also given by 0, ladies trio compo-ed l of the Mines Doris Bechtel.. Irene Sher: and Evelyn Hectic. The nun] Christmas concert of the New Dundee Public School will he held In mvelmu's Hall on Mon- day night, Dec. sut. an"! A pm “all. tte the Jr. Won‘t Wt. All Jr. W In “I u a. In Michal in TI. day mm. In. a... - no “at! ad the rum to tho "ttt an In. "An lulu-tn and» an cm". In. um lulu - . report ot In 1.5th conventio- wllch in hell " We: relieving which In: [Aura “cahoots- an n no: on tho “but. “Mia". The. short - von than '.- “and by vuln- (tom of II..- boro. I!“ has. Short with!“ an M10: solo and a .1304 - was composed or the It. [An (In! lulu and sup; M13391! The members ot the st. Jellies Lu- theran Lsdies' ‘Aid Society. present- ed Mrs. Mex Bogssnt (nee Ills- Mus Goettling) with a miscellsneous shower at the home of her wants, Mr. and In. Williun Goettting lent Wednesday evening. Mu. B. Boehert read an appropriate address and the remainder of the evening use spent in music site:- which dainty refresh. ments were served. The United /Brethren Sunday School will present a christian pro- gram In th church on Priday even- In. Dec nth. Shani: an; " him-tn lumber. After the program the mini ex- cm. of Christian sine In held. Gene. and content: were also en- ioyed and lunch '0 served It the conch-Mm ot the evening. The Christin†meeting ot tho Bar nu Minion Circle Ill held " the home of In. J. Buck nu Wane. a" uttemoon. The president, In. L. H. Cancel pro-idea end CHIN-II Gaol: were sung in opening the? which In. H. W. acme reed the scripture ieuon. The member- re- Iponded to the roll chi] with, " Christm- Thought" and line " riei Pom uvored with a vocnl solo. "O Lime Town of Bethlehem". Chrleunu reading were then given by Mrs. . A. Path. Ilse Lily Lenten- achhger, lies Grain Back, In. Fred Path and Min Irene Sheri. Mr. Eldon Sheri, president of the 31.8.0. Young People's Society. con- ducted an intereeting Bible Study on the aubject or NGifts" " n meetin; which we; held at the church int Monday evening. EAST ZORRA Mr. and Mia. ' McGoey and daughter Mary were visitors tn Kitch- ner, Saturday. Min Loretta Brenmrr of kraGG spent the week-end at her home here. mu can; Daimler ot Elmira "e? the week-end at her home here. W. Ellison of Wallace spent Friday afternoon In town. Mr. and Mm. J. Lem: spent Fri- day afternoon tn Kitchener. 'Mr. Peter F. Schnmmor and all“ Anna Mae Schnmmer of st. cum, enttr visited in town, may after- noon. “Mrs. Weldon Pommer spent a few darts In Kitchener. mu Geraldine Int-lay of Kitch- ener spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Leander Koebol. 'Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hill, 1hyttt0terr, Dorothy and son Edward visited in Klghener Saturday. Mm Geneveve Spam- In. returned to her home in London after visiting at the home ot Sun Sip-hr. Mr. and Mn. Fred Manama of Tralee called on Mr. and In. Mar. tin 1dmrernan, Thur-day. Mr. Ind Mrs. Bert Dunner upon! Saturdny evening in Elmira. Mrs. J. Hayes/Spent u few (by; with relatives In Waterloo. Mos. A. A. Lain; presided . over the December meeting of the Women's Missionary Auxiliary held [ L the psrsonnge Thursday afternoon. IR". A. A. Lung conducted the sn- nuai business meeting and the elec~ tion of cities". The reports ot the diaerent secretaries were very grsti- tying. The psstor congratulated the members on the work accomplished during the year. The following om. cers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. A A. Lsing: ttrut vice-president, In. o. R. Hsin: second vice-president, Mrs. A. o. Schnurr; secretary, Miss M. Schnnrr; treunrer, Mrs. P. W. Schultz; orgsnist, Mile " Melts†associated helpers' secretary, Mrs. W. Nurse; supply secretsry. Mrs. D. William; strange and visltlng secre- tary, Mrs. H. Newton. Missionnry secretary, Kiss o. Mex-.1; Chrbtlnn stewardship end Bgtngteet secretory, Mrs. George Rennie; secretary, Mrs. jll MacPherson. Personals. 1 George Schummer, Elton Lents, Percy Adam and Russ T.,Taret' attend- ed the mnnsl meeting of the NHL. l at St. Jacobs on Thursday evening. The schedule was drsi’ted snd the Union Jacks» will play their ttrat 1 game sgainst Mondale, Dec. ma. l', an Grd Ire. '%iiGiiiGuriiic Home." " would he mm to plot ale-err. In. t1onm" men; Ten"; out u tr, a an 1'."th at 'U use “it... to Hunt; Mm. . N nuts "'3- '0' L "05.12% 1trh: In. mu- 3:733:13: SM,,."',.', the â€an or, Kerry oer-er. on -. wot. m. Mu.NssaNatretb. lie-Angio- ',htu'iogu.""""'"""'" 'aater,Mrs.o.qi.Mra.C. - mrloo an. hector; not. tweet: If'“ Irene "a: 'gttgt'dg it†in 'fa Anne. In. . P. Bel re. M wen ploy . iInsular. Ilia. a. Angel. In. an:~ Colo tum-non the“ at the Now don aeorich, In. u. uollimr. In. “tuber; club - the $Nt0tT6gMtr. BtoeMUts, Mr. C. lanai; audio; Ihlp of Mr. I. loner. The nearing "iiiGGi committee, Gordon Heinrich, Intern at (our, three. two end one How-rd Sty In. Gordon Boiling Ir,, Jef,, l'"lld a "tf1'S', 7mg]; . ' Min Iron Anion, I . , 'Salt T'll'dy. . ' close which on! he mil-d when six I Christan. 'a".'";,',,',',',',,',',',"",.',,",',,',',"', at. ','g',,a.,',1u"f,'. 'tatt I'."',',',':"; who ooh 3 ad; Be 00- l were prin_ In.†sated. ill' G'u,,'T.. 'llUllUh"'ot incidentouy he: - been outside 1'lf,'l'll', evening, Dec 20th; loom» of the prim in in! of the toum~ 'nite on Chriumu Du morninx; tat. menu “and et a: club. ï¬e had , "I'P.t rre'.,r.Ttu2',', il'", " s',",,'?,",'; JJli,,'/,t'dl'fl' Jltf I"',',',',", r. on re. . . or e o . e,iidi,r," on I "an :0 Content: where Otto the; ",'.ui'u'"g,l',t'f, "tat the will wen t ewinter. w n w . Geo 'iLl'l,". [Avi Horst, non ot Mr. end Wenklin took the award tor the high Mm. John L. Horst. who underwent an more in 20 minutes of out! with on operation Ill): tg',t"',ti,2, three 17:“ ',Tlafh"1t'a'."he,',', a???“ weeNagoattheK-' . out-,5 onw . at home doing well. roll the 'tr,t'g,"JC,'.am'"r and mah- ----r---r---_ " I IMO e. Bergen - â€mm. She. I â€WOOD . The Putatiiie rural teen: nude . , the Burger: jump to gull: o C to 5 _ The Ladies Aid of St. ‘Peterl La- decision here lost Trinity. The thet 1thatâ€: Church held their December " that utter the Burger: had gaip ed "tieserting at the "mum“ “mm†a four-goo] ma only in the mm afternoon. The tta.tor, ft': W. period, (Pint-ville came hock strong Schultz, prenatal the topic Advent and alumni tied the count. Peneltiel Hymn", which proved very inter to not end B r helped the 9531-- mm32.91.2295111521....310‘: in their MW...†i The Lamar Aid of St. ‘Peter’l La- 1theta: church held their December ‘meeting at the panonnxe Thursdu afternoon. The pastor. Rev. W. Schultz. pretended the topic "Advent Hymn", which proved very inter- nest, all joined in the singing ot citing. Following the routine busi- Chriltmn hymns. ruanmJuuhmn-u‘ can" one." about in his, â€-1-. and "you“ In all. not. lat. u lone-I: W. In. 0- “ Balm"; plum. My IBI- er; an... and" Bull‘s; - uu an» “that and bet (strut: donning-t nut, Crud. an. In. “criminal All In. Gordan ll..- Will and In. m- that; lit delay. In. t1onm" mu; Tempor- - an. a. a nun; Mon. M. L Weber. Hold. Anal. III. - Inter uvl Horst, non ot Mr. end Mm. John L. Horst. who underwent an opentlon tor Inpendlcttll three week. ago at the K-W. Hospice], II at home doing well. Chrktmu entomlnnont by the Bt. hoot:- Sand“ Schools will be we tented u follows: Danette-l on Sundny evening. Dec 20th; Keno am on curl-(mu Du morninx; tat. thonn. Sunday "suing Dec Mth. rtel: Primary “mt. Info.- Bloom-h. Mr. C. Km; 3mm mm- colnmntoo, Gordon Enrich. Hoard 0W. In. Gordon Holman, In. Huck. mu Iron. Anon, In: Dorothy Fisher. ' “a l hm‘mmm â€umwnu tlo In.“ My School mourn-tummy...†I eo-Mtod can. a. ugly-cuppa nay-{gouqt-quv Mill, $NS'l New TNttittttrg--ATotu, Pun; " fence, WV. miller and W. Spinner: centre. Bingem, Win“ P. Mtehter and G. mule; apnea. (Booklet, Ber- mm, autumn, Michal. a. Elohim. Min Lenora Monk ,R.N.. dt Detroit wu a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Emma Kauai]. Mr. R. V. Bender hu purchased the premium on Eat 3nd Wont street in which he has his human shop and Putttrvi11e--6oat, amnion; de- fense. Scott and Incl]; centre. .C. Aer. mer; vinyl, Marni, mun; spares. Hewitt. Barrett, Thompson, J. Bar mar, IcLennIn. The only got] of the eec'ond period went to [Boomer when he end Hlehm combined to bent Fergueon. Prhe third period provided It: counters. Bowmnn opened the Icoring when he took Boehiern' pale and converted it Into a son]. on a flee-oil neu the net mule netted the puck out Fer- guwn. Bowman ended the scorlng for the Burgers, when on 1 beautiful lone "strort he event in Innkln; no mil. take. Piettnvliie came to lite and Hewitt scored on a benmhile in front ot the net. c. Humor made it closer when he trot at goo] in the lame maNMrr--a Berturtttle.' Bell end- ed the scoring when he took I pan from McLuhan to belt T'tl. I Ernie 'Hewm opened the Doom: when he wound through to beet Pair. It was “ht" Span-er who tied It up, getting the puck on ' Icnmhle. Before the am period ended W. Euchler put the Baum one in the lead when he mm the detence and counted in to beat Ferguson. â€cu-10mm unruly my an. on you my ttgLt',e'g"tea'f'NdtrfA' annals-Ionicâ€; unl- at mono-hunt “in.†M'.Jumn.uduatoam Th-as-ood-ttttt_ .idertqthat_ai-trrtq out their Pt.rq'ts hr}!- Seat a... OAPllLlllhllG'S "'T'2'g',"u" MEN’S And YOUNG MEN’S STORE Lrtl1hM EI3OIICLI HAVE YOU VISITED 94 King St. West OVERCOAT and SUIT AND SAVE A LOT OF MONEY SEE US ABOUT THAT NEW Mrs. John Erttaeeuneirir received the lad new this week or the death ot her niece, 101.- Joseph Schrot- use], daughter of Mr. George - and the we Mn. Sykes which oe- Mr. and Mm. D. Lichly Ind mug}:- ter D'orothy 3nd Mr. 3nd In. 6. Cole ot Bridgeport were visitors with Mr. and Mn. Duh! Zinn. Mt. chk Pnddlcombo of Windsor spent a few dun with In brothers tnd tsister in town. More ttom Mr. J. M. Zurbrl“ London. VGOUDIES KIM-WWI Sun Tm.“ .-Att white and white with “and or imgy 'itNU.""' Christina special " 8 or . . Bath Towels thfpr . . . $1.00 "Christmas my TOYTOWN In The New Basement - Take Either Sui: Mhmhm’w AettN-mltteieeGin. MODBRN DEPARTMENT STORE - FOR ALL THE YOUNGSTERS AND ALL THE OLDSTERS For EVERYBODY on Everybody‘s Christan: List; There’s A GOOD GIFT AT GOUDIES us:- I - an; nun '5, “Guiana; w - . . . Nr..trhnmed red Ever-eta, 3nd bore brown Flush, like Dui'o Women’s in leather, velvet cord. crop. and modem (red, green, buck, blue). Chit. gnlq’qlt 95; ugd_$l, accordirgg to gigs . . . Slippers. . $1 .00 my TOY TOWN ot “in day 50-. in TM .0 Santa Claus an. and In. Heaven and daugh- ter spent Sunday with the format rather, Rev. and In. Italian. 'Mlu Lilian McIntyre ot the loul teaching at“! spent the week-cud with her parents at st. acorn. Mr. and In. C. at - “(at the week-amt with friends and n- 1tttiv" In Kitchener. curred in Detroit, Mich, on Nov. 30th " like use ot " â€tn. She 16.703 he? 11qu and um. children, the youngest being two week: old. In! Pop-hr Sub-r5 In m.noe-lull.l" “Chin-u City" KITCHENER